
发布时间:2020-06-23 18:27:31
































六、圆括号“( )”表示:


be well (widely)read

表示该短语可分为be well read 和be widely read两个短语;


take a slap at (口头)攻击




阿尔巴式Alba style

阿拉伯马Arab horse

阿拉伯马Arabian horse


阿里安纳式Ariana style

埃菲尔步式Eiffel walk style

埃菲尔塔式Eiffel tower style

爱尔兰式橄榄球运动Gaelic football

爱斯基摩人皮艇Eskimo kayak

安打上垒总数total bases

安定面balancing plane

安静心率resting heart rate



安排种子选手的抽签seeded draw

安全出口emergency outlet

安全传球safety pass

安全措施safety measures,safety precautions

安全打base hit,base knock,safe hit

安全带safety belt,safety harness

安全舵safety helm

安全方位clearing bearing

安全高度safe altitude

安全固定装置release binding ,safety binding

安全规则safety regulations,safety rules

安全帽safety helmet

安全爬升率safety climbing ratio

安全抢分触击safety squeeze

安全区safe zone

安全绳safety rope

安全偷垒clean steal

安全脱险making safe

安全网safety net

安全系数assurance factor,safe coefficient,safety coefficient

安全衣safety clothing

安全阻挡safety block

安慰奖consolation prize

安慰赛consolation event ,consolation match ,consolation tournament

安慰赛跑consolation race

鞍布saddle cloth

鞍垫saddle blanket

鞍环上平移travel on the pommels

鞍夹saddle clip


鞍马pommel horse,pommelled horse,side horse,side horse vaulting

鞍马的骑上needle mount

鞍马左环neck pommel

鞍型弓把saddle grip

鞍座bicycle saddle,saddle seat

岸上动作deck movement

按比例分配proportional allotment

按倒pin fall

按动秒表start the watch

按分数评定胜负decide on points

按规定图形滑行skating of prescribed movement

按计划走棋play according to plan

按摩 massage

按摩球massaging ball


按摩手法massage manipulation

按难度分等级difficulty rating

按年龄分组比赛age group competition

按年龄分组游泳age group swimming

按全盘击数计分的比赛medal play

按体重分级body weight classes

按消极逃避评定胜负decision on passiveness

按音乐做动作run to music

按原定战术的打法system play

暗房练习dark room drill

暗设陷阱set a trap

暗柱in the dark,one in the dark



凹膝buck knee ,calf knee

拗弓步冲拳thrust fist in bow step

奥林匹克标志专营权the Olympic programme sponsorship

奥林匹克城Olympic city

奥林匹克队Olympic team

奥林匹克格言Olympic motto

奥林匹克冠军Olympic champion

奥林匹克火焰Olympic flame

奥林匹克及格赛标准Olympic qualifying standard

奥林匹克记录Olympic record

奥林匹克接力赛跑Olympic relay

奥林匹克精神Olympic spirit

奥林匹克体育科学大会Olympic scientific congress

奥林匹克委员会Olympic Committee

奥林匹克委员会协会association for Olympic committees

奥林匹克先生Mr. Olympic

奥林匹克宪章Olympic charter

奥林匹克休战Olympic truce

奥林匹克选拔赛Olympic selection

奥林匹克学院Olympic Academy

奥林匹克运动Olympic movement

奥林匹克运动会Olympic Games,Olympics

奥林匹克运动会火炬Olympic torch

奥林匹克运动会奖状Olympic diploma of merit

奥林匹克运动会誓言Olympic oath

奥林匹克秩序册Olympic programme


奥林匹克综合体育馆the Olympic Stadium complex


奥罗拉式Aurora style

奥运村Olympic village

奥运代表团选拔委员会the Olympic team selection committee

奥运会杯Olympic Cup

奥运会比赛项目Olympic event

奥运会金牌Olympic gold medal

奥运会前预选赛Olympic Qualification Match

奥运会日程安排Olympic schedule

奥运会赛前比赛pre Olympic competition

奥运会选拔赛Olympic trial


奥运会正式项目formal event

奥运会总成绩Olympic total

奥运金牌an Olympic medal

奥运年Olympic year

奥运圣火the Olympic flame

奥运预选赛高速游艇the Olympic trials

澳大利亚式橄榄球运动Australian Rules football

澳大利亚式爬泳Australian crawl

澳大利亚阵形Australian formation


800米比赛eight hundred meters

八分之一决赛eighth finals

八分之一球eighth ball

八分之一赛eight of finals

八卦eight trigrams for division

8号铁头球棒pitcher niblick

八横排eighth rank

八码点eight yard mark

8000米选手eight thousander

八人练习赛艇tub eight

八人赛艇eight scull,octuple scull shell,racing eight

八人争球方式eight system

八条泳道eighth lane

八项全能比赛all around competition in eight events

8字飞行figure eight

8字花式figure of eight

8字进攻法roll attack

8字绕绳下降abseil sling and crab method

8字索abseil sling

8字形eight school figures, curve eight,figure eight

8字形挥棒练习figure eight swing exercise

8字形进攻advancing figure of eight,weave attack

8字形障碍赛跑道figure of eight track

8字战术eight formation



巴西阵式Brazilian formation


芭蕾脚位ballet foot


芭蕾手臂位ballet arm

芭蕾腿ballet leg

芭蕾腿姿势ballet leg position


拔弹器bullet puller

拔剑进攻bind blade attack



把球打回给对方play back

把球门推开push away the goal


把射出的箭捡回retrieve the arrows

把身体降至横杠下面lower the body



把头抬出水面力量lifting the head out of water


把中区拉空open up the middle

靶板target boss,target card

靶场shooting range

靶场跟踪装置range tracker

靶场勤务教程range service manual

靶道shooting lane,target lane


靶垛butt,target butt

靶房操纵员trap operator

靶壕marking pit,pit,trench

靶壕裁判员target controller

靶壕裁判长butt officer,marking pit officer,pit officer

靶号target number

靶环scoring ring

靶环直径diameter of target

靶架target frame,target stand

靶距target range

靶距标target distance marker

靶面target face

靶墙射箭butt shooting

靶位target position

靶位分配distribution of targets,target allocation

靶位号牌scoring board

靶心bull`s eye

靶纸target paper,target sheet

靶子显得晃动wobble on the target

白灯white lamp,white light

白鹤亮翅white crane spreading wings

白环white zone

白帽white cap

白旗white flag,white mark

白球white ball

白色标记white marker

白色杠铃片white disc

白色腰带white belt

白昼赛day game



百分率误差percentage error

百分之一秒hundredth of a second

柏油跑道asphalt track

摆臂arm swing,draw the arm

摆单腿跨步跳scissors leap

摆荡吊环swinging rings

摆动flutter,pendular movement

摆动臂leading arm,swinging arm

摆动倒立handstand with swing

摆动的极点dead point of swing

摆动动作swing part

摆动弧形arch of a swing

摆动环pendular ring

摆动阶段recovery phase

摆动起跑rocking start

摆动式转弯swing turn

摆动腿kicking leg,lifted leg,power leg,recovery leg,sleeping leg

摆动腿的膝recovery knee

摆动臀部hip swing

摆动弯举cheating barbell curl

摆动中推起swing with push off

摆动转体swinging half turn 180º


摆杆pendulum bob rod

摆好架势square away

摆肩shoulder swing

摆绳swing the rope

摆踢hook kick

摆体躲闪weave rock away swerve

