周计划:小学英语阅读强化训练(三年级)(第二版)(赠MP3下载 二维码听读)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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周计划:小学英语阅读强化训练(三年级)(第二版)(赠MP3下载 二维码听读)

周计划:小学英语阅读强化训练(三年级)(第二版)(赠MP3下载 二维码听读)试读:








六、可进行看图说话练习。看图作文是小升初热点题型,本书不少文章配有精彩场景图,您可根据图画及英文提示,先用一两句简短的英文描述图画,再阅读文章,检测自己的表达是否正确地道。编者Term 1上学期第1周WEEK ONEMondayTrack 01阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。

What a fine day it is! The sun is shining and everything looks bright. The sun gives heat from very far away. The sun looks small because it is so far from us, but it' s really very big.

The sun gives us light. It keeps us warm. It makes things grow. Plants, animals and people need the sun. We can' t live without the sun.生词shine/ʃaɪn/v.发光,发亮:The sea shines in the light of the moon.海水在月光下闪闪发亮。bright/braɪt/adj.明亮的,光亮的:The garden is bright with sunshine.在阳光的照耀下,花园里一片灿烂。

❶It is a______day.

A. windy

B. bad

C. cloudy

D. sunny

❷The sun gives us______.

A. heat

B. water

❸If it is fine, we feel______.

C. air

D. nothing

A. cold

B. warm

C. hard

D. worse

❹The sun looks small because it is______.

A. very near to us

B. really very small

C. far from us

D. not big



太阳带给我们光明,让我们感到温暖,让万物生长。植物、动物和人都需要太阳,没有太阳我们无法生存。TuesdayTrack 02阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。

Elephants have six teeth. Four of the teeth are about 30cm long. Two teeth can be over 100cm.

Elephants love water and they are very good swimmers. They like to have a bath every day.

Elephants eat plants. They eat about 225 kilograms a day. They drink 140 litres of water.

An elephant can live for about 70 years.生词bath/bɑːθ/n.洗澡,沐浴:He is giving a baby a bath.他正在给婴儿洗澡。kilogram/ˈkɪləɡræm/n.千克(公斤):I weigh 56 kilograms.我的体重是56千克。litre/ˈliːtə/n.升(公升):He buys ten litres of petrol.他买了10升汽油。

❶Elephants have______teeth.

A. six

B. four

❷Elephants are good at______.

C. two

D. eight

A. swimming

B. running

C. jumping

D. singing

❸An elephant can live for about 70______.

A. years

B. months

C. weeks

D. days





大象能活约70年。WednesdayTrack 03阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。

“I want to go to school, ”says Kim.“I want to see Mike.”Mike is not Kim' s friend. Mike is a bird!

One day, the children are at school. It is very hot and the windows are open. A bird comes into the school. The children give it some food. Soon the bird becomes the children' s pet. They name it“Mike.”

Now they open a window each morning. The bird comes into the school. It stays all day. Mike likes staying in school with the children.生词pet/pet/n.宠物:She keeps a pet dog.她养了一只宠物狗。

❶The children give the bird______.

A. money

B. a cage

C. some food

D. some paint

❷The bird ______.

A. likes staying in school

B. does not like school

C. can read

D. eats rice

❸At night the bird______.

A. goes fishing

B. looks at TV

C. plays with a cat

D. goes out of the school


一天,孩子们都在学校。天很热,窗户开着。一只鸟飞进了校园。孩子们给它喂了点食。很快,这只鸟就成了孩子们的宠物。他们给它起了个名,叫“迈克”。现在,他们每天早上都打开一扇窗户。鸟经常飞进校园,一待就是一整天。迈克喜欢待在校园,和孩子们在一起。ThursdayTrack 04阅读下面的短文,回答问题。

A man wants to sell his old horse, so he takes it to the market. Because the horse is old, nobody wants to buy it, but at last a young man stops in front of it and says, “How old is it? ”“It is twenty⁃one years old.”says the older man.

