
发布时间:2020-07-08 04:44:04















As my own image-maker as well as a lonely gymnosophist.I still have my fresh ego besides narcissism.I have been trying to find my ego of the most real existence, but it seems that there are endless difficulties because my instant feelings usually change instantly.My active mind perhaps owed to the release of my instinct in nature when I was a child, which gave me courage to take risks and attempts.My perception in beliefs and arts comes from my family members.Sometimes, I have quite a lot of inspirations and thoughts in mind, which occur to me accidently out of my expectations.It makes me to express a fanciful mood of mine in an instant, and then my present state on the basis of the past, and so on.This makes me both suffering and joyful, and I am even being grateful for my numerous thoughts I do not like to repeat myself, neither to be stuck in the past.

The age of thirty is a quite interesting age, after experiencing the life and feelings of this age, I started to seek the definite answer about painting, evidences brought by time to me, myself as well as emotions related to me.Just like my personal exhibition this time, these works are my memories in the past four years, and they can bring my distinctive understanding of“material sense”and“drama sense”on oil paintings to everyone.In recent years, my works have essentially changed, and I have been started to explore myself and surrealism in my paintings, especially some kind of mystery and melancholy.Mystery is valuable because it can be otherworldly, and the partly visible melancholy feelings mark a start of good works.If there are no sorrows in life, good inspirations can be found nowhere, which is perhaps the reflection of my mind.Both expression forms and contemporaneity are very important, and things exist simultaneously with their occurrence.For example, I would dug up old photos to process it into one picture in my inner world by painting, or I would fantasy whom I could be.When I play the one I could be, I find that this picture has, contemporaneity as well as the uniqueness which can’t be reproduced.As an artist of figurative painting, I would like to retrieve a bit of the painting essence loss.

For the exact boundary of my creation, I don’t have a definite answer for now, and it needs to be interpreted by all of you.My thinking is affected by a lot of factors which, I believe, also imply a certain period of my life.I do not want to make my life as hurry as many people, but only to retain my life and then try my best to record it.But I still fail to find myself at this time, which is exactly the reason why I have been continuously seeking and making a breakthrough in creation.

I live in my own world, and write my own autobiography.I have dedicated my whole life to painting, and wish I would be the person who conveys happiness and persists in painting when you are thinking of me.——Chen Chengwei










Making Progresses Through the Exploration of Self-portrait Painting

There is a category of paintings usually ignored in western art history, which, however, matters a lot to artists, for it is their mirror and proves their existence.It is self-portrait.For artists, painting self-portraits is in no way as simple as practicing drawing.Artists’signatures began to appear on artworks 1,000 year ago.Since then, artists have no longer been called craftsmen but“masters”respected by people and recorded by history.Likewise, the emergence of self-portraits symbolizes undoubtedly the rising status of artists, that is, artists are no longer silent recorders but protagonists that depict their own unique personalities and life stories with their brushes.In an era without photographic techniques, such kind of self-portrayal can be achieved only by artists with their unique expertise.Those artists who earn a living by painting are much more sensitive about drawings than words.Consequently, they would rather use their privileges to record themselves of different phases than write autobiographies, faithfully depicting their inner feelings across time and space.

Most artists have no concrete answers to the profound philosophical question of how we as human beings getting to know ourselves.I think there is no exception to Chen Chengwei for the same question.Vincent Willem van Gogh once said to his brother Theo in a letter that“If one day I can paint my self-portrait well although it’s hard, then I can paint easily portraits of the other men and women in the world.”It is not easy for people to paint themselves, for no one can see themselves clearly.But self-portrait practice can help painters not only practice modeling and colors, but also probe into spiritual temperament of images and external manifestation of mental activities through self-observation.When artists are able to seize their hidden mentality through depicting themselves, they can really capture the lips curving slightly, shy light in the eyes or eyebrow with slight gloom of“the other men and women in the world”.And that might be one of the reasons that Chen Chengwei has been insisting on painting self-portraits, which is a practice as well as an observation.Artists reading the world with eyes can always inspect their hearts by means of painting and I think these artists are brave.They are pursuing their hearts bravely through painting.Maybe it is at that moment that time and mind can really fall silent to enable their brain filled with creativity to concentrate.

