
发布时间:2020-06-27 22:40:49








WordList 1

propose [prə'pəʊz] v. 建议;提名;求婚;打算,计划【例句】Albert Einstein proposed his General Theory of Relativity.阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦提出了广义相对论。(2018年C类初赛)【搭配】propose sb. for 推荐某人(参加某组织);提名某人(任某职)【派生】proposal n. 提议,建议;求婚

utilize/-ise ['jutəlaɪz] v. 利用【例句】We must consider how best to utilize what resources we have. 我们必须考虑怎样充分利用现有的资源。

shop [ʃɒp] n. 商店,店铺;工厂,车间‖ vi. 买东西,购物

twelfth [twelfθ] n. & adj. 第十二

weight [weɪt] n. 重量;负荷,重担;重要性,分量;砝码,秤砣;权数‖ vt. 加重于【搭配】put on weight增重‖lose weight体重减轻

underneath [ʌndə'niːθ] prep. & adv. 在下面,在底下‖ n. 下部

dusty ['dʌstɪ] adj. 满是灰尘的;粉末状的;含糊的【例句】There is only a piece of dusty furniture in the room. 房间里只有一件满是尘埃的家具。

elaborate [ɪ'læbərət] adj. 精心制作的;详细阐述的;复杂的‖ v. 详细阐述;使……变复杂【例句】①This is an elaborate research project.这是一项复杂的研究项目。②He said he had new evidence but refused to elaborate any further.他说有新证据,但拒绝再深入地详细描述。(2017年A类决赛)【搭配】elaborate on sth. 对某事进行详细说明

preposition [ˌprepə'zɪʃn] n. 介词;前置词

evidence ['evɪdəns] n. 证据,证词;根据;迹象,痕迹‖ vt. 证明【例句】All the evidence indicates the tests do have some value. 所有的证据都表明测试确实是有价值的。(2003年C类初赛)【搭配】in evidence 显而易见的,清楚的‖on the evidence of sth. 用某事物作为证据

disgust [dɪs'gʌst] n. 厌恶,嫌恶‖ vt. 使厌恶;使作呕【例句】①The smell filled me with disgust.这股气味使我作呕。②The use of torture must disgust any civilized person.施用酷刑必为文明人所不齿。【搭配】be disgusted with/at 对……感到恶心

while/whilst [waɪl; waɪlst] conj. 当……时

trim [trɪm] vt. 整理,修整;修剪‖ adj. 整齐的,整洁的‖ n. 整理;装饰;整齐【例句】You can trim your hours and you don’t have a supervisor breathing down your neck all the time.你可以调整时间,没有主管会死死地盯着你。(2014年B类决赛)【搭配】trim sth. (with sth.) (用某物)装饰某物‖trim down 裁减‖trim off 修剪

wind [wɪnd] n. 风;气息

[waɪnd] v. 转动;缠绕;蜿蜒而行;弯曲;上发条【搭配】in the wind 即将发生‖wind (sth./sb.) up调紧;结束;惹恼‖wind down (钟或表)慢下来;(人)平静下来;使逐步结束‖get wind of 风闻,听到……的风声

ridge [rɪdʒ] n. 岭;屋脊;鼻梁

hail [heɪl] n. 冰雹;致敬;招呼;一阵‖ vt. 致敬;招呼;向……欢呼;猛发;使像下雹样落下‖ vi. 招呼;下雹【例句】①An old friend hailed me from the other side of the street.一个老朋友从街的对面喊我。②It’s hailing outside.外面在下冰雹。【搭配】hail from 来自或发源于,出生于

flexibility [ˌfleksə'bɪlətɪ] n. 灵活性,机动性;柔韧性【例句】①It has provided me with a framework for flexibility in my career. 它教会了我在职业生涯中灵活应变。(2010年A类初赛)②The flexibility of a man’s muscles will lessen as he becomes old. 人老了肌肉的柔韧性将降低。

robot ['rəʊbɒt] n. 机器人;自动机械

fool [fuːl] n. 蠢人‖ vt. 愚弄,欺骗‖ vi. 干蠢事【搭配】fool about/around 闲荡;干蠢事

rubber ['rʌbə] n. 橡皮,橡胶;橡胶制品‖ adj. 橡胶的

sale [seɪl] n. 出售,上市;贱卖;销售额【搭配】for sale 待售;出售的‖on sale 上市的,出售

formula ['fɔːmjʊlə] n. (pl. formulae)公式;规则;分子式;药方;奶粉

resolution [rezə'luːʃn] n. 坚定,决心;决定,决议【例句】The resolution was carried out at the previous plenary session. 决议在上次全会上获得了通过。

