
发布时间:2020-07-07 17:43:42








All Is Well 一切都会好起来

◎By Arthur Hugh Clough    译·赏析/辛献云

Whate'er you dream,with doubt possessed,

Keep,keep it snugwithin your breast,

And lay you down and take your rest.

Forget in sleep the doubt and pain,

And when you wake,to work again.

The wind it blows,the vesselit goes,

And where and whither,no one knows.

It will all be well:no need of care;

Though how it will,and when,and where,

We cannot see,and can't declare.

In spite of dreams,in spite of thought,

It is not in vain,and not for nought.

The wind it blows,the ship it goes,

Though where and whither,no one knows.















亚瑟·休·克拉夫(Arthur Hugh Clough,1819~1861),英国诗人、教育家,是维多利亚时期一位怀才不遇的伟大天才。遗憾的是,他英年早逝,留下的诗作并不多,而且大多诗作在他死后才得以出版。他擅长叙事和心理描写,注重格律和形式的创新,喜欢使用六音步诗行和其他创新形式进行诗歌实验,被认为是19世纪最具前瞻性的诗人之一,其诗歌旋律优美,富有哲理。《一切都会好起来》这首诗表达了诗人对梦想的信念,认为人只要有梦想就要坚守,而不用计较梦想会将我们引向何方。正如风自会吹,船自会行,至于它会吹向何方,行往何处,则无人知晓,也无须知晓。只要有梦想,一切都会好起来,无须庸人自扰,虽然我们无法预见它何时何地以及如何实现,但梦想绝不会是一场空。


★What's Hot特别推荐★


Katy Perry Conquers All 凯蒂.佩里:战无不胜的音乐女

◎By Amy Purdy  译/张晓敏

颜色多变的头发、多彩甜蜜的服饰和一双迷人的电眼是她的标签;复古、性感、另类、时尚、无厘头,不论哪种造型她都能轻松驾驭;不管是颁奖仪式、走红毯还是街拍,她都是摄影师们追捧的焦点;生活上,她是一个坚强、风趣又温暖可人的邻家女孩;事业上,她是野心勃勃、能撑起半边天的流行音乐天后;她是推特红人,却能一直坚持勇敢做自己。这位战无不胜的音乐女王就是让粉丝们爱到欲罢不能的“水果姐”凯蒂·佩里!An All-round He-girl

"Thirty-eight," Katy Perry is saying."I still have about 90 to go." She's not talking about finishing a book; rather it's how many concerts she has completed on her Prismatic world tour,which kicked offin May.Thirty-eight nights of Kissing-a-California-girl-Birthday-Fireworking it,now on a two-night stopover in Boston.And 90-something of those are left,finishing in Stockholm on March 22 next year.

At 2 p.m.(Perry's morning,her "working hours" run from 2 p.m.to 2 a.m.),she's sitting on the sofa in her penthousesuite in black workout clothes,her hair slickedback,oatmealin hand,and a precisely applied blobof pimplecream on her chin."I wore it for you," she announces grandly.

This,in a nutshell,is how Perry(total sales,more than 13 million albums and 72 million digital singles; total No.1 singles,nine)plays to the grown-ups.While she has a fan base of "eight to 80,that's what we call it",she is funny,sardonic,in on her own joke.A conversation with Perry has the rat-tat-tatrhythm of word play and a wryhumor—she puts the broadin "broad".

But she's a little low on mojotoday.Last night's concert was "okay," she says."It was the first time in this run that my voice was a little hoarse.I think I tried to overperform for the president." Perry was at the White House two days earlier at a dinner for the Special Olympics,but now she's looking down on a genteelBoston square,scoopingher "boring breakfast"out of a plastic tub."When I don't feel like I have my whole range,I really can't spread my wings.It gets me down a little bit." She's right:in between last night's pyrotechnics,Perry looked most comfortable having a quieter moment with the audience and bestowing a large pizza on two eight-year-olds,one of whom she zippilynoted,"dressed like a Deadhead".