摆腿leg swing

摆腿成手倒立brisk lifting into handstand

摆脱break clear,runaway,unfold a grip

摆脱动作evasive movement

摆脱对方防守break away shake,break flee,break loose,free loose shake

摆脱防守get loose,get open,off the mark

摆脱了车群的运动员breakaway rider

摆脱桥bridge escape

摆脱失速stall recovery

摆尾飞行的箭fishtailing arrow

摆越over swing,passing of legs

摆越转体turn flank

败招outright blunder

扳成平局equalize the score

扳机盖板trigger shoe

扳机护圈trigger guard

扳机机构trigger mechanism

扳机连杆trigger bar

扳机引力trigger pull

扳腿leg stretch

搬拦捶parry punching

板面running surface

板面防滑性能较好satisfactory non slip surface

板前端front end of board

板墙挤贴board checking

板墙角抢球dig in the corner



板状雪崩wind slab avalanche

半场 half,half court

半场比赛play at one goal,training for one goal

半场紧逼half court press

半场线half court line

半倒立oblique high front support

半蹲bent stand,knee bend,knee bending,parallel squat,semiplie position,squat half

半分half point

半复赛eighth finals

半高翻half clean 

半高球chest high ball

半个场地练习比赛one goal basketball

半弓箭步刺half distance 

半勾手投篮half the jump shot

半官方比赛semi official competition

半滚翻转身semi flip turn ,semi flit turn


半接触semi contact


半决赛petite finale,semi final,semifinal heat,semifinals

半决赛组semi final group

半空翻semiaerial tumbling

半控球semi controlling the ball

半快球semi quick

半劈腿跳stag leap

半屈臂倒立low handstand

半时 half

半推partial pressing,press lockout


半圆射门semi circle shoot

半圆形线路elbow turn

半圆转移half dégagement 


半月踢half moon kick 

半月形防守half moon defense

半直线划水路线modified straight line pull

半职业运动员semi professional

半转体动作twist the body around

半自动步枪self loaded,self loaded rifle,semiautomatic rifle

半自动枪repeating gun

半自动射击semiautomatic fire

半自动武器semi automatic weapon

伴奏管理人员controller of accompaniment


绊钩形传球button hook pass

绊摔lift over with tripping

绊摔对方tripping an opponent

帮助滑跑physical assistance

帮助上马leg up

绑腿rolled bandages

绑腿赛跑three legged


棒操club exercise,exercise with clubs

棒垒球协会baseball and softball association

棒球baseball,hard ball

棒球棒baseball bat

棒球场ball park,baseball field



棒球革baseball leather

棒球迷baseball enthusiast,baseball fan

棒球区baseball league

棒球式握棒法baseball grip

棒球式掷球baseball throw

棒球手ball player

棒球手区short field

棒球手套baseball glove,mitten



棒球运动ball game

棒头club head

棒头底部朝地shut face

棒头击球面club face

棒头击球面的中心点sweet spot




包围圈防守encirclement defence


保持边疆紧逼keep pressure constantly

保持队形keep rank

保持方向keeping the direction

保持活跃keep the ball rolling

保持纪录keep record

保持健康keep healthy

保持距离keep apart

保持拉开(距离)keep away

保持(身体)平衡keep balance

保持三米的距离keep the distance of 3 meter

保持身体健壮keep fit

保持身体平衡maintain body balance

保持引导脚着地keep lead foot down

保持中间站位的原则center theory

保护back up,protect,securing help

保护场角cover an angle

保护带lunge strap,mechanic

保护垫supplementary mats

保护队员covering player

保护扣球block cover,covering the smash

保护拦网stop cover

保护面具protecting mask

保护区protection surface

保护绳套belay loop,belay sling

保护性挡网protective screen

保护性滚翻mat roll

保护性装置protective device

保护以防对方抢球run interference for

保健操keep fit exercise,recreative gymnastics

保健体操卫生体操hygienic gymnastics

保健医学medicine of physical fitness



保龄球联合会bowling federation

保留名额reserved place

保送上垒base on balls permitted

保卫冠军称号defend a title

保险safety lock

保险杆safety lever

保险钢索check cable

保险螺丝screw gate,screwed collar

保险锁safety latch

保险弹簧spring chip

保险因数assurance factor

保养手册service manual

报靶indication of shots

报靶杆marking pole,marking rod

报靶信号pit signal

报靶圆牌marking disc

报到注册费registered fee


报分auditory scoring,call the score,score calling

报复性犯规get even foul

报名表entry blank,entry form

报名费entry fee

报名截止日期closing date for entries

报名满额full entry

报时call out the time

抱大腿摔single leg pick up

抱单臂single arm lock and buttock

抱单臂过桥摔single elbow lock and sitback

抱虎归山hugging the tiger and bound for the emountain

抱肩颈neck hold

抱肩颈背around head and arm

抱肩颈过桥摔sit back with head lock

抱紧屈体squeeze the pike

抱举对手重摔body slam

抱起lift holds,lifting holds

抱躯干body lock

抱躯干过桥摔sit back with double body hold

抱人hold an opponent


抱双腿摔double leg pull up

抱双腿摔double leg tackle

抱水catch grip purchase,deep catch,purchase

抱水位置catch position

抱腿钩异名腿撑single leg hold and inside legtrip

抱腿过胸转移near leg lift with step through and twist

抱腿摔double arm hip throw

抱腿转移leg grab,leg pick up,leg snap

抱膝ball up,knee lock,tuck position

抱膝提lift off in kneeling position

抱膝跳水crouched jump

抱膝姿势中两膝分开open one`s knees in the tuck

抱压截球smother tackle

抱异名腿后绊one leg pick up and inside trip

抱着打hold and hit

暴传errant throw

暴露传球意图telegraph a pass

暴投wild pitch

暴投球wild ball

暴投手wild pitcher


爆发力explosive power 

爆发力击球explosion shot

爆发力量explosive strength

爆发式吸气explosive breathing

爆炸式猛击dynamite blow


北方弃兵局north gambit

北美曲棍球联盟North American Hockey League

北美足球联盟North America Soccer League

北欧滑雪综合赛Nordic events

北向练拳starting facing north

备件duplicate part,spare parts

备用比赛器材auxiliary equipment

备用车胎spare tyre

备用杠extra bar

备用举重台sub ring

备用伞auxiliary parachute,reserve parachute

备用游泳裤spare trunk


背包式降落伞back pack parachute

背背式箭囊center back quiver


背传back set,back toss,backward set,backward toss,overhead volley pass

背对背back to back

背对背套肘滚翻elbow lock and roll

背反弓back to arch

背飞back flight,backward flight,rear flyaway

背风波lee wave

背风面lee side

背风坡lee slope

背负式拖带法saddle back carry

背负投shoulder throw

背弓round the back

背后blind side

背后铲球tackle from behind

背后传球around the back pass,back flip pass,behind the back pass ,pass behind the body

