
发布时间:2020-07-06 13:08:13


作者:James Blanshard,Nancy Dickmann






The world is getting smaller and smaller, but gaps between people have always existed and will continue to exist for the foreseeable future. Different sets of cultures, belief systems and values have shaped today's world. To avoid misunderstandings, we need to learn not only other languages, but the cultures behind the languages as well.

To understand English-speaking people, we first need to understand their culture and shared history and way of life. This series will give students a good general idea of life and culture in the United Kingdom and United States, helping them to fit in quickly if they visit. The articles in this series vividly depict the fabric of Western society from the perspectives of ordinary people — and their own experiences of life. As an American living in the United Kingdom, I am in a better position to know what's best about American culture through the eyes of my British friends, which I'm glad to share with you. Actually, all the articles in this series are written by native English speakers or authors who have lived in the West for a significant period. This ensures that the text presents an accurate picture of life in the English-speaking world.

As a children's publisher, I know that young students in particular need lively lessons that will engage their curiosity and desire to learn. Therefore, topics have been carefully chosen to include those of greatest relevance to children, including games, schools, clothes and festivals. The series also provides an interesting contrast of British and American culture, which gives you an insight into the differences between them and therefore enables you to better understand the two countries. Being aware that the teacher will pass on the information to students, the authors have made sure to present the text in a light-hearted and fun way, with interesting stories inserted where appropriate. This means that the series is a perfect fit for young Chinese students.

Mention should be made that the Chinese editors worked closely with the authors to make sure that the demands of the English curriculum were met. Where necessary, articles were carefully revised to meet the needs of the Chinese market.

British and American Culture Reader is not just another series, but a reflection of our society, a script being performed by the ordinary people in the two countries. Readers of this series will shake off some of the bad stereotypes that they hold about Westerners and may be surprised to find how similar Westerners' way of life is to their own in many ways. I hope you enjoy reading the articles as much as I have enjoyed writing them.Nancy Dickmann

前 言

学习英语必须了解英美文化,因为语言是文化的组成部分,是文化的载体,两者息息相关。大量事实表明,语言理解的障碍往往不在语言结构本身,而在相关文化知识的缺乏。何谓文化?从广义来说,文化是人类在社会和历史发展进程中创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,包括文学、艺术、音乐、科学、技术、哲学、地理、建筑等。从狭义来说,文化是人们的生活方式、风俗习惯、行为准则等。所有这些,都需要用语言表达。英语有句名言: 想要掌握两种语言,必须掌握两种文化。(To be bilingual, one must be bicultural.)英美文化对于广大的英语学习者的重要性可见一斑,而对于广大的一线英语教师来说,如果能够掌握广博的英美文化,不仅能够提升自己的文化素养,能够更加准确、传神地讲述教材,取得较好的教学效果,还能够进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,扩展他们的国际视野。







总之,我们相信,读者通过学习这套英美文化读本,将会提高跨文化交际的能力。书中疏漏之处,敬请读者不吝指教。申 立2010年6月

1 General introduction 英美简介

What is Great Britain?

James Blanshard

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to call it by its full name, is a nation in Western Europe. We call it the UK for short. The people that live in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are called 'British' and the language spoken by people in Britain is English. In Wales, some people speak the Welsh language, and you can see road signs in Welsh and English if you go there.

People visit the UK from all over the world. There are some important towns and cities there, and also lots of farmland. The land is good for raising sheep and cows, as well as for growing vegetables and crops, like potatoes and wheat. Some parts of the UK are mountainous. The highest mountain in the UK is called Ben Nevis, which is in Scotland. There are some nice sandy beaches, forests and marshland too.

In the past, all sorts of people lived in the UK. The Romans invaded 2,000 years ago and lived there for about 400 years. The Romans called the nation Britannia, after a goddess that was worshipped there. The name 'Great Britain' comes from that Roman name. They built many of the cities in England that are still there today, and you can find Roman remains in many places in the UK. Some of the best remains are the Roman baths in the city of Bath, and parts of Hadrian's Wall, which separated the Roman lands from Scotland.

