
发布时间:2020-07-03 00:37:15



















Smurf Village精灵村

Chapter 1 The Blue Moon

第1章 蓝月亮

Chapter 2 The Stork Comes Back

第2章 白鹳回来了

Chapter 3 Alone in the Night

第3章 孤独的夜晚

Chapter 4 A Sad Festival

第4章 悲伤的节日


返回总目录Smurf Village精灵村

Far, far away from here, in a small village of mushrooms, live the Smurfs.

These little blue people are dressed in white trousers and hats. As tall as three apples, they speak the"Smurf",a language only they understand.


这些小蓝人穿着白色的裤子,戴着白色的帽子。他们有三个苹果那么高,他们说的是“蓝精灵语”,那是一种只有他们自己才能听懂的语言。Papa Smurf蓝爸爸

He is the village chief. He is 542 years old.


Full of beauty and charm, Smurfette has a special place in the hearts of many Smurfs.

蓝妹妹非常漂亮,力四射,在许多蓝精灵的心中都占有特别的位置。Brainy Smurf聪聪

He's sure that he knows everything better than the others, and he would like to be Papa Smurf's favorite.

他相信自己对所有事情的理解比其他蓝精灵更好,并且他希望成为蓝爸爸最宠爱的孩子。Baby Smurf蓝宝宝

One night when the moon was blue, a stork brought a baby Smurf to the village.

一天晚上,当月亮是蓝色的时候,一只白鹳把一个小蓝精灵带到了村里。Grouchy Smurf厌厌

To see him like that, we might think he hates everything and everyone, but deep down, Grouchy Smurf has a heart of gold.

从表面上看,我们可能会认为他讨厌一切事物,讨厌每一个人,但其实他拥有一颗金子般的心。Jokey Smurf乐乐

What he loves is making jokes. His specialty?Explosive gifts!

他喜欢开玩笑。他有什么拿手绝活?那就是,会爆炸的礼物!Chapter 1The Blue Moon

It's such a strange night!The immense round moon hangs in the sky. It has taken on a blue color that illuminates the land of the Smurfs with its magical glow.

Suddenly, a stork passes by, flapping her wings heavily.

At the end of her long beak, she carries a package.

The stork reaches the sleeping village. Without noise, she comes to land in front of a house, letting slip her第1章蓝月亮





package to the ground. The wrapping of the package is undone, and a basket appears.Then, with the tip of its beak, the big bird gives a few knocks to the door……

"Who's smurfing on my door at this time of the night?"snarls Lazy Smurf, awakened with a start.

In a terrible mood, he gets out of bed, goes down the stairs, and opens the door. But there is no one at the doorstep!

"Oh, that Jokey Smurf and his stupid jokes!"cries the Smurf very angrily,"Tomorrow, I'll smurf him a good pair of slaps!"

But he has not yet noticed the basket at his feet.

Suddenly, a cry is heard,"WAAAAAA!"

Lazy Smurf raises the sheet that covers the basket and discovers a little blue baby……A baby Smurf!He panics a little as he has never seen one before.

"But he isn't mine, this baby!"he mumbles in a panic,






"What am I going to smurf with him?"He decides to drop the basket in front of Smurfette's house.

"A baby Smurf!"exclaims Smurfette, attracted by the cries.

Without hesitation, she takes the baby in her arms and brings him inside to warm him up and feed him.

Lazy Smurf feels relieved, even if he is a little ashamed of his cowardliness.

The next day, the news spreads like fire around the village. Everyone has come to admire the baby Smurf, and all think he is so cute, charming, and adorable……except, of course, Grouchy Smurf.Since he never ever likes anything, he has to maintain his reputation.





"I hate baby Smurfs!"he grumbles and turns his back.

At this point, the baby starts crying again.

"We must feed him!But where can we fnd milk?"

"I saw a goat not far from here!"Hefty Smurf says, grabbing a bucket.

"Wait, I'm going with you!"another says.

In the following days, the entire village is interested in only one thing:the well-being of the baby.

"Is he hungry?Or cold?"

"Should we heat water for his bath?"

A volunteer is even found to change his diapers. But, after just a few days, the volunteer asks when he can be fnished.Even good will has its limits!

Handy Smurf invents an automatic cradle, powered by a machine, but the machine makes so much noise that it prevents the baby from sleeping!It is better to return to the good old manual method. Besides, there is no shortage“我讨厌蓝宝宝!”他抱怨着背过身去。





of volunteers for this.

You can even see Grouchy Smurf next to the baby, but when Smurfette asks Grouchy to take care of the baby for a moment, he goes away shaking his fsts.

"Me,"he grumbles,"I hate babysitting!"

The life of the Smurfs has changed a lot, and they are very happy about the new baby.

But the arrival of the baby remains a mystery. Where does he come from?A baby falling from the sky is not something that happens every day!






This question is especially important to Brainy Smurf, who has a logical and scientifc mind. As he fnds no satisfying explanation in his books, he decides to go ask Papa Smurf.

"You who knows everything or almost everything……"starts Brainy Smurf,"Explain to me how this Baby Smurf smurfed here!"

But Papa Smurf seems a little embarrassed by this question.

"You must understand,"he says while looking out of the window,"Extraordinary things always happen when the moon is blue. This time, we are faced with a great mystery.However, there are some mysteries that one should not try to smurf, because they are a part of life.Do you understand?"