背后防守guard from the back,guard from the rear

背后滚球roll the ball on back

背后号码back number

背后抢截犯规foul tackle from behind

背后抢球tackling back

背后压倒分back point

背后硬拉hack lift

背后运球behind the back dribble 

背后直臂上举arm extension

背后撞人charging from behind

背肌back muscle

背肌训练back workout

背靠住in the pinned position

背快球quick spike from back ,set quick


背溜short set quick

背面backhand side

背切配合的战术blind pig play


背式浮力装置back flotation unit

背式箭筒back quiver

背摔 buttock,fall backward

背腾越rear vault,rear vault over bar

背腾越下knee circle dismount,knee swing dismount

背围绕roving attack

背向横竿过竿法reverse layout

背向后球篮转身投篮back up shot

背向球篮站立back up position

背越式跳高back style,Fosbury,Fosbury flop



被裁判记名taken name by referee

被吃掉的棋子captured piece

被打得晕头转向dementia pugilistica

被垫子擦伤bat burn

被动体育passive physical education

被动运动passive movement

被对方盖帽的投篮blocked shot

被罚退一米lose one meter in distance



被击败出局者loser by a knockout

被击本垒打home runs pemitted

被击倒on the canvas

被击倒后数不起counted out down and out,take the count

被击倒失败defeat by knock out

被击倒在围绳上on the ropes

被紧紧地防守住closely pressed


被马将死mate by knight

被判为无效的比赛no game

被迫进垒forced run

被牵引的滑翔机towed glider

被侵犯的队offended team

被侵犯的队员offended player

被取消比赛资格的队员disqualified player



被托举的燕式平衡front bird

被选入运动队get one`s colours

被压在下面的摔跤手competitor underneath

被阻挡的踢球blocked kick

本方篮defensive basket,own basket

本箭self arrow

本届冠军reigning champion

本届世界冠军current world champion,reigning holder of world title

本垒home base,home plate


本垒打circuit clout,four base hit,four master,four ply wallop,home run,one over the fence,round trip

本垒的内角in part

本垒内in corner

本垒偏外球out sider,outside ball

本垒前沿leading edge of home plate

本垒外角out corner

本垒外角outside pitch


本能运动instinctive movement

本区one`s own half of the field,own court

本人移动换位replace one self


本体感觉系统proprioceptive system

笨拙的拳击手stumble bum

笨拙的体操awkward gymnastics


笨拙着陆bungled landing

绷床连续跳double bouncing

绷带的长宽dimension of bandage

绷脚尖pointed toes,tiptoe stretching

蹦床bounding bed,bounding table, recreation bouncer,tramp bounding table,trampoline

蹦床架子frame of trampoline


蹦床运动员trampoliner= trampolinist


蹦杠反抓高杠superior flight phase


逼和的连招stalemate combination

逼和区stalemate cage

逼角corner to the ropes,force to the corner

逼近的防守队员looming defender

逼真的假动作realistic fake

鼻部通道nasal passage


鼻肌 nasalis

鼻镜nasal speculum


鼻珠nose mark

比对方跳得高out jump

比分差距scoring gap

比分接近的比赛close affair,close calls

比分拉平level pegging

比分赛bogey competition

比分咬得很紧stay in touch

比基尼乳罩bikini top

比基尼式泳裤bikini bottom


比较平直的高远球attacking clear

比较体育comparative physical education and sport

比较体育训练原则principle of comparative physical education and sports

比例尺calibration frame,proportional scale

比例失调lack of proportion

比例系数proportionality coefficient

比赛combat,compete,concours,game,golf club,match,play,stack up against,tournament

比赛参加者all comers

比赛测验训练法competitive racing


比赛场athletic cage

比赛场地competition area,competition arena,competition range,field of play,playing area ,wrestling surface

