托福阅读1000词 (托福1000词系列)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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托福阅读1000词 (托福1000词系列)

托福阅读1000词 (托福1000词系列)试读:



然而,这并不意味着只要记忆大量的单词就能轻松读懂文章并在考试中得到高分,因为许多考生在背单词的时候只关注单词本身,却没有考虑这些单词在托福考试中的实际用法。因此只有熟悉单词在文章中的具体用法,才能更好地理解文章内容。本书的所有内容设置旨在帮助考生提高阅读水平。1. 精选关键词汇,模拟真题例句,按场景分类记忆

本书根据单词在托福阅读考试中的出现频率,选取出现频率最高且实用性最强的1000 余个单词,配以与托福阅读考试难度相当的例句,为考生还原真实的考试场景。此外,本书还按照阅读文章中经常出现的学科或话题类别对单词进行了分类,让考生可以同时记忆某个场景里的常见单词。2. 实用阅读技巧,相关知识介绍,轻松备战考试


这些实用的阅读技巧丰富了考生备战托福的复习资料。如果在记忆单词的同时能够熟记这些内容,对提高阅读水平一定会有很大的帮助。3. 了解阅读试题,攻克阅读障碍,实现高分梦想


各位辛苦备战的考生,真诚地希望本书能够助你们一臂之力,在托福阅读考试中取得理想的成绩!编 者Part 1托福阅读如何获得高分




Reading Passage

According to paragraph 3, the loss of natural vegetation has which of the following consequences for soil?● Increased stony content● Reduced water absorption● Increased numbers of spaces in the soil● Reduced water runoff

Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil’s ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration…二、学科相关单词


Reading Passage

The word compact in the passage is closest in meaning to● logical● delicate● solid● visual

The parallel photon waves which escape through the“half-silvered”end of the laser produce a compact and coherent beam of light. This laser light can be targeted at a specific point and adjusted in terms of both intensity and color.Part 2托福阅读备考策略一、关于托福阅读文章


阅读是托福考试中的第一项考查科目。要想取得好成绩,了解文章本身的特点是十分重要的,比如文章主要题材、体裁和篇章本身的特点等。1. 主要题材

托福阅读的文章主要分为自然科学、人文科学、社会科学三个题材,涉及的内容如下:自然科学地质地理、天文、气象、动植物、医学、生物化学等人文科学艺术评论、人物传记等社会科学历史事件、西部探险、教育等2. 主要文体

文章的主要文体分为以下几种:● 解释说明型(exposition)● 立论型(argumentation)● 历史题材型(historical narrative)3. 常见篇章结构

一篇文章在陈述观点的时候,往往会从不同的角度来说明。因此,熟悉文章的结构对理解文章和定义信息十分重要。常见的篇章结构主要有以下几种:● 对比● 分类● 原因/结果● 问题/解决方法


下面将以对比的文章为例,详细阐述托福阅读文章的文体特点:Opportunists and Competitors

Paragraph 1

Growth, reproduction, and daily metabolism all require an organism to expend energy. The expenditure of energy is essentially a process of budgeting, just as finances are budgeted. If all of one’s money is spent on clothes, there may be none left to buy food or go to the movies. Similarly, a plant or animal cannot squander all its energy on growing a big body if none would be left over for reproduction, for this is the surest way to extinction.

All organisms, therefore, allocate energy to growth, reproduction, maintenance, and storage. No choice is involved; this allocation comes as part of the genetic package from the parents. Maintenance for a given body design of an organism is relatively constant. Storage is important, but ultimately that energy will be used for maintenance, reproduction, or growth. Therefore the principal differences in energy allocation are likely to be between growth and reproduction.


Paragraph 2

Almost all of an organism’s energy can be diverted to reproduction, with very little allocated to building the body. Organisms at this extreme are“opportunists.”At the other extreme are“competitors,”almost all of whose resources are invested in building a huge body, with a bare minimum allocated to reproduction.


