
发布时间:2020-06-30 23:25:56











本书运用语义学理论对词组进行科学的拆解、分析,旨在帮助读者改变以往死记硬背的词汇学习方式,采用联想词组意义的方式达到自然熟记的目的。例如,英语会话书中常出现的短句Hold on for a minute,其中hold on表示“不挂断电话”,如果已掌握了表示“继续”的副词on和表示“拿”的基本动词hold,就可以自然地联想出hold on“拿着听筒使通话继续”的含义。再如,短句Come on, take a chance中,从take“执行”和chance“风险”的字面意思,也不难推导出take a chance有“冒险”的含义。

词组一直都被认为是英语高级会话、写作以及考试中的最后一道难关,很多人因无法逾越这道难关而备受挫折,甚至感到绝望。本书便是为帮助大家突破这道难关而编写的。本书可供以下人员选用和参考:备战TOEFL、GRE等出国考试的考生,备战研究生入学英语考试、大学英语四六级、专四专八的考生,需要用英语进行工作交流的职场人士,本书也适合那些需要系统提高英语词汇能力的普通英语学习者,如想完全听懂、看懂英文节目,读懂TIME、NEWSWEEK、READER'S DIGEST的学生,想使用高级英语口语、用准确英语写出英文日记的英语学习者。


第一部分 利用动词扩大词组量



第二部分 利用介词扩大词组量




除此之外,本书还包含1000个对话形式的完句填空题。这些练习题内容题材多样,有助于培养学习者的语感,提高口语能力。此外,每个LESSON结尾都配有REVIEW TEST,帮助读者复习所学内容,检测阶段性学习成果。

第三部分 模拟题

这一部分提供了10份MODEL TEST,包括150道同义选择题和150道完句填空题,题目中包含前面章节学过的词组。因此,这些模拟题也可以兼做总复习和自我检测之用。REVIEW TEST和MODEL TEST中的习题,编入了TOEFL、GRE、四六级、考研、知名外企招聘笔试等中的词汇考点,对备战考试的读者有所帮助。

附录 补充词组






第一部分利用动词扩大词组量第一章基本动词研究LESSON 1 基本动词 BREAK

BREAK的基本含义是 to come apart, to destroy the wholeness of,其详细词义分类整理如下:

1. 破碎,破裂;折断,断裂

EX) break down

2. 打破,打碎,分割

EX) break the ice, break one's heart, break one's neck

3. 闯入;突然开始

EX) break in on, break into

4. 成为…的状态

EX) break even, break loose

5. 突发,突然产生;爆发

EX) break out

6. 破坏,违反(法规、誓言等)

EX) break one's promise

7. 拆分(成套的物品);兑开(大额钞票等)

EX) break up the set, break up the suit

8. 中断(关系);改掉(坏毛病、习惯等)

EX) break off, break the cigarette habit

9. 使破产

EX) dead broke

10. 透露(消息等)

EX) break the news to

11. 开垦,破(土)

EX) break ground, break new ground

12. 打破(竞赛等的)纪录

EX) break one's recordLECTURE 1 基本动词 BREAK 1词组讲解

1. Break a leg! * 祝演出成功;祝好运

解 俚语;词义溯源:行屈膝礼;Good luck的俚语表达方式,主要用于祝福即将登台的演员演出成功,可以联想一下,当演出圆满结束时,观众对演员报以热烈的掌声,演员行屈膝礼谢幕

例 Before I left the house last night, my brother, Song Yi, told me to “break a leg” at the auditions. I was surprised. I really thought he had no interest in how well I did in ballet. His rare encouragement really lifted my confidence.

2. break down ***(机器、汽车等)出故障,抛锚;(反抗、交涉、计划等)失败;(健康、精神等)垮掉

解 短语动词;词义溯源:因[停顿、摔倒、衰弱(down)]而破碎

例 It's a good idea to always keep a blanket, extra water and some kind of expedient food and snacks in the trunk of your car. If your car breaks down on one of these lonely roads, it could be hours before another car passes.

3. break even **打成平手;得失相当;不盈不亏

解 习语;词义溯源:成为[同样的、对等的、均衡的(even)]状态

例 As long as we can continue to only break even, there's no way we can give anybody in the company a pay raise. I know you worked very hard to keep us from losing money last year, but I'm certainly not happy with making no profit either. Make us a profit and then we can talk about pay raises.

