
发布时间:2020-07-12 02:53:08







1949年 开国大典















The Inaugural Ceremony of the People’s Republic of China

Standing on the Tian'anmen (Heavenly Serenity) Gatetower in downtown Beijing on Oct. 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong announced solemnly to the world with his strong Hunan accent:“Compatriots, the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China is officially inaugurated here today!”

A new China was thus born on a land with an ancient civilization that dates back to as far as 5,000 years ago. It would not only bring upside down changes across China, the whole world would also be deeply impacted.

The major forces of the Kuomintang Party were wiped out in three decisive campaigns of the War of Liberation: Liaoshen, Pingjin and Huaihai. As the People's Liberation Army advanced to the north bank of the Yangtze River, there was no force to stop the birth of the new China.

On Sept. 21, 1949, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference convened its first meeting in Beijing. The conference adopted the Common Program for the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, which functioned as the interim constitution, as well as the Law for the Organization of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. It approved“the People's Republic of China”as the name of the new state.

The inaugural ceremony of the People's Republic of China started at 3:00 p. m. Oct.1.As many as 300,000 Beijing citizens and PLA soldiers gathered at the then reshaped Tian'anmen Square on that day. They came to the square in the early morning and waited there until afternoon, passing the time by singing songs after songs. They did not know why they have to wait that long, neither were they hungry nor tired in great excitement.

It was not until decades later that someone recalled the arrangement was for security reasons. The Kuomintang forces which had retreated to Taiwan, might send bombers to sabotage the ceremony. However, their bombers can only come in the morning. If they took off in the afternoon, and they would have to fly back in darkness, and that would not be safe. Thus the ceremony was arranged in the afternoon.

At 2:00 p. m. Oct. 1, the Committee of the Central People's Government held its first meeting, Mao Zedong took the office as the Chairman of the Central People's Government;Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Song Qingling, Li Jishen, Zhang Lan and Gao Gang as the ViceChairmen (Chai rwoman); Zhou Enlai as the Prime M in ister as wel l as the M i nister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Zhu De as the Commander in Chief of the PLA.

At 2:55 p.m., Mao Zedong, followed by Zhu De, took the brick staircase on the western side and appeared first at the Tian'anmen Gatetower. The ceremony was chaired by Lin Boqu in his capacity as the secretary-general of the Central People's Government. As soon as Lin announced the opening of the ceremony, the band began to play the national anthem, the March of the Volunteers, and the chairman, vice-chairmen (chairwoman)and other members of the Central People's Government took their seats. Mao announced the establishment of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China.He then pressed an electric button and the first Red Flag gradually rose high above the Tian'anmen Square.

After the hoist of the Red Flag, Mao read the bulletin of the Central People's Government. 54 guns then fired 28 salutes together. The whole square was drowned in thundering applauds from the audience.

After that was a massive military parade and civil processions. At the head of the military parade were two platoons of Navy soldiers, followed by an infantry division, the North China Military Academy, an artillery division, a tank division, a cavalry division. 17military planes, including fighters, de Havilland Mosquito bombers and trainer aircrafts, flew over the square from the east to the west. The military parade lasted for 3 hours, involving more than 16,000 troops.

Li Yongming, a 14-year-old student, was at the square on that day. He still remembered that after the military parade was the civil processions. First the people on the east Chang'an Boulevard, then the tens of thousands of peoples that filled the Tian'anmen Square regrouped at the east Chang'an Boulevard and also marched through the Tian'anmen Square. The last procession did not leave the square until 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening.

So many people, one group after another, walked before the Tian'anmen Gatetower in i nsuppressible eagerness to get a glimpse of Chairman Mao, whom they hold in the highest respect. As night fell, the Tian'anmen Gatetower was suddenly lighted up, the powerful searchlights on the gatetower were also turned on, thrusting huge columns of light upon the whole square like rolling waves. At 9:25 p.m., the firework show began. Colorful flames threw up from 3 spots on the square. Lanterns in people's hands were also lighted up. Tian'anmen Square became a sea of lights.

People sang and danced, danced and sang, as if they would never tire in the first night of the People's Republic of China.1949年10月1日,中国北京天安门城楼上,毛泽东主席庄严宣告中华人民共和国成立。(侯波摄)Chairman Mao Zedong announced the foundingof the People's Republic of China on October1, onTian'anmen Gatetower, Beijing. (Photo by Hou Bo)

1950年 抗美援朝








然而这时,运载20 军部队的列车根据兵团命令,仍在匆匆飞驰,等到贺晋年带着一些皮大衣、皮帽皮鞋赶来时,运载58师、59师和89师的列车都已过去。贺晋年说,这是动员东北军区机关干部、战士脱下来的衣帽,你们赶紧换上,表示表示我们的心意吧!