比赛场地布置图arrangement diagram

比赛场地管理administration of the field

比赛场地面积playing space

比赛车racing machine

比赛成绩game results

比赛成绩表league table

比赛成绩表示法up to go


比赛程序tournament program

比赛程序单race card

比赛池competitive basin

比赛重新开始recommencement of game

比赛出发racing start

比赛淡季off season period

比赛的优胜候选人class of the field

比赛地点competition site,venue

比赛队长playing captain

比赛方案game plan

比赛分类表classification table

比赛分类统计classification statistics

比赛分组表grouped table

比赛服装competition attire,costume for competition,playing uniform,working dress

比赛规矩etiquette of game

比赛规则competition rules,laws of the game,playing rules

比赛规则手册rule book

比赛规则委员会Rules of the Game Commission

比赛过度over racing

比赛号码starting number


比赛获胜pull off the event


比赛计时表game watch

比赛计时员game timekeeper

比赛记录game record

比赛记录表box score,game report

比赛记录簿game diary

比赛季节的初期early season

比赛季节结束season off

比赛季节开始season in


比赛结果报告表results sheet

比赛结束end of game,stop page

比赛结束前的最后一投Buzzer beater

比赛进度表progress chart,progress sheet

比赛进行ball in play

比赛进行中in play

比赛精神competitive spirit

比赛局问休息interval between games

比赛卡片competition card

比赛开始commencement of a game,starting the clock

比赛开始的时间game time

比赛开始时裁判员掷球starting throw

比赛领导人director of competition

比赛模式model of competion

比赛片断play phase

比赛平均时间mean time


比赛前beafore a match

比赛球场playing floor

比赛区contest area,playing area

比赛全程whole course of the race

比赛日play day


比赛日期competition date

比赛日期标志day markings

比赛射手tournament shooter

比赛时的体重contest weight

比赛时间duration of play

比赛时间的分钟minutes played

比赛时间加时赛 overtime

比赛时间开始start the clock

比赛时做粗野动作play rough

比赛数games played

比赛顺序playing order

比赛顺序号码bout number

比赛速度game tempo,race pace,racing speed,tempo of the game

比赛条例competition regulations

比赛跳伞competition parachuting

比赛厅play hall

比赛停止ball out of play

比赛完毕no side

比赛项目选择表option table

比赛行政管理员manager of tournament

比赛休息时间rest period

比赛序号serial number

比赛雪板racing ski

比赛雪橇racing sled,racing sledge

比赛训练法competition training

比赛延期postpone a contest

比赛一览表schedule graph

比赛意识mental conception of game

比赛泳道racing lane

比赛用靶match target

比赛用步枪match pistol,match rifle



比赛用短桨划艇racing scull

比赛用弓competition bow,target bow,tournament bow

比赛用箭field arrow,target arrow,tournament arrow

比赛用降落伞competitive parachute

比赛用龙舟dragon boat

比赛用马bangtail,oat burner,race horse,racing stud


比赛用摩托艇racing motorcycle

比赛用球object ball,regulation ball

比赛游泳池competition basin,competition pool 

比赛再开始的规则play the ball rule

比赛暂停ball not in play,call the time,dead bird

比赛战术competition tactics,tactic of play

比赛秩序册competition programme

比赛中动脑play by thought

比赛中断interruption of game,interruption of the match

比赛中断后继续进行resumption of play

比赛中断时间interruption interval

比赛中犯规play foul

比赛中领先out game

比赛中能游出好成绩的游泳池fast pool

比赛中协助裁判者game warden

比赛中追成平局out of the hole

比赛周competition week

比赛组次starting order of pairs

比预料速度慢的球offspeed pitch

比重specific gravity,specific weight

舭板bilge board

必须超越的障碍drop jump

闭合击球姿势close stonoe

闭口旗门blind flag

闭门closed gate

闭幕会final sitting

闭幕日closing day

闭幕式closing ceremony

闭气suspend breathing

闭锁机构locking mechanism

闭锁卡槽locking recess

闭锁铁locking block

闭锁性运动技能closed skills

闭锁状态locking condition,locking position

壁手球场fives court

壁梯wall ladder

避风航tack under lee

避风面sheltered side

避开ward off

避开拦网pass the block

避开拦网的扣球clear the block spike


避开战斗avoidance of combat


臂波浪摆动arm waving

臂部动作arm movement

臂侧上举arm held side upward

臂长arm length

臂的波浪动作arm moving up and down

臂的一位姿势circular pattern

臂杠杆arm bar,arm lever

臂肌训练arm workout

臂举起arm raising

臂力arm power,arm strength

臂立翻腾armstand somersault

臂立翻腾两周armstand double somersault

臂立翻腾三周armstand triple somersault

臂立跳水armstand dive,handstand dive

臂立向后跳水armstand back fall

臂立中穿armstand cut through reverse dive

臂立中穿跳水armstand forward cat through

臂前平举arm held forward

臂屈伸shoulder dip

臂绕环arm circle

臂上举arm held upward

臂伸直arm stretching

臂式投球器arm type machine

臂推直arm pushing

臂微屈less elbow bend

臂下前钻 duck under

臂斜摆动diagonal arm swinging

臂压肌arm depressors

臂展arm spread

臂展量箭法spread measurement

边裁判员side referee

边打边退的战术hit and sway 

边打腿边拖着腿trail flutter action

边斗side car

边锋corner man,outside players,wing forward,wing forward outside,wing outsid,winger,wingman

