
发布时间:2020-07-01 07:21:05









本书是商务英语专职作家阿曼达·克兰德尔·朱(Amanda Crandell Ju)的最新力作。阿曼达是资深的商务人士,有真切实在的职场经历。她写的范文十分贴近实际的商务环境。读者会发现这些范文和实际工作结合得很紧密,有助于自己平时撰写邮件和报告,非常实用。



Part 1 商务写作实用短句 General Expressions

Unit 1 邮件标题范例 Subject Lines

Unit 2 邮件常用语 Useful Phrases

Unit 3 功能表达句 Functional Expressions

1.表达意愿 Willingness

●I am really looking forward to discussing our products with you./ 我很期待和您探讨我们的产品。

●I expect at least $30,000 a year./ 我希望一年最少能挣三万美元。

●I want a credit card with no annual fee./ 我想办一张没有年费的信用卡。

●I was hoping for a lower price./ 我希望价格再低点。

●I would rather come back straight after the party./ 我宁愿晚会后直接回家。

●I'd like to express my appreciation for everyone's hard work./ 我对每个人的辛勤工作表示感激。

●I'd like to take a course in Finance./ 我想参加财务方面的课程。

●We expect double-digit growth in the youth market this year./ 我们预计今年年轻人消费市场将达到两位数的增长。

●We hope you can see our point of view./ 我们希望您能理解我们的想法。

●We want to commandeer more of the market share./ 我们想占有更多的市场份额。2.说明计划和决定 Plan and Decision

●I decided to start my own business./ 我决定自己开公司了。

●I intend to apply for the post of manager./ 我打算申请经理一职。

●I plan to send a mass e-mail to all the users on our company's server./ 我准备在公司的服务器上给所有用户群发电子邮件。

●Once the investigation is completed, we will issue a report./ 等我们完成了调查,就会发布一个报告。

●Our offices will be closed for the month of August./ 我们办公室将在8月停止办公。

●We are also planning to negotiate with local authorities on tax issues./ 我们计划与当地政府商讨税收问题。3.表达观点 Opinion


●Do you agree with me? / 您同意我的看法吗?

●What do you suggest we do about this? / 您对我们的做法有什么建议吗?

●What do you think of the new marketing manager? / 您认为新来的市场部经理怎么样?

●What do you think? / 您怎么看?

●What's your opinion on this? / 您对此有何高见?

●What's your view on this? / 您对此有何看法?


●I definitely think that price is usually the winner./ 我一直认为是价格说了算。

●I firmly believe that there's a fairly easy way to improve the process./ 我坚信有比较简单的改进生产过程的方法。

●I really feel this new product will be really popular./ 我确信这个新产品将会非常畅销。

●I'm absolutely sure that there's a glitch in the operating system./ 我敢肯定操作系统有故障。

●I'm certain that you'd be the perfect candidate for the position./ 我认为您是这个职位的最佳人选。


●I believe you'd be the perfect candidate for the position./ 我觉得您会是这个职位的最佳人选。

●I don't think it would be sensible for us to reject his offer./ 我认为我们拒绝他的条件不明智。

●I think we should postpone a decision./ 我想我们应该推迟做决定。

●I think your figure should stay the same./ 我认为你们的数字应该维持不变。

●I'm sure it will be delightful./ 这一定很不错。

●In my opinion, it might be better if we discussed their design before they got here./ 依我看,在他们来之前我们先讨论一下他们的设计会更好些。

●In my view, 6% is a little high./ 要我说,6%有点高了。4.做出保证 Assurance

●I can assure you, service on items we sell won't be a problem./ 我敢向您保证,我们的售后服务绝对没问题。

●I can reassure you that I share the same ideals as your company./ 我能向您保证,我与贵公司拥有同样的价值理念。

●The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster./ 政府已承诺对这次灾难进行全面调查。

●We are committed to making our customers happy, no matter what it takes./我们保证让我们的顾客高兴,不管代价是什么。5.赞同和不赞同 Agreement and Disagreement


●Absolutely! / 赞成!

