
发布时间:2020-07-08 15:02:13








Decide whether the following statements are True or False.Then put T for True or F for False in the brackets before each statement.判断下列表述的正误,并在正确的句子前的括号内标上T,在错误的句子前的括号内标F。

1.CFR is the term when the consignment is delivered with all the charges up to arrival at the port of destination paid by the seller.(  )【答案】F【解析】在CFR、Cost and Freight术语下,卖方只负责支付运费,保险费由买方来负担。

2.If the payment is to be made “30 days”sight, it means that the payment will have to be made 30 days after the issuing of this draft.(  )【答案】F【解析】“30 days sight”是指见票后的第30天付款,而非出票后的第30天付款。

3.According to UCP 500, the credit should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable. In the absence of such indication, the credit shall be deemed to be revocable. While UCP600 stipulates L/C should all be irrevocable.(  )【答案】F【解析】《UCP600》在第2条规定:信用证是指一项不可撤销的安排,无论其名称或描述如何,该项安排构成开证行对相符交单予以承付的确定承诺。《UCP500》在第六条规定:在无说明的情况下,跟单信用证不可撤销。

4.Any modification to the offer, no matter how minor it is, will make the original offer invalid and thus it constitutes a new offer.(  )【答案】F【解析】对发盘内容的修改属于非实质性变更时,不属于一项新的发盘。

5.According to the rule in international trade,silence or lack of response to the offer will be considered an acceptance.(  )【答案】F【解析】接受必须以某种方式表示出来,包括:①用声明来表示;②用行为来表示。

6.When the seller pays for the goods to be placed alongside the vessel on the quay or in lighters at the named port of shipment, the term is FOB.(  )【答案】F【解析】装运港船边交货的术语应该是FAS。

7.A crossed check can only be paid to individuals instead of banks.(  )【答案】F【解析】根据支票是否画线,可以分为画线支票和非画线支票。画线支票分为普通画线支票和特别画线支票。普通画线支票和特别画线支票的收款人都可以是银行。

8.Under the terms FOB,CIF, and CFR, the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time the goods have been delivered on board the vessel, is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ships rail in the port of shipment.(  )【答案】T【解析】FOB、CIF和CFR的风险划分都是以装运港船舷。(注:《国际贸易术语解释通则2010》将“装运港船舷”的风险划分界限修改为“货物运至装运港船上”。)

9.Consequences of force majeure are all that the contract shall be terminated or cancelled.(  )【答案】F【解析】因不可抗力不能履行合同的,根据不可抗力的影响,给予卖方部分或全部免除责任,但法律另有规定的除外,其合同部分或全部停止或取消。

10.In a documentary credit, terms such as “divisible”, “assignable”, and “transmissible” carry the same meaning and have the same effect as the term “transferable” and are interchangeably used with such a term.(  )【答案】F【解析】带有“divisible”术语的跟单信用证相当于循环信用证,不同于带有“transferable”术语的跟单信用证。

11.Under CFR,the seller must pay the usual freight rate and any additional costs that arise enroute.(  )【答案】F【解析】在CFR术语下,卖方按照正常运费率承担货物由装运港运至目的港的运费,风险转移之后运输途中所带来的额外费不属于卖方承担的范围之内。

12.As goods are cleared through customs, such documents as commercial invoice, export license, copy of sales contract and inspection certificate are usually made available to the customs officers.(  )【答案】T【解析】出口货物报关时,通常,须向海关提供商业发票、出口许可证、销售合同副本和检验证书等。

13.A letter of credit is a conditional undertaking to make payment in the case of conformity.(  )【答案】T【解析】信用证是银行有条件的付款承诺,其原则是“单单一致,单证一致”。

14.When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods within the stipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrage to the ship-owner.(  )【答案】T【解析】承租人未能按照指定的日期装货或卸货,承租人将向船家负担滞期费。

15.In terms of systems of weights and measures,China adopts US system due to its being widely applied in the international trade.(  )【答案】F【解析】我国的度量衡制采用“公制”,与美国的度量衡不同。

