SAT写作论证论据素材大全· 新东方出国考试图书系列(新东方大愚英语学习丛书)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-07-03 07:25:40





SAT写作论证论据素材大全· 新东方出国考试图书系列(新东方大愚英语学习丛书)

SAT写作论证论据素材大全· 新东方出国考试图书系列(新东方大愚英语学习丛书)试读:




◆ 困境1:面对一个题目,根本无话可说,即便用中文,也写不出内容。

◆ 困境2:有话可说,有内容可写,但英文表达支离破碎,完全不能用英文阐释清楚自己的观点。

◆ 困境3:有话说,也能用英文表达出要表达的意思,但写出来的语言“满篇尽带Chinglish (中式英语)”。











◆ 全面性:全面补充SAT写作部分所涉及话题的英文论证、论据素材,解决考生面对作文题目无话可说、无例可举的困境。

◆ 文化性:所有论证、论据素材段落均从辨证的角度出发。大量权威的论证分析,力求帮助考生在备考的过程中游弋于思辨的海洋和文化历史长河之中,深入了解西方教育、法律、文化、科技、历史等方面的内容。

◆ 权威性:汇集世界优秀外文期刊、报纸、书籍、检索数据库和权威新闻网站的英文内容,例如:《经济学家》、《时代周刊》、《科学》、《大英百科全书》、《微软百科全书》、维基百科(Wikipedia)等。

