
发布时间:2020-07-03 14:02:06











英语的强调结构,多用于说话或写文章时,要突出或强调某个词、词组或句子时使用。最主要的强调结构是——“It is +要强调部分+that…”,多用来强调状语。之外,还有句尾的强调、倒装结构和句首的强调等其他6种强调结构。再者,本书还提供了除上述内容之外的另外35种类型的强调用法,包括利用do、never、utter、sheer、very、at all、the last、on earth、in the world、earthly、under the sun等词语或短语来达到强调的效果。


强 调



1.It be+状语+that+句子

这种结构用来强调状语,表示状语成分的可以是单词、短语或状语从句。强调的如果是原因状语从句,从句只能由because引导;强调表示原因的短语要用because of引导,不可用since,as或why引导。例如:

It was last summer that I graduated from the university.我是去年夏天从那所大学毕业的。(时间状语)

It was at an evening party that I first saw her.我是在一次晚会上第一次见到她的。(地点状语)

It is only when one is ill that one realizes the value of health.人们生了病才知道健康的价值。(时间状语从句)

It was because the water had risen that they could not cross the river.正是因为水涨了,他们没有渡过河去。(原因状语从句,不用since,why,as)

It is in these respects that the difficulty lies.这正是困难之所在。

It was with a sigh that she consented.她虽然同意了,却是唉声叹气勉强同意的。

It was as well(that)Peter was moving into that new house,away from here.彼得也要离开这儿,搬进他的新家。

It is the longing to be home that quickens my steps.思家心切,我加快了脚步。

It was right then(that)I got the idea.就在这时我突然有了个主意。

It is in times of crisis that you find out who your real friends are.正是在危急时刻,你才会发现谁是真正的朋友。

Is it here(that)we are going to have a picnic?我们野餐是在这儿吗?

Was it for this that he resigned?他辞职难道就是为了这个吗?

It was on that condition that I agreed to move out of the house.正是在这种条件下我才同意搬出房子的。

It was in this way that he learnt to live with stress.他就是这样学会了承受压力。

It was directly under the main street that the subway runs.地铁正是在主街的正下方穿过。

It was in my early youth that I read the book.正是在我很年轻的时候读过这本书。

It was in the dead of winter that he went back to his hometown.正是在隆冬时节,他回到了故乡。

It was with some college students that I traveled across Eastern Europe.我正是同一些大学生一起游历了东欧。

It was on that account that she decided to do research in her later life.正是出于这种考虑,她决定自己的后半生做研究工作。

It is by 5 percent that income tax will be increased.所得税将提高百分之五。

It is with foreign businesses that we are competing.我们与之竞争的是外国公司。

It is very soon that the stream will dry up.小溪很快就会干涸了。

It is seldom that she shows her feelings.她很少表露感情。

It is not often that you got an opportunity like this.你得到如此良机的时候是不多的。

It was the first time that/when I saw her that I fell in love with her.正是在我第一次见到她时就爱上了她。

It was/is fifty years ago that the country started her space program.该国开始其太空计划已有50多年了。

It has always been in the dead of night that the strange sound has come from the ancient temple.总是在夜深人静的时候,从古寺中传来奇怪的声音。

It was then that he took to smoking.他就是在那个时候养成了吸烟的习惯。

It was very lately that the crime was exposed.这桩罪行就在最近才被揭露出来。

It was in 2005 that he won the Nobel Prize for literature.就是在2005年他获得了诺贝尔文学奖。

It was just after midnight that the ship sailed into the harbour.正是在午夜过后船才进港。

It is rarely that this method is used in modern laboratories.很少在现代实验里使用这种方法了。

It was for fun that we drove all the way to the beach.我们从老远开车去海滨是为了取乐。

It was because of ill health that he retired at the age of fifty.正是因为健康状况不佳,他50岁时便退休了。

It is for a better life that he is working hard.正是为了能过上更好的生活,他辛勤工作着。

It was in one ship with the explorers that I came to the desolate island.我同探险的人乘坐同一条船来到这座荒岛上。