●I agree with you 100 percent./ 我百分之百赞同。

●I couldn't agree more./ 我举双手赞成。

●I totally agree./ 我完全同意。

●No doubt about it./ 毋庸置疑。

●That's exactly how I feel./ 跟我想的完全一样。

●That's for sure./ 那是当然。

●You're absolutely right./ 您完全正确。


●I accept your point./ 我接受您的观点。

●I agree with that./ 我同意。

●I agree with you./ 我同意。

●I guess so./ 我猜得没错。

●I suppose so./ 我想是这样的。

●I think you're right./ 我想您是对的。

●I'm in favor of the plan./ 我喜欢这个计划。

●Yes, that's true./ 是这样。


●I agree with most of what you say./ 我大体赞成您的说法。

●I agree with you on the whole./ 总的来说我赞成您。

●I suppose that's true./ 我想是这样。

●You may be right./ 您也许是对的。


●I'm not so sure about that./ 我可不那么肯定。

●I'm not sure I agree./ 我还不能肯定。

●That's not always true./ 并非总是如此。


●I don't agree with that./ 我不同意。

●I'm afraid I disagree./ 我恐怕难以苟同。

●I'm afraid that can't be true./ 恐怕不是这样。

●I'm afraid that's not quite right./ 恐怕不是这样。

●I'm sorry but I think you're mistaken./ 抱歉,我得说您错了。


●I disagree completely./ 我强烈反对。

●I totally disagree./ 我完全反对。6.建议和劝告 Suggestion and Advice


●Can I ask your advice about something? / 您能帮我出出主意吗?

●Can we provide for this with our working capital? / 我们能用流动资本来补充吗?

●Do you want to go to the Forbidden City, and the Temple of Heaven if time permits? / 我们去故宫怎样?如果有时间还能去天坛。

●Have you thought of taking them to a show? / 您考虑过带他们去看演出吗?

●Shall I organize a barbecue on Saturday? / 我组织一个周六烧烤会怎样?

●Shall we start right into our meeting? / 现在我们的会议可以开始吗?

●We could consider ordering more./ 我们可以考虑多订一些。

●What do you think I should do? / 您认为我该怎么做?

●You could ask Simon if he wants to come./ 您可以问西蒙是否愿意来。


●How about 550 units for $196 each? / 550套的话,每套196美元如何?

●I suggest you try again later./ 我建议您再试试。

●I think you should reconsider./ 我想您应该再考虑考虑。

●I'd recommend you to have a rest./ 我建议您休息一下。

●If I were you I would buy a smaller car./ 如果我是您,我会购买一辆小型汽车。

●Try to be more prepared next time./ 下回准备更充分些。

●What if I talked to our shipping partner? / 我和船运公司谈谈怎样?

●Why don't we do a SWOT? / 我们何不做一个SWOT(一种辅助决策的战略分析方法)分析?

●Why not give him a call? / 干吗不给他打个电话?

●You had better use a catchy subject./ 您最好写一个吸引人的标题。

●You need to start with the cost codes./ 您需要从成本代码入手。

●You ought to get the machine serviced./ 您该把这台机器拿去修了。

●You should have a word with your boss./ 您应该和您上司好好谈谈。7.征求许可 Permission

●Can I change it to an earlier flight? / 我可不可以改订早一点的航班?

●Can I use this card to get a cash advance? / 我能否用这张卡来预支现金呢?

●Could I possibly borrow your lecture notes? / 我能借用您的笔记吗?

●Do you mind if I bring a friend to your party? / 我带一个朋友参加您的晚会可以吗?

●Would you mind if I came with you to the concert? / 我跟您一起去音乐会可以吗?8.提出请求 Request

●Please return the entire order to us./ 请将整单订货退给我们。

●Can you deliver them tomorrow? / 你们可以明天送货吗?

●Can you give me a hand with this report? / 您能帮助我做这份报告吗?

●Will you offer any more of a discount? / 您能再给一些折扣吗?

●Will you send me this year's price list by e-mail? / 您能把今年的价目表用电子邮件发给我吗?

●Would you mind scanning in the forms for me? / 您是否介意将表格扫描给我?

●I wonder if you would forward this letter to Mr.Robert? / 能把这封信转给罗伯特先生吗?

●I was wondering if you could give me a run over of the final numbers? / 我想知道您能否帮我把最终数据检查一遍?

●Please make payment in full by July 5./ 请在7月5日前付清您的货款。9.表达喜欢和兴趣 Preference and Interest

●I dislike my new job and plan to find another one as soon as possible./ 我不喜欢这份新工作,打算尽快换工作。