In 410 AD, the Romans left the country, and there came a time people call the 'Dark Ages'. Many tribes from neighbouring countries wanted to live in Britannia and so there were lots of invasions and battles. The Dark Ages lasted around 600 years. Invading tribes of Angles, Saxons, and the fearsome Vikings all conquered parts of the country in the Dark Ages. It was around this time that the name England first came to be used. It means 'Land of the Angles'. Also in those days, the first kings of England ruled. You can read about some of those kings in later chapters of this book." In Wales, some people speak the Welsh language, and you can see road signs in Welsh and English if you go there. "

The last people to conquer England were the Normans (from France) in 1066, after they won the famous battle of Hastings. The wonderful Bayeux tapestry, which is kept in France, shows the history of that famous battle. The history of the British Parliament dates back to Norman England too. Parliament is a group of elected and chosen people that make the nation's laws. Today, they meet in the Houses of Parliament in London, and at other places in Scotland and Wales.

The different people that have ruled Britain have all brought their own languages and ways of life. This is one of the reasons why the English language has some unusual words and customs! Some common words have lots of different meanings. Did you know that the Oxford English Dictionary has over 40 definitions for the words 'round' and 'light' and over 70 for the word 'run'? This can make learning English a tricky task!Houses of Parliament in London

Today, around 60 million people live in the UK, and most of the people live in England. The UK's biggest cities are in England, but there are important cities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland too. Some British cities, like London, Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford and Nottingham are famous around the world for many different reasons. Some are well known for their sports team (like Manchester United football club), their university (like Oxford), their arts and music festival (like Edinburgh), or famous people that lived there in the past (like Robin Hood in Nottingham).Green Scottish countryside and farmland

Look out for these groups, people and places as you read through this book!


韩淑俊 译British royal horse guards



历史上形形色色的人都在这片土地上居住过。两千年前罗马人入侵英国,并在英国生活了约400年。古罗马人称这个民族为“不列颠(Britannia)”——当地人所供奉的一个女神的名字。“大不列颠(Great Britain)”就是由此演变而来的。罗马人在英格兰建造了许多城镇,这些古老的城镇留存至今。如今你在英国的很多地方都能找到古罗马遗迹。保存最好的遗迹包括巴斯市的罗马浴池和横亘于古罗马帝国领土和苏格兰之间的哈德良长城的残余部分。






The land of Scotland

Kenneth and Joan CameronSir Walter Scott Monument in Edinburgh

Scotland, known in the past as Alba and Caledonia, is a small country. It is only 78,772 square kilometres in area and has a population of around 5.1 million. However, Scottish people can be found in almost every part of the world and many of them have made a significant contribution to the good of the countries that they have moved to. Scotland has been described in boxing talk as 'punching above its weight'. This means that it has made a big impact on the world relative to its small size.

Scotland is one of the four entities that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The others are England, Wales and, of course, Northern Ireland.  Although for centuries Scotland shared a queen and government with the rest of the United Kingdom, the Scottish people have always felt that they are a separate nation from England. Scotland's own kings ruled until the year 1603 when a Scottish king was made the English king (James I). From that time there was only one king, who ruled from England, over both countries. In 1707 the Scottish and English parliaments became one. But even in these circumstances, Scottish affairs were dealt with by a separate department until almost 300 years later when, in 1998, Scotland was granted a parliament of its own again to deal with its internal affairs. This Scottish parliament still answers to the UK parliament as it cannot collect its own taxes, but there are many Scottish people who want to change that and who want Scotland to become an independent country once more.Statue of King Robert I of Scotland" Although for centuries Scotland shared a queen and government with the rest of the United Kingdom, the Scottish people have always felt that they are a separate nation from England. "

The Scottish landscape is mainly one of mountains and moorland and open wetlands, inland lochs (the Scottish word for 'lakes') and beautiful rivers. On the western side, the mountains sweep down fairly close to the shore and the shoreline is indented by many inlets and arms of the sea (these are known as sea lochs or sea lakes). The eastern seaboard is less mountainous. Most of the fertile, arable land of the country is to be found there and in the Central Lowlands, which is a broad stretch of lower land across what might be regarded as the waistline of the country. Most of the Scottish population and four of the country's six cities are situated in these Central Lowlands where much of Scotland's economic wealth is generated and along the more level eastern countryside. There is a much sparser population in the Highlands, especially around the western shoreline and in the island groups of the west and north.

