小学英语无障碍学习丛书 英语小故事课后读·三年级(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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小学英语无障碍学习丛书 英语小故事课后读·三年级

小学英语无障碍学习丛书 英语小故事课后读·三年级试读:


(1)Drunk (喝醉)

One day, a father and his little son were on their way home. At this age, the boy was interested(兴趣) in all kinds of things and was always asking questions.

Now, he asked, “What’s themeaning(意思) of the word ‘Drunk’, dad?”“Well, my son,” his father replied, “look, two policemen are standing there. If Iregard(把……看作) the two policemen as four then I am drunk.”

“But, dad,” the boy said, “ there’s only one policeman!”理解能力测试

1. How many policemen were there?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Four.

2. Did the father make his son understand the word “drunk”?

A. Yes.

B. No.精妙点拨

1. on one’s way home

表示“在某人回家的路上”。一般接地点时为on one’s way to+地点,只有地点是“home”时才省略to。2. be interested in + sth. /doing sth.

表示“对某物感兴趣”,或者“对做某事感兴趣”。例句:Lily is interested in reading books. /莉莉对看书很感兴趣。

3. regard...as...

表示“把……看作……”。例句:regard teacher as mother /把老师看作母亲。佳句背诵

After a storm comes a calm.否极泰来

(2)What a Big Deal (大订单)

A young businessman had just started his business, andrented(租用) a beautifuloffice(办公室). He saw a man come into the outer office. He wants to act as a busy and successful(成功的) businessman, so he picked up the phone andpretended(假装) to have a big deal working.He talked about hugefigures(数字) and made giantcomm itments(承诺).

Finally, he hung up and asked the visitor, “Can I help you?”The man said, “Sure. I come toinstall(安装) the phone.”理解能力测试

1. What was the businessman doing when a man came into the office?A. He is sleeping.B. He is answering a phone.C. He is pretending to talk w ith a client(顾客).

2. Why did the man come into the offi ce?A. He came to install the phone.B. He came to place an order(订单).

C. He was a friend of the businessman.精妙点拨

1. pick up the phone


2. pretend to do sth.

意为“假装做某事”。例句:The students pretend to be quiet. /学生们都装作很安静。

3. have a deal

意为“达成协议,谈成生意”。例句:The man just had a deal w ith his client. /他刚和客户达成协议。

4. make a comm itment


5. hang up


A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者必善其终

(3)W rite a Com position (写作文)

One day in class, the teacherassigned(指派) his students to w rite acomposition(作文)-If I Were aManager(经理).

A ll the students began to w rite except(除了) a boy.The teacher went to him and asked, “Why haven’t you started w riting your composition?”“I am waiting for mysecretary(秘书).” answered the boy.理解能力测试

1. All the students began to w rite the composition. ( )

2. The boy didn’t want to w rite the composition. ( )

3. The boy was waiting for his secretary. ( )精妙点拨

1. assign sb. to do sth.

意为“派某人做某事”。例句:The manager assigns his secretary to meet the partner. /经理派他的秘书去见合作伙伴。

2. except

表示排斥时,意思是“除了……以外”,其后可接名词、代词、动名词和介词短语。例句:We go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday. /除了星期六和星期天外,我们每天都上学。佳句背诵

A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口

(4)Is He Dying? (他要死了吗?)

A man was sitting in a bar(酒吧) w ith tears stream ing(流出) down his face. A friend walked in and asked, “Why are you so unhappy?”

The man said, “The doctor has just told me I’ll have to take these tablets(药片) for the rest of my life.” His friend pointed out, “But many people have to take tablets every day of their life.”“Sure,” came thereply(回答), “but he only gave me ten.”理解能力测试

1. The man was unhappy because he would die in ten days.( )

2. The man hated the tablets very much, so he didn’t want to take the tablets every day.( )

3. The doctor only gave the man medicine for ten days. ( )

4. Everyone needs to take medicine every day of their life.( )精妙点拨

1. stream down

这里指眼泪顺着脸颊缓缓流下。2. the rest of

意为“剩下的……”。例句:the rest of the students /剩下的学生;the rest of the money /剩下的钱。文中“for the rest of my life”指人生中剩下的时光。

