
发布时间:2020-07-05 03:33:00












释义权威:所有单词的解释均结合GRE考试的常考含义进行筛选。英文释义出自《美国传统词典》(American Heritage Dictionary)及GRE官方指定的《韦氏大学词典》(Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary)。





List 1

coda['koʊdə]n. 终曲:the concluding passage of a movement or composition

mania['meiniə]n. 热衷,狂热:an excessively intense enthusiasm, interest, or desire; a craze

cornucopia[ˌkɔ:rnju'koʊpiə]n. 大量:an overflowing store; an abundance

euphoria[ju:'fɔ:riə]n. 感觉极其愉快:a state of over-whelming usually pleasurable emotion

minutiae[mi'nu:∫ii:]n. 次要的细节,小事:a minute or minor detail

sequela[si'kwi:lə]n. 结果:a secondary consequence or result

anathema[ə'næθəmə]n. 诅咒:a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication

enigma[i'nigmə]n. 难以理解或解释的事物,谜:something hard to understand or explain

stigma['stigmə]n. 耻辱,污名:a mark of shame or discredit

dogma['dɔ:gmə]n. 教条,信条:a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church

coma['koʊmə]n. 昏迷,深度无知觉:a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison // n. 迟钝,冷漠:a state of mental or physical sluggishness:torpor

stamina['stæminə]n. 耐力:physical or moral strength to resist or withstand illness, fatigue, or hardship

patina[pə'ti:nə]n. 外表:a superficial covering or exterior // n.(由内而外散发的)氛围,气场:an appearance or aura that is derived from association, habit, or established character

plethora['pleθərə]n. 过量,过剩:excess, superfluity

bravura[brə'vʊərə]adj./n. 优秀演技(的):brilliant technique or style in performance

quota['kwoʊtə]n. 配额,限额:a proportional part or share

ad-lib [ˌæd'lib]adj. 即兴的:made or done without previous thought or preparation

glib[glib]adj. 流利圆滑的(常含有不真诚或欺诈的成分),油腔滑调的:marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful // adj. 缺乏深度的,肤浅的:lacking depth and substance

plumb[plʌm]vt. 测深度:to measure the depth of (as a body of water) typically with a weighted line // vt. 仔细深入地检查;探索,探究:to examine closely or deeply // adj. 垂直的:exactly vertical // adj. 完全的,绝对的:having no exceptions or restrictions

barb[bɑ:rb]n. 尖锐而严厉的批评:a biting or pointedly critical remark or comment

perturb[pər'tɜ:rb]vt. 使扰乱,使烦躁不安:to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy

snub[snʌb]vt. 轻视,不理睬:to treat with contempt or neglect

archaic[ɑ:r'keiik]adj. 过时的,久远的: no longer current or applicable; antiquated

mosaic[moʊ'zeiik]n. 综合物,马赛克般的东西:an unorganized collection or mixture of various things

prosaic[prə'zeiik]adj. 单调的,常见的:being of the type that is encountered in the normal course of events

acerbic [ə'sɜ:rbik]adj.(心情、心境或者语调)尖酸的:marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings

cherubic[tʃə'ru:bik]adj. 天使般可爱的:innocent looking usually chubby and rosy

sporadic[spə'rædik]adj. 偶尔的,零星发生的:not often occurring or repeated

specific[spə'sifik]adj. 特有的,独特的:of a particular or exact sort // adj. 明确的:so clearly expressed as to leave no doubt about the meaning

soporific[ˌsɑ:pə'rifik]n. 催眠的药剂,安眠药:a drug or other substance that induces sleep // adj. 催眠的:causing or tending to cause sleep // adj. 慵懒的,困倦的:of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy

lethargic[lə'θɑ:rʤik]adj. 没精打采的,行动迟缓的:of, relating to, or characterized by lethargy, sluggish

synergic[si'nə:rʤik]adj. 合作的:working together:cooperating

diabolic[ˌdaiə'bɑ:lik]adj. 恶魔一般的:of, relating to, or characteristic of the devil

catholic['kæθlik]adj. 普遍的,包容的:not limited or specialized in application or purpose

