
发布时间:2020-07-13 09:07:52







第一部分 真题精选


Part I


A. Listen to the following passage and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, tick the circle of “True” on the answer sheet if you think the statement is true, or tick the circle for “False” if it is false. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, with 1 point each. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this part.

1.The black people did not vote in America in 1941.

〇 True

〇 False

2.When Henry turned twenty-one, he drove to the courthouse to vote.

〇 True

〇 False

3.The registrar had decided not to enter the black people’s names in the voting book.

〇 True

〇 False

4.In order to register, people had to understand the Constitution of the United States.

〇 True

〇 False

5.According to the passage, only literate people could vote.

〇 True

〇 False

6.Henry was the first black person to vote in his county.

〇 True

〇 False

7.Henry’s father and five other black people were also registered to vote that night.

〇 True

〇 False

8.The next day the clerk refused to register the people Henry brought in because they were not able to read.

〇 True

〇 False

9.Not all the white people coming to register could read.

〇 True

〇 False

10.Henry finally managed to get all the black people in his county registered.

〇 True

〇 False【参考答案及解析】

1.False  理解推断题。录音中提到“When Henry turned twenty-one,he was legally allowed to vote, but in Davidson County in l941,blacks could not vote.”,意思是:当亨利满21岁时,从法律上他有权参加选举。但是1941年在戴维逊郡,黑人还是不能参加选举。题干所表述的内容不符合原文意思,根据原文不能推断出l941年在美国黑人没有选举权。

2.False  细节信息题。录音中提到“One night,after he had turned twenty-one,Henry put his father and five other people in his father’s Model A Ford and drove to the house of the voting registrar.”,意思是:在他满21岁后,一天晚上,亨利开着父亲的福特A型车,载着父亲和其它五个人,驱车来到了选举登记员的家里。理解the house of the voting registrar是本题的解题关键,意思是“选举登记员的家中”。题干中描述的是亨利驾车到了法院参与选举与此不符。

3.True  理解推断题。录音中提到“The registrar was prepared for this. He said the literacy regulation required that Henry be able to read the Constitution of the United States….Henry picked it up and read it. The registrar looked at Henry and realized he had no choice.”,意思是:登记员对此早就作了准备,他说读写能力规则要求亨利必须能读懂美国的宪法……亨利拿起就读。登记员看着亨利,意识到他已别无选择。由此可以推断出登记员本来是决定不把黑人的名字加入选举名单的,但亨利符合条件,所以他也没有办法。题干使用的时态是过去完成时,表示过去的打算,因此是正确的。

4.True  虚拟语气题。录音中提到“He said the literacy regulation required that Henry be able to read the Constitution of the United States.”,意思是:他(登记员)说读写能力规则要求亨利必须能够读懂美国的宪法。本句中是虚拟语气,省略了情态动词should,表示应具有的能力,因此题干的表达是正确的。

5.True  理解推断题。录音中多处提到了这样的信息,如“I believe you ought to register these folks. They’re able to read. Not all of your folks coming in here can read.”, 意思是:我认为你应该为这些人注册登记,他们都能够阅读。并不是所有到这儿来的白人都能够阅读。由此可以推断出,只有有读写能力的人才能取得选举权,题干的表达是正确的。

6.False  细节信息题。录音中提到“He was the first black to register in the county.”,意思是:在这个郡,他是第一个注册登记选举权的黑人。原文并没有提到题干所描述的“亨利是这个郡第一个投票的黑人”,因此本题是错误的。

7.True  理解推断题。录音中提到“The second was his father,because Henry would not leave until his father’s name,and the names of the five others,were put in the book.”,意思是:第二个是他的父亲,因为只有他父亲的名字和其他五个人的名字被登记在册后,他才会离开。由此可以推断出,那一晚亨利的父亲和其他五个人也都注册了投票选举权,因此题干的表达是正确的。

8.False  理解推断题。录音中提到“…Henry brought more people to the courthouse,where he faced a different clerk who refused to register the people. Henry told him,‘I believe you ought to register these folks. They’re able to read. Not all of your folks coming in here can read.’”,意思是:亨利带了更多的人到法院,他见到了一个不同的职员拒绝为这些人注册。亨利告诉他“我认为你应当为这些人注册登记,他们都能够阅读。并不是所有到这儿来的白人都可以阅读”。由此可以推断出,亨利带来的人是会阅读的,而且登记员是不能拒绝会读写能力的人进行登记的,因此题干的表达是错误的。

