
发布时间:2020-07-12 05:39:24







第一部分 课 文(Texts)

第1单元 故 事(Stories)

1.1 复习笔记






1.2 翻译示例汇总

Lesson 1 (E-C)The Quest

Taking the train, the two friends arrived in Berlin in late October 1922, and went directly to the address of Chou En-lai. Would this man receive them as fellow countrymen, or would he treat them with cold suspicion and question them cautiously about their past careers as militarists? Chu Teh remembered his age. He was thirty-six, his youth had passed like a screaming eagle, leaving him old and disillusioned.

When Chou En-lai’s door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful. Yet it was a manly face, serious and intelligent, and Chu judged him to be in his middle twenties.

Chou was a quiet and thoughtful man, even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors, urged them to be seated and to tell how he could help them.

Ignoring the chair offered him, Chu Teh stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was, what he had done in the past, how he had fled from Yunnan, talked with Sun Yat-sen, been repulsed by Chen Tuhsiu in Shanghai, and had come to Europe to find a new way of life for himself and a new revolutionary road for China. He wanted to join the Chinese Communist Party group in Berlin, he would study and work hard, he would do anything he was asked to do but return to his old life, which had turned to ashes beneath his feet.

As he talked Chou En-lai stood facing him, his head a little to one side as was his habit, listening intently until the story was told, and then questioning him.

When both visitors had told their stories, Chou smiled a little, said he would help them find rooms, and arrange for them to join the Berlin Communist group as candidates until their application had been sent to China and an answer received. When the reply came a few months later they were enrolled as full members, but Chu’s membership was kept a secret from outsiders.(From Agnes Smedley, The Great Road)【译文】探索








本文作者史沫特莱(Agnes Smedley,1890~1950)是一位美国女作家、新闻记者。

Taking the train, the two friends arrived in Berlin in late October 11922, and went directly to the address of Chou En-lai. Would this man receive them as fellow countrymen, or would he treat them with cold 2suspicion and question them cautiously about their past careers as 3militarists? Chu Teh remembered his age. He was thirty-six, his youth 45had passed like a screaming eagle, leaving him old and disillusioned.【译文】


1. 这句主语前面先用一个分词短语,这在英语书面语里是一种常见的结构。但是译成汉语就先出主语,将分词短语内容置于主语之后,译作“他们两个人坐火车……”。

2. receive them as fellow countrymen 与treat them with cold suspicion形成对照,故译文中“同胞手足”与“疑虑重重”也相互对照。

3. militarist:军国主义分子。译文将其与前面结合起来灵活译作“在军阀时代的经历”。

4. 这是一个比喻句,汉语意思是“青春一去不复返”,但译文保留了原文的比喻形象,非常适当,且更加生动形象。

5. leave一词在这里相当于cause to be,意思是“使……处于(某种状态)”,该句还可译作“使他衰老,使他感到失望”。

When Chou En-lai’s door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it 1bordered on the beautiful. Yet it was a manly face, serious and 2intelligent, and Chu judged him to be in his middle twenties.【译文】


1. a slender man后面有一连串的介词短语作定语。英语在描写一个人的容貌的时候,经常使用这种结构。而汉语往往使用一连串的短句,此处就是这样处理的。

2. in his middle twenties译作“二十多岁”。1

Chou was a quiet and thoughtful man, even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors, urged them to be seated and to tell how he could help them.【译文】


1. 该句原文若按字面形式翻译则译作“周恩来是一个安静和体贴的人”,但是这样会显得很单调,也少了些语言美感。译文“周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴”则更地道,读起来也朗朗上口。

Ignoring the chair offered him, Chu Teh stood squarely before this 12youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was, what he had done in the past, how he had fled from 3Yunnan, talked with Sun Yat-sen, been repulsed by Chen Tuhsiu in Shanghai, and had come to Europe to find a new way of life for himself and a new revolutionary road for China. He wanted to join the Chinese 4Communist Party group in Berlin, he would study and work hard, he would do anything he was asked to do but return to his old life, which 5had turned to ashes beneath his feet.【译文】


