
发布时间:2020-07-15 00:00:27







说起来容易,做起来难啊/It is not hard to say things; it is harder to do them

The Candle That Can't Be Lighted/点不亮的蜡烛

A man had a little daughter—an only and much-loved child. He lived for her—she was his life. So when she became ill, he became like a man possessed, moving heaven and earth to bring about her restoration to health.His best efforts, however, proved unavailing and the child died. The father became a bitter recluse, shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self. But one night he had a dream.He was in heaven, witnessing a grand pageant of all the little child angels. They were marching in a line passing by the Great White Throne. Every white-robed angelic child carried a candle. He noticed that one child's candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the dark candle was his own little girl. Rushing to her, he seized her in his arms, caressed her tenderly, and then asked, “How is it, darling, that your candle alone is unlighted?”“Daddy, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out.”Just then he awoke from his dream. The lesson was crystal clear, and its effects were immediate. From that hour on he was not a recluse, but mingled freely and cheerfully with his former friends and associates. No longer would his darling's candle be extinguished by his useless tears.一个男人有一个可爱的女儿,那是他唯一的孩子,他深深地爱着她,女儿就是他的全部。因此,当女儿生病时,他像疯了一般竭尽全力想让她恢复健康。然而,他所有的努力都无济于事,女儿还是死了。这位父亲从此变得痛苦遁世,避开很多朋友,拒绝参加一切能使他恢复平静、回到自我的活动。但在一天夜里,他做了一个梦。梦里他到了天堂,目睹了小天使们的盛会。小天使们排成一队经过一个白色的大宝座。所有的小天使都身穿白色天使衣,手里拿着一支蜡烛。他注意到有一个小天使的蜡烛没有点亮。随后,他认出那个拿着没有点亮的蜡烛的小天使竟然是自己的女儿。他狂奔过去,一把将女儿抱在怀里,亲切地爱抚着她,然后问道:“宝贝儿,为什么只有你的蜡烛没有点亮呢?”“爸爸,他们经常重新帮我点亮蜡烛,可总是让你的眼泪给熄灭。”就在这时,他猛地惊醒了过来。这个梦给他上了一课,这一课像水晶般透明,而且有立竿见影的效果。从那时起,他不再消极遁世,而是自由自在、兴高采烈地回到以前的朋友和同事中间。而宝贝女儿的蜡烛再也没有被他那无用的眼泪熄灭过。

The Gold Chain/金链子

Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman who always dreamed of becoming rich. He wished to become a millionaire, and so did his wife. He had heard from some old men before, that several ships loaded with diamonds and gold had once sunk in the nearby seashore. Because of this, for a long time he kept searching that whole area for this treasure.One day, while he was sitting on the boat daydreaming, he suddenly felt that the fishing rod was being weighed down by a heavy object. He excitedly pulled hard at it, and what he saw made him exclaim, “Wow! A big, shiny gold chain!”He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it. His boat started to get over-loaded and the sea water filled his boat.However, he had begun dreaming of a big house, a big piece of land and buying horses and cows...He kept pulling in the chain though the boat kept sinking. The boat was finally submerged and he struggled to stay afloat. Unfortunately his feet were entangled in the gold chain and he drowned.很久以前,有个贫穷的渔夫,他总是梦想着能够发大财,希望自己能够成为百万富翁,他妻子也是如此。他曾听一些年长者说过,以前有几艘载满金银珠宝的船只沉没在附近的海域。因此,长期以来,他一直在这一带的海域里搜寻着金银珠宝。有一天,正当他坐在船上想入非非时,忽然感到钓线被非常沉重的东西拖住了。他非常兴奋,使劲地往上拉,当鱼线拖出水面时,他不禁大声尖叫起来:“哇!金光闪闪的长金链!”他拼命地把金链子往船上拖,可是似乎没有尽头。他的小船超载了,海水开始灌进船舱。然而,他却依旧没完没了地做着黄粱美梦:可以买一幢大房子,置一大片稻田,再买下几头牛、几匹马……尽管小船一直往下沉,他却依然拖着金链。最后,小船终于沉下去了,落入水中的他拼命挣扎想游出水面。不幸的是,他的双脚被金链死死缠住,淹死了。实战提升单词注解recluse [ri'klu:s] n. 隐居者,遁世者,隐士angelic [æn'dʒelik] a. 天使的;天国的exclaim [ik'skleim] v. (由于强烈的情感或痛苦而)呼喊;大声说entangle [in'tæŋgl] v. 使缠绕;使陷入实用句型... that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self.……(拒绝参加)一切能使他恢复平静、回到自我的活动。No longer would his darling's candle be extinguished by his useless tears.而宝贝女儿的蜡烛再也没有被他那无用的眼泪熄灭过。His boat started to get over-loaded and the sea water filled his boat.他的小船超载了,海水开始灌进船舱。智慧点津Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.别为结束了而哭泣,要为曾经发生过而微笑。Greed can overcome common sense.贪婪使人失去理智。

