
发布时间:2020-06-28 23:07:38







Unit 1




I have read the letter, and I know what it is about.我看了信,我知道是什么内容。(2)动作发生在过去,目前仍在继续或刚刚结束,常和“for+一段时间”或“since+一个确切的过去的时间”连用。例:

He has been in Beijing for two years.她来北京两年了。

He has been interested in collecting stamps since he was young.他从小就喜欢收集邮票。(3)表示刚刚完成的动作。例:

I’ve just got a letter from my mother.我刚刚收到母亲的来信。

常和完成时连用的副词:already, yet, just, ever, never, before等。


I was watching TV at 9 last night.我昨晚9点的时候在看电视。(2)用于描述一件事发生的背景:一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。例:

It was raining when they left the station.他们离开车站的时候天正在下雨。(3)在复合句中,如果主要动作和背景动作都是延续的或同时发生的,那么主从句的动词都可用过去进行时。例:

He was cleaning his car while I was cooking.他擦车时我在做饭。

常和过去进行时连用的时间状语:when, while, this morning, the whole morning, all day, at nine last evening等。

3.过去完成时:过去完成时基本结构为had +done,主要表达两种意义:(1)表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作或存在的状态。句中常用by,before,when,until等词引导的时间状语。例:

When we arrived at the cinema, the film had begun.当我们到电影院时,电影已经开始了。(2)表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间或持续下去,常与for,since等连用。例:

When Jack arrived, he learned Mary had been away for almost an hour.



Language Structures

1.tournament [5tuEnEmEnt] n. series of contests of skill between a number of competitors, often on a knock-out basis联赛,比赛,锦标赛(常为淘汰赛)

2.bodybuilding [5bCdibildiN] n. strengthening the muscles of the body through exercises(通过锻炼)增强体质

3.shadowboxing [`FAdEJ9bCksIN] n. a sport that strengthens the body as well as the mind from within太极拳

Dialogue I

1.camp [kAmp] v. to live in or as if in a camp; settle宿营:We’ll camp by the river for the night, and move on tomorrow.我们今晚将在河边夜宿,明天继续行程。

2.scenic spot 风景,景点the natural features of a particular part of a country that you can see, such as mountains, forests, deserts etc

3.historic interest 历史名胜famous sights and buildings in history:The Summer Palace is one of the most exciting place of historical interest in Beijing颐和园是北京最引人入胜的历史名胜之一。

4.impress [im5pres] v. a) have a favorable effect on sb.; make sb. feel admiration and respect给予某人深刻印象;使人钦佩而起敬:The sights of the city never fail to impress the foreigners.外国游客无一不对城市留有深刻的印象。b) fix sth. in one’s mind; make sb. keenly aware of sth.使某人铭记某事物;使某人深深意识到某事物:His words impressed themselves in my memory.他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。

5.tourist attraction 游览胜地popular places to visit

6.community [kE5mju:niti] n. the people living in one place, district or country, considered as a whole社区;团体:He’s been through here once before and was attracted by the community他从前曾打这里路过,对这个居民区有好感。

7.committee [kE5miti] n. a group of people officially delegated to perform a function, such as investigating, considering, reporting, or acting on a matter委员会:The committee meets quarterly.委员会每一季度开会一次。

8.similar [5similE] adj. related in appearance or nature; alike相似的,类似的:be similar to与…相似:They are similar in appearance. 他们在外貌上相似。

9.performance [pE5fC:mEns] n. a theatrical presentation before an audience表演:The theater gives two performances a day.这座剧场一天演出两场。

10.insect [5insekt] n. any of various similar arthropod animals, such as spiders, centipedes, or ticks昆虫

11.hike [haik] n. a long walk, esp. in the country, taken for pleasure or exercise远足,徒步旅行(尤指在乡间进行者):After the hike to the river the soldiers camped for the night. 士兵们步行到达那条河后露营过夜。

12.athlete [5AWli:t] n. a person trained to compete in sports运动员

13.subdivide [5sQbdi5vaid] v. (cause sth. to) be divided again into smaller divisions(将某物)进一步分成较小的部分:Part of the building has been subdivided into several offices.这座大楼的一部分隔开用作办公室了。

14.hobby [5hCbi] n. an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time业余爱好,嗜好