Chen Chengwei is just that kind of brave man, persistently painting himself all the time.No matter what various interspersing images played by this artist in the“Autobiography”series or the“Republic of China”series, they are all his constant self-explorations.

In western art history, artists went through a long time to recognize their self-images.What’s interesting is that Chen’s works show that his self-perception process is just reverse.In the art history, artists began to display their images in their works in an indirect way long time ago, and the most famous example is, of course, the reflection of the painter himself in the mirror in the painting of Velazquez’s Las Meninas.This reflection is his banter as well as recognition of his identity.Artists were no longer willing to only paint for royal families, but were proud to put their images on the easels.This half-joke tradition can be regarded as the predecessor of the self-portraits.Finally, they just directly painted for themselves, proudly telling the world that they are who they are.In 1433, Jan van Eyck wrote down“Try My Best”on the top of his self-portrait, Portrait of a Man in a Turban, and jokingly wrote down a sentence“Jan van Eyck painted me on October 21, 1433.”The art giant, Picasso, also devoted himself to the creation of his self-portraits before he died.Self-portraits finally develop into a platform for artists to display their personalities and life stories from the recognition of professional value of artists at the beginning.

Instead, as a young artist, Chen ’s early works depicted a direct self-display.It’s probably because he was born in an era when artists are very confident about their own values.Another reason, I believe, may be his fondness for Rembrandt, for the“Autobiography”series are obviously his salute to this master in the Baroque Period.Rembrandt, adept at expressing characters’ personalities and features through generalization technique, is skillful in mental description in portraits and self-portraits, and thus, his excellent technique of contrasting light and shade is honored as“depicting light with shade”.Rembrandt’ composition features are seen clearly in the“Autobiography”series, such as the use of contrasting light and shade, drama features and 3/4 profile portrait.Chen has been quite skillful in the use of light of Rembrandt-type but with great flexibility.The light only shines 3/4 of the face, manifesting inverted triangular bright area in any side of the main character’s face, which seems to divide the face into two parts while making the two sides of the face look quite different.He focuses the light on the main part and lets the rest be hidden in the background of black brown or light olive.He highlights the main part of the painting and weakens the dark part, and eliminates the secondary factors, making people feel stable, solemn and gorgeous, endowing the“Autobiography”series with a mystique of the Baroque era and lightening up the dramatic colors in plain subjects.

Rembrandt painted 61 self-portraits in his whole life.And in this series of self-portraits, we can tell Rembrandt’s unyielding character.He devoted himself to the painting of his skin, hair and texture, bravely recording his sorrow, sadness, freedom and happiness and such depictions and self-analysis were viewed as dignity in his life.The same is true with the works of Chen Chengwei.He always looks straight at the outside world inside the painting, smiling, no matter he wears a hat looking like a jester or dresses like an aristocrat.Watching his self-portraits, you can feel a strong sense of confidence that as long as he keeps on painting, his dignity will never cease.