Paragraph 3~5

Dandelions are good examples of opportunists. Their seedheads raised just high enough above the ground to catch the wind, the plants are no bigger than they need be, their stems are hollow, and all the rigidity comes from their water content. Thus, a minimum investment has been made in the body that becomes a platform for seed dispersal. These very short-lived plants reproduce prolifically; that is to say they provide a constant rain of seed in the neighborhood of parent plants. A new plant will spring up wherever a seed falls on a suitable soil surface, but because they do not build big bodies, they cannot compete with other plants for space, water, or sunlight. These plants are termed opportunists because they rely on their seeds’ falling into settings where competing plants have been removed by natural processes, such as along an eroding riverbank, on landslips, or where a tree falls and creates a gap in the forest canopy.

Opportunists must constantly invade new areas to compensate for being displaced by more competitive species. Human landscapes of lawns, fields, or flowerbeds provide settings with bare soil and a lack of competitors that are perfect habitats for colonization by opportunists. Hence, many of the strongly opportunistic plants are the common weeds of fields and gardens.

Because each individual is short-lived, the population of an opportunist species is likely to be adversely affected by drought, bad winters, or floods. If their population is tracked through time, it will be seen to be particularly unstable — soaring and plummeting in irregular cycles.



1. 拥有较小的体态、生存时间很短,以便节省能量以供繁殖,并且不断以种子的形态进入新的生长地点;

2. 由于生存时间较短,因此自然灾害会对它们造成严重影响,导致其种群数量的变化极不稳定。

Paragraph 6

The opposite of an opportunist is a competitor. These organisms tend to have big bodies, are long-lived, and spend relatively little effort each year on reproduction. An oak tree is a good example of a competitor. A massive oak claims its ground for 200 years or more, outcompeting all other would-be canopy trees by casting a dense shade and drawing up any free water in the soil. The leaves of an oak tree taste foul because they are rich in tannins, a chemical that renders them distasteful or indigestible to many organisms. The tannins are part of the defense mechanism that is essential to longevity. Although oaks produce thousands of acorns, the investment in a crop of acorns is small compared with the energy spent on building leaves, trunk, and roots. Once an oak tree becomes established, it is likely to survive minor cycles of drought and even fire. A population of oaks is likely to be relatively stable through time, and its survival is likely to depend more on its ability to withstand the pressures of competition or predation than on its ability to take advantage of chance events. It should be noted, however, that the pure opportunist or pure competitor is rare in nature, as most species fall between the extremes of a continuum, exhibiting a blend of some opportunistic and some competitive characteristics.


1. 具有强大的体态,能生存更长时间,不会将大部分能量用于繁殖;

2. 由于生存时间较长,且能抵抗恶劣环境,因此橡树的种群数量相对稳定。二、阅读题目类型

托福阅读的题型主要分为以下几类:● Factual Information(事实信息题)● Negative Factual Information(否定排除题)● Inference(推论题)● Rhetorical Purpose(修辞题)● Vocabulary(词汇题)● Reference(指代题)● Sentence Simplification(句子简化题)● Insert Text(插入文字题)● Fill in a Table(图表题)● Prose Summary(总结题)

下面,我们将为考生提供一些解题的思路:1. 查找信息类题目

这类问题主要考查考生对原文信息的理解,比如事实信息题(Factual Information)和否定排除题(Negative Factual Information)。这类题目要求选出与文中内容相符或不符的一项。这类问题的提问方式通常为:

According to the passage, ...

Based on the information in...


Reading Passage

Based on the information in paragraph 1, which of the following best explains the term wind farms?● Farms using windmills to pump water● Research centers exploring the uses of wind● Types of power plant common in North Dakota● Collections of wind turbines producing electric power

In 1994 there were nearly 20,000 wind turbines worldwide, most grouped in clusters called wind farms that collectively produced 3,000 megawatts of electricity. Most were in Denmark (which got 3 percent of its electricity from wind turbines) and California (where 17,000 machines produced 1 percent of the state’s electricity, enough to meet the residential needs of a city as large as San Francisco). In principle, all the power needs of the United States could be provided by exploiting the wind potential of just three states — North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas.