15.aircraft [5ZEkrB:ft] n. a machine or device that is capable of atmospheric flight飞行器,航空器

16.particular [pE5tikjulE] adj. worthy of note; exceptional特别的,特殊的

17.oral [5C:rEl] adj. spoken rather than written口头的,口述的

18.exhibition [7eksi5biFEn] n. the act of exhibiting展览:art exhibition美术展览

19.marvelous [5mB:vElEs] adj. a) (infml.) very good; excellent极好的,绝妙的:a marvelous writer极好的作家;b) astonishing; wonderful不可思议的;惊奇的,奇妙的:It is marvelous how he’s managed to climb that far!他怎么能爬那么远,真不可思议。

Dialogue II

1.introduction [7intrE5dQkFEn] n. formally making a person known to another or to the public介绍:He gave us a brief introduction about his company.他向我们简要地介绍了一下他的公司。

2.approach [E5prEutF] v. a) come near or nearer to (sb./sth.) in space or time(在空间或时间上)接近,靠近(某人或某物):As you approach the town the first building you see is the church.接近那座城镇的时候,首先看到的是教堂。b) be similar in quality or character to (sb./sth.)(在性质或特点上)接近(某人或某物):Few writers can even begin to approach Shakespeare’s greatness.莎士比亚的伟大,鲜有作家能望其项背。

3.respond [ris5pCnd] v. a) give a verbal or written answer(以口头或书面方式回答):She asked where he’d been, but he didn’t respond.她问他去什么地方了,他却不回答。b) act in answer to (sth.) or because of the action of another; behave in a similar way(对事物或对他人的行动)反应,回应,响应:I kicked the dog, which responded by growling.他踢了那条狗,它便狂吠起来。

4.lecture [5lektFE] v. a) to talk to a group of people on a particular subject, especially to students in a university演讲,讲课:He lectures on European art at Manchester University.他在曼彻斯特大学讲演欧洲艺术。b) to talk angrily or seriously to someone in order to criticize or warn them:He began to lecture us about making too much noise.他开始责备我们太闹腾了。

5.shake [Feik] v. to clasp (hands) in greeting or leave-taking or as a sign of agreement握手:shake hands握手

6.look forward to (doing) sth. 欣然期待某物 anticipate sth. with pleasure:I am looking forward to hearing from you.期待着你的来信。

7.flight [flait] n. journey made by air, esp. in an aircraft on a particular route空中的航行;(尤指飞机等的)航班:All flights has been cancelled because of fog.由于有雾,所有的航班都已取消。

8.bumpy [5bQmpi] adj. a) with an uneven surface表面不平的,崎岖不平的:a bumpy road崎岖的小路;b) causing jolts引起颠簸的:a bumpy drive颠簸的驾驶

9.unsettled [5Qn5setld] adj. a) changing a lot in a short period of time不稳定的,易变的:unsettled weather多变的天气;b) not in a state of order or calmness, disturbed不安宁的:unsettled times动荡的年代

10.an exchange student 交换的留学生a student who goes to a foreign country to study, usually as a part of a programme

11.corridor [5kCridC:] n. long narrow passage, from which doors open into rooms or compartments过道,走廊

12.imaginative [i5mAdVinEtiv] adj. having or showing imagination富于想象力的,爱想象的:an imaginative writer富于想象力的作家

Reading I

1.homecoming [`hEJm9kQmIN] n. the act coming home回家

2.run out of sth. 用完,耗尽a supply of sth. be used up, finished or exhausted:We are running out of petrol.我们的汽油快用光了。

3.sticky [5stiki] adj. a) that sticks or tends to stick to anything which touches it黏的,黏性的:sticky fingers covered in jam沾满果酱的黏糊糊的手指;b) (infml.) (of weather) unpleasantly hot and damp, causing one to sweat(指天气)湿热得难受的:a sticky August afternoon八月里一个湿热得令人难受的下午

4.surround [sE5raund] v. extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle包围,围绕:We are surrounded by dangers.我们的处境危机四伏。

5.guard [^B:d] n. & v. to watch over守卫,看守:guarded the prisoner看守犯人;与之搭配的常用短语有off (one’s) guard不警觉的;on (one’s) guard警觉且戒备的;stand guard监视,守望

