
发布时间:2020-07-13 19:43:19







Unit 1


My Favourite Oscar Dresses


legendary [5ledVEndEri] adj. 传说中的,传奇的【例句】He is a legendary hero. 他是个传奇式的英雄。

ritual [5ritjuEl] adj. 仪式的,祭典的

n. 仪式,祭典;惯例【例句】There they are engaged in an entirely different ritual. 在那里,他们执行一套完全不同的仪式。【助记】来自rite( n. 仪式),仪式(rite)要正确(right)【派生】ritually adv. 仪式上地;依据仪式上地

rite n. 仪式;惯例,习俗;典礼

glue [^lu:] n. 胶,胶水

v. 胶合,粘牢【例句】He’s glued to the television. 他目不转睛地看着电视。【词组】stick like glue to sb. 与某人形影不离,缠住某人不放

glue one’s eyes on盯着看

lounge [laundV] n. 休息室

v. 懒洋洋地靠坐着;闲逛,混时间【例句】After dinner we all adjourned to the lounge. 饭后我们都到休息室去了。【助记】lounge 音“浪迹”→浪迹天涯的游子懒散地。

fabulous [5fAbjulEs] adj. 寓言中的,难以置信的;很好的,绝佳的【例句】We had a fabulous time at the evening party. 我们在晚会上玩得很痛快。【助记】fable(寓言)——寓言的——难以置信的,传说的。

cult [kQlt] n. 狂热崇拜,邪教;时尚,风靡一时的喜好、事物【例句】His music has become something of a cult. 他的音乐已经成为一种时尚。【搭配】the cult of beauty/peace对美(和平)的歌颂

the current pop music cult流行音乐的热潮

dopey [5dEJpI] adj. 迟钝的;被麻醉的;呆笨的【例句】This stuffy atmosphere makes me feel dopey. 这沉闷的空气使我昏昏欲睡。

forward [5fC:wEd] adj. 在前部的,向前的,前方的;早熟的,早的,提前的;热心的,敏捷的;鲁莽的,放肆的

adv. 向前,向将来,今后;提前

v. 促进,助长,加速;发送,寄发;传递,转交【例句】Please forward our post (to our new home) when we move. 我们搬家后,请将邮件转递(到我们的新住处)。【词组】look forward to 期待,盼望

put/bring forward 提出;拿出;放出;推举出

come forward 涌现;自告奋勇;被提出来讨论【助记】forward 向前冲→人很冲

timeless [5taImlIs] adj. 永恒的;不受时间影响的;不合时宜的【例句】There is a timeless quality to his best work. 他的最佳作品堪称永恒之作。【助记】time(时间)+less(否定后缀)→没有时间限制的→永恒的

apex [5eipeks] n. 顶点,最高占【例句】His election to the presidency was the apex of his career . 当选总统是他一生事业的顶峰。

glamor [5^lAmE] n. 魅力,吸引力【例句】She added a touch of glamour by wearing a beautiful dress. 她换上一件漂亮衣服,增添了一分魅力。【词组】cast a glamour over使迷住,迷住(某人);给…增添几分魅力

gorgeous [5^C:dVEs] adj. 异常漂亮的,壮丽的;令人愉快的【例句】We had a gorgeous time. 我们玩得快活极了。【助记】gorge(峡谷)+ous→峡谷很美丽→极好的,华丽的

lizard [5lizEd] n. 晰蝎【例句】A lizard will regenerate its tail if it’s cut off. 蜥蜴的尾巴如被切掉,它会重新生出一条尾巴。

beaded [`bi:dId] adj. 珠状的;饰以珠的【例句】The man’s bald head was beaded with sweat. 那个男人光秃秃的头顶上布满汗珠。【助记】bead (用珠装饰,使成珠串状)+ed(形容词后缀)→珠状的

witty [5witi] adj. 机智的,诙谐的【例句】As writers, they cherish economical, and witty phrases. 他们在写作上喜欢用简洁机智的词句。

