
发布时间:2020-07-13 15:14:14









Directions: There are 20 items in this part. Each item has a word or a phrase underlined. Choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.

1. Some children display an unquenchable curiosity about every new thing they encounter.

A. inherent

B. incredible

C. insatiable

D. indiscriminate【答案】C【解析】句意:一些孩子们通常对遇到的事物充满着难以满足的好奇心。unquenchable不能熄灭的,难以满足的。insatiable不知足的,贪得无厌的。inherent固有的,内在的。incredible难以置信的,惊人的。indiscriminate任意的,无差别的。故答案选C。

2. In retrospect, I think she has made the right decision.

A. In general

B. All things considered

C. Looking back

D. In spite of everything【答案】C【解析】句意:回顾过去,我觉得她的决定是正确的。in retrospect回顾,回首往事。look back回首,回顾往事。in general总体来说。all things considered从整体来看。in spite of everything终究,毕竟。故答案选C。

3. The art students were captivated by the sheer beauty of the portrait which hung before them.

A. enthralled

B. shocked

C. stimulated

D. entrenched【答案】A【解析】句意:艺术生们被挂在他们面前的肖像画的美感迷住了。captivated神魂颠倒的,着迷的。enthralled被迷住的,如醉如痴。shocked震惊的。stimulated受刺激的。entrenched根深蒂固的,确立的。故答案选A。

4. The criminal insinuated that he had been roughly treated by the arresting officer.

A. stated flatly

B. argued convincingly

C. denied positively

D. suggested indirectly【答案】D【解析】句意:罪犯暗示他受到了逮捕他的官员的粗暴对待。insinuate暗示,影射。suggest indirectly间接指出。state flatly直接表达。argue convincingly令人信服地辩论。deny positively绝对否认。故答案选D。

5. The movie critic said that Airplane, a parody of disaster movies, was hilarious.

A. realistic

B. funny

C. suspenseful

D. very tragic【答案】B【解析】句意:影评人表示模仿灾难片的电影《空前绝后满天飞》十分搞笑。hilarious令人捧腹的。funny好笑的。realistic现实的。suspenseful悬疑的,紧张的。very tragic悲伤的。故答案选B。

6. American steel production increased phenomenally right after 1900, from 10 to 25 million tons.

A. unexpectedly

B. consistently

C. successfully

D. extraordinarily【答案】D【解析】句意:1990年之后,美国钢铁产量显著地从1000万吨增长到了2500万吨。phenomenally现象级别地,非凡地。extraordinarily非凡地,特别地。unexpectedly出乎意料地。consistently连续地。successfully成功地。故答案选D。

7. Early presidential inaugurations were marked by less in the way of fanfare than those of today.

A. spectacular display

B. press coverage

C. security precautions

D. special dinners【答案】A【解析】句意:与今日相比,早期的总统就职典礼的宣传比较低调。fanfare热热闹闹地宣布;炫耀。spectacular display盛况。press coverage新闻报道。security precautions安全防范。special dinners特别晚餐。故答案选A。

8. The term “New Deal” applies to the program of reform and recovery initiated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

A. spoiled

B. originated

C. attacked

D. inherited【答案】B【解析】句意:“新政”一词适用于富兰克林·罗斯福总统发起的改革和复苏方案。initiate开始,创始。originate创作,创始。spoil溺爱,糟蹋。attack攻击,攻打。inherit继承,遗传。故答案选B。

9. John is hard to argue with because he likes to split hairs.

A. attack ideas unfairly

B. bring in unrelated issues

C. insist on his own point of view

D. make distinctions that aren’t important【答案】D【解析】句意:人们很难辨倒约翰,因为他斤斤计较。split hairs斤斤计较。make distinctions that aren’t important十分关注不重要的东西。attack ideas unfairly不公平地攻击对方想法。bring in unrelated issues扯一些无关紧要的事情。insist on one’s own point of view固执己见。故答案选D。

10. Due to the tilt of Neptune’s axis, the Sun heats the planet’s northern and southern hemispheres unequally.

A. climates

B. halves

C. atmospheres

D. contours【答案】B【解析】句意:由于海王星自转轴的倾斜,星球南北半球吸收的太阳热量不均匀。hemisphere半球。halve两等分。climate气候。atmosphere氛围。contour等高线,轮廓。故答案选B。

11. The ambassador was given the book as a token of the government’s regard for him.

A. a memento

B. a share

C. an estimation

D. a preview【答案】A【解析】句意:大使收到了一本书,这本书是政府对其表示尊重的象征。token表征,纪念品。memento纪念品。share股份。estimation评估,估计。preview预览,概览。故答案选A。

12. The idea that both the parents and the community are responsible for the well-being of minors has gained acceptance only in the twentieth century.