6.sergeant [5sB:dVEnt] n. police officer with a bank below that of a captain or sometimes a lieutenant警佐(级别低于队长或副队长)

7.thoughtful [5WC:tful] adj. a) thinking deeply; absorbed in thought沉思的,思考的:thoughtful looks沉思的表情;b) for the needs of others; considerate顾及他人需要的,体贴的,关切的:It was very thoughtful of you to send flowers.你送花来,想得真周到。

8.settle [5setl] v. a) deal with sth., to put business matters into order处理,安排:You should settle your affairs before you leave.你应该把你的事情处理好再走。b) to end an argument or solve a disagreement解决争端;c) to decide on决定:We still haven’t settled when we’re go on holiday.我们还没决定何时去度假。与之搭配的常用短语有settle down定居;settle for...勉强认可;settle into...习惯于(新环境、新工作等);settle on/upon...选定,决定;settle up...付清(欠款),结清(账目)

9.sandy-haired [5sAndi hZEd] adj. hair of a yellowish-brown colour黄棕色头发的

10.shabby [5FAbi] adj. a) (of things) in poor condition through much use or being badly cared(指东西)因使用过久或照管不善而破旧的):a shabby dress破旧的连衣裙;b) (of people) poorly dressed(指人)衣着寒酸的:You look rather shabby in those clothes.你穿着那种衣服显得很寒酸。

11.dressing-gown [5dresiN ^rEun] n. a piece of clothing like a long loose coat that you wear inside the house, usually overnight clothes晨衣,睡衣

12.peer [piE] v. look closely or carefully, esp. as if unable to see well仔细看(尤指因看不清):peer at sb. over one’s spectacles戴着眼镜认真打量某人

13.intently [in5tentli] adv. carefully仔细地,专心地:He was looking at her intently but she stared him out. 他专注地看着她,可她盯得他移开了目光。

14.spectacle [5spektEkl] n. a pair of eyeglasses眼镜

15.disappear [7disE5piE] v. to pass out of sight; vanish消失,不见:The sun disappeared behind a cloud.太阳消失在一片云后面。

16.dreadfully [5dredfJlI] adv. a) in a serious or shocking manner严重地,厉害地,骇人地:dreadfully injured严重受伤;b) (infml.) badly糟糕:This article is dreadfully written.这骗文章写得糟极了。c) (infml.)very非常,极其:I’m afraid it is dreadfully late.我看已经太迟了。

17.convinced [kEn`vInst] adj. firm in one’s belief坚信不移的;有坚定信仰的:a convinced Christian虔诚的基督教徒

18.burglar [5bE:^lE] n. person who enters a building illegally, esp. by force, in order to steal窃贼(尤指强行进入建筑物的)

19.nod [nCd] v. lower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation点头

20.seaside [5si:said] n. the seashore海滨,海边

Reading II

1.sleeper [5sli:pE] n. a rester who is sleeping睡眠者:I am a bad sleeper.我总睡不好。

2.attend [E5tend] v. a) go regularly to (a place); be present at照例去(某处);出席:The meeting was well attended.有很多人出席会议。b) to look after someone, especially because they are ill照料,照顾。【搭配】attend on/upon照料,陪同某人;attend to sb./sth.照料某人;处理某事;【扩展】attendee( n. 出席者)/ attendant( n. 服务员)/ attendance( n. 出席,出席的人数)

3.unfortunately [Qn5fC:tjJnEtlI] adv. unluckily; without luck不幸地:She had gone home, unfortunately.遗憾的是,她已经回家了。

4.spare [spZE] n. spare part (for a machine, car, etc.), esp. an extra wheel for a car(机器、汽车等的)备件;尤指汽车备用车轮:I have got a puncture and my spare is flat too!我的车胎扎破了,备用胎也瘪了。

5.thumb [WQm] v. to solicit (a ride) from a passing vehicle by signaling with the thumb向路过的车辆坚起拇指请求搭车

6.nervous [5nE:vEs] adj. tense, excited, unstable神经紧张的:I am nervous of being in the large crowds.在大庭广众之下,我会感到紧张。

7.alone [E5lEun] adv. without others独自地,单独地:He warned me against going outside alone at night. 他提醒我晚上不要单独出去。

8.bolt [bEult] v. fasten sth. with a bolt将某物闩上:The gate bolts on the inside.这大门是从里面闩上的。

