
发布时间:2020-06-26 06:34:49








®A Information on the TOEFL iBT®1. The Format of the TOEFL iBT®2. What Is New about the TOEFL iBT?®

(1) The TOEFL iBT is delivered through the Internet in secure test centers around the world at the same time.

(2) It tests all four language skills and is taken in the order of Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing, with a 10-minute break in the middle.

(3) The test is 4.0~4.5 hours long, and all of the four test sections will be completed in one day.

(4) Note taking is allowed throughout the entire test, including the Reading section. At the end of the test, all notes are collected and destroyed at the test center.

(5) Compared with the computer-based test (CBT) and paper-®based test (PBT), the TOEFL iBT has no Structure section. Grammar is tested indirectly on questions and tasks in each section.

(6) In the Listening section, one lecture may be spoken with a British or Australian accent.

(7) There are integrated tasks requiring test takers to combine more than one language skill in the Speaking and Writing sections.

(8) In the Speaking section, test takers wear headphones and speak into a microphone when they respond. The responses are recorded and transmitted to ETS's Online Scoring Network.

(9) In the Writing section, test takers must type their responses. Handwriting is not possible.

(10) Test scores will be reported online. Test takers can see their scores online 15 business days after the test and will also receive a copy of their score report by mail.B Information on the Reading Section®

The Reading section of the TOEFL iBT measures test takers' ability to understand university-level academic texts. This section has 3~5 passages, and the length of each passage is about 700 words. Some passages may have underlined words or phrases in shade. Test takers can click on them to see a definition or explanation. Test takers have to answer 12~14 questions per passage. 60~100 minutes are given to complete this section, including the time spent reading the passages and answering the questions.1.Types of Reading Passages

(1) Exposition – Material that provides an explanation of a topic

(2) Argumentation – Material that presents a point of view about a topic and provides evidence to support it

(3) Historical narrative – An account of a past event or of a person's life, narrated or written by someone elseBasic Comprehension Questions

(1) Vocabulary (3~5 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you to identify the meanings of words and phrases in the reading passage.

(2) Reference (0~2 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you to identify the referential relationship between the words in the passage.

(3) Factual Information (3~6 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you to identify specific information that is explicitly stated in the passage.

(4) Negative Factual Information (0~2 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you to check what information is NOT mentioned in the passage.

(5) Sentence Simplification (0~1 question per set)

_ This type of question asks you to choose the sentence that best paraphrases the essential information in the highlighted sentence.

_ This is a new type of question introduced in the TOEFL® iBT.Inference Questions

(6) Inference Questions (0~2 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you to identify an idea that is not explicitly stated in the passage.

(7) Rhetorical Purpose Questions (0~2 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you why the author uses particular words, phrases, or sentences.

(8) Insert Text Questions (0~1 question per set)

_ This type of question provides an example sentence and asks you to decide where the best place for that sentence would be in the passage.Reading to Learn Questions

(9) Prose Summary (1 question per set)

_ This type of question asks you to complete a summary chart with major ideas from the passage.

_ This question is worth up to 2 points, and partial credit is given.

_ This type of question does not occur with a Fill in a Table question in a same passage.®

_ This is a new type of question introduced in the TOEFL iBT.

(10) Fill in a Table (1 question per set)

_ This type of question asks you to identify and organize the major ideas of the passage into table categories.

_ This question is worth up to 3 points for tables with 5 correct answers and 4 points for tables with 7 correct answers. Partial credit is given.

