
发布时间:2020-06-29 07:53:51







Unit 1


Text I

1.resolution [7rezE5lju:FEn] n. a resolving to do something决心,决定:determined/ unshakable/ inflexible resolution坚定的决心;come to/ form/ make/ take a resolution下定决心

2.bless [bles] vt. to confer well-being or prosperity on保佑,赐福:be blessed with 有幸拥有

3.boundless [5baJndlIs] adj. having no boundaries or limits无限的,无边无际的:Stars are twinkling in the boundless sky.在辽阔无垠的天空上到处是繁星闪烁。

4.tiptoe [5tiptEu] vi. to walk or move quietly on one’s toes踮起脚走:She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.她用脚尖悄悄地走到酣睡的孩子床前。tiptoe与pad,creep,sneak都表示“放轻脚步走”:tiptoe指用脚尖走。pad指光着脚或穿着柔软的鞋有规则地走,如:He pad about the house in his slippers.他穿着拖鞋在家中走来走去。creep指蹑手蹑脚,缓慢地、悄悄地走,creep还可指动物的爬行或植物的蔓延。sneak多用于鬼鬼祟祟的行为,如:I had to sneak around and hide my smoking from my parents.为了抽烟,我必须鬼鬼祟祟地躲开我的父母。

5.spontaneous [spCn5teinjEs, -niEs] adj. arising from a natural inclination or impulse and not from external incitement or constraint自发的,自然产生的。其名词形式为spontaneity [7spCntE5ni:iti] n. 自发性

6.affection [E5fekFEn] n. feeling of liking or love and caring喜爱:其形容词形式为affectionate [E5fekFEnit] adj. 亲爱的,挚爱的;与之容易混淆的词为affectation [7Afek5teiFEn] n. 假装,做作

7.shriek [Fri:k] n. & v. a shrill, often frantic cry尖叫:与之意思相近的词有scream,screech,squeal,yelp,其中shriek经常是疯狂地尖叫;scream一般来讲表示一种延长的刺耳声音,暗示着经受了身体上或者情感上的痛苦;screech强调一种高声的、刺耳的、经常令人烦恼的声音;squeal尤指小孩突然发出的高声尖叫;yelp指因疼痛而发出的短暂叫喊。

8.sneak [sni:k] v. to move, give, take, or put in a quiet, stealthy manner偷偷地做:He sneaked candy into his mouth.他偷偷地把糖塞进嘴巴。

9.sincere [sin5siE] adj. being without hypocrisy or pretense; true真诚的,真实的:Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family.请向你全家转达我真挚的问候。

10.compliment [5kCmplimEnt] n. & v. an expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation恭维,赞美:A sincere compliment boosts one’s morale.由衷的称赞可鼓舞一个人的精神。【扩展】complimentary [7kCmpli5ment(E)ri] adj. 问候的,称赞的;与之易混淆的词为complement( n. & vt. 补足,使……完美)

11.aspirin [5AspErin] n. a medicine that reduces pain, inflammation, and fever阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药)

12.escapement [is5keipmEnt] n. a) the part of a clock or a watch which controls the moving parts inside(钟表的)摆轮;b) an escape脱逃

13.wind [waind] vt. to coil the spring of (a mechanism) by turning a stem or cord给……上发条:wind a watch给表上发条:【搭配】wind up结束,最终;wind down(钟表等发条)松弛,渐减

14.coronary [5kCrEnEri] adj. of, relating to, or being the coronary arteries or coronary veins冠状动脉或静脉

15.jovially [5dVEuvjEli] adv. behave in a cheerful and happy manner愉快地,高兴地

16.swarm [swC:m] v. to move or gather in large numbers蜂拥,云集:swarm with充满着,挤满着;swarm into涌入

17.rap [rAp] v. a) to strike a quick, light blow轻敲:rap on the door敲门;b) to utter sharply厉声说出:He rapped out a complaint.他尖锐地说出埋怨之词。

18.pajamas [pE5dVB:mEz] n. soft pair of trousers and a top that you wear in bed睡衣,宽长裤

19.ease [i:z] v. to alleviate; lessen减轻,缓和:The doctor prescribed a drug to ease his pain.医生拿药来减轻他的病痛。

20.brand-new [brAnd5 nju:] adj. being in a fresh and unused condition; completely new崭新的:I give you endless brand-new good wishes.给你我无尽的新的祝福。

21.defensively [di5fensivli] adv. in a defensive manner防御地

22.put away放好某物put sth. in its proper place:She washed the cups and put them away.她洗完杯子后便把他们收了起来。

23.scout [skaut] n. an organization for boys that teaches them practical skills童子军