A. welcome

B. speech

C. appearance

D. welfare【答案】D【解析】句意:父母和社区需要对未成年人的福利负责的想法直到二十世纪才被接受。well-being幸福,福祉。welfare福利。welcome欢迎。speech演讲。appearance外观。故答案选D。

13. Our dwindling supply of food had to be distributed very carefully.

A. diminishing

B. dissatisfactory

C. disappearing

D. disqualifying【答案】A【解析】句意:由于我们的食物供应不断减少,因此我们不得不小心派发。dwindling减小的,减少的。diminishing减少,逐渐缩小的。dissatisfactory不够理想的,不够满意的。disappearing逐渐消失的。disqualifying不够资格的。故答案选A。

14. In the United States there are more people who are obese today than twenty years ago.

A. upwardly mobile

B. privately educated

C. excessively overweight

D. gainfully employed【答案】C【解析】句意:在美国,相比20年前,越来越多人患上了肥胖症。obese肥胖的,过胖的。upwardly mobile(社会地位)向上升的。privately educated私人教学的。excessively overweight超重的。gainfully employed高薪聘用。故答案选C。

15. A series of rifle shots disturbed the tranquility of the camp grounds.

A. solidarity

B. equanimity

C. peacefulness

D. propinquity【答案】C【解析】句意:一连串的射击打破了营地的宁静。tranquility宁静,平静。peacefulness平静,温和。solidarity团结一致,团结。equanimity坦然,镇定。propinquity接近,邻近。故答案选C。

16. The most surprising feature is that she was such a prolific writer even at an early age.

A. saturated

B. naive

C. productive

D. traumatic【答案】C【解析】句意:最令人惊讶的一点是她在很小的时候就已经是个多产的作家了。prolific多产的,丰富的。productive能生产的,多产的。saturated饱和的,渗透的。naive天真的,幼稚的。traumatic有创伤的;不快的。故答案选C。

17. The epic, which makes great demands on a poet’s knowledge and skill, has been deemed the most ambitious of poetic forms.

A. combined with

B. regarded as

C. compared with

D. praised as【答案】B【解析】句意:那部对诗人的知识储备和能力提出了很大的要求的史诗被认为是最雄心勃勃的诗歌形式。be deemed被认为,被认作。be regarded as被认为,被看作。be combined with与某物结合。be praised as被誉为。故答案选B。

18. Using extremely different decorating schemes in adjoining rooms may result in discord and a lack of unity in style.

A. disharmony

B. disillusion

C. compromise

D. anxiety【答案】A【解析】句意:在相邻的房间里采用不同的装修风格有可能会导致不和,整体风格缺乏统一。discord不和,不一致。disharmony不和谐,不融洽。disillusion幻灭,醒悟。compromise妥协,和解。anxiety忧虑。故答案选A。

19. When the glaciers thawed after the last ice age, the five Great Lakes of North America were formed.

A. advanced

B. melted

C. exploded

D. evaporated【答案】B【解析】句意:当上一个冰河时期的冰盖融化后,北美洲的五大湖形成了。thaw溶解,变暖和。melt融化,解冻。advance先进,前进。explode爆炸,激增。evaporate脱水,蒸发。故答案选B。

20. Surrealism has infiltrated realistic painting by increasing artists’ awareness of how commonplace subjects can take on mysterious suggestions.

A. displayed

B. denied

C. spread to

D. conditioned【答案】C【解析】句意:通过提高艺术家对普通题材如何接受神秘主义的认识,超现实主义已经渗透到写实绘画中。spread to传到,蔓延到。display显示,表现。deny否认,否认。condition决定,使健康。故答案选C。


Directions: In this section there are 20 blanks. Fill in each blank with the choice that you think is the most appropriate one from the four choices given below.

For centuries now Western cultural traditions have (21)______ on man’s control of the external world, it has been assumed up to now that the internal workings of the human body are at least partially (22)______ control. On the other hand, Eastern traditions have (23)______ to know about the body’s internal system and to have some power (24)______ it, believing that the external world is largely (25)______ human control.

There is, however, an interesting area of modern scientific and medical research in which Western technology and the introspective traditions of the East are being combined (26)______ an attempt to find a way to alleviate stress. It is (27)______ as “bio-feedback”. In the fast pace of modern life, in densely populated urban areas especially, stress-related illness are becoming more and more (28)______. The interest in bio-feedback techniques as a means of treatment (29)______ such illness has grown steadily over the past few years.