_ This type of question does not occur with a Prose Summary question in one passage.®

_ This is a new type of question introduced in the TOEFL iBT.2. Question Formats

There are three question formats in the Reading section:

(1) Four-choice questions with a single answer in traditional multiple-choice format

(2) Four-choice questions with a single answer that ask test takers to insert a sentence where it fits best in a passage

(3) Reading to Learn questions with more than four choices and more than one answer

How to Use This Book


How to Master Skills for the TOEFL iBT Reading Basic is ®designed to be used either as a textbook for a TOEFL iBT reading preparation course or as a tool for individual learners who are ®preparing for the TOEFL test on their own. With a total of 10 units, this book is organized to prepare you for the test with a comprehensive understanding of the test and thorough analysis of every question type. Each unit consists of 7 parts and provides a step-by-step program that provides question-solving strategies and the development of test-taking abilities. Here is a description of each unit.1 Overview

This part is designed to prepare you for the type of question the unit covers. You will be given a full description of the question type and its application in the passage. You also will be given some useful tips as well as an illustrated introduction and sample.2 Skill & Drill

The purpose of this section is to ensure that you understand the new types of questions that are described in the overview. You will be given a chance to confirm your understanding in brief texts before starting on the practice exercises. You will read some simple passages and answer the questions of a particular type. This part will help you learn how to deal with each type of question on the Reading section of ®the TOEFL iBT.3 Practice with Short Passages

This section is the first of the practice exercises in each unit. It is a halfway step before practicing with the long passages. Four short passages are offered, and a time limit is given for reading each passage. After reading each passage, you will solve some general comprehension questions as well as other questions of the type that is dealt with in the unit. Definitions of difficult words are offered to help you understand the material better.4 Practice with Long Passages

This section is the second of the practice exercises in each unit. Four long passages are provided, and a time limit is also given for reading each passage. You first read the passage within a time limit and then solve the question or questions of the type that is mainly dealt with in the unit. Important words are also listed to help increase your understanding. Besides, a graphic organizer is provided to help you grasp the overall organization of each passage and understand important points.5 Building Summary Skills

The purpose of this part is for you to understand the previous long passages thoroughly by completing the summaries of them. This will also help you enhance your ability of paraphrasing skills that are ®strongly recommended to those who are preparing for the TOEFL iBT test.6 Mini TOEFL iBT®

This part gives you a chance to experience an actual TOEFL iBT test in a shortened form. You will be given two passages with 6 ®questions each. The topics are similar to those on the actual TOEFL test, as are the questions.7 Vocabulary Review

This part offers you a chance to review some of the words you need to remember after finishing each unit. Vocabulary words for each unit are also provided at the back of the book to help you prepare for each unit.PART 1Basic Comprehension

In this part, the reading comprehension questions include: vocabulary, reference, factual information, negative factual information, and sentence simplification. The learning objectives of these reading comprehension questions are to identify individual words, referential relations between the words in the passage, factual information, and essential sentences.Unit 1VocabularyOverview■Introduction

Vocabulary questions ask you to understand the meanings of words in the reading passage, and you then choose an identical or similar word from the list of words. A word may have more than one meaning, but you should find the word which has the closest meaning to the word in the reading passage. Each article has three to five vocabulary questions. Therefore, students should attempt to increase their vocabulary.■Useful Tips

● Keep in mind that the question is asking for the meaning as the word is used in the passage.

● Make the most of contextual clues, such as definition, synonym, antonym, example, and experience clues.

● Confirm that the word or phrase you have chosen still makes sense in the passage.■Question Types

1.The word ___ in the passage is closest in meaning to

2.The phrase ___ in the passage is closest in meaning to

3.In stating that ___ , the author means that

4.Based on the information in paragraph X, which of the following best explains the term ___ ?Sample iBT Question

Dinosaurs were ancient species of reptiles. They lived on Earth for 160 million years. Some dinosaurs were as small as rabbits; others were enormous . Some ate meat, and others ate plants. They disappeared about 65 million years ago. Scientists believe that they starved to death. They think the climate changed quickly and caused many plants to die.

