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因编者水平有限,如有不当之处,望读者给予诚挚的批评和指正。编者2015年3月  CHAPTER 1Business Writing and Communication

The term“business writing”refers to any piece of writings produced in a business context.Almost all business activities are envisioned,planned,implemented and analyzed in some form of the written words.These forms include letters,emails,faxes,memos,presentations,reports,résumés,tenders and other kinds of documents that communicate something about business.Collectively,they record the proposals,activities and results of countless business transactions.

Business communication is communication that promotes a product,service,marketing,or organization;relays information within a business,or functions as an official statement from a company.

Business communication encompasses such topics as marketing,brand management,customer relations,consumer behavior,advertising,public relations,corporate communication,community engagement,reputation management,interpersonal communication,employee engagement,and event management.It is closely related to the fields of professional communication and technical communication.

Media channels for business communication include the Internet,print media,radio,television,ambient media,and word of mouth.1.Introduction to Business Writing and Communication

Business writing is utilitarian,aiming to serve one or more of the following purposes,such as:

To explain or justify actions already taken—“There was a delay in shipping because the demand exceeded our expectations,and we had to order a second printing.

To convey information—“The balance of your order will be dispatched on 26 January and will arrive on the following day.”

To influence the reader to take some action—“We hope that you will find that our new,Web-based cash management services can reduce your capital requirements and save you money.”

To deliver good or bad news—“It is with regret that we have to tell you that,owing to ill health,Mr.Martin,our Managing Director,will be retiring from active business on the 25th October.”

To direct action—“You are required by law to operate your business in a manner which is safe and healthy for your workforce.”1.1 Effective Business Writing

Effective business writing can be an important part of a business career.Public and private entities rely upon the business writings to communicate vital information,both internally and externally,regarding the condition and conduct of their business.It is fundamentally important that they should be written in a clear and concise manner.When they are,the risk of miscommunication is substantially decreased.1.2 General Steps for Business Writing

Business writing is intended to convey information to someone else or to request information from them.To make effective writing for business,you must be complete,concise,and accurate.Your text should be written in such a way that the reader will be able to easily understand what you are expressing or asking them to do something.

A lot of writing for business is sloppy,poorly written,disorganized,littered with jargon,and incomplete.Often it is either too long or too short.All these lead to ineffective business writing.

Whether you are writing an annual sales report,an email to your manager,or an instruction manual for a software package,there are certain steps that you need to follow in order to create effective business writing,covering:①preparing;②researching;③organizing;④outlining;⑤drafting;⑥reviewing and revising.The emphasis on each step may vary,depending on what you are writing,but the steps will be the same.They break the larger writing task into smaller ones.Proceeding through them at a time will help you write successful business documents.According to the complexity of the writing task,they will be either more or less demanding.An annual report requires far more,for instance,than a note or memo.1.3 Effective Business Communication

Communication is the top quality that employers look for.Effective business communication starts by asking the right questions to understand the customer's needs and wants to be able to recommend a product or service customized to the customer.One good tip is to speak,pause,and listen.Communicate what is needed and then pause to let the recipient process and respond to the information.With an average of 1,800 messages being sent by workers through memos,telephone,email,faxes,and face to face,it is important to listen and pay attention to the recipient and send the information clearly.All in all,to be effective in business communication you need to be clear,brief,focused,and committed.You make an impression on everyone with the way you handle your communication skills from your voice to your body language.

The word“communication”literally means“to make common.”At its most basic level,it means letting your needs be known.At its highest level,communication means building strong,trusting relationships with people whose perspectives are very different from your own.The educator and psychotherapist Virginia Satir once wrote,“Once a human being has arrived on this earth,communication is the largest single factor determining what kinds of relationships he makes with others and what happens to him in the world.”It also determines whether you are capable of being a highly effective leader.2.The Power of Communication

Normally,there are 4 powers of communication,which affect and determine the effects of business communication.2.1 Expressing Yourself

From the moment people pop out of the womb,they start expressing what they want.They communicate when they are hungry,sad,or happy.Over time,people learn how to use words.Surely,they learn how to name simple emotional and mental states.By the time they are adults,they have developed a full array of strategies to express how they feel and what they want.

Yet even as adults,people are still working on this first power.Adults,rather than getting straight to the heart of what they want,often beat around the bush,deflecting attention from the real issue or need out of the fear of losing“face”—a fear of exposure,a fear they will look silly,a fear they will lose authority or power.Yet learning how to express oneself even when it feels emotionally charged and sensitive is all part of mastering the first power.

