
发布时间:2020-06-27 20:40:00









目前的托福考试以互联网为依托,称为“iBT”(Internet-Based Test),即托福网考,满分120分,阅读、听力、口语、写作每部分各30分。TPO是英文TOEFL Practice Online的缩写,即托福在线考试练习,是托福考试主办方ETS提供的托福官方网考练习平台,其中题目均为之前考过的托福原题,极具参考价值。精研TPO题目是考生取得高分的不二之选。




佳句妙译 给出句子的精准翻译,体现原句特色,帮助考生深入理解,并在翻译上给考生以启发。

句法精析 拆分句子结构,用通用的句子成分分析法进行句法剖析,清晰简单,一目了然。

知识拓展 提炼句子中的关键语法点,讲解相关语法知识,帮助考生搭建语法体系。

词汇拓展 梳理重点单词,提供经典实用例句与用法解析,帮助考生通过句子识记单词。

短语搭配 摘录句中重点短语和搭配,并配以实用例句,帮助考生理解和运用。


Day 1

1 For years historians have sought to identify crucial elements in the eighteenth-century rise in industry, technology, and economic power known as the Industrial Revolution【并列主句1】, and many give prominence to the problem of energy【并列主句2】.

佳句妙译 多年来,历史学家们一直在寻找能够证明十八世纪工业革命中工业、技术和经济实力发展的重要证据,许多人都聚焦于能源问题。

句法精析 这句话是并列句,整个句子的结构是并列主句1 +并列主句2,如英文句下标注所示。

词汇拓展 identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]

v. 辨认;发现;找到

例 They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system. 他们正在尝试找出目前系统有问题的地方。

prominence [ˈprɑːmɪnəns]

n. 重要;突出;卓越

例 The issue was given great prominence in the press. 媒体对这个话题高度关注。

2 A rotary engine attached to the steam engine【主语】 enabled shafts to be turned and machines to be driven【谓语】, resulting in mills using steam power to spin and weave cotton【分词短语作状语】.

佳句妙译 附属于蒸汽机引擎上的旋转引擎可以使轴转动并带动机器运转,使纺织机得以利用蒸汽旋转并编织棉布。

句法精析 这句话是简单句,整个句子的结构是主语+谓语+宾语+补语+状语,如下:

主语:A rotary engine attached to the steam engine

谓语:enabled shafts to be turned and machines to be driven

状语:resulting in mills using steam power to spin and weave cotton

词汇拓展 attach [əˈtætʃ]

v. 把…附着;缠着;与…有关联

例 I attach a copy of my notes for your information.我附了一份我的笔记供你参考。

搭 attach to 附于…

spin [spɪn]

v. 快速旋转

例 The plane was spinning out of control.飞机失去控制,不停地旋转。

weave [wiːv]

v. 编织;编排;迂回行进

例 She is skilled at spinning and weaving. 她是纺织能手。

3 Greater productivity and rising demands【主语】 provided【谓语】 entrepreneurs【宾语】 with profits【补语】 that could be【定语从句】 reinvested to take advantage of new technologies to further expand capacity, or to seek alternative investment opportunities.

佳句妙译 更强的生产力和不断增长的需求给企业家们提供了再投资的机会;他们可以利用新技术获利,从而扩大产量或者寻找其他投资机会。

句法精析 这句话是复合句。整个句子的结构是主语+谓语+宾语+补语+定语从句,如下:

主语:Greater productivity and rising demands



补语:with profits

定语从句:that could be reinvested to take advantage of new technologies to further expand capacity, or to seek alternative investment opportunities

词汇拓展 entrepreneur [ˌɑːntrəprəˈnɜːr]

n. 创业者;企业家

例 Jack Ma is an entrepreneur that attracts world attention. 马云是一位倍受世界瞩目的创业者。

派 entrepreneurship (n. 企业家精神)

advantage [ədˈvæntɪdʒ]

n. 优势;优点

例 You will be at an advantage if you have thought about the interview questions in advance. 如果你预先考虑过面试中提出的问题,就会处于优势。