4. break ground for sth. / break ground **动工;开垦;开始(新的事业)

解 习语;词义溯源:[为(for)]某事而破[土(ground)]

例 Ithink construction of the shopping mall project in Subang Jaya started last month. I'm pretty sure I saw something in the daily newspaper when I was in Kuala Lumpur that said they had broken ground for it. There was a picture of a ground-breaking ceremony on the front page.

5. break in on sb. or sth. / break in ***突然闯入;插话

解 短语动词;词义溯源:[朝着(on)]某人或某物闯[入(in)]

例 I'll never forget the night the President was killed. I was watching a TV program when an announcer broke in and relayed the shocking news. I sat there for hours watching the story unfold.巩固练习(A) “break a leg”(B) broke down(C) break even(D) break ground(E) break in on

1. A: Wu Jin took the subway this morning, so I guess that means his car is not operating once again. B: You guessed right. He told me it ______ on the way home from work last night.

2. A: Our goal is only to ______. No profit, no loss. B: But, what will you do if your income does not equal your expenses in the end? A: Like I said, we want to have no surplus and no deficit. But if we do end up with one, we'll decide what to do at that time.

3. A: When will construction start on the gymnasium? B: You mean the sports complex? Unless we have unexpected delays, we plan to ______ on it sometime this fall.

4. A: Sorry to ______ your meeting gentlemen, but Mr. Jiang has an urgent phone call. B: That's alright Ms. Jin, I know you wouldn't interrupt us if it weren't important.

5. A: Did you wish your brother good luck on the exam? B: Yeah, I told him to ______, as he was going out the door.


1. (B)

2. (C)

3. (D)

4. (E)

5. (A)参考译文

I. 1. 昨晚我要从家走时,我哥哥宋毅祝我试演“大获成功”,我感到非常吃惊。我真的以为他对我跳芭蕾舞的事没有什么兴趣。他少有的鼓励让我充满信心。

2. 在汽车后备箱里随时带一条毛毯,额外准备一些饮用水以及方便食品和小吃是个好主意。如果你的汽车在一条人烟稀少的路上抛锚,可能要过好几个小时才能等到其他车辆经过。

3. 如果我们只能维持不盈不亏的状态,那么公司所有的员工都没法加薪。我知道在过去一年里,你们为了使公司不亏损,都工作得非常努力,但是如果不能产生利润,我肯定也不会满意。先给公司创造收益,然后再谈加薪的事。

4. 我想梳邦再也的购物中心项目是上个月开工的。我非常确信我在吉隆坡的时候,从日报上看到它破土动工的消息。报纸头版上有一张破土动工仪式的照片。

5. 我永远不会忘记总统被杀害的那个晚上。当时我正在看电视,突然一位播音员插播了那条令人震惊的消息。我坐在那儿看了几个小时相关的新闻报道。

II. 1. A:今天早上武晋坐了地铁,我猜他的车肯定又出故障了。B:你猜对了。他告诉我昨晚下班回家的路上他的车抛锚了。

2. A:我们的目标仅仅是要保持收支平衡,不赔不赚。B:但是,如果最终你们的收支不平衡怎么办?A:我说过,我们希望不赔不赚。但是如果最终赔了或者赚了,我们会视情况另行决定。

3. A:建体育馆的工程什么时候动工?B:你是说那个体育中心吗?如果不意外推迟的话,我们计划在今年秋天破土动工。

4. A:各位先生,很抱歉打断你们的会议,有一个紧急电话找江先生。B:没关系,金女士,我知道如果没有重要的事情,你是不会打断我们的。

5. A:你有没有祝你弟弟考试取得好成绩?B:有啊,我在他要出门的时候,祝他成功了。LECTURE 2 基本动词 BREAK 2词组讲解

1. break into sth. / break sb. or sth. in ***突然闯入,破门而入;驯,训练;打断

解 短语动词;词义溯源:闯入

例 Adetermined thief can break into any building if given the time and opportunity. Security dogs make sure he has neither. Call Top Dog Security at 1-800-555-3838 to find out more about how we can help you stop intruders for half the cost of security guards.

2. break loose from sb. or sth. / break loose **挣脱(束缚);逃脱

解 习语;词义溯源:成为[从(from)]某人或某物处[松开、解放(loose)]的状态;参照break away from sb. or sth.

例 Simpson broke loose from the grip of the 150 kilogram tackler and launched himself over the goal line. His agility and determination earned him the game's Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award.

3. break new ground **开辟新天地;成为(某事的)开拓者;着手做新工作

解 习语;词义溯源:开垦[新土地(new ground)];参照break ground for sth.

