苗绣 Miao Embroidery(中英双语 Bilingual)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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苗绣 Miao Embroidery(中英双语 Bilingual)

苗绣 Miao Embroidery(中英双语 Bilingual)试读:

版权信息书名:苗绣 Miao Embroidery(中英双语 Bilingual)作者:曾丽,曾宪阳排版:KingStar出版社:贵州人民出版社出版时间:2009-05-01ISBN:9787221084620本书由浙江出版集团数字传媒有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —序缘与责任陈一丹2008年10月28日




人类的文明Destiny and Responsibility史证明,只有文化的留存才能穿越无情岁月的消融,成为积累文明的重要载体。或许若干年后,当代、现代都变成了古代,但我们参与发展与努力保存下来的文化,将会穿透历史的时空,同时成为时代创新的重要资源。ForewordDestiny and Responsibility

I feel privileged and honored to be the patron to Ethnic Miao Embroidery as a very meaningful cultural project.

From the star when I was told about this project in pipeline, I was deeply moved by the zeal and the love of the Zeng family whom I have never met before, for the ethnic Miao cultures. I came to know that the ethnic Miaos, an ethnic group without their thousands of year of odysses full of hardships and struggles for survival.However their culture is facing threat of distinction in today, s fast changing world.

"Ethnic Miao Embroidery" as a book is reflecting the existence of an original culture, from a very femenish angle for which the authors worked pretty hard.The texts and the photos in the world outlook hidden inside these cultural symbols and emblems.I believe that the readers will be deeply impressed by the Miao cultures.Nowadays,Ethnic Miao embroidery is catching international connoisseurs? attention.This manifests the fact the the more the art is in original style in China,the more it is appreciated in the world as its value and significance are beyond the limits of borders.The cultures of ethnic minorities which are being threathened or endangered in the process of globalization,need more sunshine,, fertile soil fresh water and clean air for sheltering.

We are grateful to this epoch and the opening and reform,as well as to the technical progress,which combine to bring about the institutional innovation and opportunity and I think it is a responsibility to help save and preserve our cultural heritage.With my humble effort to fund the publication of Ethnic Miao Embroidery,the ethnic Miao culture will be more and widely understood and appreciated by more people both at home and abroad.For this I feel content with its cultural implications.I do hope more people will join forces in one way or another in preserving China?s tremendous cultural heritages,including those of the ethnic minorities.

History of civilization shows that culture has the penetrating power through ruthless erosion of the long times as it is the vehicle for accumulating the progress of human cultural achievements.It can be concluded that some long time later when the present day or contemporary times for us has long faded into history ,the culture we helped to preserve would penetrate all the time to be among the sources of innovation for future times.导言让我们紧握双手









让我们紧握双手!感谢曾氏父女,没有他们对苗族文化的热爱与执着奉献,就不可能有这么精彩的一本《苗绣》出版。我们还要感谢本书英文翻译邹蓝先生,他选择了无报酬的志愿者方式,利用“十一”国庆节长假,字斟句酌,完成了难度不小把书稿翻译成英文的工作。他把曾氏父女与我们大家的努力,推升到国际交流的层次。这位曾经在英国著名学府伯明翰大学,用英文为英国的研究生开设中国西部经济课程;在哈佛大学中国经济评论年会讲坛上,用英语报告中国今天的发展的可敬可爱的学人,如今又可以向英文世界的先生们女士们,开讲曾氏父女的故事与中国贵州苗族的“无字天书”了。贵州文化薪火乡村发展基金会何文俭 名誉理事长杨柏 执行理事长柯剑 监事长2008年11月6曰 于深坝景田IntroductionHandshakes and Joining Forces

The present Ethnic Miao Embroidery in front of you, holds several historical records.

First and foremost it is the first charity project of the co-founder of Tencent Corp PLC Mr. Charles Chen and his personal Charity Foundation based on his personal wealth after IPO.

It is also the first cultural project reviewed, selected, recommended and implemented by the Pensioners for Rural Development Foundation, Guizhou for preserving the non-material cultural heritage of Ethnic Minorities in West China. The story about the book from Guizhou Plateau to coastal Shenzhen is told in the Epilogue of the book and there is no need to repeat here.