搭 take advantage of利用 at advantage 处于优势

capacity [kəˈpæsəti]

n. 容器;能力;职责;生产量;功率

例 The factory is working at full capacity. 这家工厂在开足马力生产。

4 They【主语】 possess【谓语】 drought-resisting adaptations:【宾语】 loss of water through the leaves is reduced by means of dense hairs covering waxy leaf surfaces, by the closure of pores during the hottest times to reduce water loss, and by the rolling up or shedding of leaves at the beginning of the dry season【同位语从句】.

佳句妙译 它们拥有抗干旱的适应能力:为减少水分流失,蜡质的叶面长满密集的绒毛,在极度炎热的时期关闭毛孔,以及在旱季初期卷曲或掉落叶子。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是主语+谓语+宾语,如下:



宾语:drought-resisting adaptations


词汇拓展 possess [pəˈzes]

v. 拥有;具有;支配

例 He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a licence. 他被控无照拥有猎枪。

派 possession (n. 所有物;私人物品)

resist [rɪˈzɪst]

v. 抵挡;阻挡;回击

例 The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates. 这家银行坚决抵制降低利率。

派 resistance(n. 抵制;反抗)

adaptation [ˌædæpˈteɪʃn]

n. 适应;改编本

例 Desert species have high adaptation to hot conditions.


5 Escape【主语】 involves【谓语】 such actions as aestivation【宾语】, a condition of prolonged dormancy, or torpor【同位语】, during which animals reduce their metabolic rate and body temperature during the hot season or during very dry spells【定语从句】.

佳句妙译 逃避行为包括诸如夏眠的这类行为,夏眠是一种长时间休眠或者迟缓的状态,发生在炎热季节或者干旱期, 在此期间动物会降低代谢速度和身体温度。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是主语+谓语+宾语+同位语+定语从句,如下:



宾语:such actions as aestivation

同位语:a condition of prolonged dormancy, or torpor

定语从句:during which animals reduce their metabolic rate and body temperature during the hot season or during very dry spells

词汇拓展 aestivation [ˌestɪ'veɪʃn]

n. 【动】夏蛰,夏眠

搭 aestivation period 夏眠期

condition [kənˈdɪʃn]

n. 状态;环境;条款;前提

例 The motorcyclist was in a critical condition in hospital last night. 那位摩托车手昨晚在医院生命垂危。

prolong [prəˈlɔːŋ]


例 The operation could prolong his life by two or three years. 这次手术可使他多活两到三年的时间。

派 prolongation(n. 延长;延伸)

6 The sparse distribution of the feathers【主语】, however【插入语】, also allows【谓语】 considerable lateral air movement【宾语】 over the skin surface【状语1】, thereby permitting further heat loss by convection【分词作状语2】.

佳句妙译 然而,稀疏分布的羽毛使得大量的侧面风吹过皮肤表面,由此通过对流带走更多热量。

句法精析 这句话是简单句,整个句子的结构是主语 + 插入语 + 谓语 + 宾语+状语1 +状语2,如下:

主语:The sparse distribution of the feathers


谓语:also allows

宾语:considerable lateral air movement

状语1:over the skin surface

状语2:thereby permitting further heat loss by convection

词汇拓展 distribution [ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn]

n. 分配;分发;分销

例 The map shows the distribution of this species across the world. 地图上标明了这一生物在全世界的分布情况。

considerable [kənˈsɪdərəbl]

adj. 相当多(或大、重要等)的

例 The project wasted a considerable amount of time and money. 这项工程耗费了相当多的时间和资金。

派 considerably (adv. 相当多地)

7 A major development【主语】 was【系动词】 the discovery【表语】, again about 3000 B.C.E.,【状语】 that if copper, which had been known in Mesopotamia since about 3500 B.C.E., was mixed with tin, a much harder metal, bronze, would result【同位语从句】.

