
发布时间:2020-07-07 00:07:17















关键词:马克思 生态文明 和谐 可持续发展 科学发展观


To promote ecological progress in China isbased not only on the in-depth analysis of the national circumstances:the pressure of the population, resources and the environment; the deterioration of ecological environment worsening regional poverty and mass incidents concerning ecological environment affecting social harmony and stability, and on the comprehensive consideration of the world situations: intensified global ecological crisis affecting the interests of every country on the planet; international environmental injustice and the need to build a good national image.It' s of great theoretical and practical meaning to explore the problem. Theoretical significance lies in:helping deepen the research of ecological thoughts of classical writers of Marxism and the entirety of Marxism; helping deepen the theory of ecological progress and improve the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and helping develop related humanities and social sciences.Practical importance includes:helping provide a new starting point to the further implement of the Scientific Outlook on Development; contributing to the construction of a good international image as well as a harmonious society; enhancing the party' s ruling legitimacy; helping shape a good international image and provide important guarantee for our country to participate in the international division of labor cooperation, enhance the comprehensive national strength and to realize China 's dream and helping promote people' s free and comprehensive development and providing it with the essential material conditions and the important guarantees.

The advancement of ecological progress has a broad sense and a narrow sense.In the broad sense, ecological progress, a new form of civilization following the primitive civilization, agricultural civilization and industrial civilization, is the inheritance and transcendence of industrial civilization.In the narrow sense, it refers to human practice of achieving material and spiritual achievements under the principle of harmonious development of man, nature and society, in the pursuit of the harmonious relationships between human and nature, among people, and between human and the society.There are general and particular requirements for making ecological progress.The general requirements are embodied in the exploration of and quest for the inner structure systems of ecological material civilization, ecological policy civilization, and ecological consciousness civilization. One principle in the sense of commonality requirement cannot realize the idea of ecological civilization construction.Only individual countries should work together, mutual respect and explore propulsion for its own particular mode of ecological civilization construction will produce fundamental effect, which is the character requirement of ecological civilization construction.

In the process of making ecological progress in China, we must be guided by the Marxist ecological thoughts, and at the same time absorb the ecological ideas in Chinese traditional culture and western culture.The core of Marx and Engels ecological thoughts is mainly reflected in following three aspects:man and nature are united; the realization of the unity of man and nature is the social practice and ideal system to ensure the harmony is the communism.There are ecological ideas in Lenin and Stalin thought.Although Marxist classical writers didn' t involve the words" ecological civilization"in their ecological thought, there exists the essence of ecological progress in the ideas of pursuing the harmony between man and nature, among people and the ultimate goal of promoting people' s all-round and free development.The ecological thought of Marxist classical writers goes beyond geographical boundaries and provides analyzing clues for the understanding and solving ecological problems, which is of world significance.The ecological ideas in China traditional culture are embodied in the“the unity of man and nature”.At present, our traditional culture is undergoing the unprecedented impact and challenges, and there is every need for the modern transformation and development of ecological thoughts.In addition, the western theories are inevitably faced with restrictions from theories with features in terms of nationality, territory, time and class.We must hold to rational view and keep their essence and discard their dross.

The country' s successive core leaderships inherit and develop the ecological thoughts of Marxist classical writers. The attitudes of collective leadership with comrade Mao Zedong as the core of the party towards environmental problems experienced two stages:in the previous stage, environmental issues were marginalized and even ignored and in the second stage, they began to be paid more attention to, which can be considered as awakening period of making ecological civilization progress in our country.The greatest contribution made by collective leadership with comrade Deng Xiaoping as the core of the party is to list environmental protection as a basic national policy, and to make the environmental protection law of the People' s Republic of China, which can be considered as the foundation for ecological progress.The party central committee with comrade Jiang Zemin as the core in the third generation of collective leadership reinforces the concept of sustainable development as a national strategy, which is developing period of ecological progress.Then, with comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary of the CPC central committee, the concepts of scientific development and ecological civilization are advanced, which is the forming stage of ecological progress in China.Xi Jinping period is the further development of the ecological civilization construction and perfecting stage.This is an ongoing process, which fully demonstrates the innovation of the Party' s road, theories and policies.The exploration of the five generations of the core leaderships reflects the following in common:the homogeny of the theories, the humanism of the value orientation and the openness of the theories.And these achievements are not isolated, but progressive and richer with the proposal of Scientific Outlook on Development and the theory of ecological civilization as the most profound achievements in the adaption of Marxism to Chinese conditions.The exploration and practice also develops the layout of the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and improves socialist system.However, constrained by historical task of modernization of our country as a developing country and the historical limitations of the flood of“developmentalism”, there is a big gap between the effects of making ecological progress and the target, which should be improved on the basis of inheriting outstanding achievements in the adaption of Marxism to Chinese conditions and realizing the practical problems.