边锋位射门small angle shot

边锋战术wing play

边跟进防守side cover defence


边界角boundary angle,rim angle

边前卫wing half,wing outside half

边区lateral area

边卫wing half back,wing wing back

边卫迂回战术end around play

边线lateral boundary,side boundary line ,side line ,touch line

边线裁判员sideline judge,touch judge

边线侧击side attack

边线传球flank pass

边线打法play for side line

边线发球throw in line out

边线界墙side board

边线进攻flank attack

边线扣球wing smash

边线扣球手wing smasher

边线拦网wing block

边线末端旗杆foul pole

边线旗touch flag

边线球sideline shot

边线狭长地带side alley,side lane

边一二阵形setter in forward wing formation


边缘发火rim fire

边缘角edge angle

边缘区域fringe field

边栅栏picket fence


编队飞行formation flight

编队特技formation aerobatics

编队特技synchronized aerobatics

编号 code name,number mark



编排扣分combination deduction

编排顺序chronological order

编排要求combination requirement

编组arrangement of pairs

鞭打动作leg beat action,whip lash movement,whipping action

鞭打状翻腾whip spin

鞭状打水动作independent thrash

鞭状划水buggy whip pull

扁平区flat zone

扁平体flat body

便门 wicket


变后的格queering square

变换步marching with toe touching

变换步法移动身体重心drop shift

变换队形changing the formation

变换防守change parry

变换交叉反攻change stop hit

变换交叉击打change beat

变换手型拦网change hand position block 

变换训练法alternative training

变换阵形change in construction

变量variable force

变刃change edge

变刃步change step

变刃3字形change double three

变刃图形compound figure

变速changing gear,variation of speed,varying velocity

变速杆gear change

变速划interval rowing

变速跑change gear,varied pace

变速器speed variator

变速手柄gear change lever

变速游练习alternating slow fast set

变线change direction,change direction of shots

变向风shifting wind

变向90度摆体 making the hook

变向切angle cut,reverse cut

变向切入angle cut 

变向切入篮下backdoor cut

变向运球change of direction dribble,swerving dribble


变形曲线deformation curve



标杆field rod,mark post,pole beacon

标竿range rod

标高marked elevation,number of altitude

标高平面indexed plan


标记点数mark tally

标价赛claiming race

标箭孔mark arrow holes


标枪杆javelin shaft

标枪尖foremost point

标枪金属metal head

标枪金属枪尖metal tip

标枪运动员javelin thrower,spear tosser,spearcaster


标志indication marks,mark,stamp

标志带side marker,vertical band,vertical side band

标志带外out of marker

标志杆antenna,net aerial,vertical rod

标志旗checkmark flag,marking flag


标准靶standard target

标准大气压atmosphere standard

标准动作Olympic set

标准分standard mark

标准分数criterion score,standard score

标准击数比赛against par

标准竞赛项目standard event

标准举重台regulation platform

标准铃片Olympic plate

标准强度normal intensity

标准球official ball

标准手枪standard pistol

标准手枪25米赛standard pistol 25 m

标准特技classical aerobatics

标准停球classic trap

标准误差standard error

标准小口径步枪small bore standard rifle

表尺rear sight,sight bar

表尺板sight lead

表尺分划sight leaf graduation,sight scale

表尺框sight frame

表尺射程aiming range,sighting range

表尺座rear sight base,sight bed


表面冻伤superficial frostbite

表面摩擦skin friction

表示跑道情况的变数track variant


表现力expressive force

表象训练imagery training

表演赛demonstration play,exhibition competition,exhibition game,exhibition match

表演时间太短under time

表演性特技exhibition aerobatics

憋气labored breathing,no breathing,without breathing

憋气训练hypoxic training

鳖鱼皮游泳服fastskin swimsuit

别肩臂转移standing switch

髌骨脱位dislocation of the patella

冰崩ice avalanche

冰壁ice belt

冰场ice arena,ice rink

冰场管理员rink keeper

冰场周围rink side

冰川侧碛ablation moraine,lateral moraine

冰川谷glaciated valley

冰川盆地glacial basin

冰川上的冻土dirt band

冰川上的折叠状fold in the ice

冰川舌glacier tongue

冰川台地glacier table

冰川营地glacier camp

冰锤ice hammer

冰刀痕迹trace of edge

冰刀后跟防护罩skate heel guard

冰刀套blade cover,edge cover,skate guard

冰的温度ice temperature

冰帆运动ice yachting


冰镐保护栓ice axe belay

冰镐套环gliding ring

冰镐铁爪作业axe and crampon work


冰浇灌管道冰场piping rink

冰锯ice saw

冰帽ice cap

冰面ice surface

冰坡ice slope

冰瀑glacial cascade,glacier fall,ice cascade

冰瀑区ice fall

冰期glacial age

冰碛墙moraine wall

冰碛土moraine soil

冰丘ice hill

冰球ice hockey,puck

冰球场ice hockey rink

冰球场的划分division of ice surface

冰球杆ice hockey stick

冰球杆刃blade of the stick

冰球联合会ice hockey federation

冰球协会ice hockey association

冰球鞋hockey skate

冰球运动员ice hockey player,puckster


冰山剖面图iceberg profile

冰上芭蕾舞ice ballet

冰上标记ice markings

冰上表演ice revue ,ice show

冰上帆船ice boat,ice scooter

冰上滑橇ice skid

冰上溜石运动俱乐部curling club

冰上摩托艇ice yacht

冰上驶帆运动ice boating

冰上跳跃ice high jump

冰上舞蹈figure dance,ice dancing

冰上雪上运动winter sports

冰上运动ice sports

冰上运动会ice sports meet

冰上作业ice work

冰上作业技术ice craft

冰塔ice tower

冰台阶ice step

冰隙ice crvasse

冰鞋skate, bolt action

冰靴skate boot

冰穴ice cave,ice cavern

冰雪作业snow and ice climbing

冰崖glacial cliff,ice wall

冰质ice condition

冰柱ice pillar

冰爪climbing iron

冰锥ice piton

冰锥保护栓ice piton belay

兵的冲击bayonet attack,pawn attack

兵的升变pawn promotion

兵链pawn`s chain

兵子配合cooperation of pieces and pawns

丙组third division

并步level step

并步抱拳withdrawing fist snd feet

并驾齐驱neck and neck

并肩队形side by side formation

并肩起跑abreast start

并肩站立side standing in pairs

并立背后握手姿势Kilian position

并立环绕side by side spiral

并立携手姿势side by side shotgun

并联兵united pawns

并列蹦床double trampoline

并列出发的比赛breast race

并列而无冲撞危险clear abreast

并列小弹网double mini tap

并列运球close dribble


并珑come together

并排双座飞机side by side two seater

并手握悬垂closed hang

并腿closed legs,closing legs,join legs

并腿站立closed stand,feet close


拨球deflecting the ball,flick the ball,flip of wrist

拨人(过人)roll around

拨射flick shot


波动误差fluctuating error

波峰ridge of wave

波浪步waving step

波浪式蛙泳wave breaststroke

波浪线wave line

波浪阻力wave drag

波普杯(女子双打奖杯)W. J Pope Trophy 

波形分析器wave analyser

波形运动undulatory movement

波状滑翔wave soaring

波状云wave cloud

玻璃钢撑竿glass fibre pole,glass pole

玻璃弓glass bow

玻璃箭glass arrow

玻璃篮板glass backboard

玻璃纤维撑杆fibre glass pole

玻璃纤维船fibre glass boat

玻璃纤维箭glass fibre arrow

玻璃纤维卷尺fibre glass tape


勃莱德杯(男子单打奖杯)St. Bride Vase

博取观众喝彩的打法stand play



搏弈规则rule of the game

薄板赛艇smooth skin boat

薄翼侧fine profile


补偿动作compensating movement,compensatory movement

补偿副翼compensated aileron

补偿曲线compensating curve

补偿跳水saving dive


补充裁判additional judge

补充赛 additional match

补充训练supplementary training

补充与修改complement and amendments

补防fill inhelp


补给射手的额外试射extra sighting shot

补给站feeding station

补篮follow up shot,second shot,tapping shot,tip follow uptapping,tip in flip shot

补射dead chick,follow shot,rebound shot,tip in,tip shot,tipping the puck

补位shift,cover a position,cover seam protection,fill a gap,plug a hole,seam protection

补位队员seam protector

补位防守shifting defence



捕接快球stab the pill

不按次序击球strike the ball out of proper sequence

不按规定入场improper entry

不败的记录perfect record

不参加比赛out of the running

不参加比赛的队长non playing captain


不持球队员man without the ball

不触手的滚翻转身法no touch turn

不带球插入piercing without the ball

不带手套的手bare hand

不戴拳击手套的bare knuckle

不戴手套的手meat hand

不得延误without delay

不蹬壁的绕绳下降free abseil

不等高支撑uneven support

不跌倒keep one`s legs

不丢顶static and dynamic equilibrium


不对号的观众席位rush seat

不分道跑no lane

不分胜负dead lock

不分腿的发力抓举flip snatch

不分腿挺squat jerk

不扶车起跑sit in


不服从裁判refuse obedience to the referee

不符合规定的抛靶faulty throw

不高明的技术攀登dangle and whack

不公开的比赛closed race

不够规定棒数under par

不顾一切的抽杀devil may care smash

不规则靶irregular target

不规则弹跳irregular bound

不规则弹跳的地滚球irregular bounder

不规则的弹跳erratic bounce

不规则的弹跳球bad hops

不规则的一线防守irregular one line guarding

不规则分布irregularly distributed

不规则交替irregular alternant

不规则局面irregular position

不规则系数irregularity coefficient

不规则障碍irregular slalom

不过网not over the net

不合比赛规定比例out of scale

不合法击球illegal batted ball

不合法骑乘illegal riding

不合法投球illegal delivery

不合规则的握法illegal hold

不合规则的抓握illegal grip

不合规则接球illegally caught ball

不合规则投出的球illegally delivered ball

不合规则投球illegal pitch

不合理动作disproportionate movement

不挥臂的短击球no swing

不及格分数poor mark

不及时的进攻delayed attack

不及时的劈delayed cut

不及时还击delayed riposte

不计时without being timed

不加杠铃片的杠杆empty bar

不精彩的比赛colourless game


不堪一击的拳击手glass jaw

不看接球blind pass

不看球门射门blind shot

不可能射门的角度impossible angle

不利天气adverse weather


不迈步投球no step

不拿球的投球动作练习shadow pitching

不能回击的球unreturnable ball


不让分的比赛scratch game

不绕臂的投球no wind up pitching

不设中锋的打法open post play

不使用氧气的攀登non oxygen climb

不受控制out of control

不受力杆unstrained member

不停顿的动作uninterrupted movement

不停顿的跑动non stop running

不同深度深蹲squat to different depths

不稳定的节奏jerky rhythm

不相称的上法non commensurate mount

不相上下on level terms

不相上下的比赛close match

不相上下的竞争dead heat

不协调out of line

不幸事件untoward incident

不许拉人!Stop holding!

不许推人!Stop pushing !


不严密的防守姿势open on guard


不宜于传球的情况non passing situation

不应有的失误bone play

不用球的练习shadow play

不用支撑跳过器械free jump

不再补新牌stand pat

不掌握发球权的一方out side

不正常地弹跳irregularly bound

不正当行为bad temper

不正规的场地irregular field of play

不正规的球irregular ball

不正确的姿势faulty posture

不转球non spin ball,plain ball

不着重打腿reduced emphasis of kick

布告栏indicator board

布告牌notice board

布阵弱点weakness in construction

布置队员位置allocation of players

布置水道lay the course

步步为营战术siege tactics

步长length of stride,stride length

步长稳定训练stride consistency work

步点check mark,stride mark


步对拳stepping forward and drawing fists together

步伐 march

步法foot work,footwork step,mode of progression,stepping position

步法安排stride plan

步法变化variability of the steps

步法错乱off stride

步法紊乱mix gaits

步幅变化stride alteration

步幅不均匀uneven stride

步频frequency of stride,rate of stride,speed cadence,stride frequency

步枪射击rifle shot

步枪射击场rifle ground

步枪射手rifle shooter,rifleman


步枪托架rifle bracket

步数优势advantage in pace

步速判断pace judgement




步型步法练习exercises of steps and footwork

部分翻转partial switching

部分评分partial evaluation

部分替换partial substitution



擦板不中glass ball 

擦板点banking spot

擦板球bank shot,carom shot,carombackboard shot

擦板入篮bank shot

擦棒球foul tip

擦边touching the court

擦边球carom ball,edge ball,thin hit,touch ball

擦单杠用砂布emery cloth

擦地battement tendu


擦过skim the hurdle

擦枪时用的保护罩muzzle protector


擦网出界net out

擦网球net ball

擦网球裁判net cord judge

擦柱球light hit

猜谜guessing game


裁判标志referee`s mark

裁判表judge form

裁判船umpire`s launch

裁判的决定referee`s decision

裁判灯judge lamp

裁判法officiating mechanics

裁判亮分flash awards

裁判旗referee`s flag

裁判器judging apparatus

裁判球neutral throw

裁判区refereee`s crease

裁判守则code of arbitrage


裁判台judge box,judge`s box,judges`stand,official` s tribune,referee`s platform

裁判团adjudication board

裁判委员会arbitration court,board referees,commission of refereeing and judging,council of arbitration,judging panel,jury,jury of appeal,officiating commission,Referee`s Commission