vitriolic[ˌvitri'ɑ:lik]adj.(言辞)刻薄的:bitterly scathing

panoramic[ˌpænə'ræmik]adj. 全景的:of an unobstructed or complete view of an area in every direction

pandemic[pæn'demik]adj. 大范围流行的:widespread; general

endemic[en'demik]adj. 地方性的:prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people

polemic[pə'lemik]n. 争执:a controversial argument

anemic[ə'ni:mik]adj. 缺乏力量、活力、精神的:lacking force, vitality, or spirit

arrhythmic[ə'riðmik]adj. 不规律的:lacking rhythm or regularity

mimic['mimik]adj. 仿真的,仿造的:being such in appearance only and made with or manufactured from usually cheaper materia // vt. 滑稽地模仿(以取笑):to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of // vt. 模仿:to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior

laconic[lə'kɑ:nik]adj. 简洁的(以至于显得粗鲁或难以理解):using or involving the use of a minimum of words:concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious

histrionic[ˌhistri'ɑ:nik]adj. 戏剧的;演员的:of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater

chronic['krɑ:nik]adj. 经常发生的,复发的:marked by long duration or frequent recurrence // adj. 习惯性的,不可能改变的:being such by habit and not likely to change

tonic['tɑ:nik]adj. 滋补的,有益健康的:producing or stimulating physical, mental, or emotional vigor; beneficial to the health of body or mind

runic['ru:nik]adj. 神秘的:having some secret or mysterious meaning

cynic['sinik]n. 愤世嫉俗者:a person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness

stoic['stoʊik]adj. 隐忍的,冷静的:seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain

epic['epik]adj. 宏大的,超凡脱俗的:surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size

philanthropic[ˌfilən'θrɑ:pik]adj. 博爱的,为他人着想的:having or showing a concern for the welfare of others

misanthropic[ˌmisən'θrɑ:pik]adj. 反人类的:having or showing a deep distrust of human beings and their motives

myopic[mai'ɑ:pik]adj. 缺乏远见的,缺乏辨别能力的:a lack of foresight or discernment

choleric['kɑ:lərik]adj. 易怒的,暴躁的:easily angered; bad-tempered // adj. 生气的:feeling or showing anger:angry, irate

mesmeric[mez'merik]adj. 催眠的,催眠术的:of, relating to, or induced by mesmerism // adj. 令人着迷的,难以抗拒的:attracting and holding interest as if by a spell

esoteric[ˌesə'terik]adj. 深奥难懂的:difficult for one of ordinary knowledge or intelligence to understand // adj. 少数人知道的:not known or meant to be known by the general populace

meteoric[ˌmi:ti'ɔ:rik]adj. 流星般迅速而短暂的:similar to a meteor in speed, brilliance, or brevity

eccentric[ik'sentrik]adj. 行为出格的,不循规蹈矩的:deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct

panegyric[ˌpænə'ʤirik]n. 赞颂之词,颂文:an eulogistic oration or writing

lyric['lirik]n.(可以哼唱的)小曲:a short musical composition for the human voice often with instrumental accompaniment // adj. 如诗歌般流畅甜美的:having a pleasantly flowing quality suggestive of poetry or music

analgesic[ˌænəl'ʤi:zik]n. 镇痛剂:a medication that reduces or eliminates pain

intrinsic[in'trinsik]adj. 固有的,内在的:of or relating to the essential nature of a thing

melodramatic[ˌmelədrə'mætik]adj. 感情夸张的,伤感的:exaggeratedly emotional or sentimental; histrionic

phlegmatic[fleg'mætik]adj. 冷静的,无感情的,淡漠的:having or suggesting a calm, sluggish temperament; unemotional

axiomatic[ˌæksiə'mætik]adj. 公理的:based on or involving an axiom or system of axioms // adj. 不言自明的:taken for granted, self-evident

diplomatic[ˌdiplə'mætik]adj. 使用策略的,机智的:employing tact and conciliation especially in situations of stress

