
发布时间:2020-07-13 01:46:53








对于备战英语专业四级考试的考生来说,大量做题无疑是最佳策略,但 2004年考试大纲修改之后的真题还不到十套,如果能有高质量的模拟试题集无疑会给考生带来很大的帮助。《模拟题详解》的出版正是出于这样的考虑。本书包含六套高仿真模拟试题,给考生提供大量的训练机会,从而使考生不仅在语言方面得到提高,还能提高解题能力,达到在考试时应对自如的程度,最终提高考试成绩。本书具有以下特色:一、紧扣考纲,吃透考题


本书的语料和真题一样来源于英美权威报纸杂志,例如阅读理解部分的材料来源包括近两年的 The New York Times,The Washington Post,Reader’s Digest, National Geographic Magazine,The Economist,The Wall Street Journal,Newsweek, The Telegraph、The Independent等,从而保证了文章体裁多样性、时效性和思想性。本书还深入透彻地研究了真题类型,题型不仅包括细节题,还包括了推断题、归纳题、态度题、逻辑衔接题等较难题型。通过大量的练习,考生可以提高题型的解读意识,根据不同题型有针对性地进行解题。三、精心解析,中英对照







Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check your work once more.


In sections A, B, and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two.SECTION A CONVERSATIONS

In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

1. Maradona’s condition can best be described as __________.

A. serious

B. improved well

C. nothing serious

D. cannot be determined from the conversation

2. The two speakers seem to agree on __________.

A. Maradona being a football legend

B. Maradona as a role model

C. Maradona’s performance in 1986

D. Maradona’s drug abuse

3. What is true toward the end of the conversation?

A. The two speakers have almost solved their differences.

B. One speaker is persuaded by the other.

C. The two speakers remain divided in their opinions.

D. The two speakers have broadened their differences.

Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

4. Before going to the camp school, Mike__________ .

A. had no desire for it

B. had done outdoor activities

C. had challenged others to go

D. felt a little scared

5. According to the conversation, Mike was talking about the camping school experiences because__________ .

A. he enjoyed what he had done

B. he still felt uncomfortable about it

C. he wanted to persuade others to go

D. he felt good that the course was over

6. Which of the following best describes the activities?

A. Challenging

B. Boring.

C. Easy.

D. Life-threatening.

7. Mike believes that __________.

A. the course was good for him

B. the course was too dangerous

C. the course was not exciting enough

D. the course should include more activities

Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the

conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

8. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. Cathy met some men on the Internet.

B. Cathy talked a lot with a man before meeting him.

C. Cathy was impressed with the man’s photo.

D. Cathy was reluctant to meet the man at first.

9. Cathy was shocked when she met the man because__________ .

A. she saw the real person

B. the man was dishonest

C. she met a wrong man

D. the man’s voice frightened her

10. What does Cathy think about meeting people in chat rooms?

A. People are willing to reveal their identities.

B. There is no risk involved.

C. It involves too much risk.

D. It is worth trying if handled cautiously.SECTION B PASSAGES

In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the passage.

11. Sylvia Hughes set up the cursive club because __________.

A. it has some practical use

B. cursive handwriting is required in a legal document

C. parents don’t teach as well as she does

D. New Jersey requires cursive handwriting

12. The school does not include cursive handwriting because __________.

A. parents don’t want their kids to learn it

B. kids can learn it on their own

C. the principal is against cursive handwriting

D. there is no room for teaching cursive handwriting

13. According to the news, which of the following is INCORRECT about the Common Core?

A. It requires students to write legibly.

B. It sets learning requirements across the nation.

C. It is adopted by almost all the states.

D. It doesn’t require teaching cursive handwriting in all schools.

14. We can conclude that __________.

A. a mandate for teaching cursive handwriting will be welcomed

B. cursive handwriting will soon be taught in schools

C. cursive handwriting faces strong opposition from parents

D. cursive handwriting is not helpful in developing eye-hand coordination

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now listen to the passage.

