
发布时间:2020-06-28 13:10:37


作者:[法] 莫泊桑(Guy de Maupassant)




A Coward懦夫

In society he was called "Handsome Signoles."His name was Vicomte Gontran-Joseph de Signoles.


An orphan, and possessed of an ample fortune, he cut quite a dash, as it is called. He had an attractive appearance and manner, could talk well, had a certain inborn elegance, an air of pride and nobility, a good mustache, and a tender eye, that always finds favor with women.


He was in great request at receptions, waltzed to perfection, and was regarded by his own sex with that smiling hostility accorded to the popular society man. He had been suspected of more than one love affair, calculated to enhance the reputation of a bachelor. He lived a happy, peaceful life—a life of physical and mental well-being. He had won considerable fame as a swordsman, and still more as a marksman.


"When the time comes for me to fight a duel," he said, "I shall choose pistols. With such a weapon I am sure to kill my man."


One evening, having accompanied two women friends of his with their husbands to the theatre, he invited them to take some ice cream at Tortoni's after the performance. They had been seated a few minutes in the restaurant when Signoles noticed that a man was staring persistently at one of the ladies. She seemed annoyed, and lowered her eyes. At last she said to her husband:


"There's a man over there looking at me. I don't know him; do you?”“那儿有个男人一直盯着我。我不认识他,你认识吗?”

The husband, who had noticed nothing, glanced across at the offender, and said:


"No; not in the least."“不,完全不认识。”

His wife continued, half smiling, half angry:


"It's very tiresome! He quite spoils my ice cream.”“这太烦人了!他把我的冰淇淋都看脏了。”

The husband shrugged his shoulders.


"Nonsense! Don't take any notice of him. If we were to bother our heads about all the ill-mannered people we should have no time for anything else.”“废话!不要理他。如果我们对所有不懂礼貌的人都管,我们就没有时间关注别的了。”

But the vicomte abruptly left his seat. He could not allow this insolent fellow to spoil an ice for a guest of his. It was for him to take cognizance of the offence, since it was through him that his friends had come to the restaurant. He went across to the man and said:


"Sir, you are staring at those ladies in a manner I cannot permit. I must ask you to desist from your rudeness."“先生,我不能容忍你盯着那些女士的方式。请你不要再粗鲁无礼。”

The other replied:


"Let me alone, will you!"“你别管我!”

"Take care, sir," said the vicomte between his teeth, "or you will force me to extreme measures."


The man replied with a single word—a foul word, which could be heard from one end of the restaurant to the other, and which startled every one there. All those whose backs were toward the two disputants turned round; all the others raised their heads; three waiters spun round on their heels like tops; the two lady cashiers jumped, as if shot, then turned their bodies simultaneously, like two automata worked by the same spring.


There was dead silence. Then suddenly a sharp, crisp sound. The vicomte had slapped his adversary's face. Every one rose to interfere. Cards were exchanged.


When the vicomte reached home he walked rapidly up and down his room for some minutes. He was in a state of too great agitation to think connectedly. One idea alone possessed him: a duel. But this idea aroused in him as yet no emotion of any kind. He had done what he was bound to do; he had proved himself to be what he ought to be. He would be talked about, approved, congratulated. He repeated aloud, speaking as one does when under the stress of great mental disturbance:


"What a brute of a man!"Then he sat down, and began to reflect. He would have to find seconds as soon as morning came. Whom should he choose? He bethought himself of the most influential and best-known men of his acquaintance. His choice fell at last on the Marquis de la Tour-Noire and Colonel Bourdin—a nobleman and a soldier. That would be just the thing. Their names would carry weight in the newspapers. He was thirsty, and drank three glasses of water, one after another; then he walked up and down again. If he showed himself brave, determined, prepared to face a duel in deadly earnest, his adversary would probably draw back and proffer excuses. He picked up the card he had taken from his pocket and thrown on a table. He read it again, as he had already read it, first at a glance in the restaurant, and afterward on the way home in the light of each gas lamp:"Georges Lamil, 51 Rue Moncey.”That was all. He examined closely this collection of letters, which seemed to him mysterious, fraught with many meanings. Georges Lamil! Who was the man? What was his profession? Why had he stared so at the woman? Was it not monstrous that a stranger, an unknown, should thus all at once upset one's whole life, simply because it had pleased him to stare rudely at a woman? And the vicomte once more repeated aloud:"What a brute!"“真是一个粗野的人!”然后他坐下来,开始深思。天一亮他就得去找见证人。他应该选择谁呢?他琢磨着应该找他所熟悉的人里最有影响力的和最有名望的。他最后选择了黑塔侯爵和布尔丹上校——一位贵族和一名军人。这就很合适。他们的名字在报纸上很有影响力。他渴了,一杯接一杯地喝了三杯水,然后又来回踱起来。如果他表现出勇敢、坚决,准备用一种殊死的热切去面对决斗,他的对手很可能就会退缩并提出道歉。他拿起了那张他曾从衣袋里拿出并扔在桌子上的名片。他重新把它读了一遍,他已经读过,先前在餐馆瞟过一眼,后来在回家的路上的一盏盏灯光下读过:“乔治·拉米尔,梦西路51号。”这就是全部的内容。他仔细地观察这些排列在一起的字,对他似乎是个谜,充满了许多种意义。乔治·拉米尔!是个什么样的人?他的职业是什么?为什么他这样盯着那个女人?一个陌生人、一个不认识的人,由于他喜欢无礼地盯着一个女人看,就一下子搅乱了你的整个生活,这难道不骇人听闻吗?于是子爵又大声重复道:“真是一个粗野的人!”

Then he stood motionless, thinking, his eyes still fixed on the card. Anger rose in his heart against this scrap of paper—a resentful anger, mingled with a strange sense of uneasiness. It was a stupid business altogether! He took up a penknife which lay open within reach, and deliberately stuck it into the middle of the printed name, as if he were stabbing some one.


So he would have to fight! Should he choose swords or pistols?—for he considered himself as the insulted party. With the sword he would risk less, but with the pistol there was some chance of his adversary backing out. A duel with swords is rarely fatal, since mutual prudence prevents the combatants from fighting close enough to each other for a point to enter very deep. With pistols he would seriously risk his life; but, on the other hand, he might come out of the affair with flying colors, and without a duel, after all.


"I must be firm," he said. "The fellow will be afraid."“我必须坚定。”他说。“那家伙会害怕的。”

The sound of his own voice startled him, and he looked nervously round the room. He felt unstrung. He drank another glass of water, and then began undressing, preparatory to going to bed.


As soon as he was in bed he blew out the light and shut his eyes.


"I have all day to-morrow," he reflected, "for setting my affairs in order. I must sleep now, in order to be calm when the time comes."


He was very warm in bed, but he could not succeed in losing consciousness. He tossed and turned, remained for five minutes lying on his back, then changed to his left side, then rolled over to his right. He was thirsty again, and rose to drink. Then a qualm seized him:


"Can it be possible that I am afraid?"“难道我害怕吗?”

Why did his heart beat so uncontrollably at every well-known sound in his room? When the clock was about to strike, the prefatory grating of its spring made him start, and for several seconds he panted for breath, so unnerved was he.


He began to reason with himself on the possibility of such a thing: "Could I by any chance be afraid?"


No, indeed; he could not be afraid, since he was resolved to proceed to the last extremity, since he was irrevocably determined to fight without flinching. And yet he was so perturbed in mind and body that he asked himself:






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