1. 这句原文同样将主语置于分词短语之后,在英语中很常见,但是译成汉语时则需要把主语提到分词短语前面来。

2. more than ten years his junior译作“比他年轻十岁”。

3. what he had done in the past在结构上与前面的who he was和后面的how he had fled from Yunnan ... 是并列的,因此,它不是概括后面提到的几件事,而是指逃出云南以前做过的事。原译文也许应改为:“说明自己的身份,说明过去做过些什么事情,怎样逃出云南……”。

4. 注意the Chinese Communist Party group in Berlin译作“中国共产党在柏林的党组织”。

5. 这句话似可译为:“……他一定会努力学习,努力工作,派他做什么工作都行,只要不再回到旧的生活里去,旧的生活已经在他的脚下化为尘埃了。”

As he talked Chou En-lai stood facing him, his head a little to one 1side as was his habit, listening intently until the story was told, and then questioning him.【译文】


1. as was his habit,此处as后面可以省略主语it,意思相当于which was his habit,或and that was his habit。

When both visitors had told their stories, Chou smiled a little, said he would help them find rooms, and arrange for them to join the Berlin 1Communist group as candidates until their application had been sent 2to China and an answer received. When the reply came a few months 3later they were enrolled as full members, but Chu’s membership was 4kept a secret from outsiders.【译文】


1. 注意安排某人做某事是“arrange for sb to do”。

2. until往往译作“直到”,但这句话比较长,译作“直到……”放在句末不顺,所以译作“在……之前”,插在句子中间,这样表达更通畅。

3. be enrolled as full members意思是“被吸收为正式党员”。

4. 该句是个被动句,但是译成汉语是主动句,主动形式表达被动含义,这在汉语里很常见,译作“朱德的党籍对外界保持秘密”非常地道贴切。Lesson 2 (C-E)孟轲悔过








从此之后,孟轲变了。他再也没有逃过学,日夜苦读,钻研各家学说,终于成为我国封建时期的一位大思想家。(选自《北京日报》)【译文】Meng Ke Mends His Ways

Mencius was a great scholar of ancient China. His family name was Meng and his given name was Ke. Born into a poor family, he led a hard life in his early childhood. At the age of three, he lost his father. With no one to support them, mother and son found life still more difficult. What was to be done?

Meng’s mother borrowed a loom and began to weave for a living.

As he grew older, Meng Ke still loved to play and hated to study.

One day, he slipped out of school and went home before classes were over.

Finding that Meng Ke was playing truant, the mother was indignant. She rose from the loom and said to her son in a serious tone, “So you are playing truant again!’’

Meng Ke cast a glance at his mother and lowered his head, saying, “I find my lessons dull. I’m going to give up.

Hearing this, his mother shook with anger. She took a pair of scissors and cut through the silk on the loom. Confounded by his mother’s action, Meng Ke gazed at her in bewilderment, not knowing what to do.

His mother pointed at the loose silk threads, and said with feeling, “Look! With toil, silk is woven thread by thread, and knowledge is accumulated bit by bit. Your giving up school is just like my cutting this bolt of unfinished silk. Such silk is of no use. And how can you be of use when you grow up if you stop studying?”

Hearing this and looking at the severed silk and his heartbroken mother, Meng Ke was conscience-stricken. He realized that his mother was right and he was wrong. He said shamefacedly,” Please pardon me, mother. I’m wrong. I’m determined to over-come this weakness of mine and work hard at my studies. “

From that time on Meng Ke was quite another person. He never played truant again. Instead, he worked day and night, studying the doctrines of the various schools, and finally became one of the great thinkers of feudal China.1


Mencius was a great scholar of ancient China. His family name was Meng and his given name was Ke. Born into a poor family, he led a hard life in his early childhood. At the age of three, he lost his father. With no one to support them, mother and son found life still more difficult. What was to be done?

