
发布时间:2020-07-07 02:54:22


作者:[美] 杰克·伦敦(Jack London)




To the Man on the Trail为赶路的人干杯

"Dump it in."“倒进来。”

"But I say, Kid, isn't that going it a little too strong? Whiskey and alcohol's bad enough; but when it comes to brandy and pepper-sauce and—”“不过我说,基德,那样的话酒有点儿太烈了吧?威士忌加酒精已经够厉害了,要是再加上白兰地、胡椒酱,还有——”

"Dump it in. Who's making this punch, anyway?”And Malemute Kid smiled benignantly through the clouds of steam. "By the time you've been in this country as long as I have, my son, and lived on rabbit-tracks and salmon-belly, you'll learn that Christmas comes only once per annum. And a Christmas without punch is sinking a hole to bedrock with nary a pay-streak.”“倒进来。究竟是谁在调潘趣酒啊?”马尔穆特·基德透过雾气腾腾的水汽亲切地笑着。“我的孩子,等你在这一带住得跟我一样久,一样靠打兔子、钓鲑鱼为生的时候,你就会知道,圣诞节一年只有一次。而没有潘趣酒的圣诞节就像挖矿挖到了岩床,却连一条富矿线都没找到一样。”

"Stack up on that fer a high card," approved Big Jim Belden, who had come down from his claim on Mazy May to spend Christmas, and who, as every one knew, had been living the two months past on straight moose-meat. "Hain't fergot the hooch we-uns made on the Tanana, hev yeh?”“说得对极啦,”大吉姆·贝尔登表示赞同,他是从自己在马齐·梅的矿场来这儿过圣诞节的。谁都知道,在过去的两个月里他完全只靠吃驼鹿肉过活。“没忘了我们在塔纳纳河边一块儿配的那种酒吧?”

"Well, I guess yes. Boys, it would have done your hearts good to see that whole tribe fighting drunk—and all because of a glorious ferment of sugar and sour dough. That was before your time," Malemute Kid said as he turned to Stanley Prince, a young mining expert who had been in two years. "No white women in the country then, and Mason wanted to get married. Ruth's father was chief of the Tananas, and objected, like the rest of the tribe. Stiff? Why, I used my last pound of sugar; finest work in that line I ever did in my life. You should have seen the chase, down the river and across the portage.”“嗯,没忘掉。伙计们,要是你们看到整个部落的人都在醉酒闹事——却只是为了一种用糖和酸面团发酵酿成的好酒,一定会觉得很高兴。这是你们出生前的事了。”马尔穆特·基德转过身来对斯坦利·普林斯说道。普林斯是个年轻的采矿能手,已经在那里干了两年了。“当时这一带没有白种女人,可梅森想结婚。鲁丝的父亲是塔纳纳族的酋长。跟部落里的其他人一样,他反对这桩婚事。酒烈吧?嘿,我用上了自己最后的一磅糖,这是我这辈子酿的最好的酒了。你们真应该看看那次追击,沿着河,穿过了陆上运输线。”

"But the squaw?" asked Louis Savoy, the tall French-Canadian, becoming interested; for he had heard of this wild deed, when at Forty Mile the preceding winter.“可是那个印第安女人呢?”路易·萨瓦问道,这个高个子的法国裔加拿大人听得津津有味,因为去年冬天他在四十里站时,就听说过这一疯狂事迹。

Then Malemute Kid, who was a born raconteur, told the unvarnished tale of the Northland Lochinvar. More than one rough adventurer of the North felt his heartstrings draw closer, and experienced vague yearnings for the sunnier pastures of the Southland, where life promised something more than a barren struggle with cold and death.


"We struck the Yukon just behind the first ice-run," he concluded, "and the tribe only a quarter of an hour behind. But that saved us; for the second run broke the jam above and shut them out. When they finally got into Nuklukyeto, the whole Post was ready for them. And as to the foregathering, ask Father Roubeau here: he performed the ceremony.”“我们正好在第一块冰融化时来到了育空河,”基德总结说,“而她部落的人只比我们晚了一刻钟。不过这样我们就得救了,因为第二次融冰冲破了上游的淤塞,他们被拦在河对岸了。当他们最终赶到奴克鲁克托的时候,整个贸易站的人都准备好迎接他们了。至于结婚的事情,问这里的鲁勃神父吧,是他主持的婚礼。”

The Jesuit took the pipe from his lips, but could only express his gratification with patriarchal smiles, while Protestant and Catholic vigorously applauded.


"By gar!" ejaculated Louis Savoy, who seemed overcome by the romance of it. "La petite squaw; mon Mason brav. By gar!"Then, as the first tin cups of punch went round, Bettles the Unquenchable sprang to his feet and struck up his favorite drinking song:“我的天!”路易·萨瓦突然叫了起来,他似乎被这段浪漫的爱情故事折服了。“小小的印第安女人,我们勇敢的梅森。我的天!”接着,随着第一巡用马口铁杯盛着的酒传开来,躁动不安的贝特尔斯跳了起来,唱起他心爱的祝酒歌:

"There's Henry Ward BeecherAnd Sunday-school teachers,All drink of the sassafras root;But you bet all the same,If it had its right name,It's the juice of the forbidden fruit.”“这儿有亨利·沃德·比彻,还有主日学校的教员们,都喝起了黄樟根酿的酒;但你照样可以打赌,如果这酒有个合适的名字,那就是禁果的果汁。”

"O the juice of the forbidden fruit,"“噢,禁果的果汁。”

roared out the Bacchanalian chorus,—


"O the juice of the forbidden fruit;But you bet all the same,If it had its right name,It's the juice of the forbidden fruit.”“噢,禁果的果汁,但你还是可以打赌,如果这酒有个合适的名字,那就是禁果的果汁。”

Malemute Kid's frightful concoction did its work; the men of the camps and trails unbent in its genial glow, and jest and song and tales of past adventure went round the board. Aliens from a dozen lands, they toasted each and all. It was the Englishman, Prince, who pledged "Uncle Sam, the precocious infant of the New World;" the Yankee, Bettles, who drank to "The Queen, God bless her;" and together, Savoy and Meyers, the German trader, clanged their cups to Alsace and Lorraine.


Then Malemute Kid arose, cup in hand, and glanced at the greased-paper window, where the frost stood full three inches thick. "A health to the man on trail this night; may his grub hold out; may his dogs keep their legs; may his matches never miss fire."


Crack! Crack!—they heard the familiar music of the dogwhip, the whining howl of the Malemutes, and the crunch of a sled as it drew up to the cabin. Conversation languished while they waited the issue.


"An old-timer; cares for his dogs and then himself," whispered Malemute Kid to Prince, as they listened to the snapping jaws and the wolfish snarls and yelps of pain which proclaimed to their practiced ears that the stranger was beating back their dogs while he fed his own.“是个老手啊,先顾狗,再顾自己。”马尔穆特·基德悄声对普林斯说道。他们听到狗咬东西的声音、像狼一样的嚎叫声和疼痛引起的咆哮声。这样的声音一传到这些有经验的人耳朵里,他们便知道是那





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