
发布时间:2020-07-13 00:10:16









研究生入学英语考试从题型上来看,完型填空、阅读理解、翻译和写作是四大必考常规题型,但是,深入到每一部分都有内在的花样和复杂性,特别是阅读理解,包括常规考题和新题型两部分。常规阅读包括四篇文章,每篇文章长度约 450 个单词,设计有五道选择题,文章体裁多以论说文为主;且文章所讲述的内容涉及面广,有的是经济类、有的是科技类、有的是文化类,还有一些关于宗教和历史。总之,考研英语阅读的基本特点是:时间紧,阅读量大,内容涉及面广,上下文理解要求高。因此,考生在备考阶段需要有针对性地提高自己的综合能力。首先,考生需要提高阅读速度;其次,考生需要提高准确理解的能力;再次,考生需要针对不同考题进行阅读能力训练;最后,针对不同内容的文章,考生需要进行知识积累,从而总体提升自己的阅读能力。


这本考研英语用书着眼于提高学生的理解能力和阅读速度,考生购买之后可按计划每天一篇,在 15 分钟之内把文章读完、把五道考题做完,只要经过这样的坚持训练,考生的阅读速度和阅读能力一定会得到提升,从而在考试中考出理想的分数。






Passage 1

More than half of the world′s population lives in cities and by 2050 urban dwellers are expected to boom to 66 percent of the total,up from 34 percent in 1960.Urbanization is happening fast and 12 percent are now packed into mega-cities of more than 10 million people.

Photographer Adam Dean captured Beijing′s 46-year-old subway line,which transports 9.7 million daily commuters across 17 lines on 289 miles of track.Dean,who lives in Beijing,said he chose the subway as it′s an attempt to remedy the notorious pollution and traffic problems that regularly choke the city of 11.5 million.

"I rarely use the subway here in Beijing because I tend to cycle most places,so it was interesting for me spending time underground and riding the trains,"said Dean."It is very crowded,especially at rush hour,but a lot of the system is new and fairly well-organized.In some ways,it can be a more pleasant experience than riding on older,more rundown subway systems like in London and New York."

While Beijing's commuters were largely unfazed by Dean′s camera,a Sony A7R that he describes as "discreet",some security guards objected to his shooting in their stations.A simple remedy was at hand:quickly jumping on the subway and riding to other stations.

More than 7,000 miles away,transportation is also a concern for the 10 million residents of Kinshasa,the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo.Enter real-life robocops,8-foot-tall machines that give visual and audible directions for human and vehicular traffic.

Designed and built by Women′s Tech,a company run by local entrepreneur Therese Korongozi,the robots,which can′t catch a break and work 365 days a year,transmit traffic footage back to police headquarters and have been so successful that other countries in the region are looking into employing their own robocops.Crucially,they also don′t take bribes.

Heading north 4,000 miles to London,photographer Abbie Trayler-Smith took to the city′s rooftops to capture the action of urban beekeeping,which is growing in popularity there.Overall in the U.K.there are 44,000 beekeepers helping 274,000 bee colonies produce 6,000 tons of honey.Globally,the number of honeybees is dwindling,but without them humanity would be at risk because they help to produce$30 billion in crops.

"I′m planning on revisiting in the spring when the hives are re-opened,so we′ll see how difficult it is when they′re wide awake and hungry," she said."Capturing the whole operation against an urban backdrop was what I found interesting.Because I only discovered this story as the bees were off for their big sleep,I′m looking forward to returning in the spring and capturing some more of the story."

1.Why did Dean choose the subway since it is very crowded?

[A] Because the system is new and fairly well-organized.

[B] Because he usually cycles to most places instead of using the subway.

[C] Because it can be a more pleasant experience for him.

[D] Because it tries to relieve its pollution and traffic problems.

2.It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that____.

[A] Beijing′s commuters were offended by Dean′s camera

[B] passengers on the subway did not care much about Dean's camera

[C] security guards objected to his shooting in their stations

[D] security guards were cooperative

3.Robocops built by Women's Tech____.

[A] never take bribes

[B] can only give visual directions for human and vehicular traffic

[C] were not successful when used in real life

[D] cannot work constantly for the whole year

4.It can be seen from paragraph 7 that____.

[A] in London,the number of honeybees is dwindling

[B] globally,the number of honeybees is decreasing

[C] honeybees matter not much to humans

[D] urban beekeeping was not popular in London before

5.Which of the following is suggested in the last paragraph?

[A] It won't be difficult to capture honeybees when they′re wide awake and hungry.

[B] Taylor-Smith discovered the story when the honeybees are wide awake and hungry.

