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英国《金融时报》原文阅读精选集 Vol.61

英国《金融时报》原文阅读精选集 Vol.62

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2017年8月,谷歌员工James Damore因质疑公司优待女性和少数群体的政策而遭解雇,一时引起轩然大波。当此事逐渐淡出人们视野之时,James Damore和另一名前谷歌工程师声称自己因身份和政治观点受到谷歌歧视,一纸诉状将谷歌告上法庭。


bout [baʊt] n. 来回(一次)

engulf [ɪn'ɡʌlf] v. 吞没

rally ['ræli] n. 集会,示威运动

ostracise ['ɒstrəsaɪz] vt. 放逐,排斥

belittle [bɪ'lɪtl] vt. 轻视,贬低

chamber ['tʃeɪmbə(r)] n. 房间,会所

阅读马上开始,建议您计算一下阅读整篇文章所用的时间,对照下方的参考值就可以评估出您的英文阅读水平。如果您读完全文用时为:那么,您的阅读速度相当于每分钟阅读的英文单词数2分54秒母语为英语者的朗读速度1401分37秒母语为英语的中学生的阅读速度2503501分9秒母语为英语的大学生的阅读速度0分24秒母语为英语的速读高手1000Google accused of discriminating against white male conservatives (407 words)

By Richard Waters

Google has been hit with a class-action lawsuit alleging discrimination against conservative-minded white men, in a legal case that threatens a fresh bout of the culture wars that engulfed the internet company last summer.

The suit has been brought by James Damore, an engineer who was sacked in August after his questioning of Google policies to increase the hiring of women and minorities caused an outcry inside the company. It also names a second engineer, David Gudeman, who has also claimed wrongful termination after leaving the company in 2016. The company did not immediately have a response to the suit.

Since leaving Google, Mr Damore has spoken out widely against the company, attacking it for what he calls “groupthink” over gender and other diversity issues. His case became a rallying point for conservatives last year at a time when cultural battles stirred by President Donald Trump were intensifying nationally.

The class action lawsuit, filed in superior court in California on Monday, was brought on behalf of all employees whom Google is alleged to have discriminated against either because of “their perceived conservative political views… their male gender… [or] their Caucasian race”.

The lawsuit claims that there is “open hostility for conservative thought” at the company and that people who diverge from the mainstream are singled out for expressing views on subjects such as diversity hiring policies, bias sensitivity and social justice.

Employees are “ostracised, belittled and punished for their heterodox political views, and for the added sin of their birth circumstances of being Caucasians and/or males”, the suit alleges. It accuses Google of being an “ideological echo chamber” that is hostile to some workers, and of maintaining illegal hiring quotas for women and minorities. The suit will move forward only if a judge certifies it as a valid action on behalf of an entire class of workers.

Mr Damore was dismissed by Sundar Pichai, Google's chief executive, after writing an internal memo questioning the company's diversity policies. His paper was widely circulated and aroused a backlash inside Google. But his treatment brought an outcry from conservatives who saw Mr Pichai's reaction as an attack on open discussion of an important social issue.

Among the allegations, the lawsuit claims that “the presence of Caucasians and males was mocked with ‘boos' during company-wide weekly meetings” at Google.

请根据你所读到的文章内容,完成以下自测题目:1.Why did James Damore get sacked by Google in August?

A.Because he criticised heterodox political views in an memo.

B.Because he openly criticised Google's recruitment policy.

C.Because he made negative comment on female colleagues.

D.Because he questioned Google's diversity policies.(1)

答案2.What did Mr Damore do after leaving Google?

A.He stirred a cultural battles over diversity issues.

B.He attacked Google's stance on gender and diversity.

C.He joined in President Donald Trump's rally.

D.He became an activist in favour of Donald Trump.(2)

答案3.Google is alleged to have discriminated against employees based on the following factors except ____.

A.Christian beliefs.

B.Caucasian race.

C.Conservative thought.

D.male gender.(3)

答案4.According to the article, Google's chief executive Sundar Pichai ____.