When she's overdone it vocally,Perry has to wear a nametag that says,I'm quiet.Which,as you can imagine,is not the easiest for the proclaiming queen of pop.Katy Perry has to roar.

At 29,turning 30 this month,Perry sits astridean empire.Every key decision on the 127-person tour,"from catering to dancers",is made by her.She has a crackmanagement team,but "it is overwhelming to know what you're doing in 2015 already," she says,sighing.On tour she does two shows in a row,then has one day off—she is big onvisiting art museums—then it's on to the next.She meditates "five to six times a week and has an act-out day about every four to six months.I'll have a cigarette,which I know is absolutely horrible for me,after a few drinks when I'm having a week off.I don't do black tar heroin."一个全能的女汉子“38,”凯蒂·佩里说,“我还剩大约90。”她可不是在谈论读完一本书,而是在说她开始于5月(编注:英文原文发表于2014年9月)的“棱镜”世界巡回演唱会已经完成的场次。在纵情演唱了《我亲吻了一个女孩》《加利福尼亚女孩》《生日》和《烟火》等歌曲38个夜晚之后,现在凯蒂在波士顿停留两晚。这次巡演还有大约90场,将于明年3月22日在斯德哥尔摩落下帷幕。





现在29岁、这个月就要满30岁的佩里坐跨一个王国。关于这个由127个人参与的巡演,“从餐饮到伴舞”的每一个重要决定都由佩里来做。她有一个一流的管理团队,但是“现在就已经知道自己2015年会做什么让我有点受不了。”她叹了口气说道。在巡演过程中,她会连着表演两场,然后休息一天——她非常喜欢去参观艺术博物馆——接着继续下一场表演。她每周会冥想“5~6次,每4~6个月会有一天尽情放纵。如果有一周的时间休息,我会喝上几杯,再抽根烟,虽然我知道抽烟对我非常不好。我不碰黑焦油海洛因的。”The Quirky and Intelligent Girl Next Door

Of course,Perry's not digging ditches—the Prismatic tour is expected to grossat least $100 million,and further consolidateher position as the top of the pops.But how does a girl live a real life among all of this:seeing family,meeting men?(Perry is currently single.)"I spent four days at home last week," she says,whipping outan iPhone and showing off her equally giant-eyed five-month-old niece,Stella:"We need eye agents," she quips.

Perry can also inspire herself just fine."When I was starting out,I always had a visual for every song I wrote," she recalls."When I'm writing,I would say about seven out of ten times,I have a music video in my head." And when the best-laid plans go amok,she improvises.In 2010,she was due to wear a Viktor & Rolf dress to the Met Gala,"and one of their factories burned down or something a week before." She remembered something she'd found online,a glow-in-the-dark dress—with an extra set of batteries—by a brand called Cute Circuit.She woke up the next morning on the couch("obviously I had turned it up too high," she drawls)to her stylist,Johnny Wujek,throwing a copy of Women's Wear Daily at her."We made the cover.The anarchistsof the Met!"

As she gets older,Perry gives "less of a shit.I hear that the 30s are a better version of your 20s,because you know what you want for yourself." She does have the confidence,however,to admit what she doesn't know."I've always been very attracted to gentlemen who have quite large vocabularies," she explains."One of my favorite apps is the Dictionary.com app.In my late 20s,I've educated myself more than I did growing up because I wasn't able to have a great education.I was taken out of school,put in these weird,kind-of-not-really schools." So there's not just texting,for Perry it's "intellexting".一个古灵精怪的邻家女孩


佩里还能很好地激发自己的灵感。“刚开始着手的时候,每写一首歌我头脑里都会有一个画面,”她回忆道,“现在写歌的时候,我觉得差不多十次里有七次,我脑海里会出现一个音乐视频。”当周密的计划出现问题时,她还能随机应变。2010年,她本来要穿Viktor & Rolf的裙子出席纽约大都会艺术博物馆的慈善晚会,“但是晚会前一周他们的一家工厂被烧毁了,或出了诸如此类的事。”她想起了之前在网上看到过的某件衣服,那是一件会在黑暗中发光的晚礼服,来自一个叫“可爱电路”的品牌——还多送一组电池。第二天早晨,躺在沙发上睡觉的她(“显然我当时玩得太过了。”她懒洋洋地说)被她的形象设计师约翰尼·武耶克叫醒了,约翰尼扔给她一份《女装日报》。“我们上封面了。纽约大都会艺术博物馆慈善晚会上的捣乱分子们!”

