
发布时间:2020-07-08 07:28:23


作者:(美)卡萝尔·吕克特(Carol Rueckert),(美)阿曼达·克兰德尔·朱(Amanda Crandell Ju),(澳)格雷厄姆·佩特森(Graham Paterson)










本书由三位作者共同完成。澳大利亚作者格雷厄姆·佩特森(Graham Paterson)完成“著名人物”“音乐和美术”“大洋洲”“非洲”“亚洲”部分;长居英国的美国作者卡萝尔·吕克特(Carol Rueckert)完成“文学”“英国”“欧洲”部分;美国作者阿曼达·克兰德尔·朱(Amanda Crandell Ju)完成“神话和宗教”“节日”“著名建筑”“美洲”部分。他们以不拘一格的创作灵感、妙趣横生的表现手法将读者引进了斑斓多彩的世界文化之旅。本书编者

Part 1 节日 Festivals

01 圣诞节 Christmas



Karen: Merry Christmas! I see you have your Christmas decorations up already. What a beautiful Christmas tree. It looks great!

Lance: Thanks! Maybe it's a little early for decorations, but I love the Christmas spirit, I like to get in a Christmas mood. December is my favorite month.

Karen: So that's why you've got the Christmas carols cranked up. I love Christmas too. Some may think I am a scrooge because I don't go overboard with things … but it's the commercialism that turns me off. Too much shopping!

Lance: Well, you're right that Christmas has been commercialized. But most of the Christmas traditions we celebrate remind us of the reason for the season, which is to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Karen: Well, obviously, the Nativities you see up around everywhere are reminding us of the story of Jesus’ birth, being born in a stable and put in a manger. But what about all the hubbub? The lights and decorations, the candy and gifts…

Lance: These represent aspects of Christianity as well. For example, Christmas candles and Christmas lights remind us of the light of the world, which is Jesus Christ. The candy canes we give to children and hang on our Christmas trees represent the canes used by the shepherds who came to visit the baby Jesus. Christmas trees, which are always evergreen trees, remind us of the everlasting life we can receive through Jesus. And the star on top of the tree represents the star of Bethlehem, which appeared in the sky to announce the birth of a Savior. Even the colors of red and green, which represent the blood of Christ and everlasting life…

Karen: …like the evergreen tree. OK, I get your point. But what about Santa Claus and all the gift-giving?

Lance: Santa Claus is based on a real person. You might hear him called Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas or Papa Noel. A Christian Bishop, Saint Nicolas, took care of poor children by throwing coins down chimneys. The coins would land in the children's socks, which had been hung on the hearth to dry. So now we have the tradition of Santa coming down the chimney and filling stockings with presents. Gift-giving represents the gifts of the wise men, or Magi, who visited the baby Jesus. It also represents the gift of eternal life that Jesus offers to the world.







卡伦:…… 就像那常青树一样。嗯,我明白你的意思了。不过圣诞老人和赠送礼物又是代表什么呢?


02 复活节 Easter



Xiaomei: Three dozen eggs? What do you need so many eggs for? Are you making omelets for an army?

Hattie: Did you forget Easter is this Sunday? I bought so many eggs because I want to dye Easter eggs!

Xiaomei: Easter already? But it's only March… I thought Easter was in April.

Hattie: Easter is a movable holiday. It's not on a fixed date according to our calendar. Easter is always the first Sunday after the full moon following the March equinox. That means that Easter could fall any time between March 22nd and April 25th. This year it's a bit earlier. Good thing I remembered and bought the eggs!

Xiaomei: You know, we don't really celebrate Easter in China where I'm from… From all the decorations I see, I guess it's mostly about bunnies?

Hattie: Ha! You're hilarious. You see a lot of bunnies in Easter decorations, it's true. And we also decorate and hide eggs and candy for the children. Kids take their Easter baskets and rush to find the hidden candy and eggs. We tell them the Easter bunny is the one who hid them. But apart from all these fun traditions, Easter is actually a holiday to remind us of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Xiaomei: Bunnies remind you of Jesus?