The Young Thief and His Mother/小偷和他的母亲

A young man was caught stealing, and sentenced to death three days later.He wanted to speak with his mother before the execution. Of course this was granted.When his mother came to him, he said, “I want to tell you something.”He said something but she could not hear. He whispered again, and when she came close to him, she put her ear to his mouth. He nearly bit off her ear. All the bystanders were horrified.“It is to punish her,”he said. “When I was young I began stealing little things, and brought them home to mother. Instead of punishing me, she laughed and said,‘It will not be noticed.’ It is because of her that I am here today.”一个小偷在盗窃时被逮了个正着,因此被判处死刑,三天后执行。他想在行刑前与他的母亲话别。当然这是允许的。当他妈妈来到他的面前时,他说:“我要告诉您一件事。”他说的她根本听不见。她走近了一些,小偷又轻声说了一遍。当她将耳朵贴近他的嘴时,小偷突然咬住母亲的耳朵,差点儿把耳朵咬了下来。周围的人都惊呆了。“这是对她的惩罚,”他说,“我小时候小偷小摸,把偷的东西带回家给她,她不但不惩罚我,反而笑着说:‘不会被发现的。’就是因为她我才落到今天这样的下场。”

The Bad Kangaroo/淘气的袋鼠

There was a small Kangaroo who was bad in school. He put thumbtacks on the teacher's chair. He threw spitballs across the classroom. He set off firecrackers in the lavatory and spread glue on the doorknobs.“Your behavior is impossible!”said the school principal. “I am going to see your parents. I will tell them what a problem you are!”The principal went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Kangaroo. He sat down in a living-room chair.“Ouch!”cried the principal. “There is a thumbtack in this chair!”“Yes, I know,”said Mr. Kangaroo. “I enjoy putting thumbtacks in chairs.”At the same time, a spitball hit the principal on his nose.“Forgive me,”said Mrs. Kangaroo, “But I can never resist throwing those things.”Suddenly, there was a loud booming sound from the bathroom.“Keep calm,”said Mr. Kangaroo to the principal. “The firecrackers that we keep in the medicine chest have just exploded. We love the noise.”The principal rushed for the front door. In an instant he was stuck to the doorknob.“Pull hard,”said Mrs. Kangaroo. “There are little globs of glue on all of our doorknobs.”The principal pulled himself free. He dashed out of the house and ran off down the street.“Such a nice person,”said Mr. Kangaroo. “I wonder why he left so quickly.”“No doubt he had another appointment,”said Mrs. Kangaroo. “Never mind, supper is ready.”Mr. and Mrs. Kangaroo and their son enjoyed their evening meal. After the dessert, they all threw spitballs at each other across the dining-room table.有这么一只小袋鼠,它在学校里非常淘气。它在老师的椅子上放图钉,在教室里扔纸团,在厕所里放鞭炮,还往门把手上抹胶水。“你的行为真让人无法忍受!”校长说,“我要去见见你的父母,告诉它们你的问题!”校长去拜访袋鼠夫妇。它坐在客厅的椅子上。“哎哟!”校长叫道,“这把椅子上有个图钉!”“是的,我知道,”袋鼠先生说,“我喜欢把图钉放在椅子上。”就在这时,一个纸团飞过来打在了校长的鼻子上。“请原谅,”袋鼠夫人说,“我总是控制不住想扔那些东西。”突然,浴室里传来一声巨响。“别紧张,”袋鼠先生对校长说,“我们放在药箱里的鞭炮爆炸了,我们喜欢这种声音。”校长冲向前门,刚要开门,手就被粘在了门把手上。“使劲儿拽,”袋鼠夫人说,“我们所有的门把手上都有点儿胶水。”校长挣脱后,冲出屋子,沿着街道跑了。“它真是个好人,”袋鼠先生说,“我不明白它为什么这么快就走了。”“它准是还有个约会,”袋鼠夫人说,“没关系,吃晚饭吧。”袋鼠夫妇和儿子津津有味地共进了晚餐。吃完甜点后,它们在饭桌旁互相扔起纸团来。实战提升单词注解execution [,eksi'kju:ʃən] n. 依法处决;实施bystander ['bai,stændə] n. 旁观者;局外人principal ['prinsəpəl] n. 校长spitball ['spitbɔ:l] n. 纸团实用句型A young man was caught stealing, and sentenced to death three days later.一个小偷在盗窃时被逮了个正着,因此被判处死刑,三天后执行。He set off firecrackers in the lavatory and spread glue on the doorknobs.它在厕所里放鞭炮,还往门把手上抹胶水。智慧点津Minor mistakes, if not be corrected, finally result in disastrous consequences.小错起初不惩治,必将酿成大错。Like mother, like daughter.有什么样的父母,就有什么样的孩子。

The North Wind and the Sun/北风和太阳

The north wind and the sun disputed as to which was the most powerful, and agreed that he should be declared the victor who could strip a wayfaring man of his clothes.The north wind first tried his power and blew with all his might, but the keener his blasts, the closer the traveler wrapped his cloak around him, until at last, resigning all hope of victory, the north wind called upon the sun to see what he could do.The sun suddenly shone out with all his warmth. The traveler no sooner felt his genial rays than he took off one garment after another, and at last, fairly overcome with heat, undressed and bathed in a stream that lay in his path.“I think that proves who is strongest,”said the sun. But the north wind had crept away to hide.北风和太阳为谁的威力更大而争执不下。后来它们一致同意:谁要是能够让过路人脱下衣服谁就是胜利者。北风首先一显身手,用全力刮了起来。可是,它刮得越猛烈,过路人的衣服裹得越紧,最后不得不放弃了获胜的念头。于是,北风只好请太阳一试身手。太阳突然释放出了它全部的热量。过路人感受到了它亲切的光芒,就一件一件地脱衣服,最后终于抵挡不住炎热,脱光衣服,跳到路边的小溪里游泳去了。“我想,这足以证明谁更强大了吧。”太阳说。此时,北风早已悄悄溜走,藏了起来。

