
发布时间:2020-06-30 08:38:18









I. Reading Comprehension. (50 points ,2 points for each)

Directions: In this part of the test, there are five passages. Following eachpassage, there are five questions with four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and then write the correct, ponding letter on your Answer Sheet.Passage One

American Sports represent a fabric of American culture. Sports act as a unifying factor between people of all ages. Of all the sports that America has to offer, baseball is considered the pastime of this country. Americans did not always regard baseball and other sports in such a benign manner. Rather, sports during the early colonial times were seen as pagan and devilish things to do. Many elite and wealthy gentry who embodied the Victorian ideals regarded any type of games or sports as ill vices. It was the common people who directly related sports to their religion. On days of re1igious celebration, early Americans joined together to play games. These folk games were unstructured and unruly; however, the unity that these games brought, created a need for professional sporting games. Folk games provided the foundation of sports. They created a sense of companionship and unison among individuals. These unorganized folk games created the threshold for organized sports and led to the transformation of the players’ roles and the role of the audience. Amateurs became professional athletes, and the game an organized business. The game of baseball evolved from the English game of cricket and rounders. It was not until the time of the Civil War that baseball began to be played frequently.

However with the transformation of the nation, society and technology, folk games too began to evolve into spectator sports. After the Civi1 War, baseball became a popular sport and no longer an archaic folk game. Structure and organization were introduced gradually into the game and increased public participation. The sport at first excluded the public, but as economic interests infiltrated the game, the need for audiences and spectators arose. The audience of baseball was instrumental in the transformation of baseball. The battling leagues and team rivalries created a sector for the American public to participate in baseball. The process of the transformation of American folk games into spectator games was due to capitalism, evolution of American society, urban settings, level of player performance, technological advances and the addition of structure and organization to the games; thus, transforming the sport of baseball into a monopolized and professional business.

Organized Baseball and the Commission have propagated the myth that General AbnerDoublday invented the game of baseball. This was an attempt to make baseball an American game. The Commission wanted to distinguish baseball as a truly American game that originated in Cooperstown, New York.

Questions 1-5 are based on Passage One.

1. What role do sports play in America?

A. Sports serve as a link between people of different times.

B. Sports bring American people, young or old, together.

C. Sports are no more than pastimes in American culture.

D. Sports help Americans to behave in good manners.

2. Americans regarded sports as evil things _____.

A. when amateurs became professional athletes

B. on days of religious celebration

C. during the ear1y colonial days

D. during the Civi1 War

3. The audience was important for the transformation of baseball because of _____.

A. economic interests

B. sense of companionship

C. player performance

D. rivalries between teams

4. According to the passage, baseball _____.

A. was frequently played long before the Civil War

B. was invented by General AbnerDoublday

C. originated in Cooperstown, New York

D. has become a monopolized business

5. The passage is intended for _____.

A. persuading

B. informing

C. criticizing

D. entertaining【文章导读】


1. B  细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Sports act as a unifying factor between people of all ages”可知,运动是使各年龄段的人团结起来的因素。B项表述为“运动使美国人,不论年轻人还是老人,联系在一起”,符合文意,故选B项。

2. C  细节理解题。根据第一段中“sports during theearly colonial times were seen as pagan and devilish things to do”可知,在殖民时期早期,运动被视为异教徒的和邪恶的事情。C项符合文意,故选C项。

3. A  细节理解题。根据第二段中间部分“The sport at first excluded the public, but as economic interests infiltrated the game, the need for audiences and spectators arose”可知,棒球运动期初排斥公众,但是随着经济利益的渗透,对于观众的需求也增加了,由此观众在棒球的演变中产生了重要作用。A项符合文意,故选A项。

4.D  细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中“transforming the sport of baseball into a monopolized and professional business”可知,棒球运动已经成为一个垄断、专业的行业。D项符合文意,故选D项。

5.B  主旨大意题。这篇文章讲了美国人对运动看法的变化,向读者介绍了棒球的演变与发展,是一篇说明性的文章,旨在让读者了解文章中的知识。B项符合文意,故选B项。Passage Two

There are many different kinds of evidence that women and men are judged differently even if they talk the same way. This tendency makes mischief in discussions of women, men and power. If a linguistic strategy is used by a woman, it is seen as powerless; if it is used by a man, it is seen as powerful. Often, the labeling of “women’s language” as “powerless language” reflects the view of women’s behavior through the lens of men’s.