Hattie: In a way they do. All the symbols of Easter have to do with new life and birth. For example, eggs. They are a symbol of new birth, a beginning of life. Bunnies, too… They are associated with a very high level of proliferation, new life. As Christians we believe that Jesus Christ brings new life. He died on the cross to atone for the sins of the world, but was resurrected three days later. With the atonement Jesus Christ overcame physical and spiritual death, and we believe that we can overcome our past mistakes and will also be resurrected and live again. When we become Christian, we begin a new life as followers of Jesus Christ. Easter is a reminder of all that. It's a celebration of Christ's triumph over death and our opportunity to overcome our own weaknesses.

Xiaomei: Wow, I guess there's a lot more to Easter than I thought…










03 万圣夜 Halloween


诸圣日(All Saints' Day)在每年的11月1日,10月31日被称为万圣夜(Halloween)。万圣夜起源于不列颠凯尔特人的传统节日。他们相信10月的最后一天是夏天的终结、冬天的开始,各种鬼魂会在世间游走。在基督教传统里,诸圣日是纪念殉道者的日子。万圣夜的主题是鬼怪,标志颜色是黑和橙。南瓜灯、稻草人等是节日的象征。当晚小孩会穿上化装服扮鬼,挨家挨户收集糖果。情景对话

Franklin: Wow, Kerry, I didn't know you could sew… What are you making?

Kerry: I'm putting together my Halloween costume for costume party this Saturday… I am going as a vampire. I have my fake fangs, white face make-up, and now this cape that I'm making to pull things all together.

Franklin: So all that black material is going to be your cape?

Kerry: Yep, that's right… What about you? Are you going to dress up for Halloween?

Franklin: No, I don't think so. That's kid's stuff… Plus I heard that Halloween is a Satanic holiday.

Kerry: What? You're kidding, right? Because Halloween is definitely not a Satanic holiday! Haven't you ever heard of All Hallows’ Day? That's where Halloween came from. Halloween is the celebration on the evening before the Christian All Hallows’ Day feast. So that's why it's called Hallows’ Eve, or as we now say, Halloween.

Franklin: So it isn't about ghosts and ghouls?

Kerry: Not originally, no. The celebration of All Hallows’ Day was a time to remember the saints and martyrs—faithful Christians who had died. Hallow means saint, so All Hallows’ Day is the day to honor the saints. Hallows’ Eve is the night before Hallows’ Day. It doesn't have anything to do with scary monsters or witches.

Franklin: Well, maybe it didn't before, but it does now. As soon as Halloween rolls around, all you see is scary stuff…

Kerry: That's not true… Costumes can be anything, not only scary stuff. Kids can dress up as characters from movies or as princesses or pirates. The only limit to your costume possibilities is your imagination.

Franklin: The holiday has changed a lot, I guess. Nowadays we might celebrate Halloween by going trick-or-treating, having costume parties, or decorating and carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns.

Kerry: Don't forget lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted houses, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films… My favorite is trick-or-treating, though.

Franklin: Aren't you a bit old for trick-or-treating? It should be just kids that go door-to-door asking for candy.

Kerry: Yeah, I know, but I still enjoy taking my younger cousins out. They get so excited to dress up in costume and go around the neighborhood.

富兰克林:哇,克丽,我以前都不知道你会做针线活儿呀…… 你在做什么呢?

克丽:我在缝制我的万圣夜的服装呢,这个星期六有盛装聚会…… 我要打扮成吸血鬼。我有了假的尖牙和白色面具,现在就差我缝的这个斗篷了。










克丽:别忘了还有点篝火、咬苹果、访鬼屋、恶作剧、讲鬼故事、看恐怖片…… 不过我最喜欢的还是“不给糖就捣蛋”游戏。



04 感恩节 Thanksgiving



Francie: Wow, look at all the turkey leftovers! We'll be eating turkey sandwiches for a week! I wonder why we always eat turkey for Thanksgiving anyway. Every year we always have the same turkey and dressing, pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce.

Louis: My favorite is the cornbread and green bean casserole. Oh, and the pecan pie! I look forward to the Thanksgiving feast every year! And there is a reason why we eat the types of foods we do on Thanksgiving.

Francie: Really? What's the reason?

