
发布时间:2020-07-13 06:39:56
















本书中的例句配有精炼的词汇及语法要点解析,读者可将本书作为商务口语学习教材,集中安排学习时间,逐一掌握每个商务场景中的常用语。同时,本书的多个章节独立性强,方便繁忙的商务人士灵活安排学习时间,任意挑选章节进行学习。书中的例句也可作为句型模板,供读者根据实际情况替换相关信息,满足涉外商务活动应急之需。愿这本多功能的口语书能为广大读者的商务英语学习铺平成功之路!Chapter 1商界大赢家Unit 1企业展示

处于合作初期的企业通常希望了解合作对象的内部体制以及员工状况,并希望进一步了解产品信息。独特的企业文化往往成为吸引合作者的因素。面对客户的需求,你该如何开口与其交流,充分介绍公司的情况并展示公司的优势呢?公司的规模、历史等都可能成为谈话的内容。Topic 1 公司介绍基础句1 We are a large multinational.我们是一家大型跨国公司。2 We're in the telecommunications industry.我们从事电信行业。3 They each have their own territory.他们各有各的责任区域。4 Our company consists of seven departments.我们公司由七个部门组成。5 Our registered capital is RMB 40 million yuan.我们的注册资本为人民币4000万元。6 Our main product is ABC olive oil.我们公司的主要产品是ABC牌橄榄油。7 The most competitive area in our company is the teamwork spirit and creativeness of everyone.我们公司最具竞争力的是员工的团队合作精神和独创能力。词汇加油站multinational 跨国公司telecommunications 电信territory 区域consist of 由……组成registered capital 注册资本competitive 有竞争力的进阶句8 First, I would like to brief you the history of our company.首先,我想为您简要介绍一下我们公司的历史。9 Your firm has a really good reputation in the advertising business.贵公司在广告业内享有盛名。

语句点睛have a good reputation意为“享有盛名”;in the...business指的是“在……行业”。10 We make cell phones and software for telecommunications.我们既生产手机,也制作电信软件。11 Would you like me to go into further details about our company?需要我进一步详述我们公司的情况吗?12 We're looking to start a new partnership with two big companies.我们期望把两家大公司发展成新的合作伙伴。

语句点睛“建立合作关系”的英文表达是start a partnership,此处的start还可以用set up或 establish来代替;另外,“合作关系”还可以说成cooperative relationship,如:“保持合作关系”就可以说成maintain a cooperative relationship。13 Our company, with a total area of 10,000 square meters, is located in Daxing District.我们公司占地1万平方米,坐落在大兴区。

语句点睛be located in意为“坐落于……;位于……”,介绍地点时常用到。介绍地点的常用短语还有:be situated, be seated。提高句14 After 20 years of growth, we have become the world’s largest private employer and retailer.经过20年的发展,我们公司已经成为全球最大的私营雇主和零售商。

语句点睛after...years of growth意为“经过了……年的发展”,此处的growth还可以替换成development。15 We encourage the employees to compete with one another, while maintaining a cooperative relationship among them.我们鼓励员工彼此维系好合作,同时相互竞争。

语句点睛encourage sb. to do sth.的意思是“鼓励某人做某事”;compete with...意为“与……竞争”;“与……合作”则用cooperate with...表达。16 We have about twenty thousand employees worldwide, and we have a turnover of nearly one million pounds.我们在全球大约有2万名员工,销售额近100万英镑。17 We have listed on the New York Stock Exchange three years ago and we have a market capitalization of 90 million dollars presently.我们3年前在纽约股票交易所注册上市,目前市值为9000万美元。

语句点睛“市场资本值”的英文表达为market capitalization;我们常说的“上市公司”可以说成:listed company或public company。18 Well, there are three main divisions and over 40 subsidiaries in our multinational group whose headquarters are in Singapore.嗯,我们这个跨国集团有3个主要机构和40多家子公司,总部设在新加坡。

语句点睛“主要机构”的英文表达为main division;“跨国公司”可说成:multinational group、multinational company或multinational。此外,公司里常见的一些部门的说法有:sales department(销售部)、planning department(企划部)、personnel department(人事部)、finance department(财务部)等。热点话题谈一谈公司新合作伙伴的代表弗雷泽先生来参观考察,副总裁莉萨亲切接待了他并向他介绍了本公司的历史及相关情况,下面是他们的对话内容。

Lisa: Welcome to Tele System, Mr. Fraser, and thank you for sparing the time to visit us.

Mr. Fraser: It is my pleasure. I hope we could take this opportunity to look further into each other and set up a long-term partnership.

