
发布时间:2020-07-09 10:45:10








高职高专规划教材《高职英语》是依据教育部颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》和《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》编写而成的,是供高职高专学生英语教学使用的大学英语系列教材。本套教材的培养目标是学生实际应用语言的能力,具体涉及四个方面:1.一定的英语基础知识和技能;2.阅读和翻译有关英语资料的能力;3.进行简单日常会话的能力,4.模拟套写简单英语应用文的能力。本套教材分一至四册,每册包括《高职英语综合教程》(配有光盘),《高职英语综合练习》(配有光盘)和《高职英语教师参考书》三个分册。《高职英语教师参考书》为教师提供每单元的相关背景知识、难句解释、语言点释例、补充材料、课文参考译文和练习答案以及听说技能训练部分中的听力原文及练习答案。《高职英语》系列教材主编由吴大可(河北石油职业技术学院)担任,主审由美籍专家Eve Bower担任。《高职英语综合练习2》主编吴秀芝(大庆职业学院)、曾泳(山东胜利职业学院),参加编写的还有:周春华(大庆职业学院)、刘岩(大庆职业学院)、郑英莉(辽河石油职业技术学院)、迟东华。在本书的编写过程中,中国石油大学(北京)江淑娟教授及美籍教师Sharon Gralapp、 Henry Linehan对本书的内容提出了宝贵意见和建议,在此表示感谢。

由于编者经验与水平所限,书中不足与疏漏之处在所难免,恳请广大读者批评指正。在编写过程中我们参阅了大量的国内外相关资料,借鉴了一些很有价值的文章,在此向有关机构、作者和资料的提供者一并致以诚挚的谢意。编者2008年6月Unit 1 Money and HappinessSection A Listening Comprehension and Speaking DevelopmentPartⅠ DialoguesTask 1

Dialogue 1

A:I want to open a deposit account,what is the proper procedure?

B:Fill in the application form first.

Dialogue 2

W:Mr.Zhou,could I ask you a few questions about your company?

M:Go ahead,please.

W:I’d like to know how you manage your company so successfully.

M:It’s a long story.I think a manager should have much knowledge of management first

W:Do you have regular meetings to discuss business?

M:Yes,we often hold regular meetings to discuss problems we meet.

W:Is everyone required to attend the meeting?

M:Yes,no one is allowed to be absent from the meeting.

W:How often do you hold such a meeting?

M:Every two weeks.

W:Thank you for talking with me.

M:It’s a pleasure.Task 2

1.M:How much does one ticket cost?

 W:Two dollars for the general public,but children’s tickets are half price.

 Q:How much will the man pay for three children’s tickets?

2.M:Excuse me,can you tell me which bus I should take to the People’s Park?

 W:I’m afraid I can’t.I’ve only been here for several days.

 Q:Why can’t the woman give the man directions?

3.W:I’m so excited that I can’t sleep the whole night.

 M:I’d be excited too if I had got such a good job as yours.

 Q:Why was the woman excited?

4.W:I think you should accept the job.

 M:The company is too far way from my home.

 Q:Why doesn’t the man want to accept the job?

Answer:   1.C  2.C  3.D 4.DPartⅡ Spot Dictation

Passage 1

Each of us must define success for ourselves.Unfortunately “success” is most often measured by the amount of wealth one has accumulated(积累),or the position in society one has achieved(取得),or by athletic or academic achievements one has attained.This is sad.I have seen wealthy men and women lead miserable lives.I have seen great athletes break down completely.I have seen brilliant scholars live in torment(痛苦).I feel that success must be measured much differently.

I would define success as having achieved peace within oneself,as having the ability to accept change gracefully,and as having an understanding of the brevity(短暂)of life and the need to be of service to others.

Passage 2

The definition of “happiness” is even more difficult.I believe that “happiness” ,like “success” ,comes from within.The traditional definition of happiness probably would be “having what you want” .Maybe we should reverse this,and define happiness as “wanting what you have” ?I believe that we could achieve both success and happiness when you have found ways to use your talents to make this world a better place to live and work in.Section B Intensive Reading












奥斯瓦尔德说:“人们夸大了多挣几千元钱能得到幸福,人际关系的好坏对于幸福的影响力远比涨工资要大得多… 如果你正在生活中寻找幸福,那么就努力寻找你的如意郎君或贤淑妻子吧,而不是光想着让工资翻倍,这才是更值得采纳的建议。”

Comprehension Check

1.B 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C


Ⅰ.1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T

Ⅱ.1.myth 2.complex 3.rates 4.interpretation

 5.debating 6.declared 7.notion 8.summary

 9.twist 10.considerably


2.英国沃里克大学的经济学家安德鲁 ·奥斯瓦尔德说:“有压倒性的证据表明金钱能买到幸福。”他认为,主要的问题是金钱的影响力究竟有多大。


4.如果你正在生活中寻找幸福,那么就努力寻找你的如意郎君或贤淑妻子吧,不是光想着让工资翻倍 ,这才是更值得采纳的建议。

Ⅳ.1.Their prices are low compared to those in other shops.