chromatic[krə'mætik]adj. 彩色的:relating to colors or color

monochromatic[ˌmɑ:nəkroʊ'mætik]adj. 单色的:having or consisting of one color or hue // adj. 单调无聊的:lacking variety, creativity, or excitement

somatic[sə'mætik]adj. 肉体的:of the body, especially as distinguished from a body part, the mind, or the environment

fanatic[fə'nætik]n. 狂热者:a person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause // adj. 狂热的;盲信的:marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion

erratic[i'rætik]adj. 善变的:not staying constant // adj. 异常的,不同寻常的:different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion

static['stætik]adj. 静态的;停滞的:characterized by a lack of movement, animation, or progression // adj. 无改变的:showing little change

didactic[dai'dæktik]adj. 喜欢说教的:designed or intended to teach

apoplectic[ˌæpə'plektik]adj. 极度愤怒的:extremely angry; furious

ascetic[ə'setik]adj. 苦行的,克己的;禁欲的:practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline // n. 禁欲者:a person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion

prophetic[prə'fetik]adj. 预言的,预示的:foretelling events:predictive

bathetic[bə'θetik]adj. 平凡的,陈腐的:characterized by exceptional commonplaceness

anesthetic[ˌænəs'θetik]n. 止痛剂:something (as a drug) that relieves pain // adj. 无感觉的,麻木的:lacking awareness or sensitivity

hermetic[hɜ:r'metik]adj. 深奥的:relating to or characterized by occultism or abstruseness

peripatetic[ˌperipə'tetik]adj. 巡游的,四处游历的:walking about or from place to place

politic['pɑ:lətik]adj. 精明能干的:characterized by shrewdness in managing, contriving, or dealing // adj. 合时宜的,明智的:suitable for bringing about a desired result under the circumstances

antic['æntik]adj. 滑稽可笑的:characterized by clownish extravagance or absurdity

authentic['θentik]adj. 真实的,非仿造的:being exactly as appears or as claimed // adj. 准确的,相符合的:following an original exactly

demotic[di'mɑ:tik]adj. 通俗的,大众化的:popular, common

hypnotic[hip'nɑ:tik]adj. 催眠的:tending to cause sleep

despotic[di'spɑ:tik]adj. 专制的,暴虐的:arbitrary, autocratic, monocratic, tyrannical

exotic[ig'zɑ:tik]adj. 外来的,不同寻常的:excitingly or mysteriously unusual

quixotic[kwik'sɑ:tik]adj. 不切实际的,空想的:having or marked by a tendency to be guided more by ideals than by reality

skeptic['skeptik]n. 怀疑者:one who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions

dyspeptic[dis'peptik]adj. 脾气坏的:bad-tempered // adj. 消化不良的:pertaining to, subject to, or suffering from dyspepsia

septic['septik]adj. 腐败的,感染的:of, relating to, or causing putrefaction

aseptic[ˌei'septik]adj. 消毒的,无菌的:preventing infection

apocalyptic[əˌpɑ:kə'liptik]adj. 预言的,启示的:of a revelatory or prophetic nature // adj. 重要的,转折点的:of, relating to, or being a major turning point // adj. 夸大的:wildly unrestrained:grandiose

cryptic['kriptik]adj. 秘密的:secret or occult // adj. 含义模糊的:having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning // adj. 超出理解能力的:being beyond one's powers to know, understand, or explain

elastic[i'læstik]adj. 有弹性的:easily resuming original

shape after being stretched or expanded // adj. 能(迅速从伤痛中)恢复的:capable of recovering quickly especially from depression or disappointment

plastic['plæstik]adj. 可塑的:susceptible of being modified in form or nature // adj. 虚假的,做作的:lacking in natural or spontaneous quality

pessimistic[ˌpesi'mistik]adj. 悲观的:tending to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view

chauvinistic[ˌ∫əʊvi'nistik]adj. 盲目爱国的:having or showing excessive favoritism towards one's own country

egoistic[ˌegoʊ'istik]adj. 利己的,以自我为中心的:being centered in or preoccupied with oneself and the gratification of one's own desires

caustic['kɔ:stik]adj. 腐蚀性的:capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action:corrosive // adj. 挖苦讽刺的,刻薄的:marked by incisive sarcasmsMan errs so long as he strives.人只要奋斗就会犯错误。——德国诗人、剧作家 歌德(Johann Wolfgang Goethe, German poet and dramatist)