例 Marie Curie broke new ground in radioactive element research at the expense of her own life. Pioneering the frontiers of the science, she unwittingly exposed herself to the deadly rays of radioactive materials.

4. break off with sb. / break off sth. ***(男女之间)断绝关系,分手;中止,中断(对话、友好关系等)

解 短语动词;词义溯源:与某人[完全(off)]中断关系

例 GMotors of America and D Motors mutually agreed to break off their joint venture cooperation in the production of automobiles. Citing “differences in expectations,”both found it beneficial to end the relationship and move on to other projects.

5. break one's neck 〔back〕 **竭尽全力,拼命做

解 习语;词义溯源:(累得)折断[脖子(neck)或背部(back)]

例 Ibroke my neck raising my five children. Now my youngest daughter wants me to help take care of her two children after she divorces her husband. I feel sorry for her, but I just don't have the energy for kids anymore.巩固练习(A) broke into(B) breaking loose(C) break new ground(D) broken off(E) break my neck

1. A: Patrick's a real pioneer. He's taken his research into areas no one has ever gone before. B: Yeah, he's always been the one to ______—even as a boy.

2. A: Even though Han Jing and An Shan have ______ their intimate relationship, they still remain good friends. B: That's good. Every time I've stopped associating with a girl, it's been in a heated argument.

3. A: I could ______ preparing dinner and Frank wouldn't even notice. So I don't bother. B: I know what you mean. My husband never appreciates all the hard work and effort I put into cooking his meals either.

4. A: Your Honor, my client admits having entered the house, but it was not an illegal entry as the plaintiff's lawyer claims. B: Your Honor, the defendant had no right to be there. He ______ my client's house—it's plain and simple.

5. A: Sorry I'm late. I had a hard time ______ from the office tonight. It was a hectic day. B: You ought to set a time limit as I do. Once it's five o'clock, I get away from the office no matter what's going on.


1. (C)

2. (D)

3. (E)

4. (A)

5. (B)参考译文

I. 1. 只要有时间和机会,一个下定决心的小偷能够闯入任何一栋建筑。使用“安全狗”可以确保小偷既没有时间,也不可能有机会入侵。请拨打“顶级安全狗”热线电话1-800-555-3838,了解我们如何仅用雇保安一半的成本,帮您阻止小偷闯入。

2. 辛普森摆脱了体重150公斤的阻截队员,越过门线。他的灵活和坚定使他赢得了本场比赛的最有价值球员(MVP)奖。

3. 玛丽·居里付出毕生精力,在放射性元素研究领域取得了新的突破。她是这一前沿科学的先驱,也无意中将自己暴露在了放射性物质致命的射线当中。

4. 美国G Motors公司和D Motors公司均同意中止双方制造汽车的合作关系。据称,由于“对预期存在异议”,双方均认为应该停止合作,转向其他项目。

5. 我费尽心力把五个孩子抚养成人。现在,我的小女儿跟丈夫离婚后,希望我帮她照顾两个孩子。我同情她的遭遇,但是我已经没有精力再去照看孩子了。

II. 1. A:帕特里克是一位真正的开拓者。他所研究的领域以前从来没有人涉足。B:是啊,他总是有新的突破——从小就这样。

2. A:尽管韩静和安山分手了,但他们还是好朋友。B:真是太好了。每次我不再跟一个女孩交往的时候,我们总是会激烈地争吵。

3. A:我做晚餐费尽力气,弗兰克根本视而不见。所以我才不会自找麻烦。B:我理解你。我丈夫也从来没有对我为他做饭付出的辛苦和努力向我表示过感谢。

4. A:法官大人,尽管我的委托人承认进入了那栋房子,但并非像原告所说的那样是非法闯入的。B:法官大人,被告没有权利进那栋房子。他闯入了我的委托人家中——这一点显而易见。

5. A:很抱歉,我迟到了。我今晚工作太忙,难以脱身。B:你应该像我一样设定一个时限。只要到了五点钟,不论有什么事,我都会离开办公室。LECTURE 3 基本动词 BREAK 3词组讲解

1. break one's heart ** 使伤心

解 习语;词义溯源:打碎某人的[心(heart)]

例 The children have been looking forward to this for weeks. If you don't take them to Disneyland, you'll break their hearts. Can't you delay your trip until next week? Surely your manager would understand—he has children too and he knows how terrible it is for the kids if you have to cancel something like this.