Because they are not struggling to be one-up, women often find themselves framed as one-down. Any situation is ripe for misinterpretation because status and connections are displayed by the same moves. This ambiguity accounts for much misinterpretation by experts as well as non experts, by which women’s ways of talking, uttered in a spirit of rapport, are branded powerless. Nowhere is this inherent ambiguity clearer than in a brief comment in a newspaper article in which a couple, both psychologists, were jointly interviewed. The journalist asked them the meaning of “being very polite”. The two experts responded simultaneously, giving different answers. The man said, “Subservience.” The woman said, “Sensitivity.” Both experts were right, but each was describing the view of a different gender.

Experts and non experts alike tend to see anything women do as evidence of powerlessness. The same newspaper article quotes another psychologist as saying, “A man might ask a woman, ‘Will you please go to the store?’ where a woman might say, ‘Gee, I really need a few things from the store, but I’m so tired.’” The woman’s style is called “covert”, a term suggesting negative qualities like being “sneaky” and “underhanded”. The reasons offered for this is power: The woman doesn’t feel she has a right to ask directly.

Granted, women have lower status than men in our [American] society. But this is not necessarily why they prefer not to make outright demands. The explanation for a woman’s indirectness could just as well be her seeking connection. If you get your way as a result of having demanded it, the payoff is satisfying in terms of status: You’re one-up because others are doing as you told them. But if you get your way because others happened to want the same thing, or because they offered freely, the payoff is rapport. You’re neither one-up nor one-down but happily connected to others whose wants are the same as yours. Furthermore, if directness is understood by both parties, then there is nothing covert about it: That a request is being made is clear. Calling an indirect communication covert reflects the view of someone for whom the direct style seems “natural” and “logical”—a view more common among men.

Questions 6-10 are based on Passage Two.

6. The association of women’s language with “powerlessness” shows _____.

A. men’s attitude toward women’s behavior

B. men’s understanding of a linguistic strategy

C. women’s weakness in using language ski11s

D. women’s tendency to avoid men’s linguistic strategies

7. The interview of the couple of psychologists is mentioned to show _____.

A. the importance of being subservient

B. the gap between experts and nonexperts

C. the necessity of being sensitive in marriage

D. the different understandings of “politeness” between men and women

8. According to the passage, women tend to make requests _____.

A. openly

B. outright

C. indirectly

D. awkwardly

9. The payoff of women’s way of making demands is _____.

A. to win trust from others

B. to share their feelings with others

C. to secure an advantageous position

D. to maintain a friendly relationship with others

10.According to the passage, in American society, women _____.

A. are struggling to be one-up

B. have lower status than men

C. play a dominant role at home

D. tend to make mischief in discussions【文章导读】


6.A  细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Often, the labeling of ‘women’s language’ as ‘powerless language’ reflects the view of women’s behavior through the lens ofmen’s”可知,通常,将女性的语言视为无能的语言,反映了男性对女性行为的看法。A项符合文意,故选A项。

7.D  细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中“each was describing the view of adifferent gender”可知,这对心理学家夫妇各自描述的是不同性别对“礼貌”的看法。D项表述为“男性和女性对‘礼貌’的不同理解”,符合文意,故选D项。

8. C  细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句中“The womandoesn’t feel she has a right to ask directly”和最后一段第二句中“they prefer not to make outright demands”可知,由于社会地位低下,女性认为自己没有权利直接提出要求,因此在提出要求时都比较委婉。C项indirectly(间接地;委婉地)符合文意,故选C项。

9.C  推理判断题。最后一段提到“If you get your way as a result of having demanded it, the payoff is satisfying in terms of status: You’re one-up because others are doing as you told them.”,由此可知,女性主动提出要求有利于提升自己的地位,故C项正确。

10.B  细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“Granted, women have lower status than men in our [American] society”可知,作者认为在美国社会,女性的社会地位比男性低。B项符合文意,故选B项。Passage Three

Cord cutting is growing in popularity, with more and more people deciding to ditch cable or satellite television in favor of other options. According to Experian Marketing Services, cord-cutters grew by 44 percent in the past four years. Instead of using cable or satellite television, 7.6 million households are using high-speed Internet for videos. SNL Kagan predicts that 12 million households will cut the cord by 2015.

Although cable and satellite television companies are still doing well, this new trend in cord cutting is threatening their futures. Customers are finding that companies like Netflix, as well as other services that provide free or affordable video streaming, allow them to watch the shows they enjoy without paying for extra channels or fees. Although customers still need to have online access, just paying for the Internet (and possibly a Netflix or Hulu account) is tempting to many customers.