The Soldier and His Horse/士兵和他的马

During the wars, a soldier looked after his horse with the greatest care. He gave it the best oats to eat and the clearest water to drink. He rubbed it down when it got wet and covered it with a warm blanket on cold winter nights. As a result, the horse was strong and swift and carried its master safely out of the dangers of war.When peace came, however, the soldier changed. He put the horse out in a field full of thistles and gave it only a little mouldy hay to eat. The stable was a broken-down hut with a leaking roof and a floor made of mud; the only water was in a ditch under the hedge. During the day the soldier made the horse work hard on his farm, carrying loads of wood and pulling heavy wagons.After some time war broke out again. The soldier took out his heavy breastplate and boots, strapped on his pistols and helmet, and went to the field to catch his horse. Hastily brushing the thistles from its coat, he laid the leather saddle on its back, pulled the bridle over its mangy ears and heaved himself up.For a moment the horse stood motionless. Then gradually its thin legs began to bend and it sank slowly to the ground. The horse gave the soldier a look of reproach.“Master,”it said, “you'll have to fight on foot this time. You have made me work like a mule and fed me like a goat. I cannot change back into a horse in an instant just because you want me to.”战争期间,有个士兵对他的马悉心照料。给它吃最好的燕麦,喝最干净的水。马身上湿了,他就给它擦干;在寒冷的冬夜,他给它盖上温暖的毯子。因此,这匹马很健壮,跑得很快,驮着它的主人屡屡安全脱险。战争结束了,士兵也变了。他把马拉到长满蓟的野地里,只给它一点儿发霉的干草吃。给它住的马厩是间破旧不堪的茅草屋,屋顶是漏的,地面是泥土地;喝的水也只是树篱旁小水沟里的水。白天,士兵让马在农场里干重活,不是驮木头,就是拉大车。过了一段时间,战争又爆发了。士兵拿出沉重的盔甲和靴子,带上手枪和头盔,去野地里牵回他的战马。他匆匆地刷了刷马身上的蓟,放上皮马鞍,往长癣的马耳朵上套上笼头,翻身上了马背。马一动不动地站了一会儿。随后,它干瘦的腿越来越弯,慢慢地倒在了地上。马用责备的目光看了士兵一眼。“主人,”马说,“这回,您得徒步去打仗了。您让我像骡子那样干活儿,却像喂山羊那样喂我。我不可能如您所期望的那样,瞬间变为一匹战马的。”实战提升单词注解dispute [dis'pju:t] n. 辩论;争论resign [ri'zain] v. 辞职;放弃genial ['dʒiniəl] a. 和蔼的;友好的undress ['ʌn'dres] vi. 脱衣服mouldy ['məuldi] a. 发霉的,破旧的helmet ['helmit] n. 头盔实用句型The north wind first tried his power and blew with all his might, but the keener his blasts, the closer the traveler wrapped his cloak around him...北风首先一显身手,用全力刮了起来。可是,它刮得越猛烈,过路人的衣服裹得越紧。As a result, the horse was strong and swift and carried its master safely out of the dangers of war.因此,这匹马很健壮,跑得很快,驮着它的主人屡屡安全脱险。After some time war broke out again.过了一段时间,战争又爆发了。智慧点津Kindness and gentleness are often more effective than force.仁慈和温和常常比武力更有效。Start well and end well.善始善终。