“How long do you have it? ”“I have it for nearly nineteen years.”

“And what is its name? ”“I don' t know. But I call it Tom.”生词market/ˈmɑːkɪt/n.市场,集市:The farmer takes vegetables to the Saturday market.农民把蔬菜运到周六集市。nearly/ˈnɪəli/adv.将近,几乎:She is nearly fifty now.她现在快50岁了。

❶Where does the older man go?


❷What does he take with him?


❸Why doesn' t anybody want to buy the horse?


❹What is the horse' s name?



有一个人想卖掉自己的老马,便牵着它来到市场。因为这匹马太老了,所以没人想买,最后,一个年轻人在马前停住,说“:它多大了?“”21岁。”年龄较大的人说。“它跟你多久了?“”快19年了。”“那它叫什么名字?“”我不知道。但我叫它汤姆。”FridayTrack 05阅读下面的短文,选择最恰当的单词或短语填空。have a bus travel

Today is Sunday. I don' t go to 1. I want to have a bus travel, because my uncle is a bus driver. The bus starts to 2. After some time, it 3 at a small village. A very old woman comes slowly.

My uncle wants to 4 her. When she 5 the bus, my uncle is going to close the door. But the old woman says, “Wait a minute. My mother is coming.”生词travel/ˈtrævl/n.旅行:Do you enjoy your travels in Africa?你们在非洲的旅行愉快吗?wait a minute 等一会儿,稍候片刻:Wait a minute, I' ll find your coat.等一会儿,我准备找找你的外套。

❶A. shop

B. office

C. bed

D. school

❷A. move

B. turn

C. hurry

D. fly

❸A. runs

B. begins

C. stops

D. ends

❹A. wait for

B. look for

C. pay for

D. care for

❺A. finds out

B. picks up

C. takes away

D. gets on



我叔叔想等她。当她登上公共汽车后,叔叔准备关车门。可老妇人说:“等一会儿,我妈妈也在赶来。”第2周WEEK TWOMondayTrack 06阅读下面的短文,判断正误。

Once Mark Twain wants to borrow some books from a friend. But the friend says“, I never let anyone take books away from my library.”

A few days later, in order to cut the grass, the friend wants to borrow a lawn mower(割草机)from Mark Twain. Mark Twain says,“Though my lawn mower is old, I never let anyone take it away from my home. If you want to use the lawn mower, use it in my garden.”生词in order to 为了,以便:He stands on a chair in order to reach the apples.他站到椅子上,以便够到苹果。though/ðəʊ/conj.虽然:He wears a coat, though it is very hot.虽然天气很热,但他仍穿着外套。

❶One day Mark Twain wants to borrow some books from his friend.

❷The friend lends the books to Mark Twain.

❸Mark Twain doesn' t have any lawn mower.

❹Mark Twain doesn' t lend his friend the lawn mower.

❺The two friends are not friendly to each other.



几天后,为了除草,这位朋友想从马克·吐温那里借割草机用用。马克·吐温说:“尽管我的割草机很旧了,但我从不允许别人把它从我的家里拿走。如果你想用割草机,就在我家的花园里用吧。”TuesdayTrack 07阅读下面的短文,判断正误。

A young husband and his wife are quarrelling. The wife begins to cry, “I don' t want to be with you any longer. And I' ll pick up my things and go off to my mother' s. I don' t want to live with you.”

“Fine, my dear, ”says the husband.“Here is the money.”

He gives her the money. She counts the money and asks, “What about the return ticket? ”生词quarrel/ˈkwɒrəl/v.争吵:I don' t want to quarrel with you about it.我不想与你在那件事上争吵。not any longer 不再:They don' t live here any longer.他们已不再住在这里。pick up 捡起,拿起,收拾起:Pick those things up off the floor!捡起地板上的东西!count/kaʊnt/v.数(数目):Close your eyes and count up to 20.闭上眼睛,从1数到20。

❶The wife wants to go off to her mother' s.

❷The wife doesn' t want to live with her husband.