佳句妙译 一项重大进步同样发生在公元前3000年,人们发现如果在自公元前3500年就流传于美索不达米亚的铜中混合锡这种更坚硬的金属,就能生产出青铜。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是主语 + 系动词 + 表语+ 状语 + 同位语从句,如下:

主语:A major development


表语:the discovery

状语:again about 3000 B.C.E.

表语从句:that if copper, which had been known in Mesopotamia since about 3500 B.C.E., was mixed with tin, a much harder metal, bronze, would result

词汇拓展 discovery [dɪˈskʌvəri]

n. 发现;发觉

例 She was shocked by the discovery that he had been unfaithful. 她发现他不忠时感到非常震惊。

8 An increasingly sophisticated system of administration led in about 3300 B.C.E. to the appearance of writing【并列主句1】, and the earliest script was based on logograms, with a symbol being used to express a whole word【并列主句2】.

佳句妙译 一个逐渐复杂的管理体系大约在公元前3300年促使了写作的诞生,最早的手稿以速记符号为基础,使用一个符号表达整个单词。

句法精析 这句话是并列句,整个句子的结构是并列主句1 + 并列主句2,如下:

并列主句1:An increasingly sophisticated system of administration led in about 3300 B.C.E. to the appearance of writing

并列主句2:and the earliest script was based on logograms, with a symbol being used to express a whole word

词汇拓展 sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd]

adj. 老练的;精密的;水平高的

例 Mark is a smart and sophisticated young man. Mark是一个聪明老成的年轻人。

appearance [əˈpɪrəns]

n. 外貌;起源;公开露面

例 She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance. 她从来不怎么注意外貌。

9 While population estimates are notoriously unreliable【让步状语】, scholars【主语】 assume【谓语】 that Uruk inhabitants were able to support themselves from the agricultural production of the field surrounding the city【宾语从句】, which could be reached with a daily commute【定语从句】.

佳句妙译 众所周知人口估计的数据是不可靠的,但是学者们认为乌鲁克居民可以通过日常与周围地区的通勤,得到周围地区出产的农产品以实现自给自足。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是让步状语从句 + 主语 +谓语 + 宾语从句 + 定语从句,如下:

让步状语从句:While population estimates are notoriously unreliable



宾语从句:that Uruk inhabitants were able to support themselves from the agricultural production of the field surrounding the city

定语从句:which could be reached with a daily commute

词汇拓展 notoriously [noʊˈtɔːriəsli]

adv. 众所周知地;臭名昭著地

例 Mountain weather is notoriously difficult to predict. 山地天气难以预料是人所共知的。

inhabitant [ɪnˈhæbɪtənt]

n. 居民;栖息动物

例 Mike is the oldest inhabitant of the village. Mike是这个村庄最老的居民。

派 inhabit(v. 居住于)

commute [kəˈmjuːt]

n. 通勤 v.上下班往返;经常往返(于两地)

例 She commutes from Oxford to London every day.她每天往返于牛津与伦敦之间。

10 A glance at a map of the Pacific Ocean【主语】 reveals【谓语】 that there are many islands far out at sea that are actually volcanoes【宾语从句】—many no longer active, some overgrown with coral【插入语】—that originated from activity at points in the interior of the Pacific Plate【定语从句1】 that forms the Pacific seafloor【定语从句2】.