The word enormous in the passage is closest in meaning to

A huge

B cowardly

C scary

D skillfulCorrect Answer

Enormous means ‘extremely large in size.' In this example, there is an antonym clue, small, in the previous clause. So the best answer for the above question is (A), which also means ‘extremely large in size.'Skill & DrillDefinition Clues

Definition clues describe or explain a word's meaning right after the word is used. They give a definition or a restatement of the unknown word. Definition clues usually follow signal words or phrases such as or, means, refers to, is, is called, is defined as, or which is.ExampleA player hitting a homer , which is to hit a home run, is something that fans look forward to at every baseball game. It is a source of excitement when the bat swings and the ball goes sailing through the air. Sometimes the ball lands in the field. Sometimes the ball flies into the seats.The word homer in the passage is closest in meaning toA ballB batC home runD fenceCamouflage is hiding oneself from one's enemies. Some animals do this to protect themselves from their enemies. They do it to catch food. Frogs, butterflies, and snakes are examples of such animals. They change their colors or shapes to match their surroundings. With camouflage, they look like grass, leaves, or stones. This improves their chances of survival in the wild.

1.The word camouflage in the passage is closest in meaning to

A disguise

B challenge

C disappearance

D resistenceSome wild animals hibernate , which is to sleep through winter. They enter their dens in late fall and do not come out until spring. Before hibernating, animals eat to gain fat. This fat sustains them through winter. When they come out in spring, the animals are very thin. They are also very hungry. Hibernation enables many wild animals to survive during the cold winter when there is no food to eat.

2.The word hibernate in the passage is closest in meaning to

A store

B sleep

C migrate

D awakeSynonym & Antonym Clues

To help show the meaning of an unknown word, writers sometimes use a familiar word with a similar meaning (a synonym) or a word with an opposite meaning (an antonym). A synonym clue can be found in the same sentence as the unknown word, but sometimes it may appear in another sentence. An antonym clue can usually be found in sentences that contrast each other. These sentences sometimes include signal words or phrases like but, however, instead, in contrast, on the other hand, though, whereas, and some…; others…ExampleEvery business seeks innovation . Now even health clubs have new ways to run their businesses. They make use of MP3 players and downloading. Fitness enthusiasts can download workouts for a small fee. They do this instead of paying an instructor $50 per hour. The health club can also reach more customers this way.The word innovation in the passage is closest in meaning toA introductionB rapid changeC new methodD technologyThe inspectors went to the zoo last week. They wanted to see how the monkeys were kept. Some monkeys in the zoo were obese . Others were as skinny as toothpicks. The inspectors wanted to know why there was a difference. Perhaps some monkeys were stealing food from the others.

1.The word obese in the passage is closest in meaning to

A at

B ugly

C angry

D trickyMost TV sets come with remote controls. They use infrared technology. Infrared is imperceptible , whereas the light from the TV screen is visible. The remote uses infrared light to send commands to the TV. The TV must have a special receiver that can read these flashes of light. Viewers can change channels and look at menus.

2.The word imperceptible in the passage is closest in meaning to

A touchable

B treatable

C believable

D invisibleExample Clues

Example clues provide examples of the unknown word. The unknown word and its examples have a part-whole relationship, so the unknown word is usually a more general word which can represent its examples. The clue may be introduced, but not always, by signal words such as include, for example, for instance, such as, and like. The clues are not always in the same sentence.ExampleIn spring, many people suffer from coughing, itching, sneezing, runny noses, and watery eyes. People may think these are indications of a cold. If these symptoms last for a long time, they should see a doctor. It could be an allergy caused by dust, mold, or pollen. These can cause a lot of irritation.The word symptoms in the passage is closest in meaning toA signsB symbolsC patternsD phenomenaThe northeast part of the United States gets the most forms of precipitation . The region is subject to rain, snow, and sleet. Some years, there is so much that it may damage crops. This causes many farmers to borrow money from the bank to pay for their expenses. It can also cause damage to buildings.

1.The word precipitation in the passage is closest in meaning to

A changes in temperature

B water from the sky

C dust in the air

D clouds above mountainsThe wolverine is a hardy animal. It is strong, and it can live in cold temperatures. It is able to catch large animals. It lives in the forests of Canada and the United States. The wolverine is able to walk up to 100 miles per day while hunting for food. It is strong and aggressive enough even to steal food from bears.