16.“Gross for net”is often stipulated in the contract to indicate the weight of the less valued products is calculated by gross weight.(   )【答案】T【解析】对于非贵重物品一般用“以毛作净”。

17.An arbitration award is final and binding upon both parities,therefore,if one party does not get satisfied with the award, it cannot refer the case to the court, so long as the arbitration procedures are legal.(  )【答案】T【解析】只要仲裁的程序是合法的,仲裁作出的裁决具有终局性质,当事人不能以同一案件向法院重新起诉。

18.Shipping note is a delivery or receipt note for particular consignment issued by the shipping company, and it does not need to conform to that on the invoice.(   )【答案】F【解析】装运单是船公司开出的收据,要与发票一致,以符合“单单相符”的原则。

19.A packing list gives a list of the contents of a consignment,and is only attached to the Bill of Lading for the Ocean Transportation.(  )【答案】F【解析】装箱单不仅仅用于海上运输,还用于内河、公路、铁路等运输方式。

20.The exporter should give the importer a shipping advice to enable him to carry out his obligations stipulated in the contract in time.Otherwise the exporter would likely bear the losses incurred because of his failure to that.(  )【答案】T【解析】在对外贸易中,出口商要及时将装船通知送达进口商,尤其是是在FOB、CFR贸易术语下,装船通知对进口商办理货物保险至关重要,因此,如果因出口商未能履行好该项义务而带来了不必要的损失,那么出口商便要承担该项损失。

21.When a letter of credit is confirmed,all of the risks are then borne by the confirming bank free of charge.(   )【答案】T【解析】信用证一经保兑,保兑行便与开证行一样,承担着第一付款的责任。

22.Under FOB terms,the seller should notify the buyer of the cargo readiness at least 30 days before the time of shipment so that the buyer can have enough time to charter ships and send them to the shipment port in time.(  )【答案】T【解析】在FOB术语下,买方负责租船。卖方应该在装船的前30天通知买方租船。

23.The credit is legally independent of the underlying transaction.(   )【答案】T【解析】信用证是一项独立于贸易合同的文件,也独立于其他有关贸易的单据。

24.Containerization,the most form of physical international distribution,can substantially reduce costs and raise service quality in the international transit.(  )【答案】T

25.Air waybill is not only a receipt of the goods for dispatch and evidence of the contract of Carriage between the carrier and the consignor,but also a title document.(  )【答案】F【解析】空运单不具有物权凭证的作用。

26.Blank B/L requires no endorsement for the transfer of the blank bill;therefore,it is often used in international trade.(  )【答案】F【解析】空白提单不需要背书即可转让,但因为其风险大,因此很少使用。

27.Pro forma invoice has legal status and its details are normally transferred to a commercial invoice.(  )【答案】F【解析】形式发票是一种非正式发票,是卖方对潜在的买方报价的一种形式。它具有模拟的性质,因此不具有法律效力。一般情况下形式发票的内容即为商业发票的内容。

28.Banks deal in documents and not,goods,therefore,they are only concerned that documents presented appear on their face to comply with the terms and conditions of the documentary credits.(  )【答案】T【解析】跟单信用证处理的是单据,只要单据符合“单单一致,单证一致”,银行即可议付。

29.The importer will normally require the exporter to produce shipped on board B/L,for it provides better guarantee for both negotiating bank and the consignee.(   )【答案】T【解析】已装船提单能够使议付行和买方确信货物已装船,能够了解货物的有关情况,因此,议付行和买方更偏好于已装船提单。

30.Acceptance of the offer commits both the buyer and the seller to the given terms of the sales and constitutes a legally binding contract which cannot be amended unless both parties agree in a written form to make the changes.(  )【答案】T

31.A transferable credit can be transferred by the original beneficiary to several other(second) beneficiaries for more than once.(  )【答案】F【解析】可转让信用证是指开证行授权有关银行在受益人的要求下,可将信用证的全部或一部分金额转让给第三者使用的信用证。可转让信用证只限转让一次,如果允许分批转运,在总和不超过信用证金额的前提下,可分别转让给几个第二受益人。

