
发布时间:2020-07-04 23:19:56












Human Anatomy is the most fundamental course for clinicians like surgical and rehabilitation professionals. However, what to teach and how to teach this course might be different in China compared with in other countries like in US.Nowadays, with increasing interactions of medical professionals between China and US, many Chinese anatomists and medical doctors who are studying or have studied abroad found out that it is really challenging for them to communicate with their fellow colleagues with anatomical jargons in English in lab, seminars, and conferences, and even in writing a scientific paper.Therefore, the purpose of this series of anatomy books, which are printed in both English and Chinese for the same contents, is to provide an opportunity for Chinese anatomists see what anatomy contents were taught and how the contents were delivered and examined for students in rehabilitation; and also is to provide a bilingual study guide for Chinese medical doctors to grasp more fundamental knowledge of human structure and relevant functions.

Musculoskeletal anatomy is one of the most important portions of human anatomy that is related to sports medicine, orthopedic surgery, rehabilitation, and manipulation medicine.In this book focusing on musculoskeletal anatomy, its contents cover skeleton, joints, muscles, and their functions in upper extremity, lower extremity, trunk and back.Following the contents, there are multiple-choice questions for readers to evaluate how much they have learned and grasped.These questions are very similar to those questions used by students in rehab sciences in US to examine their anatomical knowledge.

Among authors, Dr.Howe Liu is an anatomist and also a rehab clinician who have taught and practiced in US for more than 20 years. Dr.Jun Luo is a very experienced clinical expert with specialty in orthopaedic rehabilitation.Dr.Qixiang Qiu is an anatomist with considerable knowledge in musculoskeletal anatomy.



●C2 棘突:头前屈时,两乳突之间的假想连线之下一个手指的距离。




●C5 棘突:甲状软骨板下端水平。

●C6 棘突:在环状软骨下缘水平。为气管与喉交界处、咽与食管交界处以及椎动脉进入横突孔水平。

●C7 棘突:颈部向后最突出最明显的骨性结构,头部前屈更容易触摸到。



●T3 棘突:在两臂上举起时肩胛冈底部水平。








●T7 棘突:平肩胛骨下角水平。

●T8 棘突:平对胸骨和剑突连接处。

●T9 棘突:位于剑突末端水平。

●L3 棘突:在左右肋弓下缘最低点连线水平。
























































●胸大肌:胸骨端: 胸骨上1/3外侧,可在肩水平屈时触摸。

●锁骨端:锁骨内侧1/3下方, 可在肩关节屈曲时触摸。





●肘管:位于内上髁后面的凹槽 (内上髁和鹰嘴之间,内有尺神经穿行)。











●舟骨结节:在大鱼际隆起的底部,常见为一个小隆起; 舟骨也可在解剖学鼻烟壶底部触及。






































●鹅足: 胫骨粗隆远侧面供股薄肌、缝匠肌、半腱肌附着之处。














●坐骨神经:起始点: 髂后上棘 (压痕处即是) 和坐骨结节之间的中点。



















Landmark of spine

●C2 spinous process: Flex your head and one finger below the level of the imaginary line between two mastoid processes.

●C3 spinous process: At the level of the hyoid bone.

●C4 spinous processes: At the upper level of thyroid cartilage (laryngeal prominence, Adam’s apple, is given landmark).

●Carotid bifurcation: Between C3 and C4, at mandibular angle level.

●C5 spinous processes: At the lower level of thyroid cartilage.

●C6 spinous process: At the lower level of cricoid cartilage.At this level, it demarcates the junction of larynx with trachea, the junction of the pharynx with esophagus, and the level of vertebral artery entering the transverse foramen.

●C7 spinous process: Most prominent posteriorly projected bony structure, easier to palpate with head flexion.

●Suprasternal notch: A given landmark, at the level between T2 and T3 vertebrae.

●Manubrium: Between the level of T3 and T4 vertebrae.

●T3 spinous process: At the level of base of scapular spine when both shoulder are hanging at side.

●Sternal angle

○At the 2nd costal cartilage.

○At the level of the junction between T4 and T5 vertebrae.

○At the junction of the between superior and inferior mediastina.

○At the level of the origin and termination of the aortic arch.