●I fancy a job in advertising./ 我喜欢广告方面的工作。

●I like the fact that I get to work with people./ 我喜欢跟很多人一起工作。

●I prefer fish to meat./ 相较于肉,我更喜欢吃鱼。

●I'm comfortable working under deadlines./ 我能胜任时间性强的工作。

●I'm extremely interested in cooperating with you./ 我对与您合作尤其感兴趣。

●I'm not very fond of biography./ 我并不喜欢自传体小说。

●I'm not very keen on violent films./ 我并不喜欢宣扬暴力的影片。

●I'm very interested in this product./ 我对这个产品非常感兴趣。10.表示惊讶 Surprise

●His sudden resignation came as a complete shock to us./ 他突然辞职对我们来说如同晴天霹雳。

●I was astonished that he was able to survive./ 他竟然活了下来,这让我大为惊讶。

●I was surprised to hear that he didn't get the job./ 听说他没能得到这份工作我很惊讶。

●I'd be surprised to see his face again./ 如果再看到他,我会感到奇怪。11.表达必要性 Obligation

●Construction should be finished by the end of April./ 工程应该在4月底完成。

●We definitely need to get better at controlling the costs./ 我们确实需要更好地控制成本。

●We must have these items produced strictly to our specifications./ 我们的产品必须严格按规格生产。

●We need to get a new part./ 我们需要换一个新部件。

●What kind of tariffs will we have to deal with? / 我们要支付多少关税?

●You don't have to wear a suit.It's an informal occasion./ 您用不着穿正装,这是一个非正式场合。

●You must inform the tax authorities./ 您必须通知税务部门。

●Your monthly supply budget should not exceed $100./ 你们每月的办公用品预算不应超过100美元。12.表达可能性 Possibility

●He can be wrong to say so./ 他这么说可能错了。

●It could be weeks before we get a reply./ 我们可能要几周后得到答复。

●Our biggest rival might be NewTech./ 我们最大的竞争对手恐怕要算新科技公司了。

●There may not be enough money to pay for the repairs./ 维修费可能不够。

●We must become more competitive if we can hold on to our strategy of lower prices./ 如果我们保持低价策略就会具有更强的竞争力。

●You must be from the head office? / 您一定是从总部来的吧?13.强调重要性 Importance

●Be sure to put down the address of the receiver clearly./ 注意要把收件人的地址写清楚。

●It's because we've cut costs that our profits have raised./ 正因为我们削减了成本,利润才得以上升。

●It's important to get through all of the papers./ 重要的一点是要完成所有论文。

●Make sure it doesn't happen again./ 下不为例。

●Make sure you check all the equipment./ 一定要检查所有的设备。

●One of the first things we've got to do is getting rid of that surplus./ 我们首先要做的事情之一,就是处理掉积压的存货。

●That's where we need to focus our marketing./ 那正是我们的营销重点所在。

●The best thing about this product is that it works in both Chinese and English./这个产品最大的特点是它可以用中英双语呈现内容。

●The first thing we will need is a copy of your current balance sheet./ 首先需要的就是一份你们目前的资产负债表。14.做比较 Comparison


●Edward speaks Japanese just as well as Freda./ 爱德华的日语说得和弗雷达一样好。

●I earn the same as I did two years ago./ 我和两年前挣得一样多。

●I'm not as busy now as I was last month./ 我现在没有上个月忙。

●We don't sell as much as we used to./ 我们没有过去卖得多。

●We're as big as our main competitor./ 我们和我们的主要竞争对手规模一样大。


●I think my arguments were more persuasive than hers./ 我觉得我的观点比她的更有说服力。

●She's much more computer-savvy than her colleagues./ 她比她的同事们更懂计算机。

●We have fewer customers than we used to have./ 我们的顾客比过去少了。

●You're more experienced in these matters than I am./ 您在这些事情上比我更有经验。


●It will run much more efficiently if we get it serviced./ 这个如果拿去修修会运转得更好。

●It will take much less time if we send it express./ 用快递寄会快得多。

●It's far less profitable to sell via an agent./ 通过代理商销售利润少多了。

●We sold slightly more this year than last year./ 我们今年比去年卖得多一点。15.比较数据 Data

●It's the fourth most expensive city in the world./ 这是排在全球第四位的生活最昂贵的城市。

●It's the second largest pharmaceutical company in Europe./ 这是欧洲第二大的化学公司。

●She earns half as much as he does./ 她的收入是他的一半。

●The new warehouse is almost twice as big as the old one./ 新库房几乎是旧库房的两倍大。

●Their advertising budget is three times as much as ours./ 他们的广告投入是我们的三倍。

●They spend twice as much on raw materials as we do./ 他们在原材料上的支出是我们的两倍。

●We normally spend a quarter of that amount./ 我们通常只花那个数目的1/4。16.说明时间 Time


●I heard your flight was delayed by over 5 hours./ 我听说您的飞机晚点了五个多小时。

●If we leave at 7:45, we should be able to get there by 8:30./ 如果我们7:45 出发,我们应该能在8:30之前到那儿。