24.trivial [5triviEl] adj. of little significance; ordinary琐碎的,普通的:Don’t be angry over such trivial matters.别为这些琐事生气。

25.zest [zest] n. vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment热情,热忱:He entered into our plans with terrific zest.他满腔热情地参加了我们的项目。

26.sarcastic [sB:5kAstik] adj. given to using sarcasm讽刺的:She has a sarcastic tongue.她喜欢挖苦人。

27.mitten [5mitn] n. a type of glove that does not have separate parts for each finger连指手套

28.jack [dVAk] n. a children’s game in which the players try to pick up small objects called jacks while bouncing and catching a ball抛石游戏,抓子游戏

29.strike up to start开始:strike up a conversation开始交谈:We immediately struck up a lively conversation.我们立即愉快地交谈起来。

30.rapport [rA5pC:t] n. friendly agreement and understanding between people关系,友好:establish a pleasant form of rapport with sb.与某人建立起一种宜人的融洽关系

31.touch on mention sth. briefly简述,略微提及:In his lecture on geology, he touched on the subject of climate.他在关于地质学的报告中,也涉及气候问题。

32.morality [mR5rAlItI] n. beliefs or ideas about what is right and wrong and about how people should behave道德:Jacelin is a person of strict morality.杰斯林是个品行极其端正的人。

33.sponge [spQndV] n. a piece of a soft natural or artificial substance full of small holes, which can suck up liquid and is used for washing海绵

34.dread [dred] v. to be in terror of畏惧,害怕:I dread a visit to the dentist.我害怕去看牙医。

35.whittle [5(h)witl] vt. cut small bits or pare shavings from削,切:Don’t whittle the stick down too much or it won’t be long enough.别把那棍削得太多,不然就不够长了。

36.cross-examine [krRsI^5zAmIn] v. to question a person closely盘诘,反复询问:cross-examine a witness盘问证人

37.commotion [kE5mEuFEn] n. a lot of noise, confusion, and excitement骚动,暴乱:They made a commotion by yelling at each other in the theatre.他们在剧院里相互争吵, 引起了一阵骚乱。

38.uneasily [9Qn`i:zIlI] adv. with anxiety or apprehension不安地,不自在地:The audience shifted uneasily in their seats.观众在座位上不安地动来动去。

39.even-tempered [5i:vEn5tempEd] adj. easygoing; calm性情平和的,温和的:an even-tempered character性情温和的人

40.snarl [snB:l] n. & v. to speak angrily or threateningly吼叫,怒吼:The dog snarled at me.这狗对我低吼。

41.sprawl [sprC:l] v. to sit or lie with the body and limbs spread out awkwardly四肢摊开:He sprawled his legs.他懒散地伸开双腿。b) to cause to spread out in a straggling or disordered fashion蔓延:New houses sprawled over the countryside outside the city.在城外的乡村地区散乱地分布着一幢幢新建的房屋。

Text II

1.ambitious [Am5biFEs] adj. determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc 有雄心的,野心勃勃的:He was an ambitious man with a strong personality. 他是个有抱负的人,性格坚强。【扩展】ambitiously [Am5biFEsli] adv. 雄心勃勃地 【搭配】ambitious for (power/social position/ etc.) 极欲获得(权力/社会地位等等)

2.matter-of-factly adv. showing no emotion when you are talking about something exciting, frightening, upsetting etc 实事求是地:Once so said matter-of-factly: September, I’ll go there. And there was the chance to meet you in. 曾经那么信誓旦旦的说:九月,我一定会去那里,这样就有了再见到你的机会。

3.mutual [5mju:tFuEl] adj. a) shared by two or more people 共同的:our mutual friend 我们共同的朋友 b) used to describe feelings that two or more people have for each other equally, or actions that affect two or more people equally 相互的:mutual aid 互助

4.freshman [5freFmən] n. a student who is in his or her first year of college 大一学生

5.grandiose [5^rAndiEus] adj. seeming very impressive but too large, complicated, expensive, etc. to be practical or possible 浮夸的;富丽堂皇的

6.apologetic [E7pClE5dVetik] adj. feeling or showing that you are sorry for doing something wrong or for causing a problem 道歉的,认错的:He was apologetic for arriving late . 他为迟到而表示歉意。

7.ruthless [5ru:WlIs] adj. hard and cruel 无情的,残忍的:The teacher was ruthless about my mistakes. 老师对于我的错误毫不留情。

8.attainable [E5teinEbl] adj. that you can achieve 可得到的:Our goal is attainable. 我们的目标是可以达到的。【扩展】同根词:attain [E5tein] vt. 达到,获得

9.stomp [stCmp] to walk, dance, or move with heavy steps vt. & vi. 踩踏,践踏:stomp one’s feet 跺脚