2. break sb. or sth. down / break down sb. or sth. ***制服,压倒;毁坏,破坏;出毛病;分解,分析

解 短语动词;词义溯源:[向下(down)]破坏(某人或某物)

例 The Egyptians had spent weeks building massive walls of sand around their positions. The Israelis took only hours to break them down with the ingenious use of water cannons. War after war, the ingenuity of the Israeli military proved to be the small nation's key to survival.

3. break sb. or sth. up / break up ***(使)捧腹大笑;打碎;崩溃;分开(成套的物品);结束,停止

解 〈口〉短语动词;词义溯源:[完全(up)]打碎、拆开

例 Nobody expected the Soviet Union to break up so rapidly and thoroughly. Even NATO found the pace astonishing and tried to help the Soviets slow the dissolution to a manageable pace.

4. break the ice ** 破冰,打破沉默,打破僵局

解 习语;词义溯源:打碎[冰冷感、冷漠、冷淡(ice)]

例 Ilike to have everybody introduce themselves in the first class to sort of break the ice. Once everybody knows who the others are, the tension of unfamiliarity eases considerably and everyone feels free to talk.

5. break the news to sb. ** 把坏消息告诉某人

解 习语;词义溯源:向某人透露[消息(news)]

例 During the war, special agents were trained to visit the homes of dead and missing soldiers to break the news to the family. It was no easy task telling a mother she had lost her son in an unpopular war in some distant land. Still, somebody had to do it.巩固练习(A) broke his heart(B) break down(C) break up(D) breaking the ice(E) breaking the news

1. A: The first thing we've got to do is get everybody acquainted with each other. You know, sort of get everybody relaxed and talking. B: Don't worry, I'm great at ______. I'll have everybody talking in no time at all.

2. A: Who's going to inform the boss that Miss Lee is quitting? Somebody's got to tell him before he leaves for New York. B: Not me! I'm not ______ to him. The last time I told him some bad news, he threw his pencil at me!

3. A: It might take a few days, but I think if we keep the pressure on him, Councilman Manes will stop resisting us and accept our proposal. B: I'm not so sure about that. I think he'll prove harder to ______ than you think.

4. A: We're pouring massive amounts of detergent into the water in an attempt to ______ the spilled oil before it hits the shore. B: How does the detergent destroy the oil? Is there some kind of chemical reaction? And how long does it take for the detergent to effectively eliminate the risk of the oil hitting the shore?

5. A: When the principal saw the damage the storm caused to the library, was he disappointed? B: Disappointed? Yes, deeply disappointed. It ______. The library was his pride and joy—his own personal project. I heard he went back to his office and cried.


1. (D)

2. (E)

3. (B)

4. (C)

5. (A)参考译文

I. 1. 几周以来,孩子们一直盼着这一天。如果你不带他们去迪士尼乐园,你会让他们伤心的。你不能把出差推迟到下周吗?你们经理肯定会理解的——他也有孩子,他知道如果你取消这样的活动,对于孩子来说有多么糟糕。

2. 埃及人花费数周时间在阵地周围用沙子筑起厚实的防护墙。而以色列人巧妙地利用了水炮,仅用几个小时就摧毁了防护墙。经过一场场战争,以色列军人的聪明才智成为这个小国家生存的关键。

3. 没有人能预料到苏联会如此迅速和彻底地解体。即使北约也认为苏联解体的速度太过惊人,试图帮助苏联将解体的速度降低到可以控制的程度。

4. 在第一节课上,我喜欢让大家先做自我介绍,来打破沉默。只要大家相互认识了,因为不熟悉带来的紧张就可以得到一定程度的缓解,然后大家才会随意地谈话。

5. 在战争期间,一些受过专业培训的特工会到阵亡和失踪士兵的家中,把坏消息告诉他们的家人。告诉一位母亲她的儿子在遥远的地方进行的一场不受欢迎的战争中阵亡,这并不是一件容易的事。但是,还是必须有人做这件事。

