
发布时间:2020-06-30 14:49:19







版权信息书名:SAT阅读长难句精讲精练作者:蔡瑞,黄露,申婧郁,王秋生排版:KingStar出版社:北京语言大学出版社出版时间:2014-12-01ISBN:9787561939987本书由北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —序言Preface

SAT,作为“美国高考”,已经逐渐成为申请美国名校的必备要素之一。从2005年中国大陆地区开始进行SAT培训至今,中国考生的数量逐年明显增加,分数也越来越高。不少SAT 2200分(甚至2300分)以上的高分学员走进美国各大名校。





SAT考试全称为Scholastic Assessment Test,中文译为“学术能力评估测试”,俗称“美国高考”,由College Board(美国大学委员会)主办,是世界各地考生申请美国名校的敲门砖,尤其对于申请美国排名前50的名校十分重要。近年来,中国越来越多计划出国留学的考生选择参加SAT考试。


1. SAT考试重要还是TOEFL(托福)考试重要?

2. 先考SAT还是先考TOEFL?

3. SAT考试考多少分是有竞争力的?

4. SAT考试应提前多久准备?怎么准备?

1. SAT与TOEFL考试几乎是计划出国留学的考生必考的两门考试,二者有很大的不同。SAT考试侧重于学术方面,考查考生在经过高中学习后所达到的学术水平。而TOEFL考试全称为Test of English as a Foreign Language,中文译为“检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试”,主要用来检测考生的听说读写能力,也就是检测考生能否在英语为母语国家的学习和生活中与人进行正常交流。所以这两门考试的分数所体现出来的能力是完全不同的,TOEFL考试作为一种语言能力测试,几乎是每个想要去美国、加拿大等英语国家留学的莘莘学子必须经历的考试;而SAT考试则是“美国高考”,测试学术能力,主要针对想去名校读书的学子。一般说来,TOEFL成绩在90分以上的考生才有必要进行SAT考试,否则不如将备考SAT的时间用来冲刺TOEFL的高分。

2. 很多考生及家长有一个误区,认为SAT比TOEFL难很多,先考SAT再考TOEFL就没有什么难度,就能轻松通过了。其实不然。从考查重点来看,SAT考查的主要是文学类的阅读、写作、语法,以及TOEFL不考的数学;而TOEFL考查的则是听说读写,其中口语偏向校园生活话题,阅读偏向科技类文章,听力和写作则两个方向都会涉及。从词汇范围来看,SAT偏重于较生僻难懂的文学类词汇,而TOEFL偏重于学习、生活中的日常用语及科技类词汇。由此可见,SAT与TOEFL的考试范围差异较大,就算SAT先准备好,TOEFL的听力、口语、写作,甚至阅读和词汇,都需要重新准备。



3. SATⅠ的分数一般在1700分以上才是比较可用的分数,1600分以下的SAT分数并不能用于申请。当然,如果要申请较好的学校,如前50名的大学,SAT的分数需在1900分以上。近年来,一些排名50~70的大学也开始要求SATⅠ的成绩,1700~1900分是比较合适的成绩。不同年份、不同学校对于SAT分数的要求都不同,考生需要具体查询学校官网、留学生论坛或咨询中介机构。

4. 应对SAT考试,需要具备的词汇量很大,需要13000词左右;SAT阅读需要较快的阅读速度和较强的解题技巧;SAT写作需要积累大量的写作素材;语法考试则需要考生有系统的语法知识结构;数学虽然简单,但也需要考生掌握大量的数学专业词汇。综上,SAT考试还是很有难度的,考生应做好充足的准备。首次考试前建议至少准备3个月,最合理的备考时间为3~6个月。

最后,祝福每位考生通过学习本书都能有所收获,从容应对未来的SAT考试。编者第一章 基础语法知识讲解1.1 非谓语动词●概述



非谓语动词是动词的一种变化形式,所以也有时态和语态的变化以及对应的主语。但是为了和句子的主语进行区分,非谓语动词的主语被称为“逻辑主语”。●真题例句不定式Sample 1:

To stimulate the memory back into existence with fair regularity, one must believe in the fundamental importance of what one is doing.

语法分析 句中的To stimulate the memory back into existence with fair regularity是状语,用来表示目的。

句子翻译 为了刺激记忆清晰重现,一个人必须深信自己正在做的事情是至关重要的。Sample 2:

She did not change her to fit the image she presented; rather, she invented a highly individualistic personal style to dramatize the personality that was already there.