Maxwell Cade was the man who began to (30)______ bio-feedback research in this country in the late 1960’s. He set (31)______ with the belief that patients suffering from (32)______ stress can be “trained” to relax and to lose their nervous tensions with the help of scientific instruments which “feedback” information to the patient about his internal body states. For example, some of Cade’s patients who suffered from acute headaches could learn in a few hours (33)______ to relax the muscles of their forehead with the help of a bio-feedback meter. In this way they could prevent their headache from (34)______. But there was a problem: Cade found that patients did not always stay in a relaxed condition after they were taken (35)______ from the meter and its information. He realized that bio-feedback techniques alone did not properly and deeply relieve his patients’ stress conditions.

So Cade and his research team started to explore ways of helping their patients to attain a deep form of relaxation, and this is (36)______ they began to borrow from Eastern thinking. When the body is deeply relaxed, the (37)______ process can begin. They began to experiment (38)______ mediation techniques, controlled breathing exercises and other relaxation exercises to (39)______ the deeper states of relaxation necessary for nervous tensions to appear. They combined these relaxation techniques with the electronic monitoring instruments (40)______ to them, which they had used in their initial bio-feedback research.

21. A. folded

B. focused

C. forked

D. foiled

22. A. beyond

B. out of

C. without

D. over

23. A. searched

B. researched

C. sought

D. soothed

24. A. in

B. on

C. of

D. over

25. A. beyond

B. out

C. from

D. outside

26. A. at

B. by

C. with

D. in

27. A. known

B. said

C. called

D. named

28. A. often

B. always

C. ordinary

D. common

29. A. for

B. of

C. to

D. in

30. A. introduce

B. pilot

C. pioneer

D. bring

31. A. off

B. out

C. over

D. up

32. A. grave

B. acute

C. gross

D. severe

33. A. where

B. when

C. what

D. how

34. A. starting

B. being started

C. startling

D. being startled

35. A. out

B. aside

C. away

D. apart

36. A. what

B. where

C. when

D. why

37. A. healing-self

B. healing-oneself

C. self-healing

D. self-healed

38. A. about

B. in

C. on

D. with

39. A. reduce

B. induce

C. decrease

D. belittle

40. A. available

B. approachable

C. close

D. edible【答案与解析】

21. B  该题考查惯用搭配。focus on集中,关注。故答案选B。

22. A  此处应该与下文提到的“在东方文化传统视角中,人们可以自己掌控人体内部”相对比,因此推断在西方文化传统视角中人体内部是无法完全掌控的。beyond control无法控制。out of control失去控制。without control任意地。over control过度控制。故答案选A。