◆ 指导性:汇集新东方SAT考试培训项目数年教学经验和写作教学成果,内容具有极强的指导性和操作性。

◆ 针对性:针对中国考生写作中存在的弱点,全面提升考生的写作实力。





感谢美籍专家Stephen M. Shapiro先生对于本书英文部分的认真审订。











真理常常藏在事物的深底。韦晓亮(小宝老师)wxlxiaobao@gmail.com微博:第一大类教育与校园文化类1大学教育的目的段落大意:大学不仅为学生提供职业生涯所必需的培训,还要培养学生的创造性、洞察力和分析能力。Colleges and universities, refer to institutions of higher education (高等教育) that offer programs beyond the high school level. Colleges and universities provide necessary trainings for individuals wishing to enter professional careers. They also strive to develop students' creativity, insight, and analytical skills. By acquainting students with complex ideas in an intellectually stimulating environment, colleges and universities can provide unique opportunities for personal enrichment and meanwhile prepare students for future careers.2大学教育必不可少段落大意:许多行业都要求大学教育背景,如工程学、教学、法律、医药和信息科学等。大部分要求研究生教育背景或职业教育背景。Such diverse professions as engineering, teaching, law, medicine, and information science all require college education. Most require training in graduate or professional schools as well. Increasingly, even less specialized jobs require some post-secondary (大专) education. The development of new technologies and the globalization of world economy have created high demand for workers with computeracy, communicative skills, and other occupational skills (职业技能) that can be acquired at colleges or universities. For example, computers and other new technologies have eliminated many low-skilled jobs in a variety of fields, but these same technologies have also created widespread job opportunities for those with the proper training. In addition, employers increasingly seek for college graduates who have gained the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for the changing economic conditions.3大学生活是转折点段落大意:大学生活是学生一生的转折点,而这与学术和职业培训无关。Students who live off home during their college or university for years typically experience a turning point in their lives that has little to do with academics or professional training. For example, recently college offers many high school graduates their first opportunity to live on their own. Most first-year students welcome this increased independence, although many also find that living away from home, family, and friends can introduce unexpected challenges. Campus residence halls provide common settings for students to form new bonds with peers who share similar experiences. Other students form social networks by joining student organizations or participating in extracurricular (课外的) activities.4社区大学段落大意:社区大学提供一般本科教育的前两年教育。有些社区大学同样提供成人教育、职业教育和技术培训。Community colleges typically offer the first two years of general undergraduate education. Most also offer adult educational programs, vocational education, and technical training. Community colleges confer associate degrees (肄业证书) for successful completion of most two-year programs. Many students in community colleges complete the first two years of their college education in these institutions and then transfer the credits to a four-year college. Other community college students pursue vocational, technical, and other preprofessional programs. Because community colleges typically have lower tuition rates than four-year colleges and universities, they have significant advantages to many students.5函授教育段落大意:函授教育的概念。Correspondence Education is the learning method of instruction conducted through the mail by a school or other qualified institution. Many educators consider correspondence education the precursor of distance education (远程教育), which provides instruction that utilizes different communication technologies such as the Internet, telephone, radio, and television. Correspondence education provides instruction in almost every branch of knowledge, ranging from cultural improvement to vocational and professional training. Correspondence courses are especially suitable for the physically handicapped and homebound. Special programs are designed for the blind and for parents of deaf children. Business,industry, unions, and the armed forces make extensive use of correspondence programs. Some correspondence schools also offer services of placement and vocational guidance.6美国公立大学经费来源段落大意:除了少量公立大学由市政或联邦政府资助外,大部分的公立大学是州立大学,由各州政府的高等教育委员会提供资金并监管教学大纲。Aside from a few four-year colleges supported by municipal (地方的) or federal governments, most public colleges and universities in the United States are state institutions. In most cases, state boards (委员会) of higher education provide funds for these schools and oversee their programs of instruction. Most state governments establish systems of higher education, such as the State University of New York System or the University of California System, which comprise groups of interconnected college or university campuses.7美国州立大学的起源段落大意:美国州立大学起源各异,一些四年制大学最初就被作为州立大学而建立;许多州立大学起源于两年制教师培训机构。State colleges and universities have diverse origins. Although some four-year institutions were originally established as state colleges and universities, many originated in the early 19th century as two-year teacher-training institutions, known as normal schools. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, these schools were reorganized and expanded into four-year teachers'colleges. Later in the 20th century, another reorganization (改组)changed many teachers' colleges into comprehensive colleges and universities that offer a wide range of academic programs. Many other state educational institutions are land-grant (政府赐予土地的) colleges, established with funds from the Morrill Acts (《莫里尔法案》) of 1862 and 1890. These institutions were originally founded to offer education in agriculture, science, and engineering, but most later expanded their curriculums to become large multipurpose universities.8美国联邦政府资助的大学段落大意:联邦政府资助的大学大部分与军事服务相关。