
发布时间:2020-06-29 04:23:17












本书的写作得到多位老师、同事和家人的帮助与支持。感谢马广惠教授在确定研究选题和实施过程中的指导和鼓励,以及在数据统计分析方面的专业指引!感谢丁言仁教授、倪传斌教授、濮建忠教授、汪少华教授和张辉教授在选题论证过程中的宝贵建议!感谢我的同事励哲蔚老师、丛迎旭老师、戚国辉老师、盛盈老师、林渭芳老师和徐燕老师在数据收集过程中的无私奉献!感谢我的家人对我的理解和支持!List of Abbreviations

AWL Academic Word List

BNC British National Corpus

CC READER Capacity Constrained Reader

CET-6 College English Test Band 6

DM declarative memory system

DP declarative/procedural

DVK depth-of-vocabulary-knowledge

EFL English as a foreign language

ELLs English language learners

EVST European Vocabulary Size Test

ESL English as a second language

GSL General Service List

L1 first language

L2 second language

LISREL Linear Structural Relations

MA master of arts

MK morphological knowledge

MS master of science

NETEM National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates

PM procedural memory system

RC reading comprehension

RCL literal reading comprehension

RCI inferential reading comprehension

SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test

SEM Structure Equation Modeling

TEM 4 Test for English Majors Band 4

TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language

TOEFL iBT TOEFL Internet Based Test

VB vocabulary breadth

VBhih high-level vocabulary breadth

VBlw low-level vocabulary breadth

VD vocabulary depth

VF vocabulary fluency

VKS Vocabulary Knowledge Scale

VLT Vocabulary Levels Test

VMD vocabulary morphological depth

VMDhih high-level vocabulary morphological depth

VMDlw low-level vocabulary morphological depth

VS vocabulary size

VSD vocabulary semantic depth

VST Vocabulary Size Test

WAF Word Associates Format

WM working memory

WMP the processing component of WM

WMS the storage component of WM

WPLT Word Part Levels TestList of Tables

Table 1 The demographic information of the participants(N=67)/76

Table 2 An example of the test format of the VST/78

Table 3 An example of the format of the WAF/79

Table 4 An example of the meaning section of the WPLT/82

Table 5 Variables for the statistical analyses in the study/90

Table 6 Means, standard deviations and score ranges on RC, VB, VSD, VMD and VF/98

Table 7 Pearson correlations among RC, VB, VSD, VMD and VF/99

Table 8 Regression results with VB, VSD, VMD and VF as the independent variables/103

Table 9 Regression results with VB and VSD as the independent variables/104

Table 10 Indirect effects of VMD and VF on RC/108

Table 11 Means, standard deviations and score ranges of RC, RCL, RCI, WMP, WMS and WM/115

Table 12 Pearson correlations among RC, RCL, RCI, WMP, WMS and WM/116

Table 13 Results of paired samples T-tests between RCL and RCI/117

Table 14 Pearson correlations among RC, WM, VB, VSD, VMD and VF/128

Table 15 Vocabulary mediating effects on the relationship between WM and RC/132

Table 16 Pearson correlation coefficients between WM and RC for the VB groups/134

Table 17 Pearson correlation coefficients between WM and RC for the VMD groups/134List of Figures

Figure 1 The multi-component model of working memory(Baddely, 2003)/22

Figure 2 The embedded-process model of working memory(Cowan, 2005)/23

Figure 3 The three dimensions of vocabulary knowledge/71

Figure 4 The diagram of mediation analysis/92Chapter OneIntroduction

The first chapter is to describe the background and the significance of the present study. The organization of the book will also be presented.1.1 Background of the Study

Recent investigations of reading comprehension in both first (L1) and second (L2) language contexts have often adopted the component-skills approach, which views reading comprehension as a multivariate skill involving a complex combination and integration of a variety of cognitive, linguistic, and meta-linguistic processes. A better understanding of reading comprehension relies not only on the investigation of how much respective and collective contribution each of these processes makes to reading comprehension, but also on how different processes interact with each other.