principal ['prɪnsəpl] n. 负责人;委托人;资本;校长‖ adj. 最重要的,主要的【例句】The principal mechanism of evolution was natural selection. 进化的主要机制是自然选择。(2013年A类决赛)

quantity ['kwɒntɪtɪ] n. 量,数量;分量,额;大量【搭配】in quantity 大量

tow [təʊ] n. 拖,拽‖ v. 拖引,牵引【例句】If any vehicle be found parked on these premises, it shall be towed away. 如果发现有任何车辆停在这里,那就会被拖走。(2017年B类初赛)【搭配】in tow 伴随,跟随

voltage ['vəʊltɪdʒ] n. 电压,伏特数

afterward ['ɑːftəwəd] adv. 后来,以后【例句】Three days afterward they met at the station. 三天后,他们在车站见面了。

productivity [prɒdʌk'tɪvɪtɪ] n. 生产能力,生产率

admit [əd'mɪt] v. 承认;容许;接纳,准许进入【例句】①He admits that his team really looks up to him to play a role of responsibility.他承认他的队员非常尊重他,想让他扮演一个有责任感的角色。(2012年C类决赛)②The matter admits of no delay.此事刻不容缓。【搭配】admit of容许;有……的可能‖admit into准许进入;收容;接受【派生】admissible adj. 可容许的;可采纳的‖admission n. 承认;入场费;进入许可

free [friː] adj. 自由的;(of, from)无……的;免费的;空闲的,未被占用的‖ v. 解放,(使)自由【搭配】free from 免于……的,没有……的‖set free 释放,使自由

a/an [ə; ən] art. 一(个),每一(个);(同类事物中)任一个

expense [ɪk'spens] n. 花费,代价;消耗,消费【例句】Keeping a record of where your money goes is a good way to reduce unnecessary expenses. 记录钱的去向是减少不必要开支的好办法。(2016年D类决赛)【搭配】at sb.’s expense 由某人负担(费用)‖at the expense of 归……付费;以……为代价‖at great expense 以巨大的代价

acceptable [ək'septəbl] adj. 受欢迎的;值得接受的;可容忍的【例句】They recently failed to negotiate a mutually acceptable new contract.他们最近未能谈成一个双方都满意的新合同。

exterior [ɪk'stɪərɪə] adj. 外部的,表面的‖ n. 外部,表面,外表【例句】Beneath his gruff exterior he’s really very kind-hearted. 他外表粗鲁,心地却十分善良。【搭配】an exterior policy 对外政策‖a murderous heart under a smiling exterior 笑里藏刀

accident ['æksɪdənt] n. 事故;意外遭遇,意外事件

command [kə'mɑːnd] n. 命令,支配,指挥‖ v. 命令,指挥,掌握;博得【例句】The general commanded his men to attack the city. 将军命令部下攻城。

battle ['bætl] n. 战役(指大规模会战),战争;斗争‖ vi. 战斗;搏斗;斗争【搭配】battle with/against与……战争

cheerful ['tʃɪəfʊl] adj. 快乐的,高兴的;使人愉快的,使人振奋的【例句】Ground assistants must be fit, have a cheerful personality and possess a driving licence. 地面助理必须身体健康、性格开朗,并且持有驾照。(2011年D类决赛)

acquisition [ˌækwɪˈzɪʃən] n. 取得,获得;得到的东西

exclude [ɪk'skluːd] v. 拒绝;排斥,将……排除在外【例句】Several major news organizations have been excluded from a press briefing at the White House.在白宫新闻发布会上,一些主流媒体机构被排除在外。(2017年D类决赛)【搭配】exclude sb. from sth. 阻止某人做某事;把某人排除在外【派生】exclusion n. 排除在外,排斥‖exclusive adj. 独有的;排他的

carriage ['kærɪdʒ] n. (四轮)马车;客车车厢;运输;运费

back [bæk] n. 背,背部;后部‖ v. 倒退;支持‖ adv. 回复;在后,向后;以前‖ adj. 后面的

canal [kə'næl] n. 运河;沟渠,水道

butterfly ['bʌtəflaɪ] n. 蝴蝶;蝶泳;举止轻浮的人;追求享乐的人

celebrate ['selɪbreɪt] vt. 庆祝;颂扬,赞美‖ vi. 庆祝,过节【搭配】celebrate with 庆祝

anywhere ['enɪweə] adv. 无论哪里,(用于否定、疑问等)任何地方‖ n. 任何地方

body ['bɒdɪ] n. 身体;主体;尸体;物体;一群(批、堆),团体,大量‖ v. 赋以形体【例句】Lu Xun bodied the essential characteristics of China’s intellectuals. 鲁迅是中国知识分子的主要特性的具体代表。

