
发布时间:2020-06-27 16:18:21







Chapter 1 Harvard University——Learned,Elegant Academic Palace 第一章 哈佛大学——博学、典雅的学术殿堂

1. Introduction 学校简介

Harvard University is a private Ivy League university located in Cambridge,Massachusetts,United States. President Charles W. Eliot's forty-year tenure(1869–1909) transformed the college and affiliated professional schools 哈佛校门into a centralized research university,and Harvard became a founding member of the Association of American Universities in 1900. So far,Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and the first corporation chartered in the country. To some extend,Harvard's history,influence,and wealth have made it as one of the most prestigiousuniversities in the world.

哈佛大学是一所私立大学,常春藤联盟成员之一,位于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥镇。任职时间长达40年的查尔斯·威廉·艾略特校长(1869~1909),使哈佛及其附属职业学院转变成一所集中的研究型大学。1900年,哈佛成为美国大学协会的创始成员之一。迄今为止,它已是美国历史最悠久的高等学府,也是北美第一个以及最古老的法人机构。从某种程度来说,哈佛的历史、影响力及财富已使它成为世界上最富盛誉的大学之一。2. About Harvard University 认识哈佛● History of Harvard University 追根溯源

Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States,established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was named after the College's first benefactor,the young minister John Harvard. Upon his death in 1638,the young minister left his library and half his estate to the institution. A statue of John Harvard stands today in front of University Hall in Harvard Yard,and is perhaps the University's best known landmark.

In addition to two undergraduate colleges,Harvard College and Radcliffe College,Harvard University has 11 graduate schools. Now the University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 20,000 degree candidates including undergraduate,graduate. There are more than 360,000 alumniliving in the U.S. and other countries in the world.


除哈佛学院与拉德克利夫学院两所本科学院外,哈佛大学还有11所研究生院。如今,学校已经从只有9位学生和1位教师发展成为拥有20,000名在校生的规模,这些学生包括本科生、研究生和高职生。有360,000多名校友生活在美国和世界其他国家。● Landmarks of Harvard University 哈佛地标

The statue of Harvard is regarded as one of the four famous statues in U.S. and the others are the statue of liberty in New York,the memorial statue of Lincoln in Washington,the statue of Franklin in Philadelphia.

哈佛雕像被誉为美国四大著名雕像之一,另外三座是纽约的自由女神像、华盛顿的林肯纪念堂座像和费城的富兰克林雕像。Three Lies 三大谎言

Through a wide variety of the bookstores and cafes in“Harvard square”,you can see a great architecture built with grey granite. This is the administration building of Harvard University,in front of which stands a bronze statue. He is the minister John Harvard,one fateful body to become the leader of the Harvard. With bright eyes,he looks handsome,angular and gentle. His right hand presses an open bible,and his legs extend with the left foot slightly putting out the base. The peculiarities is the dark brown shoes with shiny toe and all its former Harvard admirers,without exception,would touch his left foot. It is said that the people who touch the foot can pass the examination and all wishes come true. Inadvertently standing religious“a Century's Caress”,Harvard is still staring deeply this land,which is full of passion and dreams,and gives birth to ideals and legends.

The three lines are engraved on the base of the statue,but they are well known as Harvard three lies. The first line is“John Harvard”,the following line is the“founder”and the third line is“1638”. At first glance,no matter whoever will understand“in the 1638 Harvard himself founded Harvard University.”In fact,these three simple statements actually don't match the facts!

First,the statue was not built according to the true appearance of Harvard,because John Harvard was dead prematurelyand did not leave any portraits or any heirs. The sculptor just selected a handsome student to be the model and adopted Puritan dress in the 17th century. Then finished this Harvard statue in high spirits today. In other words,this portrait is just a stand-in for Harvard.

Second,John Harvard is just the donor of the university and not the founder as written on the base.

Third,Harvard University was built in 1636 not in 1638,which was written on the statue.

Obviously,the statue of Harvard has made a sort of joke with people,but it also occasionally been parodied. It is said that a group of students who rode the night,dressed the Harvard statue as a super-warrior in the game. Under the tinker of them,the old Harvard in the helmet of the protagonist in the game,with arm relying on a machine gun,sat“solemnly”for a whole night . From this,we can see the humor of history,perhaps just this interaction across time and space greatly reduces the distance between Harvard and people.约翰·哈佛雕像

Although the statue of Harvard has“lied”,the three lies do not forbid people from accepting it. It seems that truths and lies will not stand in the mutually exclusive opposition in the distant past and future,but rather two sides of a coin,which keep tips of the people to make deep speculation about yesterday and today,past and future.







尽管哈佛雕像“说了谎”,不过这三大谎言并不妨碍人们用心接纳这座哈佛铜像。在更为久远的过去与未来,真理与谎言似乎并不是一个水火不容的对立者,而更像一个铜板的两面,不断向人们提示着关于昨天与今天、过去与未来的深刻思辨。3. Notable People from Harvard University 哈佛名人录● Catherine Drew Gilpin Faust 凯瑟琳·德鲁·吉尔平·福斯特

Catherine Drew Gilpin Faust(September 18,1947) is an American historian,the persent president of Harvard University. Faust is the first woman to serve as Harvard's president and the university's 28th president overall. Faust is the fifth woman to serve as president of an Ivy League university,and the former dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Faust is also Harvard's first president since 1672 without an undergraduate or graduate degree from Harvard.

During a press conference on campus Faust stated,“I hope that my own appointment can be one symbol of an opening of opportunity that would have been inconceivableeven a generation ago”. She also stressed,“I'm not the woman president of Harvard,I'm the president of Harvard.”凯瑟琳·德鲁·吉尔平·福斯特

On February 8,2007,The Harvard announced that Faust had been selected as the next president. Following formal approval by the university's governing boards,her appointment was made officially three days later. Faust delivered her installation address as the president of Harvard at Cambridge,Mass,saying,“A university is not about results in the next quarter;it is not even about who a student has become by graduation. It is about learning that molds a lifetime,learning that transmits the heritage of millennia;learning that shapes the future”.



2007年2月8日,哈佛大学宣布,选定福斯特为下届校长。经大学理事会正式批准,三天后,她被官方正式任命为校长。她在剑桥镇正式就任哈佛大学校长的就职演说中说:“一所大学的精神所在,是它特别要对历史和未来负责——而不单单或者仅仅是对现在负责。一所大学关乎的学问应该是,影响终生学问,将传统传承千年的学问,创造未来的学问。”● Barack Hussein Obama 贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马

It was as a law student that Obama first made history—he was elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review in the spring of 1990. Obama met many professors and classmates who would prove help in his meteoric political rise from state senator to president of the United States in five years.

He arrived on campus at the age of 27 in the fall of 1988,older than many of his classmates because he became as a community organizer in Chicago for a period. His classmates and friends said that Obama didn't speak much about his unique background. Obama's performance inside and outside the classroom attracted more notice than his distinctive personal story.

In the spring of his first year at law school,Obama was called by the Professor Laurence who asked him whether he would like to be a research assistant. Laurence rarely hired first-year students but recalled being struck by Obama's unusual combination of intelligence,curiosity and maturity. He was so impressed,that he hired Obama on the spot—and wrote his name and phone number on his calendar that day—March 31,1989—for posterity. Laurence likes to say he had taught about 4,000 students before Obama and another 4,000 since,yet none has impressed him more.



在奥巴马来到法学院第一年春天,劳伦斯教授叫住他,询问他是否愿意做他的助理研究员。要知道,劳伦斯很少雇佣一年级的学生,他回忆说是被奥巴马独特的综合气质所吸引:智慧、好奇、成熟。事实上,正因为劳伦斯对他的印象如此深刻,以至于在见第一面时他就雇佣了他,并且把他的名字和电话号码写在了日历上——时间为1989年3月31日,以留给后人。劳伦斯常说,在奥巴马之前他曾教过4000多名学生,在他之后也有4000多名,然而没有一位给他留下更深的印象。4. The Motto of Harvard 哈佛家训● Later Encounter 迟到的邂逅

Early Harvard University has inherited the spirit of the Middle Ages,with the spirit of their conversion converted to the Christian side.“Veritas”“In Christ Gloriam”,and“Christo Ecclesiae”became Harvard's exclusive spiritual principles. In the early seal of Harvard,it was greeted by the three open books,two facing up,one facing down. In silence,it quietly demonstratedthe symbolic dialectical relationship of reason and inspiration(revelation).

With the rapid development of the colonialeconomy,it laid the Harvard pursuit of truth and respect for the scientific foundation of the times from the natural sciences,industrial revolution,human care,the double power of science and technology culture. Harvard's motto was eventually identified as the“truth”(Veritas). Above Harvard University Logo which is still in use from Era of the Harvard College was written VERITAS with the Latin words meaning“truth.”Harvard's original motto is written in Latin,meaning“Make friends with Plato and Aristotle,but above all,make friends with the truth.”

On the December 27,1643,at a meeting of the Harvard school hosted by the Institute of the second dean of Dunst,badge was born. The badge design once released,it came to nothing. Until two hundred years later,the dean of Harvard Quincy(Josiah Quincy) presided over the course of 200 years anniversary,accidentally discovered this important historical document. When he put the“recovered”anniversary badge design as an important project of this promotion to the teachers and students,everyone was very frustrated,apart from the cheering.



1643年12月27日,在一次由学院第二任院长邓斯特主持举行的会议中,哈佛校徽诞生了。但校徽的设计一经出炉,便石沉大海。直到200年后,时任哈佛院长的昆西在主持200年校庆过程中,无意中发现了这份重要的历史文件。当他把这份“失而复得”的校徽图案作为本次校庆的重要项目推介给广大师生时,大家在欢呼之余,无不感慨万分。● The Harvard Library 哈佛图书馆

The University's traditional holdings of nearly 17 million volumes are rooted in the bequest of 400 books from John Harvard in 1638. Today,Harvard has more than 70 libraries gathered into a single system that constitutes the largest academic library in the world. Its holdings range from traditional print collections to rapidly expanding inventories of digital resources. As the largest academic library in existence,the Harvard Library is distinct compared with the greatest libraries in the world:the Library of Congress,the British Library,the New York Public Library,and the Bibliotheque Nationale de France. So far,a total of five U.S. presidents and 30 Nobel Prize winners have studied here.