3. point out


A good name is sooner lost than won.美誉难得而易失

(5)Such a Long Dog (好长的一条狗)

Once there was ablind(瞎的) man. One day when he was walking, he stepped(踩;踏) on the head of a dog.The dog was sleeping then. The dogbarked(吠声) for a while. The blind man went on for a m ile, and this time he stepped on the other dog’s tail. This dog barked, too. The blind man thought that it was the first dog, so he said in surprise, “It’s a wonder. The dog is so long.”理解能力测试

1. The dog was very long. ( )

2. The man stepped on two different dogs. ( )

3. If you step on a dog’s tail, it w ill bark. ( )

4. The dog was a m ile long. ( )精妙点拨

1. step on sth.

意为“踩到什么上”。例句:The gardener tells all

the visitors not to step on the greensward. /园丁告诉每一位来访者不要踩踏草坪。

2. for a while

意为“一会儿,暂时”。例句:The police only fell asleep for a while and the thief escaped. /警察只是睡了一小会儿,小偷就跑了。佳句背诵

A good neighbor is better than a brother in the next village.远亲不如近邻

(6)Who Is Mo re Po lite? (谁更有礼貌?)

A fat man and a skinny(皮包骨的) man were arguing(争论) about who was more polite.

The skinny man said, “I am more polite because I always tip my hat to ladies.” But the fat man replied, “I am morecourteous(有礼貌的) because if I get up and offer my seat,two ladies could sit down.”理解能力测试

1. The skinny man was more polite because whenever he got up and offered his seat, two ladies could sit down. ( )

2. The fat man was too fat so he took two seats when he sat down. ( )

3. The fat man was more courteous. ( )精妙点拨

1. tip one’s hat to


2. more+形容词/副词

表示比较级,“比……更加……”。文中“more polite”表示“更礼貌”,“more courteous”也表示“更有礼貌”。例句:The man runs more quickly than his son. /他比他儿子跑得更快。

3. offer one’s seat


A hero is known in the time of m isfortune.时势造英雄

(7)What Was It She Wan ted?(她要什么?)

A store m anager heard aclerk(职员) telling a customer, “No, ma’am, we haven’t had any for a while, and it doesn’t look as if we’ll be getting any soon.”Horrified(惊恐的), the manager came running over to the customer and said, “Of course, we’ll have some soon, we placed anorder(订单) last week.” Then the manager drew the clerk aside, “Never, never, never say we are out of anything—say we’ve got it on order and it’s com ing. Now what was it she wanted?” “Rain.” said the clerk.理解能力测试

1. What did the woman want?A. Book.B. Rain.C. Nothing.

2. Why did the manager tell the clerk to cheat(欺骗)the customer?

A. Because he was a bad guy.

B. Because he wanted to sell more products.

C. He was just kidding.精妙点拨

1. as if

意为“好像”。例句:She works hard as if she never fatigues. /她工作努力,仿佛从不知疲倦似的。2. p lace an order

意为“下订单”。例句:The manager w ill place an order next week. /经理下周会下订单。3. d raw sb. aside

意为“把……拉到一边”。例句:She drew me aside and whispered in my ear. /她把我拉到一旁,凑在我耳朵边说悄悄话。

4. be out of sth.

意为“某物没有了,某物短缺”。例如:out o f energy /没有力量。佳句背诵

A journey of a thousand m iles begins w ith a single step.千里之行,始于足下

(8)Who Is Stup id? ( 谁愚蠢?)

A teacher w as trying to make use of her psychology(心理学)courses(课程). She started her class by saying,“Everyone who thinks you’re stupid, stand up!”

Little Johnny then stood up.

The teacher said, “Do you think you’re stupid, Johnny?”

“No, ma’am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself !”理解能力测试

1. Both the teacher and little Johnny were stupid.( )

2. Little Johnny thought the teacher was standing to show she was stupid.( )

3. Johnny is very kind but also a little funny.( )精妙点拨

1. make use of

意为“利用”。例句:The film star makes use of his fame to earn money. /电影明星利用他们的盛名来赚钱。2. by oneself

意为“独自”。例句:Children always hate to do things by themselves. /孩子们通常不喜欢独自做事。佳句背诵

A lazy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

(9)Who Won the Gam e? (谁赢了?)