9.budge [bQdV] v. (usu. in negative sentences通常用于否定句) (cause sth. to) move slightly(使某物)稍微移动,动一动:My car’s stuck in the mud, and it won’t budge.我的汽车陷入泥中,一动也不动。

10.recognize [5rekE^naiz] vt. to know to be something that has been perceived before认出:recognize an old acquaintance认出一位老朋友

11.keep an eye on sth 盯着,看守watch carefully

12.pound [paund] v. a) crush or beat sth. with repeated heavy strokes连续地猛撞或猛击某物:pound on/ against sth.击打某物;b) (of heart) beat very hard and quickly心怦怦跳:His heart pounded with excitement.由于兴奋,他心怦怦直跳。

13.meantime [5mi:n5taim] n. during a period of intervening time; meanwhile其间,与此同时:in the meantime与此同时

14.break into sth. 强行进入某处 enter sth. by force:His house was broken into last week.上周有人闯入他的屋子。

15.hurl [hE:l] v. throw (sth./sb./oneself) violently用力扔(某物),用力摔(某人),猛扑:He hurled himself into his work.他完全扑在工作上。

16.briefcase [5brIfkeIs] n. flat leather or plastic case for carrying documents(扁平的皮革或塑料)公事包

17.grab [^rAb] v. grasp sth. suddenly or roughly; snatch sth. selfishly or rudely抓,抢夺;攫取:He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.他抓住我的领子把我拉到他面前。

18.jail [dVeil] n. a place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention; a prison监狱

19.apparently [E5pArEntlI] adv. According to appearances; as it seems看来,似乎:He has apparently escaped by bribing a guard.他看来是贿赂了守卫而逃跑的。

20.conclude [kEn5klu:d] v. a) come or bring to an end使…结束:The story concludes with a hero’s death.这故事随主人公的死亡而结束。b) come to believe sth. as a result of reasoning(经推理)相信某事:The jury concluded from the evidence that he was guilty.陪审团根据证据做出结论,认定他有罪。其派生词形式主要有conclusion( n. 结束;结论)/conclusive( adj. 决定的,结论性的)



























































Dialogue I

1.By the time we arrived at the campsite, night had fallen:该句中要注意“by+过去的时间点”,表示“截止到过去某一时间之前”,因此主句要用过去完成时。

2.You remind me of my last trip there:句中remind意为“提醒某人注意或做某事”,常用于remind sb. of sth.结构,表达“使某人回想起”之意。例:This song reminds me of France.我一听到这首歌就想起了法国。

3.I wish I had been there with you this time:该句是由wish引出的虚拟语气,表达与过去事实相反的情况,故用过去完成时。

4.Some gave oral reports, some staged an exhibition…:句中stage是动词,意为“进行,举行”,例:stage a protest rally举行抗议大会。

5.Your story has really brought back happy memories of my own camping experience:bring back“使回忆起…”,其他表示回忆的有:remind, recall, recollect, remember。此句可改为:Your story has really reminded me of happy memories of my own camping experience。

Dialogue II

1.May I introduce you to Mr. Yu…:introduce sb. to把某人介绍给另外的人,使相互认识,引见。例:I was introduced to the president at the party.在聚会上有人把我介绍给总裁了。

2.In that case, I think we should go straight to the hotel:句中in that case为固定搭配,“那样的话,在那种情况下”。case为多义词,可以表示“案例;病例;情况”。与case相关的词组有:in any case无论如何,总之。in case如果发生,以防万一。例:I took along an umbrella, just in case.我随身带一把伞,以防万一。in case of如果发生,万一。例:a number to call in case of emergency万一发生意外打的号码。

Reading I

1.Herbert went to France for his holiday, but he ran out of money, and came home a week earlier than he had expected:词组run out of意为“用完,花完”,主语可以是人,也可以为物。例:They ran out of petrol.=The petrol was run out (by them).他们把汽油用完了。

2.The train didn’t get into the St. Albans until just before midnight:“not…until…”句型,表示“直到…才…”。

3.He peered at Herbert intently through thick spectacles:peer指“仔细看(尤指似因看不清)”,常与介词at搭配。spectacles眼镜。句中peer at sb. through thick spectacles可替换为peer at sb. over one’s spectacles. intently专心地,聚精会神地。