It was as soon as he got out of the room that the bomb exploded.他刚一离开房间,炸弹就爆炸了。

It was where the river joined the sea that the ship sank.正是在河流入海的地方,这条船沉没了。

It was on condition that she should pay it back within a month that I lent her the money.正是在她一个月内归还的条件下,我才把钱借给她的。

It was when the leaves turned golden that these birds began to fly south.正是在树叶变成金黄的时候,这些鸟才开始南飞。

It was not because it was profitable but because it was worth doing that I took over the job.不是因为有利可图,而是因为值得做,我才接管了这项工作。

It was in the bookstore that they first met.他们最初见面是在那家书店里。(强调句)

That is the bookstore where/in which they first met.那就是他们最初见面的书店。(定语从句)

It was for this reason that he put all of his money into this business.正是由于这个原因,他把所有的钱都投到了这家企业。(强调句)

That was the reason why he put all of his money into this business.这就是他为什么把所有的钱都投到这家企业的原因。(定语从句)【提示】强调时间状语时还可用when引导,强调地点状语时还可用where引导;但如果被强调部分是表示时间、地点的介词短语,就不可用when或where,而要用that。

2.It be+代词/名词/带定语从句的名词/名词性从句/形容词+that/who/whom/which/whose+句子


It is Professor Wu that/who sent me the letter.给我寄信的是吴教授。(主语)

It is you that are/is to blame.该受责备的是你。(主语)

It is this novel that/which they talked about last week.他们上周讨论的就是这部小说。(宾语)

It was chairman of the committee that we elected him.我们选他当委员会的主席。(宾语补足语)

It is red that he has painted the door.他把门漆成了红色。(宾语补足语)

It's been he/him that they elected captain.他们选为船长的是他。(带补语的宾语)

It was Doctor James that/whom we invited to give us a lecture.应邀给我们作报告的是詹姆士博士。(宾语)

It was what he said at the meeting that made her angry.正是他在会上说的话,使她气愤。(名词性从句)

It was what he reported to the headquarters that helped to find out the spy.正是他向总部报告的情况,在查找出间谍中起了作用。(名词性从句)

It is what you will do that is essential.重要的是你的行动。(主语从句)

It was the total devotion that she had to her job that won her colleagues'praise.正是她对工作的全身心的投入,赢得了同事们的赞扬。(带定语从句的名词)

It's not everything that happens that gets into the papers.不是发生的每一件事都会登在报纸上的。(带定语从句的代词)

It was my colleague Bill Turner whose bike I lost.我丢的是我的同事比尔·特纳的自行车。

It's not the beard that makes the philosopher.不以胡子长短论哲学家。

It's me that has to send her home.不得不把她送回家的是我。

It isn't I that wants to go there.要到那里去的并不是我。

It is myself who is cooking supper.是我自己在做晚饭。

It wasn't John who fixed your car.给你修车的不是约翰。

It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.是最后一根稻草压断了驼背。

It's her mind that's suffering now,not her body.是她的心灵在受煎熬,不是肉体。

It is the man behind the gun that tells.胜败在人不在武器。

It is not helps but obstacles that makes a man.造就人的是阻力,不是帮助。

It will be Bill who speaks first.第一个发言的将是比尔。

It is not only the plight of the villagers that he sympathized with.他同情的不只是村民的困境。

It's going to be a monkey that is sent into space.被送往太空的将是一只猴子。

It may be this sense of humor that makes him popular.使他受欢迎的可能就是这种幽默感。

It might be himself who might be in trouble now.现在陷入困境的那就可能是他自己了。

It must have been Jack that forgot to lock the door.忘记锁门的一定是杰克。

It might have been the polluted water that made the villagers sick.使村民们生病的可能是被污染的水。

It's the′painting that she likes best.她最喜欢的就是这幅油画。(强调句,painting最重读)

It's the painting(that)she′gave′me last year.这就是她去年送给我的那幅油画。(定语从句,gave和me最重读)