M y husband(丈夫) just returned from a golf outing(体育比赛). He was greeted at the door by Sara, our fouryear-old daughter.

“Daddy, who won the golf game? You or Uncle Richie?”asked the daughter.“Uncle Richie and I don’t play golf to w in,” my husbandhedged(避免作正面答复) , “we just play to have fun.”

Undaunted(勇敢的,无畏的), Sara said, “Okay, Daddy,who had more fun?”理解能力测试

1. Sara was very brave to ask her father who won the game.( )

2. We can presume(推测)that the father didn’t w in the game. ( )

3. We can guess Uncle Richie may w in the game. ( )

4. Both of them had fun. ( )精妙点拨

1. return from+地点

表示“从……回来”。例句:M y mother just returned from the US a week ago. /我母亲上星期刚从美国回来。

2. four-year-old

是一种表示年龄的方法。一般也有用four years old.

3. w in the game


4. have fun

意为“有乐趣,获得乐趣”。enjoy oneself 意思与其相近。佳句背诵

A little is better than none.聊胜于无

(10)A Physics Exam ination (物理测试)

Once in aphysics(物理)exam ination(测试), Nick finished the fi rst question very quickly. A t the same time, hisclassmates(同学) were thinking hard.

The question was: When it thunders, why do we see the lighting fi rst, then hear the thunder roll?

Nick’s answer: Because our eyes are before ears.理解能力测试

1. Everyone was thinking hard except Nick. ( )

2. Nick’s answer was right. ( )

3. Nick is very smart. ( )精妙点拨


M ath“数学”、Chinese“语文”、Eng lish“英语”、Physics“物理”、Chem istry“化学”、Politics“政治”、History“历史”、Geography“地理”、Biology“生物”、Music“音乐”、Form“形体”、Arts“美术”、Science“科学”、PE(physical education)“体育”。佳句背诵

A little neglect may breed great mischief.小不忍则乱大谋

(11)To Pro fi t from a M isfo rtune(从不幸中获利)

A man was a butterfingers(手脚笨拙的人) . He alwayssuffers(忍受,遭受) fromunemployment(失业) . At last he found a job in a chinaware(陶瓷) house. He worked only a few days there and then he dropped a largevase(花瓶).

The manager summoned(召唤) him to the office and told him, “The money would bededucted(减去) from your wages every week until you pay the vase.” He asked:“How much did it cost?” “Five hundred dollars.” said the manager. “Oh, that’s wonderful,” he said happily, “I’m so happy that I have got asteady(稳定的) job at last.”理解能力测试

1. How much money w ill be deducted from his wages?

A. Five dollars.

B. Fifty dollars.

C. Five hundred dollars.

2. Why did the man drop the vase?

A. Because he was too busy.

B. Because he was a butterfingers.

C. Because the vase was too heavy(重的).精妙点拨

1. suffer from

意为“忍受,遭受”。例句:Why do people suffer from fears and poverty? /人们为什么会遭受恐惧和贫穷?2. be deducted from

意为“从……减去,扣除”。例句: The cost w ill be deducted from the total wages. /花销将会从总工资里扣除。佳句背诵

A little spark kindles a great fi re.星星之火,可以燎原

(12)It Wou ld Hu rt You (它会伤到你)

“Why do three of our four children have black hair but little Jim is a blond(金发女郎)? Whose child is Jim?”“I can’t tell you the truth,” said his w ife after a longpause(停顿), “it wouldhurt(伤害) you too much.”“Oh, don’t be ridiculous(愚蠢的),” heinsisted(坚持),“I don’t mind who the father is. I’m justcurious(好奇的) .”