Both vocabulary knowledge and working memory (WM) have been found to be key correlates of second language reading comprehension (Grabe, 2009;Jeon & Yamashita, 2014). Many empirical studies have demonstrated that there is a close link between vocabulary knowledge and second language reading comprehension (Laufer, 1989, 1992; Hirsh & Nation, 1992; Hu & Nation, 2000; Qian, 1999, 2002). Within this area of interest, however, most studies have often focused on the two dimensions of breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge in second language reading comprehension (Laufer, 1989, 1992; Qian, 1999, 2002), and have not fully addressed the multidimensional nature of vocabulary knowledge (Kieffer & Lesaux, 2008). Vocabulary knowledge is a complex and multidimensional construct (Nation, 2001; Perfetti, 2007). In addition to a large vocabulary size, rich knowledge about each lexical item, and a well-organized mental lexicon where lexical items have numerous formal and semantic connections with each other, a person's vocabulary mastery also lies in the automaticity in which lexical items can be recognized and produced, which is a key requirement of real-time vocabulary use (Schmitt, 2010). However, there have been few studies investigating the effect of lexical automaticity on reading comprehension, especially in the area of L2 research. Even among the existing studies investigating the relative effects of breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge on second language reading comprehension, serious inconsistencies exist in terms of the role of different components of lexical depth in reading comprehension. For instance, there has been much discrepancy concerning the contribution of morphological depth to second language reading comprehension among different researchers. Some researchers (e.g. Kieffer & Lesaux, 2008, 2012; Jeon, 2011) provided evidence that morphological awareness is a significant predictor of second language reading comprehension while others (e.g. Qian, 1999; Zhang & Koda, 2012) found that the contribution of morphological awareness to second language reading comprehension is negligible or indirect. It is, therefore, necessary to investigate how lexical fluency, the ability to retrieve lexical knowledge with ease and speed, works and interacts with other aspects of lexical knowledge in second language reading comprehension and also to resolve the controversies pertaining to the role of vocabulary depth in second language reading comprehension.

With its restricted functions of processing and storage, WM has also been found to play an important role in reading comprehension in numerous first language studies (see Daneman & Merikle, 1996, for a review). However, research on the relationship between WM and L2 reading comprehension is still scanty (Alptekin & Erçetin, 2011). Even among the small number of relevant studies, most either treat second language reading comprehension as a global construct without taking into account of the multilevel representational architecture of reading comprehension (e.g. Harrington & Sawyer, 1992; Leeser, 2007), or only investigate the effect of WM as a whole on second language reading comprehension without delineating the separate roles of the processing and storage components of WM in second language reading comprehension (e.g. Alptekin & Erçetin, 2009; Walter, 2004). Multidimensional studies, therefore, are required to further explore the complex relationship between WM and second language reading comprehension.

In terms of the effects of lexical knowledge and WM on reading comprehension, most studies have often focused on their respective contribution to reading comprehension. Few studies to date, especially in the area of L2 research, have investigated their collective contribution to reading comprehension or the interaction in their role in second language reading comprehension. Although there is a large body of knowledge about the influence of lexical knowledge and WM in both L1 and L2 studies (Alptekin & Erçetin, 2009, 2010, 2011; Cain, Oakhill, & Bryant, 2004; Daneman & Capenter, 1980; Laufer, 1989, 1992; Qian, 1999, 2002), less is known about how these two important reading correlates work together in the service of something as complex as reading comprehension, especially in the area of L2 studies. Given that factors influencing reading ability become increasingly interrelated across development (Stanovich, 1980), it is not unreasonable to assume that a better understanding of L2 reading comprehension processes will depend not only on the relationship between the predictors and reading outcomes, but also on the relationships among the predictors themselves (e.g. Hannon, 2012).

The present study, therefore, aims to explore both the separate contribution of L2 vocabulary knowledge and WM to and their combined effects on L2 reading comprehension. It is hoped that addressing these under-researched questions can, on the one hand, lead to a better understanding of L2 reading comprehension processes, and on the other hand, facilitate L2 reading comprehension pedagogy as well as L2 vocabulary acquisition.1.2 Significance of the Study

The investigation of the relationship among L2 lexical knowledge, WM and L2 reading comprehension will contribute theoretically, methodologically and pedagogically to the field of L2 reading comprehension and L2 vocabulary acquisition.1.2.1 Theoretical significance

The theoretical significance of the present study is threefold:

1) Providing empirical evidence to the interaction between L2 lexical knowledge and WM in their contribution to L2 reading comprehension.