23. C  该题考查惯用搭配。seek to do sth.设法做某事,试图做某事。故答案选C。

24. D  上文提到“东方传统文化试图了解人体内部,并进行掌控”,因此可推断此处应该为“对人体内部的控制”。power over控制。故答案选D。

25. C  根据上文提到的“西方文化认为无法控制人体内部和外部世界”可推断此处的意思应该与上文相反,因此可判断此句的意思为“认为可以由人类控制人体外部世界的东方传统文化试图了解人体内部并进行掌控”。故答案选C。

26. C  该题考查惯用搭配。be combined with与某事结合。故答案选C。

27. C  该题考查惯用搭配。It is called as被称为。故答案选C。

28. D  上文提到最新的治疗方法——生物反馈的作用主要用于减轻人们压力。根据语境,由此可推断在快节奏的现代生活中,由压力导致的疾病越来越多。故答案选D。

29. B  此句提到人们对将生物反馈作为治疗疾病的方法越来越感兴趣。该题考查惯用搭配。treatment of用某物治疗。故答案选B。

30. C  文章中提到麦斯威尔是20世纪60年代后期运用了生物反馈的治疗方式。下文提到麦斯威尔提到自己对于生物反馈治疗方式的看法。根据语境可推断麦斯威尔应该是当时第一个在这个国家提倡使用的人。pioneer倡导,提倡。故答案选C。

31. B  根据上文“麦斯威尔应该是当时第一个在这个国家提倡使用的人。”可推断此处应该指的是麦斯威尔在陈述自己的想法。set out出发;陈述。故答案选B。

32. B  上文提到由压力导致的疾病越来越多,因此可推断此处指的是极大的压力。severe stress巨大的压力。acute stress急性应激反应,不符合此处语境。故答案选B。

33. D  上文提到压力大的患者可以通过生物反馈方式进行放松缓解,由此可推断此处的原意应该是“头痛患者可以在几个小时之内学习如何利用生物反馈测量器进行前额肌肉放松。”。故答案选D。

34. A  文章提到“他们可以通过这种方式防止头痛产生”。“头痛”和动作“产生”之间应该是主动关系。故答案选A。

35. C  根据上文可知患者一旦没有了生物反馈计量表之后仍然会处于紧张的状态,由此可推断原意为“一旦没有了生物反馈计量表”。be taken away from被拿走,失去了。故答案选C。

36. D  上文提到麦斯威尔和他的团队希望通过生物反馈方式让患者放松法来达到治疗目的,与东方的传统文化相似,由此可推断这是他们借鉴东方思想的原因。故答案选D。

37. C  该题考查惯用搭配。self-healing process自我修复过程。故答案选C。

38. D  该题考查惯用搭配。experiment with用某物进行试验。故答案选D。

39. B  根据上文可知麦斯威尔和他的团队通过采取各种方法以引起患者深处的放松感,从而在患者出现压力时可以进行压力疏导。induce引发,诱发。故答案选B。

40. A  文章提到麦斯威尔团队将这些技术与他们曾经在生物反馈研究中使用过的可用检测仪器结合起来进行治疗。available可用的,可行的。故答案选A。

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (50POINTS)

Section A: Multiple choices (15POINTS)

Directions: In this section there are 3 reading passages followed by a total of 15 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on the answer sheet.

Passage 1

Fundamentally, the global environment is in a desperate state of decline. Initially the Green Movement was seen to solve the ever present problem of reducing running costs. This in turn has resulted in concern for the depletion of natural resources and finally in concern for the damage being done to the global environment. Unfortunately the growing numbers of organizations and committees dedicated to saving the environment have only been able to outline appropriate proposals and initiatives. Because there is not a body that has the ability to enforce global legislation, there have not been any treaties or legislation that are globally binding.

Cities are able to address social, economic and environmental issues through grassroots planning initiatives. The power of collective will and civic ambition reminds us that human behavior can be shaped as much by our designed environment as by social police, such as governmental management and legislative control. While such participation can be a powerful catalyst for social change it is by no means an easy task, it can begin with a simple awareness of our physical environment: what does it consist of now? How does it affect our behavior? What needs to be changed?

The general public needs to be accountable to themselves for the choices they make. By way of their accountability they will be maintaining and recycling not only physical resources, but also cultural resources for the benefit of future generations. Cultural practices traditionally dictate the desire of the society for survival. Decay is inevitable, as it is a Law of Nature and we can only attempt to slow its course of destruction. Preservation must be geared to preserve the messages and values of cultural property and identity cultural traditions, therefore a prioritization of values must take place; emotional values or cultural values. Each is defined by its own terms and in some cases has overlapping identities. With this in mind, why is modem man living in excess of what is environmentally feasible, therefore hampering the efforts to perpetuate society? It is vital to work in conjunction with nature. Humans have the power to change the natural harmony of the earth, but we continue to accept subnormal and double standards.

As will be discussed, there has been some headway made in the last few years regarding the integration of the built environment with green architecture. However, not much has been realized in terms of the integration of historic preservation and green architecture working in conjunction in commercial buildings.

41. According to the author, what is the most serious problem in the Green Movement?

A. They provide only suggestions and ideals but never put them into practice.

B. People need pay more attention to the knowledge of environment preservation.

C. Desperate pollution in many areas is to deprive mankind of a good future.

D. Survival of mankind pivots on their ability to find new resources.

42. The author writes the second paragraph mainly to _____.

A. call on the people to go on street for a better proposal

B. let the public catch on to more new ideas

C. show that we can do something for the environment

D. arouse our anger for the destruction of nature

43. The author uses the word “prioritization” in the third paragraph to mean _____.

A. deteriorating

B. emphasizing

C. regarding

D. consideration

44. Which of the following is most likely to follow this passage?

A. Some instances of green construction projects.

B. Some famous green movement leaders.

C. Some idealists in the field of environment preservation.

D. Some specific needs of customers in their projects.

45. In writing the passage, the author is mainly concerned with _____.

A. the seriousness of environment decay

B. Green Movement and its influence

C. green architecture

D. people’s responsibility to protect environment【答案与解析】

41. A  由原文第一段倒数第二句“Unfortunately the growing numbers of organizations and committees dedicated to saving the environment have only been able to outline appropriate proposals and initiatives.”可知虽然致力于拯救环境的组织越来越多,但是它们都只能提出一些建议或者倡议,因此可推断绿色运动最严重的问题是不能将建议或者想法付诸于实践。故答案选A。

42. C  原文第二段第三句“While such participation can be a powerful catalyst for social change it is by no means an easy task, it can begin with a simple awareness of our physical environment”表明了公众参与也是环境保护行动有力的催化剂,并提出我们可以从培养环境意识开始,由此推断作者写第二段的目的是表明我们可以为环境保护做一些事情。故答案选C。