The trick is to learn how to express our“inner scripts”—the things that might embarrass people if they express them—in a way that shows people are genuinely conflicted about them.For example,in giving feedback to a boss who handled a situation with her team insensitively,you might say:“I have an inner script:While I know this might cost me my job,I would like to find a time when we could talk about how you might have handled that interaction more effectively.”2.2 Listening and Responding

Soon after people are born they also begin developing the ability to respond to others.People laugh at funny faces.They sense other people's moods.As they gain the use of language,they respond with words.By the time most of people reach age five or six,they can communicate their thoughts and feelings with another person in a manner that builds a fledgling relationship.

As people grow older,they learn how to participate in a conversation.Meanwhile,they recognize that the other person is their equal and deserves their respect and attention.People begin to establish patterns of communication based on reciprocity and trust-building.

At a more advanced level,people who master this second power can extract a deeper meaning from a conversation than simply what is said.They can paraphrase what they have heard.They can interpret what someone means and add layers of meaning to it.They can validate their interpretation and create deeper bonds of trust with other people.Normally,people call this“validating the exchange.”2.3 Regulating Attention and Intention

People with the third power show a level of self-awareness and self-control that distinguishes them from second power communicators.It's clear to everyone that you are communicating from a place of considerable self-awareness.People with this power can vary their level of attention and their level of intent,thereby achieving high levels of emotional intelligence.Usually,there are four levels of attention you can bring to any communication:

The level 1 is volition such as“Is my attention voluntary or involuntary?”Similarly,the level 2 means consciousness,for example,“Am I in a highly conscious state or a routine state?”The level 3 should be affinity,for instance,“Am I attracted to or repelled by the communication?”Finally,the level 4 would be quality,such as“Is my attention creative,analytical,or empathetic?”or“Am I varying it based on the situation?”

Third power communicators are aware of each level of attention.Moreover,depending on the situation,they display the social and political awareness to select the appropriate setting within each level.For example,in Level 4,if they are talking to someone who is having problems with a colleague,they may choose to respond analytically:“I've had similar experiences.I know what you're going through.Here's how I handled it.”Or empathetically:“I can really appreciate how you feel.How can I help?”Or creatively:“It's amazing that happened to you.Let's think of some ways you could deal with the situation.”

Third power communicators are also conscious of their intent and can vary it.There are four types of intent:affirmative,controlling,defensive,and relinquishing.Only the first is positive.The others lead to conflict.There is no doubt that third power communicators are able to use an affirming intent 90 percent of the time.Even in the middle of a heated debate,they will say:“I hear what you're saying and I respect your views—even though we disagree.”

Regulating the levels of attention and intent enables third power communicators to show a high level of emotional intelligence.

These qualities of emotional intelligence enable your feelings to be an asset rather than a liability in a political world.People with good political skills know how to read cues.They understand that there may be political limits to what is possible.Above all,they understand that politics count.Successful leaders need to be masters of political self-management.To say in public to your boss,“I think we could have handled this situation much better,”is to put him on the defensive.To say in private,“Can we talk about how you might want to handle this situation if it comes up again?”is more diplomatic and politically savvy.2.4 Understanding and Responding to People in Their“Style”

People with the fourth power can take their communication one step further:they can vary their communication based on an accurate understanding of the other person's communication style and the assumptions that underlie that style.They have the self-awareness to identify the other person's frame of reference and adapt their own style accordingly—and thus help facilitate productive communication among people with different and often conflicting points of view.

To master the fourth power,you have to recognize that even when people are speaking the same language,they may be talking and listening past each other within different frames of reference and operating assumptions.You have to learn how to identify these different styles,and then learn how to vary your communication style depending on the situation.The fourth power means knowing how to foster better communication by varying your style.

Some scholars described the four different communication styles:the Director,Expresser,Thinker and Harmonizer.Each of these styles operates from a different set of assumptions.Here's a quick snapshot:

Directors are hard-charging,action-oriented leaders,focused on results.The director's style of communicating is assertive and task-oriented.Directors operate on the assumption that quick action and decisiveness are valued,and that people are rewarded for getting things done,the sooner the better.Directors frame the world as a competitive place of action and decisiveness.

Expressers focus on leading through their creative ideas.The expresser's style of communicating is assertive and people-oriented.Their operating assumption is that people should feel free to voice their opinions,think outside of the box,and articulate what they feel.They like to entertain.Expressers frame the world as a place where people are recognized for their personal creativity and achievement.

Thinkers are detail-oriented leaders and focused on what it takes to get the job done right.The thinker's communication style is less assertive than the Director and Expresser.Like Directors,Thinkers are also task oriented;they assume that there is a best way to do things—and it is their job to make sure no mistakes are made.They feel rewarded when a task or project is done well.They frame the world as a place in which to solve problems and get things done.