随着年龄的增长,佩里对很多事都“更不在意了。我听说30多岁的你是20多岁的优化版,因为你知道自己想要什么。”不过,她确实有自信能够承认自己所不知道的事情。“我总是会被词汇量超大的绅士吸引,”她解释道,“我最喜欢的手机应用之一是Dictionary.com。我25岁之后自学到的东西比我成年前学到的都要多,因为我以前没能接受非常好的教育。我小时候被迫辍学,被送进一些奇怪的、不太像是真正的学校的地方。”所以对佩里来说,手机发送的不仅是短信息,还是“智慧的信息”。A Queen Brave to Be Herself

Asked about her number of Twitter followers,the most in the celebrity kingdom,Perry picks up her phone and checks:"54.9 million." She likes Twitter but doesn't live for its validation."I can go a week without tweeting and be fine.Like I don't have to say,'Goodnight,'to my followers." She rolls her eyes.

Perry has a love-hate relationship with the Internet."When I do these interviews,a lot of these clips people pull out are like,'Katy Perry doesn't want a man to have babies.'I'm like,'I didn't say that.I just said,I'm good.'Why can't I be a mogul?I want to have a baby,sure,but I want to have a career.I want to have a record label.I want to have an incredible tour.So I'm going to have all of those things.Let's talk about that."

When she's having an off day,Perry gets "quieter.I can snap a little bit,be a little bitchyto the couple of people around me.Tamra,my assistant,is my closest punching bag.But she's strong and understands that I have a lot of pressure on me sometimes.But,you know,I went to Santa Barbara,which is my hometown,the other day,and I just drove there,laid out on the beach in my bikini like a starfish,and nobody cared." Perry's also big on bicycles,on which she is sometimes snapped cruising around New York."The bike is the greatest thing because people don't have enough time to put it together in their heads.I'm like a ghost."

Of course,being the very opposite of a ghost—the rainbow-bright girl's girl who plays to people from eight to 80,from high to low—is the great allureof Katy Perry.She'll put on a show for her fans,but she will listen to herself.She loves the style of the ballsygirls,"Whenever the Internet will put me on blast about whatever I wore,I'm like,'I ain't dressin'for you.I don't dress for you bloggers who are still wearing bandage dresses.'"

She laughs."If you're wearing Alaïa,that's fine."一个敢于做自己的女王






Be Proud of Who You Are为自己骄傲

◎By Katy Perry  译/赵越

作为万千青少年的偶像,水果姐Katy Perry不仅带给大家许多好听的歌曲,更传递给众多粉丝满满的正能量。2013年5月,Katy就通过Instagram给粉丝们写了下面这封极具正能量的信。一起来听听水果姐的金玉良言吧。

That's right,folks.Be proud of who you are.Recently,I've been getting a lot of comments and tweets from fans who are struggling with self-harm or being a victim of bullying.Which brings tears to my eyes.I want you to be strong.There's only one you in this world,embrace it.And trust me,when you grow up and become successful those bullies will WISH they were friends with you and were nice to you.Karma1)will do payback to them,just watch.When they bully again,just laugh in their faces or simply say I don't care.If they see it bothers you,they'll continue.If they see that you don't care and that it doesn't bother you,they'll stop! Simple! Stand up for yourself.Make those bullies look stupid.If it gets bad,you can simply tell the authority at school.Another problem is a lot of kids these days who do self-harm.It's horrible to me.Don't ruin your skin.I think your skin is beautiful.Putting scars on your wrists or anywhere else is just heartbreaking for me.Cutting yourself doesn't fix anything.Please,just stop.For me,for your family,for your friends,for you.I understand it's hard.I've never been through it but I have talked to fans like you.Just be clean for today,and see if you can go up to a week maybe?You can slowly progress to stop.I love you!