10.adventurous [Ed5ventFErEs] adj. full of new, exciting or dangerous experiences 喜欢冒险的:He was predestined to lead an adventurous life. 他注定要过冒险的生活。

11.overdrive [5EuvE5draiv] n. an extra high gear in a vehicle, that you use when you are driving at high speeds 超速转动:overdrive capacitor超速电容器

12.gratification [7^rAtifi5keiFEn] n. something that gives you pleasure 满意:She flushed with gratification. 她因喜悦而脸红了。

13.miserable [5mizErEbl] adj. a) very unhappy or uncomfortable 难受的,悲惨的:He had thought through his miserable life. 他回顾他悲惨的一生。b) making you feel very unhappy or uncomfortable 令人难受的:She took off his miserable shoes. 她替他脱去令人难受的鞋子。

14.slog [slC^] vi. & vt. a) to work hard and steadily at something 辛勤工作(常与through搭配):slog through a pile of marking埋头判一批试卷 b) to walk or travel somewhere steadily, with great effort or difficulty 吃力地走:It is a long hard slog up the mountain. 上山是一段长长的艰难的路。

15.lousy [5lauzi] adj. very bad 讨厌的,恶心的:The lousy food upsets my stomach. 这糟糕的饭菜使我肠胃不适。

16.disposition [dispE5ziFEn] n. a) the way something is placed or arranged 部署:It is a clever disposition of troops. 这是巧妙的军事部署。b) the natural qualities of a person’s character (formal) 性格:The twin sisters have a happy disposition. 这一对孪生姐妹有一种乐天的性格。

17.piously [5paiEsli] adv. in a way that tries to impress other people by pretending to be religious, moral or good 虔诚地:Many pilgrims knelt piously at the shrine. 许多朝圣者心虔意诚地在神殿跪拜。【扩展】同根词:pious [5paiEs] adj. 虔诚的

18.pediatrician [7pi:diE5triFEn] n. a doctor who studies and treats the diseases of children 儿科医师:the pediatrician’s office小儿科诊所 【扩展】同根词:pediatric [7pi:di5Atrik] adj. 儿科的


Text I




















Text II













Text I

1.New Year’s resolutions are like anything else—you get out of them what you put in: New Year’s resolutions新年决心。You get out of them what you put in.你付出多少就会收获多少(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆)。

2.Judging from results of other years...: judging from/by根据……来判断,在句中用来引导伴随状语,有时用to judge from引导,例如:He was extremely handsome, to judge from the newspaper photographs.从报纸上的照片看,他极其英俊。

3.Don’t ever sneak up on me like that again: sneak up on悄悄地走近,偷偷地靠近。例如:We sneaked up on the enemies for a surprise attack.我们偷偷地挨近敌人实施突然袭击。

4.I’ll bet the fellows are swarming around: I bet…在口语中经常用到。例如:I bet they were surprised by the news.我确信这个消息会使他们大吃一惊。

5.I suggested that they carve something for their mother—like a salad spoon: 本句虚拟语气,动词suggest后要用虚拟语气:(should)+动词原形,句中省略了should。这样的动词还有:advise, insist, command, decide, demand ,desire, order等。

6.Anybody else would have thrown in the sponge, but I kept trying: throw in the sponge认输,承认失败。keep doing继续做……,保持做……。例如:We asked her to stop, but she kept talking.我们请她别再说话了,但她还是继续说。

7.Maggie always dreads taking down the Christmas tree: dread doing…害怕做……。例如:I dread visiting the dentist.我害怕去看牙医。

8.…and then they had the nerve to say you suggested it: have the nerve to do…:(1)有魄力,有胆量。例如:You can try to run the business yourself, if you have the nerve to do it.你有魄力的话,这生意可以试着自己经营。(2)脸皮厚。例如:She had to nerve to ask for more.她脸皮真厚,开口还要更多。

Text II

1.We were all smart-ass college freshmen…: 这里出现一个俚语smart-ass,意为“自以为是的”。这体现了本文偏向口语化的风格。第二段第二句出现的buddies(家伙)也体现了这个特点。

2.I’ve always liked ambitious people, and many of my closest friends have had grandiose dreams: grandiose意为“宏大但不切实际的”,表明了作者对她同学的梦想赞叹的同时,也包含着讽刺。

3.…the word “ambitious” linked to a “career woman” suggested that she was ruthless…: 本句中含有suggest,但是后面并未使用虚拟语气。suggest有两个含义:当取“建议”的意思时,suggest后面的从句需要为“should+动原”的虚拟语气,should可以省略。而当suggest取“隐含”的意思时,则后面的从句不需要用虚拟语气。本句中的suggest意思为“表明,隐含”,故不用虚拟语气。

4.I was faced to live a wild, adventurous life…: be fated to do…注定。例如:That will accelerate the demise of those things fated to be replaced anyway. 这将加速那些注定要被淘汰事物的消亡。

5.… to leave behind a string of broken hearts: a string of 一连串的;一系列的。例如:a string of questions一连串问题。

6.…It wasn’t exactly what they’d expected it to be: 本句为宾语从句,从句中的动词expect后接不定式构成复合结构。


The Main idea

The statement that best sums up the main idea is (3): "The writer carried out his New Year’s resolutions faithfully to improve himself, but the results all went contrary to his expectations."


