
发布时间:2020-06-28 06:11:09







版权信息书名:青少年足球执教手册作者:乔科·可可维奇,孙雯排版:KingStar出版社:上海交通大学出版社出版时间:2016-01-01ISBN:9787313156495本书由上海交通大学出版社有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —序孙雯Sun Wen


It was pure coincidence to have met with Kokovic,but it was absolutely a blessing and something that has taken up a big part of my life.


Back then I was the head coach of Shanghai women's football team and a novice.The Sports Bureau arranged foreign coaches for the team and Kokovic was one of them.And I have learnt so much from the years working alongside him.他是欧足联Pro级教练,早前既是职业球员,又担任过塞尔维亚青少年国家队教练。但真正与他结下不解之缘的,倒是中国足球—男足、女足、职业队、青年队,他都有涉足。无论专业性,还是对于青少年精英培训,都有自己的独到见解。

He was a UEFA Professional coach and a professional player in the past.He has alsoservedasSerbia’syouthnationalteamheadcoach.Butwhatreallymakeshimfeelconnected and belonged to is China’s football and he has set foot in men’s,women’s,professional and youth team.Whether professional training or elite training for teenagers,he always has unique insights of his own.


Most importantly,Kokovic understands Chinese football,especially the youth training,and it is hard for many excellent foreign coaches.What I admire more is that today’s Kokovic has devoted himself to the campus football,start from the cultivation of grassroots,it is clear to see his deep and sincere love for Chinese football.


Kokovic invited me to compose this preface,which I'm very honored to since this particular“Lao Tou”or old man(Lao Tou is Kokovic’s nickname)has not only rich experience but also undying hunger for football knowledge and it is the merit that all Chinese coaches needs to learn.We have been in touch for so many years and I am familiar with his training methods and arrangements.He has been studying new professional materials,including some new theories and trends.


And I agree with some of the opinion to the utmost.


For example,I couldn’t agree more with his idea of encouraging children to develop all-roundly.Reflecting on my football enlightenment,that is,primary school,I started very late and I never had long trainings.At that time,the information about football is nowhere to be found and the teachers are not professional football players.They know little or nothing about basic technique or tactic.But this never stopped me from enjoying playing football.Besides,in addition to football,activities and sports like basketball,swimming,elastics,running,riding on the swing,rope skipping have different movement pattern but help to develop nerve system,agility and coordination all-roundly.


Moreover,I support 100%his understanding of basic characteristics of children of different age groups,his theory of coaching and his methods of organizing.There are some solutions that would especially work on the way of some Chinese coaches train their teenage players,such as how to avoid the long queues,how to let the children develop step by step and what is the simplest way to avoid using adult-training methods to train children.Other useful knowledge includes some football technical training,including passing,shooting,etc.Also,the physical training structure is very detailed,comprehensive,and has strong pertinence.


Due to passage limitations,I rest my case.Fellow teachers,coaches,as long as you want to learn sincerely,there will be your road to Rome in this book.All theoretical knowledge could have extraordinary significance in both theoretical and practical work for you.


Finally,I want to remind everyone again that in football,whether it is football coaching or training,long period of time and constantly-updated professional knowledge are always needed.It requires not only theoretical guidance,but also more practical work.Juvenile football training is not to simply copy materials from textbooks but to improve the ability of finding out and solving problems from the game,and everyone needs to devote himself/herself fully to love football and the children.


Allow children to grow up with football.That is our common and only goal.


And this masterpiece is a dream gift for Chinese football dreamers.前言Foreword乔科·可可维奇Doko Kokovic

Development of football in China,as a topic of national importance,encouraged me to try to give my contribution to this issue—how this could be successfully put into practice.One of main reasons for this initiative is that I have been working in China for more than 11 years,and most of that time,I spent working with young players.


In my opinion,the first and basic step of Chinese football development is football coaches and teachers’training as permanent education.This book is firstly addressed to them.The task of most importance for this coach is to build a broad base of young football players,selected among all of them who just like to play football.


This book promotes the gradual development of correct technical,tactical,cognitive and physical capacities of players aged 7to 12.


As long as I am involved in this matter,and that is more than 30years now,I could observe that most books on coaching young football players present general intention and drills to be applied to all children who participate,regardless of their ages.In this book,however,instruction is replaced with stimulation that is fitted to the specific characteristics of children.