star [stB:] n. 星,恒星;明星,名角

v. 用星号标出;使…成为明星,使…演主角【例句】Who is to star in the movie has not been finally decided yet. 由谁来主演这部电影尚未敲定。【词组】star (in sth.)(在戏剧、电影等中)担任主角,主演

star sb. (in sth.) 使某人担任主角,由某人主演【派生】starry adj. 布满星星的;闪闪发光的;星形的

highbrow [5haIbraJ] n. & adj. 风雅之士,博学多才(的)【例句】We had a highbrow discussion on classical music. 我们就古典音乐来了一次高水平的讨论。

spoof [spu:f] vt. 哄骗;戏弄;对…作幽默讽刺

vi. 行骗;开玩笑

n. 诳骗;愚弄;戏弄;讽刺性文章

adj. 哄骗的【例句】The show was a spoof of college life. 那部戏是对大学生活的讽刺。

outrageous [aut5reidVEs] adj. 粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的【例句】A series of wild, outrageous thoughts danced through his brain.一连串疯狂而又愤怒的想法在他的脑海里闪过。【助记】out(远离)+rage(生气)+ous(形容词后缀)→出离愤怒的→粗暴的

debut [5debju] n. 初次登台,初次公开露面【例句】①Helen made her debut at a party when she was eighteen. 海伦十八岁时在一次聚会上初次进入社交界。

②She made a successful debut. 她初次登台获得成功。【助记】butt 东西粗大的一端,香烟头,把;debut 刚露出一头,小荷才露尖尖角,首次露面

untimely [Qn5taimli] adj. 不适时的,不合时宜的;过早的【例句】His untimely intervention has completely annoyed me. 他那不合时宜的干涉简直令我恼羞成怒。

offbeat [Rf5bi:t] adj. 离奇的;标新立异的;弱拍的

n. 弱拍【例句】His style is offbeat but highly creative. 他的风格很不寻常但非常有创造力。

whimsical [5(h)wimzikEl] adj. 怪诞的【例句】This was really a whimsical thought, and I reproved myself often for the simplicity of it.


voluptuous [vE5lQptJEs] adj. 撩人的;骄奢淫逸的;沉溺酒色的【例句】This essay depicts the voluptuous life of the Romans in ancient times


sporadically [spE5rAdikEli] adv. 零星地;偶发地【例句】He only works sporadically. 他只是偶尔工作一下。【助记】sporadical(零星的)+ ly(副词词缀)→零星地

phenomenal [fi5nCminl] adj. 现象的;异常的,非凡的【例句】You have a phenomenal memory. 你的记忆力惊人。【助记】phenomen(现象)+al(形容词后缀)→现象的,显著的

flunk [flQNk] v. 通不过(考试等),评定(某人)不及格【例句】Several students have been flunked out. 有几名学生因考试不及格而被迫退学。【词组】flunk in an examination考试不及格

nominate [5nCmineit] v. 提名;任命;命名【例句】The board nominated him as the new director. 董事会指定他为新董事。【助记】nomin(名字)+ate(做)→提名,推荐【派生】nomination n. 任命,提名;提名权

nomination [nCmi5neiFEn] n. 提名,任命【例句】His nomination as chief executive was approved by the board. 他被提名为行政总裁的事被董事会批准了。【词组】place a person’s name in nomination任命(推荐)某人

dinghy [`dIN^I] n. 无篷小艇【例句】She rowed ashore in the dinghy. 她向岸边划着小舢板。

offset [5C:fset] v. 补偿,抵消

n. 分支,旁支;补偿,抵消【例句】Henry has to offset his small salary by living economically.