The Big Oven/大火炉

Once upon a time a man had a big house, and in the house there was a big oven; but this man's family was small -- only himself and his wife.When winter came, the man tried to keep his oven going all day, so that the entire stock of his firewood was consumed in a month. Now, with nothing to feed the fire, it was cold in the house.Then the man began to break up his fences, and use the boards for fuel. When he had burnt up all of his fences, the house, now without any protection against the wind, was colder than ever, and still they had no firewood.Then the man began to tear down the ceiling of his house, and burn that in the oven. A neighbour noticed that he was tearing down his ceiling, and said to him, “Why, neighbour, have you lost your mind, pulling down your ceiling in winter? You and your wife will freeze to death!”But the man said, “No, brother, you see I am pulling down my ceiling so as to have something to heat my oven with. We have such a curious one; the more I heat it up, the colder we are!”The neighbour laughed, and said, “Well, then, after you have burnt up your ceiling, then you will be tearing down your house. You won't have anywhere to live; only the oven will be left, and even that will be cold!”“Well, that is my misfortune,”said the man, “All my neighbours have enough firewood for all winter; but I have already burnt up my fences and the ceiling of my house, and have nothing left.”The neighbour replied, “All you need is to have your oven rebuilt.”But the man said, “I know well that you are jealous of my house and my oven because they are larger than yours, and so you advise me to rebuild it.”So he turned a deaf ear to his neighbour's advice, and burnt up his ceiling, then his whole house, and in the end had to go and live with strangers.从前,有个人拥有一幢大房子,里面有个大火炉,可他家人口少——只有他和妻子。冬天来了,他想尽办法不让火炉熄灭,一个月就把所有的柴火烧光了。现在,没什么可以烧的了,屋子里冷得要命。然后,他开始拆篱笆,把木板拿来当柴烧。烧掉了篱笆,房子没有了挡风的屏障,比以前更冷了,可他们还是没有柴烧。接下来,他开始拆屋里的天花板,放进炉子里烧。一个邻居看到他拆天花板后,对他说:“哎呀,邻居,你疯了吗?大冬天拆天花板,你和你妻子会被冻死的。”可是,他却说:“不,老兄,我拆天花板是为了烧炉子。我们的炉子真是怪,越烧越冷。”邻居笑着说:“哦,你烧完天花板就会拆房子了。那时你就没地方住了,只剩下那个火炉,可连它也是冰冷的。”“哎,这是我的不幸啊,”他说,“所有的邻居都有足够的柴火过冬,而我已经烧掉了篱笆和天花板,什么也不剩了。”邻居回答道:“你只要重砌个炉子就行了。”可是,他说:“我很清楚,你是嫉妒我的房子和炉子,因为都比你家的大,所以你劝我重砌个炉子。”结果,他把邻居的劝告当作耳旁风,烧掉天花板后,把房子也烧掉了。最后,他不得不和陌生人住在一起。

The Sapling/小树