Reading comprehension is a multi-component process, composed of multiple linguistic, cognitive, and meta-linguistic processes such as decoding, vocabulary knowledge, syntactic processing, meta-cognition, and WM (Grabe, 2009; Koda, 1996, 2005; Bernhardt, 2011). Many of these processes enjoy substantial bodies of research that has been directed at understanding how each component process operates. Almost all of the existing research on text comprehension has focused on identifying and examining the various component processes in isolation (Kintsch & Rawson, 2005). Such investigations have gone a long way furthering our understanding of how reading comprehension works. The nature of reading comprehension processes, however, is still far from clear. Text comprehension is not simply the sum of these various processes, but arises from their coordinated operation as a system. It is, therefore, theoretically significant to investigate not only the separate contribution of each of these components, but also their combined effects. Just as Kintsch and Rawson (2005) pointed out, an important direction for future research will be to examine the interaction of the various components to understand how they work together as a system to give rise to comprehension.

Although small in number, several attempts have been made by researchers to examine the coordinated relationship between vocabulary knowledge and WM in reading comprehension in L1 context. The first attempt, to the writer's knowledge, was made by Dixon, LeFevre, and Twilley (1988), who in evaluating the relative roles of word knowledge and working memory, found much correlation between the two independent variables in their causal model analyses, suggesting the combined and interactive influence of word knowledge and WM on reading comprehension. Chrysochoou, Bablekou, and Tsigilis (2011) also found the mediating role of vocabulary knowledge in several associations between WM and reading comprehension measures in Greek children. Rose and Rouhani (2012), in a sample of adolescents with dyslexia, demonstrated a negative interaction between verbal WM and expressive vocabulary in oral reading fluency.

Despite a lack of empirical research in L2 studies, the presence of an interaction between WM and vocabulary knowledge is consistent with several theories of reading, including the automaticity theory (Laberge & Samuels, 1974), the Interactive-Compensation model (Stanovich, 1980; Bernhardt, 2011), and the Construction-Integration model (Kintsch, 1988, 1998). This study, therefore, will not only provide empirical evidence for the interaction between L2 vocabulary knowledge and WM in L2 reading comprehension, but also have direct impact on our understanding of the nature of L2 reading comprehension processes.

2) Exploring more thoroughly the nature of the link between L2 vocabulary knowledge and L2 reading comprehension.

Vocabulary knowledge is a multidimensional construct. Meara (1996a) proposed a three-dimensional framework of vocabulary knowledge, consisting of breadth, depth and fluency of lexical knowledge. The first two dimensions (i.e. breadth and depth) belong to the category of declarative knowledge while the third one procedural knowledge (Milton & Fitzpatrick, 2014). Improvement of lexical mastery consists of both declarative knowledge and the ability to use this knowledge with speed and ease (Schmitt, 2010). According to the Access Hypothesis (Mezynski, 1983), lexical fluency is the crucial variable in the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension for it contributes most directly to reading comprehension. In other words, reading comprehension depends more on how quickly and easily a reader can access the correct meanings of words rather than how many words he knows or how much he knows about the words.

However, in spite of its theoretical importance, the dimension of lexical fluency has not often been included in previous empirical studies. In L1 studies, although Mezynski's (1983) review study suggests a facilitative effect of lexical automaticity on children's reading comprehension, Tannenbaum, Torgesen, and Wagner (2006) were not able to find any unique contribution of lexical fluency to reading comprehension; depth and fluency were not completely distinguishable from one another in their confirmatory factor analyses. In L2 studies, lexical fluency is rarely included as a dimension of lexical knowledge. Therefore, the picture to date is still far from clear in terms of the influence of lexical fluency on and its possible interaction with other aspects of vocabulary knowledge in reading comprehension. The present study aims to investigate the effects of the three dimensions of lexical knowledge, namely vocabulary breadth (VB), vocabulary depth (VD) and vocabulary fluency (VF), thus providing empirical evidence, which will, on the one hand, help to clarify the complex relationship between vocabulary knowledge and L2 reading comprehension, and on the other hand, shed light on the direct impact of lexical fluency on L2 reading comprehension.

3) Providing empirical evidence for a better understanding of the functioning mechanism of WM in L2 reading comprehension.

