
发布时间:2020-06-29 12:25:23








Sense and Nonsense阡陌 选编

"...You're doing it to relax, you come home from work, you change into baby mode, you put away your adult stuff and everything goes on hold."


"This voyage is a product of a dream, my dream. Finally it can be a reality. I am more excited about this than anything I have done in my life to date."


"I'm overjoyed. It is a wonderful thing. I see the past winners, like Messi, and it almost makes me shiver. "

——2012年欧洲金童奖评选公布:西班牙新人伊斯科当选。 20岁的伊斯科成为继2006年法布雷加斯之后,第二位获得欧洲金童奖的西班牙球员。欧洲金童奖由《都灵体育报》在2003年创建,这一奖项颁发给效力于欧洲俱乐部表现最好的21岁以下球员。伊斯科说:“我太高兴了!这太棒了!我看到了以往的获奖者,比如梅西,这让我兴奋得颤抖”。

"It's not because Beyoncé can't sing. We all know Beyoncé can sing. We all know the Marine Band can play."


"I did not give my children a legacy of fear. I gave them a legacy of freedom."


"Although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it. And the light is shining through like never before, filling us all with the hope and the sure knowledge that the path will be a little easier next time."

——“我们尚无法击碎那最高最硬的玻璃天花板,但感谢你们,至少我们已经在上面敲出了1,800万的裂缝。穿透进来的前所未有的光明令我们心生希望,也让我们更加坚信下一次的冲击将不再如此艰难。”前美国国务卿希拉里在2008年对她在总统初选中支持她的1,800万选民如此说道。在四年的国务卿生涯后,希拉里的支持率前所未有的高。而且,她去年一年在国际政坛上的表现尤为出色,达到了她20年政治生涯的最高峰。这让许多人都猜测她很可能会竞选2016年的美国总统,这说不定就是她话中的“next time”。


【 I 】Do We Need Nuclear Power? 我们需要核能吗?∷中国电力投资集团公司副总经理 余剑锋

When we talk of nuclear power, many of us will think of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters, and the picture of China's "salt rush" will come to mind immediately. Today I am going to introduce to you the development of Nuclear Power, to which I have devoted myself for over 20 years.

Last year's Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan obviously caused a huge panic among the public, and left nuclear power at a crossroad in many people's mind, just as the Chernobyl nuclear accident once did. It gave rise to a wide-spread debate over the future of the nuclear energy industry. At the World Nuclear Security Summit held in South Korea in March 2012, President Hu Jintao said that China will continue to strengthen nuclear security with great efforts and develop nuclear power safely and efficiently. At the White House, President Obama delivered a statement, saying that nuclear power will remain an important part of the future energy policy of the U.S. Meanwhile, Russian Premier Putin announced to the world that by 2020 Russia will have installed more than 50 GW of nuclear power capacity. However, in contrast to these countries, several developed countries like Japan, Germany and Switzerland have turned away from the nuclear power option, and have even started launching their phase-out programs.

Is nuclear power really a monster? No, definitely not.

First of all, nuclear power is much safer than other means of energy production. More than 6,000 coal miners died worldwide in 2004, and in China alone the number was 2000 in 2011, while in comparison, the death rate in Chernobyl disaster was 28, and in the Fukushima accident it was zero. The nuclear industry started from the end of 1950s, there are now more than 430 nuclear power plants under safe operation worldwide, supplying 16 percent of total world electricity. But ironically, the large number of coal-mining accidents has never aroused calls for the world to reconsider its numerous coal-fired power stations, while the accident at Fukushima triggered a global doubt over nuclear power. It was a fact, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), that compared with energy sources like coal, hydroelectricity, and natural gas, nuclear energy is by far the safest.

Second, nuclear power is much more environment-friendly. It does not emit greenhouse gases, which means it poses no threat to climate change. According to WHO statistics, every year 150,000 people die directly or indirectly from climate change. The combined threats of climate change, heavy transportation load, energy security and fears over the high prices and dwindling reserves of oil are forcing countries like China towards the nuclear power option. A 1,000 MW thermal Power Plant needs 3,000,000t of coal per year, but a 1,000MW Nuclear Power Plant needs only 25t of uranium per year. Without nuclear energy, sustainable development is hard to achieve.

Last but not least, can we guarantee the safety of nuclear power? My answer is: "Yes, we can."