Tom with his axe was stepping through the wood, a sapling called to him, and stopped him on his way, “Do clear away those trees, kind friend, I wish you would! They will not let me have free play, on me the sunlight cannot fall. To spread my roots, I find no room at all, no whisper of the wind about me plays, and they twine above my head a veritable maze. I tell you, but for them, if I could only start, you'd find me in a year the pride of all this part. The dell to right and left my friendly shade should cover, but as it is, you see! I'm brushwood—little over.”Then Tom, he swung his axe apace, his kindness did not waver, and to do a friend this favour, and round the little tree he cleared a tidy space.Poor Sapling! Not for long his triumph lasted, the heat came first, his sap to drain, and then he was lashed with hail and rain, and last a dreadful storm, which left him quite dismasted!“Oh foolish one,”heard by a serpent, “it was you that brought about your fall. If longer in the wood's kind shelter you'd been reared, then neither heat nor wind your calm could so importune: you had the elder trees for guardians of your fortune, and if there came a time when all had disappeared, because their day was past and gone. In turn you might have reached such height, as years went on, and so much health and strength have gathered. That all this harm would never have been done, and fiercer storms than this you might have safely weathered.”汤姆带着斧子穿过树林时,一棵小树叫他,他就停下了脚步。“好心人,帮我砍掉那些树吧,我希望你能帮我这个忙!它们让我无法自由地玩耍,阳光照不到我的身上,我的根也无法延伸。我完全没有空间了,四周密不透风,它们在我头顶结成天罗地网。我告诉你,要不是它们,一年之内,你会发现我才是这里的骄傲,我的枝叶将会遮蔽山谷的左右两旁。然而,你看,现在我只是小灌木。”于是,汤姆挥动他的斧子。为帮助朋友,他义不容辞!他在小树的周围开辟出了一片干净的地方。可怜的小树!好景不长,先是酷热降临,吸走了它的汁液。接着它又遭受了暴雨和冰雹的袭击,最后一场致命的风暴把它的枝叶都打折了!“傻瓜!”它听到附近的一条蛇说道,“你是自作自受!如果你在养育你的老树怀抱里待更长的时间,无论炎炎烈日还是狂风大作,你都可以在老树的庇护下安然度日。如果有一天那些老树都离开了这个世界,随着时间的流逝,你也长到它们那样的高度了。你也变得像它们那样强壮有力,那样即使比这更大的风暴,你也可以挺过去,而不会是今天这样的结果。”实战提升单词注解fuel ['fjuəl] n. 燃料;养料misfortune [mis'fɔ:tʃən] n. 不幸;灾难jealous ['dʒeləs] a. 妒羡的;羡慕的veritable ['veritəbl] a. 名副其实的;真正的triumph ['traiəmf] n. 胜利,成功dismast [dis'ma:st] v. (使)折断;折断桅杆实用句型So he turned a deaf ear to his neighbour's advice...结果,他把邻居的劝告当作耳旁风。Do clear away those trees, kind friend, I wish you would!好心人,帮我砍掉那些树吧,我希望你能帮我这个忙!智慧点津On pursuing the unpractical things, you will gain nothing in vain.一味地追求不切实际的东西,到头来只能是竹篮打水一场空。In journey of life, everyone requires self-development, self-reliance, as well as the caress, concern and help of others. We can not be successful without the combination of the internal and external of the agent.在生命的旅途中,每个人都要自强、自立,但也需要他人的爱抚、关心和帮助。只有内因和外因相结合,才能到达成功的彼岸。