❸The husband doesn' t give his wife any money.

❹The wife needs money to buy a return ticket.



他把钱给了她。她数了数说“:回程票怎么办?”WednesdayTrack 08阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。make great noises

Some girls are making great noises in class. Their teacher says to them, “You are making so much noise in class. I think a girl is like five hundred ducks.”

Very soon, a girl student comes and says, “One thousand ducks outside are asking for you, sir.”Hearing this, the teacher is surprised and goes out to see what it is. He sees his wife and his daughter standing outside the classroom.生词noise/nɔɪz/n.噪声,响声:I hear a noise outside the window.我听见窗外有声响。ask for 请求与……谈话:She is asking for the manager.她要求见经理。

❶The teacher is______.

A. happy with his class

B. satisfied with his class

C. angry with his class

D. glad with his class

❷What does the sentence“I think a girl is like five hundred ducks”means?

A. The teacher thinks the girls are just like ducks.

B. The teacher thinks the girls are too noisy.

C. The teacher thinks the girls are very cute.

D. The teacher likes his students.

❸Who is asking for the teacher?

A. One thousand ducks.

B. Two girls in his class.

C. His wife and his daughter.

D. Two women.

❹From this passage, we know that______.

A. the students are unhappy with their teacher

B. the teacher has some ducks in his class

C. the teacher' s wife and daughter take some ducks with them

D. a girl has five hundred ducks



不一会儿,一个女生进来说:“外面有1 000只鸭子找你,先生。”老师听了非常惊讶,便出去看是怎么回事。他看到妻子和女儿正站在教室外面。ThursdayTrack 09阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。

Tom and Fred are in the same class in their school. One day they have a fight in class. Their teacher is angry and let them write their names a hundred times.

After school, Tom and Fred stay in the classroom with the teacher. But Fred begins to cry. The teacher asks him, “Why are you crying, Fred? ”

“Because his name is Tom May, and my name is very, very long. My name is Frederick Honllingsworth, ”says Fred.生词fight/faɪt/n.打架,斗殴:Don' t get into a fight at school, will you?不要在学校打架,好不好?

❶Tom and Fred are______.

A. brothers

B. not at the same school

C. at home

D. classmates

❷Tom and Fred have a fight______.

A. at home

B. after school

C. outside the school

D. in class

❸The teacher let them______.

A. fight again

B. do their homework

C. say sorry to each other

D. write their names

❹After school,______stay(s)in the school.

A. Fred

B. Tom and Fred

C. Tom, Fred and their teacher

D. Tom

❺Fred cries because______.

A. his name is too long

B. he thinks he is wrong

C. he thinks he is right

D. he is hungry



放学后,汤姆、弗雷德和老师还待在教室里。但弗雷德哭了起来。老师问:弗雷德,你为什么哭?”“因为他的名字是汤姆·梅,而我的名字非常非常长,我的名字叫弗雷德里克·霍林斯伍斯。”弗雷德说。FridayTrack 10


Early in the morning, a great noise 1 the yard. Mr. Smith is 2 grass in the yard. Mr. Johnson goes to him and says, “Can I 3 you? ”

“Yes, thank you very much, ”Mr. Smith says.“Do you often help people cut the grass? ”

“No, ”Mr. Johnson answers.

“No? Why do you 4 so early and help me? ”

“I help you cut the grass so that I can go back to 5 again.”生词yard/jɑːd/n.院子:The children are playing in the school yard.孩子们在校园里玩。so that 为的是,以便:I' ll wash this dress so that you can wear it.我要把这套衣服洗一下,好让你穿。

❶A. hears from

B. goes up

C. looks for

D. comes from

❷A. pulling

B. watching

C. cutting

D. using

❸A. help

B. stop

C. love

D. hate

❹A. care for

B. look back

C. get up

D. sit down

❺A. sleep

B. think

C. laugh

D. cry


一大早,院子里传来一阵巨大的噪声。史密斯先生正在那里割草。约翰逊先生走过去说“:需要帮忙吗?”“是的,非常感谢,”史密斯先生说。“你经常帮人割草吗?”“不。”约翰逊先生答道。“不?那你为什么起这么早帮助我?”“我帮你割完草,就可以回去继续睡觉了。”第3周WEEK THREEMondayTrack 11阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。

Lisa Wilson and her family are at the beach. Lisa is in the water. She looks afraid. Her parents are on the beach. They can see some⁃thing in the water.