Even if the extreme Fukushima disaster of earthquake and tsunami happened in China, the consequence would not be that serious. We can safely lock the radiation within the power plant itself. This is because our nuclear power industry started in late 1980s, and we have used more advanced and safer technology. The third generation nuclear power technology which China adopted at present is the most advanced and safest in the world, and we have more than 30 years'experience of nuclear power construction and operation. We also have sufficient highly competent engineers and experts to guarantee our nuclear safety.

As each coin has two sides, so it is with nuclear power. What we have to do is to draw on its advantages and avoid its disadvantages. What we should not do is to stop eating for fear of choking. I firmly believe that nuclear power will enjoy a bright future.❖










China Power Investment Corporation (CPI) is one of the five Gencos in China and a comprehensive energy group integrating industries of power, coal, aluminium, railway and port. Possessing assets in hydropower, thermal power, nuclear power and new energies, it is one of the three companies in China that can develop, build and operate nuclear power plants. Founded on 29 December 2002, CPI, under the leadership of the State Council, carefully practices the Scientific Outlook on Development, firmly implements the development principle of "depending on resources and market-oriented" and the development goal of "develop world first-class energy group".


【 C 】Thoughts on Religion 关于宗教的思考By Sophie Zhang∷赵子涵 注

Sophie Zhang(张苏菲)生于美国波士顿,后随家人移居北京,现在是美国韦尔斯利学院的学生。Sophie从小热爱阅读和写作,丰富多彩的生活经历是她创作的灵感源泉。她的首部英文小说《柯盼的神奇旅程》(The Kohpan Crossing)不久前由外语教学与研究出版社出版。

I've always said that I think religion is stupid and that it's the cause of so many problems. I look at so many devout Christians, Mormons, and Muslims who are convinced that their religions are the supreme way to live and turn their faiths into cults.While some see an additional benefit of going to church, that of joining a community, I think the social aspect of it is merely that: a social aspect. For religion truly to have meaning it needs to be personal. When it becomes an act of mindless uniformityand shallow thought, it loses all value. Although I have never followed a religion and have only attended church once in my life, I recognize that religion does not exist to be blindly followed. Religion, in its most basic element, cannot complete a human being. Otherwise, you degradeits very meaning when you deny it the value of your individuality and challenges. On the other hand, if you interpret religion as a mechanism to discriminate against others, such as the homosexuals or non-believers, you strip it of all meaning by letting it become an outlet for you to express your own dirty beliefs.

I think on a larger scale, religion is a means of conveying one's faith. I never realized the importance of faith, but after living nineteen years, I understand that it is perhaps faith that will allow me access to greater happiness and greater concentration. I don't know if I necessarily want to follow a specific religion—the idea of worshiping a god or "the" God still seems a little bit far-fetchedto me. Or maybe my faith simply isn't strong enough for the time being to believe in something like that. I do believe in some sort of divineexistence, a supreme being who has input in some aspects of life, but I wouldn't be so sure as to call that God. To me, humans try to control their own fate, but it is ultimately someone else who has control. There must be something responsible for the incidents science has yet to explain, but I'm reluctantto assign it a particular identity. I don't think I've accumulatedenough knowledge to fulfill such a large task yet. But even if I don't want to necessarily be "religious" per se, I can still have faith. It was silly of me to previously equatethe words "religion" and "faith." Faith is something much larger. Faith is believing. It's about confidence that can overcome any challenge, something that allows you to continue being a positive existence even when all of the forces of the universe tell you otherwise. Sometimes I wonder whether accumulated faith can have an actual, real impact on world events. The world was "supposed" to end on December 21st, 2012, but most believed it wouldn't. And it didn't. If we all theoretically knew that the Newtown shooting was going to happen in the near future,and we wished against it, would it perhaps not have occurred? Maybe. They say faith is a powerful thing.

In Life of Pi, the writer asks Pi if he really has a story that will "make you believe in God." After watching the film twice, I can't say that I believe in God yet. But I have reconsidered my thoughts regarding spirituality: the movie finally showed me that faith isn't something that is grounded in emptiness.True faith can be tested and challenged, but will always prevail. Perhaps if I can discover my own faith, I can achieve some sort of inner peace that I haven't yet found.

I'm not really sure where spirituality starts. I'm sure it doesn't randomly begin with just believing in God all of a sudden. Belief, I think, takes years to form, and once it forms, it needs to be tested in order to demonstrate its strength and validity.

