
发布时间:2020-07-16 13:47:43








I. Close (15×1=15 points)

Direction: Fill in the numbered blanks with proper words. Among the 20 expressions given; only 15 should be used. Make sure the words come in correct forms in terms of both grammar and meaning. 


Lyrics, canon, improvisatory, prolific, bard, stimulate, commenced compile, figure, instantaneously, sketches, confidential, themes, insurmountable, sham, incorporation overshadowed, authentic, captured, shipped

Among the many talented African American writers connected with the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s, Langston Hughes was the most popular in his time. His two most important achievements were the  (1)   of the rhythms of black music into his poetry and the creation of an  (2)   black folk speaker in the character of Jesse B. Semple. Through both poetry and storytelling. Hughes  (3)   in written form the dominant oral and  (4)   traditions of black culture.

Langston Hughes was born in Missouri in 1902. He began to write poetry in high school and later attended Columbia University in New York. After one year at university, Hughes  (5)   a nomadic life in the United States and Europe. He  (6)   out as a merchant marine and worked in a Paris nightclub, all the while writing and publishing poetry. His  (7)   literary career was launched in 1926 with the publication of his first book, The Weary Blues, a collection of poems on African American  (8)   set to rhythms from jazz and blues. His first novel appeared in 1930, and from that point on Hughes was known as “the  (9)   of Harlem.”

In the activist 1930s, Hughes was a public  (10)  . He worked as a journalist, published works in several media, and founded African American theaters in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Hughes’s concern with race, mainly in an urban setting, is evident in his poetry, plays, screenplays, novels, and short stories. His poetry includes  (11)   about black life and black pride as well as poems of racial protest. His major prose writings are those concerned with the character Jesse B Scruple, a shrewd but supposedly ignorant Harlem resident nicknamed Simple. Simple was a wise fool, an honest man who saw through  (12)   and spoke plainly. The Simple stories were originally published as newspaper  (13)   and later collected in live book volumes.

By the 1960s, readers preferred themes that reflected the struggles of the times, and Hughes’s writings were  (14)   by those of a younger generation of black poets. However, in more recent decades, scholars and readers have rediscovered Hughes and regard him as a major literary and social influence. His poetry and stories remain an enduring legacy of the Harlem Renaissance, and for this reason his position in the American  (15)   is secure.【答案与解析】


通过分析句子结构可知,空格处应填名词,使系表结构完整,由and表示并列可知,空格处的词应与creation意思相近。再结合空格后的into,可知空格处应填incorporation,表示“并入,结合”。incorporate sth. into sth.表示“将……融进……”。此处意思为:将黑人音乐的旋律融入他的诗歌。


通过分析句子结构可知,空格处应填形容词,修饰black folk speaker。又空格前为不定冠词an,形容词需以元音音素开头,因此空格处应填authentic,结合文学知识可知,Jesse B. Semple是位“诚实的人”。








通过分析句子结构可知,空格处应填动词使谓语部分完整,空格后的merchant marine表示“商船船员”,因此空格处应填shipped,表示“乘船”。此处句意为:他以商船船员的身份乘船出发。


通过分析句子结构可知,空格处应填形容词修饰literary career,结合语境可知,空格处应填prolific,表示“多产的,多创作的”,可用于形容作家和艺术家。






通过分析句子结构可知,空格处应填名词,使系表结构完整。结合空格后的“journalist”可以判断,空格处应填figure,表示“人物”。public figure表示“公众人物”。




通过分析句子结构可知,空格处应填名词,构成定语从句的宾语。结合空格前的honest和空格后的spoke plainly可以判断,空格处应填sham,表示“虚伪,欺骗”。see through看穿,看透。本句意思为:辛普聪明而笨拙,他诚实坦率,看透虚伪,直言不讳。


通过分析句子结构可知,空格处应填名词,使系表结构完整。排除方框中已选词汇,只有compile符合句意,应将动词转化成名词,并用复数形式,因此空格处填compilations,表示“汇编”。newspaper compilations表示“报刊合集”。





II. Paraphrase

Part A

Direction: Explain the underlined idiomatic expressions in the following sentences in your own words in English. (5×2=10points)

1. Perhaps it is worth trying to speak it, but it should not be laid down as an edict, and made immune to change from below.

2. Henault, then the great president of the first chamber of the Paris Parlement, complained bitterly of the “terrible sauces” at the salons of Mme. Deffand, and went on to observe that the only difference between her cook and the supreme chef, Brinvilliers, lay in their intentions.

3. A testing of oneself, a fear of giving in to the most banal and marketable of one’s talents, still draws many of the young to New York.