There are mainlyeight factors restricting the advancement of ecological progress in China.First, the traditional patterns of economic development have not yet fundamentally changed. Second, the administrative management system is not sound. Third, laws and regulations for environment protection should be further perfected.Forth, economic policy guidance system is not mature.Fifth, green technology as a supporting system needs to be further strengthened.Sixth, the structure of land and space is unreasonable and the space utilization rate is low. Seventh, the development of ecological consciousness is not balanced.And eighth, there is some resistance against the international cooperation mechanism of promoting ecological progress.

To advance ecological progress is the consensus reached by both developed and developing countries in the world.Especially in the post financial crisis era, countries have launched a“green New Deal”to carry on the national level of strategic planning and support systems building.Green competition has become the new stage for international competition, and represents the future direction of human civilization, and has objectively greatly accelerated the pace of promoting ecological progress. Experience from developed countries in Europe, America and East Asia as well as the BRIC countries will provide us with reference and enlightenment to promoting ecological progress.A solid and strong top design and effective law and public policy system, strengthen the guide of bottom-up power, and actively carry out international ecological cooperation actively are the common requirements.in the course of the construction of ecological civilization, we must study and draw lessons actively.For our country, special requirements should include following aspects:recognizing and base ourselves on national conditions in China in the primary stage of socialism; firmly adhering to the theoretical guidance of Marxism; giving full play to the strength of the socialist system; absorbing the ecological wisdom in Chinese traditional culture and western culture and implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development.

According to the report at 18th CPC National Congress, the strategic goal of promoting ecological progress with Chinese characteristics is to“form the space pattern, industrial structure, mode of production and way of life in line with resource conservation and environmental protection and reverse the trend of ecological deterioration from the source, to create a good production and living environment for people and to contribute to the global ecological security”, and to the new era of socialist ecological civilization.In the process, we should adhere to people-oriented principle while respecting the nature, pay attention to the integrity and the progress, and combine diversified subjects with and governance mechanism.The report also mentions that to promote the ecological progress, we“must give high priority to making ecological progress and incorporate it into all aspects and the whole process of advancing economic, political, cultural, and social progress”.This is a clear requirement for and the overall strategy of promoting the ecological progress.With four“incorporation”s working at the same time, we can effectively promote ecological progress.To advance socialist ecological progress with Chinese characteristics is a systematic project; it needs the following measures to be carried out simultaneously to ensure a good effect:promoting ecologicalization of economic development patterns; scientifically setting up the management system for making ecological progress; strengthening the construction of the ecological legal system; improving and implementing ecological economic policies; developing and applying green technology; optimizing national spatial development patterns; implementing ecological civilization education; actively developing international ecological cooperation.With these measures linked and combined, our country will be pushed forward to a new era socialist advancement of ecological progress.

Keywords: Marx, ecological progress, harmony, sustainable development, Scientific Outlook on Development1导论1.1研究背景与意义1.1.1 研究背景