Louis: Supposedly, the foods we eat on Thanksgiving are the same as the foods they ate way back in 1621 at the first Thanksgiving feast.

Francie: The first Thanksgiving feast?

Louis: Oh, come on… You know the story of the first Thanksgiving feast, don't you?

Francie: Something about Pilgrims and Indians? Plymouth Rock? The Mayflower?

Louis: Yes, that's right. When the Puritans left England to find religious freedom in the new world, they sailed in a ship called the Mayflower. They finally landed in America much further North and much later in the year than they had anticipated. They named the place where they landed Plymouth Rock. In the Plymouth settlement, the winter was harsh and half of the settlers died. In the spring, they met the local Native American tribe and were helped immensely by their new friends. They learned how to grow crops like corn in the sandy soil, they learned how to take advantage of the local resources of wild fish and turkeys. They learned the skills needed to survive in a new world. And at the end of harvest in the fall, they held a three-day long feast with the Native Americans to offer thanks for their friendship, thanks for the harvest, and thanks to God that they were still alive.

Francie: Yeah, everyone knows that story. So the traditional foods we eat are the same as what was eaten in the feast then. But what I want to know is why in the United States we have our Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November, and in Canada it is much earlier, on the second Monday of October.

Louis: Well, that's easy… Canada is further North than the United States, so they have an earlier harvest. It only makes sense that they would have an earlier Thanksgiving, or Jour de l'Action de grâce as they say in French Canada.










路易斯:哦,这很容易解释……加拿大在美国北面,所以加拿大的收获季节早于美国的收获季节,加拿大的感恩节也就早一些。在加拿大,感恩节在法语里叫作“Jour de l'Action de grâce”。词汇注解

05 威尼斯狂欢节 Carnival of Venice



Giselle: Wanna see the pictures I took from my trip to Italy? We had such a great time in Venice.

Jim: You went to Venice? Lucky you! Wow, look at all those beautiful masks… Why is everyone dressed up in these pictures?

Giselle: We were really lucky! During the time we were in Venice, it just so happens that the Carnival of Venice was in full-swing. It's an annual festival that ends with Lent, forty days before Easter. There were a ton of people there. About 3 million visitors come to Venice every year for the festival. You see all the people in masks because one of the most important events is the contest for the most beautiful mask. It's called la maschera più bella and it is decided on the last weekend of the Carnival by a panel of international costume and fashion designers.

Jim: Wow, there are some pretty interesting designs… This one that looks like a giant bird beak is kind of weird!

Giselle: Each type of mask has its own unique story and history. The one you think is weird looking is called the Medico della peste. It is one of the most recognizable masks and it started as a method of preventing the spread of the plague. A 17th-century French physician named Charles de Lorme created the mask as a sanitary precaution. It is usually white with a hollow beak and round eyeholes covered with glass discs to look almost like glasses. The other parts of the costume include a black hat and a long black coat, white gloves and a stick.

Jim: How interesting! How about this one, it sure is pretty...

Giselle: That's the Columbina, which is actually only a half-mask. It only covers the eyes, nose, and upper cheeks. This one is decorated with many feathers, but you also see them with embellishments of gold, silver, or crystals. The name comes from a character in Italian theatre and it is only a half-mask because the stunning Italian actresses didn't want to completely cover their beautiful faces.

Jim: Well, anyone wearing these masks would certainly be beautiful!


吉姆:你去威尼斯了?你真幸运啊!哇,看看那些漂亮的面具…… 为什么照片中的人个个盛装打扮呢?

吉赛尔:我们确实很幸运!我们在威尼斯的时候,正好赶上热闹的威尼斯狂欢节。那是一年一度的节日,以大斋节作为结尾。大斋节是指复活节前40天。当时人山人海的。每年大约有300万游客去威尼斯参加这个狂欢节。你看到所有人都戴着面具,因为狂欢节最重要的活动之一就是最美面具比赛,这在意大利语里叫作“la maschera più bella”(最美面具)。在狂欢节的最后一个周末,由一些国际时装设计师组成的评审组评出比赛的结果。

吉姆:哇,有些设计非常有趣…… 这个设计像大大的鸟喙,有点怪怪的!