Between the Central Lowlands and the boundary with England is a large area known as the Scottish Borders. Here, smooth rounded hills, less rugged than the northern mountains, present a gentle landscape that is the setting for a number of towns in attractive river valleys.

The border with England is a very significant line. Today there are no border posts and passage from one side to the other is free, but it was not always so. When the mighty Roman army swept across Europe and invaded Britain, they managed to occupy England and Wales but not Scotland. After 80 AD the Romans tried to cross the Scottish border many times but were fought off by the local people and turned back. So the Romans built a wall from east to west across the north of England to keep the wild Scots out. Thus the northern limit of the Roman Empire was in the north of present-day England.

But who were these warring tribes who were able to keep the powerful Romans out of their territory? The Romans named the main group who confronted them Picts, meaning painted people. This was on account of the purple war paint they wore in battle. However, the origins of the present population of Scotland (with the exception of more recent immigrants) is a mix of different groups known as Picts, Gaels, Brythons, Angles, Norsemen and Celtic peoples who eventually, through the passage of time, collectively became known as Scots. The name Scot seems to come from a Gaelic (Celtic) tribe from Ireland who originally settled in Scotland's southwest in around 450 AD. Today the term Scot is used to describe all Scottish people.Eilean Donna Castle on Loch Duich

Historians travelling through Scotland can trace evidence of early races and their different cultures. Stone circles, burial mounds and ancient carved stones tell of different tribal religions, cultures and customs. Another example is the many place names in the north and northern islands, such as Laxdale, Lerwick and Seaforth that reveal colonisation by Norsemen or Vikings from Scandinavia. In the Western Isles and parts of the mainland, the Gaelic language is still used and is a living link with the great Celtic 'empire' that existed in this area.

This multi-ethnic mix of peoples bonded together as a single nation—the Scots—with the reputation of being an industrious, enterprising, enquiring and inventive people. They are known worldwide because they can be found in almost every country, usually reminding others of their presence by Scottish celebrations of different kinds.

Many Scots had a hand in the birth of modern nations, for example, Canada and the USA. Also, by discovery and invention, the Scots contributed much to the development of life as we know it today. No one will research the origins of television, pneumatic tyres, the bicycle, the telephone, the hydrofoil, gas lighting, kerosene (paraffin), the steam engine and waterproof fabric without finding the hand of Scotsmen therein. The Scottish also contributed to endeavours such as the development of radar and the cloning of sheep and in the medical field, to the discoveries of penicillin, cures for various tropical diseases, chloroform's anaesthetic qualities and beta blockers. In the field of economics, Adam Smith of Kirkcaldy was the first real international political economist who wrote The Wealth of Nations and has had a profound influence on economic thinking.

With Scotsmen being the inventors, discoverers, founders and chief developers of so much that shapes our lives for the better today, the statement that Scotland 'punches above its weight' is definitely true.


郝玉娟 译

苏格兰在历史上曾被称作阿尔巴和喀里多尼亚,是一个面积仅有78,772平方公里、 人口约510万的小国。但是苏格兰人却遍布世界几乎各个角落,且其中不少人为他们所在的国家作出了卓越的贡献。借用拳击术语来说,苏格兰是一个“出拳能量超出身体重量”的国家,这里暗喻苏格兰虽然国家不大,但对世界的影响却巨大。