哈佛传统馆藏的近1,700万册图书,是以1638年约翰·哈佛遗赠的400册书为基础的。如今,哈佛有70多个图书馆,集聚成了一个统一系统,也使它成为世界上最大的的学术图书馆。其馆藏范围从传统印刷藏品延伸到迅速扩张的数字资源库。作为现存最大的学术图书馆,哈佛大学图书馆与世界上最大的图书馆——美国国会图书馆、大英图书馆、纽约公共图书馆和法国国家图书馆相比,有明显不同。迄今为止,总共有5位美国总统和30多位诺贝尔奖获得者曾在这里学习过。Allocutions on the Wall of the Harvard University Library “哈佛图书馆”墙上的训言(中英文选译)1. Sleep now,dream will come out;Study now,dream will come

true.2. My wasteful today is the tomorrow those losers begging for.3. The earliest moment is when you think it's too late.4. Better do it today than tomorrow.5. The pain of study is temporary;the pain of not study is life long.6. You do not lack time to study,you are lacking the efforts.7. There might not be a ranking of happiness but there is surely a

ranking of success.8. Study is one but not the only component of your life,but if you

cannot even overcome this single component,what can you

overcome?9. Please enjoy the pain if it is unavoidable.10. Get up early,Grind out hardy,Gain on success.11. Nobody succeeds easily without complete self-control and strong

perseverance.12. Time pass by.13. Today's slaver will drain into tomorrow's tear.14. Study like a dog;Play like a gentleman.15. Stop walking today and you'll have to run tomorrow.16. People who invest the future are the true realists.17. Education equals income.18. Today never comes back.19. Even at this very moment your competitors will not stop flipping

pages.20. No pain,No gain.哈佛大学图书馆

在哈佛的图书馆墙壁上有前人给予后人的二十条训言:1. 此刻打盹,你会做梦;此刻学习,梦想成真。2. 我荒废之今日,正是昨日失败者诉求之明日。3. 知道太晚之时,恰是最早之日。4. 今日事,今日毕。5. 学习之苦痛是暂时,不学之苦痛是终生。6. 并非缺乏时间学习,而是缺乏努力。7. 幸福或许不排名次,但成功必排名次。8. 学习仅为人生之一部分,但如果连这一部分也无法完成,还能做

什么呢?9. 请享受无法回避之痛苦。10. 早起,奋发,进取。11. 无人能轻易成功,唯有彻底的自控和毅力使然。12. 时间在流逝。13. 今日垂涎,明日流泪。14. 狗一样地学,绅士一样地玩。15. 今日不走,明日需跑。16. 投资未来之人是真正的现实主义者。17. 教育等同收入。18. 今日逝,不再来。19. 即使此刻,对手也在翻动书页。20. 不劳无获。5. Harvard Lessons 哈佛幸福课● Harvard Law School—The Oldest School 哈佛法学院——美国最古老的法学院

In Randall Hall—Law School's main building,there are 16 columns revealed the majesty of law. Under the Triangular gable above the center engraved Law School's philosophy:“be unyielding for people,but succumbs to God and the law.”That is,under the guidance of God,to pursue of equality and freedom people should have.

In Harvard Law School's annually 250 courses or small discussion classes,students from different degree courses mix with each other. Whether it is a big class with 80 students or a seminar with 10 people,professors will not evade any of the challenging problems. Whether professors or students,their views may be very different,but in the classroom at Harvard Law School they show the independence of spirit and freedom of thought. Harvard Law School's approximatehundred professors provide nearly 300 courses for students to choose,they also enjoy the discussions in both teaching and learning with students.法学院略影法学院图书馆

As a result,the boring law courses become lively. Correspondingly,the students' thinking becomes more active,which can be seen from one side. It is said that Harvard Law School student once put this poster to find his girlfriend:“Sensible,not sensitive;simply complicated;predictably irrational;kindly demanding;constructively critical;certain of uncertainty;managing risks;helplessly hopeful;persistent,yet flexible”.



由此,枯燥的法学课一下子变得生动活泼起来。与此相对应的是学生们的思维变得更加活跃,这从一个侧面可见一斑。据说,哈佛法学院的学生曾贴出这样一张找女友的海报:“敏而不疑,缜而不繁;娇而不横,求而不奢;诤而有益,谋而有断;处危有度,历难有瞻;其节如松,其韧若竹。”● Harvard Business School—The Jewel in the Crown哈佛商学院——王冠上的明珠

If Harvard is a crown of all the nation's universities,the Harvard Business School is the most dazzling jewel in the crown. Founded in 1908,Harvard Business School(HBS) is located across the Charles River in Boston,it almost has a long history the same as the management itself. It is the first American Graduate School that awarded the MBA students,and it enjoys high reputation because it poineers the case method and case for analysis. Harvard Business School of 103 years is the most famous universities to develop talents of management in the United States,which is decribed as the“West Point”of businessman,director and general manager. Many American business executives and political elite lived and learned here before.

The buildings of Business School are quiet and elegant. Although it is a business school,it comes out with the elegant thought. When strolling into business school,there are the buildings with victorian style behind the quiet and unique lawn. Exposure to them,you can not only feel the school with nearly a century's glorious history,but also can see its strong financial resources with the ambitions of expanding and construction. Harvard Business School always takes it as its mission to cultivate the distinctive leaders. With the gradually development,it has formed two aspects of school characteristics:Case Method哈佛大学商学院

In 1925,case method was introduced into the classroom of Harvard Business School,then it made rapid success and renownedworldwide. It introduced the business problems like analysis,decision-making into the class teaching and made the class becoming an interactive learning process. Every year,Harvard Business School works with many types of different style of the organization leaders who come from around the world,and they have developed nearly 350 cases. Through this,one third teaching cases methods have been updated. When MBA graduates,he has solved hundreds of different types of management problems.Pioneering Research

Harvard Business School conducted groundbreaking research in many areas. For example,it had set up a subject group about the leadership and organizational behavior 10 years ago and had written a number of seminal works in this field,such as Bill George's Sincere leadership and Rakesh Khurana's Find a business savior. In addition,Harvard Business School teaching and research staff have also written a lot of the cases and articles about the leadership . Harvard Business School has tried its best to meet the needs of this area.In order to ensure the objectivity of research,the College provides adequate funding,the annual research budgetof funds raised over$70 million,which provides innovative research free and flexible space for researchers.Schoolfellow

Harvard Business School can individualized the students through a variety of projects in groups,making each group of students both inside and outside the classroom can be closely linked. Harvard Business School has the world's most influential network of graduates.The graduates from Harvard Business School serve as the leaders in numerous organizations and various industries.Strict admission

With only graduate to enroll,Harvard Business School puts emphasis on test scores,pays more attention to the candidates' leadership and ability to cooperate with others demonstrated at work and study. College also values the candidates' personality,they must have qualities of leaders such as honesty and strong mindedness. Harvard Business School each year recruits 750 two-year graduates,30 four-year doctoral students and 2,000 learning and training of managers,and a six-week academic summer“professional management training course”. Every year more than 100 courses can be set up.

In order to develop students' different skills,Harvard Business School set up 12 compulsory courses and many electives. 12 compulsory courses include:management business strategy and policy,management control,managerial economics,marketing,organizational behavior,management communication,human resource management,production and operations management,financial management,business and government and international economic,business management simulation training,how to be a good general manager. The first 11 courses are scheduled for the first year,and how to be a good general manager is scheduled for the second year of study,only a required course.







为了培养学生的各种技能,哈佛商学院设置了12门必修课和多门选修课。12门必修课包括:管理经营战略与方针、管理控制、管理经济学、市场营销学、组织行为学、管理沟通、人力资源管理、生产与作业管理、财务管理、企业与政府及国际经济、经营管理模拟训练、怎样做好一个总经理。其中前11门课程安排在第一学年进行,而怎样做好一个总经理这门课程则是安排在第二学年的唯一必修课。6. Students' Life 校园生活● Travel around Harvard 哈佛一览The Main Campus of Harvard 哈佛主校区

The main campus is located on the side of Charles River,the outskirts of Boston,Cambridge,Massachusetts. The undergraduate Departments gather on Harvard Square with green trees. 12 elegant undergraduate Houses construct the colorful life of student,where is full of the legendary anecdotes of celebrities.

It is said that the American philosopher George Santayana selected one day in April to end his teaching career at Harvard. On that date,when George finished his last lesson in the auditorium,a beautiful robin stopped at the window,with constant happy singing. He looked at the bird for a long time,then he turned to the audience,said gently:“Sorry,I have an appointment with the spring.”Then he left hurriedly. This beautiful conclusion is full of considerable sense of humor,like a beautiful poem. People who doesn't love life,can not really explain the humor of this philosophical language in any case.


据说,美国哲学家乔治·桑塔亚那选定了在4月的某一天结束他在哈佛的教学生涯。当天,在乔治在礼堂讲最后一课的时候,一只美丽的知更鸟停在窗台上,不停地欢叫着。他出神地打量着小鸟,许久,他转向听众,轻轻地说:“对不起,我和春天有一个约会。”说完便急步走了。这句美好的结束语,幽默感十足,美得就像一首诗,不热爱生活的人,无论如何也说不出这种富于哲理的幽默语言。Harvard's Museum 哈佛博物馆

Harvard's Museum is not only for the teaching service but also for the public. One of the most worth visiting place is the botanical museum. Here,you can see the Swiss gentian,along with Mexico's cactus,blue water lily of Egypt against the background of the Korean Jindal,as well as Chinese plum blossom and peony. There are about 800 kinds of strange flowers,colorful,and never languish,because they are the original glass models of plants known as“Glass Flowers”,which are made by the two German artists. It is the only one in the world and people rated it as the“miracle of art in science,scientific miracles in art.”Harvard's Human History Museum is also one of the most popular museums.中国哈佛同学会赠哈佛三百年校庆礼物植物学博物馆的玻璃花

Of course,there are some brand-new modern buildings. You can see green lawns everywhere in the schools,elms shading the sun and the blocks of red brick and ivy covering buildings,which make people feel warm and quiet. When walking through the campus,you can see a Turtle laden with tall stone,which is China's Harvard Alumni Association gave to Harvard in 1936 as three hundred years anniversary gift. Many Chinese students have studied here since the late Qing Dynasty such as wang'an,Leoh Ming Pei and many others.


当然,校园中也不乏崭新的现代化建筑。学校里处处是青青的草坪,蔽日的榆树,那一幢幢红砖砌成并爬满常春藤的楼房,使人感到亲切和宁静。漫步校园,你能看到一块龟背驮着的高大石碑,那是中国哈佛同学会1936年在哈佛三百年校庆时赠送的礼物。自清末以来,这里就有如王安、贝聿铭等众多的中国学子就读。● Living in Harvard 生活在哈佛Residential of Harvard 哈佛住宿

From the very beginning,Harvard College has sought to establish a connection between living and learning. Originally they patterned the Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge,so the residential system reflected the founders' goal of a true residential college,a“collegiate way of living”. Across all four centuries of Harvard's history,learning together has meant living together. Comprehensiveaccommodation provides a special residential plan for the freshmen and the next three years. House system for upperclassmen provides students more than a simply place to live. Harvard guarantees every student college housing for four years. By design,residential life that brings together students and faculty is an essential part of the Harvard experience. Nearly all students choose to live on campus for their full undergraduate careers.