It was a′weird′dream that I had last night.我昨夜做的是一个怪异的梦。(强调句,weird和dream最重读)

It is a dream that has′come′true.这是一个圆了的梦。(定语从句,come和true最重读)

It was the′turtle that he saved.他救下来的正是这只海龟。(强调句,turtle最重读)

It was the turtle that he′saved.这正是他救下来的那只海龟。(定语从句,saved最重读)

It is′good′time that this church clock is always keeping.教堂的钟走得一直很准。(强调句,good和time最重读)

It's high time that we should′vote.现在我们该投票选举了。(定语从句,vote最重读)


I suppose it is I who am responsible.我以为该负责的是我。(不用is)

I suppose it is me who is responsible.(不用am)

I suppose it is he/she who is responsible.我以为该负责的是他/她。

I suppose it is we/they who are responsible.我以为该负责的是我们/他们。

It is him whom you met at the station.你在车站接的是他。(强调结构,不用he)

That is he whom you met at the station.你在车站接的那是他。(that is...结构,不用him)【提示】


It is a painter that he is now.他现在是画家了。

It was angry that Mark was.马克生气了。

It's an editor-in-chief that he is now.[√]他现在当的是主编了。

It's an editor-in-chief that he has become.[√]


Andy teaches music at a middle school.安迪在一所中学教音乐。(谓语动词)

It is teaches that Andy music at a middle school.[×]

Although he is young,he knows a lot about the world.他虽然年轻,却颇懂人情世故。(让步状语从句)

It is though he is young that he knows a lot about the world.[×]

I like classical music whereas he prefers pop songs.我喜欢古典音乐,而他喜欢流行音乐。(对比状语从句)

It is whereas he prefers pop songs that I like classical music.[×]




Karl saw in Linda strength,determination,a vigorous and vivacious girl,the kind of woman he needed.在琳达身上,卡尔看到了力量和果敢,一个朝气蓬勃的活泼女孩,他心仪的伴侣。


The war would soon break out in the Middle East,we were told.(弱)

The war,we were told,would soon break out in the Middle East.(强)


Team A will win the match,in all probability.(弱)

Team A will,in all probability,win the match.(强)


The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways.(弱)

In many ways,the history of English words is the history of our civilization.(强)



Never will they give up the struggle for freedom and peace.他们决不会放弃为自由与和平而斗争。(状语)

Under no circumstances can visitors be allowed to walk on the grass.游客决不可踩踏草坪。(状语)

Most bitterly did she complain to her father.她非常伤心地向父亲诉苦。

Never a cent did he earn in the whole month.整整一个月他连一分钱也没挣到。

Not in the least would he care about it.他对这件事根本不在乎。

Seldom have I seen her recently.我近来难得见到她了。

Hardly does she understand what he wants.她几乎不了解他想要什么。

Hardly a slice of bread did they waste.他们连一片面包也不浪费。

No one else shall I live with.我将不再同任何人住在一起。

Only yesterday did I hear of the news.我只是昨天才知道那个消息的。

Across the river lies a newly built bridge.河上是一座新落成的桥。

Very little care does he take of the children.他很少关心孩子们。

He was a famous singer,I've heard.我听说他是一位著名歌唱家。(宾语从句)

Enclosed is a cheque for 300 yuan.内附一张300元的支票(谓语)

Go ahead,I must.我必须一往无前。(谓语)

A terrible mess you've made of the work.你把工作弄得一团糟。(宾语)

War we are not afraid of,but war we are opposed to.我们不害怕战争,我们反对战争。(介词宾语)

Alice,he proposed to.他向艾丽斯求婚。(介词宾语)

Keener and keener she became on painting.她越来越喜欢绘画。(表语)

A flying saucer it certainly was.它肯定是一个飞碟。(表语)

Fool Dick may be,but thief he is not.迪克可能很呆,但决不是小偷。(表语)

A scandal people called the whole matter.人们称这整个事件是一桩丑闻。(宾语补足语)

In China she was born,and in China she would die.她生于中国,也将终老于中国。(状语)





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