根据题干中的paragraph 1和wind farms这两个信息,我们可以快速定位到原文第一段的相应内容:In 1994 there were nearly 20,000 wind turbines worldwide, most grouped in clusters called wind farms that collectively produced 3,000 megawatts of electricity. 从这句话中可以得知wind turbines grouped in clusters 即是文中提问的wind farm,所以选第4项。

除了事实信息题和否定排除题以外,在做图表题时也需要利用查找定位的方法,回到原文中寻找答案。2. 推论题


What can be inferred from the passage?


Reading Passage

What are the bones found in the Lascaux caves believed to indicate?● Wild animals sometimes lived in the cave chambers.● Artists painted pictures on both walls and bones.● Artists ground them into a fine powder to make paint.● Artists developed special techniques for painting the walls.

In Southwest France in the 1940’s, playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto, a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals. Many of these beasts are as large as 16 feet (almost 5 meters). Some follow each other in solemn parades, but others swirl about, sideways and upside down. The animals are bulls, wild horses, reindeer, bison, and mammoths outlined with charcoal and painted mostly in reds, yellow, and browns. Scientific analysis reveals that the colors were derived from ocher and other iron oxides ground into a fine powder. Methods of applying color varied: some colors were brushed or smeared on rock surfaces and others were blown or sprayed. It is possible that tubes made from animal bones were used for spraying because hollow bones, some stained with pigment, have been found nearby.


根据tubes made from animal bones were used for spraying以及some stained with pigment,可以知道将空心的骨头当做绘画工具的方法。故选第4项。3. 词汇及语言修辞类题目

托福阅读考试的修辞题(Rhetorical Purpose)、词汇题(Vocabulary)、指代题(Reference)、句子简化题(Sentence Simplification)和插入文字题(Insert Text)都是与文字和措辞有关的题目。这类题目主要考查考生的语言运用能力。



插入文字题则会提供一个新的句子,考生需要将它插入到文章中合适的位置,这道题可以检验考生的逻辑性。4. 理解文章概要类问题

理解文章概要类问题属于托福阅读考试中的新题型,包含总结题(Prose Summary)和图表题(Fill in a Table),这两道题的难度比较大,考查考生理解一篇文章的写作意图以及整理文章框架、理清文章层次的能力。

其中,总结题需要考生根据文中出现的内容推断答案,这道题目会提供6个选项,考生要选出最能概括文章内容的3项。在做这道题目时,考生要具备理解及总结重要信息的能力。要注意,不要选择那些仅陈述文章某一细节的选项,因为这些细节的作用通常只是支持观点的论据。正确的选项应该是概括性的陈述。请看下面的例子:Urban Climates

The city is an extraordinary processor of mass and energy and has its own metabolism. A daily input of water, food, and energy of various kinds is matched by an output of sewage, solid waste, air pollutants, energy, and materials that have been transformed in some way. The quantities involved are enormous. Many aspects of this energy use affect the atmosphere of a city, particularly in the production of heat.

In winter the heat produced by a city can equal or surpass the amount of heat available from the Sun. All the heat that warms a building eventually transfers to the surrounding air, a process that is quickest where houses are poorly insulated. But an automobile produces enough heat to warm an average house in winter, and if a house were perfectly insulated, one adult could also produce more than enough heat to warm it. Therefore, even without any industrial production of heat, an urban area tends to be warmer than the countryside that surrounds it.

The burning of fuel, such as by cars, is not the only source of this increased heat. Two other factors contribute to the higher overall temperature in cities. The first is the heat capacity of the materials that constitute the city, which is typically dominated by concrete and asphalt. During the day, heat from the Sun can be conducted into these materials and stored — to be released at night. But in the countryside materials have a significantly lower heat capacity because a vegetative blanket prevents heat from easily flowing into and out of the ground. The second factor is that radiant heat coming into the city from the Sun is trapped in two ways: by a continuing series of reflections among the numerous vertical surfaces that buildings present and by the dust dome the cloudlike layer of polluted air that most cities produce. Shortwave radiation from the Sun passes through the pollution dome more easily than outgoing longwave radiation does; the latter is absorbed by the gaseous pollutants of the dome and reradiated back to the urban surface.