●My job interview is at 2:30 p.m.this Monday./ 我的工作面试时间是这周一下午2:30。


●He frequently goes to Europe on business trips./ 他经常去欧洲出差。

●I usually check my e-mail about five times a day./ 我通常一天要查看五次电子邮件。

●The doctor said I should take the medicine twice a day./ 医生说这种药我应该一天吃两次。


●I've been working as a legal advisor for 15 years./ 我已做了15年的法律顾问。

●In the first two years the sales almost doubled./ 最初两年销量几乎翻番。

●In the last two years we've expanded tremendously./ 近两年来公司业务扩张迅猛。

●In the third quarter sales reached a peak of 25,000./ 第三季度销量达到了25,000台的最高点。

●Over the past year we have sold 575,000 mobile phones./ 过去一年我们共售出575,000部手机。

●The flights are a bit pricey at this time of the year./ 每年的这个时候机票都会比较贵。


●Bruce managed to finish it in only an hour./ 布鲁斯只用了一小时就答完了。

●I was driving at 125 km/h when the cop pulled me over./ 警察让我把车开到路边的时候,我开车的时速达到了125公里。

●One of my friends can read over 500 words a minute./ 我有个朋友一分钟能看500个字。

●The new high-speed train has a maximum speed of 600 km/h./ 这种新型高速列车的最高时速可以达到600公里。17.说明距离 Distance

●I live roughly 5 kilometers from the CBD./ 我住的地方距中央商务区大约有五公里。

●It'll take us just over three hours to get there by train./ 我们坐火车到那里去需要三个多小时。

●The museum is about five kilometers away from the subway station./ 那家博物馆距地铁站大约五公里。

●We live about a 10-minute drive from each other./ 我们两个住的地方相距大约十分钟的车程。18.说明数量 Quantity

●Could you call the restaurant and make a reservation for 12 people? / 你能打电话给那家餐厅预订12个人的座位吗?

●His new laptop computer is only 0.75 inches thick./ 他的新笔记本电脑厚度仅为0.75英寸。

●I spend about two hours every day writing e-mails./ 我每天要花两小时左右写电子邮件。

●Over 250 people have signed up for the conference./ 本次会议共有250多人报名参加。

●Please bring 500 copies of the handout to the conference./ 请带500份材料来开会。

●The author's latest book is roughly 300 pages long./ 这个作家最新的作品大约有300页。

●The company has over 20,000 employees worldwide./ 这家公司在全球有2万多名员工。

●The temperature fell to around five degrees yesterday./ 昨天的气温下降到了5度左右。19.说明数字 Number


●My garden is about 30 feet long and 20 feet wide./ 我的花园长约30英尺,宽约20英尺。

●The central park covers an area of 720,000 square meters./ 中央公园的占地面积是72万平方米。

●The floor area is only around 500 square feet./ 总面积只有大约500平方英尺。

●The new golf resort covers more than 400 acres of land./ 新高尔夫球场的占地面积是400多英亩。


●Did you hear that the unemployment rate has dropped to below 2%? / 您听说了吗?失业率已经下降到2%以下了。

●He decided to invest 30 percent of his savings in the stock market./ 他决定把自己存款的30%投资到股市中。

●Her new house is about five times bigger than her old one./ 她的新房子比旧房子大五倍。

●His fortune has more than tripled in the past six months./ 在过去的六个月里,他的财富暴增至原来的三倍多。

●Our company's earnings rose by 10% this quarter./ 这个季度我们公司的盈利增加了10%。

●Our European market share has dropped 2% over the past year./ 去年一年我们在欧洲的市场占有率下降了将近2%。

●The price of oil has doubled in less than two years./ 不到两年,石油的价格翻了一番。


●Last month, approximately two-thirds of all transactions were made through our website—an increase of one-third from a year ago./ 上个月我们网站的交易额接近总交易额的2/3,比去年增长了1/3。

●Online purchases accounted for some four-fifths of last month's sales revenues./ 上个月的在线购物营业额已达到总销售额的4/5。

●What proportion of your income do you spend on food? / 您在食品上的花费占收入的比例是多少?