The w ife finallyconfessed(承认) . “Well, if you really want to know, Jim is your child.”理解能力测试

1. How many children do they have?A. One.B. Three.C. Four.

2. Is Jim the husband’s child?A. Yes.B. No.精妙点拨

1. tell sb. the truth

意为“告诉某人实话”。例句:You should tell your parents the truth about your bad dream. /你应该告诉你父母关于你噩梦的实话。

2. Don’t be ridiculous!


All good things came to an end.天下无不散之筵席。

(13)The Sm art O ld Lady (聪明的女士)

An old lady was verydeaf(聋的) and she thought everything was dear(贵的). One day, she went into a shop and asked thesalesclerk(店员) , “ How much is this stuff?”“Seven dollars, Madam, it is verycheap(便宜的).”

The lady said, “It is too much, give it to me for fourteen.”

“I did not say seventeen dollars, but seven.”

“It is still too much,” replied the old lady, “give it to me for five.”理解能力测试

1. How much is the product?A. Seven dollars.B. Seventeen dollars.C. Fourteen dollars.D. Five dollars.

2. How much would the woman pay for the product at last?A. Fourteen dollars.B. Seven dollars.C. Five dollars.精妙点拨

1. 一美元 one dollar;一英镑 one pound 2. give sth. to sb.

意为“把……给某人”。例句:The teacher asked Ben to give his homework to her the next day. /老师让本明天把作业给她。佳句背诵

All is fair in war.兵不厌诈

(14)Half o r Five Ten ths?(一半还是十分之五?)

Teacher asked Ben in class, “Would you rather have onehalf(一半) of an orange or five tenths?”

Ben answered, “I’d much rather have the half.”

Teacher said, “Think carefully(仔细地), and tell me why.”

Ben thought for a moment and answered, “Because youlose(丢失) too much juice if you cut the orange into five tenths.”理解能力测试

1. Would Ben rather have one half or five tenths of an orange?A. One half.B. Five tenths.C. Both.

2. One half is ( ) five tenths.

A. bigger than

B. equal to(相等)C. smaller than精妙点拨

1. 一半用one half,five tenths 是分数的表达方式


2. 分数的表达方式

前面的基数词表示分子,后面的序数词表示分母。如果分子数字大于一,则分母序数词后面要加s。比如:三分之一one third,而三分之二则是two thirds,七分之三为three sevenths。佳句背诵

All is well that ends well.结果美满都是好的

(15)Set the Tab le (布置餐桌)

Little Susan was mother’s helper. She always helped to set the table. One day, many guests were due for dinner.Everything was ready(准备好), the guests came in, and everyone sat dow n. Then mothernoticed(注意到) something was missing.

“Susan,” she said, “you didn’t put a knife and fork at M r.Sm ith’s place.”“I thought he wouldn’t need them,”explained(解释)Susan, “daddy says he always eats like ahorse(马)!”理解能力测试

1. Little Susan was a very helpful girl, she always helps her mother. ( )

2. M r. Sm ith was a horse. ( )

3. The guests w ill all need knives and forks during dinner.( )精妙点拨

1. set the tab le

意为“摆餐具,摆饭桌”。2. knife and fork


All men are mortal.人固有一死

(16)Dead Seagu ll (死去的海鸥)

A father was at the beach w ith his children when his fouryear-old son Bob ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore. A seagull lay(躺着)dead(死的) in the sand.“Daddy, what happened to it?” Bob asked.“It died and went to heaven(天堂).” the father replied.Bob thought for a moment and then said, “Did God throw(扔) it back down?”理解能力测试

1. The seagull was dead in the sand. ( )

2. The seagull went to heaven and God threw it back down.( )

3. The son was too small to know the meaning of death. ( )精妙点拨

1. at the beach

意为“在海边”。介词“at”加上地点常常用来表示“在……地点”。例如:at home“在家”,at school“在学校”,at the library“在图书馆”。

2. grab one’s hand

意为“抓住某人的手”。例句:Father told me to grab his hand and never let go. /爸爸让我抓住他的手永远不要放开。

3. throw sth. back

意为“把……扔回”。例句:The child threw the ball back to me. /这个小孩把球给我扔了回来。佳句背诵

All rivers run into the sea.百川入海

(17)Baby or Monkey? (孩子还是猴子?)