 2.Inflation is likely to increase again this month.

 3.It is snowing rather than raining outside.

 4.How did life arise in the first place?

 5.In any case,you’ll have to be at the station by nine.

Grammar Focus

1.to be invited 2.to be taken   3.to have read

4.to do     5.to speak     6.go,promise,not to tell

7.to finish   8.to stand     9.not wake

10.go      11.to do      12.to save

13.not report  14.to tell     15.to workSection C Extensive Reading

In-Class Reading

1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B

Complementary Reading

1.A 2.C  3.B 4.D 5.A

WritingLadies and gentlemen,

Here we are at the foot of the Great Wall.It is the longest wall in the world and has a history over 1000 years.It is one of the wonders of the world.We’ll spend two hours and a half here.It’s 8:30 now.We’ll leave at 11.The bus will be waiting for us at the entrance.Please remember our bus number and be back on time.Besides,please take your valuable thing with you and shut all the windows before you get off.

Have a good time! Thank you.Unit 2 Computers and the Internet

Background Information


1.Microsoft有时缩略为 MS,是全球最著名的软件商,美国软件巨头微软公司的名字。Microsoft其实是由两个英语单词组成:Micro意为“ 微小”,Soft意为“软的”,此处应为“Software,软件”。顾名思义,微软(Microsoft)是专门生产软件的公司。当今90% 以上的计算机都是装载Microsoft的操作系统,如MS-DOS 、Windows、 Windows NT等。

2.Intel英特尔公司,是世界上最大的CPU(中央处理器,被人们称为电脑的心脏)及相关芯片制造商。80%左右的电脑都是使用Intel公司生产的CPU。其产品从早期的8088到目前流行的Pentium、 Pentium Pro、 Pentium MMX、 PentiumⅣ等。

3.Pentium、 Pentium Pro、 Intel Inside 都是英特尔公司的注册商标。Pentium是著名的CPU商标名,汉译为“奔腾”。人们常说的“奔腾”电脑,是因为电脑里安装有英特尔公司生产的“奔腾”CPU。

4. Epson爱普生,日本爱普生打印机制造商。

5.HP惠普,Hewlett Packard的缩写,是美国著名的惠普打印机、电脑制造商。

6.Canon佳能,日本佳能公司,著名的打印机制造商。Canon英文意思为“ 宗教法规,标准”,可以看出佳能公司在创业之初,就决心要把自己的产品作为业界的“标准”。


8.IBM International Business Machine Company(美国国际商用机器公司)的缩写。IBM曾是美国老牌电脑制造商,产品为国际知名品牌。其电脑业务现已被联想收购。

9.Apple美国苹果电脑公司,以生产高性能专业级电脑著称于世。Section A Listening Comprehension and Speaking DevelopmentPartⅠ DialoguesTask 1

Dialogue 1

A:Do you often go online?

B:Of course.I can’t live without the Internet.

A:Have you ever met any net friend?

B:Of course.I met a lot.

Dialogue 2

A:Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet?

B:You know money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately.Maybe next month.

Dialogue 3

A:It’s going to take over two weeks to get all the data I need for my research project.

B:It’s not due until the end of the semester.

Dialogue 4

A:Excuse me,sir,could you tell me the way to Baker Street?

B:I’m sorry.I don’t quite follow you.I speak very little English.

A:Do you speak German?

B:No,I don’t.I only speak Italian and a little English.

A:Oh,I think your English is good.

B:No,it isn’t all good.

A:But you speak it very well.

B:Well,I can speak a little,but I don’t understand when other people speak to me.Task 2

1.W:I’ve tried everything.But my computer still doesn’t work.

 M:Let me have a look at it.

 Q:What are they talking about?

2.W:Do I have any guarantee for the quality of the computer?

 M:Of course.If anything goes wrong with it within three months,we pay back your money.

 Q:What are the two people talking about?