The term“permanent education”is not used by chance.Permanent education of football coaches is literally permanent,long-lasting and continuing without interruption.Further,this means that football coaches must change through time,they must upgrade their knowledge and they must follow changes that influence football as well as the children characteristics.“长期培训”在本书中并不是被偶然使用的。针对足球教练培训是需要长期、持续不断的。进一步说,这意味着足球教练必须与时俱进。他们必须不断学习,更新自己的专业知识,同时跟上足球演变的潮流以及孩子特征的变化。

Up to now,a lot of rules have been established to follow in coaching young football players,but the rule of the thumb is:MAINTAINING A POSITIVE ATTITUDE and I’ll mention just a few simple gestures,like a smile,a thumb up sign,playing some games or activities with them,providing fun and enjoyable activities,giving encouragement,praising,avoiding criticism...There is one more rule that must be pointed out:winning matches for young players is of no importance at all.We need to have clear and better understanding of when winning and when losing are important.A solution for teaching to win and at the same time ensuring a correct development of the young players innate potentials could be simplified football games.


The number of victories is not the criteria to judge the success of football coach,but the number of players they are able to develop to become members of senor or representative squad.In long term,develop will always outplay winning.


The book is composed of seven chapters:


Chapter One refers to introduction—the role of football for the development of personal and social values;


Chapter Two refers to multistage progressive model of children’s training;

第二章内容为儿童训练的多步渐进式模型;Chapter Three refers to age from 7 to 8 years;

第三章内容为7~8岁儿童的训练;Chapter Four refers to age from 9 to 10 years;

第四章内容为9~10岁儿童的训练;Chapter Five refers to age from 11 to 12 years;

第五章内容为11~12岁儿童的训练;Chapter Six refers to prevention of physical deformation and sport injuries;

第六章内容为身体畸变与运动损伤的防护;Chapter Seven refers to testing of motoric abilities.


I will introduce the training for each age group from Technical Preparation,Tactical Preparation,Physical Preparation and Integral Preparation.


The notes for the pictures of this book:the blue pictures(as show in Figure 1)represent the hard court,plastic ground and indoor pitch of the schools without artificial or natural grass pitch;the green pictures(as show in Figure 2)represent the artificial or natural grass pitch.


At the end,I want to sincerely thank Prof.Vojislav Milosavljevic PHD from College of Professional Studies Academy Football Belgrade,Serbia,for his enormous help in preparing and designing of this book.

最后,我要由衷地感谢来自塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德专业足球研究学院的Vojislav Milosavljevic教授对本书的巨大帮助。第一章INTRODUCTION—THE ROLE OF FOOTBALL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONAL AND SOCIAL VALUES

导论—足球对于发展个人价值与社会价值的作用1.1The importance of regular physical exercise


Health is the greatest wealth of each individual and the whole society at all.It is considered that lack of exercise is the leading cause of health damage.The greater positive effect for health exists when there is regular physical exercise habit in early childhood.

身体健康既是每个人的最大财富,也是整个社会的最大财富。据认为,缺乏锻炼是健康受损的主要原因。在童年时期,越早养成进行日常体育锻炼的习惯,则对于健康的积极作用也就越大。1.2What is school football?


The school football programme for children is directed to support complete children development,and at the same time it represents the base for creating top football players.

学校儿童足球项目的宗旨是为了支持儿童的整体发展,同时,也为打造顶尖的足球运动员提供基础。1.3Characteristics of growth and development and the impact of training


Football is played with the ball.It is a very imporatant and various requisit in the child’s life.A ball can jump and fly and thus let the child perform the most various movements:to run,jump,move in all directions.A ball has another power:it directs the child to cooperate with other persons.It is a central point of gathering in a game.

足球是一项球类运动。在儿童的生活中,它十分重要,需求也多种多样。球可以弹跳、飞行,这使得孩子可以完成各式各样的动作:跑、跳、向各个方向移动。球还有另一种力量:它教导孩子与他人合作。这正是聚集起来踢一场比赛的中心要点。第二章MULTISTAGE PROGRESSIVE MODEL OF CHILDREN’S TRAINING

儿童训练的多步渐进式模型2.1Long-term sports development


Long-term sports development is the process that starts from the moment when the child begins playing football and finishes when the sports experience comes to an end.


The main question about long-term sports development is preference for one of two strategies:The early specialisation or round development.


It has been shown in practice that the following training stimuli give a number of benefits in a footballer’s development:


●General elementary games(playing tag,point games,skipping rubber band,skipping jumping rope);


●Football elementary games;


●Sports games;


●Free exercises;


●Gymnastics and skipping;


●Elements of martial arts;


●Athletics(mini polygons with batons,sticks and circles);


●Winter sports and swimming.

冬季运动与游泳。2.2Training and competition plan for children


Coaches often feel resistance towards additional sports fields that are applied at the training with young players.On the one hand,the reason lies in insufficient knowledge of techniques and methodology of training with additional sports.On the other hand,coaches think it is not necessary to spend time for general training stimuli on the account of specific football training.They do not realise that general and specific education in football present two sides of the unique process.