We cam e to know the two authors of the book, Ms Zeng Li and her father Mr. Zeng Xian yang during the Snow and Ice Plague in early 2008.After the Spring Festival, we flew to Guiyang, intending to go the Qiandongnan Prefecture for preliminary work on the ten village level clinics sponsored by Mr.Charles Chen.Prof.Shi Wugang drove us on road.But we had to turn back immdiately on the Expressway as much of the roads were frozen.To make up for the time, we instead tried to do other things after readjusting the itineraries.We phoned Zeng Li using the number Ms.Zhu Mei gave us and went to her home accompanied by Mr.Xi Xiao qing at the agreed time.We first met with Ms Zeng Li.As Mr.Xi was a colleague of Mr.Zeng he went to see Mr.Zeng on sickbed.But Mr.Zeng was too sick to recognize his former colleague.

The following day we went to the Miao Folklore Museum accompanied by Zeng Li as she is the curator of it, based on her father's life collection. It is the very first museum dedicated to ethnic Miao culture in Guizhou.Exactly as Zhu Mei described, the collection shows the tremendous efforts and genius of the Miao women and before us there are the fantastic spiritual world of the Miao women.

About one week after we returned to Shenzhen, a message from Zeng Li came that Mr. Zeng Xian yang passed away, with the knowledge that someone decided to sponsor the publication of a book on his collection.He was gone forever.So the decision for sponsoring the publication of the book was with the passing away of a dedicated folklore collection.This is going to the the respect we pay to him.

In thousands of years of recorded history of China, both the mainstream Han people and the ethnic minorities created splendid cultures and according to the academic researches, ethnic Miaos have gone several odysses after defeat and defeat. That could be likened to the Spardacus march and the Chinese Red Army's Long March.And there are also untold stories with the Miao Odysses.

It is a tragedy that over the thousands of years of migrating, the Miaos never left any literay records and history to verify by others their experiences. So the only codes they handed down are the songs sung by so many generations and the embroideries by Miao women.The cultural mysteries of their past are embroidered into the works.So the cultural anthropologists call the Miao embroideries legends without words.

This is the ethnic minority culture we encountered at this critical moment of globalization amongst the rugged terrain in Guizhou. The Miao women embroider their life calls, their perception of the world and of the cosmos in their art creations.The Miao embroidery work is also an odysse of the Miao people, with pleasant sounds of growth for freedom.This is exactly the reason we are enchanted by their beauties and the Zengs dad and daughter prepare this book.They are not ethnic minority people but they input the affections and enthusiasm no less than the Miao people.With that zeal they have opened us a route to understand a resilient and creative ethnic minority people.

The decision to support the publication of this book is made jointly by a group of experts of various fields. We would like to avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our appreciation and thanks to Mr.Chen Yidan(Charles),CEO of Tencent Corp and Mr.Guo Kaitian(Leon),Senior Vice President of Tencent Corp.and Mr.Ren Lixin(Baal)for their generosity, on behalf of the Pensioners for Rural DevelopmentFouncation, Guizhou.

At a dinner party in Fall,2007,we first met with Charles and talked about the protection of ethnic minority cultures and Charles agreed to sponsor the projects we select in a reasonable way. And this book is the first of the results from that dinner party.Flower in Spring will naturally lead to harvest in Fall and we believe future harvests will be made as a result of that handshake andjoining force.

The Zengs dad and daughter have a tremendous zeal and dedication to ethnic Miao cultures and the present book or pictorial in such an exquisite and excellent form and contents will notbe possible without their contribution.