20军就这样进入朝鲜,参加了第二次战役,他们在长津湖战役中与美军王牌军陆战第一师殊死作战,共毙伤敌人6000人,俘敌674人,而自己的伤亡也达1.7万之多,其中冻死冻伤者就有 11200 多人。




而在朝鲜战场,双方的停战谈判从 1951年7月10日就开始了,打打谈谈,直至 1953年7月27日,在板门店签订了《朝鲜停战协定》。


The War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea

On June 25, 1950, the Korean civil war broke out. By mid-August, the Korean People’s Army (KPA) had pushed South Korean forces to Pusan. On Sept. 15, UN forces led by the U nited States launched an amphibious landing at I nchon, thus began its direct intervention in the war and spread the war to China’s northeast.

On Oct. 1 and Oct. 3 of 1950, the North Korean government and its leader Kim Ilsung wrote to Mao Zedong pleading with him to send over Chinese troops. The People’s Republic of China, founded just one year ago, was facing a tremendous task of rebuilding after decades of war. After careful considerations in which they weighed the advantages and disadvantages over and over, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Mao Zedong decided to grant Kim’s request to help North Korea resist U.S.aggression as well as to protect China’s own territory.

The Commemoration Day that the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army (PVA) officially entered into the Korean war was Oct. 25, 1950, hence the government designated Oct. 25as the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea Memorial Day. The truth is, the first batch of PVA troops, led by its commander Peng Dehuai, crossed the Yalu River from Ji’an into North Korea on Oct. 19, and launched a sudden attack on UN forces as soon as Oct. 25.This is the first major campaign conducted by the PVA after it entered North Korea.

Many troops of the PVA had been prepari ng for the liberation of Taiwan before they were ordered to enter North Korea. The 20th Army, deployed outside Shanghai, for example, was caught in surprise when it was suddenly relieved of the task of attacking Taiwan and ordered to head for Shandong Province. The original plan was that the 20th Army would receive training there and head for North Korea in early November, but the situation was so urgent that they would not have the luxury of more preparations.

On Nov. 4, when He Jinnian, deputy commander of the Northeast Command Area,saw soldiers of the 20th Army in a train at the Shenyang Railway Station, he was quite surprised. “What kind of winter gear is this?” he exclaimed.

The soldiers before him were wearing hats of big brims, leather boots and thin coats,the standard winter clothes for PLA troops stationed in east Ch ina, where the winter is much warmer than that of the northeast. In fact, officers at regiment and higher levels were still wearing thin clothes.

He told Liao Zhengguo, deputy commander of the 20th Army to hold the train at the station for two additional hours so that he could arrange winter clothes for the troops.

The 20th Army, however, could not wait, being rushed on by orders from the corps command. When He came back with leather hats, boots and coats, the 58th, 59th and 89th divisions had passed. He told the remaining troops to change their clothes. “These gears are just off the officers and soldiers of the headquarters of the Northeast Command Area.Please put them on. There are not many people at the headquarters. We know they are not enough, but it’s a gesture from us. ”

As the time was short, only a small number of troops from the 20th Army headquarters and the 60th division got winter hats and coats. A few soldiers got two packs of ship biscuit.

It was in such a bad status the 20th Army entered North Korea and fought in the Second Phase Campaign. The army fought bravely and desperately against the Fi rst Marine Division, a crack force of the U.S. army, in the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, killing and wounding over 6,000 enemy soldiers and capturing 674 enemies. Itself suffered a heavy casualty of 17,000, of which 112,000 were from frostbite.

Lagging far behind the U.S. Forces in equipment and weaponry, PVA nevertheless won the respect of its enemy with its death-defying bravery and will of steel.

Through the third and fifth phase campaigns, both sides launched offensives in one place and were forced to retreat at another, and the battle line returned to the 38th parallel.Back home in China, a nationwide campaign was in full swing to raise the public support for the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. Efforts to recruit soldiers and raise logistics for the frontline won overwhelming support. People from all walks of life signed on the patriots’ conventions and donated generously to help buy guns and planes for PVA troops.

On the Korean Peninsula, negotiations for an armistice began on July 10, 1951 and went on and off for two years, interrupted by wars for several times, until July 27, 1953,when the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed in Panmunjom.

The Korean War is the first major test went through by the young People’s Republic of China. The spirit and strength shown by the Chinese people were known to the world through the war. The United States was forced to sign the armistice to end a war it had not won. The war won a relatively stable and peaceful environment for the domestic economic instruction and social reform.1950年10月,为了保家卫国,中国人民志愿军跨过鸭绿江,开赴朝鲜战场。(孟昭瑞摄)The Chinese People's Volunteer Army crossedthe Yalu River in October to join the Korean War.(Photo by Meng Zhaorui)

1951年 土地改革运动






Land Reform

The Land Reform Movement refers to land reform carried out in newly liberated areas in the 1950s after the founding of the People's Republic of China. By 1953, land reform had been completed in most parts of the Chinese mainland, except Tibet and Xinjiang that were mostly inhabited by minority ethnic groups. Around 700 million mu of land and farming tools were distributed free to more than 300 million peasants who used to own no land at all or only a very small piece of land, as much as 30 million tonnes of grain as land rent were abolished.