语法分析 句中的to fit the image she presented和to dramatize the personality that was already there都是目的状语,二者之间相互对比。

句子翻译 她并没有改变自己以迎合她描绘出来的形象;实际上,她创造了一种高度个人主义的风格,来夸大那个已经存在于此的形象。Sample 3:

The aim of translation is to find words that bring over the sense and spirit of the original so that they are understood.

语法分析 句中的to find words是表语,用来对The aim of translation进行补充说明。

句子翻译 翻译的目的是通过遣词造句表达出原作的意义和精髓,使其被人们所理解。Sample 4:

Arnold, however, argued that in Homer's works, several qualities were to be found—clarity, nobility, simplicity, and so on.

语法分析 句中的to be found是表语,是不定式to find的被动形式。

句子翻译 然而,Arnold认为在Homer的作品中可以发现好几种品质——清晰、高贵、简洁等等。Sample 5:

I began to translate conversations they had with the customers, switching between English and Chinese.

语法分析 句中的to translate conversations是谓语began的宾语,表示开始做的具体事情。

句子翻译 我开始为他们翻译和顾客之间的对话,在中英文之间转换。Sample 6:

We want to know who he was hoping that the narrative of his life will somehow explain the genius of his writing.

语法分析 句中的to know who he was是谓语want的宾语,表示我们想的具体事情;其中的who he was是know的宾语从句。

句子翻译 我们想知道他是谁,希望关于他生活的故事能以某种方式解释他所具有的写作天赋。Sample 7:

It is impossible to take advantage of multiplicity of choice without being able to get around easily.

语法分析 句中的to take advantage of multiplicity of choice without being able to get around easily是真正的主语,it是形式主语。当不定式作主语时,常用it作形式主语,并放在句首。

句子翻译 当无法轻松应付的时候,就无法利用选择的多样性。Sample 8:

Steiner indicates that there will be many further questions that will suggest experiments whose results may allow us to print pictures on the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.

语法分析 句中的to print pictures on the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle是宾语us的补语,起补充说明的作用。

句子翻译 Steiner指出,将会有更多的问题来启发出那些能够让我们在这幅拼图上印出图片的实验。Sample 9:

It surely has something to do with their unconventional beauty: their unique combination of features, demure down-turned snout and tightly curled tail, as sensitive and nimble as an elephant's trunk.

语法分析 句中的to do with their unconventional beauty是不定代词something的后置定语,起修饰的作用。不定式作定语时,要放在被修饰名词或代词的后面。

句子翻译 这一定和它们非同寻常的美丽有关:各种特征的独一无二的结合,端庄向下的鼻子,紧紧卷曲的尾部,像大象的鼻子那般敏捷灵活。Sample 10:

The decision to disbelieve all scientific explanations is not to be sneered at.

语法分析 句中的to disbelieve all scientific explanations是名词decision的后置定语;to be sneered at是句子的表语,用来对decision进行补充说明。

句子翻译 质疑一切科学解释的决定不应该受到嘲笑。动名词Sample 1:

Trying to read on a branch fifteen feet off the ground while holding on to the silly doll was not easy.

语法分析 句中的Trying to read on a branch fifteen feet off the ground和holding on to the silly doll都是名词性成分,作主语。这里的while是连词,Trying to read on a branch fifteen feet off the ground和holding on to the silly doll二者之间形成对比。

句子翻译 试图在十五英尺高的树枝上读书,同时还得抱着一个可笑的洋娃娃,可真不是一件易事。Sample 2:

Two years later, D.F. Fleming seconded Williams' critique, specifically blaming President Truman for ending President Roosevelt's policy of cooperation with the Soviets and turning to confrontation, thereby beginning the Cold War.

语法分析 句中的ending President Roosevelt's policy of cooperation with the Soviets和turning to confrontation都是介词for的宾语,表示责备的原因。

句子翻译 两年后,D. F. Fleming支持了Williams的评论,明确指责总统杜鲁门,认为他结束罗斯福总统与苏联合作的政策,并转向对峙,从而引起了冷战。现在分词Sample 1:

Copepods move in jerks, pouncing on yet smaller prey.

语法分析 句中的pouncing on yet smaller prey是状语,表示动作的目的。

句子翻译 桡足类动物依靠肌肉的痉挛移动,去袭击更小的猎物。Sample 2:

Recognizing that many employees are chronically sleep deprived, some companies have set up nap rooms.