Federally supported higher education in the United States is mainly associated with branches of the armed services. Federal military colleges include the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York; the United States Naval (海军的) Academy in Annapolis, Maryland; and the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. These institutions provide comprehensive undergraduate programs in addition to defense training for prospective (未来的) military officers. The federal government also operates the United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, and the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, New York.9加拿大高等教育经费来源段落大意:加拿大地方政府为地方大学提供教育经费,并对其进行监管。In Canada, provincial governments establish boards of higher education responsible for allocating funds to provincial universities and overseeing their programs of instruction. In addition, the federal and provincial governments provide substantial funds for all institutions of higher education, including private colleges and universities. This public funding dramatically reduces costs for students.10独立大学及其三大类别段落大意:独立大学是私有的非营利机构。许多独立大学起源于教堂相关机构。独立大学有三大类别。Independent colleges and universities are private, nonprofit institutions. Many independent colleges and universities originated as church-related institutions, although a majority of these are no longer affiliated with (附属于) r e l igious groups. The most common independent colleges and universities include liberal arts (文科) institutions that offer comprehensive undergraduate education (本科教育), technical or specialized institutions that prepare students in engineering, performing arts, music, nursing and other fields, and large universities that include undergraduate programs in addition to graduate and professional schools.11职业学校段落大意:职业学校一般是大型大学的分支机构,提供专业教育。Professional schools are typically divisions of large universities. They offer specialized education in a variety of professional fields, such as education, business, medicine, law, social work, agriculture, journalism, architecture, fine arts (美术), nursing, engineering, and music. Some professional schools offer four - or five-year programs leading to a bachelor's degree, as well as graduate programs leading to master's and doctoral degrees.12研究生教育段落大意:医学院、法学院和图书馆管理科学院等一般只提供研究生教育。Other professional schools—such as schools of medicine, law, and library science—usually offer only graduate study. For example, Harvard University offers undergraduate courses related to the study of law, but the Harvard Law School offers courses for study in professional degree programs. Many large universities include graduate schools that offer master's or doctoral degree programs for advanced study in such liberal arts and science fields as history, chemistry, physics, and literature.13私立大学段落大意:私立大学是私有的盈利机构。私立大学一般侧重于专业领域的教育,如商业、艺术、音乐、计算机、电子领域等。Proprietary (私有的) institutions are private, for-profit, postsecondary institutions. They generally focus on preparing students for specialized careers in fields such as business, performing arts, commercial arts, travel, music, fine arts, computer technology, and electronics. For example, the DeVry Inc.(迪福莱公司)/ Keller Graduate School of Management operates several campuses of the DeVry Institute of Technology, a for-profit institution that offers courses of study in accounting, business, computer information systems, electronics, and telecommunications (电信学). Proprietary institutions often employ practicing (在职的) professionals as part-time or adjunct (附属的) instructors to offer training directly related to the field of specialization.14大学教师的职责段落大意:大学教师的一般职责是教书、研究以及为公共机构和社区提供服务。In colleges and universities, the general roles of faculty (教职人员) are teaching, research, and service to the institution, the profession, and the community. The extent to which faculty are expected to fulfill any one of these roles depends upon how the particular institution defines its mission. For example, some colleges define their primary mission to be instructing undergraduate students. In these institutions, the primary responsibilities for faculty are to teach courses to students and to advise them in their academic programs. Faculty members may also serve as advisers to student organizations and as members of various college committees.15综合性大学对教师的要求段落大意:综合性大学具有多重目的,它提供面向研究生的高等教育和专业教育,因此要求教师能够在自身所在的学术领域进行原创性研究。Universities tend to be more multipurpose than colleges in their mission and functions. Since universities offer advanced study toward graduate and professional degrees, faculties are expected to do original research in their fields of academic specialization. They are also expected to publish their findings in scholarly books and journals so that scholars in other universities are aware of their work and contributions. Faculty members usually include the findings of their research in the courses they teach to students.16多数大学教师的职责段落大意:多数大型大学的教师同时教授本科生和研究生。他们对学生进行学术辅导,指导研究生写论文。Most faculty at large universities teach both undergraduate and graduate students. They advise students in their academic programs and direct graduate students in preparing their master's theses and doctoral dissertations (论文).In addition to their teaching and research responsibilities, faculty members serve in university, school, and departmental committees. They are also expected to be active members of professional societies and organizations in their academic field. For example, history professors are often members of the American Historical Association, while psychology professors are members of the American Psychological Association.17大学教师的级别段落大意:大学教师的级别包括:导师/助教、助理教授、副教授、教授。