Besides, dramatic features also play an important role in Chen’s works, especially the depiction of symbolic nature in the era of the Republic of China in the“Republic of China”series.Like the above-mentioned Velazquez, this artist put himself in interspersing in various scenes of the Republic of China, seeking himself in depression and experiencing various scenes and various lives.He perfectly combined realism with the current classical aesthetics in China and integrated his imagination into his works with his mature painting skills.Red silks and satin scattering in each work have political implications and are a metaphor of women suffering under the yoke of traditional marriage.On the other hand, what is striking and precious is that although Chen Chengwei is a young artist, we can see from the progress of his artistic expressions an increasingly complicated artistic expressions and thinking instead of pulp and plain streamlining creation due to aesthetic convergence or interests.The most prominent work that shows the growth of this artist is the depiction of Red Rose and White Rose, the masterpiece of Ms.Eileen Chang.Rich symbols are hidden in the work, depicting incisively and vividly the mentality of Zhenbao, the male protagonist in the novel.“Perhaps each man had such two women, at least two.After marrying Red Rose, as times passed, the Red became a touch of mosquito blood on the wall while the White was still a ray of moonlight in front of the bed;after marrying White Rose, the White became a grain of rice clinging to the clothes while the Red was still a cinnabar mole on the man’s heart.”In Red Rose, the man wears a red hat but cloth in white.The Red Rose is a cinnabar mole in the heart of Zhenbao, even though he is wearing white wedding suits to marry White Rose, he is still anxious to send the red rose symbolizing heart and enthusiasm to the lady in red, but this rose has already begun withering or has never been in full blossom, just like the subsequent stories in the novel, that is, when the Red Rose finally turns around and sincerely faces the relationship with Zhenbao, Zhenbao chooses to leave cowardly.And White Rose is like a sequel to the former work.In front of the red satin flowers, the couple in white look at each other without facial expression or passion.A white rose on the white bellyband is in front of the red decorative pattern symbolizing heart and passion while the man crosses his hands defensively.This, perhaps, is the traditional couple who are always courteous to each other, but there is an invisible thousand-mile barrier between them although they are standing together;however, another hand from outside the painting reaches the shoulder of the lady, implying that in the future Zhenbao will finally discover the affair between his wife and the tailor.

I believe, therefore, Chen has kept making progresses through his explorations of self-portrait painting.He has been trying to find another self in different space and time by painting.Dr.Gao PengDirector of Today Art MuseumWritten on August 17, 2015 in Beijing



陈承卫近期的《大民国》系列作品给人以耳目一新的感觉:手法分明还是那精致的古典写实,视觉上却呈现出某种荒诞、超现实、陌生化的审美特质。他将一幕幕想象中的民国历史片段搬上画布,营造出布莱希特式的舞台效果,同时融入了若干观念摄影的元素。尤为引人注目的是,画家本人也参与到了这出年代大戏中。画面中的他手持电筒,时而化身巡捕房的警察,时而装扮成翩翩君子,时而又带着几分花花公子的意味。背景似乎总是茫茫的夜色,唯有电筒照射出的光线掌控了局面,如舞台上的聚光灯,时刻将观者的视线引向唯美神秘之处,制造出强烈的心理张力。《大民国》系列的画面端庄肃穆,但因画家活跃的自我介入,又显得充满趣味性与戏谑性。通过挑逗观众的视觉神经,画家想要与我们展开的却是一场思维的游戏。陈承卫用自我扮演介入到作品创作中,已经与传统意义上的自画像大相径庭。而细细体味其中的意象,却处处能寻见画家个人的影子。这就引出了一个有趣的话题:艺术家的自我,有多少直接呈现的可能?图1 大民国-暗夜箴言图2 拉斐尔《雅典学院》图3 扬.凡.艾克《阿尔诺菲尔婚礼》

纵观艺术史,不难发现诸多古典大师也已厌倦了中规中矩的自画像,和观众玩起了类似捉迷藏的新花样:追溯到文艺复兴盛期,意大利画坛巨匠拉斐尔便在其史诗巨作《雅典学院》中插入了一个耐人寻味的细节——仔细观察画面右下方处,便会发现画家本人也站在众多古希腊哲人与思想家群体中,目光直视观者,仿佛是在声明,这前无古人后无来者的思想盛宴,我拉斐尔就算穿越过去也不能缺席啊!北方文艺复兴巨擎扬·凡·艾克(Jan van Eyck)更是奇思妙想,在《阿尔诺菲尔婚礼》一画中,为了证明自己作为画家兼证婚人的形象,他将自己画在了房间墙壁上一面硬币尺寸大小的镜子中,并在显眼的位置写上拉丁文“Johannes de eyck fuit hic”,意即扬·凡·代克在场。而巴洛克时期西班牙宫廷画家委拉兹凯支,则在《宫娥》(Las Meninas)一作中将自己正在画国王和王后的形象如实记录下来,在画与被画、看与被看之间实现了微妙的转化……图4 委拉兹凯支《宫娥》