06 里约热内卢狂欢节 Rio Carnival



Xavier: I wish I were back in Rio this week! I am so homesick because it's almost time for Carnival…

Garret: Carnival? You mean the giant festival every spring?

Xavier: Yes, the Carnival in my hometown of Rio de Janeiro is the biggest carnival in the world. There are more than two million people per day partying on the streets. It's one of the most amazing experiences to participate as one of the dancers or even just watch.

Garret: I've seen footage of the Carnival in Rio on TV, it does seem like one huge party. Is there a reason behind the party, or is it just for fun?

Xavier: Well, it is a lot of fun, of course, but the whole idea behind Carnival is to celebrate and party before Lent.

Garret: Lint? What's that? Sounds like what I find in my pockets after washing my clothes.

Xavier: Not lint, silly, Lent. Lent is a Catholic holiday for people to prepare themselves for Easter and the Holy week. We remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ by making a sacrifice of our own. So, after Lent we have to be pious. Right before Lent, we want to have parties.

Garret: I guess that makes sense… That's probably why Carnival is so much bigger in South American countries… There are a lot more Catholics.

Xavier: That's right. But anyone and everyone participate in the Rio Carnival, not just Catholics. The parade is filled with samba groups. The groups make giant floats, create elaborate and fantastic costumes, and choreograph amazing dances.

Garret: But it's a little more complicated than just floats and dancing, right?

Xavier: Yes, it is… There is a special order that every group has to follow with their parade entries. First there is the comissão de frente or the front commission, which is only ten or fifteen people who introduce the group and set the mood. Then there is the first float for the group, called abre-alas which means the opening wing. There are special dancers, including the porta-bandeira and mestre-sala. There are also many dancers on the floats, they are called destaque. Actually, now that I think about it, Carnival is really quite complicated.

Garret: Complicated and beautiful!













07 日本樱花节 Japan's Cherry Blossom Festivals



Kimberly: You know what I've always wanted to see? The cherry blossoms in Japan… It's supposed to be something really special!

Mandy: Oh! You know what? I actually went to Japan last spring to see them!

Kimberly: Really? What was it like?

Mandy: The sakura or cherry blossom festivals are one of the most celebrated cultural holiday times for Japan and definitely the best time to visit. It happens in springtime, from late March to early May. Many cherry trees all over Japan burst into color with beautiful blooms. Festivities follow the flowers as they bloom from south to north. The beautiful spring cherry trees have been compared to a delicate pink breeze sweeping across the nation.

Kimberly: Wow, what a romantic idea! Besides looking at the flowers, what do people actually do to celebrate?

Mandy: People come from all over the world to watch the blossoms. They use the time to take picnics under the cherry trees. People might bring home-cooked meals or take-out foods to eat while they enjoy the scenery. They also talk and sing songs. The official song is a traditional Japanese folk song called Sakura Sakura. Oh, and sake… they drink lots of sake, of course.

Kimberly: Oh, yeah, of course!

Mandy: There are many locations to enjoy the festival. There's the Yaedake Cherry Blossom Festival in Okinawa, the Matsue Jozan Koen Festival in Matsue city, the Tsuyama Kakuzan Koen Festival in Tsuyama city, the Hirosaki Festival in Hirosaki, and many, many more.

Kimberly: Did you visit them all when you were there?

Mandy: No, unfortunately not. But I did visit the Matsuyama Shiroyama Koen festival in Matsuyama. It lasts three whole days. They have a castle there that is lit up with paper lanterns at night. It's so beautiful!

Kimberly: Gosh, I really hope I get a chance to go some day.

Mandy: Well, don't worry. If you don't make it all the way to Japan to see the flowers, you can visit Washington DC. Every year they have the National Cherry Blossom Festival commemorating the gift of Japanese cherry trees in 1912 from Tokyo to the United States.













Part 2 神话和宗教 Mythologies and Religions

08 《圣经》 Bible



Harriet: How do you like your comparative religion class? What are you studying?

Jenny: It's actually really fascinating. I like learning about all the different ideas that people have about religion. Right now we are learning about holy books. We've talked about the Quran, the Torah, Sutras, Hindu texts, the Book of Mormon, and of course, the Bible.