○At the level of azygos vein entering the superior vena cava.

○Trachea bifurcation at supine.

●T7 spinous process: At the level of inferior scapular angle.

●T8 spinous process: At the level of junction between xyphoid process and sternum.

●T9 spinous process: At the level of the tip of xyphoid process.

●L3 spinous process: At the level of imaginary line of the lowest costal margin.

●Iliac crest: The given landmark, at L4 level.

●ASIS: Travel forward along the iliac crest until you reach the most anterior bony projection.

●PSIS: Travel posteriorly along the iliac crest until you reach a bony bump, usually two indentation (sacral dimple) in the skin medial to PSIS, marking the level of S2, marking the level of the SI joint, and also marking the level of termination of the dural sac.

●Sacral sulcus: An indentation medial to PSIS, lateral to sacral spinal process.

●Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle: Run anteriorly and inferiorly from mastoid process to the sternum (medial head) and clavicle (lateral head).Felt the muscle if you ask your subject to turn his head away from the examined side, especially if resistance is applied to the turning.Internal jugular vein locates between the two heads.

●Scalenes: Three deep muscles superior to the clavicle, posterior to the SCM muscle, and anterior to the upper trapezius muscle.

Landmarks for cardiopulmonary system (chest)

●Pleural apex: 2.5~3.0 cm above the medial 1/3 of the clavicle.

●Pericardial region: A small area without pleural coverage on the left side over the 5th, 6th, and the 5th intercostal space.

●2nd right intercostal space: Aortic auscultation.

●2nd left intercostal space: Pulmonic auscultation.

●4th left intercostal space: Tricuspid auscultation.

●Cardiac apex: At the 5th intercostal space about 7~9 cm from the midline, or 1~2 cm from the left mid-clavicular line; area for Mitral valve, S3 auscultation.

●Lower border of lungs: At the 6th rib level of mid-clavicular line, at the 8th ribs level of mid-axillary line, at the 10th rib adjacent to the vertebral column.

●Right oblique fissure of lung: Along the 5th rib posteriorly to the 6th rib level anteriorly.

●Left oblique fissure of lung: From the 3rd to 5th rib level.Or ask subject to hold arms over head, the medial border of scapula is corresponding to the oblique fissure.

●Transverse fissure line: At the level of the 4th rib level.

●Origin of Brachiocephalic artery (right) and common carotid artery: At the level of sternal angle.

●Right manubriocostal junction: Left brachiocephalic vein join the right brachiocephalic vein to from the superior vena cava.

●Entry of superior vena cava to the right atrium: At the 3rd right costal cartilage level along the right sternal margin.

●Internal thoracic A.& V.: Run just a finger away from the lateral edge of the sternum.

●Costovertebral angle: Between the erector spinae muscles and the 12th ribs.Percussion spot for kidney problem.Useful in LBP differential diagnosis.

●Xiphisternal plane: Pass through the xiphoid at the level of the T9 vertebra.It marks the upper border of liver, the central part of diaphragm.

●Transpyloric plane: Midway between suprasternal (jugular) notch and the upper border of the symphysis pubis, practically a hand’s breath below the xiphoid.It marks the level of L1, costal margin of at the 9th costal cartilage, the level of superior mesenteric a.from aorta.

●Subcostal plane: Through the 10th costal cartilage, at the level of L3, the level of inferior mesenteric a from aorta.

●Supracristal plane: Through the highest points of iliac crests.It marks the level of L4, the level of bifurcation of the descending abdominal aorta (or 2 cm below the umbilicus in recumbent position).

Landmarks of upper extremities

●Clavicle: A given landmark.

●Sternoclavicular joint: The junction between the jugular notch and the manubrium.

●Acromioclavicular joint: Notch between the lateral end of clavicle and the acromial process of scapula.

●Acromial process: The bony prominence lateral to the acromioclavicular joint.

●Scapular spine: The bony projection on the back of scapula from the acromial process toward medially and slight inferiorly.

●Medial (vertebral) border of scapula: The most medial part of the scapular spine, then up and down vertically.

●Inferior angle of scapula: The lowest part of the medial border of the scapula, at the level of the 7th cervical Spinous process or the 7th intercostal space.