Reading II

1.It would never have happened if he had not had a flat tire:该句是虚拟语气结构,对过去发生事情的虚拟,从句用if had done结构,主句使用would have done结构。flat tire指“瘪了的轮胎”,此外a burst tire和a punctured tire分别指“爆了的轮胎”和“穿了孔的轮胎”。

2.Unfortunately, he did not have a spare:句中a spare指的是a spare tyre“(汽车等的)备用车轮”。

3.…and managed to thumb a ride back to Pine Grove: manage to do sth.表示设法做某事并取得了成功。thumb a ride(竖起拇指向过路车辆作手势)要求搭车。

4.As a matter of fact, Andrew had asked the neighbor to keep an eye on the house while he was gone: as a matter of fact意为“事实上,实际上”,相当于in fact, actually. keep an eye on sth.意为“照看,密切注视”,与之相关的词组有:keep an eye out警觉;keep (one’s) eyes open或keep (one’s) eyes peeled警觉,小心。

5.But just as he was about to hurl his briefcase into the window to break it, two of the police officers grabbed him from behind:句中be about to do sth.为固定词组,意为“正要做…”,与之相适用的句型是:sb. is about to do sth. when…(某人正要做某事的时候,这时…)。hurl“用力扔某物,用力摔”。

6.Apparently he did succeed in convincing them that…:succeed in doing sth.成功,做成某事,达到目的。apparently看来,似乎。例:he had apparently escaped by bribing a guard.他看来是贿赂了守卫而逃跑的。


Student’s book



1.A: Is this the first time you’ve been in Shanghai, Liu?

B: (Yes. I’ve never been here before.)

A: Where did you go to middle school?

B: In Wuxi. (That’s my hometown.)

2.A: (This is the first time you’ve been in Shanghai, isn’t it?)

B: No, this is already my second visit.

A: (When were you here last?)

B: In 1994. I came with my parents to visit my uncle and aunt.


1.A: What were Class Three students doing while Class One students were having a Chinese lesson yesterday morning?

B: (They were having a lesson on the History of the Chinese Revolution.)

A: What were they doing during the sports hour while many other students were playing ball games?

B: (They were doing bodybuilding exercises/shadow-boxing.)

2.A: What was your class doing yesterday evening? //Could you tell me/I’d like to know/Would you mind telling me what your class was doing…?//

B: Oh, we were doing different things. (Some were doing their homework, and some were listening to the tapes //some were watching VCD (video compact disc) /were doing their work on computers.//

A: What about you? //How about you? /And you? //

B: (I was doing some reading.)


1.A: (Were you learning English at half past ten Wednesday morning?)

B: No, by half past ten, we’d already had our English class. We were learning Chinese then.

A: (You were preparing a new lesson around eight in the evening, weren’t you?)

B: No, I was reading a magazine article on shadow-boxing. I’d prepared my new lesson by then.

2.A: Class One students were playing volleyball at half past five yesterday afternoon, weren’t they?

B: (No. They’d finished playing by then.)

A: What about Class Two students? Were they doing any physical exercise at that time?

B: No. The sports hour is from a quarter past four to a quarter past five. (By half past five, everybody’d done their physical exercise and they were all getting ready for supper.)



How I Spent the Vacation

Wang : Hi, Zhang, So good to see you again. Did you have a nice vacation?

Zhang: Hi, Wang. My vacation couldn’t have been better. I did have a good time.

Wang : What was it that made you so excited?

Zhang: I helped our Neighbourhood Service Committee with their daily routine and it was really

quite some experience.

Wang : What exactly did you do?

Zhang: I offered to take charge of newspaper reading every day and it was fun reading national

news and local news to those elderly retired people. Some of them are poor in sight and some of them don’t subscribe to newspapers. But they are all eager to know what’s happening everywhere and they all enjoyed my reading to them.

Wang : It was really worth your time and effort, wasn’t it?

Zhang: Yes, of course. Now tell me what you did during the vacation.

Wang : While you had a good time with the elderly, I had fun tutoring a boy of ten in English.

Zhang: Did you? Tell me more about it.

Wang : Well, this boy is the son of one of my neighbours. He began to learn English a year ago and he seems quite interested in it. He doesn’t seem to be satisfied with what he’s taught in school. He





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