语法分析 句中的Recognizing that many employees are chronically sleep deprived是状语,表示建立午睡休息室的原因。

句子翻译 意识到许多雇员长期缺乏睡眠,一些公司便建立了午睡休息室。Sample 3:

Some of them argued that they should incorporate their African heritage into their art production and choose themes representing the shared experiences of Black people.

语法分析 句中的representing the shared experiences of Black people是名词themes的后置定语,对themes进行修饰,themes是representing的逻辑主语。

句子翻译 他们中的一些人认为应该把非洲的传统融入到他们的艺术作品中,并且选择那些代表黑人共同经历的主题。Sample 4:

I am no Tom Keating, aging a picture with a spoonful of instant coffee, spraying on fly specks with a mixture of asphalt and turpentine, pretending to have come upon an unknown Old Master in a junk shop or attic.

语法分析 句中的aging a picture with a spoonful of instant coffee, spraying on fly specks with a mixture of asphalt and turpentine和pretending to have come upon an unknown Old Master in a junk shop or attic是三个并列的现在分词短语,都是Tom Keating的后置定语,对其进行修饰。Tom Keating是aging, spraying和pretending的逻辑主语。

句子翻译 我不是 Tom Keating,用一勺速溶咖啡把画做旧,用沥青和松脂的混合物在画上弄出一些斑点,假装在一个旧货商店或者阁楼里偶遇一位鲜为人知的绘画大师。Sample 5:

Leafing through the pages of this book, I found myself entering a "universe" I had no idea existed.

语法分析 句中的Leafing through the pages of this book是状语,表示伴随状态;entering a "universe" I had no idea existed是宾语myself的补足语,对myself进行补充说明。

句子翻译 匆匆翻阅这本书时,我发现自己进入了一个我从来都不知道的“世界”。过去分词Sample 1:

Tall Mrs. Alexander always kept in the background so far as the renting of rooms was concerned, determined not to be confused with a landlady.

语法分析 句中的determined not to be confused with a landlady是状语,表示原因。

句子翻译 只要房租能按时收齐,高个的Alexander太太从不露面,决意不能被误认为是个女房东。Sample 2:

Isolated from light, warmed only from below, starved of nutrients, the life-forms of Vostok could teach scientists how life might persist in Europa's frigid climate, where temperatures average minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

语法分析 句中的Isolated from light, warmed only from below和starved of nutrients是三个并列的过去分词,作状语,表示原因。

句子翻译 与光隔绝、温度完全来自底部、缺乏营养,Vostok的生命形态可以为科学家提供这样的信息:生命是如何坚持存活于Europa平均温度为零下250华氏度的寒冷气候中的。Sample 3:

In the mid-nineteenth century, a scholar named Francis William Newman attempted a literal translation of the works of Homer.

语法分析 句中的named Francis William Newman是名词scholar的后置定语,对其进行修饰。

句子翻译 19世纪中期,学者 Francis William Newman试图逐字翻译荷马的作品。Sample 4:

In the United States, the 1994 and 1996 elections showed the largest gaps ever between candidates favored by women and those favored by men.

语法分析 句中的favored by women和favored by men分别是candidates和those的后置定语,二者之间形成对比。

句子翻译 在美国,1994年和1996年的选举显示,女性支持的候选人和男性支持的候选人在这两次选举中表现出了最大的差异。1.2 插入语●概述



考生在阅读过程中,若发现句子还不完整时便出现逗号(或破折号),且逗号后成分太长(如两行以上),建议此时先跳过逗号部分,将前后句子部分连贯起来读,意思完整后,再回过头来读插入语部分。如果插入语较短时,不必跳过,直接读完整句话即可。●真题例句Sample 1:

When we look at a realistic painting—a portrait of a historical figure—we accept by convention that the portrait represents a real person or actual objects.

语法分析 a portrait of a historical figure在句中作插入语,对realistic painting作进一步说明。

句子翻译 当我们看一幅写实画作时,如一个历史人物的肖像画,我们习惯性地认为这幅肖像画代表了一个真实的人或实物。Sample 2:

That is, they are not written compositions, as had long been supposed, but rather transcriptions of orally chanted poems.