Streaming and downloaded videos are becoming very popular. Experian’s study showed that during a typical week, 48 percent of U.S. adults and 67 percent of young adults watch streaming or downloaded videos. In addition, the fact that tablets and other mobile devices are making it so easy to watch streaming videos is adding to the charm of saying goodbye to traditional television for cord-cutters. Each week, 24 percent of all U.S. adults and 42 percent of smart phone owners watch videos on a mobile device. The greatest amount smart phone viewing occurs between 8 and 9 p.m. each night.

The abundance of wireless technology has also made cord cutting more possible. Tablets and smart phones can now be used almost anywhere, from the home to the office to airports to many different restaurants. Because wireless service is so easy to access, video streaming is attractive because people can watch a video almost anywhere. In addition, because most portable electronic devices are easy to bring along, customers can easily take their tablet and catch up on their favorite television show or video whenever they want.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to cutting cable or satellite television service. Some shows are not easy to stream online legally, and many of the bigger companies that stream TV shows require a subscription fee. Movies are sometimes even harder to find, and although Netflix and other companies offer a large selection of movies as part of their streaming options, many movies are still only available through renting. In addition, these companies usually don’t offer live sporting events or live television shows, which do keep some people watching cable and satellite television.

Questions 11-15 are based on Passage Three.

11. The numbers in Para. 1 are used to show _____.

A. the growing popularity of cord cutting

B. the poor services of satellite television

C. the development of cable television

D. the high speed of Internet

12. According to Experian’s study, _____ of U.S. young adults watch streaming or downloaded videos during a typical week.

A. 24%    

B. 44%  

C. 48%    


13. When do people have the largest amount of smartphone viewing?

A. In the morning.  

B. In the evening.

C. In the afternoon. 

D.At midnight.

14. According to the passage, cord cutting became a reality because of _____.

A. the easy access to cable TV

B. the low prices of mobile devices

C. the development ofwireless technology

D. the decreasing number of smartphone users

15. Itcan be inferred from the last paragraph that _____.

A. some people still watch live football games on cable or satellite TV

B. the Internet is not necessary for watching streaming videos

C. few big companies require subscription fee for TV shows

D. Netflix offers only movie streaming to its users【文章导读】


11.A  细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Cord cutting is growing in popularity…”可知,“线切割”这一现象越来越普遍,越来越多的人放弃有线电视和卫星电视而转向其他选择。该句为这一段的主题句,列举数字是为了证明这一点。A项符合文意,故选A项。

12.D  细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Experian’s study showed that during a typical week…67 percent of young adults watch streaming or downloaded videos”可知,通常一周内,67%的年轻成年人会观看流式视频或下载的视频。D项符合文意,故选D项。

13.B  细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“The greatest amount smartphone viewing occurs between 8 and 9 p.m. each night”可知,使用手机观看视频的人在晚上八点和九点之间最多。B项符合文意,故选B项。

14.C  细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句“The abundance of wireless technology has also made cord cutting more possible”可知,无线技术的发展使“线切割”成为可能。C项符合文意,故选C项。

15.A  推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句中“these companies usually don’t offer live sporting events or live television shows, which do keep some people watching cable and satellite television”可知,网络公司不提供运动赛事和电视节目的直播,这使一些人继续看有线电视和网络电视。由此可以推断,一些人仍在有线电视或卫星电视上看运动比赛的直播。A项符合推断,故选A项。Passage Four

Snazzy technology is a twist in a narrative already several chapters long. Mass-market retailing has changed the publishing industry: these days books are as likely to be found beside steaks and saucepans as they are to be bought in specialist stores. The story turns on whether broader changes in bookselling will stifle literature. Dan Brown will survive. Would Dante?

For most of the past century, governments across Europe protected book prices; many still do. Even in America, apart from dime-store romances, few titles were sold outside bookshops. But in the 1970s stores like Borders and Barnes & Noble applied a supermarket maxim to print: pile them high and watch them fly. Waterstones did the same thing in Britain and top titles started selling  in the hundreds of thousands, even millions.

Just as book superstores forced out many independents, so supermarkets and other mass retailers have since crowded the book chains. In Britain, when price regulation was disbanded in 1997, supermarkets rushed in and now sell a quarter of all books, according to the way that Nielsen, a market-research outfit, calculates it. Belgium and Finland mimicked this trend.