Answer:1.B  2.CPartⅡ Spot Dictation

Passage 1

Modem technology has a big influence on our daily life.New devices are widely used today.For example,we have to deal with the Internet everyday.It is becoming more and more useful to nearly everybody.Now it is time to think about how the Internet influences us,what effect it has on our social behavior,and what the future world will look like.The Internet has totally changed our life.There is no doubt about that.I think the Internet has changed our life in a wonderful way.

Passage 2

The home computers industry has been growing rapidly in the United States for the last ten years.Computers used to be large,expensive machines that were very difficult to use.But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use.As a result,their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses.

Computers have been designed to store information and compute complex problems.Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers to keep records of their inventories and to send bills to their customers.Offices use computers to type letters,record business and communicate with other offices.People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of expenses and turn appliances(器具,用具)on and off.

One important new use for computers is for entertainment.Many new games have been designed to be played on the computers.People of all ages have been playing these games.They have been going to Arcades(游戏厅)where the computer games can be played for a small cost.People also have been buying home computers to play computer games at home.They have become very popular indeed.(206 words)

Useful Sentences and Expressions

nerd n.傻瓜A nerd is a person who is very intelligent but not very socially savvy.In other words they are social outcasts.In many high school and colleges in the west nerds are stereotyped as straight A students but whose clothing are out of fashion.A nerd is the opposite of someone who is cool.Section B Intensive Reading


人们出于各种原因来设计网站。一些人根据自己最喜欢的活动、爱好或者是为了卖东西来设计网站。 网站可以采用你能想到的任何形式。就像你的家庭成员一样,有些网页很整洁,有些很怪异,有些很无趣,有些又非常引人入胜。





Key Words and Expressions

favorite,hobby,purpose,design,terrific,deserve,describe,sketch,fashion,make web sites,in order to,think about,get ready to,right now

Language points

1.Some will make sites about their favorite activities …一些人制作他们最喜欢活动的网页…


This book is my favorite one.这是我最喜欢的一本书。

2.… or in order to sell things 或者为了卖东西

in order to… 为了… 目的状语,相当于 so as to。

We should study hard in order to have a good life.

3.Before you start creating a web site…在你开始创建网站之前…(此句中的before引导时间状语从句)

常用的连接词有:when,while,as,before,after,till/until,since,as soon as,no sooner.than(一…就),hardly/scarcely ...when(刚一…就),once(一旦),the moment / minute / instant(一…就),instant / immediately / directly(一…就),every time(每当),whenever(每当),by the time(到…时)

He had learned some English before he entered the college.上大学前,他就学过一些英语。


HTML( Hyper-Text Mark-up Language)即超文本标记语言或超文本链接标示语言,是一种简单、通用的全置标记语言,是网络的通用描述语言。设计HTML语言的目的是为了能把存放在一台电脑中的文本或图形与另一台电脑中的文本或图形方便地联系在一起,形成有机的整体,而不用考虑具体信息是在当前电脑上还是在网络的其他电脑上。它允许网页制作人建立文本与图片相结合的复杂页面。这些页面可以被网上任何其他人浏览到,无论使用的是什么类型的电脑或浏览器。

Comprehension Check

1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D


Ⅰ.1.FN  2.CB  3.JK  4.RS  5.LA

 6.LI   7.AE  8.PF  9.KN  10.DG

Ⅰ.1.weird 2.designed 3.terrific 4.deserve 5.describe

 6.sketch  7.fashion 8.technology 9.registered 10.website

Ⅲ .1.C  2.C 3.D

Ⅳ.1.service 2.quality product 3.quality of life

 4.high-level professional  5.keep coming back


Ⅵ.1.I walked quietly in order not to wake the children.

 2.You should return the book right now.

 3.What do you think about the plans?

 4.He experienced all sorts of difficulties and hardships.

 5.Can’t you think of a better place for our holiday?

Grammar Focus

1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.BSection C Extensive Reading

In-Class Reading

1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B

Complementary Reading

Passage 1(1)尽管美国不是一个福利国家,然而美国政府仍然提供一些形式的福利。(2)但事实是数以百万计的人享受不到这种福利。

Passage 2

1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B




SUBJECT:A Trip to ScotlandDear Phil,

I’d like you to organize a trip to Scotland for us.Here I have a group of 32 Chinese students studying in Nottingham University,who want to go on a seven-day tour during the Christmas days.

I hope we can have a coach which will take us to Scotland and then bring us back to Nottingham.We also need a guide who speaks standard English and knows Scotland well.