从一开始,哈佛学院就寻求在学习与生活之间建立一种联系。最初的模式是模仿牛津大学和剑桥大学,所以住宿制度反映了建造者的初衷,即建立真正的住宿学院——一个大学生活的方式。回顾哈佛400年的历史,一起学习同时也意味着一起生活。综合住宿制度为大一新生及其随后的三年提供了特殊的住宿计划。对于高年级的同学,学校提供给学生的就不仅是简单的居住所。哈佛确保了每一位学生大学四年的住房问题。通过对住宿生活的设计,使学生和教师成为了哈佛经历中不可或缺的组成部分。几乎所有的学生都会选择整个大学生涯都住在校园。Extracurricular of Harvard 哈佛的课外生活

With the combination of curricular and extracurricular,Harvard 街头书摊哈佛居民与街头艺人includes 400 official students' organizations,and its numbers and nature have been in constant development. The College provides considerable support to students' organizations,and other activities,and both freshmen and accomplished practitioners can find opportunities to participate and explore. Indeed,many extra-curricular activities take an important part in Harvard education,as well as it is a way to enrich the community life of the College. The future careers of many students are influenced by their non-academic commitments,such as journalism and literature,music and the art,public service,religious life and business,which named is just a few.

Of course,there are still laid-back life at Harvard after class. The red mapleleaf of New England is a well-known scenic spot. It's the Holy Land where visitors enjoy the maple leaf. Between Autumn and Winter,the campus is corvered with the fallen rustling leaves. When winter snows fall,students can not only make an appointment of snowball fights like what they do in childhood,but also find plum blossomwith fun unlimited.

On April each year,it holds the sports competitions which have held between Harvard and Yele for 150 years. The students at Harvard can participate in a variety of sports such as basketball,soccer,volleyball,tennis,rugby and so on.

In addition to many traditional and annual activities,associations or societies hold Colloquium Conference for specific topics,foreign students organize a variety show to celebration the world culture,and school holds a formal banquet about foreign affairs,which are overwhelming.




除了许多传统和年度活动外,社团或学会针对特定议题举办学术讲座会或研讨会,外国学生会筹办展现世界文化的各种庆典,校方会举办外交性正式宴会,令人应接不暇。● The Restaurant of Harvard 哈佛饮食

Adams restaurant is located near Massachusetts Avenue,where is the nearest one to Harvard. Dinner here is very rich,with fish cooking into a multi-course. Also there are dozens of different names of dishes and a variety of soups or drinks. From the antiquestyle hanging lamps and dim and soft light to red carpet,orange walls and the brown tables,all of those are meaningful,which make people lingered. The painting portraits of the former president Adams and many Harvard senior graduates with dark suits hang in the walls. They look kindly,watching generation after generation of students who eat here. You can often see many old men return to Adams restaurant,reminding of their youth in the excellent sound of classical music.划船比赛橄榄球


Chapter 2 University of Oxford——Carrying British History 第二章 牛津大学——承载英国的历史

1. Introduction 学校简介

The University of Oxford is located in Oxford,United Kingdom. It is the second oldest surviving university in the world and the oldest one in the English-speaking world. University of Oxford is a member of the Russell Group,the Coimbra Group,the G5,the League of European Research Universities,and the International Alliance of Research Universities. It is also a core member of the Europaeum and the“Golden Triangle”of British universities.

As Philip Larkin wrote in his poem Poem About Oxford:How easily I slip into this self-congratulatory,clubby mode. When you travel through 900 years of the University of Oxford dust,you will no longer do without it.牛津大学


正如菲利浦·拉金在他的《牛津之诗》中写道:“老地方仍然让我们牵挂。”当你穿越牛津九百年的风尘,你就会再也离不开它。2. About Oxford 认识牛津● History 历史

As the oldest university in the English-speaking world,Oxford is a unique and historic institution. There is no clear date of its foundation,but in some form teaching existed at Oxford in 1096 and developed rapidly from 1167,when Henry II banned English students attending the University of Paris.

The expulsion of foreigners from the University of Paris in 1167 caused many English scholars to return from France and settle in Oxford. The historian Gerald of Wales gave this scholars lectures in 1188,and the first known foreign scholar,Emo of Friesland,arrived in 1190. After that,a number of celebrities came to Oxford.

With the continuous expansion of the University,private benefactors began to establish colleges to serve as self-contained scholarly communities. Among the earliest such founders were William of Durham,who in 1249 endowed University College,and John Balliol,King of Scots in the later:Balliol College bears his name. Another founder,Walter de Merton,devised a series of regulations for college life;Merton College thereby became the model for such establishments at Oxford,as well as at the University of Cambridge. Thereafter,an increasing number of students forsook living in halls and religious houses in favour of living in colleges.古老的牛津大学默顿学院



随着大学的不断扩大,私人捐资者开始出钱建立学院作为独立的学术社区。在这些私人捐资者中,有1249年创建大学学院的威廉·达勒姆和苏格兰后来的国王约翰·巴利奥尔。巴利奥尔学院是以他的名字命名,他是其中最早的创始人。另一位创始人,沃尔特·默顿提出了一系列的大学生活规章制度。默顿学院因此成了在牛津建立学院的典范,同时也成为了剑桥大学的典范。自那以后,越来越多的学生不再住在大宅子或是教堂里,而是改为住在学院里。● Influence of Renaissance on Oxford 文艺复兴对牛津大学的影响

The new knowledge of the Renaissance greatly influenced Oxford from the late 15th century onwards. With the Reformation and the breaking of ties with the Roman Catholic Church,Recusant scholars from Oxford fled to continental Europe,finally settled at the University of Douai. The method of teaching at Oxford was transformed from the medieval Scholastic method to Renaissance education,although institutions associated with the university suffered losses of lands and revenues. In 1636,Chancellor William Laud,archbishop of Canterbury,codified the university's statutes;most parts of statutes remained its governing regulations until the mid-19th century. Laud was also responsible for the granting of a charter securing privileges for the University Press,and he made significant contributions to the Bodleian Library,the main library of the university.

文艺复兴的新学问从15世纪后极大地影响了牛津大学。随着宗教改革及与罗马天主教会关系的破裂,来自牛津大学的一些天主教学者逃往欧洲大陆,最后在杜埃大学定居下来。尽管大学的相关组织失去了部分土地及财政收入,但牛津大学还是将教学方法从中世纪经院式教学转变为文艺复兴式教学。1636年,坎特伯雷大主教威廉·罗德大臣将牛津大学的法规写进法典,这些法规中的很大一部分直至19世纪中叶仍作为学校的主要规章制度。罗德还负责通过了一个许可:给予牛津大学出版社特权,并对牛津大学主要图书馆——柏德利图书馆,做出了重大贡献。● Reform 改革

The university was a centre of the Royalist Party during the English Civil War(1642–1649),while the citizens favoured the opposing Parliamentarian cause. From the mid-18th century onwards,however,the University of Oxford took little part in political conflicts.

The mid-nineteenth century the Oxford Movement(1833–1845),led by the future Cardinal Newman made a great impact on society. The influence of the reformed model of German university reached Oxford via key scholars such as Benjamin Jowett and Max Müller.

Administrative reforms during the 19th century included the 牛津大学图书馆大门牛津大学图书馆正面replacement of oral examinations with written entrance tests,greater tolerance for religious dissent,and the establishment of four women's colleges. Twentieth century Privy Council decisions loosened the link with traditional belief and practice. Although the University's emphasis traditionally had been on classical knowledge,its curriculum expanded in the course of the 19th century to encompass scientific and medical studies.

Today,39 independent,self-governing colleges are related to the University in a type of federal system. Each is governed by a Head of House and a number of Fellows,who are academics specializing in a wide variety of disciplines,most of whom also hold University posts.




现在,39个独立、自我管理的学院以一种联邦制形式和校方联系。每个学院由一位院长和几名研究员管理。他们既是多学科的专家教员,大多数人又身兼校方职位。3. Notable People from Oxford 牛津名人录

In nearly 800 years history,Oxford University trained five Kings,four British prime ministers(including Gladstone,Attlee,Thatcher and Blair),many foreign government leaders(such as former US President Bill Clinton),nearly 40 Nobel laureates,and a large number of famous scientists,such as the economist Adam Smith,philosopher Bacon,poet Shelley,the chemist Robert Boyle,astronomer Harley,etc.

在近800年的历史中,牛津大学培养了五位国王和四位英国首相(包括格莱斯顿,艾德礼,撒切尔和布莱尔),许多外国政府领导人(如美国前总统比尔·克林顿),近40位诺贝尔奖获得者以及大批著名科学家,如经济学家亚当·斯密,哲学家培根,诗人雪莱,化学家罗伯特·波义耳,天文学家哈雷等。● Iron Lady——Margaret Thatcher 铁娘子——玛格利特·撒切尔

Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.——Margaret Thatcher任何一个理解了家庭(如何)运行的问题的女人将会更容易理解一个国家(如何)运行的问题。——玛格利特·撒切尔玛格利特·撒切尔

Margaret Thatcher was born on October 13,1925. As a British statesman,she served as British Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990. She was the first female prime minister in British history,and the longest-serving head of government in British at 20th century.

As the daughter of a businessman and mayor of Grantham,she was educated at the local grammar school,and at Oxford,where she obtained a degree in chemistry,and was president of the Conservative Association. In 1976 she was dubbed“The Iron Lady”by the Russians after making a speech containing a scathing attack on the Soviet Union. She took delight in the name and it soon became associated with her remarkable unwavering and steadfast personal character.

In power,she was best known for her destruction of Britain's traditional industries,through her attacks on labour organisations,and for the massive privatisationof social housing and public transport.




●Stephen William Hawking 斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金

Stephen William Hawking(1942~),British theoretical physicist and mathematician whose main field of research has been the nature of space and time,including irregularities in space and time known as singularities. Hawking was born in Oxford,England,and he showed exceptional talent in mathematics and physics from an early age. He entered Oxford University in 1958 and was especially interested in thermodynamics(the study of the interaction of matter and energy),relativity theory,and quantum mechanics(Quantum Theory). In 1961 he attended a summer course at the Royal Observatory that encouraged these interests. He completed his undergraduate courses in 1962 and received a bachelor's degree in physics. Hawking then enrolled as a research student in general relativity at the department of applied mathematics and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge. After earning his Ph.D. degree from Trinity College at the University of Cambridge,Hawking stayed at the University of Cambridge,doing post-doctoral research,until he became a professor of physics in 1977.