Gratitude also goes to Mr Zou Lan who did the translation of the texts of the book into English language, to facilitate the international connoisseurs, readers and lovers of Miao embroidery. Zou Lan lectured for some time on China political and economic issues and on West China poverty to graduate school in University of Birmingham and was a speaker at Harvard China Review in Cambridge, Mass and this time he is speaking on behalf the the Zengs to international community on the Miaos and their artistic creations.Pensioners for Rural Development Foundation GuizhouHe Wenjian, Honarary President,Yang Bai, President, PRDFKe Jian, Chief Supervisor, PRDF16,November,2008 in Shenzhen, China专家话语

On Ethnic Miao Embroidery






















界各国非政府组织(non-governmental organizations, NGO)都开始在保护非物质文化遗产以及满足多元文化诉求领域里进行探索。在今天的现代化与全球化进程中,如何让我国广袤土地上的非物质文化遗产保护项目得到可持续发展?我们的研究表明,因资金、理念方面的制约,我国的NGO组织对此还极少涉足。但我今天看到,陈一丹公益慈善事业有限公司与贵州文化薪火乡村发展基金会借助《苗绣》这本书走进了这一领域。这说明我国公民社会的建设中,NGO将成为有价值的文化的积极建设者。




今天,我们的非物质文化遗产也是走着这样一条漫长的道路。千百年来,无数人在传承守护着中华民族传统与文化的珍宝,正是他们世世代代的心口相传,才能够让生活在现代化今天的我们,看到祖先丰富多彩的传统与文化。这种遗产是要靠心传承,靠心呵护,靠心感悟的。愿更多的人士能像曾氏父女一样、能像陈一丹先生与文化薪火基金会一样,加入到非物质文化遗产保护的行列中来。自序起笔苗绣曾丽 2008-8-29



有人说如果把我父亲留下来的东西整理出书的话,这些书堆砌起来能超过我的身高。这个说法一点都不夸张。我的心愿是想把这项事业尽快完成,毕竟贵州的大山已经挡不住互联网时代的到来;全球经济一体化,让人类不少民族民间文化遗产都在经受瀕临消失的考验。我也知道,无论我怎样努力,我手上的这些珍贵的苗族服饰藏品,200年之后仍旧会变成一堆堆粉化物。当下,我能做的就是尽快把这些资料和知识整理出来,记录下它们的制作方法和工艺流程。毕竟它们是人类重要的一份文化遗产,是人类文明的结晶,也许当有一天人类重温这些手工知识和技能时,会感慨原来祖先给我们留下了这么多财富!我的苗绣藏品就是这样一张张、一件件从苗乡搜集而来的。2008年5月12日,坟川大地震发生的那一瞬息,我正在黔东南台江县的施洞苗寨里,和一群“苗姨妈”兴奋地欣赏这些美面的绣片,对那场劫难丝毫没有察觉。My Miao embroidery collection is based on one and another found on many Miao country trips and on 12 of May 2008 when the big earthquake surprised the whole world, I was in Shidong Miao village in Taijiang County appreciating the beauties of the Miao embroidery pieces with the Miao ladies, not sensing a bit about the big disaster.


翻开5年前写的书稿,发现那时候自己只是想做一本符合人类学记录要求的画册,只是想把每一种苗绣技法和针法说透,只是想做成一本关于苗绣工艺的工具书。如今,5年过去,我发现苗绣收藏市场价格飙升了几十倍。对此,我很欣慰,这说明人们越来越关注到了苗绣的文化和工艺价值,至少这些来自苗家的珍宝被人们珍藏起来了,而且被作为一种文化收藏。那么,怎样去甄别苗绣的良莠?对于初入门的苗绣爱好者,又怎样多一些自信跨入这个大门呢?我把笔触轻轻移了移,想把自己好多好多年的收藏经验和大家一起分享。这一移,才发现原来的文稿几乎不能用,只好重新写。好在,这些经验和故事早就存于心底了!ForewordOn Ethnic Miao Embroidery

Five years have passed since I got the idea to prepare for this book. Five years is a big time span in which many things could occur.If the book came out 5 years earlier, my late dad Zeng Xian yang would be the editor in chief as he was acclaimed as the best Miao costume collector.He also was professional photographer who had visited so many villages in Guizhou, a professional publisher and a talented cartoonist.It is a pity and many pities that he left this world on January 25,2008 during the Icy Rain and Snowstorm disaster in Southern and Southwestern China.It was days before his 67th birthday.And in the previous five years, he lay almost all the time on sick bed in paralysis.