“Shark! ”cry Lisa' s parents.“Help! Lisa can' t swim. We can' t swim either! ”

No problem! Jeff Miller and his boat are here! Jeff is a lifeguard. He works at the beach. He can swim very well. He helps Lisa! Lisa and her parents are happy now.生词beach/biːtʃ/ n. 海滩:We lie on the beach in the sun. 我们躺在海滩上晒太阳。lifeguard/ˈlaɪfɡɑːd/n.救生员:The lifeguard saves the child.救生员救了那个小孩。

❶Where are Lisa and her family?

A. At home.

B. At the beach.

C. At the park.

D. On a mountain.

❷Who can' t swim?

A. Jeff Miller.

B. Lisa.

C. Lisa' s parents.

D. Lisa and her parents.

❸Who helps Lisa?

A. A lifeguard.

B. An old man.

C. A girl.

D. A boy.

❹What do Lisa' s parents see in the water?

A. A bird.

B. A bottle.

C. A shark.

D. A woman.



没问题!杰夫·米勒和他的小船就在这里。杰夫是一名救生员。他在海滩上工作。他的游泳技术很好。他帮助了丽莎!丽莎和她父母现在很开心。TuesdayTrack 12阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。

A cat goes fishing by the river every day, but he can' t catch any fish.

One day, he goes to the river as usual. Suddenly a fish comes out. He catches the fish. He is so happy that he forgets to put the fish into the basket. He dances and sings. He shouts, “I have a fish! I have a fish! ”All his friends come to see him.“Where is your fish?Let us have a look at it.”his friends say.

“It' s there, near the bank.”the cat answers. But he can' t find the fish. When he sings and dances, the fish jumps back into the river.生词basket/ˈbɑːskɪt/n.篮子:He is carrying a basket of apples.他拿着一篮子苹果。bank/bæŋk/n.河岸,堤岸:People are fishing along the banks of the river.人们在河两岸钓鱼。

❶The cat goes to the river every day to______.

A. catch fish

B. eat fish

C. play with fish

D. swim

❷One day, a fish comes out and he______.

A. eats it

B. catches it

C. lets it go

D. wants to make friend with it

❸The cat' s friends come to see the fish, but they see______.

A. nothing

B. a small fish

C. a big fish

D. a dead fish

❹Where is the fish at last?

A. In the basket.

B. In the river.

C. In the cat' s mouth.

D. On the river bank.



一天,他又像往常一样来到河边。突然,一条鱼跃出水面。他抓住了这条鱼。他很高兴,以至于忘了把鱼放进篮子里。他又唱又跳,还高喊“:我抓到一条鱼!我抓到一条鱼!”所有朋友都来看他。“你的鱼在哪里?让我们看看。”朋友们说。“就在那里,河岸附近。”猫答道。可他找不到鱼了。就在他又唱又跳时,鱼跳回了河里。WednesdayTrack 13阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。

Tom is a seaman. He is always drunk. One day Tom goes to a strange city. He drinks very much in a bar that night. When he goes out of the bar, he sees a man lying in the street. The man is quite drunk. When Tom comes nearer, the man points to the sky and asks,“Excuse me, is that the sun or the moon? ”

Tom looks at the sky for a while and answers, “I' m afraid I can' t help you. I am a stranger here myself.”生词seaman/ˈsiːmən/ n. 海员,水手:A seaman works on a ship. 水手在船上工作。drunk/drʌŋk/adj.醉的:I am a little drunk at the time so I don' t remember much.当时我有一点醉,记不得多少事情。stranger/ˈstreɪndʒə/n.陌生人;对环境不熟悉的人:“Can you tell me the way to the station? ”“I' m sorry, I' m a stranger here myself.”“你能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?“”对不起,我对这儿也不熟悉。”

❶Tom is a seaman. He must work______.