Harriet: The Bible is probably the best known of all of those, don't you think?

Jenny: In the Western world, sure! It's not only the best-known book, but it is also considered to be the best-selling book of all time. There is an estimated sale of 100 million copies of the Bible every year! It was the very first book printed with the printing press, and it has had an incredible influence on literature and history. It is the book of books!

Harriet: That's what the word Bible means, anyway, doesn't it? The book?

Jenny: Yeah, actually, it does. Bible in English comes from the Latin word biblia which means the books. The Bible is actually a collection of books considered sacred in Judaism and Christianity. Each book is usually named for the prophet who wrote them. The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh has twenty-four books divided into three sections, the Torah, which means teachings or law, the Nevi'm, meaning the prophets, and the Ketuvim, or writings. Christian Bibles are divided into two parts, before the birth of Jesus Christ and after. The first is the Old Testament, which contains the writings of the prophets who testified of the coming of Christ. It has the same twenty-four books of the Hebrew Bible as well as some additional books. The second part tells of the birth, life, and ministry of Jesus Christ and is known as the New Testament. It contains twenty-seven books.

Harriet: Are there that many books in the New Testament? I thought there were just four… Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John… Named for the apostles, right?

Jenny: You're thinking about the four gospels. There are also more writings, like the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.

Harriet: Wow… a lot of books… and in just one little book.

Jenny: …one very important book!











09 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem



Marcus: You know what I've always wondered? What's so special about Jerusalem? I mean, you hear of the troubles in the Middle East and all the fighting that happens between Israel and Palestine. Why is everyone fighting over the same little place?

Renee: Well, in reality, it's kind of complex. But one thing to think about is that Jerusalem is very important to three of the major religions in the world. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all see Jerusalem as a holy city.

Marcus: Why do all these religions see Jerusalem as holy?

Renee: For Jewish people, the city is holy because the Torah reports Jerusalem as first established by King David as the capital of the Kingdom of Israel. Later Solomon's Temple was built in Jerusalem by his son, King Solomon. For Jewish people, the temple is the most sacred place on earth. For Christians, the city is holy because Jesus was crucified here. In Sunni Islam, Jerusalem is the third most holy city in the world after Mecca and Medina. It was the first Qibla, or focal point for Muslim prayer and according to the Quran, Muhammad ascended to heaven in Jerusalem. For almost 3000 years, Jerusalem has been sacred to Judaism. For Christianity the city has been important for nearly 2000 years. And to Islam, Jerusalem has been sacred for approximately 1400 years. So, even though the old part of Jerusalem has an area of only 0.9 square kilometers, it is so very important to many religions. The Old City has the Temple Mount and its Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Dome of the Rock Mosque.

Marcus: Sounds like a lot to fight over!

Renee: No kidding. It's one of the oldest cities in the world, and throughout history it has been destroyed twice, attacked 52 times, besieged 23 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. In modern times, Jerusalem is still one of the core issues in the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The Old City is a World Heritage site, and it is on the list of World Heritage in Danger.

Marcus: No wonder why they would consider it in danger…








10 耶稣 Jesus



Tirzah: I saw a report the other day that archeologists have found what they believe is the sepulcher where Jesus was buried 2000 years ago… Do you think that's actually possible?

Mathew: Well, whether or not you're Christian and believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, nearly all scholars and historical experts agree that Jesus was a real person that actually existed. Maybe you don't believe the Bible or the record in the New Testament about his life, but many things about him have been archeologically proven. Even non-believers know that Jesus was a Jewish teacher or rabbi from Galilee who was baptized by John the Baptist and crucified in Jerusalem by the order of Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler.

Tirzah: So we can prove some things about Jesus, but many people believe more than just what can be proved.

Mathew: Yes. There are many denominations of Christian religions, but one thing they all have in common is a belief that Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of the world. The Bible tells that he was born to the Virgin Mary as the literal Son of God. He was the Son of God born to a mortal mother so he had the ability to overcome death. Because he was perfect, he had the ability to overcome sin and to pay the price for our sins. He was crucified and three days later was resurrected. We believe that because of Jesus Christ, we can also overcome our personal weaknesses and mistakes, and will also live again after death. That's the good news of the gospel.