语法分析 That is在句中作插入语;as had long been supposed在句中作插入语。

句子翻译 也就是说,它们并非像人们长期以来猜想的那样,是书面创作,而是对于口头吟诵诗歌的文字记录。Sample 3:

Many landscapes were beautiful—meadows in spring, soft valleys, oak trees, banks of flowers (daisies especially)—but they were not sublime.

语法分析 meadows in spring, soft valleys, oak trees, banks of flowers (daisies especially)前后用两个破折号与主句隔开,作插入语,对前半句many landscapes were beautiful进行举例说明。

句子翻译 许多风景是美丽的——春天的草坪、绵延的山谷、橡树林、花海(特别是雏菊花)——但是它们并不会让人产生敬畏之情。Sample 4:

According to Tim Washer, a former improv performer who is now a communications executive at a large corporation, humor helps foster team building and, of course, "thinking outside the box."

语法分析 a former improv performer who is now a communications executive at a large corporation在句中作Tim Washer的同位语,起补充说明的作用。

句子翻译 Tim Washer之前是一位即兴表演者,现任一家大公司的传播执行官,据他所说,幽默有助于发展团队建设,当然,也有助于“拓展思维”。Sample 5:

The hints of the computer's potential, like our glimpses of string theory's explanatory power, would have provided strong motivation for containing complete facility.

语法分析 like our glimpses of string theory's explanatory power在句中作插入语,起举例说明的作用,对hints进行修饰。

句子翻译 电脑具有潜力的迹象,就像我们看到的弦理论的解释能力一样,将为(人们)获取它完整的能力提供强烈动力。1.3 定语从句●概述



阅读过程中,考生一定要学会准确断句。前期练习时,遇到从句过于冗长的情况,先找主干,再一个部分一个部分地把句子意思补全;后期通过反复练习,最终做到“一句话不回读”。●真题例句Sample 1:

A few years later and I would no longer remember a time when I didn't speak their words and read their books.

语法分析 由连接词when引导的定语从句,修饰先行词time,对某一段时期进行进一步说明。

句子翻译 几年后,我已经不记得那段我不会说他们的语言、不会读他们的书的时光了。Sample 2:

The TV game show To Tell the Truth asked me to be a contestant on the show, which had celebrities guess the real contestant from imposters after receiving clues about the real person.

语法分析 由连接词which引导的非限定性定语从句,对主句中的主语进行修饰。

句子翻译 电视游戏竞猜节目"To Tell the Truth"邀请我去作参赛者,在这档节目中一些名人要通过若干线索,从几位冒充者中猜出真正的参赛者。Sample 3:

You will be seen as someone who wastes time that could better be spent discussing a project or an issue.

语法分析 who wastes time是由who引导的定语从句,修饰someone;that could better be spent discussing a project or an issue是这个定语从句中又包含的一个定语从句,由that引导,对time进行修饰。

句子翻译 你将会被看作一个浪费时间的人,而这些时间可以更好地用来讨论一个项目或者一个问题。Sample 4:

The paramount concern must be to increase crop yields in environmentally sensitive ways that protect human health and the soil and water that are agriculture's very foundation.

语法分析 that protect human health and the soil and water是that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词ways;that are agriculture's very foundation是that引导的定语从句,修饰soil and water。整个大的定语从句中又包含了一个小的定语从句。

句子翻译 首要问题在于,必须以环境友好型方式提高谷物产量,从而保护人类健康,以及农业的最根本——土地和水。Sample 5:

In academic circles, I linger on the fringes where the warmth of the fire never reaches, an irreverent outsider, a loner who prefers fieldwork to the university, and general readership to academic journals.

语法分析 where the warmth of the fire never reaches是由where引导的定语从句,修饰fringes,对其范围进行描述;who prefers fieldwork to the university, and general readership to academic journals是由who作连接词引导的定语从句,对loner的特点作进一步解释。

句子翻译 在学术圈子里,我总是徘徊在火的温暖到不了的边缘(即,不受欢迎),是一个不够虔诚的局外人,是一个更喜欢实地考察而不是大学(工作)、喜欢通俗读物而不是学术期刊的孤独者。1.4 名词性从句●概述

名词性从句,就是把一个从句当做名词,在句中发挥名词的作用。因为名词可以作为主语、宾语、表语和同位语,所以名词性从句也分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。●真题例句主语从句Sample 1:

What we have here is a painting of a paradox.

语法分析 句中由what引导的What we have here就是主语从句,直接位于主语的位置。

句子翻译 我们在这里进行的是对一个悖论的描绘。Sample 2:

What you generally see first is a cloudy luminescence.

