
发布时间:2020-06-25 16:26:23







作者:李清如排版:Cicy本书由北京明天远航文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —和外国人谈交际




Personal Privacy vs Hospitality隐私与亲密


What is personal privacy and hospitality


Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude them or information about themselves and thereby reveal them selectively. The boundaries and content of what is considered private differ among cultures and individuals, but share basic common themes. Privacy is sometimes related to anonymity, the wish to remain unnoticed or unidentified in the public realm. When something is private to a person, it usually means there is something within them that is considered inherently special or personally sensitive. The degree to which private information is exposed therefore depends on how the public will receive this information, which differs between places and over time. Privacy is broader than security and includes the concepts of appropriate use and protection of information.

The concept of privacy is most often associated with Western culture, English and North American in particular. According to some researchers, the concept of privacy sets Anglo-American culture apart even from other Western European cultures such as French or Italian. Privacy, as the term is generally understood in the West, is not a universal concept and remained virtually unknown in some cultures until recent times. Most cultures, however, recognize certain forms of hidden or personal information that is not shared with wider society. The word “privacy” is sometimes regarded as untranslatable by linguists. Many languages lack a specific word for “privacy”. Such languages either use a complex description to translate the term or borrow English “privacy”.

Hospitality is the relationship between guest and host, or the act or practice of being hospitable. Specifically, this includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, resorts, membership clubs, conventions, attractions, special events, and other services for travelers and tourists.

In the contemporary West, hospitality is rarely a matter of protection and survival, and is more associated with etiquette and entertainment. However, it still involves showing respect for one’s guests, providing for their needs, and treating them as equals. Cultures and subcultures vary in the extent to which one is expected to show hospitality to strangers, as opposed to personal friends or members of one’s in-group.

The hospitality service industry includes hotels, casinos, and resorts, which offer comfort and guidance to strangers, but only as part of a business relationship. The terms hospital, hospice, and hostel also derive from “hospitality”, and these institutions preserve more of the connotation of personal care.

Hospitality ethics is a discipline that studies this usage of hospitality.

隐私权(right of privacy)是指自然人(natural person)享有的私人生活安宁与私人信息秘密依法受到保护,不被他人非法侵扰(illegal intrusion)、知悉、收集、利用和公开(publicity)的一种人格权(right of personality),而且权利主体(subject of right)对他人在何种程度上可以介入自己的私生活(private life),对自己是否向他人公开隐私(personal privacy)以及公开的范围和程度等具有决定权。隐私权的特征有:隐私权的主体只能是自然人,隐私权的内容具有真实性(authenticity)和隐秘性,隐私权的保护范围受公共利益(public interest)的限制。

Key words & Sentences


I beg pardon, I shouldn’t have mentioned other’s secrets.


Our privacy should not be violated.


It is bad manners to tell tales.


She has been living in a goldfish bowl since she won the beauty contest.


We must respect other’s privacy.


He has a private matter which he will never tell anyone.


The Research of the Protection on the Right to Individual Privacy in Cyber Space should be paid more attention.


Why everyone be in favor of the privacy of the famous persons?


Everyone has his own privacy.


Your medical-seeking privacy will be protected.


If that privacy is of tort, so does privacy still get legal protection?


These issues not intervene in personal or private topics.


I object to our privacy being invaded.


They showed a brazen disregard for her privacy.


Mrs Brown is known for her hospitality.


We are a hospitable nation.


The islanders are known for their hospitality.


I am obliged to you for your gracious hospitality.


Let’s Talk!


Jerry: I don’t like my Chinese friends calling me “Lao Wai”. It makes me feel that I am not one of them.


Li Ming: Actually, Chinese people want to treat you as one of us. The word “lao” always implies respect and closeness when used to address someone. For example, senior people are often addressed as “lao Wang” or “lao Li”.


Jerry: I see. Many people are learning English nowadays. But it’s a bit weird to hear people say hello to me in the street. That’s the word you use to answer phone. So it feels like everybody in the street is on the phone.


Li Ming: Chinese people are friendly. We are also curious about people from afar. What you’ve just said is an example of such a feeling.


Jerry: But occasionally, some people tend to be over-enthusiastic. I was reading in a subway one hot summer day when a young man looked at my arm and asked, “Don’t you feel hot with so much hair on your arm?” I have a five-year-old son. And sometimes people like to touch his face or even hold him up in the arms. He doesn’t like that. So I have to explain to him that is the Chinese way of showing affection.


Li Ming: That’s just like what we read in “A neighbor is more dependable than a distant relative.” Today’s China has evolved from its agricultural origins, where there was limited mobility. Those old traditions have given rise to a unique level of human relationship, which doesn’t accommodate personal privacy. People treat each other like one big family. The level of closeness is easily visible in everyday greetings such as “Have you eaten?” and “Where are you going?” Even during first encounters, Chinese people may still ask such questions as “Are you married?” “How old are you?” or other questions which may be very personal to westerner. Or you should learn to appreciate it rather than feeling offended.