repertoire [5repEtwB:] n. (某一艺术团体、演员、音乐家等可随时演出的)全部节目,剧目【例句】That tune is not in my repertoire. 我演出的节目中没有这个曲子。

massage [5mAsB:V] n. & v. 按摩,推拿【例句】Massage is a wonderful antidote to stress. 按摩是舒缓压力的一剂妙方。


come to a head 达到紧急关头;成熟;出脓【例句】The matters have come to a head.这些问题到了非解决不可的地步。

team up with与…合作,与…协作【例句】He preferred to go into business alone rather than to team up with anyone else.


break away脱离;放弃;逃跑【例句】You must break away from such bad habits. 你必须革除这样的坏习惯。

back out of收回(诺言等);食言,背信【例句】He has decided to back out of the scheme. 他决定退出这项计划。

pass out昏倒,失去知觉;分发【例句】Lynn decided to pass out the presents at the beginning of the party. 琳决定宴会一开始就分发礼物。

Mr. Ties and His Prepster Stripes

bloke [blEuk] n. 家伙;小子【例句】He’s a dodgy bloke I wouldn’t trust him an inch. 他是个诡计多端的家伙——我一点都不相信他。

pluck [plQk] v. 拔,拉;拨(弦);采,摘

n. 勇气【例句】①She tried to pluck out some of her grey hairs. 她想拔掉一些自己的白头发。

②He can’t pluck up the courage to leave home. 他鼓不起离开家的勇气。【词组】pluck up鼓起,振作

pluck up courage鼓足勇气,克服恐惧

pluck away扯去,撕去

pluck sth (off/out) 拔除或摘除某物;采某物【助记】p破,luck运气,因为被拔了毛,拔你毛的人很有勇气运气很破的人需要面对困难的勇气

regiment [5redVimEnt] n. (军队的)团;一大群【例句】The regiment was ordered to the front. 这个团被调往前线。【助记】reg统治,iment:需要团长严格管制的就是团

diagonal [dai5A^Enl] adj. 对角的,对角线的;倾斜的,斜线的

n. 对角线,斜线【例句】Draw a diagonal line to divide the square into two triangles. 画一条对角线,把正方形分成两个三角形。

appeasement [E5pi:zmEnt] n. 缓和,平息;姑息【例句】Music is an appeasement to shattered nerves. 音乐可抚慰受重创的神经。【助记】appease (平息,缓和)+ment(名词词缀)→缓和;平息【词组】appeasement policy绥靖政策

fraught [frC:t] adj. 充满的;烦恼的,担心的,令人忧虑的;难以应付的【例句】The long journey through the tropical forest was fraught with danger. 穿越热带从林的长途旅行充满了危险。【搭配】be fraught with隐藏着(伴随着,充满着)(危险等)的

peril [5peril] n. 严重的危险;危险的事物【例句】The refugees were in peril of death from hunger. 难民有饿死的危险。【搭配】in peril of one’s life冒生命危险

at the peril of 冒…的危险

hue [hju:] n. 色调,颜色

v. 呼喊【例句】①The diamond shone with every hue under the sun. 这颗钻石在阳光下显得色彩斑斓。

②Her cheeks rival the rose in hue. 她的双颊颜色可与玫瑰媲美。【词组】hue and cry 大声抗议,呐喊

dominant hue 主色调,支配彩色

put a different hue on matters改变事物的外貌

protocol [5prEutEkCl] n. 礼仪,礼节;草案,议定书【例句】The delegates have to be seated according to protocol. 代表们须按礼仪要求就座。【搭配】a violation of safety protocols违反安全行为标准


have none of不允许,不同意【例句】I’ll have none of your stupid ideas! 我才不接受你那愚蠢的意见!

The Five Most Stylish Geniuses of All Times


suspend [sEs5pend] v. 吊,悬挂;暂停,取消;推迟【例句】The policeman was suspended while the complaint was investigated.