"Yes, Papa Smurf……"murmurs the Brainy Smurf, with lips pursed.



As soon as he leaves, he shrugs his shoulders with an annoyed grimace. He still hasn't found a logical explanation.

As the baby has become the center of their daily lives, the Smurfs decide to organize a big party to celebrate his arrival. Everyone is excited to plan for the event.

But little do they know that a huge drama is brewing……



但他们根本不知道有一场隆重的大戏就要上演了……Chapter 2The Stork Comes Back

In the village square, the party in honor of Baby Smurf has just begun. The brass band plays happy tunes and help themselves to the lemonade and delicious cream cakes.For this special occasion, the Smurfs install a magnificent carousel.They rush to get on the wooden horses.The party looks like it's going to be a great success!第2章白鹳回来了


But suddenly, the silhouette of a stork appears in the sky. The bird fies towards them and lands on the square.In her beak, she holds a letter……

"Welcome, Lady Stork!"greets Papa Smurf,"I have a feeling that you have something to do with the arrival of this baby. Am I wrong?"

The bird lowers her head to deliver her letter to Papa Smurf. When Papa Smurf unfolds the paper, he suddenly becomes pale.He begins reading the letter in a voice trembling with emotion……

"Dear Smurfs,

Due to an error in our delivery service, you received a baby that was not intended for you. We kindly ask you to return him to us.

Thank you in advance."

Even before Papa Smurf finishes his reading, angry







voices are rising all around him.

"Return the baby?"

"No!It's surely a mistake?"

"What should we do?"

"Let's smurf alone!"

Papa Smurf has to interrupt them.

"We have to be reasonable,"he says sadly,"the baby was smurfed by mistake, so we must return him!"

Instantly, Smurfette bursts into tears. But she soon realizes that Papa Smurf is right.As she swallows her tears, she leaves to say goodbye to Baby Smurf.

"We do not blame you,"says Papa Smurf to the stork, who is beginning to look miserable,"you are just doing your job."

But Smurfette runs back waving her arms and shouting,"He's not here anymore!Baby Smurf has





The Smurfs run in all directions to search for him. He is too small to walk and move alone!Who took him?A wild animal?

"Grouchy Smurf has disappeared too!"Hefty Smurf suddenly shouts.

"He's right,"says Brainy Smurf,"he was next to me when the stork arrived. After that, I don't know where he




Unbelievable!The Smurf who says he hates the baby has ran away with him. It is certain that we can never trust appearances—Grouchy Smurf hides his feelings well beneath his sulky air!

"Let's not waste our time!"shouts Papa Smurf,"We will smurf everywhere. You, in the woods.You, along the river……"

After giving his instructions, he turns to the stork.

"Lady Stork, please take me on your back,"he asks,"by fying over the region, we have a chance to spot them faster!"

"Let me accompany you!"begs Smurfette.

"No, Smurfette. It's better for you to stay in the village,"says Papa Smurf,"you must be there to take care of the baby, in case he returns."




"Yes, you are right……"Smurfette sighs.

The searches have begun. Grouchy Smurf could not have gone very far, but if he decides to hide, it will not be easy to fnd him.Already, yells are ringing out everywhere in the forest.

"Grouchy Smurf!Baby!"

"Where are you?"

Intrigued by this noise, the rabbits emerge from their burrows and the old owl wakes with a start.“是,您说得对……”蓝妹妹叹了口气。



The evil wizard Gargamel, who is looking for plants for his magic potions, also hears the calls. He has always dreamed of capturing Smurfs!

He rushes to where the shouts are coming from.

Gargamel soon fnds Hefty Smurf alone in the middle of a clearing.

"This time, you're mine!"he yells excitedly.

"It's you!Smurf me alone!"yells Hefty Smurf impatiently.




"Uh……What did you say?"the wizard says in surprise. He is used to the Smurfs being terrifed of him.

"Yeah!We already have enough trouble right now!"shouts Hefty Smurf furiously,"I really have no time to smurf around with you!Just go away!"

"That's amazing!He's not even afraid of me!"exclaims Gargamel. He's so shocked that he can't even move.

Even Azrael, his old cat, temporarily forgets his instinct to attack and remains nailed to the spot. Before they can recover, Hefty Smurf disappears into the vegetation.

"What……what happened to me?"moans the wizard,"I let him go!Ooooh……These infuriating Smurfs drive me crazy!"

For several hours, the Smurfs search the surroundings“呃……你说什么?”巫师惊讶地说。他一直习惯于蓝精灵看到他就被吓坏的场面。“是啊!我们现在的麻烦已经够多的了!”健健愤怒地喊道,“我真的没有时间陪你玩儿!赶紧走开!”“太神奇了!他甚至都不害怕我!”格格巫惊叹道。他很震惊,甚至无法动弹。



of the village, while Papa Smurf fies over the area on the back of Lady Stork……But they fnd nothing!

Meanwhile, two Smurfs who have ventured into a cave are greeted by a terrible roar. They disturb a bear!Without thinking they run away as fast as they can.

"But where can Grouchy and Baby have smurfed?"one of them asks, catching his breath. It's as if they have become invisible!

As they speak, a tree trunk covered with fallen leaves passes near them, drifting along the river……



当他们说话的时候,一根被落叶覆盖的树干从他们附近的河里漂过……Chapter 3Alone in the Night





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