Lisa: That's also what we expect. We will do our best to make your visit worthwhile. I think you must have some idea of our company. We are in the telecommunications industry and mainly make cell phones and software for the telecommunications.

Mr. Fraser: How long have you engaged in the industry?

Lisa: Over 30 years. The company was started as an electronic products exporter at the beginning and then transferred into telecommunications business. Now we have become a main manufacturer and exporter in the telecommunications field and our products are gaining popularity in many countries.

Mr. Fraser: I see. I hear that your company has really a good reputation in the telecommunications industry.

Lisa: Yes. You know, we've been in this line for many years, and our prices are competitive comparing with those of the same kind of products on the world market.

Mr. Fraser: I have a feeling that there are bright prospects for us to cooperate after hearing what you've said. I hope we could make a very good start in our cooperation.

Lisa: We share the same desire.对话译文

莉萨:欢迎来到Tele System,弗雷泽先生,感谢您抽空来访。








莉萨:我们也希望如此。Topic 2 业绩描述基础句19 That was true for the last quarter.就上一季度来说,确实如此。20 Go for it!加油!21 These figures are even better than we expected.这些数字比我们预期的还要好。22 I'd like to show you the figures.我想给您看一下数据。23 Most of this drop can be attributed to the recall of the inferior products.这次下滑主要归因于召回劣质产品。24 Products are selling like hot cakes.产品的销路非常好。25 There is an increase of around 7%.增长率在7%左右。词汇加油站quarter 季度would like to 想要……attribute to 归因于……inferior (质量)低的sell/go like hot cakes 卖得好,销路好an increase of ……的增长进阶句26 The decision-maker decided to raise the efficiency greatly and decrease the intensity of labor.决策者决定大大提高工作效率,降低劳动强度。

语句点睛“工作效率”的英文表达是efficiency;“提高工作效率”一般可说成improve / increase / raise efficiency;intensity of labor是固定表达,意思是“劳动强度”。27 Our new products were a hit in both the Beijing and Shanghai markets.我们的新产品在北京和上海这两个市场都非常畅销。

语句点睛hit当名词讲时意思是“成功而风行一时的事物”,在表示某事物受欢迎或畅销时常用到;in...market的意思是“在……市场上”。28 I hope we could open five more branches next year.我希望我们明年能再成立5家分公司。

语句点睛open a branch的意思是“成立分公司”,此处的open可以用set up代替。“分公司”主要有以下几种表达方式:branch、constituent company、subsidiary。29 We started the year out strongly but then took a dive in April and May.我们年初时得了个开门红,但4月和5月则突然开始下滑。

语句点睛start out的意思是“开始”;take a dive的意思是“突然下降”,常用来描述市价等暴跌。30 This pie chart makes it pretty clear where the money in Beijing is.这幅饼形图非常清楚地呈现出北京的哪个区域是主要的财源。31 We outperformed the market from August until December.从8月到12月我们都超越了市场表现。

语句点睛outperform the market的意思是“超越市场表现”,此处的outperform可用surpass代替;from...until...的意思是“从……到……”,多用来表示时间段。提高句32 The sport, recreation and kids lines were steady, with no major changes from 2005.运动、休闲和儿童系列都很稳定,从2005年起没有过重大变化。33 According to the graph, you can see the future growth of our product is positive.根据图表,你可以看到我们产品未来的发展前景是乐观的。

语句点睛according to的意思是“根据”,与之意思相同的常用短语还有:based on、in light of 等。positive的意思是“积极的、正面的”,描述数据时还会用到与之对应的negative(消极的、负面的)。34 As everyone can see, our total revenue for 2009 was significantly over 2008.如各位所见,我们2009年的总收入远高于2008年。

语句点睛“总收入”的英文表达为:total revenue。另外,几种常见的关于收入的表达如下:net revenue(净收入),gross revenue(毛收入),以及annual revenue(年收入)等。35 This chart offers a good look at the performance of all our different lines.这张图表清楚地呈现出了我们各个系列产品的表现。

语句点睛offer a look at...的意思是“展示……”,这里的offer还可以用give或provide代替;当然,也可以用demonstrate或show替换整个短语。36 Even though overall mountain bike sales were flat, the higher per-unit cost of the S1 models pushed up our overall revenue.虽然山地车整体销量平平,但单价较高的S1 车提高了我们的总收入。

语句点睛“提高收入”的英文表达是push up the revenue,此处的push up一般还可以用improve、increase或raise代替;另外,“降低收入”的常用表达是bring down / decrease / lower / reduce the revenue。热点话题谈一谈为了进一步考察合作对象,弗雷泽先生想看一看Tele System公司近几年的业绩资料,下面就是Tele System公司的销售部经理弗兰克·摩根与弗雷泽先生的对话,来看看弗兰克是怎样介绍的吧。

Mr. Fraser: Mr. Morgan, if you don't mind, may I see any information and data concerning your company's business record and standing in the last few years, please?