I'm not sure what my first step will be. But regardless, I'm excited to begin this journey of finding something deeper within me that has perhaps been waiting these past nineteen years, waiting to be discovered and used.❖



自1925年进入好莱坞担任导演助理到1970年息影,威廉·惠勒(William Wyler 1902—1981)执导了无数部影片,其中多部获奖,成为电影史上的经典,并使众多主演其影片的演员在奥斯卡上得奖或提名。虽然电影批评家们因惠勒影片的多样性和侧重技巧而对其艺术性评价不高,但从另一面看则意味着他是个不拘泥题材和体裁的行家里手。

历数他从影以来拍摄的经典,你会惊讶于惠勒驾驭各种影片的才能以及挖掘和培养演员的慧眼。1938年的Jezebel(由亨利·方达,Henry Fonda和贝蒂·戴维斯,Bette Davis主演)获得奥斯卡奖五项提名并使贝蒂·戴维斯名声大振(获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖);1939年的《呼啸山庄》获得奥斯卡奖八项提名,其中英国演员劳伦斯·奥利弗(Lawrence Olivier)获得最佳男演员奖提名;1942年的《忠勇之家》(Mrs. Miniver)获得奥斯卡奖六项提名并获得最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳女演员和最佳女配角奖;1946年的《黄金时代》(The Best Years of Our Lives)获得奥斯卡七项大奖,包括最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本、最佳男演员、最佳男配角、最佳作曲和最佳电影剪辑奖;1949年的《女继承人》(The Heiress)获得奥斯卡奖八项提名并使奥利维娅·德哈维兰(Olivia de Havilland)获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖;1953年的《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)使初出茅庐的奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)一举获得奥斯卡女演员奖;1959年的史诗巨片《宾虚传》(Ben Hur)更是获得了创纪录的包括最佳影片在内的11项奥斯卡奖,这一纪录直到1997年才被《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)和2003年的《指环王》(Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)追平;1966年的《滑稽女郎》(Funny Girl)获得奥斯卡奖七项提名并使歌坛巨星芭芭拉·史翠珊(Barbara Streisand)获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。

对于这些非常人所能及的成就,电影史学家Ian Freer归结为惠勒对于完美的不懈追求,称其为“bona fide perfectionist”,他对于每个场景的反复重拍(有时达数十次)成为传奇(“the stuff of legend”)。“He became well known for his insistence on multiple retakes, resulting in often award-winning and critically acclaimed performances from his actors.”作为完美主义者,人们戏称他为”90-take Wyler”。例如在拍摄Jezebel 时,惠勒强迫主演之一的亨利·方达就一个场景拍摄了多达40次才肯罢休。

惠勒改编一系列文学经典并获得票房和评论双丰收的能力使他早在20世纪三四十年代就成为“one of Hollywood's most bankable moviemaker”。他驾驭各种题材与体裁影片的能力一直保持到20世纪60年代。限于篇幅,下文仅仅介绍惠勒最富盛名的几部经典作品以飨读者。《忠勇之家》(Mrs. Miniver, 1942)《忠勇之家》海报

1939年的夏天,在英国伦敦郊外有一户中产阶级家庭,姓米尼佛(Miniver),一家五口人,丈夫叫克里姆(Clem Miniver),妻子被大家叫做米尼佛夫人(Kay Miniver),大儿子叫魏恩(Vin Miniver)。他们为人正直,安居乐业。有一天,米尼佛夫人外出归来,欣赏了小镇站长贝勒(Beldon)的红玫瑰,并欣然同意此花被命名为“米尼佛夫人”(Mrs. Miniver),支持“米尼佛夫人”参加小镇花卉竞展。魏恩结识了花会创办人的孙女卡罗尔(Carol Beldon),两人产生了爱慕之情。正当大家欢度假日的时候,传来了英德开战的消息,魏恩加入皇家空军,开赴前线作战,克里姆跟镇上其他男人一起参加民兵巡逻队。米尼佛夫人满怀生活和抗战的热情,坚持在大后方,某天凌晨她在院内偶然发现一位受伤的德军飞行员,勇气战胜了恐惧,她临危不乱、巧妙周旋,乘飞行员昏厥时电话报警,将敌人捉拿。不久,在百花展览会上,“米尼佛夫人”红玫瑰夺魁,正当大家兴高采烈欢度节日的时候,空袭警报再次响起,花会中断,大家各自回家掩蔽。此时已经与魏恩结婚的卡罗尔与米尼佛夫人一起送魏恩赶赴驻地迎战敌机,婆媳二人在归途中遭遇空战,卡罗尔不幸中弹……