苏格兰是组成大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的四个实体之一,其他实体包括英格兰、威尔士,当然,还有北爱尔兰。尽管几百年来,苏格兰和英国其他三个实体一样服从英国女王和英国政府的管辖,但是苏格兰人一直觉得他们与英格兰是两个不同的国家。1603年,苏格兰国王继位成为英格兰国王,即詹姆士一世;而在那之前,苏格兰一直由自己的国王统治。自那以后,由住在英格兰的一个国王统治两个国家。1707年,苏格兰与英格兰议会合二为一。但即使在这样的情况下,苏格兰的事务一直由一个单独的部门处理。直到近300年后的1998年,苏格兰再次获准成立了自己的地方议会来处理其内部事务。苏格兰议会仍然向联合王国议会负责,因为它无权收税,但是许多苏格兰人想改变这种情况,谋求苏格兰的再次独立。Ring of Brodgar in Orkney Islands



苏格兰与英格兰的边界线极为重要。今天,那里没有边境检查站,双方的来往通行也不受限制,但过去可并非如此。强大的罗马军团横扫欧洲并入侵英国时,罗马人成功占领了英格兰和威尔士,但对苏格兰却束手无策。在公元80年后,罗马军团曾数次试图跨过苏格兰边境,但却遭到了当地人的顽强抵抗,最后无功而返。为了避免强悍的苏格兰人来找麻烦,罗马人在英格兰北部建造了一道横贯东西的城墙。因此,罗马帝国的北部边界位于今日英格兰的北部。Loch Romond







Nancy Dickmann

The United States of America is a large country in North America. Many people call it the US, USA, or just 'America'. It is made up of 50 separate states that each have their own government, capital and laws. However, the national government, based in Washington, D.C., oversees many aspects of daily life. The main language in the USA is English, although many other languages are spoken. Over 35 million people speak Spanish, which is the second most popular language.Geography

The USA is the fourth largest country in the world, and it stretches about 3,000 miles from east to west. Two main mountain ranges run north to south through the country: the Rocky Mountains in the west, and the Appalachian Mountains in the east. Between them, great rolling prairies stretch for hundreds of miles. Here, farms grow huge crops of wheat and corn. The area is nicknamed 'America's Breadbasket'. In the southwest corner of the country, the land is more like a desert, with many weird and wonderful rock formations such as the Grand Canyon. The United States also includes Hawaii, a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, and Alaska, a huge wilderness that extends into the Arctic Circle." One of the symbols of America is 'Uncle Sam'. This character is an old man with a white beard, who wears clothes that look like the American flag. "History

The first people to live in the United States were the Native Americans, sometimes called 'Indians'. These people lived in many tribes scattered across the land. The first European settlers arrived in the 16th century. By 1775, the British controlled a string of colonies along the east coast. The colonists began to get angry with the British taxes, and they started a war of rebellion. They won the war, and in 1783 they became an independent country.

After independence, the country grew quickly, and its borders soon extended all the way to the west coast. There were only 13 states at the beginning. Over the years, more and more were added as the country grew. Millions of immigrants came to the United States from other countries. They hoped to have a better life than they had had in their own country. America was called the 'land of opportunity', and although life was hard for the immigrants, many of them did succeed in their goal. Even today, American culture, language and food show the influence of these immigrants. The country is often called a 'melting pot' because different cultures have mixed together, like the ingredients in a stew or soup!

One of the symbols of America is 'Uncle Sam'. This character is an old man with a white beard, who wears clothes that look like the American flag. He is based on a real person who supplied food to the army in the 1800s.America today

More than 300 million people now call the United States home. Many of them live in cities or suburbs, but there is also a sizeable rural population. The country is made up of regions that often have their own accent, food and culture. The northeast part of the country is called 'New England'. It has some of the oldest settlements and a large Irish-American population. The southeast is often called just 'the South'. This area has a large African-American population. Many of these people are descended from the African slaves who once worked the farms. Louisiana is home to a group called 'Cajuns'. The area was originally settled by French-speaking people from Canada, and touches of French language and culture still remain.

The Midwest is an area known for its large farms. The West is where the legend of the cowboy started, and there are still many ranches and rodeos. Some people wear cowboy hats! California is famous for Hollywood and for its beautiful scenery and coastline.

Although the people in different regions of the United States may speak and act differently, they all share a sense of the nation's history and values. Americans are all proud to be American!





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