[C] Taylor-Smith enjoys capturing the operation against an urban backdrop.

[D] Taylor-Smith has already captured the whole story.




1.[D] 此题属于找原因题。根据关键词“Dean choose the subway”定位到第二段第三行。“as it′s an attempt to remedy the notorious pollution and traffic problems”表明地铁是为了尝试解决污染和交通问题,因此D选项“tries to relieve its pollution and traffic problems”是原文内容的同义替换。

2.[B] 此题属于推断题。根据第四段我们得知,乘客对待拍摄并没有觉得不自在,但一些站台的保安人员却不允许,因此并不是D选项“cooperative”。故B选项“did not care much about Dean’s camera”是原文内容“unfazed by Dean′s camera”的同义替换。

3.[A] 此题属于补充句子题。根据题干定位到第五、六两段,其中第六段最后一句“Crucially,they also don′t take bribes.”表明机器人警察从不受贿,故选A。

4.[B] 此题属于判断正误题。根据第七段第三句中的“Globally,the number of honeybees is dwindling”可以判断B选项“Globally,the number of honeybees is decreasing.”正确。

5.[C] 此题属于细节题。根据Taylor-Smith所说“Capturing the whole operation against an urban backdrop was what I found interesting”可判断C选项“Taylor-Smith enjoys capturing the operation against an urban backdrop.”正确。


1.urbanization n.都市化,城镇化

2.notorious adj.臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的

3.entrepreneur n.企业家

4.dwindle v.逐渐变少或变小

5.hibernation n.冬眠


1.Dean,who lives in Beijing,said he chose the subway as it′s an attempt to remedy the notorious pollution and traffic problems that regularly choke the city of 11.5 million.“Dean”为全句主语,“said”为谓语,“said”后面为省略了“that”的宾语从句。宾语从句中“as”引导原因状语,原因状语中“that”引导定语从句修饰先行词“problems”。


2.Designed and built by Women′s Tech,a company run by local entrepreneur Therese Korongozi,the robots,which can′t catch a break and work 365 days a year,transmit traffic footage back to police headquarters and have been so successful that other countries in the region are looking into employing their own robocops.

全句主语为“the robots”,“Designed and built by Women′s Tech”为非谓语动词修饰主语。“a company run by local entrepreneur Therese Korongozi”是“Women′s Tech”的同位语。“which can′t catch a break and work 365 days a year”为定语从句修饰“the robots”。






在离北京 1 万多公里外的金沙萨——刚果民主共和国的首都,交通对于当地 1000 万居民来说也是一大难题。在这里,用动作和声音对行人及车辆进行指挥的高 2.5 米的机器人警察存在于现实生活中。


摄影师阿比·泰勒·史密斯北行 6000 公里来到伦敦。他爬上屋顶,用相机拍摄养蜂过程。养蜂在这里越来越风行,在英国,总共有 44000 个养蜂人,帮助 274000 个蜜蜂群生产6000吨的蜂蜜。尽管全球的蜜蜂数量在减少,但没有它们人类就会面临危机,因为它们帮助人类生产价值300亿美元的农作物。“当春天到来蜂房打开的时候我打算再到这里来,这样就可以知道当它们百分百清醒而又饥饿的时候进行拍摄有多困难,”她说,“我觉得在城市的大背景下拍摄整个过程十分有趣。我只是在蜜蜂们冬眠的时候发现了这个故事,所以很期待春天时再返回这里拍摄更多精彩的故事。”

Passage 2

Different manifestations of these problems can be seen across the Euro zone.But the country that most dramatically epitomises all these is France.This week its embattled Socialist president,François Hollande,was forced to reshuffle his government to eject Arnaud Montebourg who,despite being economy minister,was his own side's most persistent critic from the left (see article).Mr.Hollande,who came to office in 2012 promising a painless future,is hardly a Thatcherite reformer.But since he appointed Manuel Valls as prime minister in March,he has at least embraced the principle of public-spending cuts,lower taxes and structural reforms.

In theory a new and more cohesive reforming government could make progress,but public opinion is not remotely prepared for that.Mr.Hollande is not just deeply unpopular;unlike Italy's Matteo Renzi,who has bravely made the case for (as yet undelivered) tough reforms,the French president has failed to convince voters that painful change,including a reduction in the size of the state,is inevitable.Instead,Mr.Montebourg and his chums offer the beguiling notion that,if only the Euro zone scraps its rules and allows bigger budget deficits and generous enough public spending,no more painful reforms will be needed,because the economy will miraculously lift itself out of danger by its own bootstraps.