●Infraclavicular fossa (or Deltopectoral triangle): A small depression inferior to the lateral clavicle, at the junction of its medial convex and lateral concave portions (this junction is also one of the origins of pectoralis major and deltoid muscles).Cephalic vein lies (passes) here to drain into subclavian vein.

●Coracoid process of scapula: Lateral to the infraclavicular fossa, about one finger below the clavicle under cover of deltoid fibers.Not movable with the humeral medial or lateral rotation.

●Lesser tubercle of humerus: Lateral to the coracoid process of scapula, movable with the humeral medial or lateral rotation.Comparatively, the lesser tubercle locates more slightly lateral and anterior to the coracoid process of scapula.

●Greater tubercle of humerus: The most lateral bony projection of the shoulder, lateral and inferior to the acromion, movable with the shoulder movement.

●Intertubercle groove: The depression between the greater and lesser tubercle of humerus.

●Humeral head:Ask the subject to raise his arm and rotate it, palpate with deep pressure to the axillary apex to feel the movement of the humeral head.

●Supraspinatus muscle: Immediately above the scapular spine and palpable with shoulder abduction.

●Infraspinatus muscle: Immediately below the scapular spine and palpable with the shoulder external rotation.

●Levator scapulae muscle: During the scapular elevation against resistance, palpable half finger away from the medial border of scapula above the scapular spine.

●Rhomboid major muscle: During the scapular retraction, palpable half finger away from the medial border of scapula below the scapular spine.

●Teres major muscle: Half finger away from the inferior angle of the scapula along the lateral border of scapula (superiorly and laterally), palpable with shoulder adduction against resistance.

●Teres minor muscle: Immediately above the teres major, palpable with the shoulder external rotation.

●Long head of biceps brachii tendon: Locates in the intertubercle groove of humerus, palpable with arm at externally rotated position to perform adduction/abduction.

●Anterior deltoid muscle: Between the lateral 1/3 of clavicle and the deltoid tuberosity, palpable with the shoulder flexion against resistance.

●Middle deltoid muscle: Between the acromion and the deltoid tuberosity, palpable with the shoulder abduction against resistance.

●Posterior deltoid muscle: Between the lateral 1/3 of the scapular spine and the deltoid tuberosity, palpable with the shoulder extension against resistance.

●Upper trapezius muscle: During shoulder shrugging, palpable at the midway between the acromion process and the occipital protuberance.

●Middle trapezius muscle: Palpable during retraction at the area one finger away from the medial border of the scapula at the level of scapular spine.

●Lower trapezius muscle: During the scapular upward rotation against resistance, palpable around or medial to the inferior angle of scapula.

●Latismus dorsi muscle: Palpable with shoulder adduction against resistance at the area about half finger below the inferior angle of scapula.

●Serratus anterior muscle: Palpable at the lateral side of thoracic wall during the shoulder flexion against resistance.

●Pectoralis major muscle: Sternal part: lateral to the upper 1/3 of sternum, palpable with shoulder horizontal adduction.

●Clavicular part: Inferior to the medial 1/3 of clavicle, palpable with shoulder flexion.

●Pectoralis minor muscle: Palpable on the coracoid process with shoulder adduction against resistance.

●Medial and lateral epicondyle: The most prominent bony projection at the distal end of humerus around the elbow joint, more obvious at elbow flexion.

●Medial and lateral supracondylar ridge: The bony projection felt upward along the medial and lateral epicondyles.

●Olecranon process: At the tip of the elbow, more obvious at elbow flexion.

●Cubital tunnel: The groove immediately behind the medial epicondyle (between the medial epicondyle and olecranon process.Ulnar nerve passing through there.

●Radial head: At elbow extension, distal to the lateral epicondyle, there is depression posteriorly and laterally, the bony structure at the bottom of the depression, felt with forearm pronation and supination.

●Brachioradialis muscle: Origin at the lateral supracondylar ridge.Proximal part of the muscle is felt when the elbow flexes against resistance.

●Biceps brachii muscle insertion tendon: At elbow flexion and supination against resistance, the most obvious palpable tendon at the antecubital fossa (Cubital fossa).Medial to the tendon, brachial artery lies (passes).Median nerve is medial to the brachial artery here.Pneumonic: TAN from lateral to medial.