Cities, then, are warmer than the surrounding rural areas, and together they produce a phenomenon known as the urban heat island. Heat islands develop best under particular conditions associated with light winds, but they can form almost any time. The precise configuration of a heat island depends on several factors. For example, the wind can make a heat island stretch in the direction it blows. When a heat island is well developed, variations can be extreme; in winter, busy streets in cities can be 17℃ warmer than the side streets. Areas near traffic lights can be similarly warmer than the areas between them because of the effect of cars standing in traffic instead of moving. The maximum differences in temperature between neighboring urban and rural environments is called the heat-island intensity for that region. In general, the larger the city, the greater its heat-island intensity. The actual level of intensity depends on such factors as the physical layout, population density, and productive activities of a metropolis.

The surface-atmosphere relationships inside metropolitan areas produce a number of climatic peculiarities. For one thing, the presence or absence of moisture is affected by the special qualities of the urban surface. With much of the built-up landscape impenetrable by water, even gentle rain runs off almost immediately from rooftops, streets, and parking lots. Thus, city surfaces, as well as the air above them, tend to be drier between episodes of rain; with little water available for the cooling process of evaporation, relative humidities are usually lower. Wind movements are also modified in cities because buildings increase the friction on air flowing around them. This friction tends to slow the speed of winds, making them far less efficient at dispersing pollutants. On the other hand, air turbulence increases because of the effect of skyscrapers on airflow. Rainfall is also increased in cities. The cause appears to be in part greater turbulence in the urban atmosphere as hot air rises from the built-up surface.

Question: Cities create climatic conditions of their own through their physical structure and urban activities.

●Answer Choices

1. The amount of heat produced in a city will be reduced when cities use the heat from cars to warm houses.

2. The built up landscape of the city readily becomes a heat island, with greater water runoff and special climatic conditions such as low relative humidity and increased air turbulence.

3. The materials from which cities are built and the effects of pollution domes help make urban areas warmer than rural areas.

4. Cities tend to be warmer than their surrounding areas, in part because they produce heat by burning fuel for heating, powering vehicles, and industrial production.

5. In most cities, the heating that results from solar radiation is intensified by carbon dioxide, a gas that is present at very high concentrations in cities’ atmospheres.

6. During periods without rainfall, the air in cities heats up and causes winds to slow down with the result that pollutants are not dispersed.










在实际考试中,我们可以参考以下这些有助于提高阅读成绩的技巧:1. 在原文中找出处

在选择答案的时候,一定要回到原文中找到根据,否则很容易被干扰选项误导,做出错误的选择。2. 通过关键词定位

托福阅读考试时间有限,因此要掌握略读的技巧。可以提取题目中的关键词,确定考查点,然后直接回到原文相应的段落定位答案,而其他不重要的信息则可以略过。3. 通过上下文猜测词义

对于考查某个特定单词意思的问题,如果不认识这个词,那么一定不能放过它前后的句子,可以试着通过上下文推断出它的含义。4. 熟悉错误答案的出题路数

平时在练习的时候,也要关注错误选项的出题路数。比如可能在选项中换掉那些修饰程度的副词,使选项涉及的范围扩大或缩小等。Part 3托福阅读话题词汇自然科学篇

abundant[ə'bʌndənt]a. 大量的;充足的;丰富的

例句 1. By now, the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water that circulates as part of the water cycle. 到目前为止,种类最丰富的地下水是大气水,它是水文循环的一部分。

2. The early explorers and settlers said there were once abundant deer in the early 1800s and yet bemoaned the lack of game animal at that time. 早期的探险者和移民表示,这里在19世纪早期曾有大量的鹿,但令他们感到惋惜的是当时没有狩猎动物。

同义 plentiful(a. 大量的;充足的)

派生 abundantly(ad. 大量地;丰富地)

absorption[əb'zɔ:rpʃn]n. 吸收;专心致志

例句 In this area, water absorption of the rock is greatly reduced, thus runoff is increased, resulting in accelerated erosion rates. 在这个地区,岩石的吸水率急剧下降,因此导致水土流失的加剧,造成腐蚀速度的加快。

