
发布时间:2020-06-25 22:57:57


























关键词:社会风险管理 转型期 社会保护 社会保障 社会风险预警Abstract

In the course of globalization,and under the social transition of China,there is further deepenly gap between urban and rural areas,and agricultural risks are increasing the risk of severely rural society,and the risks of rural unworking residents in the background of industrialization,urbanization,marketization and globalization.They will lose the protection of the collective economy of the farmers and become no guarantee social groups.If we do not pay attention to the risk of rural social problems,urban and rural areas is bound to furtherly be polarized as well as the various types of groups may become contradictions and struggle groups.Therefore,the risk of rural society and its management is not only the problem of rural communities,but also relates to the entire economy and social stability of China.It's urgent for us to solve the problem of rural areas and the management of social risk research without delay.

The 17th Communist committee of China in 2007 has cleared that “we must accelerate the focus on improving people's livelihood and social construction,to let all the people have teaching and school,and medical services and a sense of security,and home to live”.It further established social security as protection of national people's livelihood and improved people's livelihood status by core institutional arrangements.

There is no doubt that the social security system is the shock absorber and a social safety net that has always played an important role in a stable society and promoted economic development.It is an important means of the people of State or Government to dispose of survival risk.Deeply study of the issue of social security in rural areas is of great practical significance.In view of this,this essay was carried out through the social security arising from the limitations of risk management.

This essay takes into account the social risk management issues in a comprehensive analysis of the risk based on risk control Measures.

In this paper,the system sorts out the theory of social risk on the basis of the established mechanisms of social risk management framework and the establishment of this framework based on the start transition of China's rural social risk analysis.

The essay identifies the risk of transition in China's rural society→ to measure the risk of rural society under the analysis of international experience in risk management,as well as unexpected events in our country group based on typical case studies,and finally based on social risk management framework of China's rural society in transition for the construction of rural social integrated rescue system,the rural social insurance,the county insurance and building social capital in rural areas such as study issues.

The thesis is divided into 8 chapters,the main content and views are as follows:

Introduction is the full text of the study based on ideas and arguments of the main topics of the background papers and research domestic and foreign review.The thesis use some research methods,research ideas and logical structure,the main innovation and inadequate.This article analyzes social risk management in rural areas by social risk analysis,early warning,control and compensation components of a complete system.Under World Bank Social Risk Management framework,it gives a comprehensive social security co-ordination of the Government,market insurance mechanisms,family and social groups in the disposal of the community and the important role of risk.Social risk management is covered by the traditional Social Security and crisis management of the content,and also included in the macro-level in order to prevent the occurrence of the risk of all preventive work systematicly,dynamicly.

The first chapter is on the perspective of the literature on the theoretical basis of social risk.It's Mainly on the representative risk society theory,the basic connotation of social risks,the causes of social risk theory,risk management theory.In the risk society theory,the principal introduced the realism of the “new risk”theory,“risk culture”theory and “institutionalism”theory of risk society;social risk theory focuses on the causes of frustration-to attack the theory of norm-oriented movement theory,relative deprivation theory and modern chaos theory.Based on the practice of risk management arising in the course of two different kinds of argument,it gives a brief introduction of the school entity risk management objective and subjective theory of risk management theory to build the school.

Chapter II puts forwards to the framework of social risk management mechanisms based on the realities of the context and social theory .It consists of the background of the framwork,the aims and characteristics of social risk management and its important reference for us ect.It's focused on the advantages of social risk management framework in goal-setting methods and in policy instruments compared to the existing social security system.

Chapter III is on the perspective of social transformation in China's rural areas to identify social risks.It Collectes information of rural risk sources during the period of transformation,risk factors,the risk of exposure and losses.By risk analysis techniques and methods,it also identifies economic dislocation,social disorder,lack of social security system and the masses and other major social psychological imbalance exposure on the background of industrialization,urbanization,marketization and globalization of production factors resulting in the backdrop of the rural areas,rural grass-roots organizations,as well as weakening traditional values,customs.