●Gary said he has a grade point average of about 3.95./ 加里说他的平均分大概是3.95。

●I get an average of eight hours of sleep per night./ 我平均每天睡8小时。

●The average annual temperature here is 20 degrees Celsius./ 这里的年平均气温是20摄氏度。

●The average lifespan has risen in the past 25 years./ 在过去的25年间,平均寿命有所增加。

●The average precipitation in April is 64 millimeters./ 4月的平均降水量是64毫米。

●The report shows our average daily sales were $8125./ 报告显示,我们的日均销售额达到了8125美元。20.说明金钱 Money

●After switching jobs, his monthly salary jumped from RMB 20,000 yuan to RMB 30,000 yuan./ 换工作后,他的月收入从2万元涨到3万元人民币。

●Her company suffered a net loss of 12 million euro last year./ 她的公司去年净亏损1,200万欧元。

●His income last year totaled approximately $80,000./ 他去年的总收入接近8万美元。

●I bought a new bicycle in China for RMB 500 yuan./ 我在中国花500元人民币买了一辆新的自行车。

●In some countries, sales tax is included in marked prices./ 在一些国家,商品的售价里是包含销售税金的。

●It should be feasible to set a manufacturer's price of at least $500./ 我们应该把出厂价定为至少500美元才比较合理。

●Much to my surprise, the estimated market value is up 60% from the last appraisal five years ago! / 让我大吃一惊的是,估计市价比五年前的评估增加了60%。

●The retail value of the new software should be somewhere between $600 and$625./ 新软件的零售价格应该定为600~625美元。21.说明质地 Texture

●As usual, please use the 70-pound bond paper with matte finish./ 请用和以往一样的70磅亚光文件纸。

●I bought all the ingredients needed to make a cherry pie./ 我买了制作樱桃派需要的所有原料。

●I prefer matte finish photographs to glossy ones./ 比起光面照片我更喜欢亚光的。

●I want to buy some mahogany furniture./ 我想买一些桃花心木家具。

●I'm attaching a high-resolution image of our revised corporate brochure./ 通过附件发给您一份我公司新的宣传册的图片,该图片是高分辨率的。

●Please make sure to print the letters on 25% cotton paper./ 请用含棉25%的纸打印这封信。

●The customer's new specifications for the T-shirts are 90% cotton and 10% polyester, rather than 100% cotton./ 那位客户把原定的T恤衫的面料质地由100%纯棉改成90%棉加10%涤纶。

●The greeting cards I bought are made from 80% recycled paper./ 我买的贺卡80%是用再生纸做的。

●Their new house was constructed primarily of glass and steel./ 他们的新房子主要是用玻璃和钢材建造的。

Part 2 社交往来邮件 Everyday E-mails

Unit 1 问候 Greetings

1.询问近况 Catching up


Subject: Just a quick noteDear Laura,

I hope everything is going well for you and your cute little family! I am sorry it's taken me so long to drop you a note.Everything is going well for me here in Buffalo, I am settling in at the new branch.My new office here is a bit smaller and the new environment takes some getting used to, but everyone here has been so friendly and helpful.Let me know how you and the baby are doing.Is he sleeping through the night yet? If you have time, send me some pictures.I'd love to see them!

Take care!






Subject: Re: Just a quick noteDear Maria,

Thanks for your note, I was happy to hear from you and hear how you are doing in New York.I am glad to hear you are settling in so quickly.Henry is fine, sleeping better but still not through the night.Even though I feel exhausted sometimes, I still think having a little one has enriched my life in so many ways.You will be amazed on how much he has grown.Any chance you might be back in Los Angeles for C hristmas? I'd love to catch up.Let me know what your plans are.



P.S. I hope you enjoy the pictures! Let me know if you have problems opening the attachments.






1.I was so glad to get your e-mail this morning./ 今早收到了您的邮件,我非常高兴。

2.Everything is going well for me here in San Francisco./ 我在圣弗朗西斯科一切都好。

3.I was happy to hear from you and hear how you are doing in New York./ 得知您在纽约的情况,我感到很高兴。

4.I am sorry it's taken me so long to drop you a note./ 很抱歉这么久才给您写信。

5.I hope everything is going well for you and your cute little family! / 希望您和您那可爱的孩子一切都好!


6.It's been about two weeks since I transferred to our southwestern branch in Seattle./ 我调到位于西雅图的西南分公司已经大约两周了。

7.I am glad to hear you are settling in so quickly./ 知道您这么快就安顿下来,我很欣喜。

8.I'm still adjusting to the new environment./ 我还在适应新的环境。

9.My new colleagues are all very friendly and approachable./ 我的新同事都很亲切友好。

10.We may fly into Chicago for the long weekend and stay at my parents' place./我们可能会飞到芝加哥,在我父母家里过那个长周末。


11.How's everything going at your end? / 您那边一切都好吧?