I would be very grateful if you can work out an itinerary as soon as possible and tell me about our accommodation,meals as well as how much each of us has to pay.If you have any information,please either email me or call me at 07747745007.

Looking forward to your early reply.Yours Truly,Jack

Merry Learning



我没有提到那门功课我重复学了三年才考及格。Unit 3 Food and BeverageSection A Listening Comprehension and Speaking DevelopmentPartⅠ Dialogues

Dialogue 1

A:What would you like,coke or orange juice?

B:I’d like them both,but I’d rather have some mineral water.

Dialogue 2

A:What would you like for supper,Jack?Would you like roast beet?

B:Oh,no.I don’t feel like it.

A:Why?It’s your favorite.

B:I spent the whole day at the beach.I feel like I’ve been roasted.All I’d like to have is something icy or frozen.

Dialogue 3

A:Hi,Helen.Come on.Do you care for something to drink?

B:Hi,Judy.Yes.I just feel thirsty.

A:What drinks do you like?

B:I prefer soda water.

Dialogue 4

A:Waiter,this is not what I ordered .

B:Didn’t you order a cocktail,sir?

A:I didn’t.I asked for a lemon juice.

C:Then I will change it right away,sir.

Dialogue 5

A:Waiter,please give me the bill.

B:Hey,John,let me get it.

A:No,you are my guest.My treat today.

B:How about making it Dutch?

A:It’s on me.I insist.

Dialogue 6

W:Good evening.Do you have a reservation ?

M:Yes.The reservation is under Liu.

W:Mr.Liu.Do you prefer smoking or non-smoking seating?


W:Follow me,please.I will show you to your table.

M:Thank you.

W:You’re welcome.A waitress will be with you right away to take your order.PartⅡ Spot Dictation

Visitors to Britain are always complaining about English food.But they don’t really know what they are talking about,for they rarely get a chance to eat it.Most of the restaurants in large towns have foreign owners and serve foreign food.When visitors are invited to an English home their hosts often feel they must offer them for something foreign.

Those who do know English food are clear that it can be really very good.On the other hand,it is true to say that English food is something terrible. Part of the problem is that we are not really interested in food—we eat to live,we don’t live to eat.So we prefer food that is simple and easy to cook,or ready prepared food which only needs heating up before eating.(135 words)Section B Intensive Reading







小费通常是不加到你的账单上的,也不包括在你的饭菜价格上。小费一般应该是你用餐总价的 15%,当你离开时可以把小费放在桌子上。在一些餐馆,账单是放在一个托盘里端上来的,你也可以把钱放在盘子里。然后服务生会给你找零。

Key Words and Expressions

prefer,hostess,available,impolite,cigarette,disturb,refill,even if,light up,would like to do something,take something for someone

Language Points

1.till与 until(1)两词均表示“直到…为止”的含义,即主句动作、行为终止于till和until引导的从句的动作或和行为之前,从句动作或行为开始于主句动作或行为终止之时,含义相同,但till不能用于句首。例如:Until he went to college,he never had thought of his speech.他进大学之前,从未想过他说话的方式。(2)可与延续性动词的肯定和否定形式连用。例如:Stay where you are till / until we tell you to stir(移动).我们叫你前呆在原地别动。He didn’t work till / until she came back.她回来时他才工作。(3)一般只能与非延续性动词的否定式连用,此时until与before近义,可替换。例如:I didn’t leave till she came back.直到她回来我才离开。 Don’t get off until / before the bus stops.车停稳后才下车。

Notes:有些动词既可用作延续性动词,又可用作非延续性动词,因此其肯定或否定形式均可与 till和 until连用,但意义不同。例如:She did not eat until it was dark.她天黑才吃饭。 She ate until it was dark.她一直吃饭到天黑。

2.People prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they do not know.人们更喜欢等一张桌子而不是与不相识的人坐在一起。(1) prefer...to 比起…更喜欢… Even today,most Americans prefer coffee to tea.(2) prefer to do sth.… rather than do sth.宁愿…而不愿… I prefer to stay at home rather than go with you.

3.This means a hostess may not seat a small group until a small table is available.这就意味着除非有了空桌,引座的女服务生一般是不会安排同来的几个人分散就座的。

Comprehension Check

1.D 2.D 3.C 4.B


Ⅰ.1.available 2.especially  3.hostess  4.disturb 5.refill

 6.prefer    7.seated    8.ordered  9.check 10.tip






Ⅲ.1.We’ll still have the garden party,even if it rains.