4. Under Darrow’s quiet questioning he acknowledged believing the bible literally, and the crowd punctuated his defiant replies with fervent “Amens”.

5. In no sense a movement in itself, the “lost generation” attitude nevertheless acted as a common denominator of the writing of the times.


1. It’s wrong not to allow the working class people to introduce changes into the language.

be made/be immune to sth.表示“对……免疫;不受……影响”。

2. the onlydifference between Mme. Deffand’s cook and the supreme chef Brinvilliers can be found in their intentions of cooking and attitudes towards cooking.

lie in表示“存在于……”。

3. Young people can test their ability in New York and they are afraid of accepting their most common and easily sold talents.


4. The crowd interrupted from time to time his rude answer with “Amens” enthusiastically and excitedly.


5. The “lost generation” attitude were obviously influential among writers of their time.

common denominator表示“共同特性”。

Part B

Direction: Paraphrase the following sentences. (5×3=15 points)

1. The fact that their marriages may be on the rock, or that they got out of bed on the wrong side is simply not a concern.

答案:It doesn’t matter a lot whether their marriages will end or they simply feel bad the minute they get up.

解析:on the rock表示“触礁;遭遇问题或危险”。get out of bed on the wrong side表示“一整天都情绪不好”。

2. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love.

答案:Let history finally judge whether we have done our task welt or not, but our sure reward will be a good con-science for we will have worked sincerely and to the best of our ability. Let’s continue to better the country we love.


3. The slightest mention of the decade brings nostalgic recollections to the middle-aged and curious questions by the young.

答案:At the very mention of the this post-war period, middle-aged people begin to think about it longingly and young people become curious and start asking questions.


4. It can’t be the living conditions that appeal, for only fond memory will forgive the inconvenience, risk, and squalor.

答案:The young people come here not for its living conditions, and only time can help them to forget the bad side of living there: inconvenience, risk and filth.


5. Here was a scene so dreadfully hideous, so intolerably bleak and forlorn that it reduced the whole aspiration of man to a macabre and depressing joke.

答案:The very sight of the region was terribly ugly and the whole region was so miserable and gloomy that it was hard for anyone to bear, the scene of which makes all human efforts to advance and improve their life seems a sad and horrible joke.


III. Reading Comprehension (20×2=40 points)

Directions: Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

Passage One

Questions 1 to 5 arc based on the following passage:THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN THE ECONOMY

Because most people do not volunteer to pay taxes or police their own financial affairs, governments cannot influence economic activity simply by asking people to pollute less, to give money to the poor, or to be Innovative. To accomplish these things, governments have to pass laws. Since the early twentieth century, governments of countries with advanced industrial or service economies have been playing an increasing role in economics. This can be seen in the growth of government taxation and spending, in the growing share of national income devoted to income-support payments, and by the enormous increase in the control of economic activity.

The large-scale organization of business, as seen in mass production and distribution, has led to the formation of large-scale organizations—corporations, labor unions, and government structures—that have grown in importance in the past several decades. Their presence and growing dominance have shifted capitalist economies away from traditional market forces and toward government administration of markets.

In the United States, government provides a framework of laws for the conduct of economic activity that attempt to make it serve the public interest. For instance, the individual states and the federal government have passed laws to shield investors against fraud. These laws specify what information has to be disclosed to prospective investors when shares of stocks or bonds are offered for sale. Another important area of law concerns the labor force, such as regulation of work hours, minimum wages, health and safety conditions, child labor, and the fights of workers to form unions, to strike, to demonstrate peacefully, and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing.

In other nations, the ways in which governments intervene in their economies has varied: however, governments everywhere deal with essentially the same issues and participate in economic activity. Even governments that are reluctant to regulate commerce directly have undertaken large-scale projects such as hydroelectric and nuclear energy developments, transportation networks, or expansion of health, education, and other Public services.

1. According to the passage, why do governments intervene in economic activity?

A. People do not willingly regulate their own business affairs.

B. Governments understand the economy better than anyone else does.

C. Businesses pay governments to participate in economic activity.

D. The economy would fail without the help of government.

2. According to the passage, how has the growth of large-scale organizations such as corporations and labor unions affected capitalist economies?