9.True  理解推断题。录音中提到“Not all of your folks coming in here can read.”,意思是:并不是所有到这儿来的白人都能够阅读。理解your folks是本题的解题关键,而且your folks指的就是和登记员他们一类的歧视黑人的人,也即是白人。由此可以推断出题干的表达是正确的。

10.False  理解推断题。录音中提到“Henry got the people registered.”,意思是:亨利使这些人都登记注册了。这些人指的是亨利带去注册的人,而题干将原文的所指范围扩大到了整个郡的黑人,因此是错误的。【录音原文】

When Henry turned twenty-one, he was legally allowed to vote, but in Davidson County in 1941, blacks could not vote. One night, after he had turned twenty-one, Henry put his father and five other people in his father’s Model A Ford and drove to the house of the voting registrar. He said they were there to put their names in the voting book. The registrar was prepared for this. He said the literacy regulation required that Henry be able to read the Constitution of the United States. He placed a copy on the table. Henry picked it up and read it. The registrar looked at Henry and realized he had no choice. He entered Henry’s name in the book. He was the first black to register in the county. The second was his father, because Henry would not leave until his father’s name, and the names of the five others, were put in the book. That was not enough.

The next day Henry brought more people to the courthouse, where he faced a different clerk who refused to register the people. Henry told him, “I believe you ought to register these folks. They’re able to read. Not all of your folks coming in here can read.” For the first time the county government encountered a man who would not budge from his belief in his rights. Henry got the people registered.

B. Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement by ticking the corresponding circle. There are 10 questions in this part of the test, 1 point for each question. You will hear the statement only once.

11.What does the speaker mean?

A. He usually starts working without breakfast.

B. He likes to eat a lot for breakfast.

C. He doesn’t eat a lot for breakfast.

D. He prefers something else in the morning to a big breakfast.【答案】B【解析】比较结构题。录音中提到“There is nothing I like better to get me started in the morning than a big breakfast.”,此句中出现了nothing better than结构,这是个特殊比较结构,用的虽是比较级但表达最高级的含义,意为“没有比……更好的了”。此句的意思是:没有什么比一顿丰盛的早餐,更能让我有良好开端的。由此可以推断出他喜欢丰盛的早餐,因此答案为B。A项意思是“他经常不吃早餐就开始工作”;C项意思是“他早餐吃得不多”;D项意思是“比起丰盛的早餐,他早上更喜欢别的东西”。【录音原文】

There is nothing I like better to get me started in the morning than a big breakfast.

12.What is the speaker’s problem?

A. He knows nothing about engineering.

B. He wants to postpone the presentation.

C. He never spoke to high school students before.

D. He is not yet ready for the presentation.【答案】D【解析】理解推断题。录音中提到“I am speaking to a group of high school students about engineering this afternoon. But I have no idea how I am going to simplify some of the concepts for them.”,意思是:今天下午我要给一群高中生就工程学的内容做演讲。但是我不知道如何为他们简化一些概念。由此可知说话者还没有为演讲做好准备,因此答案为D。A项意思是“他对于工程学一无所知”;B项意思是“他想要把演讲往后推迟”;C项意思是“他以前从来没有给高中生做过讲演”。【录音原文】

I am speaking to a group of high school students about engineering this afternoon. But I have no idea how I am going to simplify some of the concepts for them.

13.Why will the speaker make the call?

A. Because he will let the other person know about the assignment.

B. Because he needs to talk to somebody.

C. Because he can’t talk about the assignment now.

D. Because he wants to know about the assignment.【答案】A【解析】原因结果题。录音中提到“I don’t remember the assignment off hand, but I’ve got it written down at home. How about if I call you tonight?”,意思是:我现在不记得作业,但是我在家里写下来了。我晚上给你打电话怎么样?题干的问题是“说话者为什么要打电话”,由此可知是为了告诉别人作业是什么,因此答案为A。选项B、C、D的表述都不全面。【录音原文】

I don’t remember the assignment off hand, but I’ve got it written down at home. How about if I call you tonight?

14.Which of the following statements is true about Sara?

A. She rarely makes mistakes.

B. She makes known what she thinks.

C. She has many original ideas.

D. She doesn’t like to express her opinions.【答案】B【解析】是非判断题。录音中提到“You know Sara. If she has an opinion,everyone has got to know it.”,意思是:你知道萨拉的,一旦她有了个想法,每个人就都会知道的。所以只有B选项的表述是正确的,即“她让别人知道她的想法”。【录音原文】

You know Sara. If she has an opinion, everyone has got to know it.

15.What did Dave do?