Meng’s mother borrowed a loom and began to weave for a living.【点评】

1. 孟子:Mencius。Meng Ke应分开写,不要写成MengKe。

2. 该句原文无主语,这在汉语里是可行的,可是译成英语时必须加上主语,且原文的两个并列短语译成英语时变成了一个主句和一个分句。

3. 此句原文是一句话,但是译文把它分为两句,分别表达两种内容。这符合英语通常一个句子表达一个内容的习惯。

4. “怎么办呢?”译作What to do或How to do都是不对的。这些短语只能构成句子的一部分。而译文“What was to be done?”可单独作为一个句子非常合适此语境。

5. 机杼:loom。

6. 原句的动词在译文中只留下“织”,其余的用介词表示,这在英语中很常见,介词替代动词可以使英语句子更加简洁。1


As he grew older, Meng Ke still loved to play and hated to study.【点评】

1. 翻译这两句话时,需抓住原文的真正含义。此时孟轲尚未长大成人,故不可译作Meng Ke gradually grew up。此外,英文译文里先出代词he,后出实体词Meng Ke,而在汉语里一般是先出实体词,后出代词。


One day, he slipped out of school and went home before classes were over.

Finding that Meng Ke was playing truant, the mother was indignant. She rose from the loom and said to her son in a serious tone, “So you are playing truant again!’’【点评】

1. 逃学:playing truant。学堂里仍在上课,孟轲逃学,溜了出来。所以母亲后面说的那句“你又逃学?”用现在进行时比较好,故译为“So you are playing truant again!”。12


Meng Ke cast a glance at his mother and lowered his head, saying, “I find my lessons dull. I’m going to give up.”【点评】

1. 翻译这句话时要注意,英语两个并列动词要用and之类的连词相连,而不能像汉语那样在中间用逗号,故译文为“Meng Ke cast a glance at his mother and lowered his head, saying ...”

2. 该句译文添加了I find,体现了英文的严谨,区别了哪些是个人看法,哪些是客观真理。


Hearing this, his mother shook with anger. She took a pair of scissors and cut through the silk on the loom. Confounded by his mother’s action, Meng Ke gazed at her in bewilderment, not knowing what to do.【点评】

1. “睁着惊愕的眼睛”也可译作gazed at her with wide open eyes,但不能说with widely open eyes。

2. 这句话里的主语不只一个,但是译文只有一个主语放在主句中,原文的两个小句变为分句,一个过去分词形式置于前面,一个分词短语置于最后,非常符合英语的表达习惯。1


His mother pointed at the loose silk threads, and said with feeling, “Look! With toil, silk is woven thread by thread, and knowledge is accumulated bit by bit. Your giving up school is just like my cutting this bolt of unfinished silk. Such silk is of no use. And how can you be of use when you grow up if you stop studying?”【点评】

1. 注意“语重心长地说”译作said with feeling。

2. 翻译这句话时,给出的译文把“不读书”和“剪断没织成的绸子”这两件事情相比。也可以把人与绸子相比,译作If you give up school, you’ll be just like the silk I have cut, which is useless。

3. 原文这句话前后两部分并无连词相连,而在英语里,只有用了连词if,才能译成一句,译文为“And how can you be of use when you grow up if you stop studying?”。


Hearing this and looking at the severed silk and his heartbroken mother, Meng Ke was conscience-stricken. He realized that his mother was right and he was wrong. He said shamefacedly, “Please pardon me, mother. I’m wrong. I’m determined to overcome this weakness of mine and work hard at my studies.”【点评】

1. 原句主语置于句子最前面,但是英语译文中,句子主语跟句子的重心放在一起,分句提前,这是英汉常见的两种不同表达方法。

2. shamefacedly可以改用ashamedly,但不能用shamefully(表示“可耻”的意思)。

3. 翻译“努力读书学习”时应注意“读书”和“学习”表达一个意思,故统一译为studies。该句译文则译作“work hard at my studies”。1


From that time on Meng Ke was quite another person. He never 2played truant again. Instead, he worked day and night, studying the doctrines of the various schools, and finally became one of the great thinkers of feudal China.【点评】