After they are hired by a college or university, faculty members receive a faculty rank as part of their appointment. Those who are beginning their teaching career and have little previous experience enter the profession as either instructors (导师) or assistant professors (助教). The rank of assistant professor is slightly higher than that of instructor. After an assistant professor has acquired some teaching experience, conducted research, published articles or books, and served on institutional and departmental committees, he or she is usually promoted to associate professor. Faculty members generally remain at the assistant professor level for approximately five years before being promoted to associate professor. At many institutions, the rank of associate professor carries tenure (长期聘用保证), meaning that the person cannot be dismissed from his or her teaching position unless there is a very serious reason. Colleges and universities establish tenure to assure professors that they have the academic freedom to teach their ideas without interference or fear of losing their jobs. The highest rank of the faculty is full professor, sometimes simply called professor. Retired professors generally receive the rank of professor emeritus (名誉退休教授).18大学兼职教师段落大意:为了节省经费以及迅速适应变化的教育趋势,大学越来越多地雇用大量兼职教师。兼职教师一般是各领域的从业者,为教学提供了专门知识。To save money and to be able to respond quickly to changing trends in education, colleges and universities increasingly employ large numbers of part-time teachers who do not have faculty rank or tenure. Analysts estimate that nearly 30 percent of the faculty at four-year colleges and universities teach part time. At community colleges, part-time teachers make up as much as 65 percent of the faculty. Part-time faculties often add special expertise to their teaching if they are practitioners (从业人员) in highly specialized fields such as medicine or law. However, many part-time faculties cannot find full-time teaching jobs, despite being qualified for those positions. Part-time faculties usually receive lower salaries than faculty with full-time positions. This has forced many to teach at several colleges or universities in order to earn an adequate income. In addition, some universities employ large numbers of teaching assistants, who teach undergraduate courses while completing their doctoral degree programs. Critics believe that reliance on part-time faculty and teaching assistants decreases the quality of instruction. They argue that part-time faculty and teaching assistants generally lack the teaching experience and commitment (使命感) to the institution that full-time faculty bring.19传统的大学授课段落大意:授课是高等教育最古老的教学方式。The lecture method is the oldest approach to teaching in higher education. It originated in the earliest European universities during the 12th and 13th centuries. Before the introduction of the printing press in 1450, students had to create their own books by listening to lectures and writing down the words of their instructors. Today, faculties who use the lecture method typically speak to large numbers of students in a formal and very organized manner. The faculty member presents his or her description of the key ideas of a subject, and gives interpretations that often include current research on the issue. Following the presentation, lecturers sometimes invite students to ask questions on the material.20实践经验和实习段落大意:社会工作或教师职位一般要求有实践经验或曾经实习过。Academic programs in professional fields such as social work or teacher education often require clinical experiences (临床经验) and internships (实习). In these programs, students spend time at a clinic, agency, or school to observe the work of a professional in the field. In some cases the student may participate in the work as an aide. For example, teacher education programs require students to gain teaching experience in an elementary (小学) or secondary (中学) school. Social work programs may require students to participate at a local health clinic or other social service institution.21大学生的社区服务段落大意:越来越多的大学要求学生参与社区服务。社区服务成为获取全面教育不可或缺的一部分。An increasing number of college and university programs require students to engage in a community service project as part of their degree program. To fulfill this requirement, students may assist in clinics, participate in reading programs at local schools, or volunteer at homeless shelters (收容所). Colleges and universities that require these programs consider community service an essential part of a well-rounded education (全面教育).22远程教育段落大意:远程教育借助计算机、人造卫星、收音机和电视等提供教育。远程教育可以节省教育经费。In addition to conventional methods of instruction conducted on campus, many colleges and universities offer distance education programs that use technology to carry instruction to students in off-campus locations (校外地点). Distance education programs enable faculty and students to communicate with one another by using such technologies as computers, artificial satellites, radio, and television. These programs appeal to many institutions that wish to reduce costs, because the technology enables relatively few faculty members to teach a large number of students. Distance education also appeals to students who, for any number of reasons, cannot attend classes on campus.23交叉学科课程段落大意:大部分大学提供交叉学科课程。Most colleges and universities also offer interdisciplinary (跨学科的) majors or academic programs that allow students to take courses in a number of fields. For example, students who major in an international studies program may take courses in history, economics, political science, foreign language and other fields. Other examples of interdisciplinary studies programs include environmental studies, women's studies, African American studies, peace studies and ethnic studies.24大学主修专业和辅修专业段落大意:大部分本科生教育要求学生完成特定的主修专业学习,如历史、生物、数学、商业和计算机科学等。对高年级学生,有些大学鼓励其完成辅修专业。Most undergraduate degree programs require students to complete a concentration of courses, called a major, in a particular academic field such as history, biology, mathematics, business, or computer science. Majors require students to complete a significant, predetermined (预定的) number of courses in that field. Typically, half the courses taken to complete a major are designed for upper-division (高年级分选)(third- and fourth-year) students. Many colleges and universities encourage or require students to complete an academic minor (辅修科目) as well as a major. A minor also requires a concentration of courses in a particular field, but with less stringent (严格的) requirements. Some students broaden their course of study still further by pursuing two





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