A woman gets on a bus w ith her baby. The driver says,“Ugh, that’s the rear(后面) of the bus and sits down. She feels very

ugliest(最丑的) baby I have ever seen.”The woman walks to the angry(生气). She says to a man next to her, “The driver just insulted(侮辱) me.” The man says, “You go up there and tell him off. Go on, I’ll hold your monkey for you.”理解能力测试

1. The driver is not polite to the woman. ( )

2. The baby is as ugly as a monkey. ( )

3. The man next to her is not polite too. ( )

4. The man next to her thinks her child is a monkey. ( )精妙点拨

1. get on the bus

意为“上公共汽车”。2. next to

意为“在……旁边”。例句:Next to my bed is a desk and a chair. /我的床旁边是书桌和椅子。3. hold sth. for sb.

意为“帮某人拿着某物”。例句:Gentlemen must hold the handbag for ladies. /绅士应当为女士拿包。佳句背诵

All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事都是先难后易

(18)Two App les (两个苹果)

Harry was given two apples, a small one and a big one,by his Mum. “Share them w ith your sister.” she said.

So Harry gave the small one to his little sister and started touching(碰,触摸) into the big one.

“Oh!” said his sister, “If Mum had given them to me I’d have given you the big one and had the small one myself.”“Well,” said Harry, “that’s what you’ve got, so what are you worrying about?”理解能力测试

1. Harry ate the bigger apple while his sister ate the smaller one.( )

2. Harry’s sister w ill not give the bigger apple to Harry.( )精妙点拨

1. share sth. w ith sb.

意为“与……分享”。例句:I have some very sad news to share w ith all of you. /我有一些十分令人悲痛的消息要告诉你们。

2. start doing sth.

意为“开始做某事”。start to do 也表示“开始做某事”。但是前者强调动作进行的状态,后者强调开始这个动作。例句:Children should start reading at the age of three. /孩子们应该三岁开始读书。The manager starts to have his lunch. /经理开始吃午餐。3. worry about sb. /sth. /doing sth.

意为“担心某人/某事/做某事”。Don’t worry about your housework. /不用担心家务。佳句背诵

All things are obedient to money.有钱能使鬼推磨

(19)Pu t You r Feet In (把脚放进去)

The school girl was sitting w ith her feetstretching(伸展)far out into the aisle(通道,走道) , and was busily chew ing gum. The teacherespied(看到,发现) her. “Mary!” called the teachersharply(刺耳地). “Yes, Madam?” questioned thepupil(学生), “Take that gum out of your mouth and put your feet in!”理解能力测试

1. The teacher was angry because the girl stretched her feet far out into the aisle and chewed gum. ( )

2. The teacher ordered(命令)the girl to put her feet in her mouth.( )精妙点拨

1. stretch sth. out

意为“把某物伸展开”。2. chew gum

意为“嚼口香糖”。3. take sth. out of

意为“把……从……拿出来”。take sth. into/in“把……放进……里”。例句:The police told the thief to take the money out of his socks. /警察让小偷把钱从袜子里拿出来。佳句背诵

Not all truths can be told.真理并不都能说得清

(20)Don’t Wo rry (不要担心)

M ary w as so disgusted(厌恶的) at her husband’scigarette(香烟) smoking that shecomplained(抱怨) to him one day.“Ihope(希望) that all the cigarette factories(工厂)w ill catch fi re someday.”“Don’t worry, dear. A ll the cigarettes w ill be on fire sooner or later.” He said w ith asm ile(微笑).理解能力测试

1. Mary hated her husband smoking. ( )

2. The husband wanted all the cigarette factories to be on fi re someday. ( )精妙点拨

1. com plain to sb.

意为“向某人抱怨”。例句:Europeans shou ld complain to their governments. /欧洲人应该向他们自己的政府抱怨。2. catch fi re

意为“起火”。be on fi re 也表示“起火”,但是只表示一种着火的状态。3. sooner or later

意为“迟早,早晚”。例句:All men w ill die sooner or later. /人迟早都会死去。佳句背诵

A man can do no more than he can.凡事只能量力而行

(21)Hosp itality (好客)

Thehostess(女主人)apologized(道歉) to her unexpected guest for serving an apple pie w ithout anycheese(奶酪). The little boy of the fam ily left the room quietly for a moment and returned w ith a piece of cheese and then he laid it on the guest’s plate(盘子). The visitor sm iled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said, “You must have better eyes than your mother. Where did you find the cheese?” “In therat-trap(捕鼠夹), sir.” replied the boy.理解能力测试

1. There was cheese in the house, but the hostess was too mean to take it out. ( )

2. The guest w ill eat the cheese happily. ( )

3. The little boy was very helpful and clever. ( )精妙点拨

1. apologize to sb.