32.To the seller,payment by D/P is much safer than by D/A.(  )【答案】T【解析】D/P即为付款交单,是指代收行必须在进口商付款之后方能将单据交予进口商的方式;D/A即为承兑交单,指代收行向进口商提示汇票和单据,进口商在汇票上承兑后即可取得全套单据用于提货,付款人在汇票到期时再履行付款义务的一种托收方式。在D/A下,卖方承担着面临钱货两空的风险。

33.Under DES,the seller is responsible for all expenses after the ship’s arrival,including those of unloading,clearing customs,and inland freight.(  )【答案】F【解析】DES——目的港船交货,是指卖方负责将货物运至目的港,在目的港船上将货物置于买方控制之下,即完成交货义务,而不负责船到达目的港之后的卸货、清关和陆地运输费用。

34.General external risks include theft and pilferage, failure to deliver, due to government restriction and leakage, breakage, etc.(  )【答案】F【解析】交货不到和政府限制都属于特别附加险。

35.As a back-to-back L/C is used, it is the responsibility of the second applicant(i.e. the exporter)to reimburse the bank for payments made under it, regardless of whether or not he himself is paid under the first credit.(  )【答案】T【解析】开证行负有第一付款的责任。在背对背信用证下,若通知行要求开证行付款,遭到拒绝,通知行有权利向第二个申请人——第一受益人追索。

36.Exporters always insist on payment by cash in advance when they are reading with old customers.(  )【答案】F【解析】国际贸易中,预付款交货方式对卖方来说,风险最小,但对买方来说资金要求很高。对于往来密切的老客户,可以选择L/C或者D/P等更为合理的方式。

37.An acceptance can be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offered before or at the same time with the acceptance.(  )【答案】T

38.If shipment fails to be made within the validity period of inspection certificate,the party concerned can ask that validity of the certificate to be extended automatically.(  )【答案】F【解析】如果在检验证书的有效期内装船失败,出口方将不得不再次申请检验。

39.Unlike the bill of exchange, the promissory note has two parties: die maker and the payee.(   )【答案】T【解析】汇票涉及出票人、受票人和收款人;本票只涉及出票人和收款人。

40.In ocean marine insurance. FPA is the most restrictive cargo insurance cover under which no partial loss or damage is recoverable.(  )【答案】F【解析】平安险最具有限制性,对于由于自然灾害造成的部分损失不予补偿,但对于由于意外事故造成的部分损失给予补偿。

41.Special additional coverage, such as war risks, strikes and so on must have effected together with FPA,WA or AR.(  )【答案】T【解析】特别附加险不是基本险,只有在基本险的基础上才能购买。

42.According to international trade convention, under no circumstances can an offer be revoked once it is made by the offeror.(  )【答案】F【解析】根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》第15条第2款规定:“一项发盘,即使是不可撤销的也可以撤回,如果撤回的通知在发盘到达收盘人之前或同时到达收盘人,可以撤回或修改。”

43.So far, documentary credits are the most ideal method of payment, to provide security for both buyers and sellers. Therefore, in whatever conditions, L/C should the first consideration in the method of payment for transactions.(  )【答案】F【解析】跟单信用证对受益人(出口商)有利,因此不是对进出口双方都有利。在国际贸易中,采用哪种结算方式,要看进出口双方的信用,两者的关系和资金情况等。

44.An issuing bank must always reimburse the advising bank if the latter pays the credit.(  )【答案】F【解析】在单据不符合规范的情况下,开证行有权拒付通知行,此时,通知行可向受益人追索。

45.Premium is calculated upon the insurance amount and the rate, therefore, it cannot exceed the insured amount of goods.(  )【答案】T

46.Consignment note, the most important document for rail transport, is negotiable document that can represent the title to goods.(  )【答案】F【解析】托运单是运货人和托运人之间对托运货物的合约,其记载有关托运人与送货人相互间的权利和义务,但托运单不具有物权凭证的作用。

47.For terms marked with “W/M”, the freight is to be calculated on the basis of either weight ton or measurement ton, subject to the high rate.(  )【答案】T【解析】在“货物运价分级表”中,计费单位为“W/M”的货物,按货物的重量吨和体积吨计算费用,选择费用大的记为运费。