alternative [ɔːl'tɜːnətɪv] n. 供选择的对象,替换物‖ adj. 可选择的,二者择一的【例句】An alternative location is in a restaurant which has lots of favorable benefits. 饭馆有许多优点,可以作为备选场所。(2014年B类初赛)【搭配】have no alternative 没有别的办法了,没有其他选择‖have no alternative but 只能……

bounce [baʊns] v. (使)反跳,弹起;冲进;击球;退票‖ n. (球)跳起,弹回;弹力【例句】They might think out loud by bouncing their thoughts off other people.他们通过将自己的想法与其他人的交换来积极思考。(2010年C类初赛)【搭配】bounce sb. out of sth. 骗走某人的东西‖bounce off 弹开,反弹;从……弹跳出来;掂量……

airport ['eəpɔːt] n. 机场,航空站

bribe [braɪb] n. 贿赂,贿赂物‖ vt. 贿赂,向……行贿;买通【例句】①He is so honest that he will not accept bribe. 他忠诚老实,不肯受贿。②One of the witnesses was bribed to give false evidence. 有个证人被买通而提供伪证。【派生】bribable adj. 可收买的,可贿赂的‖bribery n. 贿赂,行贿

lazy ['leɪzɪ] adj. 懒惰的,懒洋洋的,怠惰的

justice ['dʒʌstɪs] n. 公正;合理;正义;法律裁判,司法【搭配】bring sb. to justice使某人受到法律制裁

kneel [niːl] vi. 跪下【搭配】kneel down 下跪,跪倒

language ['læŋgwɪdʒ] n. 语言;术语;(运用语言的)方式、风格

jeans [dʒiːnz] n. 工装裤,牛仔裤

lead [lid] v. 领路,指路;率领,指挥;致使;引导;过某种生活‖ n. 领导,领头;最先的地位;榜样

[led] n. 铅【例句】All roads lead to Rome. (谚)条条大路通罗马。【搭配】lead in 领进,把……引入,作介绍‖lead to 导致‖take the lead 带头,为首‖lead into 导致,引起‖in the lead 领先;主要的;占主导地位的‖under the lead of 在……的领导下

bug [bʌg] n. 小虫;故障;窃听器‖ v. 烦扰;激怒;在……装置窃听器;窃听【例句】That man really bugs me. 那个人真把我惹火了。

approach [ə'prəʊtʃ] n. 方法,途径;到来,临近‖ vt. 接近,靠近;动手处理;找……商量‖ vi. 靠近【例句】①The survey approached over half of the universities in the UK. 调查研究接触到英国一半多的大学。(2017年D类决赛)②This approach has many problems. 这条思路有许多问题。【搭配】make an approach to 对……进行探讨‖approach with 以……方式处理;向……提出建议

lemon ['lemən] n. 柠檬

partner ['pɑːtnə] n. 合作者,伙伴,搭档;配偶‖ v. (使)合作;合伙【搭配】partner (sb.) off (with sb.) (使两人)配成对,作搭档

license/licence ['laɪsəns] n. 牌照,许可证,执照;许可,特许

overseas [əʊvə'siːz] adj. 海外的,在国外的‖ adv. 在国外,向海外【例句】He has never been overseas. 他从未出过国。

liquid ['lɪkwɪd] n. 液体,流体;流音‖ adj. 液体的;清澈的,透明的;流动的;易变的

tin [tɪn] n. 罐头;锡‖ adj. 锡制的‖ vt. 镀锡于

orderly ['ɔːdəlɪ] adj. 有秩序的;整洁的‖ n. 勤务兵;(医院的)护理员,勤杂工【例句】Firefighters supervised the orderly evacuation of the building. 消防队员指挥(人们)有秩序地从建筑物中疏散。

logical ['lɒdʒɪkl] adj. 合逻辑的,合理的;逻辑学的【例句】He thinks it is quite logical and credible. 他认为这很合理,也很可信。(2012年D类初赛)

palm [pɑːm] n. 手心,手掌;棕榈树‖ v. 将……藏于手中;用手掌击【搭配】grease sb’s palm 贿赂某人‖have sb in the palm of one's hand完全控制某人‖palm sb. off (with sth.) 诓骗某人(接受某物)

lump [lʌmp] n. 块,块状;肿块,瘤;很多‖ v. 混在一起;结块‖ adj. 成团的;总共的【例句】We will lump all our money. 我们将把所有的钱合在一起。

