
发布时间:2020-07-01 05:02:40










2.global warming【答案】全球变暖


4.APEC Summit【答案】亚太经合组织领导人峰会

5.the A (H1N1) virus【答案】甲流

6.Arbor Day【答案】植树节

7.the in-thing【答案】流行事物

8.somebody’s cup of tea【答案】某人心爱之人或物


10.average Joe【答案】普通人

11.moon away【答案】虚度

12.put two and two together【答案】根据事实推理

13.give the floor to【答案】请某人发言

14.disposable chopsticks【答案】一次性筷子



1.知识产权【答案】intellectual property rights

2.中国最适合居住的十大城市【答案】Top 10 cities for overall quality of life in China

3.盗版软件【答案】pirated software

4.产能过剩【答案】over-capacity of production

5.晚婚晚育【答案】late marriage and late childbirth

6.战国时期【答案】Warring States Period

7.打造国际知名品牌【答案】build well-known international brand

8.海洋科学研究所【答案】Institute of Marine Sciences

9.安全饮用水【答案】safe drinking water

10.农民工【答案】rural migrant workers in cities; peasant-worker

11.暗箱操作【答案】black case work

12.老人节【答案】double-ninth festival; the ninth day of the ninth moon

13.科幻小说【答案】scientific fiction

14.万有引力定律【答案】Law of Universal Gravitation

15.前苏联【答案】former Soviet Union


Today, I will focus on one major impact of the current financial crisis on Asia-Pacific, that is, the decline in domestic demand. Particularly, I want to talk about the factors leading to declines in domestic demand.

Equity markets in developing countries around the world have suffered large decreases in value since mid-September 2008, reflecting a global credit crunch and a worldwide flight to safety among investors.

These declines are expected to cause a number of effects that will dampen domestic demand, especially personal consumption and corporate investments. Although equity market investments only constitute a small percentage of overall household wealth and equity financing consists of relatively a small portion of corporate investment in Asia-Pacific as compared with developed countries, the declines will affect the more advanced economies of the region, such as the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong of China.

Secondly, declines in property markets will further dampen domestic demand. The reduction in housing prices will have an effect on real estate investments, which have played a particularly important role in the growth of domestic demand in a number of countries--most notably in China, where the property sector accounts for about one quarter of all investment.

Private consumption will also be affected by the fall in property prices, particularly in the more advanced economies in the region, where property assets account for a more significant portion of household wealth.

Thirdly, reduced bank lending is the most significant factor curtailing corporate activity and domestic demand.

The concern here is that an increase in non-performing loans will result in greater restraints on and a reduction in new lending, leading to possible higher costs for new borrowers. Increased borrowing costs may in turn add further pressures resulting in a greater number of corporate defaults.【参考译文】










The topic of my speech today is “The role of Christianity in the Development of western Democracy and Politics”. I hold the view that western democracy and politics come into being and develop within the context of its own culture. Religion, especially Christianity, has been playing a unique and complicated role. Generally speaking, official doctrines in Christianity don’t emphasize on revolution. However, its preach for equality and rule by law played a positive role in history. Being reformed and utilized by democratic revolutionists, it inspires people to fight against feudal tyranny and in turn safeguards their freedom. In addition, different branches of Christianity, namely Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox and Protestantism play different roles in the advancement of modern democracy. Different cultures also lead to different types of democracies among western countries.



1.小道消息【答案】grapevine news

2.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆【答案】to reap what one sows

3.次贷危机【答案】subprime crisis

4.《三国演义》【答案】The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

5.世博会的吉祥物海宝【答案】The world expo mascot “Haibao”

6.闪婚【答案】flash marriage

7.《不见不散》【答案】“Be there or be square”

8.摆架子【答案】put on airs

9.上海五国第九次峰会【答案】the ninth summit of Shanghai

10.保兑银行【答案】a confirming bank

11.本命年【答案】year of fate, animal year


13.不以物喜,不以己悲【答案】not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses

14.布达拉宫【答案】the Potala Palace

15.《论语》【答案】The Analects(二)英译中(15分)



3.the “Mathew Effect”【答案】马修效应

4.European monetary integration【答案】欧洲货币一体化

5.Memorandum of Understanding for the Collaborative Program on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases between the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States of America and the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China【答案】美利坚合众国卫生与公众服务部与中华人民共和国卫生部签署的对新出现和重新出现的传染病的合作方案的谅解备忘录

6.China Rose【答案】月季花


8.sock puppet【答案】马甲

9.honor system【答案】诚信制度

10.forewarned is forearmed【答案】凡事预则立

11.write unsolicited testimonials【答案】主动写表扬信

12.Vital statistics【答案】人口统计

13.concept album【答案】概念专辑

14.scale back production【答案】缩减生产

15.possible repercussions of our actions【答案】我们的行动可能产生的影响


I had always assumed a broken heart was just a metaphor, a cliché of country music and romance novels. So I was as surprised as anyone to learn last week that doctors now consider it a real medical event, one that can kill.