因该警察遭投诉,在调查期间已令其暂停职务。【助记】拆分:s—蛇,pen—钢笔,d—天day的近拼,奇记:蛇s在钢笔pen里面度过了一天d。【派生】suspended adj. 悬浮的;暂停的,缓期的(宣判)

suspension n. 悬浮;暂停;停职

alleged [E5ledVd] adj. 所谓的;声称的;被断言的

v. 宣称(allege的过去式和过去分词);断言【例句】Besides, the significance of the alleged changes of human nature is dubious, and very hard to assess. 其次,所谓人性变化的意义也不清楚,且难以确定。

reinstate [5ri:in5steit] v. 使某人恢复原先的(尤指重要的)职位或地位【例句】There he proposed to reinstate the ancient Olympic Games. 会议上,他提出恢复古代奥林匹克运动会。

delineate [di5linieit] v. 描绘,描述,勾画…的轮廓【例句】Biography must to some extent delineate characters. 在某种程度上,传记一定要描述人物。【搭配】delineate sb’s features, character描绘某人的面貌、性格

delineate one’s plans描述某人的计划【助记】de+line(线条)+ate→加强线条→描绘

annex [E5neks] v. 并吞(土地等),兼并【例句】You have to annex a clause to the contract. 你需要在合同附加一条款。【词组】annex to …的附属物

relentless [ri5lentlis] adj. 严格的,苛刻的;不停的,不间断的【例句】Every bamboo blind was drown to keep out the relentless sun. 所有的竹帘都放下来,抵挡毒热的阳光。【助记】relent(便宽厚,便温和)+less(表否定的形容词后缀)→无情的

compelling [kEm5peliN] adj. 引人注目的;强制的;激发兴趣的

v. 强迫;以强力获得(compel的ing形式)【例句】I do not believe the reasons you have given are sufficiently compelling.


It is a frighteningly violent yet compelling film.


typify [5tipifai] vt. 代表;作为…的典型;具有…的特点【例句】These two buildings typify the rich extremes of local architecture.


ellipse [i5lips] n. 椭圆(形)【例句】An ellipse is a sort of a squashed circle, or an elongated circle, depending on how you look at it.


presume [prI5zju:m] vt. 假定;推测;擅自;意味着

vi. 相信;擅自行为【例句】We should not presume too much on the reliability of such sources.



in honor为纪念;向…表示敬意;为庆祝…【例句】The monument was erected in honor of the soldiers who died for the country.


Hats Off


don [dCn] n. 西班牙人名前的尊称;(英国牛津大学和剑桥大学的)教师

v. 穿上,戴上【例句】In wintertime he will don a wet suit and go right on surfing. 到冬季,他就穿上橡皮紧身衣去冲浪。

helmet [5helmit] n. 头盔;钢盔

vt. 给…戴(或配备)头盔【例句】The man on the motorcycle wore a helmet. 骑摩托车的人戴了一顶头盔。【助记】helm驾驶盘 + et 小东西,操纵驾驶盘开车要戴头盔。

masonry [5meisnri] n. 石工;石工行业;石造建筑【例句】The masonry of the old building began to crumble. 旧楼房的砖石结构开始崩落。

steam [sti:m] n. 蒸汽,水汽,水蒸气

v. 蒸发;用蒸汽开动【例句】The car windows steamed up. 汽车窗户上有一层水汽。【词组】blow off/let off steam 宣泄被压抑的过剩精力或情感

run out of steam 失去动力,筋疲力尽

under one’s own steam 靠自己的力量

steam sth. off (sth.) 用蒸汽嘘(纸)(使之与黏贴物分开)

full speed/steam ahead 全速前进,竭尽全力【助记】s(蛇)+team(队)→队蛇蒸桑拿→头上冒蒸汽【派生】steaming adj. 冒热气的

steamer n. 轮船;蒸汽机;蒸笼

rigid [5ridVid] adj. 僵硬的,坚挺的;严厉的,刻板的【例句】She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views. 她是个相当刻板、有着很强宗教观念的人。【词组】bore sb. rigid使某人腻烦得要命