List 2

rustic['rʌstik]n. 乡下人,头脑简单的人:an awkward or simple person especially from a small town or the country //adj. 乡村的:of, relating to, associated with, or typical of open areas with few buildings or people // adj. 粗俗的:lacking in social graces or polish

therapeutic[ˌθerə'pju:tik]adj. 治疗的,有疗效的:of or relating to the treatment of disease or disorders by remedial agents or methods

havoc['hævək]n. 大混乱:a state in which everything is out of order // n. 大范围破坏:the state or fact of being rendered nonexistent, physically unsound, or useless

knead[ni:d]vt. 揉捏,塑造:to make or shape by or as if by folding, pressing, and stretching with the hands

proofread['pru:fri:d]vt. 校对:to read (copy or proof) in order to find errors and mark corrections

myriad['miriəd]adj. 无限的,大量的:constituting a very large, indefinite number

ironclad['aiərnklæd]adj. 非常坚固的,坚不可摧的:so firm or secure as to be unbreakable

ballad['bæləd]n. (由简单诗节和叠句组成的)民歌:a narrative poem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung, consisting of simple stanzas and usually having a refrain

nomad['noʊmæd]adj./n. 游牧的;居无定所的人:a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place usually seasonally and within a well-defined territory

goad[goʊd]vt. 刺激,驱使,激发:to incite or rouse as if with a goad

embed[im'bed]vt. 嵌入:to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix

self-absorbed[ˌselfəb'sɔ:rbd]adj. 自恋的,自私的:absorbed in one's own thoughts, activities, or interests

barefaced['berfeist]adj. 公然的,厚颜无耻的:undisguisedly bold; brazen

levelheaded[ˌlevl'hedid]adj. 明智的:characteristically self-composed and sensible

jaded['ʤeidid]adj. 疲惫的:depleted in strength, energy, or freshness // adj. 厌倦的,没兴趣没热情的:having one's patience, interest, or pleasure exhausted

lopsided[ˌlɑ:p'saidid]adj. 歪的,倾斜的:leaning to one side // adj. 不平衡的,不协调的:lacking in balance, symmetry, or proportion

backhanded[ˌbæk'hændid]adj. 间接的,含沙射影的,虚情假意的:indirect, devious, especially sarcastic

ham-handed['hæmhændid]adj. 笨手笨脚的:lacking dexterity or grace

secluded[si'klu:did]adj. 僻静的,隐蔽的:screened or hidden from view

ragged['rægid]adj. 衣衫褴褛的:dressed in tattered or threadbare clothes // adj. 凹凸不平的,不光滑的:not having a level or smooth surface

dogged['dɔ:gid]adj. 坚持的,坚决的:continuing despite difficulties, opposition, or discouragement; showing no signs of slackening or yielding in one's purpose // adj. 固执的,任性的:sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion

wretched['retʃid]adj. 极差的:very poor in quality or ability // adj. 沮丧的:deeply afflicted, dejected, or distressed in body or mind

polished['pɑ:li∫t]adj. 有教养的:showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience // adj. 擦亮的:having a shiny surface or finish

watershed['wɔ:tər∫ed]n. 重要关头,分水岭:a crucial dividing point:turning point

full-bodied[ful'bɑ:did]adj. 重要的:having importance, significance, or meaningfulness // adj. 味道浓烈的:having richness and intensity of flavor or aroma

serried['serid]adj. 密集的:having little space between items or parts

half-baked[ˌhæf 'beikt]adj. 不明智的:showing or marked by a lack of good sense or judgment