"We in this quiet corner of England have suffered the loss of friends very dear to us, some close to this church. George West, choirboy. James Ballard, stationmaster and bellringer, and the proud winner only an hour before his death of the Beldon Cup for his beautiful Miniver Rose. And our hearts go out in sympathy to the two families who share the cruel loss of a young girl who was married at this altar only two weeks ago. The homes of many of us have been destroyed, and the lives of young and old have been taken. There's scarcely a household that hasn't been struck to the heart. And why? Surely you must have asked yourselves this question? Why in all conscience should these be the ones to suffer? Children, old people, a young girl at the height of her loveliness? Why these? Are these our soldiers? Are these our fighters? Why should they be sacrificed?

I shall tell you why. Because this is not only a war of soldiers in uniform. It is the war of the people, of all the people. And it must be fought not only on the battlefield but in the cities and in the villages, in the factories and on the farms, in the home and in the heart of every man, woman and child who loves freedom. Well, we have buried our dead, but we shall not forget them. Instead they will inspire us with an unbreakable determination to free ourselves, and those who come after us, from the tyranny and terror that threaten to strike us down. This is the People's War. It is our war. We are the fighters. Fight it then. Fight it with all that is in us. And may God defend the right."


2009年,美国国会图书馆国家电影档案馆(National Film Registry)因该片在文化、历史或美学上的贡献(culturally, historically or aesthetically significant)而永久收藏。评价词如下:“This remarkably touching wartime melodrama(情节剧)pictorializes(刻画)the classic British stiff upper lip(上嘴唇)and the courage of a middle-class English family amid the chaos of air raids and family loss. The film's iconic tribute to the sacrifices on the home front, as movingly directed by William Wyler, did much to rally America's support for its British allies.”《黄金时代》(The Best Years of Our Lives, 1946)《黄金时代》剧照

1945年,战争的乌云终于过去了。在美国中部的布恩市(Boone City),有三位同乡军人复员后,乘坐同一架飞机回到了故乡。这三个人是原银行职员艾尔中士(Al)、原百货店职员弗雷德上尉(Fred)和水兵霍默(Homer)。其中艾尔已过中年,霍默则最年轻,他们分手前约好以后再见,然后就各自回家了。


在约好的那一天,三人在一家酒吧相见,各自谈起自己的境况:霍默说爱人与亲戚的怜悯使他受不了,而弗雷德则为自己妻子的离别而愤愤不平……《黄金时代》可以说是基于惠勒自己亲身参战的三年经历以及战后适应复原回家的心路历程。1942年到1945年,惠勒应征入伍加入美国空军,领少校军衔。正如弗兰克·卡普拉在二战服役期间拍摄了著名的纪录片系列《我们为何而战》(Why We Fight),惠勒在服役期间也拍摄了一部反映美国空军参战的经典纪录片《孟菲斯美女号》(The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress, 1944)。由于《黄金时代》深入细致地探讨了从激烈战场上转入和平时期大批复原军人的一些共同问题,影片在票房与评论方面均获得丰收,在美国和英国成为自《乱世佳人》(Gone with the Wind, 1939)上映之后票房最高的美国电影。《黄金时代》在纽约首映后不久,《纽约时报》(New York Times)影评人Bosley Crowther赞扬该片为杰作(a masterpiece):

"It is seldom that there comes a motion picture which can be wholly and enthusiastically endorsed not only as superlative(极好的)entertainment but as food for quiet and humanizing thought... In working out their solutions Mr. Sherwood and Mr. Wyler have achieved some of the most beautiful and inspiring demonstrations of human fortitude that we have had in films."

影评家大卫·汤姆森(David Thomson)回顾该片的成就时也赞赏有加:“I would concede that Best Years is decent and humane... acutely observed, despite being so meticulous (细致的)a package. It would have taken uncommon genius and daring at that time to sneak a view of an untidy or unresolved America past Goldwyn or the public.”