As author of the best-selling book A Briefer History of Time,physicist Stephen Hawking has strived to make difficult concepts in physics more accessible to the public. His discoveries about gravitation are regarded as some of the most important contributions to that area of physics since Albert Einstein introduced the general theory of relativity in 1915.


作为超级畅销书《时间简史》的作者,霍金一直致力于使物理学上艰深的概念为公众所理解。他关于万有引力的发现被认为是自爱因斯坦在1915年推出广义相对论以来对物理学领域的最重要的贡献。4. Oxford Spirit 牛津精神● Motto 校训

Dominus illuminatio mea is the motto of the University of Oxford and the opening words of The Holy Bible,meaning The Lord is my light. It has been used at least since the second half of the 16th century,and it appears on the University's seal. It is also the motto of St Leo's College and University of Queensland.

In this picture the sun came out exactly at the right moment,wonderfully explainning the meaning of the words on the chair“Dominus Illuminatio Mea”. The university's motto seems an appropriate summation of Oxford's rich history of contributions to the arts and sciences.

Dominus illuminatio mea是牛津大学的校训,并且也是《圣经》开篇的话,意思是上帝照耀我心。从16世纪中叶开始,它就已经被使用,并出现在牛津大学的校徽中,同样,它也是圣里奥大学和昆士兰大学的校训。

在这张图片上,太阳适时地出来了,完美诠释了椅子上这句话的涵义。它似乎是牛津大学对艺术和科学丰富的历史贡献的恰当总结。● The Happiness in Oxford Lessons 牛津幸福课

At present,there are 40 colleges in Oxford. Their relationship between school just like the central government and the local goverments,they all take the form of federalism. Every college is managed by the master and several managers,who expert in the field of various academic fileds,most of them have duty in school. Six 牛津大学校徽institutes(called“permanent private schools”–Permanent Private Halls,which were built by religious) still retain its religious charter. In addition to those,there is still a continued education institute. Among the 40 colleges,the all souls college has no student,but only academician(including access academician). Every college is with different scale,all below 500 people,and the students and teachers are from different academicians professional disciplines.

As a collegiate university,Oxford's structure can be confusing to those who are unfamiliar with it. The university is a federation,it comprises with over forty self-governing colleges and halls,along with a central administration headed by 默顿教堂the Vice-Chancellor. The academic departments are located centrally within this structure;they are not affiliated with any particular college. Departments provide facilities for teaching and researching,determine the syllabi and guidelines for the teaching,perform research,and deliver lectures and seminars. Colleges arrange the tutorial teaching for their undergraduates.


作为一所学院制大学,对于那些不熟悉它的人来说,牛津的组织结构是令人困惑的。大学即是一个联邦。除了一个由副校长带头的中央管理机构,它由超过40个自我管理的学院和大厅组成。教务部门集中于这个构架内,不与任何特定的学院附属。科系为教学和研究提供设施,确定教学大纲和学生的教学指导方针,开展研究并提供讲座和研讨会。学院为它们的本科生安排教学课程。● Merton College——The Oldest College 默顿学院——最古老的学院

Located in a slightly different dimension in Oxford,Paul Merton College claims to be the oldest Oxford college,founded in 1264 by bicycle maker Sir Walter Raleigh de Merton.

Merton College is the first fully self-governing college in the university. Mob Quadrangle is the oldest quadrangle in the university. Merton library is the oldest continuously functioning library for university academics and students in the world.

Merton Chapel was begun in the late 1280s,as a part of the church of St Mary and St John. The transepts(what is now the Ante-Chapel) were added in the 14th and early 15th centuries,and the tower was completed in 1450. A screen by Christopher Wren was added in 1673. Edward Blore,William Butterfield and Sir Gilbert Scott contributed to its restoration during the Gothic revival of the 19th century.

Merton College was originally founded for twenty graduates,with undergraduates being formally admitted in the early 1380s. Over the centuries,many eminent scholars and cultural leaders have taken Merton as home including four Nobel Prize winners,the mathematician who solved Fermat's Last Theorem,the physician who discovered the circulation of blood,and the founder of the Bodleian Library.




默顿学院最初成立是为了20个研究生,而本科生在14世纪80年代早期被正式接纳。几个世纪以来,许多著名学者和文化界领导人把默顿作为家园,如4位诺贝尔奖获得者;解决了费尔马大定理的数学家;发现了血液循环的医生和博德利图书馆的创始人。默顿学院民众方庭5. Oxford Life 牛津生活● Love at Oxford——What does Oxford Bring to You?爱在牛津——牛津给了你什么?

At night,when you sit in the gallery of the hall and look down,the candles shining,the college silver beaming triumphantly. Students make prayer before the portrait of Sir Thomas Pope in Latin. Then the college servants,dressed in formal black trousers and vest enter successively. Will you feel a burst of inexplicable move or not?

For those people who have some knowledge of this,the dinner here is filled with all kinds of symbolic notation;Jewish Dean of school presides over the Latin prayer;Anglican priest recites the prayers;the portraits of the saints imply a comfortable sense of history and tradition. It conveys an idea everywhere:history,religion,art,science and ethics are service for free community,rather than service for its owner. This idea,is not unique to Oxford,but always keeps here.

The college expected high standards of application and behaviour:“It is not necessary to get drunk every night.”It is some Oxonian sense,as these students are unashamedly being served wine from the college's stocks. Underneath Oxford there are thousands of bottles of wine,laid down by committees of interested dons. At the same time,underneath Oxford,stretching right under Broad Street,there are millions of books,not merely books designed to aid the students in passing a degree,but Islamic and Hebraic collections,political papers,ephemera,a Shakespeare First Folio,Cranmer's bible,Kafka's manuscripts and much other books. It is a richness almost beyond comprehension.

The tutorial system is seductive,as an undergraduate you can spend an hour or two a week with one of the finest minds in Oxford–maybe even in England. The most important thing about Oxford tutorials is something of the moral enquiry in classroom,where is a good place to discover idealism and patriotism.





这里的导师制度相当吸引人,作为一名本科学生,你可以每周花上一两个小时求教于牛津大学(甚至是整个英国)最有智慧的人之一。最主要的是,这里的导师课还包括一些道德层面的探讨,那是一个发现理想主义和爱国主义的好地方。● Living in Oxford 生活在牛津

Oxford's historic architectures are world renowned;less well known is the large amount of green spaces around the centre,including parks,gardens and meadows.

The Ashmolean Museum(the full name is the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology) is located on Beaumont Street,Oxford,England. It is recognized unanimously as the world's first university museum,as well as the first public museum. Its first building was built in 1678–1683. The present building dated from 1845. It was designed by Charles Cockerell in a classical style and stood on Beaumont Street.

There are more than 300 student clubs and societies including sports(ranging from aikido to water polo),music,drama and media(including two student newspapers and a radio station). The Oxford Union is the largest student society in Oxford and speakers can take part in debates with loudspeaker in there. Most colleges have an Anglican chapeland a Roman Catholic Chaplaincy.




Chapter 3 Stanford University——A Cute Boy 第三章 斯坦福大学——俏皮的顽童

1. Introduction 学校简介

The Leland Stanford Junior University,commonly referred to Stanford University or Stanford,is a private research university located in the United States,recognized as one of the world's most distinguished universities. It is located in Stanford,California,near San Francisco. In 1891,Stanford University was established by the railroad tycoons Leland Stanford with the largest assets of universities in the world. It covers an area of 35 square kilometers and is the second-largest among U.S. universities.

小利兰·斯坦福大学,通常称为斯坦福大学或者简称斯坦福,是美国的一,它由铁路富豪利兰·斯坦福所建立,其拥有的资产足可使其跻身于世界最大大学之列。斯坦福大学占地35平方公里,是美国面积第二大的大学。斯坦福大学2. Past and Present——Established Story 前世今生——建校故事

Stanford was founded by Leland Stanford,a railroad magnate,United States Senator,and former California Governor,and his wife,Jane Stanford. It is named in honor of their only child,Leland Stanford,Jr.,who died in 1884 just before his 16th birthday. His parents decided to dedicate a university to their only son,and Leland Stanford told his wife,“The children of California shall be our children.”

At the begining of building the university,Senator and Mrs. Stanford visited Harvard's President Eliot and asked how much it would cost to duplicate Harvard in California. Eliot replied that he supposed$15 million would be enough. David Starr Jordan,the president of Indiana University,was their eventual choice to direct Stanford. Locals and members of the university community are known to refer to the school as The Farm,a nod to the fact that the university is located on the former site of Leland Stanford's horse farm.

When Senator Stanford died in 1893,the continued existence of the university was in jeopardy. A$15 million government lawsuit was against Senator Stanford's estate,combined with the Panic of 1893,those made it extremely difficult to meet expenses. Most of the Board of Trustees advised a temporary closing until finances could be sorted out. However,Jane Stanford insisted that the university remained in operation. Facing with the possibility of financial ruin for the University she took charge of financial,administrative,and development matters at the university during 1893-1905;from her experience as a mother and housewife,she ran the institution as a household. For the next several years,she paid salaries out of her personal resources,even pawning her jewelry to keep the university going. When the lawsuit was finally dropped in 1895,a university holiday was declared.



当斯坦福议员于1893年逝世时,斯坦福大学的存亡受到了一定威胁。一桩关于斯坦福议员遗产金额的高达1,500万美元的政府诉讼,加上1893年的大恐慌让学校入不敷出。大多数校董提议在财政理清前暂时闭校。但简·斯坦福坚持学校继续运作。面对学校可能面临的财务危机,她在1893~1905年间担起了主持学校财务、行政和发展方面的重任。她以家庭主妇的经验,用主持一家的方法主持学校。在接下来的几年里,她自掏腰包来支付薪水,甚至一度需要典当自己的首饰确保学校正常运转。1895年,政府撤诉,斯坦福大学宣布当天为学校节日。利兰·斯坦福(1824~1893年)斯坦福一家3. Campus Culture 校园文化● The Motto 校训

The motto of Stanford University,selected by President Jordan,is“Die Luft der Freiheit weht”. Translated from the German,this quotation from Ulrich von Hutten means“The wind of freedom blows.”The motto was controversial during World War I,when anything in German was suspect;at that time the university disavowed that this motto was official.