●Brachialis muscle and tendon: Muscle can felt deep to the biceps and better felt with elbow flexion and pronation.Tendon can be palpated at the spot medial and deep to the biceps tendon at the antecubital fossa.

●Lateral head of triceps: Place the fingers over the upper 1/3 of humeral shaft posteriorly and laterally to feel the muscle at elbow extension.

●Long head of triceps: Place the fingers over the upper 1/3 of humeral shaft posteriorly (more medial to the lateral head) with subject’s shoulder extended against resistance (better with elbow extension as well).

●Radial nerve at elbow: Deep in the space between the biceps tendon medially and the radiobrachialis laterally.

●Styloid process of radius: Most lateral prominent projection of the distal radius, it is proximal to the anatomical snuff box.

●Styloid process of ulna: Most medial prominent projection of the distal ulna.It is relatively more proximal than the radial styloid process.

●Proximal carpal bone location: At wrist flexion, two creases visible at the volar side of the wrist joint, the more distal one lies just superficial to the proximal carpal bones.

●Tubercle of the scaphoid: At the base of thenar eminence, often visible as small elevation; Scaphoid also palpable at the base of snuff box.

●Lunate: During wrist flexion and extension, palpable on the dorsal side, medial to the scaphoid.

●Triquetrium: With hand radial deviation, palpable medial to the lunate on the dorsal side.

●Pisiform: At the proximal extremity of the hypothenar eminence.Flexor carpi ulnaris inserts here.

●Hook of the hamate: About one finger distal to the pisiform, palpable with deep pressure.This is uncomfortable because the superficial branch of the ulnar nerve lies over the bone right here between pisiform and hamate (Guyon’s canal, or ulnar canal).

●Capitate: Proximal to the base of the 3rd metacarpal, the palpable bony prominence dorsally at wrist flexion.

●Trapezoid: Palpable proximal to the base of the 2nd metacarpal.

●Trapizum crest: Distal to the scaphoid tubercle, palpable with deep pressure.

●Flexor carpi radialis tendon: At wrist flexion and radial deviation against resistance, the most lateral visible and palpable tendon (insert at the volar surface of the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bone base.

●Palmaris longus tendon: Tip of thumb to touch other ring finger tip (opposition), you will see the most obvious tendon at the carpal tunnel area, it is medial to the flexor carpi radialis tendon.

●Flexor digitorium superficialis: After making a fist, those tendons medially and laterally to the palmaris longus tendons at the level of the carpal tunnel, the tendons medial to the palmaris longus tendon are relatively more palpable.

●Tendon of the flexor digitorium profundus: Palpable on the volar side of hand just proximal to the DIP joint of the 2nd to 5th fingers with DIP flexion against resistance.

●Tendon of flexor pollicis longus: Palpable on the volar side of thumb with thumb’s IP joint flexed against resistance.

●Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon: At wrist ulnar deviation and slight flexion against resistance, you can palpate the most medial and volar tendon at the wrist line level.

●Extensor digitorium tendon: At wrist extension with resistance against each finger extension over each of the finger tips, the four superficial tendons of the extensor digitorium muscle exposed, respectively.

●Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon: At wrist extension, lateral to the most lateral tendon of the extensor digitorium over the base of the 2nd metacarpal bone.

●Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon: At wrist extension against resistance, most medial to the base of the 3rd metacarpal bone, medial to the tendon (of extensor digitorium) to the 3rd metacarpal bone.

●Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon: At wrist extension and ulnar deviation, palpable at the area proximal to the dorsal surface of the 5th metacarpal bone near the wrist joint line.

●Tendon of extensor pollicis longus: The ulnar border of the snuff box.

●Tendons of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis (EPB): The radial border of the snuff box.EPB will be more dorsal.

●Tendon of extensor indicis: Medial to the tendon of extensor digitorium to the 2nd metacarpal.

●Tendon of extensor digiti minimi: Medial to the tendon of extensor digitorium to the 5th metacarpal.

●Subclavian artery: Pressing downward onto the 1st rib behind the midpoint of the clavicle with the head tilting to the same side to relax the neck muscle.Trunk of brachial plexus passes here as well.





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