mold/mould [məʊld] n. 模子,铸型;霉菌‖ v. 浇铸,造型,塑造;用泥土覆盖【例句】Potters can mold their clay into any form they desire.制陶人可以按照自己意愿把泥土制成各种形状。(2016年B类初赛)【搭配】mould sth. out of/from sth. (用……)铸造

surge [sɜːdʒ] n. 巨浪;波涛汹涌,澎湃‖ v. 汹涌,澎湃;激动【例句】The floods surged over the valley. 洪水奔腾着涌过山谷。【搭配】surge up 急剧上升‖surge of/in sth. 向前或向上的运动

nylon ['naɪlɒn] n. (no pl ) 尼龙

o’clock [əˈklɒk] adv. 点钟

media ['miːdɪə] n. 媒体;媒质(medium的复数)

storey ['stɔːrɪ] n. 楼,层

mineral ['mɪnərəl] n. 矿物,矿石‖ adj. 矿物的,矿质的【搭配】mineral water矿泉水

cyclist ['saɪklɪst] n. 骑自行车的人

stripe [straɪp] n. 条纹;袖章‖ vt. 加条纹于……

authentic [ɔː'θentɪk] adj. 真的;可靠的,可信的;有根据的【例句】The clothes are authentic. 这些衣服是正品。(2017年C类初赛)

bank [bæŋk] n. 银行;堤,岸‖ vi. 存入银行;信赖‖ vt. 将……存入银行【例句】①Clouds are banking up. 云层正在堆积。②I’m banking on your help. 我指望你来帮我。【搭配】bank on 指望;依赖‖bank up 把……堆起来

comprehensive [kɒmprɪ'hensɪv] adj. 综合的;全面的;广泛的;能充分理解的‖ n. 综合学校【例句】The use of plants for healing is undoubtedly the world's oldest and most comprehensive therapy.用植物来治疗疾病无疑是世界上最古老最全面的疗法。(2014年C类决赛)

oak [əʊk] n. 栎树,橡树,橡木‖ adj. 橡木制的

chopsticks ['tʃɒpstɪks] n. 筷子

artistic [ɑː'tɪstɪk] adj. 艺术的;有美感的;善于艺术创作的

bathe [beɪð] v. (给……)洗澡,沐浴‖ n. 洗澡;游泳

coil [kɒɪl] n. (一)卷,(一)圈;线圈‖ v. 卷,盘绕【例句】The snake coiled itself around the tree. 蛇盘绕在树上。

astonish [ə'stɒnɪʃ] vt. 使吃惊,使惊愕【搭配】be astonished at/to do/that被(因)……惊吓

best [best] n. 最好的人,最好的事物;最佳状态‖ adj. 最好的‖ adv. 最好地‖ vt. 打败,胜过【搭配】at one’s best 处在最佳状态‖make the best of 充分利用

chance [tʃɑːns] n. 机会;可能性;偶然性;运气‖ v. 偶然发生;冒险;碰巧【例句】I chanced to be there. 我刚巧在那里。【搭配】by chance 偶然地‖take a chance 冒险,试试‖take one’s chance 听天由命

before [bɪ'fɔː] prep. 在……之前,先于‖ adv. 以前;在前‖ conj. 在……以前;在……之前

clash [klæʃ] n. 冲突,抵触‖ v. (使)发出撞击声;猛撞;引起冲突【例句】Troops clashed near the border. 军队在边境附近发生了冲突。【搭配】clash with 与……冲突,不调和

arrive [ə'raɪv] vi. 到达,抵达;成功;(时间的)来临【例句】He had finally arrived as a designer. 作为设计师他终于成功了。

blackboard ['blækbɔːd] n. 黑板

clock [klɒk] n. 时钟‖ v. 记录(时间、速度等),为……计时;打卡【搭配】clock in 打卡上班;记录上班时间

ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] adj. 古代的,古老的;古式的

creep [kriːp] vi. 爬行;(植物)蔓延;慢慢移动【例句】The term “culture shock” has already begun to creep into the popular vocabulary. “文化休克”这个词语已经渐渐进入了流行词汇。(2000年C类决赛)【搭配】creep into 开始发生于……;溜进……‖creep up 增长;爬上

outer ['aʊtə] adj. 外部的,外面的

nasty ['nɑːstɪ] adj. 肮脏的;卑劣的,下流的;令人厌恶的;威胁的‖ n. 令人不快的事物

thermos ['θɜːmɒs] n. 热水瓶

couple ['kʌpl] n. (一)对,(一)双;夫妇‖ v. 连合,连接,结合【例句】Large companies, especially, like a background of formal education coupled with work experience. 特别是大公司,倾向于有正规教育背景并有工作经验的人。【搭配】couple with 与……连接,联系