A.Tries to stifle debate over diversity issue in the campany.

B.Mocks Caucasians and males during weekly meetings.

C.Expressed open hostility for conservative political views.

D.Keeps silent over Mr Damore's law suit against the company.(4)


(1) 答案:D.Because he questioned Google's diversity policies.解释:八月,James Damore在一份内部备忘录中质疑谷歌增加雇用女性和少数族裔的政策,引起轩然大波,并因此被解雇。

(2) 答案:B.He attacked Google's stance on gender and diversity.解释:离开谷歌之后,Damore广泛地发表了批评谷歌的言论,抨击谷歌在性别及其他多元化问题上的“群体审议”。

(3) 答案:A.Christian beliefs.解释:谷歌被指控歧视白人、男性以及持保守观点者。

(4) 答案:D.Keeps silent over Mr Damore's law suit against the company.解释:目前谷歌并没有立即对此诉讼作出回应。黑客盯上平昌冬奥会



hallmark ['hɔːlmɑːk] n. 特征,特点

détente [deɪ'tɑːnt] n. 缓和,缓和期间

generic [dʒə'nerɪk] adj. 一般的,普通的

myriad ['mɪriəd] adj. 无数的

wreak [riːk] vt. 发泄;报仇

havoc ['hævək] n. 大破坏,混乱

阅读马上开始,建议您计算一下阅读整篇文章所用的时间,对照下方的参考值就可以评估出您的英文阅读水平。如果您读完全文用时为:那么,您的阅读速度相当于每分钟阅读的英文单词数3分14秒母语为英语者的朗读速度1401分48秒母语为英语的中学生的阅读速度2503501分17秒母语为英语的大学生的阅读速度0分27秒母语为英语的速读高手1000Winter Olympics targeted by hackers, McAfee says (453 words)

By Hannah Kuchler

Hackers have targeted an attack at organisations involved in the Winter Olympics next month and tried to access sensitive information about the upcoming games in South Korea, according to a report by a cyber security company.

McAfee discovered a hacking campaign that ran from December 22 that it believes has the hallmarks of “a nation state adversary that speaks Korean”. But the company would not attribute the attack, as it is continuing its investigation.

The report comes as North Korea agreed to hold high-level talks with South Korea as part of an emerging detente. The talks next week will be the first between the two nations for two years and will focus on the North's potential participation in the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.

Targets from ice hockey teams to ski suppliers were sent an email purporting to be from South Korea's national counter-terrorism council. It contained a malicious document that if enabled would create a hidden back channel inside their computer for hackers to exploit.

Ryan Sherstobitoff, a senior analyst at McAfee, said the hackers cast a wide net, including emailing generic addresses such as those beginning “info@” and it appeared that at least one of the recipients was infected by the malicious document. Once inside the network, a hacker may be able to gather more information.

“Theoretically, if they get into the network hosting the Pyeongchang email network for the Olympics, they have any number of possibilities moving inside. It depends where the networks are connected — to specific teams, committees, planners at a high level,” he said.

Mr Sherstobitoff warned the Olympics may suffer from more cyber attacks, as major events attract hackers from nation states and cyber criminals.

The Berkeley Center for Long Term Cyber Security issued a report last year on the myriad ways hackers could try to undermine future Olympic Games, including adjusting automatic scoring, interfering with the care of athletes and disrupting events.

The US blamed North Korea for last year's WannaCry cyber attack that wreaked havoc across organisations worldwide including the UK National Health Service and delivery company FedEx. The country's hackers were also accused of being behind the destructive attack on Sony Pictures in 2014, as the studio prepared to release The Interview, a movie that mocked the North Korean leader.

McAfee said the hackers used a more sophisticated method than your average spearphishing attack, installing malicious software without making the victim download a file which would often be flagged to a security programme.

These fileless malware attacks using Microsoft Powershell are becoming an increasingly popular tactic, with the number of attacks more than doubling in the third quarter of last year, McAfee said.

请根据你所读到的文章内容,完成以下自测题目:1.What is McAfee according to the article?