II. 1. A:我们首先需要做的是让大家相互熟悉起来。你知道,就是让大家放松地交谈。B:别担心。我非常善于打破沉默。我马上就能让大家开始交流。

2. A:谁来告诉老板李小姐要辞职的消息?必须得在他去纽约之前告诉他。B:我可不去!我不会把这个坏消息告诉他的。上次我告诉他一个坏消息的时候,他冲我扔铅笔了!

3. A:这或许会花几天的时间,但是我想如果我们继续施加压力的话,马内斯议员可能就不会再反对我们,进而接受我们的提议。B:我不太肯定。我想他会比你想象的更难说服。

4. A:为了在泄漏的石油扩散到海岸之前将它们分解,我们在水里注入了大量的清洁剂。B:清洁剂怎么分解石油呢?会发生什么化学反应吗?清洁剂有效地消除石油扩散到海岸的危险需要花多长时间呢?

5. A:校长看到暴风对图书馆造成的破坏时,他有没有感到很失望?B:失望?是的,非常失望。他简直伤透了心。那座图书馆是他的骄傲和乐趣——是他个人的工程。我听说他回到自己办公室后,大哭了一场。基本动词BREAK补充词组

1. break away from sb. or sth. / break away ***脱离;逃离

解 短语动词;词义溯源:从某人或某物破裂而[脱离(away)]

例 Richardson was a Republican before breaking away and founding the Conservative Coalition. 理查森曾经是共和党成员,后来离开该党,并成立了保守党联盟。

2. break camp **撤营,收起帐篷;开拔

解 习语;词义溯源:破坏[营地(camp)]

例 After three days rest, the soldiers broke camp, pacing everything on their backs. 经过三天休整,士兵们开拔,并把所有东西打包,背在背上。

3. break out ***突然发生

解 短语动词;词义溯源:突然出现

例 Our doctors will be ready should the Ebola virus break out again. 我们的医生会随时准备应对埃博拉病毒再次爆发。

4. break out in sth. ***冒出(虚汗或疙瘩等)

解 短语动词;词义溯源:出现某种[状态(in)] [凸起(out)]

例 The thought of falling from the cliff caused the climber to break out in a cold sweat. 从悬崖上掉下去的想法把那个登山者吓出了一身冷汗。

5. break out into tears / break into tears / break out in tears **突然开始大哭

解 习语;词义溯源:忽然开始[出声地(out)] 大哭

例 Mother breaks out in tears anytime somebody mentions Peter's untimely death. 只要有人提起彼得的夭折,母亲总是会大哭起来。

6. break out of sth. / break out ***逃亡

解 短语动词;词义溯源:从某一地方[向外(out)]离开

例 Unable to break out of the room, all four of the children died in the fire. 由于无法跑出房间,那四个孩子都在大火中丧命。

7. break one's fall **减弱坠落的人即将受到的冲击力

解 习语;词义溯源:削弱某人的[坠落(fall)]

例 Miraculously, a strong gust of wind broke his fall and he survived. 一阵强风奇迹般地缓冲了他的下坠,使他活了下来。

8. break sth. off / break off sth. *** 折断,使断开

解 短语动词;词义溯源:打碎某物使其[脱落(off)]

例 Sightseers had broken off many pieces of the structure for souvenirs. 这座建筑的许多块都被游客拆下来当做纪念品了。

9. break sth. to pieces **使成为碎片

解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:打碎某物使其变成[碎片(pieces)]

例 The indignant coach broke the reporter's camera to pieces. 愤怒的教练把记者的照相机摔得粉碎。

10. break the back of sth. **挫败;克服主要障碍,完成最艰巨的任务

解 习语;词义溯源:挫伤某物的[背部(back)]

例 Management is trying to break the back of the labor union by allowing the strike to go on. 管理层试图通过允许继续罢工来挫败工会。

11. break through sth. / break through ***打破…而通过,拨开…并前进,突破

解 短语动词;词义溯源:打破某物而[通过(through)]; break-through表示划时代的发现(或进展)

例 No hacker has ever successfully broken through the computer's three levels of security, though many have tried. 尽管许多黑客都尝试过,但是从没有一个能成功突破这台计算机的三重防护。REVIEW TEST FOR LESSON 1DIRECTIONS:

In this section, you will read a sentence, short paragraph or dialogue containing one of the phrases presented in the lesson. The phrase is printed in boldface type so you can easily identify it. After reading the sentence, your task is to identify which of the four choices— (A) , (B) , (C) , or (D) —listed below the sentence, most closely defines the phrase or best completes the sentence. Only one answer is the correct answer.