48.The more or less clause is a clause that stipulates that the quantity delivered can be more or less within certain extent(range).(  )【答案】T【解析】数量机动幅度条款允许卖方实际交货数量或以多于或少于合同所规定的数量的一定幅度。

49.All natural, disasters and social disturbances can be universally taken as force majeure by all the countries in the world.(  )【答案】F【解析】关于不可抗力的范围,国际上并无统一的解释,不同国家对它的定义也不尽相同。

50.Land transportation Risk is almost equivalent to WPA, and All Risks for land transportation is almost equivalent to Marine All Risks.(  )【答案】T


Choose the correct answer from the choices below to form a complete sentence.选择正确的答案完成下列句子。

1.Documentary collections are very suitable in cases where the exporter is reluctant to supply the goods on a(an)(  )basis, but not need the degree of security provided by a documentary credit.

A. documentary credit   B. open account   C. guarantee   D. consignment【答案】B【解析】对于不愿意赊销货款,且不需要跟单信用证保障的出口商而言,跟单托收是比较合理的选择。在该种情况下,出口商出具汇票,委托其所在地银行通过进口地银行向进口商收取货款的方式,代收行必须在进口商付款之后方能将单据交予进口商。

2.Remitting bank is the bank to which the(  )entrusts the collection items.

A. drawer   B. payer   C. drawee   D. importer【答案】A【解析】托收行是指受出票人委托办理托收的出口地银行。

3.If the goods consigned to collecting bank, after the importer satisfies the collections conditions, the collecting bank (  )the bills of lading to the importer.

A. endorses   B. delivers   C. transmits   D. carries【答案】B【解析】只要进口商付款,承兑汇票或满足其他条件,代收行就可将装货提单交给进口商。

4.The presenting bank may release the documents against the buyer's acceptance of a (  )draft on documents against acceptance basis.

A.usance   B. sight   C. bank   D. commercial【答案】A【解析】在买方承诺在指定的日期兑现汇票的基础上,提示行就可以向进口商发放提单。

5.The collecting bank is responsible for verifying that (  ) are met before the release of the documents.

A. the quantity   B. the quality   C. certain condition   D. the contract【答案】C【解析】进口商只有满足某种条件,代收行才向其发放提货单。

6.Under a collection, a bank acts only as a collecting agent to (  )the exporter in obtaining payment or acceptance of his draft before the release of documents to the importer.

A. guarantee   B. assist   C. promote   D. push【答案】B【解析】在托收情况下,银行只是辅助出口商收取货款。

7.The following are the basic functions of a bill of lading except to act as(  ).

A. a receipt for the goods from the shipping company to the exporter

B. a certificate of origin, which certifies that the goods were produced in a particular country

C. a document of title to goods being shipped overseas

D. a quasi negotiable document【答案】B【解析】海运提单不同于原产地证书。

8.“Financial documents” means bills of exchange, promissory notes,(  ),or other similar instruments used for obtaining the payment of money.

A. invoices   B. deposit receipts   C. checks   D. bills of lading【答案】C【解析】财务单据包括汇票、本票和支票。

9.UCP is a code to standardize conditions under which bankers are prepared to issue (  ).

A. traveler cheque  B. documentary collection

C. documentary credit   D. bills of exchange【答案】C【解析】在满足《跟单信用证统一惯例与实务》规定的条件下,商业银行才会应申请人的申请开立跟单信用证。

10.A bank, acting on instructions from the (  ) issues the Credit.

A. exporter   B. seller   C. importer   D. consignor【答案】C【解析】开证行是应进口商的申请才开立信用证的。

11.The purpose of an acceptance credit is to give the (  )time to make payment.

A. advising bank   B. negotiation bank   C. importer   D. paying bank【答案】C【解析】承兑信用证实际上是银行给予进口商的信贷。

12.Transferable credit enables a (  ), who is receiving payment from a buyer under a documentary credit to transfer his claims under that credit to his own supplier.