15. Real bookworms and human bookworms are similar in that __________.

A. they damage the books

B. they devote most of their time to books

C. they inspire respect in people

D. they are extremely selfish

16. People tend to think of human bookworms as all of the following EXCEPT __________.

A. passive and lazy B. controversial

C. not sociable D. leading boring lives

17. Which of the following is INCORRECT about human bookworms?

A. They are familiar with diverse cultures.

B. They are responsible beings.

C. They are interested in talking to others.

D. They have a wide range of interests.

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now listen to the passage.

18. According to the passage, the advantage of mass advertising is __________.

A. availability of products

B. big demand for products

C. high-quality products

D. wise decision making by consumers

19. Which of the following is a rational buying motive?

A. Wanting to feel good.

B. Getting value for money.

C. Panic buying.

D. Feeling superior to your friends.

20. Companies believe that __________.

A. they should not spend too much money on advertising

B. consumers can make wise purchase decisions

C. their advertising can influence customers

D. their advertising has strong rational appealsSECTION C NEWS BROADCAST

In this section you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

Now listen to the news.

21. For kids across Asia, Guan Tianlang’s play at the Master’s tournament is significant because __________.

A. he will be the youngest player

B. he will compete with Tiger Woods

C. he is likely to reach the world’s No. 1 ranking

D. he will warm them up for the game of golf

22. According to the news, which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. Guan is confident about himself.

B. Guan will play creatively.

C. Guan’s performance has been consistent.

D. Guan has had a remarkable preparation.

Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

Now listen to the news.

23. It can be inferred from the news that __________.

A. Australia does more import business with China than export business

B. the US dollar is no longer important against Chinese yuan

C. converting currencies adds cost to transactions

D. the new currency deal is not likely to help Australia very much

24. Australia has benefited enormously from __________.

A. importing goods from China

B. trading commodities with China

C. exporting natural resources to China

D. converting the Australian dollar to Chinese yuan

Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

Now listen to the news.

25. Where did the storm strike first?

A. The Eastern US.

B. The Gulf of Mexico.

C. The Canadian borders.

D. Some area in Cuba.

26. The storm has resulted in all of the following EXCEPT __________.

A. death and damage

B. disruption of air services

C. destruction of crops

D. relocation of people

Questions 27 and 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

Now listen to the news.

27. For people in the 45-64 age group, the gap in fatigue for women and men is __________.

A. 15 percent vs. 10 percent

B. 16 percent vs. 9 percent

C. 16 percent vs. 12 percent

D. 15 percent vs. 9 percent

28. One reason for women to be more exhausted than men is __________.

A. long working hours for women

B. women waiting longer to have kids

C. women having kids

D. women aging more quickly than men

Questions 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

Now listen to the news.

29. Which of the following is INCORRECT about the new drug?

A. It is more effective.

B. It is the cheapest.

C. It is more convenient to take.

D. It has few side effects.

30. According to the news, South Africa has made tremendous progress in __________.

A. producing more drugs to treat HIV/AIDS patients

B. detecting more HIV/AIDS patients

C. treating more HIV/AIDS patients

D. curing more HIV/AIDS patientsPART Ⅲ CLOZE [5 MIN]

Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two.

In the United States, poorer people tend to be fatter than

rich ones. Around the world, (31)__________ , people in poor

31.A. too

B. hence

C. however

D. especially

countries are skinnier than people in wealthy countries.

“One (32)__________ of that is that the same technological

32. A. cause

B. fact

C. understanding

D. interpretation

differences that (33)__________ higher per capita income in the rich

33. A. induce

B. generate

C. breed

D. invoke

countries (34)__________ make them more sedentary,” says Professor

34. A. also

B. similarly

C. nevertheless

D. yet Philipson, an economist at the University of Chicago. (35)__________

35. A. What

B. When

C. As

D. Once national income rises, so does the average weight, “because those guys are having desk jobs (36)__________ cutting wheat.”