Frank Morgan: Yes, Mr. Fraser, we have already prepared the relevant information for you. Now let me explain by showing you some graphs. As you can see, this chart offers a good look at the annual sales results of last few years. We have maintained a steady growth since 2005, and we especially made a great success in 2010 with the total revenue over 1 billion yuan.

Mr. Fraser: That's very great! I know that you developed a new type of cell phone last year, how about the sales situation?

Frank Morgan: Well, our new products were a hit in the domestic market. We started the year out strongly and according to the graph, you can see the future growth of the product is positive.

Mr. Fraser: I see. What do you think is the main competitive advantage of the product?

Frank Morgan: Well, I think our product is popular with our customers in that it is superior in quality, attractive in design and reasonable in price.

Mr. Fraser: Since you have achieved a great success in the domestic market, do you have any plan to open the overseas market for the product?

Frank Morgan: Yes, that's what we are doing now. We have conducted a survey in the North American market; it shows that there is enough room for us to get in.对话译文








弗兰克·摩根:是的,我们现在正在着手准备。我们已经在北美市场做了一项调查,结果显示,那儿的市场空间很大。Topic 3 产品演示基础句37 This will work.这样就会奏效。38 This is how you should do it.您应该这么做。39 This looks better.这个看上去好一些。40 First you have to switch on the button.首先,您得打开开关。41 Let me show you.我做给您看。42 The first thing you have to do is to tell the problem to the technicians.您首先要做的事就是把问题告诉技术人员。43 I'll do it my own way.我要用自己的方式做。词汇加油站work 奏效switch 打开(或关掉)开关one's own way (某人)自己的方式进阶句44 This is our best product so far.这是目前我们最好的产品。

语句点睛so far的意思是“迄今为止”,对话中可以用到的同义短语还有:up to now、until now、by now等。45 Could you tell me how to use this machine?您能告诉我怎么用这台机器吗?46 If you have any suggestions about our product, please tell us directly.如果您对我们的产品有任何建议,请直接告诉我们。

语句点睛suggestion的意思是“建议”,这里还可以用advice代替;“对……提出建议”的常用表达是give a suggestion / some advice on...。注意,advice为不可数名词,“一个建议”为a piece of advice。47 All these articles are best selling lines.所有这些都是我们的畅销系列。48 I'd like to give you demonstration of our latest and best selling product.我想给您演示一下我们最新的、最畅销的产品。

语句点睛give sb. demonstration of sth.表示“向某人展示某物”,这里可以直接用demonstrate sth. for sb.或show sb. sth.代替;best selling的意思是“最畅销的”。49 They've met with great favor home and abroad.这些产品在国内外都很受欢迎。

语句点睛meet with favor的意思是“受欢迎”,其他表示受欢迎的常用短语还有:be popular with、gain popularity;home and abroad则表示“在国内外”。50 Right, and it has the call screening function.对,它有来电显示功能。提高句51 When you are going to answer the call, this phone may allow you to identify the caller.当您要接电话时,该机型可以让您知道来电的是谁。

语句点睛answer the call是“接电话”的固定表达,给某人打电话常说成call sb.或give sb. a call。allow sb. to do sth.表示“可以让某人做某事”;identify的意思是“辨认,识别”。52 This new type of telephone utilizes most advanced technology to bring you much convenience in addition to the call screening function.这款新机型除了有来电显示功能,还采用了最先进的技术为您提供很多便利。

语句点睛utilize...to do...的意思是“利用……做……”,此处的utilize还可以用use或apply代替;in addition to的意思是“除……之外”。53 Here you are, and let me show you the actual phone and its unique functions.给您,让我为您展示一下真机以及它的独特功能。54 If you want to go backward again, you can simply switch the lever back to the left side.如果想再向后退,您只要把控制杆扳回左边就可以了。

语句点睛go backward的意思是“向后退”,“向前进”的英文表达是go forward;switch的意思是“切换”。热点话题谈一谈从事生产或出口的公司一般都会设立样品展览室。下图就是弗雷泽先生和Tele System公司研发部经理安德鲁·李在参观样品展览室时,安德鲁演示样品的情景。来看看他们都说了些什么吧。

Andrew Lee: Welcome to our sample room, Mr. Fraser. We've got a large collection of sample cell phones here.

