
发布时间:2020-07-02 06:40:43










2.Intellectual Property Rights【答案】知识产权

3.extreme weather events【答案】极端天气事件

4.Non-governmental organization【答案】非政府组织

5.Millennium Development Goals【答案】千年发展目标

6.Kyoto Protocol【答案】京都议定书

7.knowledge-based economy【答案】知识经济

8.regulatory regime【答案】管理制度

9.energy structure【答案】能源结构

10.moon probe【答案】月球探测仪

11.climate change mitigation and adaptation【答案】减缓和适应气候变化

12.bull/bear market【答案】牛市/熊市





1.小康社会【答案】a moderately prosperous society

2.灰色收入【答案】gray income

3.节能减排【答案】conserve energy and reduce emissions

4.猪流感【答案】Swine flu/swine influenza

5.经济全球化【答案】Economic globalization

6.有毒奶粉【答案】tainted milk

7.可再生能源【答案】renewable energy sources

8.保障性住房【答案】indemnificatory housing

9.黄金周【答案】golden week

10.贸易自由化【答案】trade liberalization

11.综合国力【答案】Comprehensive National Power

12.财政政策【答案】fiscal policy

13.经济刺激一揽子计划【答案】stimulus package

14.负增长【答案】negative growth

15.人口老龄化【答案】aging of population


1.In no other country is the public as aware of or as interested in what the WTO is and what it means for their future. In China, countless numbers of books and articles have been published, and numerous television and radio programs aired, on this subject. Just type in the words “China and the WTO” on any Internet search engine and you will find hundreds of websites devoted to this topic. In the WTO, China has shown a desire to play a significant role in shaping the future direction of the organization and to ensure success in the Doha Round. And we need China to play this role, and support the efforts to put the Round back on track, by helping to build a bridge that will serve the ambitions of both the developing and the developed world.【参考译文】


2.It is impossible for any country to prosper today under the burden of an inefficient and expensive service infrastructure. Producers and exporters of any product will not be competitive without access to efficient banking, insurance, accountancy, telecoms and transport systems. China’s financial services sector, in particular, has a huge potential to expand and to provide key services to companies and consumers. Without the spur of competition they are unlikely to excel in this role and this will be the detriment of overall economic efficiency and growth. China’s services sector also needs to obtain the know-how and technology applied in services industries in more developed countries. China has, so far, played an active role in the services negotiations. It needs to maintain this constructive approach and help convince other developing country members to be more active in the services negotiations.【参考译文】



我在查经班(Bible Class)里曾经闹过一个笑话,这个笑话对于我以后学英语应注意的地方,是十分有用的。那天我们上课时,天忽然乌云四合,不久便下了瓢泼大雨。我当时正在学副词,只记了个副词可以形容动词。于是我说:It’s raining hardly。这时候埃德加小姐(Miss Edgar)便说:It’s raining hard。可是第一次我还没有听明白,再说一句It’s raining hardly。埃德加小姐严肃地看了我一眼,又说一句It’s raining hard。我猛然感觉到自己一定把hardly这个字用错了,但还不知道错在哪里。下课后埃德加温和地对我说,读书时要勤查字典,明白各个字的不同变化。这个故事给我的教训颇为深刻,导致我以后勤查字典的习惯。事情已经过去半个多世纪,但这个教训还深深埋在我的记忆里。【参考译文】

A ridiculous error I made in the Bible class turned out to of great help to me in my later studies. One day, when I was in class, it suddenly clouded over and rained heavily. I was then learning English adverbs. Thinking that an adverb could modify a verb, I said, “It’s raining hardly.” Miss Edgar responded by saying, “It’s raining hard.” But I failed to understand it and repeated my own sentence, “It’s raining hardly.” She gave me a stern glance and said once more, “It’s raining hard.” Then I suddenly realized that there must be something wrong with the word “hardly” though I didn’t know why. I kept quiet and felt very uneasy. After class, she told me very gently that in order to know the different functions of a word, I should frequently loop up a dictionary. To avoid embarrassing me, she had chosen not to directly point out my error in the classroom. She wanted me to discover and correct the error by myself. The small incident, however, gave me a deep lesson. It has resulted in my habit of consulting a dictionary frequently. This lesson I learned more than half a century ago is today still deeply engraved in my memory.