这些别出心裁的自我介入,无外乎两重意图,一为实现画家参与画面叙事的愿望,二为自传式的纪实强调。然而,陈承卫的作品,体现出了前两者之外的第三重意图——通过自我扮演来实现个人叙事。扮演,是画家脱离自身身份的创造,同时又是观念化的自我写照,因而,在这一层面上,《大民国》系列显示出了其内在独有的当代性。图5 雍正行乐图

这样的尝试蕴含着某种超越时空的前卫性和实验性。举个例子,早在中国清代,画工们便创作了一套享誉盛名的《雍正行乐图》。在其中,雍正作为帝王的形象被最大限度地弱化。相反,他在图中化身为多种承载了满、汉文化符号的角色:山中抚琴的高士、书斋中手不释卷的士大夫、赏荷观梅的文人骚客、仙风道骨的隐者,还有渔夫、喇嘛、猎人、道士……不少人看到这些丰富多彩的形象,便认为此作反映了雍正皇帝广泛的业余爱好。而事实上,作为一名勤于政务的帝王,这套作品并不一定是雍正真实生活的写照,而更似一种个人的文化想象。文武并用,德才兼举,作为满族君王的雍正试图宣告自己在文化上兼容并蓄的姿态,政治性与趣味性并存,或许这才是这套作品的用意所在。图6 雍正行乐图

而在西方当代艺术中,自我扮演则更是比比皆是。其中,女艺术家辛迪·舍曼(Cindy Sherman)的观念摄影尤能体现自我扮演的魅力。辛迪·舍曼一路自拍,将自己装扮成电影演员、童话人物、历史肖像以及美国社会的典型公共形象,以此嘲弄消费社会的欺骗性与幻觉性。她的作品指向群体而非个体,却仅凭一己之力,超越了普通的摄影作品,直达观念艺术。图7 辛迪.舍曼《无题-剧照66》


画家早期开始创作的《自传体》系列便流露出了这种倾向。在这批自画像中,他将自己打扮成武士、西方贵族、留络腮胡子的男子、长发少年、民国公子、情意绵绵的绅士等等,甚至原封不动地将伦勃朗《自画像》中的场景嫁接到自己身上。这其中当然有自传的成分,但更多的还是戏拟。然而,他的戏拟竟是如此认真虔诚,仿佛将身心都放在了那遥想的梦境之中,转化成了艺术创作的精神纪实。在《自传体—儿时梦想》一画中,画家身着一身盔甲,严阵以待,目光如炬,真真切切地还原了一个勇武士兵的形象。少时的幻想天真烂漫,成年后的他用艺术延续了这种幻想,将其庄重地定格在画布上。在另一幅画中,他出现在了伦勃朗1660年自画像的布景中。当年伦勃朗创作这幅自画像时,正值命运的巅峰,那意气风发、恃才傲物的神态,被画家模仿得惟妙惟肖。陈承卫以这样的方式向大师致敬,同时带着几分挑战大师的盛气与傲骨。画中这位雄姿英发的后生,就是这样坦率无畏。但是,又有谁能猜测,他私底下在用怎样的勤奋和努力,来为那傲视群雄的怒放做着准备呢?除此之外,陈承卫也用这种方式启发我们重审经典。时至今日,当我们将文艺复兴、巴洛克时期的古典油画大师之作奉为经典时,也包含了另一重潜台词,那便是认为它们已经过时了。时空的隔离,常常令纯正的古典趣味沦为扭捏的附庸风雅。然而,陈承卫的《自传体》系列打破了这样的隔离,直接从古典大师的作品中汲取养分,并以自画像的新形式重建了经典在当代语境中的意义空间。图8 自传体-儿时梦想图9 自传体-致敬伦勃朗图10 伦勃朗《自画像》


如果说《自传体》系列虚构得恰到好处,那么《大民国》系列,则脱离了自画像模式,景幕分明,情境交融,彰显出画家日臻成熟视觉语言。作为《自传体》系列的延伸,《大民国》系列除了当代感十足的观念写实手法之外,或许还有两点难能可贵之处:图11 大民国-月下影







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