A. supplier   B. negotiating bank   C. middleman   D. importer【答案】C【解析】可转让信用证是指开证行授权有关银行在受益人(第一受益人)的要求下,可将信用证的全部或一部分金额转让给第三者(即第二受益人)适用的信用证。

13.Credit operations all parties concerned deal with (  ).

A. goods   B. goods and documents   C. documents   D. L/C【答案】C【解析】信用证业务是纯粹的单据业务,银行处理的是单据而非货物。

14.All instructions for the issuance of a Credit must state precisely the (  ) against which payment, acceptance or negotiation is to be made.

A. condition   B. invoice(s)   C. document(s)   D. drafts【答案】A【解析】信用证应该明确说明付款、承兑或议付的条件。

15.Banks deal in (  ) under documentary credit transaction.

A. goods   B. documents   C. services   D. money【答案】B【解析】在跟单信用证条件下,银行处理的是单据。

16.If the correspondent bank is merely to advise the credit, it forwards the prescribed text to the beneficiary without any responsibility on (  ) part.

A. issuing bank   B. advising bank

C. negotiating bank   D. paying bank【答案】B【解析】通知行的责任是审核信用证表面的真实性和开证行的资信状况,通知受益人有关事项。当有关银行向受益人提出修改建议并呈现规范文本时,通知行就无需再行通知,该银行也没有义务将这一事项通知通知行。

17.The beneficiary is deemed to have (  ) the credit (  ), if he presents the required documents to the correspondent bank or issuing bank on time.

A. refused, /  B.accepted, /

C. agreed...with reserve   D. refused...with reserve【答案】B

18.The issuing bank's decision as to whether or not to accept the documents will be based strictly on the principle that the(   )themselves must be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the credit.

A. sales' contract   B. documents   C. goods   D. services【答案】B【解析】开证行是否接受单据要看是否满足“单单相符,单证相符”的条件。

19.The negotiating bank may honor the presented documents under reserve. If the issuing bank refused to make payment against the documents because of the discrepancies, the (  )must refund the amount to the negotiating bank.

A. buyer   B. beneficiary   C. applicant   D. drawee【答案】B【解析】由于不符点,议付行请求开证行付款遭拒后,议付行有权向受益人追索。

20.The presenting bank is that collecting bank which presents the documents to the (  ).

A. drawer   B. bank   C. drawee   D. exporter【答案】C【解析】提示行就是向付款人提示有关单据的代收行。

21.The bank will (  ) transport documents which bear a date of issuance later than the expiry date stipulated in the credit.

A. accept   B. refuse   C. accept under reserve   D. deliver【答案】B【解析】当运输单据的日期晚于信用证上的期满日期时,银行有权拒绝运输单据。

22.A documentary collection is an operation which a bank collects payment on behalf of the seller by delivering (  ) to the buyer.

A. goods   B. documents   C. goods and documents   D. bills of lading【答案】B【解析】跟单托收是指卖者委托银行代表其向买者发放单据,并因此而获得付款的业务。

23.If the credit is available by acceptance, the beneficiary can either wait for the accepted bill of exchange to mature or else convert it into cash by (  ) it at his bank.

A. selling   B. exchanging   C. discounting   D. depositing【答案】C【解析】在承兑信用证结算方式下,受益人可以在指定日期要求开证行兑现信用证,也可以将已承兑的汇票贴现给有关银行。

24.A bill of lading is (  ).

A. title to the goods

B. a receipt of goods

C. all of the title to the goods and a receipt of goods

D. a negotiable document【答案】C【解析】海运提单既是物权凭证也是货物收据。

25.Collecting bank is the bank entrusted by the (   ) to present the collection items to the drawee.

A. principal   B. drawer   C. remitting bank   D. drawee【答案】B【解析】托收行是指受出票人委托向付款人提示汇票、提单等的银行。

26.An irrevocable credit calls for shipment in two lots, on or thabout 15th November. Two sets of B/L are presented dated 10 Nov. stand 21 Nov. Which is acceptable? (  )thst

A. 10 Nov. only   B. 21 Nov.   C. both   D. neither【答案】A【解析】《UCP 600》中规定,“于或约于”或类似措辞将被理解为一项约定,按此约定,某项事件将在所述日期前后各五天内发生,起迄thst日均包括在内。在本例中,应该指的是10 Nov到20 Nov之间,包括起迄日。

27.A clean transport documents is one which bears no clause or notation which expressly declares a defective condition of the (  ).