2.The word hardy in the passage is closest in meaning to

A horrible

B angry

C tough

D greedyExperience Clues

Experience clues rely on your own knowledge or experience to understand an unknown word. Many times, the text will mention something you know about, but it will not directly tell you what the word means. So you need to use your logic and reasoning skills based on your experience and common knowledge.ExampleDigital dictionaries are very effective learning tools. They check spelling and word meanings. They also give synonyms. Even better, they show the words in a sentence. This helps students learn about the grammar of the word. Students can learn to use words with fewer mistakes. They become better writers this way.The word effective in the passage is closest in meaning toA impressiveB handyC usefulD validSoccer has been slow to catch on in the U.S. This is because most people prefer to watch baseball, basketball, and football. These are American inventions. Many of them think that soccer is a sport for Europeans or South Americans. It is not a part of the USA's identity. They also do not like how the games have low scores.

1.The phrase catch on in the passage is closest in meaning to

A get popular

B be entertained

C get rooted

D be confusingClouds form when air near the ground is heated by the sun. The hot air rises in the atmosphere because it is less dense than the air around it. Eventually, the rising air cools. The water, at first in vapor form, condenses. It forms visible droplets. At this point, you can see the cloud.

2.The word dense in the passage is closest in meaning to

A thick

B hot

C cold

D lightPractice with Short PassagesA Read the following passage, and answer the questions.Mollusks    Time Limit: 30 sec.Mollusks are an important part of marine life. They have provided humans with sustenance for thousands of years. Mollusks include shelled creatures like clams, mussels, oysters, and snails. They all have gills that take oxygen from the water. They often live where fresh river water mixes with saltwater from the ocean. This water is abundant in food. These animals feed by opening their shells with a muscle called a "foot" and by passing water through their bodies. They eat nutritious plant matter and the tiny animals that live in the water around them. Other types of mollusks include squid and octopuses. These can only live in saltwater. Their "foot" has evolved into arms, called tentacles, which are used to grab large prey.General Comprehension

1.According to the passage, where do mussels live?

A Where saltwater is cold

B Where rivers meet large seas

C Where freshwater is warm

D Where trees hang over lakes

2.According to the passage, what do gills do?

A Get oxygen for the mollusk

B Measure liquids

C Open the shell

D Feed the clamOn the TOEFL Test

3.The word sustenance in the passage is closest in meaning to

A cold

B sand

C food

D salt

4.The word abundant in the passage is closest in meaning to

A rich

B empty

C mixed

D pollutedB Read the following passage, and answer the questions.Extreme Sports  Time Limit: 30 sec."Extreme sports" are new kinds of sports. They include bungee jumping, certain kinds of bicycle riding, and skateboarding. Young adults often pursue these sports to test their physical ability, fear, and safety. These sports often feature high speeds or dangerous stunts. They can create a "mental rush." This is the feeling the person has when the brain feels stress. Many people like this feeling. Extreme sports are now an important part of youth culture. Companies have begun to market products such as drinks and clothing at these sporting events because of their power to attract a young audience.General Comprehension

1.According to the passage, why do young adults participate in

extreme sports?

A They want to test their abilities.

B They want to be physical.

C They want to have fun.

D They want to be safe.

2.Who else do extreme sports attract?

A Markets

B News broadcasters

C Stuntmen

D FirmsOn the TOEFL Test

3.The word pursue in the passage is closest in meaning to

A do

B make

C like

D study

4.The word extreme in the passage is closest in meaning to

A tame

B sober

C intense

D boringC Read the following passage, and answer the questions.Disasters in Quebec  Time Limit: 30 secThe year 2003 was brutal for Quebec. The reason is fires. It was the most disastrous fire season in recent times. It was also the most expensive year for natural disasters in this region of Canada. The harshness of the fires was explained by 3 years of bad weather. Some places had their worst droughts in 100 years. The land was very dry. Over 2,400 forest fires burned vast areas of land. It cost nearly $500 million to fight these fires. Insurance companies paid out $250 million in claims. Three firemen lost their lives. It will take a long time to repair the damage. The year 2003 was the worst in a decade.





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