
发布时间:2020-07-08 08:14:57







版权信息书名:观澜:一位摄影记者眼中的改革开放作者:王文澜排版:skip出版社:中国画报出版社出版时间:2018-10-01ISBN:9787514616972本书由中国画报出版社有限责任公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —序照片的日子





生活之广,历史之厚,一个瞬间只是一个碎片,我力求给变化的历程留下一些痕迹。摄影早已不是一种仪式,我比任何时候都渴望按动快门,日子的节奏有如呼吸一样,呼是抒发,吸是充实,偶然之中包含着积蓄的必然,按下快门就是释放,我想说的也都在这些照片里了。Preface Days in Photos

Since the day when I was born, my life has been connected to the camera. Through the lens of a camera,every unforgettable moment in my life—celebrations for the completion of my first month and my 100th day in the world, my first day at school, my first day of work, my falling in love, my wedding, and birth of my child—was vividly recorded as a witness to the reincarnation and continuity of life. From the moment I got my own camera, I focused the lens on people to shoot their mind, their inner world, their dilemmas,and everything else about them—whether it is inside or outside, visible or invisible. The photos have souls only when they demonstrate true feelings and document real lives.

Time flies. Over the past decades, China has been like a busy construction site. The greatest experiment ever in the history of the world economy is ongoing in this country known for ancient civilization. It has realized rapid development and made achievements that cost developed countries a century to accomplish. This provides historic opportunities for photographers to give full use to their talent to record this great era with their photographic works.

The increasing advancement in photography equipment makes photography an easy job: It seems that everyone can snap a beautiful picture anytime. However, such convenience also makes photography harder than before. The easier one thing can be got, the faster one may lose it. Only when a photographer pays attention to transient moments in daily life can he or she capture precious memories and document the history of humanity.

At present, some 100 million people in China are engaged in photography. They create numerous photos every day. Photography has a magic power. As you focus your camera on others, you become the subject of pictures shot by someone else. So, everyone can be a photographer and the one to be photographed.Every photo can awaken our unforgettable memories of the past.

As photography has moved from film to digital, we now press the shutter and get an array of untouchable data rather than a slide of negative film. One thing remains consistent: The printed photos freeze the moments in our lives. A picture is a monologue, and two pictures together compose a dialogue on the comparisons of changes in life, emotion, era and history. Through the photos I took to document historical moments over decades, I compiled a photographical history of the nation’s reform and opening up from my personal perspective.As I raise my camera, I speak with photos just like writers using their pens, painters using their pigments,composers using music scores, and dancers using their body language. The only difference is that photographers document transient moments in daily life. This is not only an important feature that distinguishes photography from other genres of art, but also an embodiment of the ultimate value of photography.

It isn’t an easy task to create a good picture. It takes painstaking efforts to snap a picture that speaks clearly, humorously and meaningfully. Many photographers find it difficult to shoot a satisfying picture.Don’t get discouraged because failure is the mother of success. The head behind the viewfinder is much more important than the camera in hands. Photographers aren’t machines but the minds taking control of the camera.

Capturing a perfect picture happens once in a blue moon since valuable images elapse in just a minute or even a second. As we look back next century, we’ll still reproduce today through writing, painting or performances. But photography is an art requiring instant response. Once a moment is gone, it is gone forever. A printed picture is like a painting, a poem or a song, and at the same time, it is the carrier of a story or an episode of history. In some people’s eyes, however, it may





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