语法分析 句中what引导的What you generally see first是主语从句,直接位于主语的位置。

句子翻译 通常你首先看到的是朦胧的冷光。Sample 3:

How a would-be scientist decides on a discipline, settles on a problem, and goes to work is often as much a matter of chance as it is of temperament.

语法分析 句中how引导的How a would-be scientist decides on a discipline, settles on a problem, and goes to work是主语从句,直接位于主语的位置。

句子翻译 一个准科学家如何确定一门学科,解决一个问题,以及展开工作,常常是机遇使然,往往也和性格有关。Sample 4:

That no one theory of the universe can deservedly gain permanent predominance does not mean that all theories are equally valid.

语法分析 句中that引导的That no one theory of the universe can deservedly gain permanent predominance是主语从句。主语从句由that引导时,不能省略that。

句子翻译 没有哪种宇宙理论能理所当然地获得永久的主导地位,但这并不意味着所有理论都是同等正确可靠的。Sample 5:

In the case of navigation, it might be said that with increasing reliance on satellite-based positioning and guidance systems, the old skills of stellar navigation may no longer be taught even as a "manual backup" and will in time be lost altogether.

语法分析 句中that引导的that with increasing reliance on satellite-based positioning and guidance systems, the old skills of stellar navigation may no longer be taught even as a "manual backup" and will in time be lost altogether是主语从句,作真正的主语,而it是形式主语。当it作形式主语时,主语从句要后置。

句子翻译 在导航方面,据说随着越来越依赖卫星定位和导航系统,恒星导航这种古老的技术即使是作为“后备指南”都不大可能再被教授,并且最终将完全失传。宾语从句Sample 1:

Newman supposed that a literal translation must be the most faithful translation.

语法分析 句中that引导的that a literal translation must be the most faithful translation是宾语从句,作supposed的宾语。

句子翻译 Newman认为逐字翻译一定是最忠于原文的翻译。Sample 2:

Some believe Vostok should be left alone because exploration might permanently damage its pristine ecosystem.

语法分析 句中Vostok should be left alone是宾语从句,作believe的宾语,这里省略了that。当单个宾语从句由that引导时,可以省略that。

句子翻译 有些人认为应该维持Vostok的原有状态,因为勘探可能会给当地原始的生态系统带来永久性的破坏。Sample 3:

We know this structure is always on the same place in the cell and that the position of this structure is inherited.

语法分析 句中this structure is always on the same place in the cell和that the position of this structure is inherited是两个并列的宾语从句,作know的宾语。其中第一个宾语从句省略了引导词that,而第二个没有省略。这是因为当多个并列宾语从句由that引导时,第一个that可以省略,但其余的必须保留。目的是为了便于识别,不致引起混乱。

句子翻译 我们知道这个组织总是在细胞里的同一个地方,它的位置也是遗传来的。Sample 4:

Perhaps one can say with more than mere intuition that certain skills do atrophy through not being used, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension of the world does lead to the loss of certain sensitivities, and that to lose any sensitivity or awareness is limiting and unwise.

语法分析 句中的that certain skills do atrophy through not being used, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension of the world does lead to the loss of certain sensitivities和that to lose any sensitivity or awareness is limiting and unwise是三个由that引导的并列的宾语从句,作say的宾语。

句子翻译 也许一个人凭直觉就可以说,那些不再使用的技能一定会退化;在越来越依赖电子产品来认识世界的过程中,确实会导致某些感官敏感性的丧失;而任何感官的敏感性或意识的丧失都是有局限性的,并且是不明智的。Sample 5:

In a recent survey concerning plagiarism among scholars, two University of Alabama economists asked 1,200 of their colleagues if they believed their work had ever been stolen.

语法分析 句中if they believed their work had ever been stolen是由if引导的宾语从句,作ask的直接宾语,这里if当“是否”讲。

句子翻译 在最近的一项关于学者抄袭的调查中,两位阿拉巴马大学的经济学家调查了1200位同事,询问他们是否认为自己的作品曾被抄袭。Sample 6:

We are humiliated by what is powerful and mean but awed by what is powerful and noble.