裁判委员会秘书secretary of jury

裁判小组panel of judges

裁判椅referee`s chair

裁判员judge,ref man in the middle,referee,umpire

裁判员的判决umpire`s opinion

裁判员的哨声referee`s whistle

裁判员的手势或信号referee`s signals


裁判员对可疑情况无把握时不对有关运动员作不利判定benefit of the doubt

裁判员给每套动作打分the judges score each exercise

裁判员叫停referee stop

裁判员叫停获胜win by referee stops contest

裁判员口令referee`s command

裁判员抛球drop ball

裁判员评分judge`s mark

裁判员球referee`s ball

裁判员手势(信号)official`s signal

裁判员数完十秒full count

裁判员宣布停止比赛call a game,referee stops contest

裁判员训练班judge`s courses

裁判员要求的暂停referee`s time out

裁判员椅umpire`s chair

裁判员暂停official`s time out referee time,referee time

裁判员指出犯规者designation of offender

裁判员桌umpire`s table

裁判暂停official`s time out

裁判长chairman,chief judge,chief of judges,chief referee,head judge,senior judge,superior judge,umpire in chief

裁判长及裁判员bout jury

裁判证书licenses of judges

裁判组officiating team

裁判组长chief umpire 

裁判组主要负责人chief of jury

采取低手投法的投手submarine pitcher

采取攻势(打法)assume the offensive

采取守势(打法)assume the defensive

采石场攀登quarry climbing


采用拖延战术adopt dilatory tactics

彩弹球paint ball

彩排dress rehearsal

踩水treading water

踩水姿势treading position

踩线step on the line,touch the line

菜花耳(耳朵受伤后变形)cauliflower ear

参加 enter,attend,participate,participation

参加半决赛的前四名best four

参加半决赛的选手semi finalist

参加比赛in the field,in the running,run prizes

参加比赛的队员playing member


参加比赛的射手tournament archer

参加比赛的运动员名单list of competitors




参加评比赛的马show horse




参考范围term of reference

参考系frame of reference


参照数据comparable data

残疾 disability

残疾人体育sport for the disabled

残疾人运动组织disabled movement organization

残疾运动员分级classification of disabled athletes

残垒dead on base,left on bases


残障physical disabilities

苍鹭式heron style


舱底半径bilge radius

舱水bilge water

藏球触杀trap play

藏球水下hide the ball under water

操场drill ground

操缰能手good hands

操纵桨oar handling

操纵绳steering line

操纵失灵loss of control

操纵手柄manual control lever

操作思维operational cognition

操作性目标operational goal

槽形slot form


草地弹球运动codeball on the green

草地滚木球场bowling green

草地滚木球戏bowl spot ball

草地滑雪lawn ski

草地摩托车赛grass track race

草地跑grass run

草地清理机lawn sweeper

草地球场grass court,slow court

草地球场剪草机lawn mower

草地曲棍球field hockey

草地赛道turf course

草地网球lawn tennis

草地网球场tennis lawn

草地网球联合会lawn tennis federation

草地网球鞋pointed shoe


草皮跑道grass strip

侧摆越flank over

侧搬腿moving up leg at side

侧臂传球side arm pass

侧臂射门swing shot

侧臂掷球swing throw


侧步躲闪sidestep hiding

侧撑support crossways

侧撑平行free support scale sideways

侧撑全旋circling in side support

侧踹步thrust lower leg sideways

侧传side pass sideway volley

侧挡板side board

侧倒阻挡cartwheel block

侧低球out low

侧顶head sideward,heading sideward

侧对步amble pace on the diagonal

侧翻举cartwheel lift

侧翻内转后手翻round off fiic flac

侧风beam wind,sidewind,wind abeam

侧风投掷throw into a wind quartering from the left

侧浮姿势side layout position

侧弓箭步lateral lunge,sideways lunge

侧钩拳hook to the head,side hook

侧滚动side roll

侧滚翻football roll,sideward roll

侧滑side slide,side slip

侧滑步slip step

侧滑步运球sliding dribble

侧击side striking,sidewinder glancing blow

侧肩阻挡shoulder blocking

侧交叉步side crossover step,two cross stop

侧举lateral raise,side bend

侧举壶铃side raise

侧举腿side leg raise

侧举腿平衡single leg side lever balance,stand with leg lift sideward

侧空翻aerial cartwheel,aerial tinsica,Catherine wheel,free cartwheel,salto sideways,side airspring,side flip,side somersault,sideward airspring

侧跨步运球side stepping dribble

侧快滑步chasse step

侧拉转向划法draw propelling stroke ,draw stroke,turning stroke

侧力lateral force

侧面 profile,flank,lateral plane,profile plane

侧面抱肩颈和腿翻neck and near leg hold

侧面抱躯干过桥摔sit back with cross body hold

侧面抱腿和颈翻far cradle,jackknife cradle,reverse cradle,reverse nelson cradle,roll back cradle

侧面部位sideways stance

侧面铲球block tackle,side tackle

侧面穿握外小腿double hold on opponent`s leading foot through legs

侧面打水lateral thrust of the kick,thrust sideward

侧面发球side arm service ,side hand service,sidearm service

侧面反抱大腿和踝翻lift over with near ankle

侧面滚动救球rolling dig to the side

侧面呼吸breathing to the side,side breathing

侧面接球flank receive

侧面进攻flank offense

侧面上手发球side overhand service

侧面双肩下抱颈压桥double bar arm from side

侧面压颈抱躯干翻lift over by abdomen hold and neck hold


侧面阻截side block tackle

侧逆风side headwind

侧抛throw sideward

侧平衡balance stand sideways,side balance,side scale,single leg lever,standing scale sideways