Mr. Fraser: Oh, you have certainly a great variety of products on display.

Andrew Lee: Yes, here's our showroom arranged with a full lineup of our products. And first, I would like to give you demonstration of our latest and best selling product, Modern S-80.

Mr. Fraser: Oh, that is the model I am interested in. I heard that it had met with great favor home and abroad.

Andrew Lee: Yes, it is a hit among the young because of its fashionable design and unique functions.

Mr. Fraser: What kind of unique functions does it have?

Andrew Lee: Well, one of the special features is that it can be used as a walkman music player beyond sending text messages and making calls.

Mr. Fraser: Really? Can you show me an actual phone?

Andrew Lee: Of course. Look, the blue button on it is for the music playing. You can have a try.

Mr. Fraser: Yeah, it sounds quite well.

Andrew Lee: This new type of telephone utilizes the most advanced technology to bring you much convenience in addition to the music playing. For example, it also has the function of taking photos.

Mr. Fraser: I think it is a very good product. Do you have an agent in the South East Asian Market at present?

Andrew Lee: Not yet. If you are interested in the phone, you can have a further talk with Frank, the head of sales.对话译文













安德鲁·李:还没有。如果您对这款手机感兴趣,可以跟销售部经理弗兰克进一步谈谈。Topic 4 产品比较基础句55 Our production costs have gone up.我们的生产成本增加了。56 What's the difference?区别是什么?57 We are comparing apples to apples.我们是在同样的基础上进行比较。58 I'm impressed by your approach to business.你们的经营之道给我留下了很深的印象。59 This is the newest product in our range.这是我们公司最新的一款产品。60 It's less expensive than its biggest competitor.这一产品比它最大的竞争产品要便宜。词汇加油站go up 上升,增加impress 给……留下深刻的印象approach 手段,途径进阶句61 With reference to quality, no one can match us.就质量而言,没有哪一家能和我们比。

语句点睛with reference to的意思是“关于,提到”,还可以用in reference to代替;match的意思是“与……相比”,此处可以用compete with...代替。62 It is sure that the quality is the soul of an enterprise.毫无疑问,质量是一个企业的灵魂。63 Our counterpart always puts quality as the first consideration.我们的对手总是把质量放在第一位。

语句点睛put...as the first consideration表示“把……放在第一位”,此处put可以用take来代替,短语put...in the first place也可以表达相同的意思。64 I hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble.我希望这次参观没有给你们添太多麻烦。

语句点睛cause sb. sth.表示“给某人带来某事”,此处的cause还可以用bring来代替。65 The special feature of this machine is that it folds up easily.这款机器最大的特点就是易于折叠。

语句点睛“特点”的表达是special feature,也可以直接说成specialty;fold up的意思是“折叠”。66 It's also very easy to use and the price is very competitive.它使用简单,价格也很有竞争力。

语句点睛“具有竞争力的价格”的英文表达是competitive price;商务英语中常见的关于价格的表达还包括:reasonable price(合理的价格)、favorable price(优惠的价格)、attractive price(具有吸引力的价格)以及lowest price(最低价格)等。提高句67 It is claimed that all products have to go through five checks in the whole process.据称,所有产品在整个生产过程中得通过五道质检关。

语句点睛go through的意思是“通过”,此处该短语还可以用pass来代替;in the whole process则表示“在整个过程中”。68 As you know, the IM6 which we introduced last year, is very popular with health clubs and commercial users.如您所知,我们去年推出的IM6很受健身俱乐部和商业用户的欢迎。

语句点睛as you know意为“如您所知”,与之近义的常用表达还有:as is known to all、as everyone knows、it is well known that...。69 It's easy to fold up and roll away for storage, but it has the stability of our bigger, heavier rowing machines.它很容易折叠存放,而且稳定性跟我们更大、更重的滚压机产品一样好。70 It has a modern design, a nice leather seat and a three-window display meter to measure time, speed and distance.它设计时尚,配有优质皮座椅,还有三个窗体显示仪表,分别用来测量时间、速度和距离。热点话题谈一谈弗雷泽先生参观的最后一天,总裁琼斯先生亲切地接待了他。弗雷泽先生表达了他对Tele System公司产品的看法,并肯定了Tele System公司的产品和其他同类产品相比的优势,还对两家公司的合作前景进行了展望。

Mr. Fraser: Mr. Jones, thank you for treating me so well, I hope my visit doesn't cause you too much trouble.