斯坦福大学的校训,由乔丹校长选定,源于德语“Die Luft der Freiheit weht.”这句话来自于冯·修顿,意思是“让自由之风劲吹”。这句格言在第一次世界大战中倍受争议——当时任何德语文字都会惹来怀疑。当然,校方当时并不承认其为官方校训。● Architectural Style 建筑风格

In the summer of 1886,when the campus was first planned,Stanford brought the president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Francis Walker,and prominent Boston landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted westward for consultations. Olmsted worked out the general concept for the campus and its buildings,rejecting a hillside site in favor of the more practical flatlands. The building style was characterized by rectangular stone buildings linked by arcades of half-circle arches.

The original campus was also designed in the Spanish-colonial style common to California known as Mission Revival. The red tile roofs and solid sandstone masonry were distinctly Californian in appearance and famously complementary to the bright blue skies common to the region,and most of the subsequently erected buildings have maintained consistent exteriors.

Much of this first construction was destroyed by the San Francisco earthquake in 1906,but the university retained the Quad,the old Chemistry Building(which is not in use and has been boarded up since the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake),and Encina Hall(the residence of Herbert Hoover,John Steinbeck,and Anthony Kennedy during their times at Stanford). After the further damage in 1989 earthquake,the university implemented a billion-dollar capital improvement plan to retrofit and renovate older buildings for new,up-to-date uses.主方院夜景

Contemporary 斯坦福大学校徽(让自由之风劲campus 吹)landmarks include the 斯坦福纪念教堂Main Quad and Memorial Church,the Cantor Center for Visual Arts and Art Gallery,the Stanford Mausoleum and the Angel of Grief,Hoover Tower,the Rodin sculpture garden,the Papua New Guinea Sculpture Garden,the Arizona Cactus Garden,the Stanford University Arboretum,Green Library and the Dish. Frank Lloyd Wright's 1937 Hanna-Honeycomb House and the 1919 Lou Henry and Herbert Hoover House are both listed on the National Historic Register.




现在斯坦福大学的一些名胜景点包括主方院、纪念教堂、康托美术馆、斯坦福陵园和哀伤天使、胡佛塔、罗丹雕塑花园、巴布亚新几内亚雕塑花园、斯坦福大学树园、格林图书馆和圆碟山。弗兰克·劳埃德·莱特1937年的作品哈纳蜂窝屋以及1919年建造的罗·亨利和赫伯特·胡佛屋都被列入国家史迹名录内。4. Stanford Business College 斯坦福商学院

Both Stanford Business College and Harvard Business College are considered to be the top in American. The two colleges are tied for first in some magazine rankings several times in the United States. Harvard Business School is on behalf of the traditional business management and training with the purpose of a“suit”type of manegement talent for large enterprises. The Stanford Business College is more emphasis on“small business spirit”with innovation and new technology,the purpose is to cultivate small entrepreneurs who are“to wear T-shirts”. As for the size of students,the Stanford Business College is much smaller than Harvard Business College. For a long time,there are only a few hundred of Stanford MBA students,a training program that called Sloan's corporate management for a period of ten months . It recruits only about fifty people each year . But as to the quality of students,among the nation's more than seven hundred and thirty in business school,there is no one business school admission competition is more intense than Stanford Business School. In recent years,about 5,000-6,000 students apply to enter the Stanford Business School but only three hundred and sixty lucky succeed. From this perspective,the Stanford Business School is the most“valuable”business school in United States.

斯坦福大学商学院和哈佛大学商学院被认为是美国最好的商学院。这两所学院多次在美国权威杂志的商学院排名中并列第一。哈佛商学院代表比较传统的经营管理培训,培养的是“西装革履式”的大企业管理人才;而斯坦福商学院则更强调开创新科技新企业的“小企业精神”,培养的是“穿T恤衫”的新一代小企业家。单从学生人数来说,斯坦福商学院的规模要比哈佛商学院小得多。一直以来,斯坦福总共都只有几百名MBA学生,只有一种叫Sloan的企业管理人才培训计划,为期10个月,每年只招收50人左右。但是要从学生素质来说,在全美的730多个商学院中,没有一所商学院的入学竞争有斯坦福商学院这样激烈。最近几年来,每年有5,000~6,000人申请进入斯坦福商学院,但是只有360个幸运者如愿以偿。从这个角度来说,斯坦福商学院是美国“身价”最高的商学院。胡佛塔斯坦福商学院斯坦福商学院5. Stanford Characteristics 斯坦福特色● Coeducation 男女同校

The school was established as a coeducational institution. However,Jane Stanford soon put a policy in place limiting female enrollment to 500 students of the large number of women students enrolling. She did not want the school to become“the Vassar of the West”,at the same time she felt that it would not be an appropriate memorial for her son. In 1933 the policy was modified to specify an undergraduate male:female ratio of 3:1. The“Stanford ratio”of 3:1 remained in place until the early 1960s. By the late 1960s the“ratio”was about 2:1 for undergraduates,but much more skewed at the graduate level,except in the humanities. According statistics in 2005,undergraduate enrollment is the same bewteen male and female,but the ratio of male and female is about 2:1 at the graduate level.

斯坦福大学是以男女同校的宗旨创办的。但简·斯坦福很快就颁发了一条限制招收女生人数在500名的条例,这是因为有大量女性学生入学。她不希望斯坦福变成“西部的瓦萨尔(美国著名大学)”,同时也认为一所女校是不适合纪念她儿子的。1933年该条例被改进为本科男女比例保持在3:1,这个3:1的“斯坦福比例”一直维持到二十世纪六十年代。到六十年代末这个“比例”变成了本科生2:1,而研究生中除了人文科目,男女比例还是很失调的。2005年统计,本科招生男女基本人数相同,研究生中男女比例大约2:1。● Special Eductional System 别开生面的学制

Stanford university have two“differences”. The first is that the students must choose different courses for four semester,which the school regulations promulgated. Then,the students have to learn much more courses,and tend to endure more pressure than two semester students in other universities. Another“difference”is full of free-style school rules at Stanford University,so that students can drop out of school temporarily at any time a year,then go back to school. This school rules base on the idea that the school believes that four years of undergraduate education should not complete a breath. They encourage students to have experience outside and enjoy life more.

Stanford students must complete the required courses in nine areas,including culture and ideology,science,technology and applied science,literature and art,philosophy,social science and religious thought. In addition,the students’ writing and foreign language must meet certain criteria.


斯坦福大学的学生们必须在九个领域完成必修课,其中包括文化与思想、自然科学、科技与实用科学、文学和艺术、哲学、社会科学和宗教思想。除此之外,学生们的写作和外语必须达到一定的标准。● Stanford Ethics 斯坦福道德准则

Stanford University's campus life follows to such a simple code of ethics,“each one in Stanford University should not be accounted for school or any other person's inexpensive.”This rule brings a high degree of freedom and responsibility to students——Unmanned surveillance examinations,students often take papers back to the dorms;many students have a master key,they can access most of the teaching buildings in 24 hours.满月之吻的主方院

斯坦福大学的校园生活遵循这样一条简单的道德准则:“斯坦福大学中的任何人都不应该利用不公平手段占学校或其他任何人的便宜。”这条准则给学生带来了高度的自由和责任——考试无人监视,试卷常常由学生拿回宿舍里做;许多学生有万能钥匙,一天24小时都可以出入多栋教学大楼。● Full Moon on the Quad 满月之吻

Full moon on the Quad takes place in Stanford's central Main Quad annually in the middle of fall. During Full Moon on the Quad,Stanford students kiss each mother under the moonlight starting from midnight. Usually a live entertainment including dance and musical performances usually proceed midnight.

Full moon is a tradition which female freshman would line up while male seniors would also line up and give a rose and a kiss on their cheeks. Now the tradition including girls and guys from each grade has lost its formality.


满月之吻是斯坦福大学的一个传统,那时,大一女生要站成一排,大四的男生也站成一排并向女生赠送玫瑰,亲吻他们的脸颊。现在,这个传统包括了各年级的男生和女生,已经失去了其传统形式。● Controversy Between Jane and Father of American Sociology 简和美国社会学之父的争议

Jane Stanford's actions were sometimes eccentric. In 1897,she directed the board of trustees“that the students be taught that everyone born on earth has a soul germ,and that on its development depends much in life here and everything in Life Eternal”. She forbade students from sketching nude models in life-drawing class,banned automobiles from campus,and did not allow a hospital to be constructed so that people would not form an impression that Stanford was unhealthy. Between 1899 and 1905,she spent$3 million on a grand construction scheme building lavish memorials to the Stanford family,while university faculty and self-supporting students were living in poverty.

Edward Alsworth Ross gained fame as a founding father of American sociology;in 1900 Jane Stanford fired him for radicalism and racism,unleashing a major academic freedom case.


爱德华·艾尔斯沃斯·罗斯作为美国社会学之父而闻名;1900年简·斯坦福以激进和种族主义为由解雇了他,由此引发了一场大规模的学术自由争论。● Big Game 盛大游戏“斯坦福主赛场”2010年比赛场面

Big Game is the annual football game between University of California,Berkeley and Stanford University,which is held in late November or early December. The first Big Game was held on March 19,1892 on San Francisco's Haight Street grounds when Stanford beat Cal 14:10. Stanford won the most recent Big Game on November 20,2010 by a score of 48:14. Cal has won seven of the last nine Big Games,following a seven-game winning streak by Stanford. The location of Big Game alternates between the two universities every year. In even-numbered years,the game is played at Berkeley,while in odd-numbered years,it is played at Stanford.

In the week before the game,both schools celebrate the occasion with rallies,reunions,and luncheons. For example,Cal students hold a traditional pep rally and bonfire at the Greek Theatre on the eve of the game. The week also includes various other athletic events,such as“The Big Splash”(water polo),“The Big Spike”(volleyball),“The Big Freeze”(ice hockey). In addition,the two schools compete in a blood drive called“Rivals for Life.”



Chapter 4 Peking University(PKU)——All-embracing Freedom of Thought 第四章 北京大学——兼容并包,思想自由

1. Introduction 学校简介

Peking University known in Chinese as Beida,is a research university located in Beijing,China,and a member of the C9 League. It is first established modern national university of China and the first national university covering comprehensive disciplines in China,and has been a leading institution of higher education in China since its establishment. It also serves as the highest administration for education at the beginning of its founding.北京大学西门

Throughout its history,the university has distinguished itself in terms of intellectual freedom and has produced and hosted many prominent Chinese thinkers,such as:Lu Xun,Gu Hongming,Hu Shi,Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu. In the modern history of China,Peking University is the birthplace of China's New Culture Movement,the May Fourth Movement and many other significant events. It is also the earliest place of a variety of political thought and social ideals to spread in China. So it is known as“China's political barometer”with high reputation and importance.