语法分析 句中what is powerful and mean和what is powerful and noble是两个由what引导的宾语从句,作介词by的宾语。

句子翻译 我们对强大而卑劣的事物感到羞辱,但是对强大而高贵的事物却感到敬畏。Sample 7:

I worked in neurophysiology and behavior and did experiments on how bats determine the direction from which a sound is coming, how owls locate their prey in total darkness by hearing it, and how moths determine the direction from which a bat is approaching (so they can make evasive maneuvers to avoid it).

语法分析 句中的how bats determine the direction from which a sound is coming, how owls locate their prey in total darkness by hearing it和 how moths determine the direction from which a bat is approaching (so they can make evasive maneuvers to avoid it) 是三个由how引导的并列的宾语从句,作介词on的宾语。

句子翻译 我研究神经生理学和生物习性,做的实验是关于蝙蝠如何通过声音的来源判断方向,猫头鹰如何在黑暗中透过听觉定位猎物,以及蛾如何通过蝙蝠的靠近来确定方向(从而采取逃避策略来避开蝙蝠)。表语从句Sample 1:

The most likely possibility is that the copepod itself wishes to remain invisible.

语法分析 句中that引导的that the copepod itself wishes to remain invisible是表语从句,直接位于表语的位置。

句子翻译 最大的可能性是桡足动物自己不希望被看到。Sample 2:

One explanation for this sensory crossover is that synesthetes, people with synesthesia, are simply experiencing childhood memories and associations.

语法分析 句中that引导的that synesthetes, people with synesthesia, are simply experiencing childhood memories and associations是表语从句,直接位于表语的位置,其中people with synesthesia是synesthetes的同位语。

句子翻译 对于这种知觉交叉的一个解释是有联觉者,即有联觉的人,只是在经历童年的回忆和联想而已。Sample 3:

The truth, of course, is that nobody can grasp reality whole, that each person's universe is to some extent unique, and that this circumstance makes it impossible for us to prove that there is but one true reality.

语法分析 句中that nobody can grasp reality whole, that each person's universe is to some extent unique和that this circumstance makes it impossible for us to prove that there is but one true reality是三个由that引导的并列的表语从句,其中that there is but one true reality是宾语从句,作prove的宾语。

句子翻译 当然,事实是没有人可以完全理解真实的世界,每个人所理解的世界在某种程度上都有一定的独特性,而这使我们无法去证明只有一个真实的世界。同位语从句Sample 1:

A century ago, opponents of women's suffrage in the United States scoffed at the notion that extending the vote to women would make any difference.

语法分析 句中由that引导的that extending the vote to women would make any difference是同位语从句,作notion的同位语,对其进一步阐释说明。

句子翻译 一个世纪之前,美国反对女性选举权的人对于“女性参与选举将会带来一些改变”这一观点进行冷嘲热讽。Sample 2:

But the last two decades of research by 4000 dedicated physicists and mathematicians has given us well-founded hope that we are on the right and possibly final track.

语法分析 句中由that引导的that we are on the right and possibly final track是同位语从句,作hope的同位语,对其进一步阐释说明。

句子翻译 然而,在过去二十年中,四千位专注的物理学家和数学家的研究,已经给予我们充足的希望,即我们正处于正确的并且也许是最终的道路上。Sample 3:

For a time the sheer volume of revisionist works dominated the Cold War debate, despite criticism from traditionalists that revisionists ignored Soviet aggressiveness and failed to consider the totalitarian nature of the Soviet regime.

语法分析 句中由that引导的that revisionists ignored Soviet aggressiveness and failed to consider the totalitarian nature of the Soviet regime是同位语从句,作criticism的同位语,对其进一步阐释说明。

句子翻译 尽管有来自于传统主义者的批判,即修正主义者忽视了苏联的侵略性并且没有考虑到苏联政权的极权本质,但有段时间大量修正主义者的作品还是主导着关于冷战的讨论。Sample 4:

Yet, I think even such people would accept the fact that a major accident is sufficiently serious, and that probability of occurrence is sufficiently uncertain, that nuclear power cannot be perceived as a desirable technology from the perspective of safety.

语法分析 句中的that a major accident is sufficiently serious, that probability of occurrence is sufficiently uncertain和that nuclear power cannot be perceived as a desirable technology from the perspective of safety是三个由that引导的同位语从句,作fact的同位语,对其进一步阐释说明。

句子翻译 然而,我认为,就连这些人也会接受这样的事实,即一次重大意外事故(带来的危害)是相当严重的,事件发生的可能性也非常不确定,以及从安全角度来看,核能并不能被认做一项可取的技术。1.5 状语从句●概述







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