method ['meθəd] n. 方法,办法;秩序,条理

terror ['terə] n. 恐怖,惊骇;可怕的人(事)【派生】terrorist n. 恐怖主义者,恐怖分子‖terrorism n. 恐怖主义;恐怖行动

open ['əʊpən] n. 开始;开张,开放‖ adj. 开着的,开放的;公开的,坦率的;开阔的‖ v. 打开,公开;开始【搭配】open up 展开,摊开‖in open 公开地‖open with 以……开始;始于‖open on 开放;通往

notable ['nəʊtəbl] adj. 值得注意的,显著的【例句】Perhaps the most notable in this kind is the work of Jane Godall in Africa.或许在这方面最突出的是简古道尔在非洲所做的工作。(2012年D类初赛)【助记】not(e)(注意)+able(可……的)→值得注意的

three [θriː] n. 三,三个‖ num. 三‖ adj. 三的,三个的

steam [sti:m] n. 蒸汽,水汽‖ v. 蒸发,冒蒸汽

pulse [pʌls] n. 脉搏;脉冲;节奏,拍子【例句】He claims to have his finger on the pulse of the industry. 他声称该对行业了如指掌。

word [wɜːd] n. 字,单词;话,言语;消息;诺言【搭配】in a word 总之,简言之‖in the word 到底,究竟‖in word 口头上‖without a word一句话也没说,一声不吭‖have a word with 与……谈几句话‖have words with 与……吵嘴‖word for word 逐字地‖break one’ s word 失信;食言‖take sb. at his words 相信某人的话,听信某人之言‖put in a (good) word for 为……说好话

tolerance ['tɒlərəns] n. 宽容;容忍,忍受;耐药力;公差【例句】I have low alcohol tolerance. 我很容易喝醉。

wrist [rɪst] n. 手腕,腕关节‖ vt. 用腕力移动

poverty ['pɒvətɪ] n. 贫穷,贫困;缺乏,不足【例句】The poverty of feeling that reduced her soul. 精神的贫乏使她的灵魂变得空虚。【搭配】in poverty 贫困;处于贫困当中

until [ən'tɪl] prep. & conj. 到……为止,在……以前;直到……才

violate ['vaɪəleɪt] vt. 违犯,违背;冒犯,侵犯【搭配】violate territory and sovereignty侵犯领土和主权

wave [weɪv] n. 波,波浪;(挥手)示意,致意‖ v. (挥手)示意,致意;飘动,摇动【搭配】wave aside对……置之不理

peace [piːs] n. 和平;平静;和睦【搭配】make peace with 休战;讲和‖in peace 安静地;安详地

transform [træns'fɔːm] v. 改变,变换;转化;改造;改革‖ n. 变换(式),转换【例句】At the end of our first year of volunteering, we will have transformed our own lives for the better, too. 在我们结束了一年的志愿工作时,我们也会让自己的生活变得更美好。(2016年D类决赛)【搭配】transform sth./sb. (from sth.) (into sth.) 完全改变某事物/某人的外观或特性【助记】trans(变换)+form(形状)→变形

perform [pə'fɔːm] v. 做;实行;表演【例句】An important consideration at the start is to decide how large a survey to perform. 在开始时,决定做一项多大的调查是很重要的。(2011年A类初赛)

conference ['kɒnfərəns] n. 讨论,会谈;(正式的)会议,讨论会【派生】consequent adj. 随之发生的;作为结果的

philosopher [fɪ'lɒsəfə] n. 哲学家

contact ['kɒntækt] n. 接触;联系;关联‖ vt. 接触;联系【例句】They have no contact with the outside world. 他们和外界没有联系。(2016年D类初赛)【搭配】be in contact with/bring into contact with和……接触/有联系‖come/get into contact...接触到……‖lose contact with... 同……失去联系【助记】con(共同)+tact(接触)→联系

pinch [pɪntʃ] v. 捏,掐,拧;收缩;匮乏‖ n. 捏,掐;(一)撮;紧急关头;压力【例句】This was particularly heartening as this occurred at a time when many of our competitors were feeling the pinch. 在我们的竞争对手感到拮据的时候出现这种情况,让人感到非常振奋。(2013年B类初赛)【搭配】at/in a pinch 必要时,在紧急关头‖feel the pinch 感到手头拮据‖pinch and save/scrape 省吃俭用