shake(或scare)sb. rigid把某人吓得浑身僵直【助记】音:认真的,锐直的,象刀锋般坚硬。【派生】rigidity n. 硬度;严格,刻板;僵化;坚硬

linger [5liN^E] v. 逗留,徘徊【例句】His last words still linger in our ears. 他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。【词组】linger over 在…上拖延;细细思考;仔细欣赏;慢吞吞地做某事【助记】谐音:“邻哥”→邻家的哥哥暗恋你,在你窗外徘徊。

horned [hC:nd] adj. 有角的【例句】The young bull horned the old cow out of the herd. 小公牛用角把老母牛从牛群中顶了出去。

ancestry [5Ansestri] n. (集合名词)祖先,世系【例句】She is an American of German ancestry. 她是德国血统的美国人。

stiffen [5stifn] v. (使某物)变得(更加)坚硬、僵硬、困难、生硬、强烈等【例句】He stiffened with alarm from head to foot. 他吓得从头到脚直僵僵的。

starch [stB:tF] n. 淀粉,含淀粉的食物;粉浆

v. 浆(衣服等)【例句】You eat too much starch. 你吃的含淀粉的食物太多了。

crest [krest] n. 鸟冠,鸡冠,冠毛;(头盔上的)羽饰,翎毛;山顶,顶点,顶峰;(信纸等上面的)纹章,饰章【例句】①After its election victory, the party was on the crest of a wave. 该党在选举获胜后如日中天。

②His crest falls. 他垂头丧气。【助记】cr哭,est形容词最高级:哭得最厉害当然是在浪尖上,就像玩海盗船,叫得最厉害的时候,才是最高点。

insignia [In5sIgnIE] n. 记号,标志;徽章;荣誉【例句】You must seal the document with the king’s insignia. 你应该在带有国王印记的文件上盖章。


go out of use被废弃;开始不用【例句】The present phone boxes will go out of use next year.


Hats Talk


attire [E5taiE] n. 服装【例句】The structure of her attire was always elaborate and yet never over-laboured.


tease [ti:z] v. 戏弄,取笑;挑逗

n. (爱)戏弄他人者【例句】You must not tease your little sister. 你不应该取笑你的小妹妹。【词组】tease up加以修整【助记】tea茶,se色:给你看看有颜色的茶,但不让你喝——挑逗tease是ease轻松的【派生】teasing n. 戏弄

eligible [5elidVEbl] adj. 有资格的,合适的,合格的【例句】Only native-born citizens are eligible to the office of president. 只有本国出生的公民才有资格当选总统。【词组】eligible for 合格;够资格【助记】e+lig(=lect选择)+ible→能被选择出来的→合格的【派生】eligibility n. 适任,合格;被选举资格

parade [pE5reid] n. 游行;阅兵;炫耀;行进;阅兵场

vt. 游行;炫耀;列队行进

vi. 游行;炫耀;列队行进【例句】A genuine scholar does not make a parade of his knowledge. 真正的学者不会夸示他的知识。

The parade passed along slowly. 游行队伍慢慢地向前行进。

doff [dCf] vt. 脱(衣,帽等);丢弃,废除;落纱【例句】The crowd doff hat as a token of respect to the President. 人群向总统脱帽致敬。


take up a collection募捐,筹款【例句】They decided to take up a collection and hold a bake sale. 他们决定举办一次烘烤食品义卖进行募捐。


My Favourite Oscar Dresses

1.It’s so avant-garde for the late 1940s. 在20世纪40年代末,这种服装造型是很前卫的。avant-garde作形容词,意为“先锋的,先驱的(多指在文学艺术方面)”,如:avan-garde writters先锋作家;the avant-garde movement先驱运动。此外,avant-garde还可用作名词,表示“先锋派”,如:a member of the avant-garde先锋派成员。