Harmonizers lead by supporting others.Their communication style is also less assertive than the Director and Expresser.Like Expressers,Harmonizers are people-oriented.They operate on the assumption that they need to look after the needs of the team and other people's welfare.They feel rewarded when the team performs well.They frame the world as a place where relationships with people are the most important aspect of their lives and prefer to work collaboratively.

People are not simply one of these styles,but an amalgam of all four.To understand how you communicate,you need to know how strongly you exhibit each of these styles.

The fourth power encompasses the highest level of self awareness.Because they are conscious of people's styles,people with this power can use that awareness to shape how they listen.This is truly powerful listening.As they listen,they are able to apply the matrix of communication styles.They can quickly identify the underlying frame of reference and respond in that frame.For the person being listened to,it is an amazing experience.“I feel truly understood by her when I'm talking with her,”is how one person describes it.The difference can be gauged by the reaction you elicit.When you engage in the fourth power,you elicit honest,heartfelt trust.People share their most sensitive stuff.People feel that you truly value their point of view.3.Conceptual Model

Communication is a two-way process in which people transmit(send)and receive ideas,information,opinions or emotions.These must be interpreted and reacted on,normally through feedback before the communication process is completed.

In the world of business,the aim should be to develop communication patterns,between individuals and groups,that are meaningful,direct open,and honest.A manager conveys information and instructions through communication,either written or verbal.It is therefore a vital link between the manager and his or her team and effective communication is the key to good management.Yet,in reality,it is a very poor link.

Research confirms that audio-visual techniques are much better than just audio or visual.Also that writing/reading messages is the least effective way to communicate.There are broadly four components of any communication:communicator;medium;message;and recipient.

But we tend to focus attention on only one of the four,the message.The other three components are usually ignored and this leads to a complete breakdown in communications.In the case of international business communications there are additional factors such as language barriers and cultural differences.These can further complicate the picture by distorting the message.3.1 Definition of Conceptual Model

In the latest sense of conceptual modeling,a model is anything used in any way to represent anything else.Some models are physical objects,for instance,a toy model which may be assembled,and may even be made to work like the object it represents.In contrast,a conceptual model is a model made of the composition of concepts,that thus exists only in the mind.Conceptual models are used to help us know,understand,or simulate the subject matter they represent.

The term conceptual model may be used to refer to models which are formed after a conceptualization process in the mind.Conceptual models represent human intentions or semantics.Conceptualization from observation of physical existence and conceptual modeling are the necessary means human employ to think and solve problems.Concepts are used to convey semantics during various natural languages based communication.Since a concept might map to multiple semantics by itself,an explicit formalization is usually required for identifying and locating the intended semantic from several candidates to avoid misunderstandings and confusions in conceptual models.3.2 Models of Concepts and Models Being Conceptual

The term“conceptual model”is ambiguous.It could mean a model of concept or it could mean a model that is conceptual.A distinction can be made between what models are and what models are models of.With the exception of iconic models,such as a scale model of Winchester Cathedral,most models are concepts.But they are,mostly,intended to be models of real world states of affairs.The value of a model is usually directly proportional to how well it corresponds to a past,present,future,actual or potential state of affairs.A model of a concept is quite different because in order to be a good model it need not have this real world correspondence in the client organization.In artificial intelligence conceptual models and conceptual graphs are used for building expert systems and knowledge-based systems,here the analysts are concerned to represent expert opinion on what is true not their own ideas on what is true.3.3 Type and Scope of Conceptual Models

Conceptual models(models that are conceptual)range in type from the more concrete,such as the mental image of a familiar physical object,to the formal generality and abstractness of mathematical models which do not appear to the mind as an image.Conceptual models also range in terms of the scope of the subject matter that they are taken to represent.A model may,for instance,represent a single thing(e.g.the Statue of Liberty),whole classes of things(e.g.the electron),and even very vast domains of subject matter such as the physical universe.The variety and scope of conceptual models is due to the variety of purposes had by the people using them.

In a word,business communication actually encompasses such topics as marketing,brand management,customer relations,consumer behavior,advertising,public relations,corporate communication,community engagement,reputation management,interpersonal communication,employee engagement,and event management.It is closely related to the fields of professional communication and technical communication.All in all,business writing will be the key for successful communication between various businesses.

Also,in today's fast paced world,effective business writing establishes your image and seals business deals.Effective written communication builds rapport with clients,maintains productive relationships within the organization and contributes to the bottom line.

How you write and what you write can greatly influence and motivate your target audience,clients,customers or the top management.The power of effective written communication can contribute significantly to organizational productivity,efficiency and success in today's rapidly changing business world.





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