The news comes from a report published in the New England, Journal of Medicine, in which physicians at Johns Hopkins described a group of 18 mostly older women and one man who developed serious heart problems after experiencing a sudden emotional shock, such as the death of a loved one, or, in the case of one 60-year-old woman, a surprise birthday party.

What surprised the doctors who examined these patients was that none of them had actually suffered a heart attack. Indeed, few had any signs of heart disease at all. Yet at least five of the 19--and perhaps more--would have died without treatment, according to Dr. Ilan Wittstein, the cardiologist who led the study.【参考译文】



Resource efficiency means reducing the environmental impact of the consumption and production of goods and services. The doing more with less slogan indicates the focus on more outputs with fewer impacts. Efficiency gains do not guarantee that the overall outcome stays within the ecological carrying capacity of the Earth. Influencing the demand side is therefore another prerequisite for sustainable development.

It is indeed timely to recognize that the world cannot achieve sustainable, economic growth with old fashioned consumption and production patterns. Companies will have to accelerate the trends of polluting less and of designing, producing and marketing better products and services. Consumers have to get used to the fact that environmental concerns are as important in their daily choices as considerations of price, convenience and quality. And governments and civil society have a key role to play in inspiring such a process.【参考译文】






Creativity is the key to the success of Happy Valley as well as the soul of its development. Based on the analysis of the inherent characteristics of Happy Valley and the future development tendency of global competition, the staffs of Happy Valley strongly realize that the strategy which leads to the great development of the enterprise is the preservation of core competition ability.

As a result of that, on the initiative of the enterprise culture, the three core competition abilities—“Leadership”, “Brand Creativity” and “Characteristic Service”—are set as the management guidelines of the enterprise. In 2003, Happy Valley started its first “three-year image project”, putting “establish a brand exteriorly, enhance services interiorly” as the focus of its annual work, in order to achieve the goal of continuous improvement of the core competition ability of the Happy Valley.(二)(30分)


As the representative of wine industry in China, Chang Yu Group participated in the World Expo in 1915 with four kinds of its products. The first bottle of dry red wine which was completely brewed by Chinese was produced by Chang Yu Group in 1931. Today, the group owns 17,000 hectares of vineyards which scattered in the six premier grape production zones in China, offering fresh, natural and ripe grapes for brewing. Besides, the group has the most advanced brewage equipments and technique as well as a top wine-maker team in the six chateaus in China. Integrated with international capitals and techniques, Chang Yu Group joins an international chateau union with local chateaus in France, Italy and New Zealand.



1.不入虎穴,焉得虎子【答案】Nothing venture, nothing gaine

2.她生来才貌双全【答案】She is endowed with intelligence as well as beauty

3.服装纺织业【答案】clothing and textile industry

4.中国人民政治协商会议【答案】Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

5.法定节日【答案】statutory holiday

6.国家烟草专卖局【答案】State Tobacco Monopoly Administration

7.磁悬浮铁轨【答案】Maglev Guideway

8.节能减排【答案】energy conservation and emission reduction

9.加快自主创新的步伐【答案】to accelerate the pace of independent innovation

10.不断完善有利于科学发展的体制机制【答案】to constantly improve institutions and mechanisms conducive to developing scientifically

11.改善民生【答案】to improve people’s lives

12.加快发展社会事业【答案】to accelerate the development of social undertakings

13.实施医药卫生体制改革【答案】to implement the reform of the medical and health sectors

14.提高宏观调控水平【答案】to improve the ability of macro-control

15.物以类聚,人以群分【答案】Birds of a feather gather together(二)英译汉(15分)

1.An Irish Goodbye【答案】不辞而别

2.Helicopter parent【答案】直升机父母(指那些过分关注孩子生活中的经历和问题的父母,他们对孩子的学校生活尤其关注,就像直升飞机一样整天盘旋在孩子的身边,时刻等待孩子的召唤。)

3.to bring the house down【答案】赢得满堂彩,全场喝彩

4.up in the air【答案】悬而未决

5.to put one’s shoulder to the wheel【答案】努力工作;全力以赴

6.to meet one’s waterloo





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