我国社会主义生态文明建设的开展,既是基于当前我国人口资源环境压力、生态环境恶化加重区域性贫困、生态环境群体性事件频发影响社会和谐稳定、提高党的执政能力需求等国情的深入分析,也是对全球性生态危机影响各国利益、国际环境不公平现象存在、良好国家形象构建需要等世情的综合考虑。 国情动因(1)人口压力持续增加,资源环境问题的严峻性难以维系传统的经济增长方式,构建生态文明成为保障经济持续发展迫在眉睫的要求。新中国成立以来,在中国共产党的领导下,我国以世界7%的耕地养活了大约21%的人口,不失为奇迹。然而,目前我国的人口已超过13亿,且绝对数量在一定时期内仍将保持增加,而另一面,耕地却不断遭到侵蚀,18亿亩耕地保护红线岌岌可危,再加上过度使用化肥等不合理的耕作方式使得土壤肥力急剧下降,粮食安全面临巨大压力。此外,由于水土流失、土地沙漠化等原因,国民生存空间进一步缩小,已由建国初期的600多万平方公里锐减到当前的300多万平方公里,人均土地面积仅为世界平均水平的1/3,形势危急。60多年来,中国不仅养活了众多的人口,综合国力也取得了显著提升,举世瞩目的成就背后离不开以“高耗能、高投入、高排放、低效率”的传统经济增长方式为依托。在这种经济增长轨道下,不可避免地出现了日益严峻的资源环境问题。淡水资源日趋紧张,北方城市普遍缺水,华北平原由于地下水位下降出现世界上最大的地下水漏斗,黄河、淮河、辽河开发利用率均已经超过了60%,海河超过90%,流域生态功能严重失调,而南方地区七大水系40%以上均遭到严重污染;单位产值耗能利用率仅为日本的1/7,美国的1/6,不仅远远低于这些发达国家,甚至低于同为发展中国家的邻国印度,而同期单位产值排污量却远远高于这些国家;我国已经成为世界第三大重酸雨区,仅次于欧洲以及北美地区等等。可见,中国面临着比发达国家更高的发展成本和环境破坏量,严酷的现实不断警示着我国资源环境的承载能力已接近极限。在绝大多数人均资源指数低于世界平均水平的情况下,依靠人口红利、环境红利与资源红利的快速增长模式将难以得到维系。要保障正处于攻坚时期的工业化、城镇化的持续健康发展,生态文明建设成为其关键之所在。(2)生态环境恶化会进一步加重区域性贫困,建设生态文明有助于部分地区走出发展的窠臼。我国幅员辽阔,各地区之间经济发展不平衡的现象始终存在。造成这一问题的原因多种多样,然而其中的生态环境因素不容忽视。例如,2004年,河北省发展改革委宏观经济研究所课题组曾对环京津贫困带进行考察,发现区域性贫困导致区域掠夺性、毁灭性资源开发的现象频发,增加土地的负载压力,引起生态环境恶化,而破坏了的生态环境又是导致区域性贫困的根源,从而形成恶性循环的窠臼。除了发达城市周边的环形贫困带之外,我国东中西区域发展不平衡的形成原因中生态环境因素的影响也是显而易见的。总之,我国生态环境“局部有所改善,整体仍在恶化”的现状背后隐匿着经济两极分化以及城乡经济二元结构的阴霾,因此建设生态文明,是这些地区走出发展窠臼的重要推动力。(3)生态环境事故高发期业已来临,生态环境群体性事件影响到了社会的和谐稳定,生态正义呼声越来越高。根据相关研究,环境污染对健康的影响并不遵守“谁污染、谁承受”的原则。由于工作性质、居住环境等原因,对高收入、高学历人群并未造成显著的不利影响,“而依靠体力劳动维持生存的贫困的城镇居民和农民有显著的不利影响”。随着这类人群环保意识与健康意识的提高,对生态环境的关注度也越来越高,生态环境问题逐步显性化。不合格饮用水、严重污染的空气等均会时常引起群众的关注。近年来,四川什邡、浙江镇海、江苏启东等一系列因重大项目建设所涉环境问题引发的群众性事件陡增,年均增长率高达29%,已经与劳资纠纷、违法征地拆迁一并成为诱发群体性事件的“三驾马车”,严重影响了和谐社会的建设步伐。对于群体性事件,现在的共识是忌“压”倡“疏”,注重生态环境保护,建设生态文明方是最根本的疏导之策,生态文明建设已经成为民意所在、民心所向。(4)在我国进行生态文明建设,是中国共产党始终代表最广大人民群众根本利益的要求,是提高党的执政能力的重要体现。中国共产党作为我国的执政党,是中国特色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心,始终代表着最广大人民群众的根本利益,坚持党的领导与坚持社会主义本质上是一致的。社会主义的本质在于“解放生产力,发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终实现共同富裕”,社会主义的终极宗旨在于追求人的自由而全面发展。然而,现实生活当中,“资本的逻辑”大行其道,挟持制度及公共政策的情况屡见不鲜,这显然与社会主义的本质及终极宗旨相悖。当前,正值全面建设小康社会的决定性阶段,生态文明建设作为小康社会的目标之一,得到党和国家的高度重视。党的十八大报告中更是明确提出要将生态文明放在突出位置,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设的全过程当中,从源头上扭转生态环境恶化趋势,从而为小康社会的全面实现提供强有力的保障。 