A.A criminal investigation against cyber attack.

B.South Korea's counter-terrorism council.

C. A computer security software company.

D.National Cybersecurity Institute of the US.(1)

答案2.How did the hackers get into computer systems?

A.They sent malicious document to their targets by emails.

B.They sent malware to counter-terrorism council by emails.

C.They created a fake web page of counter-terrorism council.

D.They created a hidden back channel inside their emails.(2)

答案3.Which of the following events has no relation to North Korea?

A.WannaCry cyber attack.

B.The Sony Pictures hack.

C.Attack on Olympics email network.

D.2017 Petya cyberattack.(3)

答案4.According to McAfee, the hackers ____.

A.are commissioned by South Korean government.

B.used a entirely new method to attack its targets.

C.are more imperceptible than average attackers.

D.have agreed to negotiate with olympic committee.(4)


(1) 答案:C.A computer security software company.解释:McAfee是一家网络安全公司。

(2) 答案:A.They sent malicious document to their targets by emails.解释:他们的目标包括冰球队到滑雪用具供应商等。他们以韩国国家反恐委员会的身份给目标发邮件,邮件中包含恶意文件。

(3) 答案:D.2017 Petya cyberattack.解释:McAfee认为针对平昌冬奥会电子邮件网络的袭击带有“一个说韩语的对手国家”的特点;美国指责朝鲜应为去年的WannaCry网络攻击负责。2014年,朝鲜黑客被指责攻击索尼电影。

(4) 答案:C.are more imperceptible than average attackers.解释:McAfee说,黑客使用的方法比一般的网络钓鱼攻击更复杂,他们的恶意软件无需通过下载文件来安装,通常会被标记为安全程序。被政治正确抛弃的工人阶级白人



chasten ['tʃeɪsn] vt. 改正、磨炼

anodyne ['ænədaɪn] n. 止痛药,安慰物

pummel ['pʌml] v. 接连地打,打击

visceral ['vɪsərəl] adj. 内脏的,发自肺腑的

apartheid [ə'pɑːtaɪt] n. 种族隔离

denizen ['denɪzn] n. 居民,栖息者

阅读马上开始,建议您计算一下阅读整篇文章所用的时间,对照下方的参考值就可以评估出您的英文阅读水平。如果您读完全文用时为:那么,您的阅读速度相当于每分钟阅读的英文单词数5分21秒母语为英语者的朗读速度1402502分59秒母语为英语的中学生的阅读速度2分8秒母语为英语的大学生的阅读速度3500分44秒母语为英语的速读高手1000We need to start being PC about the white working class (749 words)

By Simon Kuper

When I started university in Britain in 1988, political correctness didn't exist. If a woman tried to speak at a students' meeting, the cry would go up, “Get your tits out for the lads!” The ritual climax of bar conversations was a double entendre about homosexuality. But, in 1993, I went to study in the US and discovered PC.The American students I met didn't make racist, sexist or homophobic jokes. When I returned home and told British friends about this strange new world, they explained that it was because Americans were humourless. This wasn't actually true. The Americans were much funnier than the Brits with their eternal gay jokes.

The attempt to shut out any views deemed undesirable has since got out of hand on some US campuses. On recent visits I have found the policing of speech chastening. One liberal, male, feminist professor told me of a fairly anodyne analysis that he didn't dare publish for fear of being hounded as sexist. Even many liberals now want to roll back PC speech codes.

But, in fact, PC's basic demand — respect all groups — needs to be rolled out more widely. We now have PC for women, and racial and sexual minorities. If we had it for the working classes, too, that could change the political climate.

TV programmes in western countries rightly don't make fun of blacks, gays or Jews any more, but the white working class (WWC) enjoys no such protection. A genre of “poverty porn” TV mocks the WWC as wasters enjoying their morning beers on the sofa.

The WWC are known as chavs in Britain, canis in Spain and “white trash” in the US. Chav-based fancy-dress parties — a distant relative of “blackface parties” — enjoyed a brief fad among British students. Prince William attended one while at his military academy, Sandhurst, as Owen Jones recounts in Chavs, his 2011 book on the demonisation of the working class in Britain.