1. 该句译文为Meng Ke was quite another person,比Meng Ke changed更加贴切,能更好得承接后面的结果。

2. 译文加上了原文没有的instead,更好地体现了英文的逻辑性和句子与句子间的紧密联系。

1.3 课后习题详解

Exercise 1

将下列短文译成汉语:Bill Morrow’s Birthday Party

Several times on his trips to China, which he made as a guest of the Chinese Government, Bill’s birthday occurred while he was in Beijing. On these occasions he was given a dinner in his honour and Premier Zhou Enlai would attend. He remembered the first occasion:

At the hotel I always finished the meal with ice cream and the girls there would laugh because I liked it so much. Zhou Enlai was at my birthday party and at the end he got up, went over to the counter and got an ice cream and he put it down in front of me-this is the Prime Minister you know! He said ‘This is for you’. I said ‘I didn’t know you could speak English’. He laughed and he said ‘a little bit’ measuring with his finger and thumb. Sometimes when we were alone then he’d speak to me in English.‘This is for you,’ Bill Morrow heard on many occasions he would never forget-such as when he was taken in a boat down the Grand Canal and every boat that passed sounded its siren in salutation. Or when he was shown over the great Nanjing bridge, built where the ferries used to carry trains across the Changjiang River. He was given a chair and asked to wait a little as darkness came on, then suddenly the whole bridge was outlined in lights. ‘This is for you.’ ‘You mustn’t use all that electricity to please me,’ he protested, ‘all Nanjing will enjoy it too,’ he was told.

Zhou Enlai arranged for experts from Beijing University to give Bill Morrow some up-to-date information he wanted. “I’m lust an old bum at home,’ Bill said, ‘but here you treat me like a VIP.” ‘We know what you have done,’ said Zhou Enlai.(from Audrey Johnson, Fly a Rebel Flag)【译文】比尔·莫罗的寿宴




Bill Morrow(1888~1980)澳大利亚工党议员,20世纪50年代积极参加和平运动,为改善中澳关系做了大量的工作。

Several times on his trips to China, which he made as a guest of the Chinese Government, Bill’s birthday occurred while he was in 1Beijing. On these occasions he was given a dinner in his honour and 2Premier Zhou Enlai would attend. He remembered the first occasion:【译文】


1. 英语里的被动语态用得很多,汉语有被动式,但用得不多,多用主动句。in one’s honor表示“向……表示敬意或感谢”,原文he was given a dinner in his honour译成了汉语里的主动句,译作“主人总要为他举行宴会”。

2. 原文这句话里没有出现birthday,这是英文为避免重复的表现,但是中文译文加上了“生日”,使内容更完整具体,因为汉语重复相同词汇比较常见。1

At the hotel I always finished the meal with ice cream and the girls there would laugh because I liked it so much. Zhou Enlai was at my birthday party and at the end he got up, went over to the counter and got an ice cream and he put it down in front of me-this is the Prime Minister you know! He said ‘This is for you’. I said ‘I didn’t know you 234could speak English’. He laughed and he said ‘a little bit’ measuring with his finger and thumb. Sometimes when we were alone then he’d speak to me in English.【译文】


1. 这句话如照原文结构,则译作“在饭店里,我总是以冰激凌来结束我的一顿饭”。但原文并不是这样文绉绉的,而是相当口语化的。所以译作“我在饭店吃饭,最后总是吃冰激凌”。

2. 因为比尔不知道周恩来总理会说英语是说这句话之前的状况,比尔说这句话那种状态已成过去,所以原文才用didn’t,但是译文没必要分得那么清楚,译作“没想到您会说英语呀”就把意思给表达得很清楚了。