2.Feathers are deliberately silly things, but she pulls it off. 羽毛会给人一种愚蠢的感觉,但是她却能够完美驾驭。pull off此处义项较为特殊,意为“做成(某件难事),(努力)实现”,如:he more people have faith in us, the better we will be able to pull something off.越多人相信我们,我们就越能成就某事。pull off常用的义项为“停靠”,如:I pulled off the road at a scenic overlook.在一个可以眺望优美风景的地方,我将车停在了路旁。

3.The year 1995 was the top,top,top of that minimal fashion, and she’s capturing it here for us. 1995年简约风格异常流行,她在奥斯卡颁奖礼上就为我们做了完美诠释。capture此处意义特殊,意为“充分体现”,如:The inspired menu offered by this hotel captures the spirit of the Mediterranean.酒店提供的菜单很有创意,充分体现了地中海风情。此外,capture的特殊义项还有“吸引(注意力)”,如:The advertisement will capture the attention of readers everywhere.这则广告可引起各处读者的注意。

4.She also starred in a series of highbrow costum pictures. 她还出演一些由高雅戏剧改编的影视作品。star此处用法特殊,意为“主演,担任主角”,如:The actress is to star in a new film directed by Steven Allen Spielberg. 那个女演员将主演由斯皮尔伯格监制的一部新影片。

5.Young, however, did enjoy the very occasional meaty,charming, or relatively offbeat role.然而,扬有时确实很享受扮演形象丰富,魅力四射而又相对独特的角色。meaty此处用法特殊,意为“内容丰富的,耐人寻味的”,如:He proposed a meaty theme for study and debate.他提出了一个值得研究和讨论的发人深思的主题。

6....for which she netted a second Best Actress Academy Award nomination. 凭借这部作品,她获得奥斯卡最佳女配角的提名。net此处用法特殊,作动词,意为“得到,获取”,如:The sale netted me a good profit.这次销售使我获得巨利。net作动词时,还有“(用网)捕捉,捕获”的意思,如:I’m quite happy to net a fish. 很开心用网捕到一条鱼。net常用作形容词,意为“净的,纯的”,如:a rise in sales and net profit.销售和纯利润的增长。

7.Grace struck out on her own, heading to New York’s bright lights to try her luck there. 格蕾丝决定开启新的生活,独自前往纽约碰运气。strike out此处意为“开始新生活;开辟新路”,如:A man has to strike out for himself if he wants to get ahead.一个人要想出人头地,就得自己去打天下。strike out常见的意思是“想出,产生,如:She could strike out nothing new in commendation but she readily echoed whatever he chose to assert. 她想不出什么新鲜的赞美词,只能他说什么,她就随声附和。

8.As an established Italian star whose films got play dates in the US, Loren attracted the attention of American producers... 罗兰,一个老牌意大利明星,她出演的电影能够在美国上映,这就引起了美国电影制片人的注意。①established意为“老牌的”,如:These established companies have survived from economic crisis.这些老牌公司安然度过了经济危机。②play date意为“(电影等)上映日期”,如:The play date of this new film has been put off.这部新电影的上映日期推迟了。

9.In short, the film was a smash hit. 总之,这部影片轰动一时。smash hit意为“轰动的演出,巨大的成功”,如:This theme song of the 1998 World Cup became a worldwide smash hit and Ricky Martin was popular overnight.这首1998年世界杯的主题歌,在全世界引起轰动。瑞奇·马丁也一夜成名。smash此处作形容词,意为“了不起的;非常轰动的;出色的”,常和hit搭配,如:The Beatles had more smash hits than any rock band in history.披头士是有史以来出最多畅销歌曲的摇滚乐队。

10.In 1970, Woody Allen cast her in his Broadyway play Play It Again,Sam, which had a successful run.1970年,伍迪·艾伦让她出演百老汇戏剧《呆头鹅》,这次演出取得了成功。run此处用法较为特殊,作名词,意为“(戏剧或电视节目的) 演出;播放”,如:The show will transfer to Broadway on October 9, after a month’s run in Philadelphia. 这出戏在费城为期一个月的演出之后,将于10月9日转到百老汇上演。run作名词时,还有“竞选”的特殊义项,如:He was already preparing his run for the presidency.他已经在为总统竞选做准备了。