An Insignificant Act of Kindness/微不足道的善举

A man was strolling along the beach when he suddenly noticed from afar what he thought were children dancing. “What on earth are they doing dancing on the beach?”as he quickly paced towards them. He was surprised that a boy and a girl were not dancing but picking up the starfishes which were washed ashore by the tide and throwing them back into the sea.“Excuse me, why are you throwing the starfishes back into the sea?”he asked.The children ignored the remark but they continued picking up the starfishes and kept throwing them back into the sea.“Don't you think it is a waste of your time as there are hundreds of starfishes still lying around. Surely you can't keep this act all day long.”At last the elder boy replied, “Sir, you see the sun would soon rise and the tide will ebb away. Though my sister and I can't throw all the starfishes back into the sea, we are sure it matters to the ones we succeed in throwing. Would you like to join us, it would make a difference.”The man smiled and said, “It certainly would,”so he too pick up the starfishes and threw them into the sea.有个人在沙滩上散步,在不经意间看到远处好像有孩子在跳舞。“他们为什么要在沙滩上跳舞呢?”他边想边快速地朝孩子们走去。他惊奇地发现,那个男孩和那个女孩并不是在跳舞,而是在捡被潮水冲上岸来的海星,然后把它们扔回大海。“请问,你们为什么要把海星扔回大海呢?”他问。孩子们没有理会他,继续捡海星向大海扔去。“你们不觉得这是在浪费时间吗?还有成千上万只海星躺在岸上呢!你们肯定不会一整天都这样扔下去吧。”后来,年龄大一点儿的男孩说:“先生,你知道吗,太阳很快就要升起来了,潮水也会退去。虽然我和妹妹不能把所有的海星都扔回大海,但我相信,对于被我们扔回大海的海星来说,我们所做的是至关重要的。你想加入我们吗?这很有意义。”那人笑了笑说:“非常愿意。”于是,他也捡起海星,朝大海扔去。