36. A. together with

B. or else

C. but then

D. instead of

The sharp increase in paid labor among women the

last three decades may account (37)__________ the rapid rise in their

37. A. for

B. about

C. of

D. off

weights. Housework, (38)__________ only moderately strenuous,38. A. if

B. as

C. when

D. while

is more physically (39)__________ than sitting at a desk.

39. A. difficult

B. demanding

C. rough

D. awkward

Americans (40)__________ getting fatter because they don’t

40. A. aren’t

B. are

C. all

D. be

know what’s good for them or because they’ve suddenly(41)__________ a taste for fatty foods. Rather, the same

41. A. worked out

B. produced

C. forged

D. developed

economic and technological progress (42)__________ has

42. A. that

B. what

C. which

D. however

produced higher living standards has made work more

sedentary. (43)__________ obesity is an unintended

43. A. Developing

B. Growing

C. Cultivating

D. Unfolding(44)__________ of a more productive economy.

44. A. consequence

B. effect

C. fate

D. ending(45)__________ we really be better off picking cotton

45. A. Should

B. Can

C. Would

D. Must

and cutting wheat (46)__________ hand? We’d be thinner,46. A. with

B. by

C. through

D. on(47)__________ with shor ter, less interesting lives—and a

47. A. but

B. and

C. hence

D. if(48)__________ new collection of physical ailments.

48. A. whole

B. thorough

C. large

D. much

Ame ricans (49)__________ not want to be overweight, but

49. A. should

B. could

C. will

D. may

they prefer it (50)__________ the alternatives.

50. A. for

B. to

C. with


There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two.

51. As boy is to girl, __________is man to woman.

A. what

B. hence

C. so

D. that

52. __________came to us that an earthquake had occurred in Japan.

A. Word

B. The word

C. A word

D. Words

53. Which of the following sentences does NOT have the same meaning?

A. This river is as wide again as that one.

B. This river is twice the width of that one.

C. This river is twice wider than that one.

D. This river doubles the width of that one.

54. Which of the following italicized parts expresses verb-object relation(动宾关系) ?

A. We are anxiously waiting for her arrival.

B. Her appointment came as a surprise to us.

C. Their recommendation helped me a lot.

D. His apartment is on the 6th floor.

55. Which of the following italicized parts expresses negative meaning?

A. He is anything but helpful.

B. The news is nothing if not shocking.

C. There is nothing like having a good night sleep.

D. He is too ready to help.

56. All of the following sentences contain an element of emphasis EXCEPT __________.

A. She is more successful than I thought.

B. She is the last person I want to meet.

C. Never will it happen again.

D. Do give an explanation.

57. The laws of physics, or any other science,__________ , hold for everybody.

A. if anything

B. among other things

C. for that matter

D. for example

58. All of the following are adjectives EXCEPT __________.

A. uniformly

B. prickly

C. curly

D. lonely

59. All of the following words are used in singular forms EXCEPT __________.

A. stationery

B. merchandise

C. weapon

D. livestock

60. “He has gone to America for two years.” The sentence means __________.

A. he is not here for two years

B. he left for America two years ago

C. he stayed in America for two years

D. he has left for America for a two-year stay

61. Which of the following participles can NOT be modified by “very”?

A. a promising student

B. an embarrassing situation

C. a convincing argument

D. welcoming speech

62. Which of the following italicized parts indicates result?

A. He is rude to behave like that.

B. She grew up to be a diplomat.

C. The whole family went to the beach to spend the weekend.

D. There is nothing to worry about.

63. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A. This is the house which he built.

B. This is the room that I was born in.

C. That’s all which I have to say.

D. He is the only person that was on the scene.

64. Which of the following sentences does NOT have subject-predicate inversion(主谓倒装) ?

A. Behind the door she stood, listening attentively.

B. On her left sat the chairman of the company.

C. Many a time have I heard the rumors.

D. Not only was Churchill a statesman, but also a great speaker.

65. All of the following italicized words are attributive nouns EXCEPT __________.

A. killer virus

B. economy class (经济舱 )

C. convenience store

D. importance speech

66. The heating and cooling of space takes the lion’s share of energy consumption in houses. The italicized part means __________.