Chapter IV is on the issue of risk measurement in the transition of China's rural society absorption.Amartya Sen's “potential capacity”of research results,is applied to the measurement of the vulnerability of rural indicators.Different from the traditional welfare economics of the utility theory,it use the sum of the development of competence(capability)to measure the quality of life of the theory of welfare economics to be concerned about the non-income factors.Political freedom,economic conditions,social opportunities,transparency guarantees and protective security measure such as life-wide dimension of the vulnerability of China's rural residents,and on the basis of risk to society,it conducts a preliminary exploration of early-warning mechanism.

Chapter V is on the contrast of Britain,France,Japan and other developed countries's rural social change.The social risk management in rural areas finds that economic conditions in the market is no sound system for the maintenance of social protection,there can be no sustainable social stability in rural areas and development.At the same time,basedon the analysis of two developing countries,Yemen and Jordan,two of the social risk management practice analysis find that the welfare state in a welfare state model is not the only way.Construction of rural social protection system,needs to take into account their national conditions,choose their own model.Therefore,the majority of the rural areas of China's current situation,immediate implementation of the strict sense of the social security reform is not realistic.From the planning of urban and rural development,we can implemente that the current rural areas is actually a match,and facilitate future integration with the urban form of the transition model of social protection.Yemen and Jordan's experience is an important reference value.It can strengthen the existing social security system at the same time,expand the social security of space,build a “government-the social security mechanism;the market-commercial insurance,savings,investments;society-families,communities,civil relief mechanism”three-in-one dynamic system of social risk management system is undoubtedly of great practical significance.

Chapter VI is about the case study of “Weng'an incident”that is representative of the wide implications.The study group finds that the incident is not an isolated case,in the understanding and management of mass emergencies,but the main perspective of the importance of event groups are not “sudden”with other important conclusions,as well as an important revelation.First of all,the establishment of a social risk mechanisms for early warning and emergency management improves the whole society's ability to prevent risks.Second,to build a“government-led,national mutual aid”effective rural social risk compensation mechanism.Third,to strengthen the social risks in the public education to raise public awareness of the level of risk.Finally,the establishment of a social mechanism of conventional risk communication.

Chapter VII is about the suggestions.This chapter builds social risk management mechanism of China's rural society in transition in the framework of social risk management,based on the accelerating risk of China's rural areas in transition,as well as disadvantage of the social security system of risk management.

The contributions of this dissertation are as following:

This essay firstly proposed the construction of our rural society in transition,the risk of early-warning mechanism for the basic idea.Risk compensation mechanism for rural social arrangements,will take full account of the country,an effective market and social integration,to explore building a government-the social security mechanism,the market-commercial insurance mechanisms,community-families,communities,civil relief mechanisms of the three-in-one system,and dynamic adjustment of the compensation system of rural social risks.This chapter focused on the social risk management framework of the unified national system of comprehensive social assistance,social insurance system in rural China,county insurance and rural social capital building for research.

Although the study of social risk has become a hot theoretical research,but the research literature and academic achievements on the rural society and the management of the risk is rare.Therefore,this thesis has considerable difficulty.Nevertheless,this paper seeks to explore in the following areas:

First,the paper has a strong signifcance of realistic and forward-looking.There have some success on the social risks research in transition,but the systematic study of Chinese rural society in transition and the theory of risk management mechanism is the first attempt.In addition,this paper aimed at the Chinese rural society in transition by the risk of system-building and policy recommendations,there is no lack of operability and promotion.

Secondly,the study of policy in the areas of the international community absorbs the latest research results on social risks “potential capacity”study of mutual integration,in order to break through the traditional perspective on the distribution of income-based theory of the social security.The establishment of a “potential capacity”builds the objective of the rural social risk management framework and based on the “potential capacity”building perspective,it builds China's rural risk management mechanism in transitional society,from the planning of urban and rural community development in rural areas,and a high degree of risk and management issues in conducting research with rural residents asset-building.The goal of an integrated relief system is based on the income of rural residents and the views of the idea.