Necessity to involve general training stimuli into a training programme has been proved in theory as well as in practice in the following findings:


The pace of learning technical elements of football is accelerating with the collection of diverse experiences in movement;


Elementary games and fun football games give assumptions for power improvement of improvisation and developing sense of the game;


With versatile stress of the muscles,tendons,bones(supportive and connective tissues)injury resistance increases and it contributes to harmonical body development;


General training resources of special type provide a joyful character of training;


Satisfying advancement at mature football age often has the base in proper general preparation at the early age.


Desired condition of well trained can be achieved in various ways.The easiest way is the training with special means of large scale and intensity.This solution in the training of children and youths is not desirable in achievement long-lasting objectives.It is a model of early specialisation.The opposite solution is general developing training that,due to insufficient knowledge of the concept of long-term sports development is avoided by coaches.Too many specialised resources for the development of physical abilities at that age denies the choice of exercises in senior category.Sportsmen adapt to physical efforts very early,thus the latter application of of the same exercises is useless.


The correct ratio of general and special preparation and protection the children of excessive competition requirements and intensive trainings,enables development of a player without pressure and rush.


Planning and training programmes are determined by:


Developing stages with the orientation age limits;


Main objectives and focus of training in stages;


Basic concepts,methods and organisational forms of training;


Quantitative relationship between different types of preparation;


Orientation number and degree of a competition;


Criteria for control progress and ability norms for each age category.


Training of children and youth is divided into stages for the development of their physical and psycological potential and careful energy management that developing organism needs.With this approach training monitors and encourages the natural course of youth development and prevents early intensive training and early specialistion.At the beginning of a sports career general preparation occupies up to 80%of the total work volume,but after gradually decreasing in the training of elite football players it takes 10~20%of total training volume.


In the stage of initial preparation(age 7~8)the main goal is to encourage interests in playing football,round development of motor skills,gaining experience in various motor activities.This goal sets the following tasks:creating a variety of technical basis of football and introducing other sports skills.This stage involves children aged 7and 8.


In the stage of basic preparation(age 9~12)the main goal is to motivate the strenghtening of long-term training and mastering complex and varous football techniques.The main task becomes the construction of technical basis,physical and functional abilities as the base for football game.The work is more intensive,and the number of trainings is increased.The volume of general exercises is gradually reduced;in the end of the stage it is about 40%.Experiences at the official competitions should be gradually gathered,but preparation for the matches is not the priority.


The stage of initial specialisation(age13~18)demands intensity increase.The goal of a stage is that the training gradually becomes closer to the senior training model.The players prepare to be fitted and to achieve better results in competitions.In addition to perfecting the technique and team tactics,increasing importance is physical preparation,particularly the development of strength and explosive power.Exercises of general preparation occupy 20~30%of total work volume.


Competition as a part of football is the means for education and learning and it also serves players to learn about themselves and the others,to enjoy in sports and improve skills.For each age there is a number and rank of official matches,their lasting,size of a pitch,goal size,number of players in a team.Practical experience and results show that matches in small fields and with fewer players provide a number of advantages for the development of young players when compared with the game 11 vs.11.

比赛作为足球的一部分,是一种教育和学习的手段,它能让运动员了解自己,了解他人,享受运动,提高技能。对于每一年龄层次,都有一定数量和规格的正式比赛,它们具有各自的持续时间、球场大小、球门大小和参赛队伍的球员数量。实践经验和结果表明,在小球场中进行的比赛、参赛球员更少的比赛,相对于11对11的比赛,能让青少年球员得到更好的提高。第三章TRAINING OF CHILDREN AGED 7 TO 8

7~8岁儿童的训练3.1Children aged


The first impressions during organised game of football at school are crucial for a child’s decision to continue playing football longer with enthusiasm.Therefore training should be fun from the first moment.Fun is present at the matches as well as at the trainings.Enjoying the game is the key reason of playing football.


The learning process will be slowed if the players are afraid of making a mistake.The accumulation of discontent will lead to complete withdrawal of playing football.


Young players will develop faster and enjoy in a game more if they are encouraged to develop their own abilities without necessity of winning.

年轻的球员如果能被鼓励去发展他们自身的能力而不必一定要取胜,那么他们的发展将更为迅速,更能够享受比赛。3.1.1 Characteristics of children aged 7


Children at this age are always on the move,but their coordination abilities are weak.


Opinion becomes more concrete and in relation with the present moment.


The extent and the quality of attention rapidly increases comparing with the previous age;however,attention is still short-term and it is focused only on one information or appearance.


Children can spend about 60 minutes in one activity.


Interest in team play is limited.


The child compares his abilities with the others more often,and his insight of differences is more precise and of higher quality.






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