A. He lost his temper for no reason at all.

B. He left without saying a word.

C. He suddenly slipped and fell.

D. He suddenly fainted.【答案】A【解析】同义替换题。录音中提到“What’s wrong with Dave today? He snapped for no reason.”,意思是:今天戴夫怎么了?他无缘无故地大发脾气。理解snap的意思是本题的解题关键。此处snap指恶声恶气地说;声色俱厉地说。因此A选项的lose his temper(发脾气)与原句中的snap意思接近,可以进行替换。所以答案为A。【录音原文】

What’s wrong with Dave today? He snapped for no reason.

16.According to the speaker, why did he fail to catch the point?

A. Because he was away for a while.

B. Because he simply couldn’t understand.

C. Because he was thinking about something else.

D. Because he fell asleep.【答案】D【解析】固定搭配题。录音中提到“I didn’t catch that point. I must have dozed off for a minute.”,译文为:我没听清这一点,我一定是打了一会儿瞌睡。理解doze off是本题的解题关键。doze off是固定搭配,意为“打瞌睡”,因此答案为D。【录音原文】

I didn’t catch that point. I must have dozed off for a minute.

17.What will the speaker probably do?

A. He will refuse to work overtime.

B. He will quit this job.

C. He will probably say yes to his boss and work overtime.

D. He will have to give up his studies.【答案】C【解析】理解推断题。录音中提到“My boss keeps asking me to work overtime but I always say no because I don’t want to jeopardize my studies. But I’m starting to waver.”,意思是:老板一直让我加班,但我总说不行因为我不想影响我的学业。但我现在开始动摇了。由此可知,说话者的态度开始动摇,也即是说他或许要同意老板的安排,加班工作。因此答案为C。【录音原文】

My boss keeps asking me to work overtime but I always say no because I don’t want to jeopardize my studies. But I’m starting to waver.

18.Which of the following is true about the picture?

A. It doesn’t cost much.

B. It would not be good enough for “my” room.

C. It costs about 30 dollars.

D. It is very famous.【答案】A【解析】是非判断题。录音中提到“This painting would go great with my room,but they want 30 dollars for it and it’s probably mostly for the frame.”,意思是:这幅画和我的房间很相称。但是他们为此要价30美元,这个价钱或许还主要是框架的价钱。由此可知这幅画本身不会花费太多的钱,因此答案为A。【录音原文】

This painting would go great with my room, but they want 30 dollars for it and it’s probably mostly for the frame.

19.What does the speaker think of Kevin’s haircut?

A. He doesn’t like Kevin’s haircut.

B. Kevin often gets strange haircuts.

C. He wants a haircut like Kevin’s.

D. Kevin’s haircut looks good.【答案】D【解析】理解推断题。录音中提到“Kevin’s new haircut really complements his beard.”,意思是:凯文的新发型和他的胡须真的很配。理解complement的意思是本题解题的关键,complement意思为“补足;与…相辅相成”,由此可知说话者认为凯文的新发型看起来还不错,因此答案为D。【录音原文】

Kevin’s new haircut really complements his beard.

20.What does the speaker say about the international festival?

A. It won’t be held.

B. It will be delayed.

C. The proposal is groundless.

D. It will definitely be held outdoors.【答案】A【解析】固定搭配题。录音中提到“Do you remember that proposal for an international festival next spring? I don’t think there is any chance it’ll ever get off the ground.”,意思是:你还记得明年春天举行国际节的那个提议吗?我认为这项提议没有任何可能付诸实施。理解这句话中的两个固定搭配是解题的关键:there isn’t any chance意为“没有任何机会”;get off the ground意为“使……开始”。所以选A。【录音原文】

Do you remember that proposal for an international festival next spring? I don’t think there is any chance it’ll ever get off the ground.

Part II


Listen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by ticking the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 3 passages in this part, each with 5 questions. And each question carries 2 points. You will hear the passages only once. At the end of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions.

Passage One

21.What is this talk mainly about?

A. How historical events affected an art movement.

B. How artists can influence economic conditions.

C. Why a certain art movement failed to become popular.

D. How valuable paintings were lost during wartime.

22.What does the speaker say about the artists in the United States during the Great Depression?

A. Many artists lost faith in the value of art.

B. Many artists were forced to take jobs in other fields.

C. Many artists moved away from large cities.

D. Many artists in the United States moved to other countries.

23.What kind of scene might be shown in a typical regionalist painting?