Tirzah: Seems to me that Jesus means many things to many people.

Mathew: That's for sure!







11 希腊和罗马神话 Greek and Roman Mythology



Terrence: You know what we're studying now in my world literature class? We're reading the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Lacy: Homer's epic poems? Do you like them? You know, they are the oldest known Greek literary sources…

Terrence: Yeah, I know… That's what my professor told us. All of Greek mythology are primarily known from Greek literature like Homer's writings, even though they were initially disseminated in an oral-poetic tradition. Learning the stories about all the Greek gods and goddesses is pretty interesting.

Lacy: You mean the pantheon of gods and goddesses living on Mount Olympus? With Zeus at the head of them all?

Terrence: The Olympians, yeah. And also, apart from the gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus, the ancient Greeks worshipped various other gods of the countryside. Things like Nymphs, who were the spirits of rivers; Naiads, who lived in springs; Dryads, who were the spirits of the trees; the satyr-god Pan; the Furies who were the dark powers of the underworld …

Lacy: Wow, that's a lot of supernatural gods to believe in…

Terrence: For the Greeks, it was just part of their normal life. Most of the gods were associated with specific parts of their lives. For example, Athena was the goddess of wisdom and courage. Apollo was the God of the Sun. Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty. Ares was the god of war. They had complex personalities and were personifications of the issues Greek people had to deal with daily.

Lacy: What about the Romans? Didn't they have similar gods and goddesses?

Terrence: The Romans were heavily influenced by the Greeks, but one of the differences is that Roman mythology focuses more on ritual, prophesy and predicting the future, and institutional ideas while the Greeks were more concerned with theology or cosmogony. The stories were usually related to politics or morality and emphasized how an individual's personal morality is connected to their responsibility to the Roman state. Many Roman stories focus on the theme of Heroism.

Lacy: Hero stories aren't so bad…

Terrence: That's what you think because Greek and Roman mythology have had an immense influence on Western civilization… Our culture, art, literature, language… Even today there is relevance in the themes.











特伦斯:你会这么想,那是因为希腊神话和罗马神话对西方文明产生了巨大的影响……我们的文化、艺术、文学、语言…… 直到今天,这些主题仍具有影响力。词汇注解

12 印度教 Hinduism



Kevin: Hey, don't throw your garbage on the ground… It's bad karma.

Tracy: Opps, sorry I didn't see that I had dropped my candy wrapper. Bad karma? What's karma got to do with anything anyway?

Kevin: Karma is a religious idea that comes from Hinduism. The word Karma translates literally as action, work, or deed. It's the moral law of cause and effect. So if you do something bad, you'll have bad consequences. If you do something good, you'll have good consequences.

Tracy: Well, many people believe that's true… What's so special about Hinduism?

Kevin: It's the dominant religion of the Indian subcontinent and an old religion in the world.

Tracy: What actually do they believe?

Kevin: That's where it gets a little complex. The belief system of Hinduism is a group of specific intellectual or philosophical ideas. They're a wide variety of laws and religious practices that are based on karma, dharma, and social norms. It's not what we commonly think of as a rigid, common set of doctrines or beliefs.

Tracy: Huh? So one Hindu could believe and practice a religion very different from another Hindu?

Kevin: Sure. Hinduism is a fusion of many diverse cultures and traditions. It has no single founder. It includes Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism. For Hindi people, the ultimate purpose of life can be understood in many different ways. It can be called moksha, nirvana, or samadhi. It could mean the union of the individual with God, or maybe the realization of one's eternal relationship with God. It could be described as the unity of all existence or the attainment of perfect mental peace. Others see it to be the development of perfect unselfishness and knowledge of self. Or also the detachment from worldly desires.

Tracy: Wow, sounds like pretty heavy stuff…

Kevin: Hinduism is about seeking for the eternal. They believe in the eternal nature of the soul and death is insignificant when you consider your cosmic self. It has a lot in common with other religions, actually.

Tracy: Yeah, that's why we look to religion, to find a purpose for our lives and to help us face our own mortality.