Peking University has continually played an essentialrole of pioneers in the course of China's modernization. The university's traditional emphasis on patriotism,progress,democracy,and science,together with its educational standards of diligence,precision,factualism,and innovation,have been passed down from generation to generation. At the end of the 20th century,the Chinese government regarded Peking University as the top of its agenda for promoting higher education,with the aim to build a world-class university in the 21st Century.



北京大学在中国现代化过程中一直发挥着重要的先驱作用。大学的爱国精神、进步思想、民主、科学和对传统的重视,连同其勤奋、精度、求实、创新的精神一直代代相传。20世纪末,中国政府将北京大学作为促进高等教育发展进程中的首选学校,并明确其21世纪的目标是要建成世界一流大学。2. The Motto 校训北京大学老校旗北京大学老校徽

As the complex history,there is no official school motto for Peking University now. The earliest records of Peking University's motto dated from the National Southwest Associate University. On October 16,1938,according to the demand of the Ministry of Education,they created the school motto,school song. Based on the motto of Peking University,Tsinghua University and Nankai University,the commission discussed the school motto. National Peking University School Motto:knowledge,questioning,deliberation,西南联大校训discernment,the words first were seen in the text file( Phrase from the“Doctrine of the Mean”Chapter 19).

In 1952,three years ofter the people's Republic of china was established,Yenching unirersity was merged into Peking University. Widespread but mistaken Peking University motto of“patriotism,progress,democracy and science”actually refers to the ethos of Peking University,and“diligent,rigorous,realistic and innovative”is the style of study at Peking University.


1952年,也就是新中国成立后的第三年,燕京大学并入了北京大学。广为流传而被误认为是北京大学校训的“爱国、进步、民主、科学”实际上是指北京大学的校风,而“勤奋、严谨、求实、创新”则是北京大学的学风。3. Campus Life 校园生活

The students of Peking University enjoy a rich and vibrant campus life. Peking University has been famous for students' activities ever since the time of its foundation. Enjoying the full support from the university,students are encouraged to experience colorful campus life. There are more than two hundred student-organized associations,and a range of student activities running year-round,which satisfy the different demands of local as well as international students. Through these activities,students cultivate their interpersonal friendship,creativity and leadership.

Every year,there are several carefully designed festivals and activities,which are regarded as main campus events. Some of them are annual,such as New Year's Eve Celebration or the international culture festival. In this way,students at Peking University can not only receive a comprehensive and prestigious academic education,but also experience a balanced life,including participate in a vibrant array of student organizations and activities,leadership development opportunities,international programs and athletic competitions. Being a student at Peking University,you have the privilege of making good use of school resources to work hard and realize your dreams. The university seeks to fulfill its commitmentto free speech. The university hope that all students are open to the numerous challenges and opportunities that all associations offer.

“Being involved in activities allow you to take control of your experience at college and make it your own. You get out of college what you put into it,and that's true outside of the classroom as well,”one student said. He also recognized that being a part of extracurricular activities has made him a more well-roundedperson,and has helped him to develop the skills to become a leader.北大博雅塔北京大学旧址



一个学生说:“参与社团活动,可以使你在大学生活中学习并积累经验。你离开校园的时候能够带走你的经历,这就使得身处社会就像在课堂一样”。他也承认,课外活动使他变得更成熟,并帮助他发展成为一个有能力的领导者。● International Cultural Festival 国际文化节

The International Cultural Festival is held every October. It is a grand event in the history of Peking University's cultural exchange,a brilliant exhibition of a multi-ethnic global vision,and on this vivid stage it will be set by the international students of Peking University. On the appointed day,various embassies,university heads,and student representatives from home and abroad are invited to participate in a grand opening ceremony. International students will be representatives of their own countries,using their intuition and creativity to organize their own country's booth.

每年十月份,学校会举行国际文化节。这个活动是北京大学文化交流的历史性的大事件,北京大学留学生将以全球化的视野,生动的舞台展示演绎一个多民族的辉煌。在指定日当天,各驻华使馆、学校领导、不同国家的学生和留学生代表会被邀请参加盛大的开幕仪式。留学生将代表自己国家,展示自己的才能和创造性,为自己国家赢得地位。● PKU Top Ten Singers 北京大学十佳歌手竞赛

The“PKU Top Ten Singers”annual contest always gains the hottest attention around the campus. After three rounds of competition,more than twenty contestants will struggled in the finals.

Every year,a large number of songs written by students appear on the stage. In this competition,the charm,passion,creativity and talent of PKU students are demonstrated in full to their peers.“北京大学十佳歌手”年度竞赛是校园热点,经过三轮比赛,超过20名的参赛者将角逐竞争最激烈的决赛。

每年都有大量的学生原创歌曲出现在舞台上。在这场竞争中,北大学生可在同龄人中,充分展示他们的魅力、激情、创造力和才能。● Beida Cup Athletic Championships 北大杯田径锦标赛

Every year,the PKU Student Union holds the Beida Cup Athletic Championships,which includes sports such as football,basketball,volleyball,etc. This event is a great opportunity for students from different departments study and compete with each other. It receives great attention from students,and promotes the athletic spirit on campus quite considerably.北大国际文化节北大十佳歌手大赛宣传广告

每年,北大学生都会举办北大杯田径锦标赛,其中包括的体育项目如足球、篮球、排球等。此赛事是一个很好的、可以使不同院系的学生互相学习、互相竞争的好机会。它受到学生的高度关注,在促进校园体育精神方面贡献巨大。4. Student Associations 学生社团

Having the ability to engage in multiple interests and find friends who are not only similarly engaged,but also exceptionally talented in those areas,is one of the values of Peking's diversity. Peking University recognizes that student organizations enrich the social,cultural and educational experiences of students and the larger University community. About 200 organized student groups cover a range of interests. Such as Academic,Athletic/Recreational,Community Service,Health/Counseling,Media/Publications. Music/Dance/Creative Arts.

有能力从事多种活动和结识不同类型的朋友,同时成为专业领域较优秀的人才是北京大学多样性价值观之一。北京大学认识到,学生社团可以丰富学生在社会、文化、教育方面的经验和提供丰富的校园文化。现在约有200个涵盖不同的兴趣类型的学生社团:如学术、体育/娱乐、社区服务、卫生/咨询、媒体/出版物、音乐/舞蹈/艺术创作。● Peking University Mountaineering Association(PUMA) 北大登山协会

PUMA was founded in 1989,and has henceforth enjoyed great fame around campus. Mountain climbing,which combines natural exploration and scientific investigation,strives to exploit the rich,mountainous resources of the land. In the summer,social practice teams are organized to go to the border areas of the country,render services to the local people and harvest first-hand knowledge of their lifestyles at the same time.

北大登山协会,创立于1989年,在校园里享有很高的知名度。登山可进行自然的探索和科学调查,可发掘山区丰富的土地资源。在夏季,可以组织社会实践队到中国的边境地区,给当地人民提供服务并获取他们生活方式的第一手资料。● Students' International Communication Association(SICA) 北大学生国际交流协会(SICA)

Since its establishment in 1997,SICA was closely involved in the international exchange of Peking University,including the reception and interview of distinguished guests to Peking University,such as heads of foreign states,ambassadors,university presidents,social and commercial celebrities,etc.

SICA has developed into a friendly interfacefor student exchange by organizing various international forums and festivals inviting participation from Chinese and international students both from home and abroad. For instance,some events include the JING Forum with University of Tokyo,the Beida-Harvard Exchange Camp,The Peking Globalist with Yale University,etc.如火如荼的北大学生社团北大登山队如火如荼的北大学生社团


目前,学生国际交流协会已发展成为一个通过举办各种国际论坛和节庆活动,邀请来自海内外的中外学生参与友好交流的平台。例如,这些活动包括与东京大学联合举办的景论坛,北大-哈佛交流营,耶鲁大学与北京大学全球主义。● Loving Heart Society of Peking University 北京大学爱心社

Loving Heart Society of Peking University is the first community service association of student in China. They promote the realization of equality and civil rights;help the disabled and the handicapped,and volunteer in the countryside to help the poor. On campus,They encourage students to love and help those in need of help.

北京大学爱心社是中国学生的第一个社区服务协会。他们推动平等权和公民权的实现,帮助残障人士,在农村做志愿者来帮助穷人。在校园里,他们还积极鼓励同学们献爱心,以帮助那些需要帮助的人。5. The Evolution of Library 图书馆的演变

The predecessorof Peking University Library is the Imperial Academy library building,which was founded in 1902. It is the one of the earliest modern libraries. It was renamed officially as Peking University Library after the 1911 Revolution.

In 1952,with the adjustment of the national faculty,Peking University Library moved to the site of former Yenching University,and the former library of Yenching University was merged into the Peking University library. Then it absorbed some collections of other units,to form this pattern which takes the center as original Yanching University Library.

In 1975,a new museum was settled at the center of the campus,which became the largest and the best facilities in domestic constructions.

On May 4,1998,the new library was founded on the occasion of the centennial celebration of Peking University,It was completed with donations of the famous Hong Kong industrialist Dr. Li Jiacheng. The new building was put into use at the end of 1998. The new and old libraries cover more than 51,000 square meters,with more than 4,000 reading seats,and about 6.5 million collections,it becomes the largest university library in Asia.




1998年5月4日,北京大学百年校庆之际,由香港著名实业家李嘉诚博士捐资兴建的北京大学图书馆新馆落成,新馆于1998年底投入使用。新旧馆总面积超过51,000平方米,阅览座位4,000多个,藏书容量可达650万册,成为亚洲高校第一大馆。北大图书馆北大未名湖6. WeiMing Lake:Goddess of PKU 未名湖:北京大学的女神

“WeiMing Lake is the ocean,the poets hide under it;and the soul is a fish,jumping out of the water…”Whenever you hearing this song called“WeiMing Lake is the ocean”,no matter where you are,you'll love it. Because,this song is one of the most beautiful songs in Peking University that glorifies the flowery WeiMing Lake. When you hear this name,you'll probably feel it is strange,for“WeiMing”in Chinese is“without being named”.