This has been good for readers: in Britain the average price of a book has fallen by 15% since 2003, reckons BML Bowker, a book-marketing consultancy. And demand has grown: consumers spend the same amount on books, so they must be buying more. Those independent bookshops that survived the chain war in America and Britain have held sales and prices steady. Meanwhile, mass retailers find books such a draw that they lure in customers by selling some titles at a loss.

Higher turnover should also be positive for publishers. But mass retailers demand discounts of up to 60% for bulk orders, shrinking margins. All sides prosper when books sell quickly. But, unlike groceries, if books don’t sell, retailers return them to the publisher and do not pay. So, when a book with a large print run flops, publishers end up with an expensive pile of recycling. That is why some publishers have stopped doing new deals with the likes of Costco, an American warehouse retailer, which likes to order very large print runs.

Few people will mourn publishers’ losses from increased price competition and new technology like e-readers. The question is whether these trends undermine the quality of books which are being published, by breaking a business model that has let firms focus on variety and range. Publishers have good reason to shiver at the decline of traditional bookshops. To fund the discovery and promotion of new authors, they have relied on books that sell steadily over a number of years. Yet mass retailers stock a few hundred new blockbusters.

Questions 16-20 are based on Passage Four.

16. The supermarket maxim adopted by Borders and Barnes & Noble in the 1970s means that_____.

A. the commodities in the supermarkets are often stolen

B. the commodities placed high on the shelf tend to drop

C. the expensive commodities should be arranged in piles

D. the more commodities are on display, the better they sell

17. Mass retailers sell some books at a loss in order to_____.

A. recycle books  

B. shrink margins

C. attract customers  

D. keep the prices steady

18. According to the passage, some publishers refuse to do business with Costco partly because _____.

A. it refuses to recycle books

B. it doesn’t pay for the unsold books

C. it orders too small a quantity of books

D. it doesn’t return the books to the publishers

19. Increased price competition and new technology make many readers _____.

A. feel sorry for publishers’ losses

B. worry about the quality of books

C. stop relying on books in their free time

D. shiver at the decline of traditional bookshops

20. This passage mainly discusses the relationship between _____.

A. bookselling and publishing

B. bookshops and supermarkets

C. books and their prices

D. reading and marketing【文章导读】


16.D  细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“…Borders and Barnes & Noble applied a supermarket maxim to print: pile them high and watch them fly”可知,这些书店奉行的超市售书箴言是:只要把书摞高,人们就会就会抢光它。下文列举了英国Waterstones书店采用这种做法,畅销书销售了成百上千甚至是百万册。D项表述为“陈列的商品越多,卖得越好”,符合文意,故选D项。

17.C  细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句中“mass retailers find books such a draw that they lure in customers by selling some titles at a loss”可知,大的零售商亏本销售,是为了吸引顾客购书。C项符合文意,故选C项。

18.B  细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中间部分“if books don’t sell, retailers return them to the publisher and do not pay. So, when a book with a large print run flops, publishers end up with an expensive pile of recycling”可知,如果书卖不出去,零售商就会把书退给出版商,并且不支付书费,所以当大批印刷的书卖不出去时,出版商最终得以高价回收。B项表述为“它不为未卖出去的书支付费用”,符合文意,故选B项。

19.B  细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句中“The question is whether these trends undermine the

quality of books”可知,人们担心的是书本的质量是否会受到影响。B项符合文意,故选B项。

20.D  主旨大意题。根据第一段倒数第三句“The story turns on whether broader changes in bookselling will stifle literature”可知,这篇文章主要关注图书销售领域的巨大变化是否会遏制文学的发展。根据最后一段第二句中“The question is whether these trends undermine the quality of books”可知,人们担心图书的质量是否会受到影响。因此,文章主要讲的是图书市场销售与大众阅读图书之间的关系。D项符合文意,故选D项。Passage Five

The theft by a Russian syndicate of 1.2 billion username and password combinations from 420, 000 websites around the world means that the personal details of almost half of all users of the internet must now be considered severely compromised. It can be only a matter of time before the victims find nasty surprises in their bank statements and credit-card accounts. To be on the safe side, anyone who uses financial and shopping websites should change their passwords forthwith preferably to something longer, more jumbled, and including no word found in any dictionary. The more nonsensical the better.

Heads may nod in agreement, but the advice is then promptly ignored. Human nature, being what it is, has a habit of making people the weakest link in any security chain. For instance, passwords that are easy to remember—the ones most people choose—tend to be the easiest for cybercrooks to guess. By contrast, passwords comprising long, random strings of uppercase and lowercase letters plus numbers and other keyboard characters are far more difficult to fathom.





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