Explore our interactive guide to Europe′s troubled economies.

Mr.Montebourg's argument is all the more seductive because he is right about Europe's third problem:excessive austerity,largely forced on the continent by Germany.Mr.Draghi has just implicitly conceded that fiscal and monetary policy in the Euro zone is too tight at the annual economics jamboree in Jackson Hole.He hinted that he was in favour of quantitative easing,which both America and Britain have used,and he called for fiscal policy to do more to encourage growth—a message plainly aimed at Germany's chancellor,Angela Merkel.She is the leader who insists most firmly on sticking to the Euro zone's rules on fiscal discipline,just as it is the German Bundesbank that is most strongly against quantitative easing.

Angie,we can say you never tried.

Despite the gloom,there should be scope here for a bargain.If Mr.Hollande and Mr.Renzi can show they are sincere about structural reforms,Mrs.Merkel should be willing to tolerate an easier fiscal stance (including higher public investment in Germany) and a looser monetary policy.Close your eyes,and you can imagine the three leaders working with the European Commission to complete the single market and pushing through a trade deal with the United States.Sadly,in the real world,Mrs.Merkel has little reason to trust either France or Italy:whenever external pressure on them has eased,they have promptly backtracked on promises of reform.And she has just installed Jean-Claude Juncker,the do-nothing candidate,as president of the European Commission.

So it will be hard.But without a new push from the continent's leaders,growth will not revive and deflation could take hold.Japan suffered a decade of lost growth in the 1990s,and is still struggling.But,unlike Japan,Europe is not a single cohesive country.If the currency union brings nothing but stagnation,joblessness and deflation,then some people will eventually vote to leave the Euro zone.Thanks to Mr.Draghi's promise to put a floor under government debt,the market risk that financial pressures could trigger a break-up has receded.But the political risk that one or more countries decide to storm out of the single currency is rising all the time.The euro crisis has not gone away;it is just waiting over the horizon.

1.It can be seen from the first paragraph that____.

[A] these problems can only be seen in France

[B] François Hollande took the initiative to reshuffle his government

[C] François Hollande is not a radical reformer

[D] François Hollande has done nothing good since he came to office

2.Which of the following is correct?

[A] The French people believe that the new government could make progress

[B] François Hollande didn't succeed in convincing voters that they must make painful change

[C] If the Euro zone scraps its rules and allows bigger budget deficits and generous enough public spending,no more painful reforms will be needed

[D] The economy can recover from danger by its own bootstraps

3.We can conclude from paragraph 3 that____.

[A] Angela Merkel doesn't render it necessary to stick to the Euro zone's rules on fiscal discipline

[B] according to Mr.Draghi,fiscal and monetary policy in the Euro zone is too tight

[C] Mr.Draghi didn't think quantitative easing is a good way to solve the current problem

[D] the German Bundesbank is in favor of quantitative easing

4.In spite of the gloom,the author holds that____.

[A] solutions still exist

[B] Mrs.Merkel will be willing to tolerate an easier fiscal stance

[C] there is sound reason for Mrs.Merkel to trust France and Italy

[D] Jean-Claude Juncker has done much for the European Commission

5.This passage tells us that____.

[A] the Euro crisis will soon go away

[B] governments can do something for the current crisis

[C] there is a long way to go for the European countries to get rid of the euro crisis

[D] despite the crisis,no country will leave the Euro zone




1.[C] 此题属于细节题。根据第一段第四句中的“Mr.Hollande…is hardly a Thatcherite reformer”可判断C选项“not a radical reformer”是原文内容的同义替换。

2.[B] 此题属于判断正误题。根据第二段第二句中的“the French president has failed to convince voters that painful change…is inevitable”判断,B选项“didn’t succeed in convincing voters that they must make painful change”正确。

3.[B] 此题属于推断题。根据第四段第二句中的“Mr.Draghi has just implicitly conceded that fiscal and monetary policy in the Euro zone is too tight”表明B选项正确。

4.[A] 此题属于观点态度题。第六段首句中的“Despite the gloom,there should be scope here for a bargain”表明仍存在商量的余地,因此A选项“依旧存在解决办法”正确。

5.[C] 此题属于文章主旨题。根据最后一段我们可以看出欧元危机目前尚未退去,但作者并未表明其永远不会得到解决,只不过过程会很漫长且艰难,故C选项符合。


1.manifestation n.表明,现象

2.epitomise v.象征,体现,集中体现

3.austerity n.苛刻

4.backtrack v.放弃

5.stagnation n.停滞


1.This week its embattled Socialist president,François Hollande,was forced to reshuffle his government to eject Arnaud Montebourg who,despite being economy minister,was his own side's most persistent critic from the left.“François Hollande”是主语“its embattled Socialist president”的同位语。“who,despite being economy minister,was his own side’s most persistent critic from the left”为定语从句,修饰先行词“Arnaud Montebourg”。