佳句妙译 扫一眼太平洋的地图就能知道,处于海洋深处的众多岛屿其实都是火山——其中有很多已经不活动了,有一些长满了珊瑚——这些火山都起源于当时太平洋板块内部一些部位在形成太平洋海底时的地质活动。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是主语 + 谓语 + 宾语从句 + 插入语 + 定语从句1 + 定语从句2,如下:

主语:A glance at a map of the Pacific Ocean


宾语从句:that there are many islands far out at sea that are actually volcanoes

插入语:many no longer active, some overgrown with coral

定语从句1:that originated from activity at points in the interior of the Pacific Plate

定语从句2:that forms the Pacific seafloor

词汇拓展 originate [əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt]

v. 起源;创立

例 The disease is thought to have originated in the tropics.人们认为这种疾病起源于热带地区。

interior [ɪnˈtɪriər]


例 The original interior of the hotel has been replaced. 酒店原来内部的装潢都被替换了。

反 exterior

11 Most volcanoes that occur in the interiors of plates【主语】 are believed【谓语】 to be produced by mantle plumes【宾语】, columns of molten rock that rise from deep within the mantle【同位语】.

佳句妙译 大多数发生在板块内部的火山爆发都被认为是由地幔柱引发的,地幔柱即从地幔深处涌出的熔岩形成的柱体。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是主语 + 定语从句+谓语 + 宾语+ 同位语+定语从句,如下:

主语:Most volcanoes that occur in the interiors of plates,其中包含that引导的定语从句

谓语:are believed

宾语:to be produced by mantle plumes

同位语:columns of molten rock that rise from deep within the mantle,其中包含that引导的定语从句,进一步说明mantle plumes

12 Low prey population levels then provide inadequate food for the predators【并列主句1】, causing the predator population to decrease【伴随状语】, and when this occurs【时间状语从句】, the prey population can rebound【并列主句2】.

佳句妙译 被捕食动物数量的不足造成了捕食者食物的缺乏,使捕食者数量下降;当这个情况发生时,被捕食动物的数量会反弹。

句法精析 这句话是并列复合句,整个句子的结构是并列主句1 + 伴随状语 + 时间状语从句 + 并列主句2,如下:

并列主句1:Low prey population levels then provide inadequate food for the predators

伴随状语:causing the predator population to decrease

时间状语从句:when this occurs

并列主句2:and...the prey population can rebound

词汇拓展 predator [ˈpredətər]

n. 捕食性动物;剥削者

例 Some animals have no natural predators.有些动物没有天敌。

rebound [rɪˈbaʊnd]


例 The ball rebounded from the goalpost and Owen headed it in. 球从门柱弹回,Owen头球将球攻进。

13 Do increasing numbers of hares lead to overharvesting of plants【并列主句1】, which in turn results in reduced hare populations【定语从句】, or do increasing numbers of lynx lead to overharvesting hares?【并列主句2】

佳句妙译 是野兔数量的增长使得植物被过度破坏,随之导致了野兔的减少?还是山猫的增加导致了野兔被过度捕捉?

句法精析 这句话是并列复合句,整个句子的结构是并列主句1 + 定语从句 + 并列主句2,如下:

并列主句1:Do increasing numbers of hares lead to overharvesting of plants

定语从句:which in turn results in reduced hare populations

并列主句2:or do increasing numbers of lynx lead to overharvesting hares

词汇拓展 hare [her]

n. 野兔

lynx [lɪŋks]


14 If the water table intersects the land surface【条件状语从句】, groundwater will flow out onto the surface at springs, whether to be collected there or to subsequently flow farther along drainage【主句】.

佳句妙译 如果地下水位与地表交叉,那么地下水会在春天流出地面,要么汇聚在那里,要么随着排水渠流向远方。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是条件状语从句+主句,如下:

条件状语从句:If the water table intersects the land surface

主句:groundwater will flow out onto the surface at springs, whether to be collected there or to subsequently flow farther along drainage

词汇拓展 intersect [ˌɪntərˈsekt]

v. 相交;贯穿;横断

例 The landscape is intersected with spectacular gorges. 大地景色中点缀着壮观的峡谷。

派 intersection(n. 十字路口)

drainage [ˈdreɪnɪdʒ]

n. 排水;排水系统

例 This area has good natural drainage.这个地区有良好的天然排水系统。

15 At greater depths within Earth【状语1】, the pressure of the overlying rock causes pores and cracks to close【并列主句1】, reducing the space that pore water can occupy【状语2】, and almost complete closure occurs at a depth of about 10 kilometers【并列主句2】.