A. in the bus

B. on the ship

C. in the shop

D. in the factory

❷Tom likes to drink very much. He goes to drink in this bar______.

A. once a week

B. very often

C. the first time

D. every other day

❸Why does the man ask Tom the question?

A. Because he wants Tom to tell him the way.

B. Because he loses the way.

C. Because he is a stranger there.

D. Because he is quite drunk.

❹Why can' t Tom answer the question?

A. Because he is a stranger there too.

B. Because he doesn' t want to tell him.

C. Because he is quite drunk too.

D. Because he is quite ill.



汤姆朝着天上看了一会儿,答道:“我恐怕帮不了你什么忙,我也是刚到这儿的。”ThursdayTrack 14阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。

There are many kinds of ants in America. One kind is very strong. People are afraid of it, and animals are afraid of it, too.

These ants move in large groups. They eat all the animals on their way. They can kill and eat elephants, and they can eat wood houses. Sometimes even people are killed by them. When the ants come near, people leave their homes. But people are sometimes glad after the ants pass through, because they can see no insects or snakes.


pass/pɑːs/v.经过:David passes my house on the way to school.戴维上学时经过我家。

insect/ˈɪnsekt/n.昆虫:Ants, flies, butterflies are all insects.蚂蚁、苍蝇、蝴蝶都是昆虫。

❶Some ants in America can be very______.

A. heavy

B. strong

C. light

D. thin

❷People and animals fear ______.

A. one kind of ants

B. elephants

C. insects

D. snakes

❸People get away from the ants because ______.

A. they can eat and kill elephants

B. they can also eat wood houses

C. they travel in large groups

D. they can even kill people

❹Where are the insects or the snakes after the ants pass through?

A. They hide under the ground.

B. They move to other places before the ants come.

C. They are killed by the ants.

D. They are killed by people.



这种蚂蚁成群结队地行动。它们会吃掉沿途的所有动物。它们能杀死并吃掉大象,它们能吃掉木头房子。有时候,甚至人类也会被它们杀死。当这种蚂蚁靠近时,人类只得离开自己的家园。可当这种蚂蚁经过之后,人类有时会高兴,因为他们既见不到昆虫也看不见蛇了。FridayTrack 15

将下列选项填入空格,每项只能使用一次,有一项为多余选项。A. gets offB. surprisedC. afternoonD. at homeE. streetF. whyleave my license at home

One afternoon it is hot. Andy is driving his car in the 1. When he is coming near the crossing, he suddenly remembers something and 2 at once. He begins to push his car in the street. It makes the policeman 3 and he asks, “What' s the matter with your car, sir? ”

“Nothing, sir, ”answers Andy.

“But 4 push it, then? ”

“Because I leave my license 5.”生词crossing/ˈkrɒsɪŋ/n.十字路口:There is a traffic light at the street crossing.这个十字路口有交通信号灯。license/ˈlaɪsns/n.执照:a driving license驾驶执照/The doctor' s license is hanging on the wall.那个医生的行医执照挂在墙上。

一天下午,天气很热。安迪正驾驶汽车行驶在路上。当他来到十字路口附近时,突然想起一件事,便立刻下了车。他开始推着汽车在街上行进。这个举动让警察很惊讶,便问“:你的车出什么问题了,先生?”“什么问题也没有,先生。”安迪答道。“那你为什么推着它走?”“因为我把驾驶执照落在家里了。”第4周WEEK FOURMondayTrack 16阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。drink water near the river

One day a sheep is drinking water near the river. A wolf is coming to the sheep. The wolf wants to eat the sheep very much. He says to the sheep, “You make my water dirty. I can' t drink it now.”The sheep says,“I am far away from you. How can I make your water dirty? ”The wolf has nothing to say.