1.OECD【答案】经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

2.CPI【答案】居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)

3.ASEAN【答案】东盟(Association of South East Asian Nations)

4.UN Security Council【答案】联合国安理会

5.Weapons of massive destruction【答案】大规模杀伤性武器

6.Nuclear proliferation【答案】核扩散

7.Euro debt crisis【答案】欧债危机

8.人民币汇率机制【答案】Renminbi exchange rate mechanism

9.共同但有区别的责任原则【答案】common but differentiated responsibilities principle

10.以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展【答案】the Scientific Outlook on Development, which upholds people-oriented, comprehensive, balanced, and sustainable development

11.世界博览会【答案】World Expo


13.实体经济【答案】the real economy

14.京都议定书【答案】Kyoto Protocol

15.经济适用房【答案】affordable housing


Americans’ entrepreneurial self-esteem is now embodied by Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon. These are indeed fabulously innovative companies with world-class business models. Yet one wonders if they are increasingly the exception, not the rule, and if the passing of Mr. Jobs is simply the most prominent example of a broader decline in American entrepreneurship. According to JPMorgan, employment at start-up companies regularly grew 1.2m per quarter in the late 1990s. That has fallen to 700,000 since the current recovery began.

Entrepreneurship and innovation, of course, are not the same thing. Yet even if American innovation is fundamentally sound, there remains the more unsettling problem of how narrowly its fruits are shared. If you want to know why the Senate is on the verge of passing a bill punishing China for its trade practices, look no further than this fact: Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon collectively employ just 113,000 people, a third of GM’s payroll in 1980. Naturally, as Adam Smith pointed out long ago, the sole purpose of production is consumption, so one should not scoff at the benefits these companies create for Americans in their other role as consumers rather than workers. And in truth, technological advancement has probably done far more than trade to hollow out the middle class and widen inequality. Slapping China with punitive tariffs is more likely to trigger a trade war than restore millions of middle-class jobs.【参考译文】

现在,美国人的那种企业家的妄自尊大就体现在苹果、谷歌、脸谱网和亚马逊上。这些传奇一样的公司经营模式都是世界上独一无二的。也许有人会想这些公司的发展会不会越来越超出常规,乔布斯的去世是不是代表着美国工商企业家能力的下降。摩根大通的研究结果显示,90年代后期新兴企业里的雇佣人数每个季度增长 120万,但自打经济开始复苏后就下降到了70万。

当然,领导力量和创新是不能相提并论的。就算美国的创新能力再强,他们也面临着悬而未决的问题,就是只有少部分人能享受到创新带来的好处。如果你想知道为什么美国因为贸易问题急着通过法案惩罚中国,看看下面这个事实就知道了:苹果、谷歌、脸谱网和亚马逊加起来雇用的美国人才有区区11.3万人,只有 1980年通用公司的三分之一。当然,亚当史密斯很久之前也指出过,生产的唯一目的就是消费,所以这些公司是通过让美国人做消费者而不是劳动者来给他们带来好处的,我们也没理由加以嘲笑。但事实上,相比贸易,技术进步可能对中产阶级的影响更大,也加剧了不平等。对中国实施惩罚性关税极有可能引发贸易战,而不会恢复上百万的中产阶级就业岗位。


Born in Hawaii, raised for some of his childhood in Indonesia, Barack Obama has since his election wanted to be known as America’s first Pacific President. Until recently, he has not done much to earn the title. That, Mr. Obama declares, is now changing. Allies in Asia have complained about only intermittent American attention to their region. But in a speech to Australia’s parliament on November 17th, Mr. Obama announced that America is back. Let there be no doubt: in the Asia-Pacific in the 21st century, the United States of America is all in. It was, he said, a deliberate and strategic decision: America was here to stay. Senior administration officials back up the president. They talk of a new pivot in foreign policy towards Asia. They say that much of Mr. Obama’s first term has been spent dealing with inherited issues, many of them linked to George Bush’s war on terror. But America is now out of Iraq, and there is a deadline to free itself from Afghanistan. So Asia is coming more into focus. Of course, old problems, such as Iran, can rapidly force themselves back to the top of the president’s agenda, and old European allies still command the most trust. But insiders hope that the Pacific will be the new strategic focus.【参考译文】






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