佳句妙译 在地球更深的地方,上层岩石的压力使得小孔和裂缝闭合,从而减少了可储存水的空间,并且10千米以下的所有空间几乎完全封闭。

句法精析 这句话是并列句,整个句子的结构是状语1 +并列主句1+状语2 +并列主句2,如下:

状语1:At greater depths within Earth

并列主句1:the pressure of the overlying rock causes pores and cracks to close

状语2:reducing the space that pore water can occupy

并列主句2:and almost complete closure occurs at a depth of about 10 kilometers

词汇拓展 pore [pɔːr]

n. 毛孔;孔隙

crack [kræk]

n. 裂缝;缝隙

例 This cup has a crack in it. 这杯子有一道裂缝。

16 The areas that are now desert【主语】 were【系动词】, like all arid regions【插入语】, very susceptible to cycles of higher and lower levels of rainfall【表语】, resulting in major, sudden changes in distributions of plants and animals【状语】.

佳句妙译 现在这片沙漠,和所有的干旱区域一样,对大量和少量降雨的循环非常敏感,这些交替循环会导致动植物分布发生巨大的骤变。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是主语+定语从句+系动词+插入语+表语+状语,如下:

主语:The areas that are now desert,其中包含that引导的定语从句


插入语:like all arid regions

表语:very susceptible to cycles of higher and lower levels of rainfall

状语:resulting in major, sudden changes in distributions of plants and animals

词汇拓展 susceptible [səˈseptəbl]

adj. 易受影响的;易受感情影响的

例 Some plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others. 有些植物比其他的更易遭受霜冻危害。

搭 susceptible to 易受…影响

17 Under these circumstances【状语】, archaeologist Andrew Smith believes【主句】, the small herds of Bos primigenius in the desert became smaller, more closely knit breeding units as the drought took hold【宾语从句】.

佳句妙译 在这些情况下,考古学家Andrew Smith认为,随着干旱的猖獗,沙漠上原牛的小群体变得越来越小,繁殖单位也越来越小(近亲繁殖的可能性增大)。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是状语+主句+宾语从句+状语从句,如下:

状语:Under these circumstances

主句:archaeologist Andrew Smith believes

宾语从句:the small herds of Bos primigenius in the desert became smaller, more closely knit breeding units as the drought took hold,其中包含由as引导的原因状语从句

词汇拓展 archaeologist [ˌɑːrkiˈɑːlədʒɪst]

n. 考古学家

18 The beasts were more disciplined【主句】, so that it was easier for hunters to predict their habits, and capture animals at will【结果状语从句】.

佳句妙译 兽群变得更加自律,因此猎人更容易预测它们的习性并随意抓捕。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是主句 + 结果状语从句,如下:

主句: The beasts were more disciplined

结果状语从句:so that it was easier for hunters to predict their habits, and capture animals at will

词汇拓展 disciplined [ˈdɪsəplɪnd]

adj. 纪律严明的

例 The company takes a disciplined approach to managing costs. 公司对于花费的控制纪律严明。

19 South African farmers who maintain herds of wild eland (large African antelopes with short, twisted horns)【主语】 report【谓语】 that the offspring soon diminish in size, unless wild bulls are introduced constantly from outside【宾语从句】.