wicked['wikid]adj. 邪恶的:morally very bad

dappled['dæpld]adj. 有斑点的,带花的:marked with small spots or contrasting with the background; mottled, spotted // adj. 色彩斑斓的:having blotches of two or more colors

ingrained[in'greind]adj. 本质的,根深蒂固的:forming a part of the essence or inmost being; firmly established

cramped[kræmpt]n. 狭小的,狭窄的:uncomfortably small or restricted

kindred['kindrəd]adj. 类似的;具有相似或相近的起源、本性或性质的:having a similar or related origin, nature, or character

mannered['mænərd]adj. 不自然的,做作的:having an artificial or stilted character

unlettered[ˌʌn'letərd]adj. 未受教育的,文盲的:not adept at reading and writing; deficient in the knowledge that can be acquired from books; illiterate

shred[∫red]n. 少量:a small amount; a particle

measured['meʒərd]adj. 深思熟虑的,审慎的:deliberated, calculated

depressed[di'prest]adj. 不开心的,情绪不高的,消沉的:feeling unhappiness // adj. 生活境况悲催的:kept from having the necessities of life or a healthful environment

sophisticated[sə'fistikeitid]adj. 精明的,老于世故的:having acquired worldly knowledge or refinement; lacking natural simplicity or naiveté // adj. 复杂的:very complex or complicated

variegated['verigeitid]adj. 杂色的,斑驳的:having discrete markings of different colors

corrugated['kɔ:rəgeitid]adj. 褶皱的:shaped into a series of regular folds that look like waves

disaffected[ˌdisə'fektid]adj. 不满的,叛逆的:discontented and resentful especially against authority; rebellious

merited['meritid]adj. 应得的,理所当然的:being what is called for by accepted standards of right and wrong

unrequited[ˌʌnri'kwaitid]adj. 无报答的,无报酬的:not reciprocated or returned in kind

disjointed[dis'ʤɔintid]adj. 机能失调的:being thrown out of orderly function // adj. 不连贯的:not clearly or logically connected

unwonted[ʌn'woʊntid]adj. 不习惯的,不寻常的:not habitual or ordinary; unusual

devoted[di'voʊtid]adj. 投入的;忠诚的:characterized by loyalty and devotion // adj. 示爱的,恩爱的:feeling or showing love

stouthearted[ˌstaʊt'hɑ:rtid]adj. 勇敢的:having a stout heart or spirit

concerted[kən'sɜ:rtid]adj. 共同完成的:planned or accomplished together

disinterested[dis'intrəstid]adj. 公正的,无偏见的:free from selfish motive or interest:unbiased // adj. 没有兴趣的:having or showing a lack of interest or concern

tightfisted['taitˌfistid]adj. 吝啬的:closefisted; stingy

committed[kə'mitid]adj. 忠诚的,忠实的:loyal to a belief, organization, or group, and willing to work hard for it

convoluted['kɑ:nvəlu:tid]adj. 复杂的,费解的:complicated; intricate

reserved[ri'zɜ:rvd]adj. 内向的,缄默的:restrained in words and actions

hackneyed['hæknid]adj. 陈腐的,缺乏创新的:lacking in freshness or originality

upbraid[ʌp'breid]vt. (严厉地)谴责,责骂:to reproach severely

rabid['reibid]adj. 狂热的,不冷静的:extremely zealous or enthusiastic; fanatical

morbid['mɔ:rbid]adj. 疾病的,疾病所致的:affected with or induced by disease // adj. (思想性格)变态的:characterized by preoccupation with unwholesome thoughts or feelings

turbid['tɜ:rbid]adj. 混浊的:deficient in clarity or purity

flaccid['flæsid]adj. 不结实的,松弛的:not firm or stiff; lacking normal or youthful firmness

viscid['visid]adj. 有粘性的:having a glutinous consistency

lucid['lu:sid]adj. 有光亮的:suffused with light // adj. 神志清醒的:having full use of one's mind and control over one's actions // adj. 表达清晰的,简单易懂的:easily understood

pellucid[pə'lu:sid]adj. 透明的:admitting the passage of light // adj. 清晰明确的,易懂的:transparently clear in style or meaning