Then the wolf has another idea. He says to the sheep, “Last year you say something bad behind me.”The sheep cries, “No, I don' t. I am not born at that time.”

“Then it must be your daddy, ”the wolf says. Then he rushes at the sheep and eats it.生词rush/rʌʃ/v.冲,奔:The children rush out of school.孩子们冲出学校。

❶One day a sheep is ______ near a river.

A. walking

B. drinking

C. sleeping

D. eating

❷The wolf wants to eat ______.

A. the grass

B. the sheep

C. the fish

D. nothing

❸The wolf says he can' t ______.

A. drink the juice

B. drink the water

C. eat the grass

D. eat the meat

❹The wolf rushes at the sheep and ______.

A. helps it

B. plays with it

C. eats it

D. beats it



狼又有了主意。它对羊说:“去年你在背后说我的坏话来着。”羊大叫:“不,我没有。那时我还没出生呢。”“那肯定是你爸爸。”狼说。然后冲向羊,把它吃了。TuesdayTrack 17阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。

Mr. Smith has a nice brown coat. He loves it very much. But his wife doesn' t like it because it' s old. She often says, “Give it to a poor man.”But Mr. Smith says“, No, I like this coat.”

But one day, a cigarette falls on it and makes a hole in it. So Mrs. Smith says, “Please don' t wear it again.”Mr. Smith takes it to a tailor' s shop and says to the tailor, “Please make another coat just like this one.”The tailor makes a new coat very carefully, and then lights a cigarette and makes a hole in it in the same place.


cigarette/ˌsɪɡəˈret/n.香烟:John puts out his cigarette.约翰把烟掐灭了。

tailor/ˈteɪlə/n.裁缝:A tailor' s job is to make clothes.裁缝的工作就是做衣服。

light/laɪt/v.点燃:He lights a match.他擦亮一根火柴。

❶The colour of Mr. Smith' s coat is ______.

A. brown

B. blue

C. black

D. red

❷Mrs. Smith doesn' t like the coat because ______.

A. it is very old

B. it is very ugly

C. it has a hole in it

D. it is very dirty

❸Mrs. Smith asks Mr. Smith to ______.

A. give the coat to a poor man

B. buy a new coat

C. throw it away

D. repair it

❹Why does Mr. Smith send the coat to the tailor' s?

A. Because he doesn' t like it any more.

B. Because there is a hole in it.

C. Because he wants to have a new one just like it.

D. Because he wants to give the coat to the tailor.

❺How many holes are there in the new coat?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

D. No one.



可有一天,一支香烟掉在衣服上面,烧了个洞。于是史密斯太太说“:请别再穿了。”史密斯先生把衣服拿到裁缝店,对裁缝说“:请完全按照这件衣服的样子再做一件。”裁缝很小心地做了件新的,然后点燃一支香烟,在同样的地方烧了个洞。WednesdayTrack 18阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。

When Billy is very small, his mother draws pictures for him. She is very bad at drawing, but Billy enjoys her pictures and always wants more.

When Billy is five years old, his mother gives him a small blackboard and some pieces of chalk. One day he is trying to draw a picture of his father. He draws and draws. At last when he looks at his picture, he is not happy.

“Well, ”he says to his mother.“I' ll draw a tail on it, and he will look like a monkey.”生词well/wel/interj.(用以开始或结束对话)嗯:“Is that right? ”“Well, I think so.”“对不对?“”嗯,我想是对的。”chalk/tʃɔːk/n.粉笔:Tom writes with chalk on a blackboard.汤姆用粉笔在黑板上写字。tail/teɪl/n.尾巴:The dog has his tail between his legs.那条狗夹起了尾巴。

❶Which of the following is true?

A. Billy doesn' t like to draw pictures.

B. Both Billy and his mother are bad at drawing.

C. Billy is good at drawing.

D. Billy' s mother is good at drawing.

❷Billy' s mother ______ draws pictures for him when he is very





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