11.She broke into movies at age 16...她在16岁的时候就进军电影行业了。break into此处意义特殊,意为“进入(某行业或某领域)”,如:The company make an attempt to break into the American market.公司试图打入美国市场。break into常用的义项为“闯入;破门而入”,如:A burglar break into my house last night.昨晚有个窃贼闯进我家。

Mr.Ties and His Prepster Srtipes





The Five Most Stylish Geniuses of All Times

1.the Manhattan Project:曼哈顿计划,是美国美国陆军部于1942年6月开始实施利用核裂变反应来研制原子弹的计划。1941年末,珍珠港事件后,美国参加了二次大战,与纳粹德国宣战。美国科学家提议要先于纳粹德国制造出原子弹。到1941年12月6日,美国正式制定了代号为“曼哈顿”的绝密计划。罗斯福总统赋予这一计划以“高于一切行动的特别优先权”。该工程集中了当时西方国家(除纳粹德国外)最优秀的核科学家,动员了10万多人参加这一工程,历时3年,耗资20亿美元,于1945年7月16日成功地进行了世界上第一次核爆炸,并按计划制造出两颗实用的原子弹。在工程执行过程中,负责人L.R.格罗夫斯和R.奥本海默应用了系统工程的思路和方法,大大缩短了工程所耗时间。这一工程的成功促进了第二次世界大战后系统工程的发展。

Reading 1: Hats Off

1.Constantine the Great:君士坦丁大帝(272—337),又称君士坦丁一世,第42代罗马皇帝。君士坦丁大帝是世界历史上第一位尊崇基督教的罗马皇帝。公元330年将罗马帝国的首都从罗马迁到拜占庭,将该地改名为君士坦丁堡。他颁布的禁止佃农离开租种的土地的法令,为欧洲从奴隶社会向封建社会的过度起到了重要作用,他被称为西方的“千古一帝”。

2.the Renaissance:文艺复兴(14世纪——17世纪),欧洲特定历史时期,指十三世纪末叶在意大利各城市兴起,以后扩展到西欧各国,于16世纪在欧洲盛行的一场思想文化运动。文艺复兴运动揭开了近代欧洲历史的序幕,被认为是中古时代和近代的分界。文艺复兴是西欧近代三大思想解放运动(文艺复兴、宗教改革与启蒙运动)之一。代表人物有但丁、达·芬奇、莎士比亚。

3.Since nuns were the first to staff modern hospitals, their headwear become adapted as the nurses’s cap.:因为修女是第一批现代医院的员工,所以她们的头饰就演变成护士帽。staff此处用法特殊,作动词,意为“担当(某机构)的职员”。如:The non-goveronment organization are staffed by volunteers. 这个非政府机构的员工都是志愿者。作动词时,staff有“给…配备职员”的义项,如:The house allocated to them was pleasant and spacious, and well staffed.分给他们的房子既舒适又宽敞,员工也配备良好。

Hats Talk

1.Lewis Carrol:刘易斯·卡罗尔(1832-1898),英国数学家、逻辑学家、童话作家。所作童话《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(1865)与《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》(1871)为其代表作品,通过虚幻荒诞的情节,描绘了童趣横生的世界,亦揶揄19世纪后期英国社会的世道人情,含有大量逻辑与文字游戏及仿拟的诗歌,流传与影响甚广。在塑造《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的“疯帽子”形象时,运用了许多关于帽子的独到知识,尤其是独一无二的头饰。


Topic A: Hollywood Stars

Reading: My Favorite Oscar Dresses

Task 1 Questions for comprehension (略)

Task 2 Focused study: How does Deems compliment the girls for their beauty and dresses?

