
发布时间:2020-07-16 14:16:30









E Slow TV: The Norwegian Movement with Universal Appeal挪威慢电视:在快世界中寻找慢的理由∷李殊 选/毅白 改写“与传统的电视节目相比,慢电视没有快速的剪辑镜头,也没有精美的后期制作,以慢节奏、“超级乏味”为特点。这种全新的、看似“古怪”的电视节目正在挪威逐渐流行起来,获得了几百万的收视率。这种被称为“慢电视”的节目,已和挪威的经典童话、越野滑雪一样,成为了挪威文化景观的一部分。”


挪威国家广播电台(NRK)宣布即将播放一档毛衣针织的节目,届时挪威观众就可以看到:a sheep being sheared, before seeing its wool being spun and used to knit a sweater.NRK尚未公布这档节目的时长,有人说是5个小时,有人说是8个小时。但无论怎样,It's enough to make non-Norwegians everywhere insane with jealousy.

在看惯了好莱坞情节紧凑、场面宏大的电影之后,这种节奏缓慢的“无聊”节目在挪威的流行听起来似乎有些不可思议。但是,相信我,这一档针织节目绝不是挪威的第一档“慢节目”。In last February, there was a 12-hour programme about a log fire being built and maintained.And a 10-hour show following a train journey from Oslo to Bergen.And 18 consecutive hours of salmon spawning.And a five-day broadcast of a cruise shiptravelling up the Norwegian coast. 这些电视节目属于一个被称为“慢电视”(Slow TV)的社会文化运动。NRK节目制作人穆克勒·布斯特总结道:“慢电视”是对马拉松式电视报道类型的概括,以事件发展的本来速度完整报道一个普通事件。所谓“慢”,既指播出时间很长,也表明报道的事件节奏本来就很慢。(Slow TV, a term used for a genre of live “marathon”television coverage of an ordinary event in its complete length.Its name is derived both from the long endurance of the broadcast as well as from the natural slow pace of the television programme's progress.)

在电脑、网络和新媒体等的冲击下,电视台如今面临着巨大的生存挑战。为了吸引、留住观众,如今的许多电视节目变得“louder and faster and needier than ever”。在周末晚上观看一档电视节目就好像“being trapped in a burning cell with a crying, attention-seeking lunatic who screams and punches himself in the face whenever he thinks you're about to look away.”(和一个精神病患者一起被关在一间着火的小房间里,当他认为你即将要转移视线时,他会大喊大叫,自己给自己脸上一拳,以吸引你的注意力)。看这样的节目着实令人疲惫不堪。或许,挪威的慢电视能为我们提供一剂清爽的“解药”。不管人们是喜欢看这种类型的电视节目,还是愿意将其当作干其他事情时的背景音。相信“慢电视”会有一个美好的未来!

在有一集的《老大哥》(Big Brother)中,所有参赛者都在花园中睡觉。在剧集播出的整整一个小时中,可能有人会翻身,有人会挠挠鼻子,远处时而传来飞机经过时发出的微弱的轰鸣声,但除此之外,别的什么都没有发生。虽然说长时间地看别人睡觉是一件令人毛骨悚然的事情,但是我不得不承认:In a very gentle way, it was just as exciting and disruptiveas anything else I've seen.

我们应该给慢电视一个在英国流行的机会。英国的纪录片电视剧《赏春赏秋》(Springwatch and Autumnwatch)终于有可能做到不辜负这部剧的使命了!Let's do away with all the presenters and editing.Let's just train a camera on a pregnant ewe and not turn it off until she gives birth.Better yet, let's switch the camera on at the moment of conception, so we can see every single second of the pregnancy, too.

有人说,人们看这种节目就是要等着看发生点儿什么意外的事,就像看赛车比赛似的;有人说,慢电视勾起了观众的怀旧之情——节目将挪威人“穿越”回朴素纯洁的时代:人们享受着斯巴达式生火取暖的乐趣,抑或心满意足地为迎接北欧严冬编织出厚实的衣物。我认为:perhaps, Slow TV can be a red buttonaffair,并在全世界流行起来。东看西看I The Chopstick Challenge: The Chinese Food Experience Through the Eyes of an American挑战筷子:美国女孩的中餐体验记By Amirah Ahmad∷言佳 注“自古以来,中国就有“国以民为本,民以食为天”的说法。中华文明,发展至今已形成了鲁菜、川菜、湘菜、粤菜、浙菜等诸多菜系。近年来,随着中西方饮食文化的不断交流,中餐也越来越受到外国人的青睐。那么,这些国外友人在尝试中餐的过程中会遇到哪些惊喜和挑战呢?让我们通过Amirah的经历,一起来感受一番吧。”

Orange chicken, beef and broccoli, a cup of fried rice and you have Chinese food.At least, that's how I categorized the nation's entire food supply until I came here. In China, food isn't simply a meal for a foreigner. It's an experience. Failing to order the right food and grappling withmy chopsticks are only parts of the adventure when I sit down in a restaurant.

Ordering food has been one of the most challenging aspects of this trip. Often times, not every dish has a photograph displayed, so essentially it all becomes a childish guessing game of my father and I guessing what type of vegetables or meat we're eating.The experience can be just as gruelingfor the waiters as it can be for us. Waiters dread serving us since we take triple the time to order food in comparison to the locals.In one of our favorite Sichuan restaurants, it took 3 waiters and 15 minutes for us to order only our drinks. I simply wanted water, but my dad wanted to try one of the fresh juice options they had listed on the menu. There were two problems, however. There were neither pictures nor English on the menu. After several hand gestures and charades, he ended up ordering just a coca cola to simplify things.





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