A. It has forced governments to pass laws protecting traditional markets.

B. It has destroyed capitalism and replaced it with government ownership.

C. It has led to the increasing role of government in economic activity.

D. It has caused unfair competition between large and small businesses.

3. The author mentions laws to shield investors against fraud in paragraph 3 as an example of

A. laws that organize business

B. laws that serve the public interest

C. laws that protect the labor force

D. laws that set the price of stocks

4. What point does the author make about governments that do not want to regulate business directly?

A. They cannot compete effectively with government-controlled economies.

B. They have capitalist economies based on traditional market forces.

C. They have no laws for protecting the environment and public health.

D. They participate in the economy through public projects and services.

5. According to the passage, all of the following are examples of government participation in economic activity EXCEPT

A. taxation and spending

B. small business ownership

C. income-support payments

D. transportation networks【答案与解析】

1.A  文章开头提到“大部分人不会主动纳税或者管理自己的财务状况,政府也不能仅仅通过要求人们减少污染,给贫困人口捐钱或者创新来影响经济活动”,由此可知,政府干预经济的原因在于人们不会主动管理自己的经济状况。因此,A项正确。其余三项文中均未提到。

2.C  由第二段最后一句可知,大型组织如企业、工会和政府部门的出现及日益增长的支配地位削弱了资本主义经济中传统的市场力量,并开始转向政府调控的市场。因此,大型组织的增长增强了政府对经济活动的影响。故C项正确。其余三项文中均未提及。

3.B  第三段第一句提到“在美国,政府为经济活动提供一整套法律,旨在保护公众利益”,接着列举了反诈骗的法律,由此可知,反诈骗的法律是为了进一步说明政府制定法律来保护公众利益。故B项正确。A项过于宽泛,并不是这个例子的目的所在。其余两项文中没有提及。

4.D  文章最后一句提到“即使政府不愿意直接管理经济,他们也进行了大型工程如……拓展卫生服务、教育以及其他公共服务项目”,由此可知,不愿直接干预经济的政府通过参与公共项目和服务来间接干预。故D项为正确答案。其余三项文中均未提及。

5.B  本题考查对政府干预经济的措施的理解。A项“税收和开支”、C项“收入补贴”以及D项“交通运输网络”都属于政府干预经济的措施。而B项“小型企业所有制”属于经济领域客观存在的现象,并未涉及政府对其规定,因此并非政府实施的措施。故答案为B项。

Passage Two

Questions 6 to 10 are based the following passage:MUSICAL TALENT

Among all the abilities with which an individual may be endowed, musical talent appears earliest in life. Very young children can exhibit musical precocity for different reasons. Some develop exceptional skill as a result of a well-designed instructional regime, such as the Suzuki method for the violin. Some have the good fortune to be born into a musical family in a household filled with music. In a number of interesting cases, musical talent is part of an otherwise disabling condition such as autism or mental retardation. A musically gifted child has an inborn talent; however, the extent to which the talent is expressed publicly will depend upon the environment in which the child lives.

Musically gifted children master at an early age the principal elements of music, including pitch and rhythm. Pitch—or melody—is more central in certain cultures, for example, in Eastern societies that make use of tiny quarter-tone intervals. Rhythm, sounds produced at certain auditory frequencies and grouped according to a prescribed system, is emphasized in sub-Saharan Africa, where the rhythmic ratios can be very complex.

Children have some aptitude for making music. During infancy, normal children sing as well as babble, and they can produce individual sounds and sound patterns. Infants as young as two months can match their mother’s songs in pitch, loudness, and melodic shape, and infants at four months can match rhythmic structure as well. Infants are especially predisposed to acquire these core aspects of music, and they can also engage in sound play that clearly exhibits creativity.

Individual differences begin to emerge in young children as they learn to sing. Some children can match large segments of a song by the age of two or three. Many others can only approximate pitch at this age and may still have difficulty in producing accurate melodies by the age of five or six. However, by the time they reach school age, most children in any culture have a schema of what a song should be like and can produce a reasonably accurate imitation of the songs commonly heard in their environment.

The early appearance of superior musical ability in some children provides evidence that musical talent may be a separate and unique form of intelligence. There are numerous tales of young artists who have a remarkable “ear” or extraordinary memory for music and a natural understanding of musical structure. In many of these cases, the child is average in every other way but displays an exceptional ability in music. Even the most gifted child, however, takes about ten years to achieve the levels of performance or composition that would constitute mastery of the musical sphere.

Every generation in music history has had its famous prodigies—individuals with exceptional musical powers that emerge at a young age. In the eighteenth century, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began composing and performing at the age of six. As a child, Mozart could play the piano like an adult. He had perfect pitch, and at age nine he was also a master of the art of modulation—transitions from one key to another—which became one of the hallmarks of his style. By the age of eleven, he had composed three symphonies and 30 other major works. Mozart’s well-developed talent was preserved into adulthood.