佳句妙译 饲养野生大羚羊群(非洲一种螺旋状短角大羚羊)的南非农民报告称,除非不断引入外来的野牛,否则大羚羊群的后代将很快减少。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是主语+定语从句+谓语+宾语从句+条件状语从句,如下:

主语:South African farmers who maintain herds of wild eland (large African antelopes with short, twisted horns),其中还包含一个由who引导的定语从句


宾语从句:that the offspring soon diminish in size, unless wild bulls are introduced constantly from outside,其中还包含一个由unless引导的条件状语从句

词汇拓展 maintain [meɪnˈteɪn]

v. 维持;维修;抚养;饲养

例 The two countries have always maintained close relations. 这两个国家一直保持着密切关系。

diminish [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ]

v. 减少;减弱;贬低

例 The world’s resources are rapidly diminishing. 世界资源正在迅速减少。

同 decrease, belittle

20 Whatever the source of the original tamed herds might have been【状语从句】, it seems entirely likely【主句】 that much the same process of juxtaposition (living side by side) and control occurred in both southwest Asia and northern Africa, and even in Europe, among peoples who had an intimate knowledge of the behavior of wild cattle【表语从句】.

佳句妙译 不管最初被驯服的畜群来自哪里,很可能西南亚和北非都经历了毗邻(一起生活)与控制的相同过程,甚至在欧洲这个人们熟识野牛行为的地方也是如此。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是状语从句 + 主句 + 表语从句,如下:

状语从句:Whatever the source of the original tamed herds might have been

主句:it seems entirely likely

表语从句:that much the same process of juxtaposition (living side by side) and control occurred in both southwest Asia and northern Africa, and even in Europe, among peoples who had an intimate knowledge of the behavior of wild cattle

词汇拓展 juxtaposition [ˌdʒʌkstəpəˈzɪʃn]

n. 并置;毗邻

intimate [ˈɪntɪmət]


例 He has an intimate knowledge of the English countryside. 他对英格兰乡村了解得非常透彻。

Day 2

1 The importance of olfactory communication (using odors to communicate) in the way of life of deer【主语】 was documented【谓语】 by a study of captive adult male deer【方式状语】 a few decades ago【时间状语】, which noted that males rubbed their foreheads on branches and twigs, especially as autumn approached【定语从句】.

佳句妙译 气味交流(用气味沟通)在鹿群生活中的重要性在几十年前就已被一个与被捕获成年雄鹿有关的学术研究证实;研究指出,雄鹿会用前额摩擦树杈和树枝,在秋天临近的时候尤甚。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是主语+谓语+方式状语+时间状语+定语从句+宾语从句+状语从句,如下:

主语:The importance of olfactory communication (using odors to communicate) in the way of life of deer

谓语:was documented

方式状语:by a study of captive adult male deer

时间状语:a few decades ago

定语从句:which noted that males rubbed their foreheads on branches and twigs, especially as autumn approached,其中又包含了that引导的宾语从句和as引导的状语从句

词汇拓展 approach [əˈproʊtʃ]

v. 接近;建议;处理

例 As you approach the town, you’ll see the college on the left. 快到市镇时就可以看见左边的学院。

2 Scrapes consist of a clearing (about 0.5 meter in diameter) and shallow depression made by pushing aside the leaves covering the ground;【并列主句1】 after making the scrape【时间状语】, the deer typically urinates in the depression【并列主句2】.

佳句妙译 刮擦(动作)包括清空地面(大概是以0.5米为直径的范围),并将地面上的叶子推到旁边弄出一个浅坑;之后,鹿一般会在坑处小便。

句法精析 这句话是并列复合句,整个句子的结构是并列主句1 +时间状语+并列主句2,如下:

并列主句1:Scrapes consist of a clearing (about 0.5 meter in diameter) and shallow depression made by pushing aside the leaves covering the ground

状语:after making the scrape

并列主句2:the deer typically urinates in the depression

词汇拓展 scrape [skreɪp]

n. 刮擦;刮伤

例 She emerged from the overturned car with only a few scrapes and bruises. 她从翻了的车里钻出来,只擦破了一点皮,碰了几块淤青。

urinate [ˈjʊrəneɪt]


派 urination(n. 排尿;小便)

3 It【主语】 is generally made【谓语】 with carefully selected and purified clay【状语】, worked to thin-walled and standardized shapes on a fast wheel and fired in a kiln (pottery oven) capable of ensuring a consistent finish【过去分词结构作定语】.