2.Unlike Italy's Matteo Renzi,who has bravely made the case for (as yet undelivered) tough reforms,the French president has failed to convince voters that painful change,including a reduction in the size of the state,is inevitable.“the French president”为全句主语,“that painful change,including a reduction in the size of the state,is inevitable”为宾语从句。“who has bravely made the case for (as yet undelivered) tough reforms”为定语从句,修饰先行词“Matteo Renzi”。


3.Instead,Mr.Montebourg and his chums offer the beguiling notion that,if only the Euro zone scraps its rules and allows bigger budget deficits and generous enough public spending,no more painful reforms will be needed,because the economy will miraculously lift itself out of danger by its own bootstraps.“Mr.Montebourg and his chums offer the beguiling notion”为全句主干,“that”引导的为同位语从句修饰“notion”。在该同位语从句中“if”引导条件状语从句,而“no more painful reforms will be needed”为该从句的主干,“because”在从句中引导原因状语从句。



在整个欧元区,这些问题都以不同方式体现出来,而问题最突出的国家便是法国。本周,该国四面楚歌的社会党总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德被迫重组其政府——罢免身为经济部长却一直是他自己的左翼阵营中最坚决的批评者阿诺德·蒙特布赫。奥朗德在 2012 年就职时承诺给大家无痛苦的未来,但他绝不是一个撒切尔般的改革者。但自3月曼努埃尔·瓦尔斯被任命为副总理以来,至少他接受了削减公共开支、降低税收及结构性改革的原则。







Passage 3

The immigration offenses being calculated include "illegal entry,illegal reentry,alien smuggling,and visa fraud,"the BJS states.This upswing has contributed significantly to an overall increase in federal arrests.A Pew Research Center analysis of sentencing data suggests that a single immigration offense has fueled the surge in federal prosecutions:unlawful reentry into the United States.Per Pew:

Between 1992 and 2012,the number of offenders sentenced in federal courts more than doubled,rising from 36,564 cases to 75,867.At the same time,the number of unlawful reentry convictions increased 28-fold,from 690 cases in 1992 to 19,463 in 2012.The increase in unlawful reentry convictions alone accounts for nearly half (48%) of the growth in the total number of offenders sentenced in federal courts over the period.By contrast,the second fastest growing type of conviction—for drug offenses—accounted for 22%of the growth...

Analysts interviewed by Newsweek,as well as Pew data,indicate the increase in unlawful reentry prosecutions stems from a shift in Border Patrol policies.Before 2005,authorities often released immigrants caught at the border"without any penalty,"the Pew report points out.They have since ramped up prosecutions under a program named"Operation Streamline."

The BJS report comes amid intensified calls for immigration reform.For advocates,criminalizing these offenses belies President Barack Obama's recent promises to deport"felons,not families."

"They′ve transformed what we′ve traditionally treated as civil offenses—and let′s face it,nonviolent status offenses—into a matter of criminal justice," Mark Fleming,national litigation coordinator for the advocacy group Heartland Alliance's National Immigrant Justice Center,says."It's like the war on drugs in the′80s and′90s when you saw rampant increases in people arrested for possession."

A Department of Homeland Security spokesperson defended the policies,telling Newsweek in a statement:"Criminal federal prosecutions are sought in order to demonstrate that there are serious consequences for those who violate our nation's laws with respect to our borders.Securing our borders is a national security issue.DHS remains focused on smart and effective immigration enforcement which prioritizes the removal of criminals and threats to national security and public safety." Deportations reached an all-time high of 438,421 in fiscal year 2013,according to DHS data.

1.It can be seen from the first paragraph that____.

[A] the immigration offenses being calculated include false visa

[B] the immigration offenses being calculated include legal reentry

[C] immigration offense doesn't have a strong influence on the number of federal prosecutions

[D] immigration offense refers to unlawful reentry into the United States only

2.Which of the following is true?

[A] The increase in unlawful reentry convictions accounts for half of the growth in the total number of offenders from 1992 to 2012.

[B] The third fastest growing type of conviction is drug offenses.

[C] The increase in unlawful reentry convictions accounts for nearly half of the growth in the total number of offenders from 1992 to 2012.

[D] The number of unlawful reentry convictions increased by 28 times from 1992 to 2012.

3.What does "Before 2005,authorities often released immigrants





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