Thirdly,the social risk management is a risk management philosophy and its framework in the field of social policy.It gives a new concept of Chinese social protection in rural areas,to explore the Chinese rural society in transition,and design a risk management mechanism .This study makes full use of social risk management control,and the overall coordination of the management philosophy,based on the fact that our country is still lack of coverage of all citizens to build a unified social security system.On the aspect of the institutional arrangements,this essay gives a new framework of social risk management mechanism of China's transitional rural areas,including of analysis,early warning,control and compensation mechanism.

Key words:Social Risk Management;Transitional Period;Social Protection;Social Security;Early Warning of Social Risk0导论0.1选题背景和研究意义0.1.1 选题背景

















因此,农村社会风险及其管理不仅是农村社区自身的问题,也是关乎我国整个经济社会稳定的重大课题。农村社会风险及其管理问题的研究刻不容缓,具有现实的紧迫性。0.1.2 研究意义






社会风险管理研究的相关概念有“社会风险管理”、“社会风险”、“社会预警”、“公共危机管理”、“突发事件应急管理”、“社会保障”等。本文献评论主要考察了已有的社会风险管理研究及其相关、相近的社会风险研究、社会预警研究、公共危机管理研究及突发事件应急管理研究、完善社会风险补偿机制研究和公共危机管理研究方法。0.2.1 社会风险管理研究


社会风险管理(Social Risk Management,SRM)是世界银行(Robert Holzmann & S.Jorgensen)为应对全球化对社会发展的严峻挑战,于1999年提出的社会保护政策的全新理念,旨在拓展现有的社会保障政策思路,强调运用多种风险控制手段、多种社会风险防范与补偿的制度安排,系统、综合、动态地处置新形势下各国面临的日趋严峻的社会风险,实现经济社会的平衡发展和可持续发展。


国内对社会风险管理的研究则刚刚起步。2002年国内学者林义教授提出了强化我国社会风险管理的政策思路和框架。他认为,社会风险管理是在全面系统的社会风险分析基础上,强调综合运用各种风险控制手段,合理分配政府、市场、民间机构及个人的风险管理责任,强调通过系统的、动态调节的制度框架和政策思路,有效处置社会风险,实现经济、社会的平衡和协调发展的新的策略框架。2005年,黄松涛对构建我国社会风险管理框架问题提出了设想;李航运用SRM框架对弱势群体的社会风险管理问题进行了探索。0.2.2 社会风险研究“风险社会”理论由德国社会学家乌尔里希·贝克于1986年首次提出。根据乌尔里希·贝克的观点,随着全球化和信息化,我们正在进入一个不同于传统现代化社会的“风险社会”,科学技术在给人类社会带来经济发展的同时,也为人类制造了潜在的风险,经济社会领域的不确定性日益增强,旧的工业社会体制与文化意识在这些史无前例的风险面前显得苍白无力。显然,风险社会理论是在反思、批判现代性的理论背景下兴起的。反思现代性成为风险社会理论的基本理论支撑和理论目标。英国学者斯科特·拉什从风险文化的角度来解读“风险社会”的涵义;英国社会学家安东尼·吉登斯在现代性的基础上考察了“风险社会”。

1988年6月,美国克拉克大学和决策研究院的研究者们提出了一种新的分析框架——风险的社会放大(social amplification of risk),代表人物是罗杰E.卡斯珀森。他认为,灾难事件与心理、社会、制度与文化交互作用的方式会加强或消减对风险的感知并塑造风险行为,这些行为也会反过来造成新的社会或经济后果,这些后果远远超过了对人类健康或环境的直接伤害,导致更重要的间接影响。该框架在社会风险研究领域得到了广泛的应用。








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