Qian Mu,a famous scholar in China,named this lake. WeiMing means the beauty of peace,gentleness,selflessnessand profoundity. The lake is like a piece of jade beset in the center of the campus,it looks more attractive against the background of the island nearby,the stone fish and the stone boat. People always regard it as a shrine,because WeiMing area is part of the imperial garden of Qing Dynasty,so it is really a priceless treasure with long history. Nowadays,it is still sacred. When you are wandering about around the lake,you'll see some old buildings,the branches of willow swaying in the breeze,the joyful red carps swimming in the water,at the same time,you'll always feel fresh air lingering beside you.“未名湖是个海洋,诗人都藏在水底,灵魂们都是一条鱼,也会从水面跃起……”每当听到《未名湖是个海洋》这首歌,无论在哪里,你都会喜欢它。因为这首歌,是在赞颂绚丽的未名湖,是北大最优美的歌曲之一。“未名”,当你听到这个名字,你可能会觉得很奇怪,因为在中国它是“没有被命名”的意思。


Chapter 5 The University of Hong Kong——The Most International University in Chinese 第五章 香港大学——华人地区最国际化的学校

1. Introduction 学校简介

The University of Hong Kong(or HKU) is the oldest tertiary institution in Hong Kong and is regarded as one of the most prestigious universities in Asia. The University is referred by Quacquarelli Symondsas a“world-class comprehensive research university”. In 2010,it was ranked 23rd in the QS World University Rankings. In another rankings,the 2010–2011 Times Higher Education World University Rankings cooperating with Thomson Reuters as the new data supplier,the university was ranked 21st in the world and 1st in Asia.香港大学外墙

香港大学,是香港历史最悠久的高等教育院校、亚洲最负盛名的大学之一。英国QS世界大学排名称其为“世界一流的研究型综合大学”,2010年,QS将之列入世界排名23位的大学。另一项排名则显示,2010~2011泰晤士高等教育与汤森路透社则将它列为世界排名第21位、亚洲排名第1位的大学。2. History 历史渊源

The University of Hong Kong traces its origins to the former Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese,founded by the London Missionary Society in 1887 and would later become the Medical Faculty of the University of Hong Kong. The College is noted for being China's Father of the Nation Sun Yat-sen's almamater. The University was founded in 1911 when Governor Sir Frederick Lugard proposed to establish a university in Hong Kong. Lugard felt an urgent need to establish a university in Asia to compete with the other Great Powers opening universities in China,most notably Prussia,which had just opened Tongji University in Shanghai. The colonial Hong Kongers shared British values and allowed Britain to expand its influence in southern China and consolidate its rule in Hong Kong.

The University of Hong Kong(or HKU,as it is familiarly known to students,staff and alumni) is the oldest tertiary education institution in Hong Kong. On March 16,1910,Sir Frederick Lugard,the then Governor of Hong Kong,laid the foundation stone for the University,signifying the birth of Hong Kong's first tertiary institution.

On March 11,1912,the University launched its official opening with its founding Faculty of Medicine which had evolved from the Hong Kong College of Medicine,founded in 1887. Of the College's early alumni,the most renowned was Dr Sun Yat-sen,the founder of modern China.

The Faculties of Engineering and Arts were established within a year of the official opening. In December 1916,the University held its first congregation,with just 23 graduates.

It was ten years after the founding of 香港大学教学楼HKU that women students were admitted for the first time. In 1937,Queen Mary Hospital opened and served as the University's teaching hospital since that time. Before the outbreak of the Second World War,which temporarily arrestedthe otherwise steady progress of the University,there were four Faculties——Arts,Engineering,Medicine,and Science. After 1945,the University underwent structural development.





香港大学成立10年后首次招收女学生。1937年,玛丽女王医学院创立,自那以后,该医学院就成为了学校的教学医院。第二次世界大战爆发前,学校维持着缓慢的稳步发展。那时,学校有四个学院:艺术学院、工程学院、医学学院和科学学院。1945年后,香港大学得到了长足的发展。3. Donation 捐助

Indian businessman Sir Hormusjee Naorojee Mody learned of Lugard's plan and pledged to donate HK$150,000 towards the construction and HK$30,000 towards other costs. The Hong Kong Government and the business sector in southern China,which were both equally eager to learn“secrets of the West's success”(referring to technological advances made since the Industrial Revolution),also gave their support. The Swire Group also contributed funds,wishing to repair its corporate image following an industrial accident that had injured many Chinese sailors. Along with the United Kingdom government and companies,Lugard finally had enough to build the university.

Lugard laid the foundation stone of the Main Building on 16 March 1910 and hoped that the university would educate more Chinese people in British“imperialvalues”,as opposed to those of other Western powers.


1910年3月16日,卢嘉主持大学的动工仪式。他希望用英国的“帝国价值观”教育更多的中国人,对抗其他西方列强。印度商人么地爵士雕像4. The Motto 校训

The motto of HKU is“Sapientia et Virtus”in Latin,meaning“wisdom and virtue”,and“ming tak kak mat”in Chinese.

The design of the University's Shield was proposed to the College of Arms by the University in October 1912. On 14 May 1913,the Shield,along with 2 mottos(1 in Latin,1 in Chinese) were granted by the College of Arms. The animal similar to lion on the badge symbolizes the force rule of British,while the book on the badge is a general reference to learning and knowledge.

The Chinese motto on the pages of the opened book,written from right to left,top to bottom in accordance with traditional Chinese writing direction,contains 2 phrases:ming tak and kak mat,meaning“illustrious virtue”and“the investigation of things”respectively. The first phrase“ming tak”makes homageto the opening sentence of classic Confucian Classical Chinese literature the Great Learning,in which the author discusses the 3 great duties of a ruler–illustrious virtue,the renewal of the people,and repose in the highest good. The second phrase“kak mat”is a reference to the writing of Confucian scholar Zhu Xi(In the literal exhausting by examination the principles of things and affairs). The phrase occurs in discussion regarding how wise rulers set about cultivating wisdom and virtue. If one desires to rectify his hearts,he must first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts,he must first extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lays in the investigation of things.

In 1981,the year of the University's 70th anniversary,an application was made to the College of Arms for a full coat of arms,which was granted in 1984,comprising the original Shield and motto with the addition of a crest,supporters,a helmet and compartment.

The supporters are a Chinese dragon and a lion that representing Chinese and Britain,indicating the University's aspiration to blend East and West,from the foundation by British people in Hong Kong and the later development of the university's research and studies in both west and east culture and technology. The footed grass representsthe location of the university——Hong Kong.

港大校训拉丁文为“Sapientia Et Virtus”,意思是“智慧与真诚”,中文为“明德格物”。




纹章底部是一条中国龙和一只狮子,代表着中国和英国,这表明香港大学是一所中西合璧的大学,即香港大学最初是由在香港的英国人创办,后来随着发展,学校同时对中西方文化、科技进行学习研究。脚踏着的草地代表着学校所在地——香港。5. Campus Life 校园生活● Student Organization 学生组织

There are two officially recognized student bodies,Students' Union(SU) and the Postgraduate Students Association(PGSA). They are giving opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities.

The Hong Kong University Students' Union principally serves the undergraduate students. This organization is renowned among student activists,having been the main driving force behind evicting a chancellor in recent years. In Hong Kong University,joining in the HKUSU or other campus communities is known as“go to the Aillage.”A village staff generally starts from the general officer,and then developes into a team leader,and then promotes to Deputy Minister,minister or the leader of student council. Around November each year,the communities in Hong Kong University begin to change their villages,you can see the communities' posters around the campus overwhelming,and the whole campus is full of excitement and restlessness.

As go to the village,the local Hong Kong Students are more accepted,they believe that it is the direct route to integrate into the community. As the purpose of Students Union,the independent spirit spreads from pre-election preparation to the daily work of the village.



对于上庄,香港本地的师生都是比较认可的,他们认为这是提升能力、融入社会最直接的途径。正如学生会的宗旨所言,从之前的竞选准备到上庄后的日常工作,独立自主的精神贯穿始终。港大学生会动漫联盟节目宣传● Convenient Service 服务便捷

The University offers computing and network services 24-hours around-the-clock and its Libraries deploya full

range of modern library and latest digital technologies to make enormous 港大图书馆library collections conveniently accessible online. The language center offers courses in various languages to improve their language proficiency and the university health service provides generally free primary health care and preventive services as well as a subsidized dental service.

Comprehensive sports and recreational facilities are easily accessible,such as swimming pools,multi-purpose sports centre,track and field,and tennis courts. There are over 110 independent student clubs and societies available for students to mingleand develop their interests.


学校体育设施便捷,有如游泳池,多功能体育中心,田径场,网球场,综合体育及康乐等设施。还有超过110个独立的学生俱乐部和社团学生,使学生能增进交往并发展自己的兴趣。● Main Buildings 主要建筑RICCI Hall 利玛窦宿舍

Matteo Ricci Hall dormitory,also known as the English called Ricci Hall,founded in 1929 by the Society of Jesus,in the University of Hong Kong it's one of 13 in providing hostels and the oldest of the male dormitory. Ricci Hall is the only catholic hostel in the University of Hong Kong. The old building was demolished in 1966 and the new building was officially opened on 8 December 1967,and was completely renovatedin the summer of 1990. It has 120 single rooms. The spirit of RICCI hall is unity,loyalty,sacrifice. By participating in sports,cultural and hall activities,students in Ricci Hall get improvement in characters through the practice of Ricci Spirit. Ricci Motto,and values inherite from generation to generation. There are many politicians who live in the Ricci Hall,such as Mr Hui,Mr Michael Suen,Mr Lam;counselssuch as Yu Shushao,Martin;merchants such as Stanley Ho,Linus Cheung,Jack;artists such as James Wong,Sam.

The movie“City of Glass”took Ricci Hall and the University of Hong Kong's only the women's dormitory Lady Ho Tung Hall as the background.


电影《玻璃之城》就是以利玛窦宿舍及香港大学唯一的女生宿舍何东夫人纪念堂为背景创作的。现今的利玛窦宿舍大学堂The University Hall 大学堂

The University Hall is a historical building in the University of Hong Kong,whose original name is Douglas Castle. The building dated back to 1861 when a wealthy Scottish trader named Douglas Lapraik built it as a place of his residence. In 1894,the Paris Foreign Missions(the Societe Des Missions Etrangere De Paris) purchased the building and renamed Nazareth House(The Nazareth House). Nazareth House was extensively restored and reconstructed,even built a printing workshop. In 1953,the Paris Foreign Missions left Nazareth House. The University of Hong Kong purchased it in the next year. In 1956 it was officially named as a male dormitory and Hall.

The Hall is a blend of Tudor and Gothic architectural style of the ornate building,with external elegant steps,while the interior has antique library and spiralstaircase. The Hall is occasionally target for many Hong Kong films,including “rogue doctors”,“City of Glass,”“Happy Birthday .”


大学堂是一个融合了都铎王朝时期和哥特式建筑风格的华丽建筑,外有设计优雅的梯级,而于内部则有古色古香的图书馆及螺旋式楼梯,这都是该建筑物的特色。有多部香港电影曾于该建筑物取景,包括《流氓医生》《玻璃之城》《生日快乐》等。6. Sun Yat-sen&HKU 孙中山与港大

I feel as though I have returned home,because Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong are my intellectual birthplace.——Sun Yat-sen我有如游子归家,因为香港和香港大学乃是我知识之诞生地。——孙中山

Sun Yat-sen was a doctor,revolutionary and political leader. As the foremostpioneer of Nationalist China,Sun is frequently referred to as the“Father of the Nation”. Sun played an important role in the overthrowing of the Qing Dynasty during the Revolution of 1911. Sun was the first provisional president when the Republic of China was founded in 1912 and later co-founded the Kuomintang ,where he served as its first leader.