特蕾西:哦,很多人都相信因果报应…… 那么印度教有什么特别之处呢?









13 佛教 Buddhism



Dalila: Sometimes I think life is so hard! It seems like there's one problem after another… When does it all stop?

Jeremy: If you asked a Buddhist that question, he would likely have a good answer for you.

Dalila: Huh? What do you mean?

Jeremy: Well, according to the Buddhist religion, the purpose of life is for all of us sentient beings to end our suffering, or dukkha, through the elimination of ignorance, called avidya. We can do this by understanding and realizing our origin and eliminating desire, or tanha. If we do this, we can attain the end of all suffering, known as the sublime state of nirvana.

Dalila: So that's what nirvana is… I have heard of that. But Buddhism is kind of confusing to me…

Jeremy: That's OK… It might be confusing to someone with a Western background. Buddhism is an Eastern religion that originated in the Indian subcontinent. There are a lot of different beliefs and practices in Buddhism, and they are mostly based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama.

Dalila: Siddhartha Gautama? Who was he?

Jeremy: Maybe you haven't heard of him by that name… He is commonly known as the Buddha, which means the awakened one. He is thought of by Buddhists as an enlightened teacher who taught the people the way to overcome suffering. He lived and taught in India many, many years ago— about 500 years before Christ.

Dalila: Wow, so it's a really old religion…

Jeremy: Yes, it is. But even though it is very old, it is still very popular, especially in Asia and India. There are two main branches of Buddhism — Theravada and Mahayana. Theravada is practiced by many people in Southeast Asia.

Dalila: Like Cambodia?

Jeremy: Yes, as well as Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar. Many people in East Asia, including China , Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, practice Mahayana Buddhism.

Dalila: Sounds like most of the places that are Buddhist are all in Asia…

Jeremy: It's true that Buddhism is most popular in that part of the world, but it is one of the fastest growing religions on the earth.

Dalila: If that's true, maybe I can find one to help me deal with all these problems!
















14 伊斯兰教 Islam



Alison: Mamut, I know you're Muslim, and you're one of the nicest guys I know… So why are there so many misconceptions about Islam?

Mamut: Thanks for being willing to ask a practicing Muslim for answers instead of listening to the misconceptions out there. The majority of Muslims are peaceful, respectful people. It's just a few fringe groups causing trouble and using religion as an excuse. Real Islam has nothing to do with terrorist groups.

Alison: What is real Islam about, then?

Mamut: Muslims believe in one all-powerful God we call Allah. The purpose of our existence is to submit to and serve Allah. We believe the Arabic Quran is the true revelation of God. To us Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were prophets. We also believe that Mohammed was the final prophet.

Alison: So what does a Muslim do? How do you live your faith?

Mamut: To be a practicing Muslim, you have to follow the five pillars, the five basic acts considered obligatory for all believers. They are the shahadah or testimony, salat or daily prayers, zakah which is almsgiving, fasting during Ramadan, and hajj which is the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your lifetime. The Quran teaches that these five acts are a framework for our worship and a sign of commitment to the faith.

Alison: Do all Muslims believe that?

Mamut: Most Muslims are either Sunni or Shiah and both denominations agree on the essential details of the five pillars. The largest group is Sunni Muslims, we're about 80% of Muslims world-wide. The largest Muslim country is Indonesia, which has about 13% of the world's population of Islamic people. 25% are in South Asia, 20% are in the Middle East, and about 15% are in Africa. So we really are a world religion. There are sizable minorities in Europe, China, Russia, and America. There are over 1.2 billion followers, which is 19.6% of the earth's population.

Alison: I had no idea there were so many!










Part 3 文学 Literature

15 荷马史诗 Homer's Epics



Dave: Have you ever read Homer's Epics?

Shasta: I've read the Odyssey, but never tackled the Iliad.

Dave: That's interesting. Isn't the Odyssey a sequel to the Iliad?

Shasta: It is, but I was just drawn to this one more. Have you read it?

Dave: No, but I've always wanted to. What is it about?

Shasta: Well, it's mainly about Odysseus (or Ulysses) and his journey home after the fall of Troy.

Dave: What was the fall of Troy exactly? It sounds familiar, but I





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