Mr. Jones: You're welcome. Mr. Fraser, it is really our honor to have you visit us. Well, Mr. Fraser, if you don't mind, can you tell me what your impression on our company and products is after the three-day visit?

Mr. Fraser: I think your company is very promising. I'm impressed by your approach to business. Besides, you have many competitive products with high quality and low price.

Mr. Jones: Yes, we have the confidence that no one can match us so far as quality is concerned. We have been sparing no pains to improve the quality of our goods and keep the prices in a competitive position.

Mr. Fraser: I see. And you have also devoted yourself to developing high-tech cell phones. I'm very interested in your latest product, Modern S-80.

Mr. Jones: You know, there is a hotter competition in the cell phone market nowadays. What we have to do is to develop more competitive products to win the market. Compared to other cell phones, Modern S-80 utilizes the newest high-tech to enhance the entertainment functions.

Mr. Fraser: There is no doubt that it is very popular with the young people.

Mr. Jones: Yes, and we have gained a lot from the model. Since it entered the market, our total sales volume has been up by almost 40%.

Mr. Fraser: It is really a big success. And I believe it will also command a ready sale in our market. I'm sure we will have a bright cooperation future after visiting you. And I sincerely invite you to visit our company next time.

Mr. Jones: Ok, if possible, I will.对话译文










琼斯先生:好,如果可以的话,我一定去。Unit 2商务战略

企业的核心问题是战略问题,正确的战略是企业求得生存和不断发展的有力保证。影响企业战略制订的因素有很多:市场反响、市场现状、市场趋势等都是需要考虑的重要内容。在与制订商务战略相关的各类场景中,有哪些常用的英文表达方式呢?Topic 1 市场调查基础句71 How's the new line of watches doing?新系列手表的情况如何?72 They're on fire.它们卖得很火。73 We've already increased production.我们已经增加产量了。74 We should wait to see the market response.我们应该等着看看市场反响。75 The market is in chaos for the time being.目前的市场很混乱。76 I strongly oppose this marketing policy.我强烈反对这项市场策略。77 We think the primary reason for this was the cheap price.我们认为造成这一情况的主要原因是价格低。词汇加油站line 系列on fire 卖得好的production 产量market response 市场反响in chaos 处于混乱之中的oppose 反对primary 主要的进阶句78 I have some ideas myself that I will bring to share.我个人也有一些想法,我会再跟您讨论。79 The market for herbal supplements in the US could be huge.美国的草药营养品市场潜力很大。

语句点睛“市场潜力大”可以表达为the market could be huge,这里的huge也可用promising(有前途的、有希望的)代替。80 To draw up a tentative plan is extremely urgent.草拟一个临时方案迫在眉睫。

语句点睛draw up a plan意为“拟订计划”,此处draw up可以用frame或make代替。81 Do you have the details about our sponsorship with Tommy?你有我们赞助汤米一事的详细资料吗?82 I'm afraid this marketing research wasn't done considerately.恐怕这次市场调查做得并不是很周全。

语句点睛“市场调查”的英文表达是marketing research。在公司里,市场调研工作及营销战略的制订一般由marketing department(市场营销部)负责。83 We will adopt Alice's proposal in our marketing strategy this season.我们会采纳艾丽斯对本季度市场策略的提议。

语句点睛“采纳某人的提议”可以表达成adopt one's proposal,也可以用take one's suggestion;“营销策略”的英文表达是marketing strategy。几种常见的市场策略的说法如下:penetration strategy(渗透战略)、odd pricing strategy(余/奇数定价战略)、price lining strategy(分类定价策略)。提高句84 Since our new products went on the market, the total sales volume has almost increased 30%.我们的新产品上市以来,总销售量上扬了近30%。

语句点睛go on the market意为“上市”,也可以用enter the market来表达同样的意思;total sales volume就是常说的“总销售量”。85 I think we should conduct some market research before discussing these topics.我认为我们应该在讨论这些议题之前先进行市场调查。

语句点睛conduct a market research的意思是“进行市场调查”,此处的conduct还可以替换成do或carry out。86 We made a survey in cooperation with a famous website, which showed that more than 80% young people in universities were interested in exercise.我们和一家知名网站合作进行的一项调查显示,大学里超过80%的年轻人对运动感兴趣。

语句点睛in cooperation with...的意思是“与……合作”,此处还可以替换成together with...;“建立合作关系”可以说成set up / establish a





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