A. vessel   B. B/L itself   C. goods   D. voyage【答案】C【解析】清洁提单既是证明货物包装完好的提单。

28.Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, the minimum amount for which the insurance document must indicate the insurance cover to have been effected is the CIF value of the goods plus (  ), but only when the CIF value can be determined from the documents on their face.

A. 10%   B. 5%   C. 20%   D. 30%【答案】A【解析】根据《INCOTERMS 2010》有关条款,最低保险金额须为合同规定的价款加10%(即110%),并以合同货币投保。

29.The word “about” used in connection with the amount of the credit is to be construed as allowing a different not to exceed (  ) more or (  ) less than the amount to which it refers.

A. 5%,5%   B. 5% ,10%   C. 10%,l0%   D. 10%,5%【答案】C【解析】《UCP 600》规定,“约”或“大约”用于信用证金额或信用证规定的数量或单价时,应解释为允许有关金额或数量或单价有不超过10%的增减幅度。

30.Transport documents which appear on their face to indicate that shipment has been made on the same means of conveyance and for the same journey, provided they indicate the same destination, will (  ) regarded as covering partial shipments, even if the transport documents indicate different dates of shipment and / or different ports of loading, places of taking in charge or dispatch.

A. be   B. not be【答案】B【解析】《UCP600》规定,表明使用同一运输工具并经由同次航程运输的数套运输单据在同一次提交时,只要显示相同目的地,将不视为部分发运,即使运输单据上标明的发运日期不同或装卸港、接管地或发送地点不同。

31.According to INCOTERMS 2000, when the seller only makes the goods available to the buyer at the seller's premises, the corresponding trade term is(  ).

A. DDP   B. EXW   C. FOB   D. DDU【答案】B【解析】EXW为工厂交货;DDP为完税后在进口国指定地交货;FOB为在装运港船舷交货;DDU为未完税在进口国的指定地交货。

32.What is the percentage of tolerance in the drawing amount when the L/C prohibits partial shipments? (  )

A. 10% or less   B. None   C. 3% or less   D. 5% or less【答案】D

33.According to International Standard Banking Practice (ISBP),which of the following statements regarding the expression of “shipping documents” is correct?(  )

A. invoice,transport documents,and insurance policv or certificate

B. transport documents

C. all documents, not only transport documents, except drafts, required by the L/C

D. all the documents mentioned in the Credit【答案】C【解析】根据ISBP的规定,信用证要求的除汇票以外的单据都属于装运单据。

34.A quota is a numerical limit placed on a specific kind of good that a country will permit to be imported without restriction during a specified period. If the quota is absolute, once the specified amount has been imported,(  ).

A. absolute tariffs are imposed on further importation of the product.

B. no additional tariffs are imposed on further importation of the product.

C. no additional tariffs are imposed on further importation of the product.

D. further importation of the product is prohibited for the rest of the period.【答案】D【解析】进口配额是指一个国家对进口货物的限制。在绝对进口配额下,一旦进口货物数量达到一定量,将不再允许进口。

35.Tariffs (  ).

A. Decrease the domestic price of a product

B. Increase government earnings from tax

C. Increase the quantity of imports

D.Decrease domestic production【答案】B【解析】关税增加了政府的财政收入,降低了进口的数量,减少了进口商品对本国生产的冲击。

36.Which financial instrument provides a buyer the right to purchase or sell a fixed amount of currency at a prearranged price, within a few days to a couple of years?(  )

A. letter of credit   B. foreign currency option

C. cable transfer    D. bill of exchange【答案】B【解析】外汇期权是指买方向卖方支付一定数量的金额后拥有的在未来一段时间内或未来某一特定日期以事先规定好的价格向卖方购买或出售一定数量的特定标的物的权利。

37.The reduction or covering of foreign exchange risk is called (  ).

A. hedging   B. speculation   C. intervention   D. arbitrage





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