A. Guessing the meaning of the words and phrase











B. Looking up the words in a dictionary

1.a feeling of respect and approval for a person

2.walk on one’s toes with the rest of one’s feet off ground

3.acting immediately from natural feelings

4.an expression of praise, admiration or respect

5.the part of a clock or a watch which controls the moving parts inside

6.in a friendly way, good-humouredly

7.cut (wood or stone) into a special shape

8.cut (wood) to a smaller size by taking off small thin pieces

9.great and noisy confusion or excitement

10.thoughtful as far as the feelings or needs of others are concerned

11.speak in an angry, bad-tempered way

12.stretch out oneself or one’s limbs in a lying or sitting position











Text I


A. Answers for reference:

1.As the saying goes, "As you sow, so will you reap", which means whatever a man sows he will reap. The writer intends to convince the reader that making New Year’s resolutions also follows this maxim. The more resolutions you make at the beginning of the year, the better results you will have.

2.He had read a number of books on self-improvement before he made his resolutions. He wrote out a long list of resolutions. He wanted to make a different man of himself—a loving father and an ideal husband—by trying to attend to everyone’s needs.

3.Having written a long list of resolutions, he longed to put them into practice, thinking that they would be a great success.

4.Judging from the information giver1 in the text, he was a serious and strict father to the children. He did not like to be bothered with questions. He never treated them as his equals. He showed no interest in their friends nor in what they were doing. Having a quick temper, he got excited easily and often yelled at them. He did not allow any mischievous behaviour to go on at home. He was one of those husbands who did not like to lift a finger to help his wife and do household chores. What he did in his free time was enjoying himself thoroughly. He had a good time at parties and liked to stay out late even if this meant he had a headache the next day. At home, what he did most of the time was either watching a footfall match or reading the newspaper.

5.He tried to be considerate and helpful, but failed. All his efforts to be a good husband went contrary to his expectations. His wife was annoyed by his good manners and smart remarks, thinking they were affected and that he was being sarcastic on purpose. She attributed his cheerfulness, good temper and thoughtfulness to not feeling his best after staying out late.

6.He wanted to do better but did not know how to do it appropriately. On New Year’s Day, he was in a particularly cheerful and good mood, eager to render any service to his wife and children. He did everything of his own accord. He was considerate to his wife to the minutest detail and he graciously condescended to play jacks with Gretchen, build a snowman for the boys and strike up a conversation with Kit. But the result in every case proved to be just the opposite to what he had expected. The writer behaved like a changed man. What he did was suddenly totally different from what he used to do, so his family was unprepared for this change. That’s why, to them, his behavior was too good to be true—his temper too good to be believable, and his thoughtfulness too great to be natural.

7.It means: "The whole family are happy to see that you have come to be your usual self again and you are behaving naturally. At last everything will go back to normal."

B. Reference version:

1.Quite obviously, anyone who was determined to be guided by the rules of self-improvement I collected would be happy and have a richer life, infinite affection from his family and the love and respect of the community.

2.Show your love readily and willingly.

3.Whole-hearted and genuine praise is very valuable.

4.Join your children and treat them as your equals.

5.I heard screams down the hall one after another and , I found Gretchen crying.

6.The most unimportant light task may turn out to be worthwhile if it is dealt with eagerly and enthusiastically.

7.I started to have a conversation with Kit in a friendly way and tried my best to achieve close agreement and understanding between us.

8.You never troubled yourself to chat with people in the past. Why do you want to start doing it now?



1.F (The writer likes ambitious people because they are entertaining and interesting, and because she is ambitious herself.)

2.F (Ambition has often been seen as a dislikable quality, especially in women.)

3.F (In the late seventies and the eighties, ambition was still seen as a nasty quality. It became desirable just because it helped people look out for number one.)

4.F (The writer doesn’t like very specific, attainable ambitions. Instead, she likes big, fantastic ambitions.)










Guided Writing

Sentence Combination

Reference version:

It is much less common for people to carry cash in the West than in China. Often it is not safe to have large amounts of cash on hand in





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