But the WWC are excluded more often than they are insulteD.They get screened out of elite settings based on their accents, first names, clothing, diet, schools, geographical origins (“flyover states”) and sometimes even their body weight. “Diversity” — a PC mantra of American and British elites — doesn't seem to include WWC people. If they do get recruited, they often get paid less.

Many in the WWC feel that the elite pays respect to every minority except theirs. The fuss made on Fox News and in the Daily Mail over an imagined “war on Christmas” is, in part, a demand for respect for the WWC's cultural traditions. For years, when the WWC was recognised as a group pre-Trump and pre-Brexit, it was often just to be accused of enjoying “white privilege” — not something they feel they've had much of lately.

Many WWC people now vote populist not because they are racists, nor because they imagine the populists will magically solve their problems, but because populists give them respect while simultaneously dissing the snobs. When Trump goes on about the virtues of steelworkers, he sounds like a Russian revolutionary in 1917. Meanwhile he pummels the PC non-WWC media.

Trump won't bring back the old steel jobs. But he knows that winning elections nowadays isn't about “the economy, stupid”. It's about language. This is one thing liberals can learn from him. Hillary Clinton's pro-WWC policies counted for nothing after she called some of Trump's voters “deplorables”.

Respect matters. Mandela understood this viscerally, because respect was one thing apartheid denied to black people. He built a political strategy on respecting his opponents. While jailed for 27 years by Afrikaners, he learnt their language, studied their history and ended up persuading them to give him the keys to South Africa.

Mandela also showed us what a realistic, modern, working-class PC could look like. Hardly any working-class people today are steelworkers. Far more of them work as carers, cleaners and cashiers. Mandela grasped that. As South African president, he would stand up if the tea lady walked into his room, and remain standing until she left. In jail, he had shown equal courtesy to his WWC guards: Mandela's respect was race-blind.

Once, in London, he visited the offices of the PR firm handling South Africa's account. He said a cheery hello to the firm's directors, who were lined up at the front door to receive him, but he then continued down the corridor, walked into the porters' room and greeted the surprised denizens like long-lost friends. It will take a politician like that to win back the WWC.

请根据你所读到的文章内容,完成以下自测题目:1.What is political correctness according to the article?

A.The racist, sexist or homophobic jokes which are deemed undesirable.

B.The attempt to avoid offensive views on particular social groups.

C.The policing of speech chastening in on some American campuses.

D.The social taboo against women, and racial and sexual minorities.(1)

答案2.Which of the following is not an offensive term for white working class ?



C.White trash.

D.Flyover class.(2)

答案3.Many WWC people vote for populist because ____ ?

A.they believe populists can solve their economic problems.

B.they think populists would respect their cultural traditions.

C.they feel respected by populists while liberals disparage them.

D.they believe populists can bring their white privilege back.(3)

答案4.Why did Hillary Clinton fail to win WWC's support ?

A.Because her pro-WWC policies cannot earn WWC's trust.

B.Because she used offensive term as an affront to WWC's dignity.

C.Because she mocked the WWC as wasters in TV programme.

D.Because she showed unequal courtesies to WWC and liberals.(4)


(1) 答案:B.The attempt to avoid offensive views on particular social groups.解释:我在1993年前往美国求学,并了解到了政治正确。

(2) 答案:D.Flyover class解释:工人阶级白人在英国被称为chavs,在西班牙被叫做canis,美国人称他们为“白色垃圾”。

(3) 答案:C.they feel respected by populists while liberals disparage them.解释:很多工人阶级白人投票给民粹主义者,因为民粹主义者在给予他们尊重的同时羞辱了那些自命不凡者。