A. People working in a large factory.

B. People walking on crowded city streets.

C. An everyday activity in a small town.

D. A well-known historical event.

24.Why did regionalism become so popular in the U.S. during the Great Depression?

A. Because the paintings sold very well.

B. Because it helped strengthen people’s faith in their country.

C. Because people liked to live in the country at that time.

D. Because it helped recover the economy.

25.According to the speaker, what happened in the U.S. in the 1940s around the time of the Second World War that affected the popularity of the regionalist art?

A. The populations of small towns increased rapidly.

B. Art critics in cities began to take notice of regionalism.

C. Some regionalist painters began a new art movement.

D. Society became more internationally focused.【参考答案及解析】

21.A  主旨大意题。文章的首句或者最后一句通常是主旨句,本文的第一句话就是主旨句。文章第一句话为“One important thing about art movements is that their popularity can be affected by social conditions,which are themselves often affected by historical events.”,意思是:关于艺术运动一件重要的事情就是社会环境影响它的普及,而社会环境本身又常常受到历史事件的影响。总的来说,这篇文章应主要讲历史事件如何影响艺术运动的,因此答案为A。

22.C  是非判断题。录音中提到“…many artists who had been living in big cities were forced by the economic crisis to leave those big cities and move back to their small towns in rural America.”,意思是:……许多原来住在大城市的艺术家迫于经济危机的压力,离开了大城市,回到了美国乡村的小城镇。因此对美国大萧条时期的艺术家的描述正确的是选项C,即“许多艺术家搬离了大城市”。A项意为“许多艺术家对艺术价值丧失了信心”;B项意为“许多艺术家被迫从事其它领域的工作”;D项意为“许多美国的艺术家搬到了其它国家”。

23.C  细节信息题。录音中提到“They created things from everyday life in small towns or farming areas.”,意思是:他们的创作来源于小城镇或乡村地区的日常生活。因此典型的具有地方色彩的绘画会展示小城镇的日常生活,选项C正确。

24.B  原因结果题。录音中提到“And this style became very popular,in part because of the economic conditions of the time…So the movement helped strengthen people’s faith in their country, faith that had weakened as the result of the Depression.”,意思是:这种风格变得很流行,部分原因是因为当时的经济状况,……因此该运动巩固了人们对国家的信念,那些因为大萧条而削弱的信念。因此地方主义艺术在大萧条时期在美国如此流行的原因是选项B的内容。

25.D  细节信息题。录音中提到“But in the 1940’s,…American society began to take on a much more international spirit,and Regionalism, with its focus on small town life, lost a lot of popularity.”,意思是:但是在20世纪40年代,……美国社会开始呈现越多的国际精神,于是强调小镇生活的地方主义不再流行。因此答案为D。【录音原文】

One important thing about art movements is that their popularity can be affected by social conditions, which are themselves often affected by historical events. As an example, look at what happened in the United States early in the 20th century, around the time of the Great Depression. The art movement known as the Regionalism had begun in the United States even before the Depression occurred. But it really flourished in the 1930’s, during the Depression years. Why? Well, many artists who had been living in big cities were forced by the economic crisis to leave those big cities and move back to their small towns in rural America. Some of these artists came to truly embrace the life in small towns and to eject city life in so-called “sophisticated society.” These artists, or more specifically, certain painters, really built the regionalist movement. They created things from everyday life in small towns or farming areas. And they depicted the really big glorified or romanticized country life, showing it as stable, wholesome, and embodying important American traditions. And this style became very popular, in part because of the economic conditions of the time. You see, the Depression had caused many Americans to begin to doubt their society. But regionalist artists painted scenes that glorified American values, scenes that many Americans could easily identify with. So the movement helped strengthen people’s faith in their country, faith that had weakened as the result of the Depression. But in the 1940’s, before and after the Second World War, American society began to take on a much more international spirit, and Regionalism, with its focus on small town life, lost a lot of popularity.

Passage Two

26.According to the passage, how many universities in the United States took part in the study?

A. Four.

B. Three.

C. Five.

D. Six.

27.Why does a lack of sleep cause people to gain weight?

A. Because people bum fewer calories when they are awake.

B. Because people feel hungry when they lack sleep.

C. Because their hormones stay unchanged.

D. Because people don’t exercise when they don’t have enough sleep.

28.According to the passage, what is NOT true about the first study?

A. More than 1,000 people took part in the study.

B. People who slept less had higher blood levels of ghrelin.

C. People who slept more had higher blood levels of leptin.

D. The amount of exercise can influence the result of the study.

29.What is the best amount of sleep for weight control?