playground ['pleɪgraʊnd] n. 运动场;(儿童)游乐园

consequence ['kɒnsɪkwəns] n. 结果,后果;重要(性)【搭配】as a consequence 因此,结果‖of consequence 重要,有意义

policeman [pə'liːsmən] n. 警察

corner ['kɔːnə] n. 角落,(街道)拐角处;困境;偏僻处‖ v. 垄断;将……逼入困境【例句】①A school bus picks me up at the corner of our street. 一辆校车会在街角接我。(2013年D类初赛)②Now no company seems to be able to corner the computer market.现在似乎没有哪家公司能够垄断电脑市场。

director [dɪ'rektə; daɪ-] n. 主任,主管;导演;人事助理

prime [praɪm] adj. 主要的;最佳的;最【例句】The television networks believe that the period between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. is the prime television viewing time. 国家电视网络认为晚上6点到11点是观看电视的黄金时间。(2016年A类决赛)

convenience [kən'viːnɪəns] n. 便利,方便;方便的时候,适当的机会;便利设施【搭配】for the convenience of 为了……的方便‖at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候

drink [drɪŋk] v. 喝,饮‖ n. 饮料;喝酒【搭配】drink up 喝干,吸尽‖drink in 吸收;看得入神

economical [iːkə'nɒmɪkəl] adj. 节约的;经济的【例句】Other dishes are highly economical. 其他菜肴相当实惠了。(2017年A类决赛)【搭配】economical of 节俭,节约

destroy [dɪˈstrɔɪ] vt. 破坏,毁坏,消灭,摧毁

emerge [ɪ'mɜːdʒ] v. 显现,浮现;暴露;知悉【例句】Depicting nature began to emerge in the 17th century. 到了17世纪,开始出现了描绘风景的画。(2018年C类初赛)【搭配】emerge from 自……出现;从……显露出来【派生】emergent adj. 紧急的;浮现的;自然发生的‖emergence n. 显现;暴露

ditch [dɪtʃ] vt. 在……上掘沟;把……开入沟里;丢弃‖ vi. 开沟;掘沟‖ n. 沟渠;壕沟【搭配】last ditch 最后防线‖to the last ditch 直到最后;濒临绝境

especially [ɪˈspeʃəlɪ] adv. 特别,尤其,格外;专门地,主要地

dependent [dɪ'pendənt] n. 受抚养者;靠他人生活者【例句】The dependent cannot live independently. 依靠别人的被赡养者不能独立生活。

endurance [ɪn'djʊərəns] n. 忍耐(力),持久(力),耐久(性)【例句】The human body was built for endurance. 人的身体就是用来锻炼忍耐力的。(2017年A类决赛)【搭配】beyond endurance 忍无可忍

dot [dɒt] n. 点,圆点;嫁妆‖ vi. 打上点‖ vt. 加小点于…….【例句】The lake was dotted with little boats. 湖面上布满了小船。【搭配】dot with 用……点缀于;散布

entertainment [entə'teɪnmənt] n. 招待,款待;娱乐(表演),消遣【例句】Television has displaced film as our country’s most popular form of entertainment. 电视已取代了电影,成为我国最大众化的娱乐形式。

dictation [dɪk'teɪʃn] n. 听写;口述;命令【搭配】take dictation from sb. 为……作口述记录‖do at sb.’s dictation 遵照某人的话做事

single ['sɪŋgl] adj. 单一的,单个的;单身的;单程的‖ n. 单打比赛;单程票;未婚的人‖ v. 挑出,选出【搭配】single out 挑选

delete [dɪ'liːt] vt. 删除,消去【搭配】delete sth. from sth 从……中删除……

slam [slæm] v. 砰地关门,用力关门;猛推,猛击;抨击【例句】When the stranger walked towards her, she fled, the door slammed behind her. 当这个陌生人向她走去时,她逃跑了,身后的门猛然关上。(2018年A类决赛)【搭配】slam the door摒弃;关门;拒绝

tame [teɪm] adj. 驯服的;易驾驭的;沉闷的,乏味的‖ vt. 驯服;制服【例句】Housing prices have hopefully been tamed. 房价有望得到控制。(2018年B类初赛)

snake [sneɪk] n. 蛇;狡诈的人‖ v. 迂回前进

mainland ['meɪnlænd] n. 大陆;本土‖ adj. 大陆的;本土的

sole [səʊl] adj. 惟一的,仅有的;专用的,独占的【例句】The sole aim of the modern master is to win. 现代大师的唯一目标就是赢。(2013年A类决赛)