Jerry: I’ve got it. This is Chinese hospitality just like the person who shared your newspaper. I remember some of my western friends telling me that sometimes they will either charge less or offer more when doing the grocery shopping. Again this is all about Chinese hospitality.


Li Ming: Well, it seems I am an unlucky person because I’ve never been in a situation where people are willing to charge me less.


Exchange of Gifts礼尚往来


What is the exchange of gifts


In the social sciences, a gift economy (or gift culture) is a society where valuable goods and services are regularly given without any explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards (i.e. no formal quid pro quo exists). Ideally, simultaneous or recurring giving serves to circulate and redistribute valuables within the community. The organization of a gift economy stands in contrast to a barter economy or a market economy. Informal custom governs exchanges, rather than an explicit exchange of goods or services for money or some other commodity.

Various social theories concerning gift economies exist. Some consider the gifts to be a form of reciprocal altruism. Another interpretation is that social status is awarded in return for the gifts. Consider for example, the sharing of food in some hunter-gatherer societies, where food-sharing is a safeguard against the failure of any individual’s daily foraging. This custom may reflect concern for the well-being of others, it may be a form of informal insurance, or may bring with it social status or other benefits. Because of the (future) benefit that is received from these actions, gift economies are still based upon trade, but without explicit returns from exchanges.

A gift economy normally requires the gift exchange to be more than simply a back-and-forth between two individuals. This notion of expanding the circle can also be seen in societies where hunters give animals to priests, who sacrifice a portion to a deity (who, in turn, is expected to provide an abundant hunt). The hunters do not directly sacrifice to the deity themselves.

Many societies have strong prohibitions against turning gifts into trade or capital goods.

Additionally, in some kinds of gift economies, gift recipients are expected to give something in return, such as political support, military services and general loyalty, or even return gifts and favors. This was common in warrior societies where kings and chieftains gave freely to their followers and could expect their loyal service in return. Such systems have social sanctions built in to punish freeloaders or miserly chiefs. A default punishment would be to halt gifts or services from one party to the alleged party in wrong. Typical sanctions might also include a bad reputation, formal eviction from the lord’s hall, a challenge to a duel, or public ridicule.

礼尚往来(the exchange of gifts)是指互通有无(mutual exchange of needed products),在礼节(courtesy)上重视有来有往,现也指以同样的态度来对待对方。“尚 ”意为注重。

与“礼尚往来”相关的故事:春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period),孔子(Confucius)在家收弟子开坛讲学(give lectures),引起了鲁定公的重视,经常到宫中讲学。季府的总管(general director)阳虎特地去看望孔子,孔子借故不见他。他知道孔子最讲究礼尚往来的,一次,特地给孔子留下一只烤乳猪,终于得到孔子的回访。

礼作为一种社会行为(social behavior)的规范,倡导了人与人之间的交往,而以礼的方式来交往,便会增进人情,增进社会的凝聚(cohesive force)。所以,礼物是一种以礼行为的规范物,目的是为了社会的整合。在送礼这样的日常行为中,人际行为就被社会规范化(standardization)了,不会送礼,变成了不会做人,最后形成好像是只讲人情(human relationship)的文化。当礼品不是自然真情的容器,反倒成了应有之情的容器时,就会变得包装精美,腹中空空。

Key words & Sentences


Naturally, there should be mutual concession and there should be reciprocity.


Mere friendly politeness required that he should call to see Dorothea about the cottages.


As for Michaelis, he was perfect, exactly the same melancholic, attentive, aloof young fellow of the previous evening, millions of degrees remote from his hosts, but laconically playing up to them to the required amount, and never coming forth to them for a moment.


We gave the Smiths a bottle of gin last Christmas, so this year they gave us a bottle of Scotch to even things up a bit.


Courtesy on one side only lasts not long.


Their frequent invitation places us under an obligation to invite them to our house for a change.


Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give out but to receive, or vice versa.


The exchange of gifts is a traditional Chinese thought, which is carried on till now.


The traditional meaning of exchanging of gifts has changed in modern society.


Mary refused to tell Taylor the reason, as the Chinese saying goes, Taylor won’t tell Mary the way to settle down the issue.


During holidays, we always receive lots of blessing short messages from our friends, and we’ll reply these messages in return.


Many foreigners regard the Chinese traditional culture of exchanging of gifts as strange behavior.


In Chinese point of view, exchange of gifts show the mutual respect and adoration among people.


Let’s Talk!


Collins: This is the first time I’ve been in China, and everything here fascinated me. But there is something I can never figure out!


Wang Yang: What’s wrong? Did anything puzzle you, speak it up and see if I can help you out.