This is a very well-known story that teaches us a lot about using our time wisely.A grasshopper was playing on his violin where the ants were busy collecting food.“It's the grasshopper again!”they said. “He's always playing that violin of his. He never seems to do any work.”The grasshopper stopped when he saw the ants. “Why are you working on such a beautiful day?”he asked. “Don't you feel the gaiety of spring? Why aren't you dancing and singing while I play my violin?”“We must collect food now,”said the Queen of ants. “If we don't, what will we do when winter comes?”“Oh, winter's a long way off,”said the grasshopper. “You take life much too seriously.”“But you must work today if you want to eat tomorrow,”said the little ant. “You can play your violin after you have finished working,”said another as the ants scurried busily about.The grasshopper didn't wish to heed their advice, “Go on with your work, my little friends,”he said. “I'm going to dance in the meadow in the sun!”And so the grasshopper left the busy ants and went on his way, singing.The spring soon passed and the warm days of summer came. All day long the grasshopper played his violin as he sat in the sun or just slept on a blade of grass. Soon summer was over.One morning, the grasshopper woke up and was surprised to see that snow had fallen during the night. He shivered and looked for a great leaf for food. But although he searched and searched he could not find a thing. The long winter had come.“Oh dear, oh dear! What shall I do?”cried the grasshopper, “I shall die of hunger. I shall freeze to death!”The grasshopper wandered around looking for a place to keep warm but there was no such place. “How silly I was not to listen to the ants. While I am dying of cold and hunger they are sitting in their warm nest with plenty to eat.”And sobbing loudly, the grasshopper sat down in the snow. The ants heard his cry and as they were really kind creatures they came hurrying to help him. By this time the poor grasshopper was frozen stiff. The ants picked him up and carried him to their nest. They looked after the grasshopper until he felt better and spring had returned again. Never did the grasshopper forget the lesson he had been taught.这是一个大家熟知的故事,它告诉我们要明智地利用时间。蚱蜢在拉小提琴,而蚂蚁却在忙着收集食物。“又是蚱蜢。”它们说,“它总是在拉小提琴,似乎从来不工作。”蚱蜢看见蚂蚁后停了下来。“这么好的天气,干吗工作呢?”它问道,“你们不觉得在春天心情是多么舒畅吗?我拉小提琴的时候,你们可以唱唱歌,跳跳舞啊!”“现在我们必须要收集食物。”蚁后说,“否则,我们冬天怎么办呢?”“哦,冬天还很远呢!”蚱蜢说道,“你们对待生活太认真啦。”“但是,今天的工作是为了明天的生活。”小蚂蚁说。“你做完工作后再拉小提琴啊。”另一只忙于工作的蚂蚁说。蚱蜢却从来没有听从蚂蚁的建议。“我的小朋友们,你们继续工作吧。”它说,“我要到阳光照耀下的草地上跳舞去了。”蚱蜢唱着歌离开了忙碌的蚂蚁。春天很快过去了,炎热的夏天来了。蚱蜢只是整日坐在太阳下,或躺在草叶上拉小提琴。很快夏天也结束了。一天早上,蚱蜢醒来后惊讶地发现昨天晚上下雪了。它哆嗦着想去寻找一片大叶子作食物,但是它找啊找,可是什么也没找到。漫长的冬天到来了。“哦,天哪!我该怎么办呢?”蚱蜢哀号着,“我要被饿死、冻死了。”蚱蜢四处徘徊着想找一个御寒的地方,但是根本找不到。“我真是太傻了,没有听蚂蚁的话。我快要被冻死饿死的时候,它们却待在温暖的巢穴里,不愁吃的。”蚱蜢坐在雪地上大哭起来。善良的蚂蚁听到它的哭声后,急忙赶来帮忙。等它们到那儿,可怜的蚱蜢已经冻僵了。蚂蚁把它扶起来,抬到它们的巢穴里。它们一直照料着蚱蜢直到它好转,这时春天也来了。从此,蚱蜢再也没有忘记曾经的教训。实战提升单词注解ashore [ə'ʃɔ:] ad. 在岸上;在陆上;上岸gaiety ['geiəti] n. 快乐;作乐heed [hi:d] v. 听某人的劝告;留心stiff [stif] a. 僵硬的;不灵活的实用句型Sir, you see the sun would soon rise and the tide will ebb away.先生,你知道吗,太阳很快就要升起来了,潮水也会退去。





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