43. B  根据原文第三段中间部分“Preservation must be geared to preserve the messages and values of cultural property and identity cultural traditions, therefore a prioritization of values must take place”可知保护行动必须着眼于保护文化财产和文化特性的信息与价值,因此人们必须优先考虑价值观,根据语意推断,prioritization在此处含有“强调”的意思,故答案选B。

44. A  从原文最后一段第一句“As will be discussed, there has been some headway made in the last few years regarding the integration of the built environment with green architecture.”中可以看出正如接下来将要说到的,在过去几年期间,环境建设与绿色环保在相互融合中取得了一些进展,由此可推断接下来将要讨论的内容将与绿色建设项目有关联。故答案选A。

45. D  原文第二段表明了我们人类可以为环境保护做一些事情,第三段提出了公众应该为自己在保护环境过程中的选择负责。由此可推断文章的主旨在于唤起人们对保护环境的责任感。故答案选D。

Passage 2

Mankind’s fascination with gold is as old as civilization itself. The ancient Egyptians esteemed gold, which had religious significance to them, and King Tutankhamum was buried in a solid-gold coffin 3,300 years ago. The wandering Israelites worshiped a golden calf, and the legendary King Midas asked that everything he touched be turned into gold.

Not only is gold beautiful, but it is virtually indestructible. It will not rust or corrode; gold coins and products fabricated from the metal have survived undamaged for centuries. Gold is extremely easy to work with; one ounce, which is about the size of a cube of sugar, can be beaten into a sheet nearly 100 square feet in size, and becomes so thin that light passes through it. An ounce of gold can also be stretched into a wire 50 miles long. Gold conducts electricity better than any other substance except copper and silver, and it is particularly important in the modem electronics industry.

People have always longed to possess gold. Unfortunately, this longing has also brought out the worst in the human character. The Spanish conquistadors robbed palaces, temples, and graves, and killed thousands of Indians in their ruthless search for gold. Often the only rule in young California during the days of the gold rush was exercised by the mob with a rope. Even today, the economic running of South Africa’s gold mines depends largely on the employment of black laborers who are paid about 40 pounds a month, plus room and board, and who must work in conditions that can only be described as cruel. About 400 miners are killed in mine accidents in South Africa each year, or one for every two tons of gold produced.

Much of gold’s value lies in its scarcity. Only about 80,000 tons have been mined in the history of the world. All of it could be stored in a vault 60 feet square, or a supermarket.

Great Britain was the first country to adopt the gold standard, when the Master of the Mint, Sir Isaac Newton, established a fixed price for gold in 1717. But until the big discoveries of gold in the last half of the nineteenth century—starting in California in 1848 and later in Australia and South Africa—there simply wasn’t enough gold around for all the trading nations to link their currencies to the precious metal.

46. The main idea of the first paragraph is that _____.

A. human beings began to love gold with the emergence of civilization

B. the ancient Egyptians valued gold for its religious importance

C. king Midas was a person who could turn everything into gold

D. king Tutankhamum buried a solid-gold coffin 33 centuries ago

47. Gold is highly valued because of its _____.

A. beauty

B. rarity

C. size

D. both A and B

48. Even at present, in South Africa _____.

A. the black laborers are killed for mining gold

B. the black laborers have got rid of the control of white rules

C. the black laborers who mine gold are still exploited cruelly

D. the life of the black laborers is highly improved

49. In young California during the days of the gold rush _____.

A. people usually used a rope as a weapon

B. it was very common to hang people with rope

C. gold-mining areas were measured by miners with rope

D. laborers were often whipped with a rope as a punishment

50. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. As far as conductivity of electricity is concerned, gold is placed third.

B. People usually think highly of gold because of its scarcity.

C. The author thinks that gold is the sources of all evils.

D. All the trading nations began to adopt the gold standard during 1850 and 1899.【答案与解析】

46. A  原文第一段第一句“Mankind’s fascination with gold is as old as civilization itself.”表明了人类对黄金的迷恋就像文明本身一样古老,由此推断人类在文明出现之初就喜欢上了黄金。故答案选A。

47. D  根据原文第二段第一句“Not only is gold beautiful, but it is virtually indestructible.”可知黄金不仅美丽还坚不可摧,以及原文第四段第一句“Much of gold’s value lies in its scarcity.”表明了黄金的价值在于它十分稀有。故答案选D。

48. C  由原文第三段中间部分“Even today, the economic running of South Africa’s gold mines depends largely on the employment of black laborers who are paid about 40 pounds a month, plus room and board, and who must work in conditions that can only





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