Dad is gone and left me the Miao embroidery collections that are rare seen even in the top museums in the world. With that are also the photo collections reflecting his career life over 3 decades.He also handed down to me his research notes, and so many stories about Miao countries and secrets.I know what is left to me by my dad is a wealth in culture, but also a difficult textbook and a heavy duty.

Some one said that the books would pile up to the roof if all dad left is compiled and I think this is no exaggeration. My wish is also to finish the compilation as soon as possible.Endless mountain ranges in Guizhou could not stop the infiltration of the Internet times and in the Earth Village in a globalized time, charms of discovery and rediscovery are quickly waning for mankind.The ethnic minority folklore is undergoing the challenge of retreating to backstage.

How hard I work, I know after two hundred years, the exquisite collection of Miao costumes will inevitably become ashes and fibers in disorder. But for now it is my duty to compile the information and data and the studies into a book, to keep a record of how they are made with the relevant technologies and skills.Maybe in the future people would be interested in reviving these handicraft beauties and technology when they feel pleased and wonder, how our ancestors made such brilliant treasures in the past.

OK, let the work begin with this book"Ethnic Miao Embroidery:the Zeng's Collection and Appreciation". Being the best collector of Miao embroidery, Zeng naturally likes to do a book on Miao embroidery.

Reading the manuscripts of five years and then what I wanted was a book in conformity with the anthropological norms of all the skills and technologies so that Miao embroidery will be explained in full detail. Or to be more exact, that would be a textbook or manual for Ethnic Miao embroidery.Five years later now, on the collectors market, the top Miao embroidery works are traded at prices dozens of times higher.I am pleased, at least it is a indicator of the value of the Ethnic Miao embroidery and more people will care about their cultural values and values in folk art So the pieces of Ethnic Miao art direct from Miao villages are cherished and collected as products of culture.

Then the problem arises as how to distinguish the quality of the Ethnic Miao embroidery for the beginners. This is exactly the reason why I wish to share my experiences with you.The shift of the focus of attention in mind is easy, but in reality it is very hard as this makes the original manuscripts unfit for the new theme and I have to rewrite all over again.

Anyhow I am not afraid of doing so, because all the needed knowledge and information are stored in my mind for a long time.Zengli29,August,2008苗疆风物|Landscape and Folklore苗绣的故乡|MIAO COUNTRY







All the lands the ethnic Miaos inhabit, we call it Miao country.

Guizhou Province, a place amongst ranges and ranges of mountains in Southwest China, has the concentration of half of Miao population in the world, which in overseas is better known as Hmongs. So Guizhou is naturally a Miao country where the original eco-cultural habitat of the Miao people is still preserved in its pure form.Mountain ranges separate Guizhou from Yangtze plains and retard the paces of cultural assimilation in Guizhou.So against the general background of urbanization of today, in the Miao country of Guizhou, we can still feel the cultural diversities with the scenes, the objects, the people and the leisureliness in a slow-pace life, the pureness of the relationship between mankind and Mother Earth, the mysteriousness of the clouded mountain tops and the colorfulness of the daily life of the Ethnic Miaos.

All this is folkloric and interwoven into their festival costumes by the Miao women, with needle and their dexterous hands. So the stories of the Miao country will be told with each one of the exquisite Miao embroidery costumes.

So many funs are there with so many festivals in Ethnic Miao life with so many festive expressions. Festivals are occasions of Miao people putting on their cherished embroidery costumes.Praying for happiness, worshipping, remembrance, fun making, joy, heaven and earth, yin and yang, life and death, all are in their songs and in their costume patterns.They have migrated from ten thousand miles since ancient times, with no resistance and no submission, all led by destiny and life.Miao culture has been handed down in such a simple way, andjoy way.

Both Miao country and the Miao embroidery have the colorfulness beneath their simple and pure looks and people who notice it, cannot forget it. Because it is so eye catching.贵州从江苗寨Ethnic Miao Village in Congjiang County, Guizhou





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