Norma Shearer

She seems so at home here, like she was lounging around in this dress and decided: “Oh. I’m fabulous, don’t have to change.”

Carmen Miranda

She wore these gaudy things and big platform shoes, and here she doesn’t disappoint...

Loretta Young

Look at this fabulous dress! It’s so avant-garde for the late 1940s.

Grace Kelly

That dress on her is as timeless an image as the Mona Lisa.

Sophia Loren

She’s a big surprise. And those features—divine!...Feathers are deliberately silly things, but she pulls it off. Talk about European confidence.

Natalie Wood

Natalie Wood is unique. It makes me feel lonely… but this is her.

Barbra Streisand

And it breaks my heart, because, oh. She is gorgeous. She really is!

Diane Keaton

Diane Keaton setting the world on fire...She profoundly changed the wav people dressed... and the hair? It was exciting and new.

Uma Thurman

She is a historical beauty, right? And look at what she’s wearing: a dress that only a beautiful woman could pull off.

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman in this dress is earth-shattering—a harbinger.

Task 3 Focused study: Search for functions of the sentences

Categories they may fall into:

To say someone started his/her career in acting...

2.She made her Hollywood debut when she was 16.

6.She landed her first role in the silent movie in the 1920s.

10.She broke into movies in the 1970s.

To say someone returned to play again

3.She resurfaced at the age of 25 to play a role in a TV show.

12.She returned to the spotlight when she was 80 years old.

7.She reprised the role of the housewife in the TV series

To say someone plays a (leading) role in a movie

5.She starred in a series of movies featuring the war in the 1940s.

16.He appeared in several movies directed by the well known director.

18.He made several appearances in the movies.

To say someone plays with other actors/ actresses in a movie

1.She was the housewife in the movie opposite Tom Cruise.

11.She played Jane opposite Eastwood in the novel-adapted movie.

8.She teamed with the major big names in the new movie.

9.She made several films with John Clark.

To say someone is successful in the career

15.The movie won her two Oscar nominations.

14.Her performance in the movie received high marks in the media.

17.She netted several awards in European and British movie festivals.

19.These movies brought her to prominence in the world of performance.

To say that the works are a success

4.The new movie was well received.

13.The song became a smash hit upon its release.

Task 4 Word study

1.lounge around: casually hang around

2.be completely done: be heavily decorated: heavy with makeup

3.cult figure: a very popular person with a large number of fans

4.just in case: just in preparation

5.hash it out: talk about it: discuss it

6.doesn’t work out on paper: (she) doesn’t look good when those features are described in printed words

7.pull (it) off: be successful

8.number: an item of clothing

9.fringy things: unusual things

10.gaudy things: flashy things that are heavily decorated

11.dressing the part: dressing in line with one’s role: dressing properly

Topic B: Ties

Reading: Mr. Ties and His Prepster Stripes

Task 1 Questions for comprehension

1.According to Mr. Ties, the school tie was invented in a nineteenth century British sailor’s school. A school boy was tired of the colorful ribbon on his hat. He ripped it off and wore it around his neck. Then, the school tie was born.

2.According to Mr. Ties, Americans tend to select ties according to their taste. And the English, on the other hand, use them as labels for their identity.

3.The “father” may have said that it was a bad taste to wear a striped tie together with a striped suit.

4.If you made a mistake (in paring a tie with a suit), you would be likely to make a fool of yourself. In a carnival some people are often dressed up in an unusual, often funny, way.

5.For a cadet from the Royal Military Academy:

Yellow, Blue, and Black: They represent sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal, the three ingredients for gunpowder.

For a member from a Royal Tank Regiment:

Brown, Red, and Green: They represent mud, blood, and the green fields beyond, which symbolize struggle, fight, bravery, courage and victory.

6.a. The moral is that the British are conservative, and very particular about formalities such as dress code.





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