佳句妙译 一般这种陶器是由精心挑选的提纯黏土制成,将黏土在快速转轮上做成薄壁的标准化形状,之后再在窑(陶器烤炉)中烧制成形。

句法精析 这句话是简单句,整个句子的结构是主语+谓语+状语+定语,如下:


谓语:is generally made

状语:with carefully selected and purified clay

过去分词结构作定语修饰clay:worked to thin-walled and standardized shapes on a fast wheel and fired in a kiln (pottery oven) capable of ensuring a consistent finish

词汇拓展 purify [ˈpjʊrɪfaɪ]


例 One tablet will purify a liter of water. 一片即可净化一升水。

consistent [kənˈsɪstənt]

adj. 一致的;连续的,连贯的

例 He has been Milan’s most consistent player this season.他是米兰队本赛季状态最稳定的球员。

反 inconsistent

4 These vessels are solid (brittle, but not fragile)【并列主句1】, they are pleasant and easy to handle (being light and smooth)【并列主句2】, and, with their hard and sometimes glossy (smooth and shiny) surfaces【条件状语】, they hold liquids well and are easy to wash【并列主句3】.

佳句妙译 这些容器都很坚硬(易碎,但不脆弱),它们看上去赏心悦目并且易于拿握(轻且光滑),而且它们还拥有坚硬时而平滑光亮的表面,使得它们适于承载液体,并且容易清洗。

句法精析 这句话是并列句,整个句子的结构是并列主句1 +并列主句2 +状语+并列主句3,如下,

并列主句1:These vessels are solid (brittle, but not fragile)

并列主句2:they are pleasant and easy to handle (being light and smooth)

条件状语:and, with their hard and sometimes glossy(smooth and shiny) surfaces

并列主句3:they hold liquids well and are easy to wash

词汇拓展 solid [ˈsɑːlɪd]

adj. 坚硬的;实心的;可信赖的;纯质的

例 They were drilling through solid rock.他们正在把实心岩钻通。

5 When people today are shown a very ordinary Roman pot and, in particular, are allowed to handle it【条件状语从句】, they often comment on how modern it looks and feels【并列主句1】, and they need to be convinced of its true age.【并列主句2】

佳句妙译 今天当人们看到一个普通的罗马壶,尤其是可以用手拿的时候,他们通常会评论说这个壶的外观和感觉非常现代,而且需要别人说服他们相信这个壶真实的出产年份。

句法精析 这句话是并列复合句,整个句子的结构是条件状语从句+并列主句1 +并列主句2,如下:

条件状语:When people today are shown a very ordinary Roman pot and, in particular, are allowed to handle it

并列主句1:they often comment on how modern it looks and feels

并列主句2:and they need to be convinced of its true age

词汇拓展 comment [ˈkɑːment]

v. 评论;表达意见

例 I don’t feel I can comment on their decision.我觉得我无法对他们的决定做出评论。

搭 comment on sth./sb. 对某人/某事做出评论

convince [kənˈvɪns]

v. 说服;使确信

例 You’ll need to convince them of your enthusiasm. 你要使他们相信你的热情。

搭 convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事

6 Unfortunately【条件状语】, it is in the nature of the archaeological evidence【强调句】, which is almost invariable only a sample of what once existed【定语从句】, that such figures will always be elusive.

佳句妙译 不幸的是,考古学证据的自然特性决定了每一个存在过的物种都无一例外的只有一份样本,因此这样的数据也常常让人难以捉摸。

句法精析 这句话是复合句,整个句子的结构是状语+强调句+定语从句,如下:


强调句:it is in the nature of the archaeological evidence that such figures will always be elusive,其中which is almost invariable only a sample of what once existed为定语从句,修饰evidence

词汇拓展 invariable [ɪnˈverəriəbl]

adj. 始终如一的;永无变化的





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