A. 8 hours a night.

B. 7.7 hours a night.

C. 7 hours a night.

D. 9 hours a night.

30.Two groups of people are compared in the third study. They are people _____.

A. with less than 5 hours of sleep a night and with 7 to 9 hours of sleep

B. who slept 4 hours a night and who slept 4 hours for 2 nights

C. with less than 4 hours of sleep a night and with 7 to 9 hours of sleep

D. with less than 5 hours of sleep a night and with 8 hours of sleep【参考答案及解析】

26.A  归纳总结题。录音中提到的大学有:Stanford University, University of Wisconsin, University of Chicago, Columbia University。所以美国有四所大学参与了该项研究。

27.B  原因结果题。录音中提到“Researchers say a lack of sleep can produce hormonal changes that increase feelings of hunger.”,意思是:研究人员说缺乏睡眠会导致激素变化,这种变化会增加饥饿感。由此可以推断出缺乏睡眠会导致人们体重增加的原因是“因为人们缺乏睡眠时会感到饥饿”,所以选C。A项意为“因为在清醒的时候燃烧较少的卡路里”;C项意为“因为他们的激素保持不变”;D项意为“因为人们睡眠不充足时不进行运动”。

28.D  是非判断题。录音中提到“researchers…examined information on more than one thousand people.”,意思是:研究人员调查了l,000多人的信息。因此选项A“1,000多人参与了该研究”是正确的。关于第一次研究,录音中还提到“Some people slept less than five hours a night. They had fifteen percent higher blood levels of a hormone called ghrelin than people who slept eight hours.”,意思是:一些人一个晚上睡觉不超过五个小时。他们的一种叫做胃饥饿素的激素的血压会比睡眠为八小时的人高出15%。所以选项B“睡眠较少的人的胃饥饿素的血压高”是正确的。录音中提到“they had fifteen percent less of the hormone leptin.”,意思是:他们(指睡眠较少的人)的激素——瘦素要低15%。由此可以推断“睡眠较多的人瘦素的血压高”,所以选项C正确。录音中提到“The results were not affected by how much people exercised.”,意思是:人们的运动量并不影响结果。所以选项D“运动量能够影响研究的结果”是错误的。

29.B  数字信息题。录音中提到“Researchers found that the best amount of sleep for weight control is seven-point-seven hours a night.”,意思是:研究人员发现控制体重需要的最佳睡眠量为一个晚上7.7个小时。因此答案为B。

30.C  细节信息题。根据原文可知,来自哥伦比亚大学的研究人员做了第三项研究。“They found that people who got less than four hours of sleep a night…This was compared to people with seven to nine hours of sleep.”,意思是:他们发现一个晚上睡眠不超过4小时的人……。这是和睡眠为7到9小时的人进行了比较。由此可知这两组人分别是睡眠少于4小时的人和睡眠为7到9小时的人,因此答案为C。【录音原文】

There are new findings that people with inadequate sleep are likely to gain weight. Researchers say a lack of sleep can produce hormonal changes that increase feelings of hunger. In one study, researchers from Stanford University in California and the University of Wisconsin examined information on more than one thousand people. The people had taken part in a long-term study of sleep disorders.

Some people slept less than five hours a night. They had fifteen percent higher blood levels of a hormone called ghrelin than people who slept eight hours. And they had fifteen percent less of the hormone leptin. Experts say ghrelin helps make people feel hungry; leptin makes you feel full.

The results were not affected by how much people exercised. People who are awake longer have more time to burn energy. But the researchers say loss of sleep may increase hunger especially for high-calorie foods, so people gain weight.

Researchers found that the best amount of sleep for weight control is seven-point-seven hours a night.

Researchers at the University of Chicago did a smaller study. They found that people who slept just four hours a night for two nights had an eighteen percent reduction in leptin. And they had a twenty-eight percent increase in ghrelin. The young men in that study also appeared to want more sweet and starchy foods.

Researchers from Columbia University in New York did a third study. They found that people who got less than four hours of sleep a night were seventy-three percent more likely to be overweight. This was compared to people with seven to nine hours of sleep. The researchers say that for survival, the body may be designed to store more fat during times with less sleep.

Passage Three

31.How much was the net income at Sony Ericsson in 2004?

A. 55 million euros.

B. 43 million euros.

C. 45 million euros.

D. 44 million euros.

32.To whom did Sony Ericsson lose its position as the world’s fifth-biggest handset maker?

A. Nokia.

B. Motorola.

C. LG Electronics.

D. An Asian manufacturer.





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