Four Things You Learn Following Katy Perry Around 聆听凯蒂·佩里的心声

◎By Brain Hiatt  译/宋怡秋

作为美国四小天后之一,水果姐Katy Perry九次被提名格莱美奖,更创造了一张专辑(指《少年之梦》)里诞生五首冠军单曲的奇迹。在世人眼中,她名满天下、事业有成,是红极一时的大明星,也是众多粉丝的偶像。然而在她自己看来,功名利禄皆乃身外之物。且让我们一起走近Katy,听听她在2014年8月接受《滚石》杂志采访时坦露的心声。She is not completely obsessed with topping the charts.

I'm not trying to ever duplicate what I did on Teenage Dream,because I could never.Prism is more about showing the variety I have as an artist,rather than always having a determined goal to go to Number One or whatever.I mean,it's always nice,but that's not always going to happen.And I don't want to have to conform to try and do that.Like,I don't want to have to play something I'm not to get that Number One or whatever.That's not music.That's math.And I don't want to be that."她并非一心只想登上排行榜首位。“我从来没试图去复制《少年之梦》的成绩,因为我永远都不可能做得到。《棱镜》专辑更侧重于展现我作为艺术家在音乐领域的多面性,而不是我一门心思只想获得排行榜冠军什么的。我是说,能得到排行榜冠军总是件好事,但那并不是每次都会发生的。而且,我也不想非得去遵从这个,去努力这么做。比如,我不愿意为了拿到冠军什么的就被迫不做自己。那不是做音乐,那是做算术,而我不喜欢那样。”She's not into fame.

"I never wanted to be famous.That's a byproduct of what I do.Fame is truly a byproduct of the dream that I had.People want to be recognized for their work,but nobody wants to be famous for nothing.Fame is,I think,disgusting.And it's really hard to separate your public life from your personal life.Useless fame is disgusting.I think if you've got a talent or something to offer,a creative thing to offer to the world,then I think that's beautiful.But that famous for nothing thing is kind of gross.It's a bummer.And,I only ever just wanted to make music and be on stage and play,and offer up my perception of how I view the world,through the songs that I write.But then there's a lot of different things that come with it,and I call them trade-offs.I can't necessarily go downstairs and,like,touch the tree,but I can do a lot of other things."她对名气不感兴趣。“我从没想过要出名,它只是我这份工作附带的结果。名气真的是我在实现自己梦想过程中的一个意外收获。人们都希望通过自己的工作获得别人的认可,然而没有人希望自己徒有虚名。我觉得名气是个令人讨厌的东西,它让你真的很难把公众生活和个人生活分开。毫无用处的名气令人厌恶。我认为,如果你有才华或是可以展示的东西,富有创意可以示人的东西,那我觉得就很棒。但徒有虚名就有点儿没意思了,就不是什么好事了。我其实一直只想创作音乐,登上舞台,尽情表演,并通过我写的歌告诉人们我是如何看这个世界的。然而紧接着就冒出许多各种各样不同的事——我管这些叫有得必有失。我未必能到楼下做点什么(比如摸摸那棵树),但是我可以做很多其他的事。”She knows careers can be fleeting these days.