12.Let me know how you and the baby are doing./ 我想知道您和小宝宝过得怎么样。

13.If you have any cute pictures, I'd love to see them./ 要是您拍了些可爱的照片,我很想看一看。

14.It's hard to believe Thanksgiving is only just a few weeks away./ 难以相信还有几周就到感恩节了。

15.Let me know what your plans are./ 告诉我您的计划吧。

16.I hope you enjoy the pictures! / 希望您喜欢这些照片!2.告知消息 Announcing News


Subject: Good news on the Adkins accountDear Molly,

Thanks for your hard work on the Adkins account.I know you and your team have been putting in a lot of overtime working on this account, but I wanted to let you know that all the time and energy has sure paid off.We had some great news after meeting with the client yesterday.They were so pleased with the new ad layout your team put together that they decided to renew their contract with us.Thank you for your excellent work on this project, your contributions helped us make this deal happen.

Best regards!

Marcus Campbell





Subject: A change of plansDear Mr.Chen,

I am sorry to tell you that I will need to reschedule our factory visit.I just received word that our company's annual board meeting will be scheduled for the exact dates of our travel and my attendance at the meeting is mandatory.If possible, I would like to reschedule our visit for the end of J une or beginning of J uly.Please let me know if these dates would work for you.Again I am sorry for the last minute change of plans and the inconvenience it might cause you.


Sarah Edwards






1.I have some good news to share with you./ 我有好消息告诉您。

2.Thanks for your hard work on the project./ 感谢您为这个项目付出的辛勤努力。

3.We had some great news after meeting with the client yesterday./ 昨天,我们会见了客户,我有一些好消息要告诉您。

4.I am sorry to tell you that I will need to reschedule our factory visit./ 很抱歉通知您,我们参观贵厂的事情不得不改期了。

5.Unfortunately,I will be unable to arrive in Beijing on July 5th as anticipated./很抱歉,我原定于7月5日去北京的计划不能成行了。


6.The client was pleased with the new ad layout and decided to renew their contract with us./ 客户非常满意这个新的广告设计,决定要跟我们续签合同。

7.I know you and your team have been putting in a lot of overtime working on this account./ 我知道您和您的团队为这个项目一直在加班加点。

8.I wanted to let you know that all the time and energy has sure paid off./ 我想告诉您,您投入的时间和精力都肯定是值得的。

9.Would it be acceptable to reschedule the visit for mid-June? / 6月中旬再去拜访您可以吗?


10.Thank you for your excellent work on this project./ 感谢您在这个项目中的杰出工作。

11.Your contributions helped us make this deal happen./ 您的贡献帮助我们成功地签下了这份合约。

12.Your contributions on this project made a significant difference./ 您对这个项目的贡献很大,使整个项目大有起色。

13.Again I am sorry for the last minute change of plans and the inconvenience it might cause you./ 再次为我最后一刻的计划变动给您造成的不便向您致歉。

14.I'm very sorry for this sudden change of plans./ 计划突然改变,我非常抱歉。3.邀约娱乐活动 Inviting for Relaxation Activities


Subject: Boston Orchestra SaturdayDear Charlotte,

A bunc h of c o-workers from the offic e are getting together Saturday night to attend a performance by the Boston Orchestra.We've got extra tickets and I was wondering if you would be interested in coming with us.It's a pretty casual event, I promise there'll be no shoptalk.Several of them are bringing spouses and significant others, so you wouldn't need to feel like the odd man out.I know how much you love classical music, so I wanted to be sure and invite you.Let me know if you can make it.

Best regards!






Subject: Dinner and a movie?

Hi, Leslie,

I know it's been a busy week for you, I hope you've finished up everything so you can enjoy yourself this weekend.The new batman movie is finally out in theaters and I am dying to see it.Since I know you are also a huge fan, you are the first one I thought of to invite.Would you like to go with me for a showing maybe on Saturday? I was thinking we could make an evening out of it and go out for Mexican food either before or after the movie.What do you say? Let me know if you have time.

Take care!









1.Do you want to take part in the charity run on Saturday morning? / 你想参加周六上午的慈善长跑吗?