 2.The sky lights up at sunset.

 3.He prefers riding a bike to driving.

 4.He didn’t arrive there until after midnight.

 5.Add a few more names to the list.

Grammar Focus

1.D 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.BSection C Extensive Reading

In-Class Reading

1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.D

Complementary Reading

1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D


My mother is seriously ill.My father has gone to Beijing on business.So I have to stay to look after her.I am writing to ask for a day’s leave.I will do my best to make up for the lessons to be missed during my absence as soon as I get back.Your student,Wang BingUnit 4 Restaurants and Hotels

Culture background

1.McDonald’s the leading global food service retailer with more than 30,000 local restaurants serving 52 million people in more than 100 countries each day.It serves the world some of its favorite foods-World-famous French Fries,Big Mac(巨无霸),Quarter Pounde(r汉堡),Chicken McNugget(s鸡块)and Egg McMuffin(蛋塔).

麦当劳公司总部坐落在美国伊利诺斯州Oak Brook,是拥有数十亿美元资产的国际性公司。麦当劳是全球规模最大、最著名的快餐集团。从 1955年创始人麦当劳兄弟和雷 ·克洛克在美国伊利诺斯州开设第一家餐厅至今,它在全世界的 120多个国家和地区已开设了三万多家餐厅,全球营业额约 104.9亿美元。现在仍以快速的趋势迅猛发展。在很多国家麦当劳代表着一种美国式的生活方式。

2.Starbucks 星巴克咖啡公司成立于 1971年,是世界领先的特种咖啡的零售商,烘焙者和品牌拥有者。旗下零售产品包括30多款全球顶级的咖啡豆、手工制作的浓缩咖啡和多款咖啡冷热饮料、新鲜美味的各式糕点食品以及丰富多样的咖啡机、咖啡杯等商品。此外,公司通过与合资伙伴生产和销售瓶装星冰乐咖啡饮料、冰摇双份浓缩咖啡和冰淇淋,通过营销和分销协议在零售店以外的便利场所生产和销售星巴克咖啡和奶油利口酒,并不断拓展泰舒茶、星巴克音乐光盘等新的产品和品牌。

1992年6月,星巴克作为第一家专业咖啡公司成功上市,迅速推动了公司业务增长和品牌发展。 目前公司已在北美,拉丁美洲,欧洲,中东和太平洋沿岸37个国家拥有超过12,000多家咖啡店,拥有员工超过117,000人。长期以来,公司一直致力于向顾客提供最优质的咖啡和服务,营造独特的“星巴克体验”,让全球各地的星巴克店成为人们除了工作场所和生活居所之外温馨舒适的“第三生活空间”。与此同时,公司不断地通过各种体现企业社会责任的活动回馈社会,改善环境,回报合作伙伴和咖啡产区农民。鉴于星巴克独特的企业文化和理念,公司连续多年被美国《财富》杂志评为“最受尊敬的企业”。

3.Moby-Dick《白鲸》是19世纪美国最重要的小说家之一赫尔曼·麦尔维尔(1819—1891)(Herman Melville)1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的小说,小说描写了亚哈船长为了追逐并杀死白鲸莫比·迪克的经历,最终与白鲸同归于尽的故事。故事营造了一种让人置身海上航行、随时遭遇各种危险甚至是死亡的氛围,是作者的代表作。

4.Cajun[ 'keidʒən]n.移居美国路易斯安那州的法人后裔;(美国阿拉巴马州西南部和密西西比州毗邻地区)白人、印第安人、黑人混血种族之一。Section A Listening Comprehension and Speaking DevelopmentPartⅠ DialoguesTask 1

Dialogue 1

M:Good morning.I’d like to book a double room for three nights,please.Is there a room available?

W:Yes,Mr.Howard.We have one.

Dialogue 2

M:What would you like for your main dish?

W:I don’t know anything about Mexican food.Would you give me a suggestion?

Dialogue 3

M:The service in this hotel is terrible.

W:Yes.It’s time they dismissed some staff here,I think.

Dialogue 4

W:How do you want your steak,rare or well-done?


W:What would you like to drink?

M:Black coffee,please.

W:And what would you like for dessert?

M:Ice cream.

W:What kind of flavor do you like?

M:Strawberry.Task 2

1.M:Good morning,Jane.How are you?

 W:Oh,fine.I don’t have to work today and come here for lunch.

 Q:Where did the talk probably take place?

2.W:Would you like a cup of tea?

 M:No,thanks.But I’d like some coffee,please.





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