sordid['sɔ:rdid]adj. 肮脏的,不干净的:not clean // adj. 卑鄙的:marked by baseness or grossness

frigid['friʤid]adj. 严寒的:extremely cold // adj. 冷漠的:lacking warmth or ardor

turgid['tɜ:rʤid]adj. 浮夸的,过分装饰的:excessively embellished in style or language

squalid['skwɑ:lid]adj. 污秽的,肮脏的:dirty and wretched // adj. 道德败坏的:morally repulsive

valid['vælid]adj. 逻辑上正确的:logically correct

pallid['pælid]adj. 无生气的,缺乏活力的:lacking in radiance or vitality; dull // adj. 苍白无血色的:having an abnormally pale or wan complexion

solid['sɑ:lid]adj. 固态的,坚固的:having a consistency that does not easily yield to pressure // adj. 有理有据的:based on sound reasoning or information // adj. 坚定的,不迟疑的:not showing weakness or uncertainty

stolid['stɑ:lid]adj. 无动于衷的,感情麻木的:having or revealing little emotion or sensibility

timid['timid]adj. 胆小的,不自信的:lacking in courage or self-confidence

paranoid['pærənɔid]adj. 多疑的,对他人极端恐惧和怀疑的:exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others

vapid['væpid]adj. 无趣的,乏味的:lacking liveliness, animation, or interest

intrepid[in'trepid]adj. 无畏的:characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance

tepid['tepid]adj. 不太热心的:showing little or no interest or enthusiasm

insipid[in'sipid]adj. (食品)清淡无味的:lacking flavor or zest; not tasty // adj. 平淡的,无聊的:lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge

limpid['limpid]adj. 清澈透明的:characterized by transparent clearness // adj. 镇定的,淡定的:free from emotional or mental agitation

torpid['tɔ:rpid]adj. 麻木的,没有知觉的:lacking in sensation or feeling // adj. 迟钝的,行动迟缓的:slow to move or act

hybrid['haibrid]n. 杂交品种,混合品种:something of mixed origin or composition // adj. 杂交的:being offspring produced by parents of different races, breeds, species, or genera

acrid ['ækrid]adj. 辛辣的,刺鼻的:sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor:irritating // adj. 刻薄的:marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings

florid['flɔ:rid]adj. 辞藻华丽的,花哨的:full of fine words and fancy expressions // adj. 装饰华丽的:elaborately and often excessively decorated

torrid['tɔ:rid]adj. 酷热的:intensely hot // adj. 热情的,情感深厚的:having or expressing great depth of feeling

fetid['fetid]adj. 恶臭的:having a heavy offensive smell

languid['læŋgwid]adj. 没精打采的,虚弱的:lacking energy or vitality; weak

avid['ævid]adj. 急切渴望的:marked by keen interest and enthusiasm // adj. 贪婪(钱财)的:having or marked by an eager and often selfish desire especially for material possessions

fervid['fɜ:rvid]adj. 酷热的:having a notably high temperature // adj. 热情的:marked by great passion or zeal

perfervid[pər'fɜ:rvid]adj. 非常热情的:marked by overwrought or exaggerated emotion:excessively fervent

piebald['paibɔ:ld]adj. 杂色的:of different colors // adj. 混合的,杂糅而成的:consisting of many things of different sorts

ribald['raibɔ:ld]adj. (举止、言语)下流粗俗的:characterized by or indulging in vulgar, lewd humor

herald['herəld]vt. 告知,宣布:to make known openly or publicly // vt. 预示,预兆:to give a slight indication of beforehand

gild[gild]vt. (带欺骗性地)修改,润色:to give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to

withhold[wið'hoʊld]vt. 抑制;扣压,不给予:to hold back from action; to refrain from granting, giving, or allowing

uphold[ʌp'hoʊld]vt. 支持,赞成:to give support to

untold[ʌn'toʊld]adj. 数不清的,无数的:too great or numerous to count

husband['hʌzbənd]vt. 节俭,勤俭持家:to use sparingly or





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