意为“向某人道歉”。和say sorry to sb. 同义。例句:The teacher asked Tom to apologize to his classmates for his impoliteness. /老师让汤姆为他的不礼貌向同学道歉。

2. must

意为“必须”。must be“一定是”。you must do sth.“你一定要做某事。”例句:You must listen to this song.It’s fantastic. /你一定要听这首歌,它太棒了。佳句背诵

A man cannot serve two masters.一仆不能侍二主

(22)One Side (一面)

A judge(法官) asked our group of potential jurors(陪审员) whether anyone should beexcused(免权).One man raised his hand.

“I can’t hear out of my left ear.” the man told the judge.“Can you hear out of your right ear?” the judge asked.The mannodded(点) his head.“You’ll beallowed(允许) to serve on the jury,” the judgedeclared(宣布), “we only listen to one side of the case at a time.”理解能力测试

1. The judge was very fair. ( )

2. The man can serve on the jury for the judge only listen to one side of the case at a time. ( )精妙点拨

1. nod one’s head

意为“点头”,表示赞同某人的话。2. be allowed to do

意为“某人被允许做某事”。例句:The girl is allowed to dunk her biscuits in her coffer. /这女孩得到允许,可以把饼干放在咖啡里蘸着吃。

3. serve on

相当于act as,意为“担当……职务”。例句:He w ill serve on the CEO for a four-year term from 2011 to 2014. /他将在2011到2014年担任四年任期的首期执行官。

4. one side of the case


A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time.一心不能二用

(23)Foo l (傻瓜)

M r.Sm ith entered Plymouth Church one Sunday and found several letters awaiting him. He opened one and found it contained(包含) the single word “Fool”. Quietly and w ithseriousness(认真) heannounced(告诉) to thecongregation(教堂会众) the fact in these words: “I knew many an instance(实例) of a man w riting a letter and forgetting tosign(签下) his name, but this is the only instance I ever knew of a man signing his name and forgetting to w rite the letter.”理解能力测试

1. The letter was trying to insult or make fun of M r.Sm ith by w riting a word “Fool”. ( )

2. The person who w rote to M r.Smith forgot to sign his name.( )

3. M r.Sm ith was very clever. ( )精妙点拨

1. many a

表示“很多”,后面接不可数名词或可数名词单数形式。这里由于后面接instance所以用many an。例句:I met him many a time in the bus. /我在公共汽车上见过他多次。

2. forget to do

意为“忘记去做某事”。例句:Don’t forget to close the w indow before going to bed. /别忘记在睡觉前关窗户。3. sign one’s name


A man is known by the company he keeps.察其友知其人

(24)As a Gift (作为礼物)

Once Ireceived(收到) a thank-you note from a friend.I helped him once. In the envelope(信封) were five lottery tickets that had been scratched,revealing(露出) the numbers. “Thank you very much for your help,” the note read, “as a gift, I bought you some lottery tickets, but sorry you didn’t w in.”理解能力测试

1. The lottery tickets were given by a friend whom I had ever helped. ( )

2. I was so unlucky that I didn’t w in for all the five lottery tickets. ( )精妙点拨

1. Thank-you note

意为“感谢信”。2. scratch


A man may dig his grave w ith his teeth.祸从口出

(25)Which One to Carry Ou t?(带走哪个?)

A new spaper organized acontest(竞赛) for the best answer to the question, “If a fire broke out in theLouvre(卢浮宫), and if you could onlysave(救) one painting, which one would you carry out?”

The w inning reply was: “The one nearest the exit.”理解能力测试

1. If I could save only one painting, it must be the most famous





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