(4) 答案:B.Because she used offensive term as an affront to WWC's dignity.解释:如今,赢得大选与经济无关,但与言辞有关。当希拉里将特朗普的支持者称作“可悲的人”时,她那些针对工人阶级白人的政策已经不重要了。不爱机器人的旧金山



antipathy [æn'tɪpəθi] n. 憎恶,反感

innocuous [ɪ'nɒkjuəs] adj. 无害的,无毒的

droid [drɔɪd] n. 人形机器人

deploy [dɪ'plɔɪ] vt./vi. 展开,配置,部署

roam [rəʊm] vi. 漫游,闲逛

encampment [ɪn'kæmpmənt] n. 设营,野营

vandalism ['vændəlɪzəm] n. 故意破坏,破坏行为

squalor ['skwɒlə(r)] n. 肮脏,脏污

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By Leslie Hook

San Francisco's anti-tech backlash has a new target: robots. This is a place that ought to love artificial intelligence. After all, Silicon Valley is home to some of the most advanced robotics labs in the worlD.But when it comes to sharing its sidewalks with these technological wonders, San Francisco has said, “Forget it.”

The city recently cracked down on delivery robots — autonomous devices such as those tested by Yelp's Eat24 service last year, that travel on the sidewalk to distribute food and other essentials to customers. New rules limit them to a speed of 3mph, and require a human operator nearby. Moreover, only nine delivery robots can be tested in the city at any time, dashing the hopes of start-ups that had envisioned fleets of self-driving bots taking hot pizza to hungry millennials.

Like many Silicon Valley innovations, the robots have found their least welcoming audience at home. In fact, several of the city's most prominent start-ups have faced some of their toughest opposition here.

Take Airbnb, the accommodation company. In 2016, San Francisco passed a law on home-sharing that was so restrictive, Airbnb sued the city over it. (That lawsuit has been settled, but all Airbnb hosts in SF must still obtain a business licence and registration before they can let their homes.) The same goes for Uber and Lyft: city leaders routinely lambast them for causing congestion and double parking. More than half of all traffic violations in the downtown area are attributable to Uber and Lyft drivers, according to a police study.

Amid this broader antipathy towards tech, robots have come to occupy a special place of loathing in San Francisco. An incident in December highlighted the depths of the city's dislike.

It began innocuously, with an animal shelter in a high-crime area paying for a robot “security guard” to help monitor its campus and the surrounding streets. The 5ft, 400lb droid takes photographs and records video footage, and has the ability to summon human help when it detects unusual activity. Made by Knightscope, a start-up based in the Valley, this autonomous device is most commonly deployed to roam parking lots and malls. (One even fell into a mall fountain earlier this year, prompting an internet outpouring over the robot who “drowned himself”.)

The pet shelter initially reported good results from the security robot, with fewer car break-ins. However, controversy arose over its powers of surveillance, and at one point it was kidnappeD.Unknown assailants covered the robot with a tarp and smeared barbecue sauce on its sensors to block them. The president of the pet shelter at first alleged the perpetrators came from a nearby homeless encampment but later said she wasn't sure.

News of the kidnapped robot spread, and the town quickly took aim at the pet shelter, accusing it of deploying a robot to keep its homeless neighbours away. The shelter received “hundreds of messages inciting violence and vandalism against our facility”, it said in a statement. The city of San Francisco weighed in too, threatening to fine the shelter for operating the robot on public sidewalks without a licence. To quell the outrage, the shelter sent the machine back to its manufacturer.

There are several lessons to draw from this tale. First, the issue of homelessness never fails to spark controversy in San Francisco, where the squalor of the public streets is in stark contrast to the wealth that exists behind closed doors.

The second is that it is easier to blame the robot. Instead of asking why the neighbourhood has become so dangerous that a pet shelter should need protection, it's more convenient to target a machine.

The third lesson is that robots do not have a home-court advantage in San Francisco. The opposite is true. After the crackdown, robots will not be delivering pizza, and security droids will become scarcer. The robots will still serve one purpose, though — as a scapegoat for problems whose roots are all too human.

请根据你所读到的文章内容,完成以下自测题目:1.According to the new rules, delivery robots in San Francisco ____.

A.can be tested in the city at fixed times.

B.are not allowed to deliver food.

C.can only travel on the sidewalk.

D.must work with a human operator.





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