Sun Yat-sen received a modern education in Hong Kong. He was among the first graduates of the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese,which was the predecessor of the HKU Faculty of Medicine.

HKU was founded in 1911,bringing higher education in Hong Kong into a new era. At the same year,the great Chinese Revolution broke out. The feudal imperial monarchy in China,with a history of two thousand years,was overthrown. Sun Yat-sen led China into a new epoch.

Although Sun is considered one of the greatest leaders of modern China,his political life was one of constant struggle and frequent exile. After the success of the revolution,he quickly fell out of power in the newly founded Republic of China,and led successive revolutionary governments as a challenge to the warlords who controlled much of the nation.孙中山香港大学内孙中山铜像

Sun did not live to see his party consolidate its power over the country during the Northern Expedition. His party,which formed a fragile alliance with the Communists,split into two factions after his death. Sun's chief legacy resides in his developing a political philosophyknown as the Three Principles of the People:nationalism,democracy,and the people's livelihood.




尽管孙中山被认为是中国现代最伟大的领导人之一,他的政治生涯却是不断的斗争和频繁的流亡过程。革命成功后,他很快就失去了在新建立的中华民国的权力,后领导革命政府与控制着大部分中国的军阀不断斗争。北伐战争中,孙中山也没能看到他的政党在全国各地巩固势力的时刻。在他去世后,他的政党与共产党合作结成脆弱的联盟,并分裂为了两派。孙中山留给人们最重要的遗产在于他发展的一种政治哲学,被人们称为三民主义:即民族、民权、民生。7. Social Status of Students in HKU 港大学生的社会地位

Before the founding of Chinese University of Hong Kong,the only university in Hong Kong was HKU. Between 15 Director and Secretary of the Goverment of the Hong Kong special Administrative Region,11 are from the University of Hong Kong. It seems that the alumni of UHK have occupied a certain position within the government,and even“Kong Gang”. According to Kong Annual Report,34.1%of the Government's new civil service employment grade the degree are graduates in the University of Hong Kong of 2009. Since 2006,there is the highest among all tertiaryinstitutions in Hong Kong,the former President of Chinese University of Hong Kong Ambrose King even said University of Hong Kong is Hong Kong's“Civil Service Training Institute.”

在香港中文大学成立之前,港大是全港唯一的一所大学。香港特别行政区政府15位司长及局长中,有11位是出身自香港大学。可见港大学生在政府内部已经占有一定地位,甚至有“港大帮”之说。根据港大年报,2009年政府新聘香港大学李嘉诚医学院用的学位职系公务员中有34.1%是香港大学应届毕业生。自2006年起,该校出身的公务员人数就成为了各大专院校中最多者。前香港中文大学校长金耀基教授更称香港大学是香港的“公务员培训所”。8. Medical Name Dispute 港大医学部命名风波

On 7 May 2005,the University of Hong Kong announced that Li Ka-shing and Li Ka Shing Foundation donated HK$1 billion to the University,on May 18,University of Hong Kong suggested named Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine in recognition of the Li Ka Shing Foundation and its generous donation,and HKU Council unanimously agreed with this suggestion.

This decision has aroused the concern of medical students and some of the opposition,but after consultation with the school it would maintain the original decision,and Li Ka-shing has also issued an open letter that“did not change his views.”On January 1,2006,University of Hong Kong officially named the“University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty.”The alumus of the HKU medical college Guo Jiaqi,when he was the Legislative Council Members claimed that he would ask the Global alumni of the HKU medical college to raise funds in order to redeem the name. Another School of Medicine alumnus Xie Hongxing also opposed naming,and launched a protest at the naming day.



Chapter 6 Tsinghua University——Self-discipline and Social Commitment 第六章 清华大学——自强不息,厚德载物

1. Introduction 学校简介

Tsinghua University colloquially known in Chinese as Qinghua,is a university in Beijing,China. The school is one of the nine universities of the C9 League. It was established in 1911 under the name“Tsinghua Xuetang”or“Tsinghua College”and was renamed the“Tsinghua School”one year later.

It has developed into a comprehensive research university at a breathtaking pace. At present,the university has 14 schools,56 departments with faculties in science,engineering,the humanities,law,medicine,history,philosophy,economics,management,education and art.

The university currently has over 4000 faculty members,including 1,172 full professors and 1,061 associate professors. Among them,there are 36 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 32 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.清华大学正门

As one of the country's leading institutions of learning and research,Tsinghua University has a strong commitment to basic research,applied research and scientific innovation. The total publications in SCI,EI and ISTP by Tsinghua faculties keep the first ranking among all of the universities in China.

There are over 28,000 students studying at Tsinghua including 14,000 undergraduates and 14,000 graduate students. The Tsinghua graduate school offers 228 doctoral programs and 249 master degree programs. Over 2,400 students from 103 countries in the world are studying here annually.





有超过28,000的学生就读清华,其中包括14,000名本科生和14,000名研究生。清华大学研究生院提供228个博士点和249个硕士学位课程。每年,来自全球103个国家的2,400多名学生在这里学习。2. History of Tsinghua University 追根溯源

The cost of Tsinghua University stemmed from Boxer Rebellion Indemnity. Since American Secretary of State John Hay suggested that the US$30 million plus Boxer Rebellion indemnity money paid to the United States was excessive,in 1909,President Roosevelt then obtained congress approval to reduce the Qing Dynasty indemnity payment by$10 million,on the condition that the fund was to be used as scholarship for Chinese students to study in the United States.

Using this fund,the Tsinghua College was established in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing,on 22 April 1911 on the site of“Qing Hua Yuan”,1909年第一期留美生a former royal garden of the Qing Dynasty.

On April 29,1911,Tsinghua Xuetang began its first term,and since this year,the Tsinghua's anniversary has fallen on the last Sunday of April. The name was changed to“Tsinghua school”after the Revolution of 1911.

The College Deparment was founded in 1925 and the name“National Tsinghua University”was adopted in 1928. With a motto of Self-Discipline and Social Commitment,Tsinghua University described itself as being dedicated to academic excellence,the well-being of Chinese society and to global development.

Following the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan in 1937,Tsinghua University,Peking University and Nankai University merged to form the National Southwest Associated University in Kunming. After the war,Tsinghua University moved back to its original Beijing campus.

After a nationwide restructuring of institutes of higher education in 1952,Tsinghua University became a multidisciplinary polytechnic university specializing in training engineers.

Since 1978,Tsinghua University has strengthened its teaching in sciences,economic management,humanities and law. In 1999,Tsinghua opened the School of Arts and Design by merging with the Central Academy of Arts and Design. Today,Tsinghua has become a famous university.







自1978年以来,清华大学加强了其在科学、经济管理、人文科学和法学的教学。在1999年,通过与中央美术学院艺术与设计专业合并,清华大学开设了艺术与设计学院。今天,清华大学已成为一所著名的大学。3. The Cradle of Chinese Politicians 中国政治家的摇篮

Tsinghua University has produced many notable graduates,especially in political sphere. These include current president Hu Jintao,current vice president Xi Jinping,current head of the National People's Congress Wu Bangguo,former premier Zhu Rongji,former executive vice premier Huang Ju. Tsinghua graduates who have political prominence are disproportionately greater in number than graduates of other famous universities. Among the nine standing committees at the Politburo,there are four Tsinghua graduates;among the 24 Politburo committee members,there are five;and of all the leaders of the party and the country,there are 10.

从清华大学走出了许多著名的毕业生,特别是在政治领域。其中包括现任国家主席胡锦涛,现任国家副主席习近平,国务院前总理朱镕基,现任全国人大常委会委员长吴邦国,前常务副总理黄菊。从清华毕业杰出政要的比例比其他名牌大学高得多。在9位中央政治局常委中,有4位是清华毕业生;24位中央政治局委员中,清华毕业生有5位,并且在所有党和国家领导人中,有10位是清华的毕业生。清华国学研究院导师——梁启超● Affection between Tsinghua and Zhu Rongji:Lives with Tsinghua Forever 朱镕基的清华情缘:永远的清华人

In 1984,when Zhu Rongji was the vice Deputy Director of the National Economic Council,he was invited to serve as Dean of the Economics and Management College . In the speech of farewell to Tsinghua,Zhu Rongji said:“In 1984,Liu Da invited me to be the dean,I have not studied economy,but have particular interest in the management,therefore,have no sense of propriety,I promised it.”

Typically,Premier Zhu Rongji came to the Economics and Management college one time a month,convened under the auspices of a Council meeting to discuss the major issues about college development . Zhu Rongji has been the President for 17 years,during that time,Zhu Rongji personally taught four technical economy PhD students,one of them is the former President of Beijing stone limited investment(the new four-way)corporation Yang Hongru,another one is the director of Enterprise Management Department of Tsinghua University,Zhao Ping.

Zhu Rongji devoted the most affection to be a Dean's officer. In 1999,he visited the United State. During the visit,Premier Zhu Rongji gave a presentation to MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology):“A lot of places have invited me,including Harvard,why do I come to MIT?Because I am the president of the Economics and Management College of Tsinghua University,Tsinghua College and the MIT School of Management has a very close contact,so I come to here.”

In 2001,Zhu Rongji resigned from the position of Dean of the economic management college of Tsinghua University,ending 17 years with Tsinghua University.




朱镕基2001年辞去清华经管学院院长职务,结束了与清华经管学院17年的缘分。4. Tsinghua Spirit 清华精神

In 1910,according to the location,it was named as of“Tsinghua Xue Tang”(Tsing Hua College),later renamed“Tsinghua School”. The present handwritten Chinese name of the school was written by Mao Zedong in 1950.

Motto:Self-discipline and Social Commitment

Ethos:Actions speak louder than words

Spirit:Patriotic dedication,the pursuit of excellence

During the commemoration of 90th anniversary celebration,the school carried out a full year of great debate about“Tsinghua spirit”,generally believed that the spirit of Tsinghua University,includes“patriotic dedication”,“rigorous and realistic”,“bold and innovative”,“pursuit of excellence,”“team spirit”,“world vision”and so on.

In 2003,Tsinghua President Gu Binglin officially said Tsinghua spirit was“patriotic,dedication,the pursuit of excellence.”

Teaching philosophy:integrating Chinese and 清华校旗(右)与五色旗





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