即使在半个世纪之后的今天,《黄金时代》仍然能打动大多数人的心灵。据2010年7月“烂番茄”网站的统计,在该网站的36篇影评平均给该片打出了惊人的97分。而重点评论栏目的八篇评论给出的评价是100%的“新鲜”。《芝加哥太阳时报》(Chicago Sun Times)著名影评人罗杰·易伯特(Roger Ebert)在2007年将该片列入自己的“伟大电影”名单,赞扬该片:“...modern, lean, and honest.”

除了七项奥斯卡奖,该片还于1947年获得金球奖最佳剧情片奖;1948年获得英国电影学院最佳影片奖;1998年美国电影学院评选出美国百部佳片,《黄金时代》名列第37;1989年美国国会图书馆国家电影档案馆将该片永久收藏。《宾虚传》(Ben Hur, 1959)《宾虚传》剧照

故事发生在古代罗马军队入侵以色列国的时期。耶路撒冷(Jerusalem)新任总督奎忒斯(Valerius Gratus)抵达以色列,其部下、军团司令官玛瑟拉(Messala)凯旋回到故乡,得意非凡。他遇见了儿时的伙伴——改信基督教的犹太王子宾虚(Ben Hur),玛瑟拉希望宾虚配合他治理此地,并要宾虚将那些犹太反叛者的名字告诉他。正义的宾虚严辞拒绝了,两人成了冤家。




20世纪50年代,好莱坞电影受到方兴未艾的电视的激烈竞争。为了吸引观众回到影院,各大电影公司先后推出用彩色印染技术和宽银幕拍摄的史诗巨片。1956年派拉蒙公司翻拍了《十诫》(The Ten Commandments),取得票房巨大成功。米高梅公司为挽救自身的每况愈下,决定投巨资翻拍《宾虚传》,任用惠勒执导该片。最初计划投资700万美元,投拍时已追加到1,500万美元,成为当时为止最昂贵的影片。 在惠勒的统领下,影片不负众望,在票房上取得成功并斩获了创纪录的11项奥斯卡奖。

虽然现在看来,该片显得过于冗长(三个半小时:It was the third-longest motion picture ever made at the time, behind Gone with the Wind and The Ten Commandments),但其中的恢弘气势,尤其是其中最精彩的九分钟战车竞赛拍得惊心动魄,至今仍少有人超过。影评人凯文·布朗罗(Kevin Brownlow)将其令人目不暇给的快速剪辑与爱森斯坦在《战舰波将金号》中的著名的敖德萨台阶场景相提并论,认为这开创了电影的现代化剪辑手法。惠勒对耶稣基督受难场景的刻画也可圈可点,尽量实现不落窠臼的突破。惠勒回忆他怎样刻画耶稣受难场景时说:

"I spent sleepless nights trying to find a way to deal with the figure of Christ. It was a frightening thing when all the great painters of twenty centuries have painted events you have to deal with, events in the life of the best-known man who ever lived. Everyone already has his own concept of him. I wanted to be reverent, and yet realistic. Crucifixion(钉死在十字架上) is a bloody, awful, horrible thing, and a man does not go through it with a benign expression on his face. I had to deal with that. It is a very challenging thing to do that a get no complaints from anybody."威廉·惠勒《宾虚传》上映后受到绝大多数影评人的正面评价。“烂番茄”网站的综合评价高达89分,普遍认为该片:“Uneven, but in terms of epic scope and grand spectacle, Ben-Hur still ranks among Hollywood's finest examples of pure entertainment.”《纽约时报》(New York Times)影评人波斯来·克罗瑟(Bosley Crowther)对战车竞赛的场景这样评价:“There has seldom been anything in movies to compare with this picture's chariot race. It is a stunning complex of mighty setting, thrilling action by horses and men, panoramic observation and overwhelming use of dramatic sound.”《洛杉矶时报》(Los Angeles Times)影评人菲利普·斯科尔(Philip K. Scheuer)称该片是:“magnificent, inspiring, awesome, enthralling, and all the other adjectives you have been reading about it.”

负面的批评主要是影片的内容太过夸张、冗长而且主演查尔顿·赫斯顿(Chalton Heston)的表演有些华而不实、流于表面。所以,法国和美国笃信“作者理论”(即一个伟大的导演就像一个伟大的作家,在题材与风格方面都能体现出自己独特性)的电影批评家再次印证了他们对惠勒的看法,即他只不过是个善于经营的工匠(“merely a commercial craftsman”)而不是电影大师。《宾虚传》所获11项奥斯卡奖分别是:最佳影片、最佳导演(惠





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