2. Due to the complete absorption in the research, he found the answer finally. 由于全心投入研究,他最终找到了答案。

同义 assimilation, reception(n. 吸收)

accumulation[əˌkju:mjə'leiʃn]n. 积累;堆积物

例句 1. Ecosystems include the circulation, transformation, and accumulation of energy and matter through the medium of living things and their activities. 生态系统包括以其中的生物及其活动为媒介的能量和物质的循环、转化和积累。

2. A number of members of the mustard family, spurge family, legume family, and grass family are top hyper accumulators; most of them are found in tropical and subtropical areas where accumulation of high concentrations of metals may provide some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens. 许多十字花科、大戟科、豆科以及禾本科的植物都是超积累植物;它们中的多数可在热带及亚热带地区生长,在这些地区,高浓度的金属元素积累可以为这些植物提供保障来抵抗那些以植物为食的昆虫和微生物致病体。

同义 amassing, cumulation(n. 积累)

altitude['æltitu:d]n. 海拔,高度;[常 pl.]高处

搭配 pressure altitude 压力高度

例句 1. The trees at high altitudes with deformed shapes show that wind velocity, which increases with altitude, can cause serious hardship for trees. 生长在高海拔地区的畸形树木可以显示风速随着海拔的上升而加强,会给树木生长带来严重影响。

2. The increase of altitude leads to a sharp decrease in the number of trees. 随着海拔的升高,树木的数量急剧减少。

3. This plant failed to transport water to the area of high altitudes. 这家工厂无法把水运送到高海拔地区。

同义 height(n. 高度)

aquifer['ækwifər]n. 含水土层;蓄水层

搭配 confined aquifer 承压含水层

例句 1. An aquifer is a kind of underground layer of rock or sediment, with blowholes or holes in it. 含水土层是一种有气孔或小洞的由岩石或沉淀物构成的地下层。

2. Water does not keep steady in an aquifer but can leak out at springs or leak into other aquifers. 水不会一直稳定地存在于含水层里,而是会渗漏到泉水中,或流入其他的含水层里。

3. The geologist estimates that with the rates of current withdrawal, much of the aquifer will dry up within decades. 这位地质学家估计,以目前抽取地下水的速率来看,许多含水土层将在几十年内干涸。

asteroid['æstərɔid]n. 小行星

例句 Some scientists presume that the extinction of dinosaurs was the result of an asteroid collision with Earth. 一些科学家假设恐龙的灭绝是小行星撞击地球造成的后果。

同义 planetoid(n. 小行星)

biome['baioum]n. 生物群系

搭配 aquatic biome 水生生物群

例句 1. This scientist's arguments aiming at climax and biome are suitable for ecosystems. 这位科学家针对顶级群落和生物群系的论点适用于生态系统。

2. This resulted in the biome that combines coexisting flora with fauna. 这导致了“生物群系”的形成,包括共生植物区系及动物区系的结合。

blooming['blu:miŋ]a. 盛开的

例句 1. The seeds of grasses and flowers, as well as the blooming trees made up the long trips to these islands. 花草的种子和繁盛的树木构成了通往这些岛屿的漫长旅途。

2. The angiosperm, one type of seed-bearing plant, includes all forms of blooming vegetation. 被子植物包括所有的开花植物,是种子植物的一种。

同义 bloomy(a. 盛开的)

branch[brænʧ]n. 树枝;分部;分支

例句 With snow falling on the ground, the bushy understory is uncovered; meanwhile snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arboreal fodder. 随着大雪落地,浓密的林下叶层露了出来;同时,雪和风还使雪松、铁杉树、赤杨树和其他树木的枝干掉落下来。

同义 sticks(n. 树枝)

browse[brauz]v. 吃嫩叶或草;浏览 n. 浏览;吃草

例句 1. Biologists believe that it is necessary to find another open area with browse immediately. 生物学家认为必须尽快找到另一块开放的牧草地。

2. The sales would be hopefully promoted if the customers browse the website. 如果顾客浏览该网站,销售额就有望得到提升。





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