2.I have tickets to a basketball game tomorrow afternoon at 1:30./ 我有明天下午一点半的篮球比赛的票。

3.We've got extra tickets./ 我们这里有一些多余的票。

4.I was wondering if you would be interested in coming with us./ 不知你是否有兴趣和我们一起去。

5.I heard that there's a new exhibition on China at the World Civilizations Museum starting next week./ 我听说下周在世界文明博物馆要举办一个关于中国的新展览。

6.I stopped by that new gym near our office yesterday to take a look./ 我昨天去咱们单位旁边新开的健身房看了看。

7.My boss managed to get some tickets to Saturday night's game between the Houston Rockets and San Antonio Spurs./ 我的老板设法得到了一些周六晚上的休斯敦火箭队与圣安东尼奥马刺队比赛的门票。


8.I know how much you love classical music, so I wanted to be sure and invite you./ 我知道你很热爱古典音乐,所以我想我一定要邀请你。

9.Since I know you are also a huge fan, you are the first one I thought of to invite./ 我知道你也很喜欢这部电影,所以我第一个就想到邀请你。

10.It's a pretty casual event, I promise there'll be no shoptalk./ 这是非正式的活动,我保证这个场合不谈工作。

11.I went last year and had a really good time./ 去年的这个活动我去了,感觉很不错。

12.Would you be interested in going? / 你想去看一看吗?

13.I really hope you can make it./ 我真的希望你能来。

14.Let me know if you can make it./ 不知你是否有空。

15.If you're able to come, please let me know as soon as possible./ 如果你能来,请尽快让我知道。4.和老友叙旧 Connecting with Old Friends


Subject: Long time no seeDear Marshall,

A few days ago I ran into Mary J enkins and she gave me your e-mail address.She mentioned you are in the neighborhood and I wanted to reconnect.How is everything? I heard you've been living overseas for the last few years working on a doctorate.That sounds very exciting! I don't want to make this note too long, but I wanted to drop you a line while we are both in the same city.I'd love to hear from you and hear about how things are going for you now.If you're free, maybe we can get together for coffee sometime to catch up.

Best regards!

Lewis Stewart





Subject: Re: Long time no see

Hey Lewis,

It was really great to get your e-mail! I am glad that Mary thought to give you my contact information.I just got back to the USA about a week ago after being in France for almost four years studying for my doctorate.I am finally done with my studies and have accepted a job here in Manhattan.Let's go for coffee sometime this week.I'd love to catch up.Give me a call, my US cellphone number is (723) 555-0923.I look forward to hearing from you soon.





收到你的邮件,真好!我很高兴玛丽把我的联系方式告诉了你。我大约一周前刚刚回到美国,之前我为了攻读博士学位在法国待了近四年。如今我终于完成了学业,已经在曼哈顿找到了一份工作。我们这周找个时间喝杯咖啡吧,我想和你叙叙旧。给我打电话吧。我在美国的手机号码是(723) 555-0923。期待很快收到你的回信。




1.How's it going? / 最近怎么样?

2.It's amazing how time flies./ 时间过得真是快啊。

3.It's great to hear from you! / 很高兴收到你的来信!

4.What have you been up to recently? / 你这些年在忙些什么呢?


5.She mentioned that you recently moved back to Cincinnati./ 她说起你最近刚搬回辛辛那提。

6.The last time we saw each other was 5 years ago at our 10th high school reunion./ 我们最后一次见面是在五年前的第十次高中聚会上。

7.It's been about 5 years since the last time we saw each other./ 我们最后一次见面是在五年前了。

8.Like you, I'm still single./ 和你一样,我还是单身。

9.I would be happy to tell you the long story over a cup of coffee sometime./ 有机会一起喝咖啡的时候我可以和你说说这件事情。


10.I don't want to make this e-mail too long, so I'll wrap it up here./ 我不想让这封邮件太啰里啰唆,所以就写到这儿吧。

11.Please e-mail me back when you get a chance./ 有空的话,给我回封邮件。

12.Let me know how everything's going./ 让我知道你过得怎么样。

13.Hope to hear from you soon! / 希望能尽快收到你的回信!

14.I look forward to seeing you soon./ 期待很快见到你。

15.Anyway, I thought I would try to reconnect with you./ 无论如何,我得重新和你取得联系。

16.Let me know when you have time to meet./ 告诉我你什么时候有空见面。

17.If you're free, maybe we can get together for coffee sometime to catch up./如果你有空的话,或许我们可以找个时间见个面,一起喝杯咖啡,叙叙旧。5.赞扬和夸奖 Praise and Appreciation


Subject: Website redesign


What an amazing job you've done redesigning the c ompany website! I just looked at the prototype and I am very impressed with all you have done with it.Even though you were working under a serious time-crunch, you managed to put together a creative and visually appealing design.It's not only informative, but also very user-friendly.I think you've really done well.I can't wait until it is finished and up online for everyone to enjoy! Great job!


J anice





Subject: Brochure designDear Tammy,

Thanks for your impressive work in designing new company material, specifically the broc hure for our maternity line.It was brilliant to c hange the c olor sc heme to a brighter purple and light-rosy pink.I also admire your use of stylized images integrated with real-life models.With just a few tweaks here and there, you've vastly improved the overall effec t of our c ompany literature.Even though the changes are subtle, they are just what the marketing team was looking for to boost our competitive edge.Excellent job!