movie ['muːvɪ] n. 电影;电影院;电影业

sound [saʊnd] n. 声音,声响‖ v. 发出声响;听起来‖ adj. 健全的,完好的;正当的;正确的【例句】Buying a property is seen as a very sound investment now. 现在买房被认为是一种非常稳健的投资。(2013年A类决赛)【搭配】sound like 听起来像……‖sound in wind and limb 体格强健的‖be/fall sound asleep酣睡着

fatigue [fə'tiːg] n. 疲劳,劳累【例句】Several men dropped with fatigue during the long march. 有几个人在长途行军中因疲劳而掉队。

specific [spə'sɪfɪk] adj. 明确的;具体的;特定的;特有的

really ['rɪəlɪ] adv. 确实,实在;真正地,果然;事实上,实际上

success [sək'ses] n. 成功,成就;成功的事物,有成就的人

teenager ['tiːneɪdʒə] n. 少年

sun [sʌn] n. 太阳,阳光;恒星

grain [greɪn] n. 谷物,谷类;颗粒,细粒【搭配】in grain 彻底‖a grain of 一粒……

gross [grəʊs] adj. 总的;毛(重)的;粗鲁的,粗俗的‖ vt. 总共收入‖ n. 总额【例句】①His gross income every month cannot support his family. 他每月的总收入无法支撑他的家庭。②Her last film grossed a million pounds. 她拍最后一部影片总共赚了一百万英镑。【搭配】in gross 大体上;大批地;以批发方式(等于by the gross)

finding ['faɪndɪŋ] n. 发现,发现物;(常 pl.)调查结果

retire [rɪ'taɪə] v. 退休;退却,撤退;就寝【例句】The so-called “nevertirees” love what they do and choose not to retire. 这些所谓的“永不退休者”喜欢自己正在做的事,并选择永不退休。【搭配】retire from 从……退休‖retire into oneself 退隐,离群索居;沉默

scandal ['skændl] n. 丑事,丑闻;流言蜚语,诽谤【例句】After the scandal was exposed, he committed suicide. 丑闻暴露之后,他自杀了。

horse [hɔːs] n. 马;骑兵;脚架;海洛因‖ vt. 使骑马;系马于;捉弄‖ vi. 骑马;作弄人【例句】Don’t put the cart before the horse. 勿本末倒置。

registration [redʒɪ'streɪʃən] n. 登记,注册

fulfil/fulfill [fʊl'fɪl] vt. 完成;履行;实践;满足【例句】He was a brilliant musician as a boy, but he never fulfilled his early promise.他小时候是个才华横溢的音乐家,但他从来没有履行他早期的诺言。(2018年B类决赛)【搭配】fulfill oneself 完全实现自己的抱负‖to fulfil a contract 履行合同

represent [reprɪ'zent] v. 代表;描绘,表现;象征,意味着,相当于……【例句】It was work at St. Peter’s Basilica that represented Michelangelo’s greatest achievement as an architect.米开朗基罗在圣彼得大教堂的作品代表了他作为建筑师的最高成就。(2017年D类决赛)【搭配】represent sth. to sb. 向某人阐述某事‖represent sth. to oneself 想像出某事物‖represent for 代表,象征【派生】representative adj. 典型的,有代表性的

garage [ˈgærɑ:ʒ] n. 车库,飞机库;修车厂

rely [rɪ'laɪ] v. 依赖,依靠;信赖,信任【搭配】rely on 想念;信赖【派生】reliable adj. 可靠的,可信赖的‖reliance n. 信任,信赖

stair [steə] n. (阶梯的某)一级,楼梯

map [mæp] vt. 映射;计划;绘制地图‖ n. 地图;示意图【例句】The old man’s face is a map of time. 那老人的脸就是岁月的写照。【搭配】off the map不重要的;不存在的;不易到达的‖map out在地图上标出;筹划

nightmare ['naɪtmeə] n. 梦魇,恶梦;可怕的事物‖ adj. 可怕的;噩梦似的

deer [dɪə] n. 鹿

of [ɒv; əv] prep. ……的;在……之中;用……制的;关于……的

cube [kjuːb] n. 立方体,正六面体;立方【例句】The cube of 2 is 8. 2的3次幂是8。【派生】cubic adj. 立方体的,立方的

deaf [def] adj. 聋的;不注意的,不愿意听的【搭配】turn a deaf ear to不理会,充耳不闻‖be deaf in听不见的

swift [swɪft] adj. 快的;敏捷的;立刻的【例句】He was swift to condemn the violence. 他立即谴责了那种暴力行为。【搭配】swift to do sth./in doing sth. 立即做某事