A. the expensive cost

B. the largest part

C. the neglected area

D. the essential quality

67. The art of pleasing is difficult to acquire because it can hardly be__________ to rules.

A. measured

B. followed

C. applied

D. reduced

68. These accidents are the exceptions rather than the rule. The italicized part means __________.

A. a particular situation

B. a possible situation

C. the normal situation

D. an ideal situation

69. She always greeted me with her__________ smile.

A. inciting

B. stimulating

C. engaging

D. absorbing

70. After his retirement, Brian __________with enthusiasm in the world of charitable activities.

A. fell

B. tumbled

C. dipped

D. plunged

71. The cell phone is slightly soiled from handling, but it is __________perfect in every detail.

A. however

B. anyway

C. somehow

D. otherwise

72. In the book the author makes a convincing __________for market-oriented development policy.

A. case

B. reason

C. account

D. explanation

73. These birds are often seen soaring around lakes and __________on treetops.

A. squatting

B. ascending

C. anchoring

D. perching

74. Well, let me wrap __________what I have been saying so far.


B. on

C. off

D. away

75. Government funding for public health in this __________area is inadequate.

A. heavily

B. woefully

C. enormously

D. conspicuously

76. Evidently the company will not bow to consumer pressure. The italicized part means __________.

A. seemingly

B. sufficiently

C. surely

D. specifically

77. He tried to forget the unpleasant event, but it kept on__________ to him, especially in dreams.

A. repeating

B. referring

C. recurring

D. reporting

78. The refugees caught in the war are in __________danger.

A. solemn

B. grave

C. stern

D. grim

79. Many widely held beliefs about weight loss don’t stand up to scientific __________.

A. exploration

B. inquisition

C. survey

D. scrutiny

80. Refugees are forced into__________ by war, famine, or persecution.

A. runaway

B. flight

C. getaway


In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.

Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two.TEXT A

A growing number of experts are saying that mobile devices just may be the next big breakthrough in public health.

“There is incredible potential for using cell phones and mobile apps to engage people about their health and wellness in a new way—to help them take better care of themselves and especially to manage such chronic conditions as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure,” says Susannah Fox, lead health researcher for the Pew Internet and American Life Project. “In a snap, clinicians can use cell phones to communicate with far-away patients. In an instant, medical information can be relayed out to the field and forwarded to the people who need it. And just as quickly, those people can text back with questions or on-the-ground reports.”

That said, Fox points out that most of us still aren’t capitalizing on all of this potential. According to Pew’s latest data, although 88 percent of Americans have a cell phone and about half of those are smart phones, only 10 percent of us have downloaded health-related apps on those devices, a figure that’s remained stable since 2010.

Nonetheless, these apps continue to proliferate, says Brian Dolan, editor and co-founder of MobiHealthNews. “The growth is amazing, and it continues to accelerate,” he says. “But a persistent trend is that the majority of these apps are focused on tracking fitness or diet—there are two or three new BMI calculators released every month, for example—and far fewer are focused on what most people would consider true health problems, like chronic conditions or chronic condition management.”

What’s more, the quality of apps is uneven and, unfortunately, untested, adds clinical psychologist Lee Ritterband, director of the behavioral health and technology program at the University of Virginia. “The problem is that there are very few apps that have real, solid empirical evidence behind them, or any scientific backing to what they are or what they say they do,” he says.

It can be tough to find good advice on which apps are worth downloading. “Currently, consumers are really on their own when it comes to finding high-quality, worthwhile apps, and it’s mostly trial and error,” Dolan says. “The good news is that, for the most part, the majority of health apps are either free or cost a couple of dollars, so once you have thephone, it’s not that much of an investment to try them out.”





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