Collins: Good! You turn up so timely! I am just expecting some good explanation. You know the other day one of my Chinese friends was celebrating his birthday so I asked him what he would like for a birthday present. Do you know what he said? “No, no! Don’t give me anything. Don’t be polite!” can you believe it?


Wang Yang: Actually, I can well believe it. It’s a Chinese way of expressing his being humble and reserved. But most often the speaker doesn’t really mean refusal unless he firmly insists. Chinese people don’t easily accept the given things only when he has contributed to the giver or there is an intimacy. And they don’t want their friends “pofei” which means to spend money. Or maybe he refuses you just because he doesn’t want to buy your gift in return.


Collins: What did he mean by refusing to accept a present from me then?


Wang Yang: I don’t think he was actually refusing to accept a present from you. It was just his way of being “polite”. He didn’t mean to be rude and certainly he didn’t mean to offend you.


Collins: Well, how do you like that? And what was I supposed to do or say in such a situation?


Wang Yang: In such a situation I suggest you just insist, and if your friend is an elderly gentleman, you probably have to insist several times, but even then I doubt if he will ever give you a direct answer. Or you can buy him a gift directly without asking him. I think he will be satisfied with whatever you buy him.


Collins: So you mean buying a gift is a good choice than not, right?


Wang Yang: I think so.


Collins: But what shall I do if he doesn’t like exchange of gift?


Wang Yang: In that case, you should not send him gift, or it will become a burden for him.


Collins: I know, thank you.


Chinese Hospitality中国人的待客之道



What is hospitality


Hospitality is the relationship between guest and host, or the act or practice of being hospitable. Specifically, this includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, resorts, membership clubs, conventions, attractions, special events, and other services for travelers and tourists.

Global concepts of hospitality:


The Pakhtun people of South-Central Asia, pre-dominant in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan and Afghanistan have a strong code of hospitality. They are people characterized by their use of Pakhtunwali, an ancient set of ethics, the first principle of which is Milmastiya or Hospitality. The general area of Pakhtunistan is also nicknamed The Land of Hospitality.

Biblical and Middle Eastern

In Middle Eastern Culture, it was considered a cultural norm to take care of the strangers and foreigners living among you. These norms are reflected in many Biblical commands and examples.

The obligations of both host and guest are stern. The bond is formed by eating salt under the roof, and is so strict that an Arab story tells of a thief who tasted something to see if it was sugar, and on realizing it was salt, put back all that he had taken and left.

Classical World

To the ancient Greeks and Romans, hospitality was a divine right. The host was expected to make sure the needs of his guests were seen to. The ancient Greek term xenia, or theoxenia when a god was involved, expressed this ritualized guest-friendship relation.

Celtic cultures

Celtic societies also valued the concept of hospitality, especially in terms of protection. A host who granted a person’s request for refuge was expected not only to provide food and shelter to his/her guest, but to make sure they did not come to harm while under their care.


In India, hospitality is based on the principle Atithi Devo Bhava, meaning “the guest is God”. This principle is shown in a number of stories where a guest is literally a god who rewards the provider of hospitality. From this stems the Indian approach of graciousness towards guests at home, and in all social situations.


属于亲友(relatives and friends)的客人:要尊重他,礼遇(courteous reception)他,要让他有宾至如归(Guests feel at home)的感觉。

属于有关系的客人:例如工商(industrial and commercial workers)、记者(correspondent)、警察(policeman)等,要给予善意接待,尽快解决问题。

属于临时(contemporary)的客人:偶然的访问(occasional visit) ,可因人、因时、因事而定,但总要给人欢喜,给人满意。


Key words & Sentences


That’s what hospitality is all about: making people feel at home when they’re not.


American hospitality begins at home-especially when it involves food.


Aviation experienced international aircrew and ground taking traditional way to receive guests of Asia as service aim and cabin attendants of Dragonair, offer comfortable flight service for our passenger.


China is a hospitable nation.


The natives are noted for their hospitality.


I am obliged to you for your gracious hospitality.


It was very hospitable of you to let me stay overnight.


Hospitable host entertains guests with grapes.


It is inhospitable to turn a stranger away.


The Tibetan people are brave, strong and forthright, very kind and hospitable.


His very clothes seem to partake of his hospitable nature.


The hospitality of the hosts gave us a favorable impression.


Whatever you may have been led to believe, France is a welcoming country.


Their honesty and hospitality left an enduring impress upon her life.


Shangri-La Hotels &Resorts has always epitomized the concept of Shangri-La hospitality.


Let’s Talk!


Zhang Bo: John, you’ve been in China for half a year, what’s your impression of China?


John: China is a very interesting country. There are beautiful sceneries and classic constructions. Each city has its own feature. Besides Chinese people are very hospitality.


Zhang Bo: Hospitality is Chinese traditional culture. People will





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