世情动因(1)全球性生态危机愈演愈烈,关乎各国的根本利益与前途,我国生态文明建设责无旁贷。17世纪末发端于英国的第一次科技革命使人类从农耕文明跨入了工业文明时代,给整个社会带来崭新的图景。一方面,工业文明极大地促进了人类文明的进步,主要表现为:物质生产方式发生重大变革,“资产阶级在它的不到一百年的阶级统治中所创造的生产力,比过去一切世代创造的全部生产力还要多,还要大”;人身依附关系被打破,自由度有所提高等;另一方面,工业文明也表现出了“开放性”、“扩张性”特质,存在着不容忽视的致命缺陷,例如:生产过程中科层制管理方式对人进行了机械化式的塑形,使人单向度畸形发展;“消费主义”价值观被树立,金钱成为世俗偶像,人的价值越来越通过所占有的物质财富多少来体现,人际关系趋于紧张等等。工业文明的这种特质反映在人与自然关系上则表现为认为人是自然界的主人,并导致了人类对大自然的盲目开发、野蛮掠夺,最终引发了日益严峻的全方位的全球性生态危机问题。例如,早在上世纪前半叶,“八大公害”事件便轰动世界引起广泛关注;近几十年来,大气污染程度加深,酸雨、温室效应及臭氧层破坏等问题不断困扰着人类;有毒化学品和城市垃圾危害日益严重;水体污染程度进一步恶化,全世界大约40%的河流已受到不同程度的污染;生物多样性锐减,平均每6小时地球便灭绝一种生物,比自然消失速度要快1000倍,为6500万年以来最大的生物灭绝浪潮;化石能源等不可再生资源短缺等等。倘若目前这些现象得不到根本改善,势必将影响到文明甚至是人类种群的生存与发展,这是诸多历史教训的警示。根据考古结果,尼罗河流域有着得天独厚的自然禀赋,然而过度的开垦伐木却造成了生态系统的破坏,古埃及文明随之衰亡;两河古巴比伦文明则是由于人口膨胀及土地衰竭走向灭亡;而土地严重的盐碱化则是印度文明衰落的重要原因;此外,曾经辉煌一时的楼兰古国以及复活岛文明的灭亡无不源于生态环境的破坏。诚然,生态环境破坏并非这些古文明衰落的唯一原因,但在农业立国的古代,生态环境的破坏无疑会使得物质基础式微从而引发社会运行其他领域的连锁反应,生态环境破坏在其中的作用不容小觑。以史为鉴,只有妥善处理好人与自然之间的关系,才能保障人类文明形态的可持续发展。面对严峻的现实问题,旨在防止生态灾难、克服生态危机的声音与实践活动在各国日益涌现出来,绿色发展已成为不可逆转的世界历史发展趋势。作为世界的重要成员,我国自然也要主动顺应这种发展走向。(2)发达国家设置绿色贸易壁垒与向外转移高耗能高污染产业并行,致使我国的经济发展与生态环境遭受双重冲击,国际环境不公平现状对我国生态文明建设形成迫切要求。改革开放以来,我国对外贸易迅速发展,成为我国经济增长最有力的引擎之一。然而,辉煌的成就是以人力、资源换资本、技术的发展模式而取得的。随着发达国家生态环保意识的不断提高,消费者对产品的环保程度越发重视。据统计,早在2004年,“84%的荷兰人、89%的美国人和90%的德国人在购买物品时都会考虑到产品的环保标准”。愈演愈烈的绿色消费运动便直接促成初期绿色贸易壁垒的设置。然其后期直至现在,绿色贸易壁垒的性质悄然发生重大变化,更多成为发达国家贸易保护主义的一种隐形手段,以用于弥补自身在人力资本、原材料等相关领域的劣势。而由于科技水平、环保意识等方面的限制,我国在部分优势出口产品上,环境指标尚未达到发达国家的进口要求,含涉“食品中的农药残留量,陶瓷产品的含铅量,皮革的PCP残留量,烟草中有机氯含量,机电产品、玩具的安全性指标,汽油的含铅量指标”等多个行业和领域,对我国对外贸易构成了极大阻碍,增加了销售成本,降低了产品竞争力。发达国家在以生态环保为借口进行贸易保护的同时,却充分利用发展中国家承接产业转移的急迫心态,将高耗能高污染的行业大规模地向外转移,从而实现生态成本的转嫁。更有甚者大肆进行垃圾出口,给发展中国家造成了巨大的生态环境风险和居民健康风险。这种形成鲜明对比的国际环境不公平现状对我国的经济发展起到了“双刃剑”作用,既起到了相当程度的阻滞延缓作用,“我国每年因环境污染造成的经济损失约占GDP的10%左右”,又客观促成了经济增长方式转型的倒逼效应,建设生态文明成为时代的紧迫要求。(3)在我国进行生态文明建设,是有效缓解国际舆论压力、形塑良好国家形象的必然之举。随着中国经济的快速发展,我国的生态环境问题早已超越国界,在世界范围内产生了不容忽视的消极影响。其中,我国年均耗水量及污水排放量居世界第一;臭氧层消耗物质含氢氯氟烃产量占世界65%,使用量占世界40%;二氧化碳排放总量居世界第一,人均排量现已接近欧洲人均水平;生物多样性破坏程度同样位居前列,濒危物种156种,占到世界640种濒危物种总量的1/4。总之,随着我国经济规模的继续扩大,来自国际的各种担忧与指责不绝于耳,“生态冲突”日趋增多,给我国的现代化进程造成了极为不利的国际环境。为改变这种被动局面,我国政府陆续签署了50多项环保合作协议,环保协议本身“目标量化、规则细化、约束硬化”的特征、国际舆论的紧密关注以及自身负责任大国形象的维护,使得履行压力加大。应当说,积极开展“环境外交”,建设生态文明,是化解国际舆论压力、维护国家形象的根本之策。1.1.2 研究意义