1.I wanted to offer my compliments./ 我要表达我的祝贺。

2.I was rather impressed with the new packaging design you created./ 你设计的新包装令我印象相当深刻。

3.What an amazing job you've done redesigning the company website! / 你重新设计的公司网站真棒啊!

4.Thanks for your impressive work in designing new company material./ 感谢你设计出令人印象深刻的公司简介手册。


5.It looks as informative and user-friendly as any website I've seen./ 这个网站信息含量丰富,便于用户使用,不逊于我见过的任何一家网站。

6.I know you've been under immense pressure to get it done as quickly as possible./ 我知道为了尽快完成这项工作,你一直承受着巨大的压力。

7.It looks like that pressure has only helped to sharpen your focus and fuel your creativity./ 看起来压力只是帮你更强化了注意力,更激发了创造力。

8.Even though you were working under a serious time-crunch, you managed to put together a creative and visually appealing design./ 虽然时间很紧张,但你还是完成了美观而富有创意的设计。

9.With just a few tweaks here and there, you've vastly improved the overall effect of our company literature./ 你只是在一些地方做了微调,就大大地提升了公司简介的整体效果。


10.I'm confident that this will give us the competitive boost we need./ 我相信这会大大增强我们的竞争力。

11.I can't wait to see it up online for all to enjoy./ 我迫不及待地想看到网站上线,以供大家享用。

12.I think you've really done well./ 我觉得你做得真的很棒!

13.Excellent job! / 干得出色!

14.I can't wait until it is finished for everyone to enjoy! / 我都等不及了,让大家都能分享!6.分享旅行见闻 Travelogues


Subject: Tell me about your trip!Hi Miguel,

How is Europe so far? I can't wait to hear about your crazy round the world trip.Which countries have you been to so far? Which has been your favorite? When you get a minute, send me an update.I'd love to hear how it's going.As for me, it's same-old-same-old.At least I have a part-time job at the bookstore to keep me busy.It's not much, but at least I can dream by looking at travel books.How lucky you are to actually be there!Anyway, I miss you and can't wait to hear from you.While you're at it, send me some pictures!

Write soon!







Subject: Hello from Australia!Dear Carol,

I'm having a great time on my trip! Yesterday I left Sydney for Brisbane and have been enjoying the change of scenery.After a few days in Brisbane, I plan to go to New Zealand for the last leg of my trip.Australia has been so impressive, and I'm getting excited to see New Zealand's beautiful landscape.I have taken a ton of pictures so far, if you want to see them, check out my blog.Next Monday I will fly to Auckland, I will check in with you again when I arrive.I hope you are doing well back at home in the good old USA.

Love and miss you,






1.Which countries have you visited so far? / 到现在为止你都去过哪些国家了?

2.Which country has been your favorite? / 你最喜欢哪个国家呢?

3.How is Europe so far? / 你的欧洲之行怎么样了?

4.You must be having an awesome time in Europe! / 你在欧洲一定过得美妙绝伦吧。


5.I'm having a great time on my trip! / 我的旅行非常愉快!

6.I've spent most of my time in Malaysia and Thailand./ 我大部分时间是在马来西亚和泰国境内。

7.The tropical islands, parks and nature reserves in Malaysia are amazing./ 马来西亚的热带岛屿、公园和自然保护区神奇而迷人。

8.Thailand's white sand beaches are simply too exquisite for words./ 泰国的白色沙滩美丽得让我无法用言语表达。

9.Yesterday I left Sydney for Brisbane and have been enjoying the change of scenery./ 昨天我离开悉尼去往布里斯班,沿途不断变换的美景令我大饱眼福。

10.After a few days in Brisbane, I plan to go to New Zealand for the last leg of my trip./ 我打算在布里斯班逗留几日,然后去新西兰,作为我此次旅行的最后一站。


11.I can't wait to hear about your crazy round the world trip./ 我迫不及待地想听听你那精彩的环球之旅。

12.If you want to see my pictures, check out my blog./ 你要是想看看我的照片,就去我的博客上看吧。

13.I've already posted a few hundred pictures to my blog./ 我在博客上已经上传了几百张照片。

14.I'd love to hear how it's going./ 我想听听你的经历。

15.When you get a minute, send me an update./ 抽空和我说说你的近况吧。

16.Anyway, I miss you and can't wait to hear from you./ 总之,我很想你,迫不及待地想听听你的故事。





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