"I feel like I've had a pretty long run,considering our kind of fast-paced world we live in,where a lot of things come and go.It's been seven or eight years of a lot of touring,putting out three records and we're still here,folks.You look at someone like Dolly Parton,who's had 27 records,or some crazy-assnumber.Or Aretha Franklin,who has been around forever.Time just compounds,now.We're going at such a fast pace that things don't last as long.But back when there was no Internet,it was like,people could have careers for a decade.I'll be interested to see who has had a career for a decade ten years from now.Time is the truth-teller of all things,and when anybody has a misconception of me,I'm just like,I don't have to prove anything to you now.I'm just going to let time be the truth-teller.We'll see.We'll see!"她知道现如今人们的职业生涯可能会很短暂。“鉴于我们生活在这样一个快节奏的世界,许多事情来得快去得也快,我觉得自己做这行已经挺久的了。这七八年来,我开了很多场巡回演唱会,推出了三张专辑。伙计们,我们现在仍然在干这一行。你们瞧瞧多莉.帕顿(编注:美国著名流行歌手),她已经发行了27张还是多少张专辑,总之是一个了不得的数字。或是看看艾瑞莎.富兰克林(编注:美国流行音乐巨星),她也是歌坛的常青树。如今,时间都只得向她们低头了。现在的世界变化太快,很多东西都不再那么长久了。但在互联网出现之前,人们的职业生涯似乎可以持续十年。我倒是很想看看,十年之后,有谁在这行做满了十年。时间会检验一切,如果有谁对我有什么误会,我只会这样想:我无须现在就向你们证明一切。我只会让时间来说明一切。我们拭目以待。拭目以待!”She's touring so hard right now because she sees it as "taking advantage of an opportunity that is presenting itself".

"I just feel like people don't always come out to see live shows but people want to see my show.And it's sold out.People are responsive.It's being offered to me and I don't know if that will always be the case.It's exciting times to be able to sell out arenas in a time where people are blacking outarenas.You know what I'm saying?So be grateful for the opportunity now,because it may not always be that way.I may not always be here.So do it while you can."她目前正在卖力地巡回演出,因为她认为这是在“抓住眼前的机会”。“我觉得人们并不总是愿意出来看现场演出,不过人们想看我的演唱会,而且票都会卖光,观众的反应也很热烈。我现在能得到这种机会,但是不知道将来是否也能一直如此。演唱会现在行情都不大好,在这个时候我的票还能大卖,我感到很兴奋。你明白我的意思吗?所以要对眼前的机会心存感激,因为情况可能并不总会如此。也许我不会一直像现在这样受欢迎,因此要在能抓住机会的时候抓住它。”


Eight Rules of Time Travel in Movies电影中的那些穿越准则

◎From empireonline.com  译/四叶草

自从爱因斯坦的相对论为时间旅行提供了理论上的可能性,人们对穿越的幻想和探索就从未间断。那些或严肃,或搞笑,或荒诞的穿越影片就承载着人类对穿越的无限遐想。近来随着影片《星际穿越》大热,穿越是否可行又成了人们热议的话题。不过话说回来,倘若真能回到过去或去往未来,我们该注意些什么呢?假如你对此一无所知,不如先看看那些让人“脑洞大开”的穿越电影里是怎么说的吧!☆At all costs,avoid your ancestors要不惜一切代价回避先辈

Learned from:Back to the Future(1985)


Forget finding plutoniumfor your DeLorean'sflux capacitor—what you need to remember is that when you mess around with the past,you mess around with the future.Hence when 17-year-old Marty McFly inadvertentlydrives his way back to 1955 and disrupts the moment that his parents first meet,the race is on to reunite them before his future self fades from existence.Living through a Freudian nightmarethat no teenage boy deserves,Marty accidentally has his mother become infatuatedwith him.Probably best to avoid your parent's dating-era altogether,come to think of it.

别再想着为你的德劳瑞恩跑车中的通量电容器找钚材料这件事儿了——你只需记住,如果你把过去弄得一团糟,你的未来也将一团糟。因此,当片中17岁的马蒂·麦克弗莱无意中开动跑车回到1955年并扰乱了父母初遇的那一刻时,为了让父母在未来的自己消失之前重新在一起,一场与时间的赛跑就此展开。马蒂误打误撞地让母亲迷恋上了自己,由此遭遇了一场任何少年都不该经历的弗洛伊德式噩梦。仔细想想,恐怕最好还是不要回到父母约会的那个年代了。☆Don't talk about the future不要谈论未来

Learned from:12 Monkeys(1995)


The year is 2035 and Earth has been devastated by a deadly virus.Disease has driven humankind underground.You,an imprisoned convictin this dystopiannightmare,have a shot ata pardon:go back in time,find out all you can about how the virus was spread,and return to the future with a sample so an antidotecan be prepared.What's your first move when you get there?Well,if you were Bruce Willis it'd be to get yourself arrested and hospitalized in a mental institution.Great work,Bruce.The lesson in 12 Monkeys is therefore to watch who you decide to tell that you're a time-travelling inmateon a quest to save mankind.No one likes a show-off,after all.