侧骑坐side seat

侧起倒立inverted support sideways

侧起跑side start

侧起球side lift

侧射quartering shot,side shot

侧身步sideway step 


侧身攻forehand attack from backhand court ,pivot attack

侧身挥臂body swing

侧身跑side running

侧身向靶瞄准address the target

侧身正手抽球pivot forehand drive

侧十字支撑Olympic cross

侧视图lateral plan,profile plan

侧手翻cartwheel,lateral wheel,side cartwheel

侧手翻内转cartwheel round off

侧手翻腾越giant cartwheel

侧手翻外转cartwheel handspring forward

侧手翻转体cartwheel 1/1(full) turn outward 360º

侧手击球side arm stroke

侧手球side hand stroke swipe,sidearm stroke swipe

侧手射门side arm shot

侧水平side horizontal lever,side lever

侧顺风leading side wind,side leading wind

侧抬腿side leg lift

侧腾越side flank jump,side vault

侧腾越下flank vault ,flank off ,flank vault dismount

侧踢腿side kick

侧体大摆臂传球full side arm throw

侧体爬行side crawling

侧体向前站立sideward stance

侧停sideways thrust


侧位side position

侧卧side lying

侧卧撑side leaning rest,side leaning support

侧卧颈部屈伸lateral neck flexor

侧卧举双腿elevated leg raise

侧卧举腿动作hip abductor lift

侧卧头侧抬lateral neck lift

侧卧展体side layout

侧卧姿势lateral position

侧握异名踝和臂翻near ankle and cross face

侧下flank dismount

侧向摆动side to side movement

侧向传球战术lateral pass play

侧向分力lateral component

侧向进攻beam attack

侧向偏离lateral deviation

侧向蛙跳练习frog spring

侧向效果lateral effect

侧向鱼跃射门diving side shot

侧胸大肌造型side chest shot

侧旋lateral twist,sidespin

侧旋发球slide serve

侧旋球side spin

侧压lateral pressure

侧压腿pressing leg at side

侧掩护side screen

侧掩护切入guard around

侧翼投篮手wing shooter

侧翼子力集中piece concentration on the wing

侧泳side overarm,side stroke,sidestroke

侧泳的下腿lower leg

侧鱼尾姿势side fishtail position

侧鱼跃side dive

侧展胸大肌side chest

侧转身lateral turn

测标调整peg adjustment

测定范围measuring range

测风气球pilot balloon

测箭器arrow tester

测径尺calibre square


测距distance measuring,range acquisition

测距计distance meter

测距器range finder




测量标记measuring mark

测量点measurement point


测量竿measuring rod

测量空间measurement space

测量线measurement line

测试赛test match

测向器direction finder

测向运动direction finding

测压设备pressure instrumentation

测验风速的气球trial balloon



策应pivot post up,support

策应队员pivot man,post man

策应队员运球切入时另一队员尾随配合post trailer play

策应区pivot area,post area

策应掩护post pick

层板laminated wood

层压玻璃弓glass laminated bow

层压木弓laminated wooden bow

蹭传chip pass

蹭球ship pass,slipping the ball

蹭踢chip kick

叉刺forking thrust

叉杆fork lever

叉规fork gauge

叉起跳scissor jump

插竿planting the pole,pole planting

插箭架arrow rack

插进区域联防penetrate the zone

插入cut in penetrate,muscle move


插入勾手投篮step in hook shot

插入射门dipping shot

插上的二传手penetrating setter

差数计分法under average

差数加让分数的计分法under handicap

差一击时击球play the like

觇孔瞄准具sight aperture

缠反夹颈摔standing hank

缠绕剑prise de fer ,takings of the blade

缠腿grapevine,leg grapevine

缠腿钩臂翻leg grapevine and further armhold


铲倒对方tackle through the ball

铲球scoop,slide tackle

铲球过迟late tackle 

铲勺式入水scooped entry

长兵器long weapon

长铲球long scooping

长抽long stroke

长抽短吊combining long drives with drop shots

长抽短吊相结合combination of long drives and drop shots

长抽短吊战术rocking tactics

长抽球out dive

长传long pass

长传快攻打法firehorse basketball

长传密集进攻打法close game with long forward passes

长传球gambling pass

长打long hit

长打击球员long hitter

长打运动员long player

长垫子long mat

长度测量length measurement

长短结合long and short play rocking tactics,long drives combined with drop shots

长短结合的打法long and short play

长弓long bow

长勾拳long hook

长滚翻flying roll

长滑步long stride,over stride

长滑行动作longer glide

长划臂long arm pull

长划臂划水long sweeping pull

长挥击球法long swing

长机leader plane

长剑比赛sabre fencing

长将perpetual check

长胶拍long pimpled bat

长角球long corners

长距国际赛Long International


长距离(游泳)项目long event

长距离比赛distance race

长距离的中速游long distances at moderate speed

长距离洞long distance hole

长距离短间歇反复游short rest long series routine

长距离滑跳long distance ski jump

长距离竞走distance walking

长距离跑运动员long distance runner

长距离赛endurance race,long distance race,long game,long staying endurance race,staying race

长距离赛跑long distance river championship

长距离速滑赛long distance race

长距离王车易位castling on queen side

长距离游泳distance swimming,long distance swimming,long distance swimming

长距离游泳运动员distance swimmer,long distance swimmer

长距离助跑long approach,long run

长距离助跑点long check mark

长距离自行车手long distance cyclist

长码long code


长跑运动员distance runner

长平刃long flat

长球deep ball,deep shot,endline shot

长刃exaggerated edge

长射程longer distance

长台阶bucket step

长统袜long stocking

长头弹long cartridge

长投球long throw

长威胁perpeetual threat

长线long string,main string

长运动裤sweat pants

长振屈伸上glide kip,layout upstart,long undressing upstart,slide kip,underswing kip


常规错误common fault

常规疗法routine treatment

常规赛regular season

常见错误frequent fault

常设技术委员会permanent technical committee

场边挡网side stop

场地floor area

场地裁判员field officer,field referee,range officer

场地的充分利用economic use of area

场地服务员house caddie

场地工作人员field officer


场地检查员ground jury,official surveyor

场地利用utilization of area

场地骑行服track vest

场地赛车track cycle,track racer

场地上空障碍物overhead obstruction

场地适用情况fitness of ground

场地选择option of side

场地医生field doctor

场地指挥员field marshal

场地自行车运动员track rider

场地组长local group leader

场后围栏back net

场角队员与外中锋的配合corner post play

场角环形切入corner loop cut

场角夹击corner trap

场内落球点court spot

场内障碍赛brush jump

场上白线chalk line

场上裁判court referee ,mat chairman

场上裁判员floor official

场上队员court player,field player,player in uniform

场上队长captain on the ice,field captain,field general,playing captain

场上基本技术训练floor practice

场上平衡floor balance,pool balance

场上位置floor positions

场上运动员field player

场上准备活动on court warm up

场上组织进攻的队员game maker,playmaker

场上作风court manner

场外地区out court area

场外区域out of bounds area

场外无障碍区域free area

场外项目road event

场外指导bench coach,coaching from the sidelines,side coach,side coaching,sideline coaching

场中央center court

抄手传球overhand pass

抄子catching glove

超长距离extreme distance

超长距离跑over distance run

超长距离训练over distance training

超长距离游泳over distance swimming,ultradistance swimming

超车距离passing distance

超低空飞行fly at zero

超额故障excessive malfunction

超额射surplus shot

超规格球棒over club

超过out foot,outstep ,over balance

超过对手out lift

超过规定次数的暂停excess time out


超过时限overstepping the time limit

超级的表决权over riding vote

超距离模仿比赛游swim simulator over distance

超拦网扣球smash above the block,smash on the block

超两击double bogie

超龄over age

超身球pass shot,passing shot

超手扣球spike over the block,superhand spike,surpass the block hit

超速excessive speed,over speed

超速抑制over drive suppression

超越attack from the rear,exceed,surpass

超越球门线advance beyond the goal line

超越球前overrunning the ball

超越障碍测验jumping test

超越障碍赛show jumping

超重overweigh,weight over

超重量级super heavy weight

超主项距离的游泳over distance swimming

朝前运球advance the puck


车的残局rook ending

车技trick cycling

车架bicycle frame

车链block chain

车辆检查员machine examiner

车铃bicycle ball

车轮motorcycle wheel

车轮战tag match

车手能力测试capacity test

车速调整pace changing

车锁bicycle lock


车胎扎破puncture of tire

车行兵rook pawn

车轴断裂axle fracture

车座角度seat angle

扯旗side bird

撤步防守step away

撤后防守man back defence(defiance)