Working memory, with its dual functions of processing and storage, is a limited-capacity system that is necessary for complex cognitive tasks. Ever since the publication of the seminal paper by Daneman and Carpenter (1980), an extensive body of research has been done investigating the relationship between WM capacity and reading comprehension in both L1 and L2. WM capacity has been found to be a fundamental cognitive element in reading comprehension and correlates significantly with reading comprehension in both L1 and L2. However, in terms of its functioning mechanism in reading comprehension, controversies still exist. Some researchers (e.g. Daneman & Carpenter, 1980; Just & Carpenter, 1992; Waters & Caplan, 1996) argued that the processing component of WM determined its correlation with reading comprehension. The correlation between WM and reading comprehension was due to the overlap of operations across the processing component and reading comprehension tasks. However, the overlapping view has recently been challenged by some researchers (e.g. Bayliss, Jarrold, Gunn, & Baddeley, 2003; Unsworth, Thomas, Heitz, Broadway, & Engle, 2009), whose studies showed that the storage component of WM also made unique contribution to reading comprehension beyond the processing component. Their results add to the complexity of the link between WM and reading comprehension. Whether it is the processing component, the storage component, or both, that determines the correlation between WM capacity and reading comprehension is still in the air. Therefore, more research needs to be conducted to clarify the functioning mechanism of WM in reading comprehension.

The relationship between WM and reading comprehension can also be complicated by the multilevel nature of reading comprehension. Reading comprehension can be seen as involving distinct levels of text comprehension. Gray in 1960 distinguished between reading the lines, reading between the lines, and reading beyond the lines, indicating three different levels of text understanding ranging from literal understanding, inferential comprehension and critical comprehension (Alderson, 2000). Kintsch (1998) also described two levels of text comprehension, consisting of the text-base and the situational model of the text. However, research examining the relationship between WM and reading comprehension has often treated reading comprehension as a global construct, disregarding the multi-level representational architecture. This is a problematic issue in that WM may be differentially involved in different levels of text comprehension as different levels of text representation may involve distinct linguistic and cognitive processes (e.g. Cutting & Scarborough, 2006; Keenan, Betjemann, & Olson, 2008). Therefore, given the multiple levels of reading comprehension, it would be theoretically useful to clarify the relationship between WM and reading comprehension for a thorough understanding of the nature of their association.1.2.2 Methodological significance

The existing studies investigating the relationship between L2 vocabulary breadth and L2 reading comprehension often employ the Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT). The VLT was originally created by Nation (1983) and later updated by Schmitt, Schmitt, and Clapham (2001), for the purpose of measuring second language learners' vocabulary knowledge at five frequency levels, the most frequent 2,000, 3,000, 5,000, 10,000 word families and the Academic Word List (AWL) (Coxhead, 2000). Although it has often been misinterpreted as a measure of vocabulary size, it was originally designed to measure the extent of second language learners' vocabulary knowledge at each level, thus indicating where vocabulary learning was needed. As a measure of second language learners' vocabulary size, it has several limitations. Firstly, it is not a valid measure of vocabulary breadth because there are gaps in vocabulary knowledge that are not assessed; knowledge of the 1,000, 4,000, 6,000, 7,000, 8,000, 9,000, and 10,000+word levels is not measured. Secondly, the lists used for the different frequency levels in the VLT are rather old (Webb & Sasao, 2013). Therefore, to comprehensively assess second language learners' vocabulary size, other measures need to be employed to investigate the relationship between VB and L2 reading comprehension.

Morphological knowledge has been identified as an essential element of vocabulary depth (Nation, 2001), and therefore its relationship with L2 reading comprehension has been extensively investigated. However, research examining its role in L2 reading comprehension has produced conflicting results with some indicating its direct contribution to L2 reading comprehension, while others showing its negligible or indirect effects on L2 reading comprehension. Such discrepancy may have resulted from a lack of standardized measure of morphological knowledge as the distinct measures employed in previous studies were mostly self-made by researchers themselves, tapping different levels of morphological awareness (e.g. Qian, 1999; Zhang & Koda, 2012). Therefore, standardized measures of morphological knowledge need to be employed in future research, thus to thoroughly investigate its influence on L2 reading comprehension.

Lexical fluency or automaticity of lexical knowledge, although generally ignored in applied linguistic lexical research, has been extensively studied in the area of psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics. Therefore, it may be necessary and methodologically facilitative for applied linguists to draw on approaches from such areas





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