故事发生在2035年,地球已经被一种致命的病毒所毁灭,人类迫于疾病不得不转入地下。作为生活在这一反乌托邦噩梦之中的在押囚犯,你尝试去获得赦免,那你就需要回到过去,竭尽全力弄清这一病毒当年是怎么传播开来的,然后带着一个病毒样本回到未来,好让人们可以准备好疫苗。回到过去之后,你第一步会采取什么行动呢?嗯,如果你是影片中的布鲁斯·威利斯,你做的第一件事就是搞得自己被人抓起来关进一家疯人院。干得可真棒,布鲁斯。《12只猴子》这部影片由此告诉我们,对于该告诉谁自己是一位为拯救人类而穿越回来的囚犯这件事情,一定要小心。毕竟,没有人喜欢爱卖弄的人嘛。☆It's possible to be too productive ...收获良多是有可能的 ……

While poor Harry is off battling Dementors,Hogwart's swottieststudent Hermione spends the year jugglingevery potion-making,spell-memorizing,and charm-casting lesson under the sun—all using a Time-Turner to increase the hours in her day.The lesson here is simple.Using your time-travelling abilities to visit distant ages,experience historical events,or note down future lottery numbers is a waste of time:what you really want to do is pop back every three hours so you can spend more time in Herbology.Great for the grades,but disappointingly lacking in opportunities to walk with dinosaurs,meet your ancestors,or change the course of civilisation.

当可怜的哈利在外与摄魂怪较量之际,霍格沃茨魔法学校最勤奋努力的学生赫敏却在那一年兼修了所有关于研制魔法药水、背诵咒语和施展咒语的课程,而这一切全都靠她使用时光转换器延长了白天的时间。其中道出的道理很简单。运用时间旅行的能力去参观远古时代、经历各种历史事件或者记下未来将会中奖的彩票号码都是在浪费时间,你真正想要的不过是每隔三小时就回去一次,好让你能花更多的时间上草药学课。这样做对学习成绩很有好处,但很遗憾,你会失去和恐龙同行、与自己的先辈见面或者改变文明进程的机会。☆Do learn from history 务必从历史中汲取经验

Learned from:Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure(1989)


...or alternatively,just bring history back with you.When Bill and Ted travel back in time it's with the modest aim of passing their high school history class,so to add spice to their oral presentation they import historical figures from Lincoln to Beethoven to get on stage and help them.This technique would be particularly helpful if you needed a hand winning a pub quiz or rescuing a falteringfancy-dress party.Thing is,don't let them loosein your town's mall.They'll only cause havocand you'll have to pay for it all.

……或者还有另一种选择:干脆把历史带回你身边。影片中的比尔和泰德回到过去时,他们的目标并不宏大,仅仅是想要通过高中历史考试。因此,他们为给自己的口头报告增色,就把林肯和贝多芬等历史人物请到了讲台上来帮助自己。如果你需要有人帮你在酒吧测验中获胜或者挽救一场有些冷场的化装舞会,穿越这门技术就会特别管用。关键是,不要让那些历史人物在你们小镇的购物中心乱跑,他们只会引起大混乱,而你则需要为这一切付出代价。☆Better yourself  完善自我 

Learned from:Groundhog Day(1993)


When cantankerousTV weatherman Phil Connors realises he is falling asleep each night only to wake up and experience the same exact day again,he uses the opportunity to fulfil some commonhedonisticfantasies:stealing money,seducing women,and punching an insurance salesman right in his face.Problem is,none of it makes the déjà vugo away.After a few stabsat it,Connors eventually manages to free himself by living the perfect day:occasionally saving a





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