moon [muːn] n. 月亮,月球;月光;卫星‖ vi. 闲荡;出神‖ vt. 虚度【例句】She spent the day mooning about her lost love. 她整天都在痴痴地想她失去的爱情。【搭配】over the moon兴高采烈,欣喜若狂

stainless ['steɪnlɪs] adj. 纯洁的;无瑕疵的;不锈的

imagine [ɪ'mædʒɪn] vt. 想象,设想,编造

spokesman ['spəʊksmən] n. 发言人,代言人

improvement [ɪm'prʊvmənt] n. 改进,进步,增进;改进措施

fertilizer ['fɜːtɪlaɪzə] n. 化肥,肥料

recover [rɪ'kʌvə] n. 取回,复得;恢复,使(身体)复原;挽回,弥补【例句】After a few days of fever, she began to recover. 发烧几天之后,她开始恢复。【搭配】recover from 恢复;复原【派生】recovery n. 恢复;痊愈‖recoverable adj. 可回收的;可恢复的

industrialize/-ise [ɪn'dʌstrɪəlaɪz] v. (使)工业化

ink [ɪŋk] n. 墨水‖ vt. 签署;涂墨水于【例句】The scene was inked into her mind’s eye. 那一幕深深印在她的脑海中了。

hit [hɪt] n. 一击,击中;轰动一时的人或物;(演出等)成功;讽刺‖ v. 打击,击中;偶然发现【例句】①The rent increase will hit the pockets of the poor.租金的提高将加重穷人的负担。②The song was a hit. 这首歌曲很成功。【搭配】make a hit 大获成功,大受欢迎‖hit on/upon 偶然发现

institute ['ɪnstɪtjuːt] n. 学会,研究所;学院;协会‖ v. 设立,制定

fable ['feɪbl] n. 寓言,神话,传说【例句】We have to learn to distinguish fact from fable. 我们应当学会识别真伪。

hardship ['hɑːdʃɪp] n. 困苦,艰难险阻

interfere [ɪntə'fɪə] v. 干涉,干预;妨碍;打扰【例句】Parents should not interfere with the school management. 父母不应该干涉学校管理。(2005年C类决赛)【搭配】interfere with/in 干扰,干涉;妨碍

rabbit [ˈræbɪt] n. 兔子

invisible [ɪn'vɪzɪbl] adj. 看不见的;无形的【例句】Birds also use the Earth’s invisible magnetic force for direction. 鸟也通过地球上看不见的磁力辨别方向。(2014年C类初赛)【助记】in(否定)+vis(看)+ible(形容词后缀)→看不见的

genuine ['dʒenjʊɪn] adj. 真实的,真正的;诚恳的【例句】You can do this by developing characters with genuine human traits, both good and bad. 你可以通过挖掘具有真实人格特征的人物来做到这一点,无论好坏。(2009年D类初赛)

family [ˈfæməlɪ] n. 家庭,家族;家,家庭成员;族,科

scarce [skeəs] adj. 缺乏的,不足的,供不应求的;稀有,罕见【搭配】make oneself scarce 溜走,躲开

heroic [hɪ'rəʊɪk] adj. 英雄的,英勇的‖ n. 史诗;英勇行为【助记】hero(英雄)+ic(形容词后缀)→英雄的

screw [skruː] n. 螺丝钉;螺旋‖ v. 转动,旋;拧,拧紧;压榨【例句】He screwed the mirror onto the wall. 他把镜子用螺丝固定在墙上。【搭配】screw in 把……拧入

glow [gləʊ] v. 发光,发热,发红‖ n. 白热;红光;激情

seem [siːm] v. 仿佛,好像

sequence ['siːkwəns] n. 先后,次序;连续;数列【例句】The plot of the book isn’t arranged according to time sequence.这本书的情节不是按时间顺序排列的。(2013年A类决赛)【搭配】in sequence of 按……顺序

rapid ['ræpɪd] adj. 快的,迅速的‖ n. 急流,湍滩【例句】They asked their questions in rapid succession. 他们连珠炮似地提出了一系列的问题。

shame [ʃeɪm] n. 羞耻,羞愧;可耻的人(或事物)‖ v. 使羞愧【例句】He was shamed by how much more work the others had done. 别人做的工作比他多得多,这让他感到很羞愧。【搭配】put to shame 使蒙羞;使自愧不如‖in shame 因为耻辱;因为害羞

health [helθ] n. 健康;健康状况;卫生;保健;兴旺

sideways ['saɪdweɪz] adv. 斜着,斜向一边地‖ adj. 横斜的,斜向一边的【例句】A crab moves sideways. 螃蟹横着爬行。





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