3. 这句话没有译作“他笑着说……”,因为原文是把“笑和说”作为两件事来描写的,这笑声正好表现周总理爽朗的性格,故译文为“他笑了起来,接着说”。

4. measure一词在这里用得很妙。它的本意是“量/衡量”,在这里的意思是伸出食指和拇指,两个指头靠得很近,表示数量很少。1‘This is for you,’ Bill Morrow heard on many occasions he would never forget-such as when he was taken in a boat down the Grand 2Canal and every boat that passed sounded its siren in salutation. Or when he was shown over the great Nanjing bridge, built where the ferries used to carry trains across the Changjiang River. He was given 3a chair and asked to wait a little as darkness came on, then suddenly 4the whole bridge was outlined in lights. ‘This is for you.’ ‘You mustn’t use all that electricity to please me,’ he protested, ‘all Nanjing will enjoy 5it too,’ he was told.【译文】“这是为您准备的。”这句话,比尔·莫罗在许多难忘的场合听到过——比如在他乘船沿大运河南下的时候,从旁边驶过的每一条船都拉响汽笛,表示敬意。再比如参观南京长江大桥;在修这座桥以前,要靠渡船在这里运送火车过江。参观大桥的时候,天快黑了,人家给了他一把椅子,请他坐下等一会儿。忽然电灯全亮了,照出了整个大桥的轮廓。“这是为您准备的。”他不满地说道:“你们不应该费这么多电,就为了让我高兴。”人家对他说:“南京人都可以欣赏嘛。”【点评】

1. 这句话译作“这是为您准备的”,原文没有“准备”这一词,但是意思包含在for里面了,汉语多用动词。

2. 该短语译为“拉响汽笛,表示敬意”,原文的一个主句动词配上一个介词短语,翻译为中文时变成了两个并列的短语。

3. 这句原文是被动句,但是汉语常用主动句,且译文添加了暗含的主语“人家”。

4. 原句的一句话译成中文时按照事情先后发展顺序变成两个分句,即先是电灯全亮了,然后桥才照出了整个轮廓。

5. 原文的Nanjing实际指的是南京人,所以为了更好地搭配后面的内容,译文为“南京人”。

Zhou Enlai arranged for experts from Beijing University to give Bill 1Morrow some up-to-date information he wanted. “I’m just an old bum 2at home,’ Bill said, ‘but here you treat me like a VIP.” We know what 3you have done,’ said Zhou Enlai.【译文】


1. 注意arrange for sb to do(“安排某人做某事”)中不能少了for。some up-to-date information表示“新情况,新信息”。

2. 这一句话非常口语话,所以译文也要符合原句的风格,译作“我在国内不过是个流浪汉”。

3. 这句话很简单,但若译作“我们知道您的贡献”,或者“我们知道您的功绩”,都显得过于花哨。如译作“我们知道您做过些什么”,又显得过于平淡。句子虽然简单,却很有分量。所以译作“您做过些什么,我们是知道的”更加恰当。Exercise 2




从此以后,我就特别注意聋哑人的特征,还从他们那里学会了一些常用的手语。比如,我可以用哑语问他们:“朋友,您好!”“您到哪里下车?”“您请往里走!”“谢谢”等等。这样,不仅我能更好地为他们服务,与他们进行感情交流,也减少了一些他们与其他乘客的误会和纠纷。(摘自李素丽“我属于乘客”)【译文】How I Serve the Passengersby Li Suli

Once I heard a man politely ask a woman in front of him at the crowded door of the bus, “Are you getting off?” The woman made no response. “Getting off?” he asked again. The woman still made no response. “Getting off, or not?” he shouted, as he was getting impatient, but there was still no response. “Are you deaf, or dumb?” he burst out. Very much irritated, he gave her a slight push, which attracted the attention of other passengers. Also irritated, the woman stared at him and hit back.

At this point, I suddenly remembered that there was a welfare factory on the route of Bus No.60 and that the woman might be a deaf mute from there. I told the man what I was thinking and then I wrote on a slip of paper: “Excuse me, but he wants to get off. He’s asked you several times, but you didn’t seem to hear him. Right?” When I showed it to the woman, she nodded and made way for him.

Since then I have paid special attention to those who look like deaf mutes. I have learned from them some sign language with which I can say such things as “Hello, how are you?” “Where are you going? Please move on! Thanks!” In this way, I can render them better service and be friends with them and also reduce their misunderstandings and conflicts with other passengers.





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