Unusual musical ability is a regular characteristic of certain anomalies such as autism. In one case, an autistic girl was able to play “Happy Birthday” in the style of various composers, including Mozart, Beethoven, Verdi, and Schubert. When the girl was three, her mother called her by playing incomplete melodies, which the child would complete with the appropriate tone in the proper octave. For the autistic child, music may be the primary mode of communication, and the child may cling to music because it represents a haven in a world that is largely confusing and frightening.

6. The author makes the point that musical elements such as pitch and rhythm

A. distinguish music from other art forms

B. vary in emphasis in different cultures

C. make music difficult to learn

D. express different human emotions

7. According to the passage, when does musical talent usually begin to appear?

A. When infants start to babble and produce sound patterns

B. Between the ages of two and four months

C. When children learn to sing at two or three years old

D. Between ten years old and adolescence

8. According to the passage, which of the following suggests that musical talent is a separate form of intelligence?

A. Exceptional musical ability in an otherwise average child

B. Recognition of the emotional power of music

C. The ability of all babies to acquire core elements of music

D. Differences between learning music and learning language

9. All of the following are given as examples of exceptional musical talent EXCEPT

A. a remarkable “ear” or perfect memory for music

B. ability to compose major works at a young age

C. appreciation for a wide variety of musical styles

D. playing a single song in the style of various composers

10. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about exceptional musical ability?

A. It occurs more frequently in some cultures than in others.

B. It is evidence of a superior level of intelligence in other areas.

C. It bas been documented and studied but is little understood.

D. It is the result of natural talent and a supportive environment.【答案与解析】

6.B  由关键词“pitch and rhythm”可定位至文章第二段。第二、三句提到音高在某些文化中更加明显,而撒哈拉以南地区的非洲地区则强调节奏。由此可知,音高和节奏因文化而异。故B项正确。其余三项文中均未提及。

7.C  第四段第二句提到“一些儿童在两、三岁时就能够唱出歌曲的大部分内容,而许多其他儿童在这个年纪只能大概掌握音高”,由此可知,两、三岁这个时间段可以看出音乐天赋。故C项正确。A、B两项叙述的都是儿童的一般情况。D项文中没有提及。

8.A  倒数第三段第一句提到“一些儿童在早期就展示出非凡的音乐能力可以证明音乐天赋可能是种独立存在的特殊智力”,接着第三句提到“在许多情况下,孩子在其他各方面都很普通,但却表现出特殊的音乐才能”,由此可知,其他各方面平庸但在音乐领域出众可以表明音乐是种独立存在的智力。因此,A项为正确答案。

9.C  文章倒数第三段第二句提到A项;倒数第二段引用莫扎特的例子,呼应B项;最后一段的自闭症女孩的事例对应D项。只有C项文中没有提及。因此,本题应选C项。

10.D 文章首段最后一句提到“有音乐才华的孩子确实天赋异禀;然而,天赋公众于世的程度将取决于孩子生活的环境”,由此可知,优秀的音乐能力是天赋和良好环境共同促成的。故应选D项。文中仅提到音高和节奏因文化而异,并未说明音乐能力会因文化而异,因此A项错误。文章第一段和最后一段都提到有着特殊音乐天赋的孩子可能在其他方面不足,因此B项错误。C项文中没有提及。

Passage Three

Questions 11 to 15 are based the following passage:THE COYOTE

All North American canids have a doglike appearance characterized by a graceful body, long muzzle, erect ears, slender legs, and bushy tail. Most are social animals that travel and hunt in groups or pairs. After years of persecution by humans, the populations of most North American canids, especially wolves and foxes, have decreased greatly. The coyote, however, has thrived alongside humans, increasing in both numbers and range.

Its common name comes from coyotl, the term used by Mexico’s Nahuatl Indians, and its scientific name, canis latrans, means “barking dog”. The coyote’s vocalizations are varied, but the most distinctive are given at dusk, dawn, or during the night and consist of a series of barks followed by a prolonged howl and ending with short, sharp yaps. This call keeps the band alert to the locations of its members. One voice usually prompts others to join in, resulting in the familiar chorus heard at night throughout the West.

The best runner among the canids, the coyote is able to leap fourteen feet and cruise normally at 25-30 miles per hour. It is a strong swimmer and does not hesitate to enter water after prey. In feeding, the coyote is an opportunist, eating rabbits, mice, ground squirrels, birds, snakes, insects, many kinds of fruit, and carrion—whatever is available. To catch larger prey, such as deer or antelope, the coyote may team up with one or two others, running in relays to tire prey or waiting in ambush while others chase prey toward it. Often a badger serves as involuntary supplier of smaller prey: while it digs for rodents at one end of their burrow, the coyote waits for any that may emcee from an escape hole at the other end.





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