The Land Reform Movement was the continuation of the land reform conducted by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the old liberated area during the Second Civil War.The CPC had implemented reforms that abolished the feudal land system in its own Soviet Area between 1927 and 1937. The reform was halted during the war against Japanese aggression. After the start of the War of Liberation, the CPC called a national conference on land policy in 1947. The conference passed the outline for a new law of land and decided to resume land reform in newly liberated areas.

After the founding of the new China, the CPC decided to step up the pace of land reform. On Jan. 24, 1950, the CPC Central Committee ordered newly liberated areas to start preparing for the Land Reform Movement. In June 1950, the Third Plenary Session of the Seventh CPC Central Committee deliberated on the land policies to be pursued in the newly liberated areas. On behalf of the CPC Central Comm ittee, Liu Shaoqi then delivered a report on land reform at the Second Session of the First National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). On June 30, the Central People's Government officially promulgated the Land Reform Law. The CPC Central Committee decided that land reform would begin in the winter of 1950 and completed in two and half years or three years at the most. Depending on the local situation, different regions may follow different schedules.

An important part of the Land Reform Movement was to divide rural population into different classes: tenants, poor peasants, peasants, affluent peasants and landlords.Tenants and poor peasants were to be relied upon in the movement, peasants were to be won over, affluent peasants were to be neutralized, and landlords, as a class of exploitors,were the target to hit in the movement. Working groups were sent to rural areas by the government to mobilize the masses. Peasants were organized into associations to fight the feudal landlords.

The Land Reform Movement was conducted in stages under strong leadership.Every stage went through the same phases: the mobilization of the masses, the division of classes, the confiscation and redistribution of lands, and the final review.

The Land Reform Movement deprived land lords of their lands and redistributed them to tenants and peasants. It ended the feudal land system on the Chinese mainland and helped the new government of the People's Republic of China win the trust of the peasants. Through the movement, the CPC won the support of the peasants, established its leadership at the grassroots level and completed preparatio ns for pursuing a rapid industrialization.1951年中国基本完成了土地改革任务。图为山东历城县农民在丈量土地。(CFB供图)The Land Reform Movement almost finished itsmission. Peasants in Licheng County of Shandong Provincewere surveying their lands. (Photo by CFB)

1952年 “三反”“五反”运动



刘青山、张子善都是中共的高级干部,在革命斗争中曾立下汗马功劳。然而,从 1950年至1951年他们担任地方领导期间,通过盗窃地方粮款等款项、骗取银行贷款等手段大肆贪污,过着极度腐化的生活。




在“三反”运动中,被揭发出的党政军民内部的贪污分子的违法行为,大多数是和社会上资产阶级不法分子互相勾结进行的。为此,1952年1月26 日,中共中央发出了《关于在城市中限期展开大规模的坚决彻底的“五反”斗争的指示》,要求向违法资本家开展一场大规模的“五反”运动,即反行贿、反偷税漏税、反盗骗国家财产、反偷工减料、反盗窃国家经济情报。


Three-Antis and Five-Antis

On Nov. 30, 1951, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)drew the attention of the whole party to corruption among officials and demanded actions to investigate, expose and punish them. The move was prompted by the exposure of massive graft, waste and bureaucracy during the Patriotic Production Movement conducted in the industry and agriculture departments in the same autumn. On Dec. 1, the CPC Central Committee issued the Decision to Streamline the Government; I ncrease Production and Reduce costs; Oppose Corruption, Waste and Bureaucracy. Opposing corruption, waste and bureaucracy was an important measu re to attain the central task of streaml ining the government, increase prod uction and reduce costs. On Dec. 8, the CPC Central Committee issued an instruction calling for a full-scale fight against corruption, the ThreeAnti Movement soon spread to nationwide.

On Dec. 2, 1951, Liu Qingshan, the first deputy secretary of the CPC committee of Shijiazhuang city, was arrested immediately after he got off the train as he returned from an official foreign visit. He was expelled from the CPC on Dec. 4. Liu was accused of corruptions. Arrested before him was Zhang Zishan, former CPC secretary of the Tianjin Prefecture, who was involved in the same case. Zhang was also expelled from the Party on the same day.

Liu and Zhang were both senior officials who had made great contributions to the revolution. However, while they were leading officials in local governments between 1950and 1951, they lived a very corrupt life, using money they had stolen through embezzling government fund for grain purchases and cheating loans from banks.

In the summer of 1951, the relations between Liu and Zhang got sour as a result of change of job, and their shared secret of corruption was leaked. On Nov. 30, Mao Zedong wrote in his comment on a circular issued by the CPC Central Committee: “The former and incumbent party secretary of the Tianjin Prefecture both committed serious crime of graft. The CPC North China Bureau has exposed them and is dealing with the case.The North China Bureau is taking the right approach on the issue, in our point of view.The event is a wake-up call to the CPC Central Committee, the central bureau and its





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