撤换守门员pulling the goalkeeper


撤退战术retreating tactics

参差不齐的起跑staggered start

沉底drive down the sideline

沉底防守的队员deep man

沉浮floating up and down correlated

沉肩loosing the shoulders,lower the shoulders

沉肩垂肘shoulders low and elbows loose

沉肘划水dropped elbow pull

衬靶backing target,duplicate target

衬靶纸backing card

衬垫墙padded wall

衬棉短裤padded shorts

趁势前进inertia movement

撑杆bar stay,brace rod,brace strut,force piece,pole brace

撑杆的弹力catapulting force

撑杆跳高的推竿push off the pole

撑杆跳高架jumping post

撑杆跳高推竿off the pole

撑竿vaulting pole

撑竿端pole point

撑竿式跳跃pole vault jump

撑竿跳pole jump ,pole vault

撑竿跳高pole high jump

撑竿跳高持竿姿势pole carry

撑竿跳高的撒杆release the pole

撑竿跳高的推竿pole release

撑竿跳高的引体推开式pull up push away type

撑竿跳高架pole vault standard,vaulting stander

撑竿跳高运动员pole jumper,pole vaulter


撑双杖跳跃式转弯sticks down

撑远端动作vault from support on the neck

撑杖单脚转弯lifted stem turn

撑杖跳过障碍field jump

成败机会相等even bet,even odds

成单行慢跑jog single file

成队比赛的运动项目team game

成对互助训练法buddy system


成功good lift,succeed

成功机动successful manoeuvre

成功几率probability of success

成功率success average


成绩表list of results

成绩测量achievement measure

成绩测试achievement test

成绩测验accomplishment test

成绩测验组achievement battery

成绩处理系统results processing system

成绩单grade report,report card,score sheet

成绩登记表record sheet

成绩分数achievement score

成绩公报results bulletin

成绩公布牌public results board,results board

成绩公告牌spectator readout board

成绩卡片time card

成绩评定accomplishment evaluation,merit rating

成绩评价performance appraisal

成绩评量表evaluation form

成绩统计calculation of results

成绩统计表calculating table

成绩统计裁判长results office chief

成绩统计处scoring department

成绩统计室results office,target control office,target scoring office

成绩统计委员会classing committee

成绩显示板display board

成绩相等break even

成绩相等时的重赛fence off

成绩预测result prediction

成绩仲裁委员会target scoring jury


成年队senior team

成年人grown up

成年人体质测验adult physical fitness test

成年游泳运动员senior swimmer

成年运动员grown up player

成年组senior group

成年组男子项目senior men`s events

成前屈体to forward pike


成人体育训练中心adult physical training center

成套动作时间上的安排temporal order of combinations

成套特技dynamic aerobatics

成套运动服gym outfit

成型阶段formative stage

成一线in line


成支撑arriving in support

成组到达bunch finish



城堡式Castle style

程度 degree

程序表program list,sequence diagram

程序审定program authorization

橙色腰带orange belt

吃过路兵capture pawn en passant

吃后capture of the queen

吃弃兵局accepted gambit

吃水深度depth of immesion

吃水线长度waterline length

弛颈necking head without strain

池壁pool wall,side wall

池壁休息台rest ledge

池底bottom of the pool,floor bottom,floor of bath,floor of pool,floor of the bath

池底标志线bottom line

池底线lining of bottom

池端end wall

池端标志线end wall target

池端目标标志线target line

池缘curb deck edge,deck edge

持棒carry the baton

持臂挺身回环backward shoulder roll

持久力endurance strength

持铃扩胸chest crossovers

持轻器械绕环circle with hand apparatus

持球catching sticky ball,dead player,held ball,hold the ball,holding ball,slung hold


持球触地down ball,ground the ball

持球队员ball keeper

持球前进的队员ball carrier

持球入水take the ball under water

持球游walking the ball

持球越位unfield offside

持绳体前后绕circle the rope in figure in front and at the back



持续时间长的项目long duration event

持续时间短的项目short duration event

持续训练法continuance training

持哑铃深蹲起dumbbell squat

持哑铃弯举dumbbell screw curl


尺寸公差dimensional tolerance

尺度标记scale designation

齿轮闸gear brake

赤拳格斗bare knuckle fighting

充分伸展fully extended


充气活门inflation valve

充气救生衣air jacket

充气赛艇inflatable sports boat

充气式温度计gas bulb thermometre

冲出fly out

冲刺increase the rating,lunging,make a break,running attack,rush,spurt,waist thrust

冲刺力好的短跑运动员strong finisher

冲刺能力ability to sprint

冲刺频率sprinting tempo

冲刺前变速change gear before sprint

冲刺速度sprinting speed

冲刺训练sprint work

冲刺姿势lunging position

冲过人群防守charge through 


冲击力impact force,impulse force

冲击强度impulse strength

冲击作用percussion action

冲剌撞线lunge finish

冲浪surf riding


冲浪比赛surf riding competition

冲浪技术surf technique

冲浪运动板belly board

冲力percussive force

冲量矩impulse moment

冲门gate crashing

冲跑过栏drive over the hurdle

冲抢rush tackle

冲抢篮板球bang hammer the board,bang the glass,crash the board bang the glass,crash the board pound the glass,pound the glass

冲拳thrust fist


冲撞防护bump shield

重叠板lap strake

重叠兵double pawn

重叠队形tandem formation

重叠防守tandem defence

重叠距离overlap distance

重叠拦网tandem block

重发球let,serve over,service let

重复抽样duplicate sampling

重复进攻reprise`d arraque

重复跑repetition running

重复数据repeating data

重复同样局面same position repeated

重复信号灯repeater lights

重复训练reiterative training,repeat training

重复训练法repetition training

重复转移刺counter disengagement

重复转移假动作feint of counter disengagement

重号duplicate numbers

重击heavy punch

重剑(比赛)épée,duelling sword

重剑比赛épée competition,épée fencing

重剑插头épée contact plug

重剑护具épée plastron

重剑具heavy fencing weapon

重剑运动员épée fencer,épéeist,épéeist duelist

重扣hard spike,slam dunk

重扣轻吊combining hard smashes with drop shots

重抛双靶proof double

重跑rerun a race

重赛replayed match

重赛一分replay the whole point

重射repeat a shot

重跳repeat a dive


重新持球regain possession of the ball


重新进攻fresh down,reprise renewed attack



重新起跑start afresh

重新入场 reentry,reenter

重新争球reface the puck

抽查inspection at random

抽查抛靶examine targets by random test

抽车将check to the king and rook


抽低球low dribble

抽后将check to the king and queen

抽剑刺forking thrust

抽桨shorten ear

抽平高球drive clear

抽签draw cuts,lot,sortition

抽签时选择硬币的面call the toss

抽签下半区lower half


抽陀螺spinning top

抽旋转球spin drive

抽样设计sampling design

抽样误差sampling error

绸带操exercises with ribbons

筹备委员会preparatory committee

出场队员quarters player

出场费match appearance

出发池端starting edge,starting edge of pool





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