1. Do you know the reason why the automobile breaks down?

(A) becomes out of order

(B) becomes damaged

(C) hits the gutter

(D) explodes

2. The company is planning to break ground for a new kind of building.

(A) dig

(B) expose

(C) start in on

(C) arrange

3. He always breaks in on other people's conversations.

(A) criticizes

(B) interrupts

(C) praises

(D) imitates

4. The following is the list of idioms and their meanings. Please choose the incorrect match.

(A) break down—to stop functioning properly

(B) break in—to burst out

(C) break out—to escape

(D) break up—to put an end to

5. Is it true that he has broken ______ his engagement to Jane?

(A) off

(B) up

(C) down

(D) out

6. It is downright mean of you to break off like that when we were all in rapture listening to you.

(A) stop abruptly

(B) take a different course

(C) begin suddenly

(D) erupt

7. The clerk had to ______ the conversation in order to wait on a customer.

(A) break out

(B) break in

(C) break off

(D) break into

8. Starch is made of giant molecules that are easily broken down chemically into smaller sugar molecules.

(A) compressed

(B) subdivided

(C) mixed

(D) inserted

9. Man broke in some cattle to labor.

(A) tamed

(B) stole

(C) raised

(D) beat

10. Our hostess broke the ice the moment she began to serve the refreshments.

(A) broke the ice into pieces for the drinks

(B) put end to an awkward situation

(C) failed to entertain the guests

(D) opened her mouth

11. If you weren't so careless, your typewriter wouldn't ______.

(A) break down

(B) come about

(C) break in

(D) hold on

12. How did you break ______ with your boyfriend?

(A) down

(B) up

(C) upon

(D) away

13. Tom broke Ann's favorite vase and he didn't know how to break the news to her.

(A) tell her the truth

(B) make her less angry

(C) tell her the bad news

(D) compensate her for this loss

14. Sally had worked hard for more than ten years and broke new ______ in the telecom research.

(A) earth

(B) door

(C) ground

(D) land

15. Come on, Billy loves you so much, don't break his ______.

(A) back

(B) neck

(C) head

(D) heart


1. (A)

2. (C)

3. (B)

4. (B)

5. (B)

6. (A)

7. (C)

8. (B)

9. (A)

10. (B)

11. (A)

12. (B)

13. (C)

14. (C)

15. (D)LESSON 2 基本动词 BRING

BRING的基本含义是to come with,其详细词义分类整理如下:

1. 产生,引起

EX) bring...into question

2. 使…处于某种状态,导致

EX) bring...to a halt

3. 拿来,带来;带进,带到

EX) bring home the bacon, bring...around, bring...out

4. 劝使;说服;迫使

EX) bring...to account, I can't bring myself to heap obloquy to him.LECTURE 4 基本动词 BRING 1词组讲解

1. bring home the bacon *赚生活费,赚钱养家

解 俚语;词义溯源:给[家里(home)]带来[腌猪肉(bacon)]

例 Su Dong? Oh, he doesn't have a job—he's a kind of “househusband. ” His wife's the one who brings home the bacon. She's a CPA at some international accounting firm. I've heard her pay is over $70,000 a year.

2. bring sb. or sth. around ***带来(使能见面);使恢复意识

解 短语动词;词义溯源:把某人带到[周围(around)]

例 Hey Chris, why don't you bring your baseball card collection around sometime? I'd really like to see it. Maybe you could introduce us all to your hobby at the next company picnic. What do you say?

3. bring sb. or sth. back / bring back sb. or sth. ***归还,还原

解 短语动词;词义溯源:将某人或某物[向后、往回(back)]带

例 NOTICE: Whoever took my Whitney Houston CD, I'd appreciate it if you would bring it back. Just slide it into my mailbox downstairs and I won't ask any questions. If I don't have it by Friday, I'm going to inform the dormitory security that someone stole it. Thanks, Bob.

4. bring sb. or sth. out / bring out sb. or sth. ***使显示出;说出;(介绍女子)正式在社交界出道;出版(书籍),推出(新商品等)

解 短语动词;词义溯源:把某人或某物带到[外面(out)]

例 He was so excited that he could hardly bring out a thank-you.

5. bring sb. or sth. up / bring up sb. or sth. ***提起,谈到;养育孩子或动物

解 短语动词;词义溯源:将某人或某物带到[上方(up)]

例 Unless someone brings it up, let's not talk about Carl's family problems. I would hope everyone will respect his privacy and not ask him to talk about something so sensitive in a public meeting. Things like this should be discussed in private.巩固练习(A) brings home the bacon(B) bring...around(C) bring back(D) bring out(E) bring up

1. A: Did you ______ the pay raise the union members want? B: Yes, I mentioned it to the general manager, but he hasn't replied yet. I'm having lunch with him tomorrow. I'll try to get him to discuss it then.

2. A: Who ______ since your father died? I mean, does





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