国情及世情因素促成了当前在我国进行生态文明建设的紧要性。探讨我国社会主义生态文明建设,具有极其重要的理论意义与实践意义。 本研究的理论意义(1)有助于深化对马克思主义经典作家生态思想及马克思主义整体性的研究。马克思主义经典著作中充满着对人与自然关系的深刻认识,对当时业已出现的人与自然关系危机萌芽进行了剖析和前瞻性思考,学术界对此已基本达成共识并取得了不菲的研究成果,理论轮廓渐已呈现出来。该研究遵循理论与实践相结合研究逻辑,直面当前我国社会主义建设中生态危机问题严重的客观现实,进一步深入文本寻求解决现实问题的思想指导。而马克思主义经典作家生态思想的不断挖掘与完善,事实上可以为研究马克思主义理论提供生态视角,促进研究视角多元化,促进马克思主义整体性的研究。(2)有助于开拓马克思主义中国化研究的新领域,完善中国特色社会主义理论体系。该课题以我国生态文明建设为研究对象,总依据是社会主义初级阶段,对此,马克思主义经典作家并没有提供现成的答案。本书在研究过程中,以马克思主义经典作家生态思想为理论指南,甄别扬弃中国传统文化及西方生态文明建设的理论成果,认清我国生态文明建设的独特性,借鉴西方生态文明建设经验,进而探讨我国生态文明建设的途径。以往学术界对马克思主义中国化的研究往往更多倾向于对马克思主义政治、经济、文化、社会理论的中国化研究,而研究我国社会主义生态文明建设则无疑会有助于开拓马克思主义中国化研究的新领域,有利于完善“五位一体”建设方略,完善中国特色社会主义理论体系。(3)有助于相关人文社会科学的进一步发展。探讨我国社会主义生态文明建设,尤其是思想借鉴部分会旁涉中西方的一系列相关人文社会科学,如中国的儒释道学、西方的经济学、伦理学、哲学、政治学等。一方面,对这些学科中生态思想的挖掘将使该学科的内涵更加完整地呈现出来,学科体系得以更加完善。尤其是通过对中国传统文化中生态思想的挖掘,能够增强传统文化的生命力和活力。另一方面,也可以以我国实际经验来甄别辨识西方学术派别纷争的异同以及





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